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  1. Yesterday
  2. I often see people commenting "Womb Raider" on R34 sites, so it would be quite nice to have that in the story. "Thanks BLANK for raiding my holes today" also sounds good. ABigFan's Countess line sounds the best to me, and I think it fits well even if Lara isn't a Countess, because as you said earlier, she want to remind about her old life when she was a Countess.I don't know much about this stuff, but I think being an aristocrat for the English is something that people here are incredibly proud of and are very respected for. So for Lara to mention her past life while also starring in porn and doing other scandalous things that are not appropriate for a wealthy and well-bred aristocrat would be sexy and I'm sure at that point Lara would be a little embarrassed but also incredibly turned on. Especially since she would use her former title in such lewd way.
  3. Nooooooo it’s gone!!!
  4. I’ve emailed you links that should work to let you activate your account and reset your password. The instructions are in the email.
  5. They started posting it again on ao3 but only the first chapter so far under the name bib. Idk if you guys even will see this or care anymore but found this while trying to search for the old version and thought I might as well let you know
  6. Haven’t signed in for awhile, and trying to reset my password only to be met with an invalid link. My profile is https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296930628
  7. Do people use a lot of bolded text in AFF stories? I usually only do it at the beginning and end. Often for either an “author’s note” or for “the end”.
  8. Interesting. Didn’t know that you could do that.
  9. Gotcha! Thanks for letting me know.
  10. We have a few gremlins left over from the archive code update, and unfortunately, avatar pictures are one of the things that aren’t quite working as expected. Our coder will get to it, I promise!
  11. Despite my image following the rules (250x250, linked from a site I use to successfully hotlink images to other websites), it’s not updating. I tried to paste the link to the image here in this post, and it successfully loads the image. So it definitely works. Here’s the link to the image.
  12. Thanks ABigFan and LHunt for the suggestions. I don't think I'll go with the Countess angle (technically she isn't one at the moment anyway) and will go with the Tomb Raider angle instead: - Womb Raider - Ass Raider - Thanks to BLANK for raiding my holes today… If I can't think of anything catchy, I'll just leave it out. It's not essential to the story - just an idea I was toying with at the end of the chapter.
  13. Guest

    Crossroadsmk2 Updates

    Perhaps something along the lines of: “You can count on Countess to deliver wildness”
  14. https://archiveofourown.org/works/493427 Lycanthrope factory by Starlight_Massacre on Ao3
  15. Hi everyone. One proofread down but ran out of time for the second one, so I probably won't post until next week. I'm looking for suggestions. You know how YouTubers have their signoff speal at the end of videos? Example: Thanks for watching. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. Catch you next time etc. I want Sam to come up with a sign off for Lara, that she'll say at the end of each video. Can obviously be a little dirty, since Lara's conditioned to obey Sam, and she's already used to saying she's a dirty little slut each time she orgasms. Basically something saying thanks for watching, if you enjoyed the video, be sure to like and comment and recommend me to all your friends. I'll also add a thanks to BRAND for sponsoring this video (all of Lara's videos are sponsored now). Maybe some play on Tomb Raider (getting raided) or a joke regarding her status as a Countess. I want Lara subtly reminded of her old life each time she says it, so there's a little bit of embarrassment for her. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Hi! The pen name helped, thank you! I’ve emailed you new links to allow you to activate the account and set your password. Instructions are in the email.
  17. Last week
  18. Hello! I just registered, as it said my email was not detected as having an account, but I never got the verification link. I checked all my folders plus spam, nothing there. I registered with the pen name ShaneBlackheart if that helps.
  19. Guest

    Severus Saves Molly

    Should always post links even if it’s you who find it incase someone else is looking for it too
  20. At this point, by not starting new stories after finishing old ones, I have whittled the List of Twenty (which my phone heard as "List of Twinkies," BTW) down to eighteen. Among these, there are five stories to which I plan to give the bulk of my focus, at least for the next few weeks. 1. Augmented2: My in-progress Big Hero 6 fic (and sequel to “Augmented"). Three chapters of this story are posted; there are three still to come. 2. Band Together: An original furry story. Tween-agers Wen, Ty, Billy, and Mano hoped that finding the Destiny Stone would give them the power to fight back against the Kyune invaders occupying their island nation. Instead, the Stone made them a boy band. But they're still going to do what they can. 3. The Business of Pleasure: An original story about a photographer in post-Soviet (1992) Lithuania. Like many of his countrymen, Lukas has fallen on hard times—until a woman brings her beautiful young daughter to model for him. 4. Untitled Hazbin Hotel story: A oneshot in which Charlie and Vaggie, having a new bedroom, decide to break it in—their way. 5. Rewire: An anime-esque original story. Jozi and the rest of the all-female Nova Team have adventures both action-packed and erotic at the edges of known space—until an encounter with a mysterious villain makes Jozi question her entire life. Among stories 2-5, I hope to start posting at least one of them next month.
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