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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. People are real polite here. Other people, I mean. I’m pretty unpleasant.
  2. But you had to wait for season 3 for the legend that is Reg Barclay, played by none other than "Howling Mad" Murdock himself Dwight Schultz!
  3. JayDee

    NC cho fanfic

    ...and now I am logged in and can give links: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600014620 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021707
  4. JayDee


    Wait… Sonic isn’t real? Then who the hell keeps taking all my rings?
  5. See, there were have it! Doing the math makes the original even worse. Goes from entirely undeserved to “What the fuck were the seraphim thinking?” It’s a good thing that the Creator got involved in the new continuity I guess, and Kevin ended up in the right place at the right time with the right urge to go picking at a statue. No doubt The Creator took some kind of action to ensure the damn seraphim didn’t do it again. It’s all kindsa awesome! This is the guy threw the Seraph Lucifer outa Heaven, and he’s still just as badass nearly 14 billion years later. I’m sure it’ll be a good story when you write it! You do great battle scenes based on the fights shown so far.
  6. Lupa’s parents are both sadly deceased (Her Mom’s fate got a mention in Jude’s Tale part 4) – That’s not Lupa’s fault, but it is very related to her currently being a vampire. Lupa might well know the full background to her name, the problem is that I don’t beyond the “parents liked alliteration” thing Honestly, Kate’d be more likely to google it. Maybe your wife’s parents are covering for something with their curious forgetfulness? Some deep, dark family secret...
  7. Haha! Azrael (to himself): “Think I got away with it… fly casual….” Yeah, in this case I’ve gone with it because it’s too much effort to establish them as majorly different before the current time! Dead Soul 1: “On my Earth I was slaughtered by an Id Construct summoned by this demon, Eparlegna.” Dead Soul 2: *Too traumatized by reading the epic “Sarsa’s Mpreg Adventures” to respond* No worries! Thanks! Does sound like a pretty good take on it, nice to see the ol D&D folks putting in some non-sinful sex. Unlike what Elfstar did to Black Leaf’s corpse in my yet to be written story “The Real Power of Necrophilia” “Angel of Passion” has a nice ring to it! Although a quick google shows it’s a 1995 porno. So Shannon would approve. Sadism’s very much a human concept. I doubt any deity thinks in such terms! But then I turn on the news and am reminded we live in the same world as the Jonas Brothers.
  8. I’ll leave it as a nice surprise for them! It’s a few years since I did it, but I’m fairly certain it’s to do with how really simple things amuse me sometimes, like if there’s four girls, one of them’s a werewolf and it’s not the one with the name meaning she-wolf. In story when Lupa’s parents named her they had no idea she would one day be a vampire who had a werewolf friend. They just wanted an alliterative first and last name as a homage to some of the comics they read, and Lupa’s the one they chose. Possibly she had a relative of the same name, or it had some additional meaning to her parents – if I do write the story I can come up with it then
  9. The Slumber Party of Evil Doom review Thanks for your review! Honestly, I wasn’t ever expecting to write more, but I had that tough prompts I could make work, plus a desire for a bit more character stuff to clear up along with the re-write job on part 3. It does more feel more finished, and while I figure Kizzy’s change of mind towards the end looks a bit sudden, it’s kind of from Lupa’s POV without seeing the Seraph thought processes going on. There’s a lot of questions unanswered from part 1! What were the snacks besides the popcorn? (“Why did you laugh when you said this was soul food, Shannon?”) What had Shannon done in Hell that was a whole lot worse than Kate stuffing her face into a bowl of buttery popcorn and chewing? (Almost certainly a sex thing, possibly still involving the term ‘buttery’.) Why does Kizzy reach to her shoulder to draw a sword from the air, when she’s forming it from her will? (Probably thought it looked cool) Who is humanity’s next champion in the Slumberverse that Jack was going to slaughter if he hadn’t been stopped? (At least on the other Earth the champions are known to make a difference! One bound Eparlegna! Another couple in the next generation have an amazing adventure while their redheaded parents avoid questions about their real father! Then, a few more decades later, more mortals kicking ass, taking names!) Okay, assuming that's not a coincidence, then this universe's Shondra unknown-last-name, nee Jackson, is unknowingly caring for an angel, the very same angel that gave the order for the angel that the other Shondra...man, this is weird. Actually, there's an extra layer of humor here, because Trekkie Kizurial is basically living with a Mirror Universe version of Shondra, and in classic Trek fashion, Mirror Shondra seems like she