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BronxWench last won the day on January 27

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  1. I’ve emailed you links that should allow you to reactivate your account and reset your password. The instructions are in the email.
  2. Okay. Creating a new account is not a good solution because members are only supposed to have one account. So, what would probably make the most sense here is to update your old account with your current email address if necessary, and then I can send you links to reactivate that account and set a new password. However, I would need to either delete your new account or merge the two accounts in order to make this work. If you want the accounts merged, I need to know if you want the original account to be the surviving account, and if so, which email address we should use.
  3. I’ve emailed you the links to reactivate your account and reset your password. The instructions are in the email.
  4. I’ll email you with the links to help you regain access to your account.
  5. I’ve emailed you the links to get your archive profile reactivated and running again. The instructions are in the email along with the links.
  6. Hi, there! I emailed you the links you’ll need to get back into the account.
  7. I’ll need either your profile link or your pen name to find your account.
  8. I’ve emailed you with the links that should have you back in your account again.
  9. I’ve sent you the links that should let you access your account again. The instructions are in the email.
  10. You’ll need to revalidate your account. I’ve sent you the links to do that, and to reset your password, with instructions in the email.
  11. If you remember the name of the story, or the author, that would simplify things a lot. However, the best starting place is to go to the archive subdomain for the story in question. There is no site-wide search feature for stories in the archive. You need to be in the correct subdomain to search for a story. Once you’re in the proper subdomain, look at the top. There are usually links to various categories and/or alphabetic sections. That can narrow things down for you. At the top of the page, in the right corner, there should be a link marked “Search” with a small magnifying glass icon. Clicking that takes you to the search page. There are instructions on how the search feature works, and a dropdown menu to help you find the right category if you haven’t already done that.
  12. I’ve sent you some new links via email. I’ve found that if the password reset doesn’t work, it helps to reactivate again, even though you’re already registered, and then reset the password.
  13. We don’t allow copies of stories to be distributed here, so if anyone has a copy, please don’t share it here. The site appears to be pretty NSFW, which may be part of the issue. Many sites that hosted similar visual content like Hentai Foundry wound up having to curate their content to avoid any implication of underaged sex due to changes in the law in many countries. I do believe both written and visual content was at issue, although visual content is much more likely to be pulled by sites. Of course, doing any kind of Google search for the story’s possible title takes you to some pretty weird places as well.
  14. My sincere recommendation is that you do not open anything you find on a suspicious website, especially if it wants you to download the story. There are a lot of bad actors out there who just love infecting unsuspecting people with nasty malware. Practice safe surfing, folks!
  15. I’ve emailed you the links to reactivate your account and reset your password. The instructions are in the email.
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