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  1. Would really like a portkey out of here. Or a timeturner?
    3 points
  2. Know readers would likely wonder where Jane is, so yeah, a short snippet is good. Maybe you write a short-short story that covers it? (Even if you don’t publish, it’d be good to reference.) A decent example I’m thinking of, is Star Trek TNG, Gates McFadden got “fired” end of season 1, so they explained her absence as “reassignment to Starfleet Medical”, and once rehired for Season 3, “one year rotation’s over, she’s back”.
    1 point
  3. I suppose I could add another but that’s not the plan in any sense. At least within the context of the story, Jane would be involved in between the current story I’m writing and the sequel. But I appreciate the insight on how I could mention it.
    1 point
  4. Me trying to spin a one-line tale with the dialogue… I figure if it’s nagging on your mind, then it’s likely nagging on the reader’s mind. Perhaps you’re wanting to sow seeds for a follow-on story (not the direct sequel), so you could drop breadcrumbs, “She’s gone to explore jungles in Colombia haven’t heard from her in ages.” Anyways, ideas there, hope it helps.
    1 point
  5. Could be from somebody not wanting to necessarily cross into a love-triangle territory too… or verifying that the other person’s not around. Because Jane was a part of their character makeup (and still is to some degree), seems relevant to know that the main character might still have thoughts dwelling on Jane, maybe it’s regret, maybe it’s guilt for hiding the body, or maybe they’ve totally moved on with “Who’s Jane?”.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Well, it’s less of a way to get rid of them. It’s for AFF, so it’s more like: “When is Jane going to join in on the fun?” But then the sequel doesn’t have Jane in it at all. Even though Jane is mentioned in the last chapter of the story. However in another chapter I do mention Mary and she does appear in the sequel. Since having the idea to mention Jane though, I have considered making her part of the sequel, but that could over complicate the story. Which has been pretty straight forward up until now.
    1 point
  8. Simple, have a quick conversation chapter one of the sequel. “Where’s Joe?” “Six years in prison, because when they say NO PARKING, the really mean NO PARKING.” or “Got transferred to far, far, away.” or “He learned why there’s safety bars on woodchippers. Coroner estimated they recovered 60% of the remains.” And if you want the villain to be a surprise, have his whereabouts accounted/dismissed for in this conversation too.
    1 point
  9. In Original stories, I wouldn’t recommend it, but in fanfics it can be a really good way to add continuity. That’s my opinion anyway.
    1 point
  10. No worries, that’s partly why I asked ahead of time. I can tweak the title and still make it work. My first instinct is just add a “The” where the dash would be. Not exactly the same but close enough.
    1 point
  11. At the moment, if you can avoid it, leave out the dash. It’s absolutely frustrating, I know, but it’s something in the code itself, and not a setting I can tweak with my very limited access.
    1 point
  12. I’m fairly sure all punctuation is glitching in titles and summaries. I haven’t found a workaround yet myself.
    1 point
  13. Rewrite is doing better. Felt like I had to separate it. Now for some reason I have a romance story prequeling/concurrent with the dark fantasy one. … No I don’t know how that happened.
    1 point
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