was some kind of super cop in LA before finding religion. Either that, or she was on the path to being more like Shondra Prime before she found religion. Oh, that question! Yup, Kizzy had foster parents. Their surname is probably Dieudonné since Kizzy was pretending they were her real parents, though Shondra’s pre-marriage name was indeed Jackson. And, yes, the fact that Kizzy was set up with a foster parent who would constantly remind her of what had happened may well have been intentional. I’ve kind of got an idea it was the ol’ Angel of Death himself she had help her construct her human identity. The two universes have a lot of the same people, and some only on one or the other and roughly similar overall histories – both have Americas with Los Angles etc. The other universe had the brutal impossible to ignore public assault of Eparlegna, this one gets the creeping horror of Sarsa. There’s a Kate on both Earths, but Lupa’s parents never met on the Whore of Heaven Earth, and yet history tends to find ways to happen much the same anyway in the long run. Shondra Jackson in the Slumber-verse was going cowboy cop, and probably would have ended up as bad a mess in a different way, but one day, she saved Jackie’s ass, and a few years later, she’s up in the North near Canada fostering. Possibly working for the local Police Department! At least neither of them have a goatee. Requirement of the prompts pretty much! There was probably a more imaginative way to do it, but it failed my imagination. My first story idea for the prompts strongly considered some kind of lizardperson sex fic. Stooge is cool, though. I might have to work references to it into other works. That may be the only joke in this chapter, but I laughed really hard. Yay! Gotta love a laugh. It’s one of those lines you don’t expect to need to say at a slumber party. Lupa’s “It’s a mystery” in reply to Shannon’s musing about her nature was also meant to be a little funny (along with Shannon possibly purposely missing the point). Swing and a miss I guess There’s the Lupa she puts out – hardass, sarcastic, aggressive, cussing and gratuitous Spanish, basically fronting like she’s some kind of gangbanger – and there’s the real Lupa, who looked up to her hard-but-fair ex-military Teacher Mom and her soppy-stern programmer Dad and grew up as a gamer girl in a nice neighbourhood, went to chuch with her Mom, and then one awful night it all went to shit, along with her faith, and if it hadn’t been for the Golem in her boyfriend’s basement things would have gone even worse for her… I have got to tell that story someday, if the muses let me. While this stuff might keep her from the brink, she’s probably going to take a while to get off that self-destructive path – luckily she’s got friends to support her! On the one hand, this did kind of make me laugh a little (Lailah, the Angel of Conception, and Chastia, the Angel of What Comes Before Conception), but it is also kind of a somber moment, with Shannon wondering about the life she could have had. At least part of the joke landed! Heh. I can’t help but feel that for a certain kind of demon, those thoughts are not uncommon. Eparlegna is fucking happy he missed out on working in heaven (He’s got a “Better to reign on Earth” attitude …) , but Shannon has some regrets. I feel it also helps suggest that there was a proper reason for Shannon’s drives and inclinations rather than The Creator just messing with her. Perhaps Lucifer and the other Seraphim already had an idea of the various roles the Angels had been created to fulful in the long run, and it helped him when he got her to join his cause. If I ever get the darn Fall of Chastia story finished I’m sure I’ll find out Thank you! First draft I was thinking of using a lot more of the sort of smutty sexual stuff that Shannon comes out with a lot, but it just didn’t work with Kizzy. Instead, Shannon sits there, quietly, tries to get Lupa to leave for safety, thinks about how Kizzy obviously really doesn’t want to send her back to Hell (or she’d have done it already) so rather than manipulation she’s talking to try and get through as you say. Shannon’s a people person! It’s a mixture of that, and Lupa questioning why it was necessary for Kizzy to be on Earth, and the fact that she knows her creator is not sadistic (it’s a fictional universe, can’t apply it to this real world I kid! I kid! Well, kinda...) that all contributes to her inhuman thought process and… bam! group hug! Time to go find a scruff! Thank you again! I’m glad this part worked and I hope it hasn’t too badly contradicted the original spirit of the story or introduced too many new continuity errors.
