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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. [Cody’s Grandfather, Japan 1945] “You know, half of these Japanese girls are Jorōgumo. The other half got TB. Make sure you only fuck the ones who cough.” sorry Stanley Kubrick and InBrightestDay
  2. I am having a super super hard time getting anything written. At all. Like, even a short “oral sex under table in gamer cafe” story I have some fun ideas for. I wish you all all the best in knocking some out though! I’ll try and read/review as many as I can .
  3. “All good things must come to an end” Technically a general quote, but I’m totally thinking of Q saying it.
  4. I somehow entirely missed the above reply. I’m gonna guess saved completely Moe saved her safe and sound. It’s Moe! He’d do it, think it was a chance at romance, then fuck it up! Annnnnyywaaaay. Eight years after the last review on one of my cartoon subdomain stories, @GeorgeGlass went looking for something not too fuck awful and probably got the best of a bad bunch. Although flashfic Marge’s Debt with that Bart/Marge scene still holds up… if too short. So! I haven’t watched it in a good while myself, but I’m sure I could still laugh at some of ‘em! Thank you for checking it out! I think the angel/demon thing was my attempt to do a cutaway style wackiness – there was that cutaway to Peter’s shoulder angel not being there to advise as it was stuck in traffic (followed by the shoulder angel’s shoulder angel also in traffic), so probably a callback to the shows shoulder angels. I’m glad you got some laughs out of it, AND some hotness! Peter’s a husky fellow, probably also acall back to some of the show gags about his weight pressing down a little hard. Thank you again for the review and reminding me this story wasn’t so bad! I just can’t seem to get finished on anything these days, but I’ve had slow spells before so who knows… might get back going!
  5. JayDee


    I was looking through my old Livejournal last night. Found a comment in 2005 that I didn’t write anymore…
  6. Ahh, sorry. Almost certainly wasn’t worth your time. Beg pardon! These wacky cave people not understanding natural selection! No problem!
  7. @InBrightestDay is doing a good job of retroactively polishing my story.
  8. He is waaaay more threatening. He has minions who are threatening in their own right, too! Like that cold-blooed Cassie and asshole ackerman. Plus he’s got a nice tower for some Sauron echoes. Disagree – first story is chock full of plot holes and stupidity. This one really hangs together well and makes a ton of sense. Eparlegna’s previous scheme was likely centuries in the planning, so whatever he’s doing now he’s had maybe 75 years to think about and a few days to get going while back out. You’ve probably got him doing the best he can with the resources, especially with the longer he leaves it, the more chance there is of another humanity champion getting him by surprise. Yeah, but they’re also actively promoting more “Naruto turned into chicken” stories. Obviously too last minute now with the last part probably mostly written, but if I’d thought of it earlier I’d have said one way to bring some flashbacks would be for him to drag that pair of cops back out of Hell to either taunt Luzurial (Ghost pops out of stairwell wall, “Hey, remember when you came with my fist up your ass?” ) or molest Kevin – Ray Stantz style ectoplasm blowies! – so Luzurial gets him back… soiled. Obviously you’d have said no, but the mental images would be in your head! See! monster… This makes a lot of sense! It does work for sure. I admit to being curious as to their reaction if they realised Kevin was boning her… Nobody ever lets me down as much as I let myself down, but I am sure you won’t!
  9. JayDee

    Naruto The Cluck

    I like the cut of your fan above’s gib! But ‘all three’ is way more work and on top of re-writing a story you shouldn’t have had to in the first place if I’d been paying some goddamn attention – really still sorry! I know ya say ‘no problem’ but dang I feel like a total heel. And not in the foot fetish sense. I’d say go with whichever you personally prefer/think comes out best. If I had to make a choice the Revenge ending sounds funniest and given the absurdity of the original concept I think going funny is the way to go! Also, turnabout is totally fair play! “Not so funny now is it, wifey?” etc I have also now selected ‘notify me of replies’ on this thread to hopefully avoid any horrific oversights so please link the re-written fic here if you get it done! Finally – thank you for your time (twice! fuckin’ twice. holy shit!) and effort in taking this request. The world needs more “Naruto turned into a chicken” fanfiction. This is the hill I’d die on.
  10. JayDee

