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  1. Not exactly a fandom but a book. I won’t read it. I live on my own these days and nobody makes the long trip up the hill to visit anymore so I have a pretty good idea what I’ve got in the house, and I know for a fact I did not buy that book. I certainly didn’t borrow it from the library. (They are good people there, the librarians, dedicated, and they have standards even in these days when their power and their glory is unknowingly ignored by so many). Sometimes it’s on the shelf. Sometimes it’s on the table. I’ve seen it in the kitchen cupboard and I found it in the attic when I went to investigate the noise (a swallow had got in, and driven to panic by the tome wished to get out. I helped it. Of course I did. I’m no monster no matter what the villagers said). The cover has a nice blue, though the face that gazes from it is not appealing and speaks of an unhealthy appetite, of wealth gained too young. The pages rifle pleasingly in the breeze, even in a still room. I don’t care. Offer me what you may. Tempt me, taunt me. I can’t be bought, or broken. The line is drawn, underlined, surrounded by unevenly doodled pentagrams, in both black, and in red. I’m never gonna fucking read "May I Have Your Attention Please?" the autobiography of James Corden. This I swear by the old gods, the new, and those yet to come.
    4 points
  2. Whatever it is, it's really gnawing at my obsessive side. >.> It seems that the problem only happens to things that are edited. But whatever is added in the very first instance, seems to work properly. Anyone who wants to have a clean description or tags, be sure to make the first post count.
    3 points
  3. Honestly, I think we’re WAY beyond that point by now… I think they’re in the fucking software… they’re in the fucking closet, trying on our heels, sparkly dresses and our favourite lipstick at this point.
    3 points
  4. I am so in accordance with this. All of this. (Except the living on my own, which is something I aspire to with all my heart.)
    3 points
  5. Happy FOURTH of July for those that celebrate it! 🎆 🎇 🧨
    3 points
  6. I was texting “Take your time" to a female coworker yesterday, and autocomplete tried to make it “Take your top off." This is why I don’t embrace AI.
    3 points
  7. Right. Since bolding doesn’t show up on AFF, what I’m looking for is a macro that can turn bolded text (which I sometimes use for emphasis) into ALL-CAPS TEXT throughout a document. I’ve written macros that can make lots of other kinds of systematic formatting changes, but changing the case of letters is a bit beyond me.
    2 points
  8. Hi, Deadman. GeorgeGlass would have no choice but to switch bold to ALL CAPS text. Using an “all-caps font” would see the font stripped and substituted for whatever font is actually used. Capital A is unicode 0041. Lowercase a is unicode 0061. So, the “lower case a that is a capital A in font x” will go back to a lowercase a. Thanks.
    2 points
  9. It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all
    2 points
  10. Should we be worried that the Gremlins might get into the wires and eats the connections?
    2 points
  11. More gremlins. I’ve tried to edit that myself, and even I can’t fix it.
    2 points
  12. Just a reminder for our guest alliremember: You can criticize writing technique, or even a total lack of logic in a story, but remarks about the author on a personal basis violate our Terms of Service. Keep it less toasty, please, unless you’re willing to bring enough marshmallows for everyone.
    2 points
  13. Guessing that’s what caused the issues in the first place!
    2 points
  14. You know the old adage: “Do not invoke that which you cannot banish.”
    2 points
  15. Don’t we have a whole bunch of writers who are obsessed with gremlins and other magical creatures that cause chaos? Maybe they have some kind of magic spell?
    2 points
  16. Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15th. Try not to burn the place down while I’m away.
    2 points
  17. Actually, your “upstairs/downstairs bookstore” option is a pretty good example. Basically, the family friendly to Hooters style restaurant is above ground and it has a more adult oriented space underground from a bygone era. They’re treated as separate businesses, but part of the story is that they are brought under a single owner.