  10. The Slumber Party of Evil Doom – I made some changes to part 3 to fit in with The Woman in the Statue’s new future, and then I was all set to finally finish off Blood on the Hay when I realised that there were still some issues based on the characters as they’ve developed – Kate still works fine though, gotta love that pack mentality... So I did part 4 to try and deal with that as much as anything, oh, and also because the prompts were pretty hard to fit in but I had a realistic way to use that damn slipper. Don’t know if I can finally finish Kate’s story now or not, but I’m closer to it... Thanks for your review! Absolutely some retconning going on. Part 3 was actually re-written to fit in, while part 4 is more in the way of adding new information to change the meaning of part 1 and make Lupa a little more sympathetic. I hadn’t worked out Lupa’s backstory when I wrote part 1! I’m glad it makes more sense now! I’d argue there are some movies that tell the different characters paths in the same film – Pulp Fiction for one – but, yes, Part 3 does go firmly away from Slumber Party territory so I totally see what you mean. Shannon would happily have got it on, but it’s just not been that kind of story. Thank you though, I am glad it’s a good read! Made me smile, too! Heck, it made Kizzy smile. Thanks again, I appreciate this review and your time in leaving it.
  11. Pen Name: JayDee Story link: The Slumber Party of Evil Doom part 4 - Best Friends Forever? Review replies link: Review Replies -Original Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Original Pairing: None Warnings: AFFO, Language, Challengefic, NoSex
  12. Under Joan's Bed was one of those stories I meant to try and do more parts for and never got around too. Seem to have lost my plan for it, but I remember the spider under the bed was going to have a role, too, also as a friend to Joan. Maybe now I’m picking at the prompts again I might try and reconstruct some of it, at least take a shot at some of the graphic tentacle content that the summary and codes suggest without really delivering on. Thanks for the review! Joan certainly thought about getting that friend into a specific low place in the shower. I’m glad you liked the ending, I think I had a bit of fun coming up with that. If I ever do write more the Daddy will show up and things’ll go badly. The spider might well get involved. Also, if someone ever did a parody called “The Evil Dead” they probably could get Bruce to star in it Thanks again!
  13. “Strange things are afoot at the circle-k”
  14. Mike Rapes A Dyke is one of the stories that may one day be presented as evidence at my trial for obscenity, possibly shortly before I am taken from that place and hung from the neck until almost dead, then cut down to have my stomach opened and my viscera pulled out and shown to me, before they’re burned, and then the rest of me cut into four pieces and displayed at different cities around the realm. New Review! Firstly, thank you kindly for the review. I always really appreciate getting reviews on any stories, no matter how old they are! Honestly, it’s fairly abhorrent even in fiction! I’m really glad it works as a hot fantasy though -for the narrow target audience that’s pretty much the point after all. It was absolutely designed to be utterly un-romanticized – back when I wrote it I’d been getting a little sick of the “rape leading to love between rapist and victim” trope – not that there’s anything wrong with it, and I’ve written it myself, but it seemed worthwhile to do something anti-all that. Poor Lily definitely deserved some sympathy though, so I’m happy that’s there as well. It really doesn’t get a lot better for her during life – my later story Twinpregnation features her cousins Caitlin and Connor and hints at how she’s remained in a bad way. On the other hand, another considerably less true to reality story showed she’s not doing too badly in Hell after making a deal to come up with punishments for some real scumbags so it’s not all bleak. Thanks again! I guess my writing must have improved some, though I seem to find it harder to write long, detailed sex than I used too. I know not all of my stories are in the same theme – the closest recently was probably A Big Girl’s Bad End featuring the psychopathic sadism of Mike’s relative Cadence Van Dijk, but that was more of a torture/death fic – I probably won’t ever get around to telling the Mike/Jill story, unfortunately. As for the ‘raping a lesbian’ theme, I don’t think I ever did that theme again properly again in an MF story, though I’ve definitely had a few FF scenes with rape. I guess what happens to Willow in part 3 of Pleasurable Evils kind of covers it with magical penetrations. Possibly some time I’d do another– I’ve got a few other things I’m trying to get done first! Thank you again for the review, I really do appreciate it.
  15. There is that, but it has to be said that with a lot of my stories being quite niche aimed (ie the snuff) another author’s as likely to alight on something pretty horrible and never return, as they are to see something like this! There’s probably most nasty stuff on my profile than nice She’s ancient, devious, great at manipulation, powerful, and has a bunch of servants steeped in cruelty, oh, and Lily, who’s not even dead yet but in it for fucking over the kind of assholes who hurt women like, uh, Jude was. On his side, he’s a dead youth pastor with a former alcohol problem. The odds are stacked against him...but, hey, he’s got renewed faith, a burning desire to make amends, and a literally burning soul due to that sliver of Seraph. So… yeah. Lots of failures before triumph. I know that feeling – I had a really really busy period a few years back and I couldn’t get anything done, and it’s been kind of since then that I seem to have lost the knack for the longer form stories. I tend to have a bit more time the last six months or so, but I’ve just ended up doing more reading and reviewing and only barely knocking out re-writes or the flash chapters. Fingers crossed!
