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BronxWench last won the day on December 14

BronxWench had the most liked content!

About BronxWench

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  1. I’m not tech support per se, but now that I know you’re having an issue, I’ve emailed you with links to validate the account and reset your password. The instructions are in the email.
  2. I’ll need a pen name, user ID, or email address to help.
  3. I’ve sent you new links via email. The instructions are in the email.
  4. If you have stories to post for those fandoms, we would be glad to add categories for you. However, unless there are stories waiting to be added, we don’t create categories.
  5. I’ve emailed you the activation link and password reset link. The instructions are in the email.
  6. I’ve sent you the links to reactivate your account and reset your password. Instructions are in the email.
  7. Here you are: https://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2358
  8. Is this for the manga series, or the anime series?
  9. It looks like you need to reactivate your account, and then reset your password. I’ll email you the necessary links, with instructions in the email.
  10. I’m emailing you the links to reactivate your account and reset your password.
  11. The link in your forum profile is not valid. I have your account profile here: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296893149 You may need to use that user ID to log in.
  12. I’m flagging @DemonGoddess for assistance, since your account is showing as inactive. We need to fix that status before I can generate the links to let you activate the account properly and reset your password.
  13. A very happy birthday to @DemonGoddess! Let’s hope this is the best year yet! :wub: :hug: :wish: :bday:

  14. Just as a heads-up for all our members and guests, we’ve been getting a number of dubious posts lately on the forum. We’re removing the posts, of course, but we don’t always get to them instantly. PLEASE exercise caution, and don’t click on any links you see in these posts. Trust me, there’s nothing good waiting for you at the other end. Practice safe surfing, okay?
  15. In my experience, it’s all punctuation. Periods, commas, apostrophes, all of which are common in summaries, disclaimers, and titles.
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