    2 points
  18. At this point, by not starting new stories after finishing old ones, I have whittled the List of Twenty (which my phone heard as "List of Twinkies," BTW) down to eighteen. Among these, there are five stories to which I plan to give the bulk of my focus, at least for the next few weeks. 1. Augmented2: My in-progress Big Hero 6 fic (and sequel to “Augmented"). Three chapters of this story are posted; there are three still to come. 2. Band Together: An original furry story. Tween-agers Wen, Ty, Billy, and Mano hoped that finding the Destiny Stone would give them the power to fight back against the Kyune invaders occupying their island nation. Instead, the Stone made them a boy band. But they're still going to do what they can. 3. The Business of Pleasure: An original story about a photographer in post-Soviet (1992) Lithuania. Like many of his countrymen, Lukas has fallen on hard times—until a woman brings her beautiful young daughter to model for him. 4. Untitled Hazbin Hotel story: A oneshot in which Charlie and Vaggie, having a new bedroom, decide to break it in—their way. 5. Rewire: An anime-esque original story. Jozi and the rest of the all-female Nova Team have adventures both action-packed and erotic at the edges of known space—until an encounter with a mysterious villain makes Jozi question her entire life. Among stories 2-5, I hope to start posting at least one of them next month.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, I tend to make sure I’m writing well. The only place where I need help is the Tags which I like to be accurate between WIP and Complete.
    1 point
  20. A new chapter of "Augmented2" is up! Chapter 3: Student Bodies
    1 point
  21. Anybody happen to have a Word macro for turning bold text into all-caps text (that is actually in all caps, and not just in an all-caps font)?
    1 point
  22. Maybe we should conduce some kind of exorcism?
    1 point
  23. Currently enjoying the forerunners of scifi. Have to say Light Envelope of Hp lovecraft is so far my favorite terminology.
    1 point
  24. I’ve been debating fireballs myself, since it’s happening to everyone. Apostrophes are turned into numbers, punctuation disappears, and boldface text is just not on. I really do wish I was a coder somedays…
    1 point
  25. I suppose the recent spate of spam posts in “Report Trolls/Flamers/Spammers” are almost on-topic, since that’s the area where you’re supposed to report their garbage. Elsewhere, it’s just plain annoying. Perhaps they’re trying to join the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, while doing it on the roof? Oh, well...
    1 point
  26. Magic does have consequences I suppose.
    1 point
  27. Did someone invoke gremlins? Did someone feed them after midnight? Or get them wet?
    1 point
  28. 44054 … I generally only “notice” it being down when others comment on it, lol.
    1 point
  29. And, St. Elsewhere has been down for the past two days.
    1 point
  30. I wish there was a workaround. Unfortunately, no one’s found one yet, so we have to wait for whatever coding gremlins have infested the archive to be properly banished (which is impossible when a corgi decides we’re supposed to give her all our supper).
    1 point
  31. Laughing because apparently your corgi is as difficult as our cats. 😆 In all seriousness, though, I came to see if anyone else was having this problem. Not just me, then. Is there a workaround that we know of? (I’ve also had linebreaks show up and vanish seemingly at random. Missing the old text formatting options like crazy.)
    1 point
  32. Chapter 3 of “Augmented2” should be ready to go to beta either late this week or early next week. Still no real news about other projects. As I said recently, I’m making progress on a lot of things; it just isn’t clear which of them will be ready to hit the ‘net first.
    1 point
  33. I’ve been playing with a story idea again, someone has to find a way to stop me, but I was doing it. Anyway, the part of the story that I’ve been thinking about has partly a more naughty part but I have a thought about a more teasing aspect. Basically, there are two businesses side by side. One is very adult oriented where kids can’t go. The other is more family friendly. However it’s owned by the same person and they are creating the appearance of a family friendly atmosphere. Underneath though, it’s more naughty. The initial idea was to focus on the more adult oriented story. But I have looked at starting with the more “family friendly” part. At the moment it’s more of either the adult oriented business is chapter 1 and the “family friendly” business will be chapter 2. Or I could do the reverse. What do you think?