  16. Heh, sorry about that. I swear I’ve used non-damaging tails at some point though I can’t recall exactly when. I think my Harry Potter/Nightmare on Elm Street crossover maybe… Still, I’d say you found a good way to wash away the taste! Yeah, it was great!. I don’t always notice new stories popping up – the last one I reviewed before this was deleted the next day, but I’m sure it wasn’t my review as it was really positive. The demon’s own initially relucatance and needing to be persuaded into it kind’ve makes it a victim too. If it hadn’t been summoned, and bound, it wouldn’t have got involved. That was something else I’ve been thinking about was pretty interesting.
  17. When a story is longer on the front page unless someone is trawling back through and the summary or codes catch their eye, or they specifically come to my profile and same, it’ll get a lot less hits and with the tiny percentage of hits that leave reviews anyway (like, one story has 121K hits and 18 reviews) the odds of getting more feel pretty unlikely. He doesn’t deserve things easy – he tried to murder Kizzy! I think, ultimately, he might succeed though in some dim and distant future. Half a year? It’ll fly by! I mean, look how fast three months have gone so far. And, yes, those story codes all seem like my kind of thing. I’ll check it out some time this week – thanks for rec! Guy thinks he’s raping a girl, but she actually wants him to do it, then when he goes to leave she traps him, reveals her true nature and offers him a slim chance to live… So it’s a bit of a tired old cliche, but all I can say is that 10-11 years ago when I did the first version the whole “roleplaying at being raped” thing was, well, 10-11 years less tired while still being tired. It’s not much of a defence. Digging inside, he pulled out Shannon MacDuff’s recently discarded panties and sniffed at them. Cal flicked out his tongue for a little taste of the crotch. It’s set before The Slumber Party of Evil Doom.
  18. Hot Dog! is my main idea from above actually written. Thanks for the review! I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I guess it’s an example of Rule 34 in action – Zell and Angelo exist, so now there’s porn of them getting it on. I’m afraid I haven’t played any of the DragonQuest games, though I did do a Tomb Raider story with an OC doing a transformed sheep Lara. That one’s not my finest hour tbh. Thank you again.
  19. Jude's Tale gets a final review! Thanks for your review! A delayed review for more thought is fine by me. I’m sure most readers could suggest ways to make it better, maybe some of them could turn up in later stories! I appreciate you taking the time for your thoughts. Thank you again! I’m sure with more room I could have had a lot more buttplug related material – the plus side with a character like Shannon is that she’s quite likely to get into other sex toy related situations in future where they might fit. There’s definitely a story to be told there sometime. Jude’s wanting to atone by helping an Archangel find redemption, while The Duchess is going to be putting all of her billions of years of experience into corrupting him in such a way it doesn’t damage her obligation to protect him. He’s already in Hell so as long as he doesn’t end up suffering she should be ok. Persuading him to take advantage of her sexually would be a good start, but I suspect he’s now set on only having that kind of relationship with an Archangel… Getting her out on picnics means Jude can deal with her without her needing to put on a show for lesser demons, so they’ve probably got trips a plenty to have. The sad fact is that I’m not the best fan either, but it seems to be all I can finish these days, besides the damn old work re-writes. All the time and effort folks put into long chapters makes it a lot easier to get into them and feel the characters. I’m still looking forward to the future chapters of With the Mirror Came... and Carmen Elisa Need to Die over here In your own time! Thank you for the reviews on this story, I appreciate them. My next thing to finish is looking like it might be another re-write, so it’ll be longer if I can finish that!
  20. I still say it’s gotta be possible to find a way to do it without borrowing a plot point from the other guy, even if it is only down to identifying a commercial or historical work it was used in first and then writing it with citation of that work instead!
  21. She’s the one got him to turn into a chicken! Thank you! I love that ya loved it. Jude's Tale Thank you for this review! I’m really glad the humor worked. I guess so far as the Monty Python bit goes, that’s not my humor but I nicked it anyway Jude was definitely the kind of guy who got drunk, rubbed one out to some AFF story and then didn’t leave so much as a “thanks for writing it” the dirty callous handed bastard. Kizurial isn’t bad, but she’s definitely made some questionable decisions in her time in the belief that she was doing the right thing. She’s generally a good influence at least. I hoped for fun, I got part 8 which had less jokes. And thank you for this review! I think Jude’s got quite the job on his hands. I think their relationship would be an odd one, since the Duchess’ main aim now would be to corrupt him back into being her fuckboi pet, while still required to protect him, while Jude’s only interested in what she might become again. Kizurial’s hope is a) that she is redeemed and b) that dealing with Jude keeps her from being able to be as effective at interfering with other mortals or Kizzy and Shannon and co. These characters are all free for others to use! InBrightestDay has an idea for a crossover at some point set after The Woman in the Statue which ought to be fun if it ever gets written. And then there’s an entirely non-canon “Shanon/Kevin/Luzurial” threesome we joked about, where Kevin gives the heartwarming tale of how they came to fall in love and respect and cherish each other, and Shannon’s so overcome with happiness for them she can barely ask dirty questions about how they first got to the boning. Thank you! Always happy to hear when things made readers laugh Thank you again! Shannon definitely not finding orgasm denial so pleasant to be on the receiving end. And thank you again for reading, and reviewing. I guess the next thing I’d like to do with them is finish off the Blood on the Hay story, and maybe even another part or two of the original Slumber Party story to show what happened next on that fateful night after Eparlegna went to Hell. I also have a couple origin stories for Lupa and Shannon that I’m thinking on (I’ve got a chunk of “The Fall of Chastia” written already) but while my muse is only giving me the motivation to do the 1000 word flashfics/chapters for the prompts adding new parts to the early two fics with Kizzy and Co seems like a likely option. I’ve jinxed it now. I may never write again. ...and I may have gone over the line a few times. Left it distantly behind me, invisible for the dust, and the blood, and the misery. Still, you’ve got to laugh. You’re a pretty shining high point of the site yourself!
  22. Jude’s Tale has limped past 500 views! Quite a way to go to beat the 9587 views Naruto the Cluck managed just by using the beaten-to-death “Hinata cuckolds Naruto” trope. If I was in this just for the hits I’d just shit out Naruto crackfics until they got wise to me. Thank you thank you thank you! I really liked how this one came out too. The Seraph absolutely hoped Jude would make the choice he did, but may not be entirely prepared for re-absorbing the mask and the impact it may have on her, such as certain more-human yearnings. Thanks again! Shannon would probably take professional affront to that line, mind. “Someone doesn’t want me? I must try harder!” I’m glad the ending felt right – It was the only way I could see to do it, though it doesn’t really make up for the bad things Jude did, it’s a tiny step in the right direction. There was a bet. Shannon bet she could swallow more hot dogs than Wolf!form Kate, who took the bet forgetting that Shannon could swallow a lot without gagging. Oh! Wait, do you mean the Duchess’s promise? Yeah, there’s that That’ll be important later. Thank you again, I appreciate your reading and reviewing this story. I hope you’re making/have made good progress on that original you mentioned working on with CloverReef!
  23. Pen Name: JayDee Story link: Hot Dog! Review replies link: Review Replies -Final Fantasy Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Zell x Angelo Warnings: AFFO Beast ChallengeFic COMPLETE Contro Fingering, Minor2 (Age: 17), MF, Oneshot, Oral PWP ...there were two week 201s
  24. Writing a sex scene with a female dog means I can use “The bitch” as a descriptor and it’s not problematic. Which is nice, considering the entire rest of the scene is problematic as hell.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JayDee


      Oh gods, no, don’t expect anything worthwhile. Positive anticipation of any sort is not recommended. This is the kind of story people bag up steaming from the path on a cold morning after doggo has done its business.

    3. InBrightestDay


      Do you think this has any chance of earning you the coveted “You Sick Fuck” award the way A Big Girl’s Bad End did?

    4. JayDee


      Probably not even an honorable mention. People (PETA aside) don’t seem to get as upset about the beast stories I do as the violent ones. Readers even seemed to find my Narnia story “The Horse and his Cock” funny. Though some of that was probably down to the badger and her insatiable lust for horsecock.

      ...yeah, ok, I just “You Sick Fuck”d myself.

  25. I wish you luck with it
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