    1 point
  34. That’s certainly a possibility, although I don’t think my story is going to be funny enough to go there.
    1 point
  35. “Mommy, mommy, why are they asking her to take her clothes off?” the boy asked as the volume on the downstairs PA was set a little too loud. Could have other things, like police response to the upstairs restaurant being a bit too fast… (because they were hanging out downstairs). Still, lots of ways to have fun with your premise.
    1 point
  36. “Welcome to Deadman’s Wings, enjoy some breasts with your chicken!” Employees (especially new hires) might get confused if they’re working both sides. Do the two places share bathrooms—you’d have mixup opportunities there? All sorts of options for sub-plots/issues
    1 point
  37. hahahaha oops sorry about that @Desiderius Price! 44031
    1 point
  38. Well I hadn’t necessarily considered it from that perspective, like having kids involved. I was thinking more in the sense of imagine if the owner of a more adult oriented bar acquired a family friendly restaurant and decided to turn it more into a Hooters. Not to mention have the employees of one working at the other. Keeping up the appearance of the family oriented place but not really catering to the family vibe. It’s not that the fandom itself is family friendly, but it’s just where the story is going in my head. Both locations are canon. Yes, technically you can bring your family to a Hooters, but that’s not why most people go to the place. Especially given the scenario I’m setting up. So my initial story revolved around the adult oriented bar. But there is fun to be had in the idea of the Hooters style restaurant. Possibly with some crossover in terms of “things on the menu”.
    1 point
  39. Aw, well, more opportunities to get the wares/inventory mixed up Maybe it starts with a kid finding something they shouldn’t have found? “Mommy! Mommy! What’s this?” followed by shrieks? If I were writing, I’d more likely start on the kid friendly side TBH. Unless it’s horror, and start with an employee getting an anonymous threatening letter “I know where you work, you defiler.” If you’re still undecided -- create two files, write one from the kid-friendly side to start, the other from the adult-orientated side to start. See which one you like better as an opener. (And you’ll have some seed material for the second chapter too.)
    1 point
  40. It’s more from the perspective of the employees. The initial idea was about the “downstairs book store” concept from the perspective of the employees. The employees are the main characters of the fandom. But as I was working through the “downstairs” story, I thought it might be fun to show the “upstairs” story. Both businesses are going to be staffed by the same characters.
    1 point
  41. I’ve heard of “bookstores” where the upstairs is a bland selection of books, but you go downstairs for the “adult” material. Guess the question is how is the owner (or owners) want to be perceived? Do you even start at the stores? Or, is it from the perspective of a customer? Which side do you want to emphasize? Kinda a bunch of questions for how you want the story to go.
    1 point
  42. 44018 I’ve broken 20k words this month, so that’s “thawing” IMO. Not quite the 100k+ I was managing in the fall, but yeah, good to get words pumping again.
    1 point
  43. 44016 After a couple of months of nothing, I’ve finally had some luck this past week, a bit of wind again in my story.
    1 point
  44. The second chapter of “Augmented2” is posted! Chapter 2: The Need for Speed
    1 point
  45. A few things: –Chapter 2 of “Augmented2" is currently in beta. –I’m not sure which of the other stories I'm working on will be ready to post next. I've got a ton of stuff in progress, but nothing is especially close to being ready for prime time. –I've finally decided that The List of Twenty needs to shrink. Having so many stories in progress at one time pretty much guarantees that they all get written at a glacial pace (unless I focus heavily on one at the expense of the others). But at the same time, I don't want to make the list so short that I look at it and think, "I don't feel like working on any of these.” I've let the number of stories on the list decline to 18 (simply by not starting new ones after finishing a couple of old ones); I'll let it ease down to 15 or 16 and see how that goes.
    1 point
  46. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Hello everyone! Chapter 213 is now up and ready for viewing! Enjoy and I hope you all have a great day!
    1 point
  47. It’s oddly specific about what it will and will not do. It’s fine with italics, but boldface is just not cutting it. It’s like dealing with my corgi.
    1 point
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