    Naruto The Cluck

    Holy fuck I didn’t see this reply. I don’t have thread notifications on and I musn’t have been checking too closely in July! Absolutely don’t mind if ya still have it. That’s what the requests are for. Very sorry for the slow reply – I just randomly searched the story title today and this came up. I feel terrible for leaving you unreplied too so apologize unreservedly. Sorry! Very sorry! Super sorry! And thank you for writing something based on the request.
  11. “Fight me! Fight me!” “Can’t we just snuggle?” “Goddamn it!” She’s totally doing the opposite of what he wants – he wants them unwilling to fuck, but willing to fight! I wonder if that really was intentional on DS’s part – taking into account what happened with his target refusing to fight and working with it for getting his planned hunt to go to plan – or if it just seems that way looking at his psychology? She’s a cool character! Also, I think I probably just thought that that was really fitting – she would absolutely have done that for B.B. I think. The Reserve angels also got that mission done out in Kazakhstan – very nice! There’s no such thing as overly critical when it comes to this stuff. Better to have it brutal and unvarnished – believe me, I have some very negative comments on re-reading it myself. I can see why you came back to read it after seeing what DS went on to do with the character – based on the lack of reviews very few others ever bother! They probably prefer the crueller pred with greater variety of settings version that DS does (plus, you know, him being thousands of times better at writing than me!) Thanks again for all the reviews. Really, genuinely, hugely appreciated. I look forward to seeing whatever you finish and publish next, while especially looking forward to the final words of WitS when you have the motivation, and the words. S’gonna be badass!
  12. I never knew it was a Metroid story! Just, talking about Gogedheh’s name reminded me of DS’s pred and that old camel toe joke I made, no idea the whole thing was the same thing so genuine coincidence. I am genuinely sorry to have upset ya and brought back bad memories. Probably best ya don’t go and finish reading it. Sounds like it isn’t your bag. Still can’t think myself. I guess really she is just a bit of generic goth DS bait! No, no it’s fully fair. He’s not even limping afterwards! Heh, at least it *might* happen. It’s never gonna come from me! Hell if I can remember! I tend to forget playing it, but I did play the AvP game from the late 90s not long after it came out. Running around as an alien was all kinds of fun, even without the violence. And moving onto the last review, for which I again thank you kindly. You’re an officer and a gentleman. No apologies required! I am grateful to get the reviews you’ve done. It’s got me to re-read the story, and cringe, and think about it as well as always being great to get feedback. I would probably not separate out the short prologue/epilogue and shorter interlude parts into seperate chapters these days, instead keeping them at start or end of other chapters. I can’t even remember why it seemed like a good idea at the time – possibly related to some other place I was submitting the original version to. “I just did these two together.” Shannon explained, nodding at the petite twins. Haha! It’s a lab in a secure facility that they let Lara work in! There’s worse off the other hallways! Also, it isn’t Weyland bioweapons if there isn’t a gratuitous lack of respect for the safety of employees or civillians! I think I came up with a bunch of backstory and “what happened next” ideas for the snake at one point. Sonya getting eaten by the snake was me tossing in an obscure Mortal Kombat reference – Antother character, Shang Tsung, had a snake ‘animality’, eating another character. None of the other stuff that happens to her is an MK ref I don’t think! (what happens to Jax’s arms is also a crack at him getting the cyborg arms in games!) Found a clip of the animality – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8UWU1BFeM But yeah, she gets a whole buncha undeserved shit in a Gogedheh story and absolutely zero percent of it is from him. I dunno why it turned out like that – I think I made made it up to her in Shokan Lust with all the pheremone lust enhanced orgasms from her seven foot tall captor/mistress! Talking about the snake eating thing, the person who requested the shokan story said “ I think it would've been funny/ironic if not only did she survive, but the predator actually gave her some medicine for her bruising, because he would've already seen her as being beaten and thus not one of his targets anymore.” So if you want to imagine him handing over some medical gear and giving her a chummy pat on the head, that’s cool! Hey thanks! It was definitely intended to be somewhat amusing - I think I said before I thought it might be the only properly funny bit in the story. Technically, she doesn't obtain his consent before going for his junk, so this could count as one of the few occasions where someone sexually assaults him. And, yeah, having the 'joke' character come very close to killing him was definitely part of my original idea I'm sure. Then again, at one point I nearly had Sonya take them both out with the same bullet. Would have led to DS having a whole different name for his character! (continued below, not letting me quote!)
  13. I absolutely think that is probably why it didn’t throw me out for this story, because it super common! And you’re welcome! I read it so reviewed it
  14. It’s entirely possible! There’s been a few cases where people have liked something I did enough to request something else based on it and just didn’t tell me or leave a review – when I was over on hentai-foundry some dude commissioned fanart of one of my Harry Potter stories and I only found out because when the artist posted it he mentioned what he’d been asked to base it on and suddenly I got a handful of extra reviews. Huh, coincidence! I don’t think I got to read the story with him, I remember DS talking about the character name he was going to use but I think DS must have published it after I’d quit there and he’d quit AFF. Fair enough! – I wonder if it is an oversight, like, DS remembering Lara was in the first story and maybe not remembering she’d already had her ultimately-fatal facehugger encounter before the pred got there? With a guy like DS writing him it is certain! Artist has some talent for sure. Now on to @InBrightestDay ‘s review for part 7! Having just re-read it myself my own biggest question is where did I get the sentry from that he knocks out? Is she a reference to a specific game or book or movie I can’t recall, or just a random? If she is a reference, why doesn’t it seem to be covered in the disclaimer (the current disclaimer was written on the AFF edit, so I may have missed it then, but could update now if I did work it out. Honestly, I might just have thrown it in because DS likes seeing goths) Also, another example of earlier slightly-less-of-a-total-monster Gogedheh here as he only disables the unarmed sentry rather than murderin’ ‘em like he probably would in later years. Thanks for the reivew on this chapter also! Given the issues and flashbacks it seemingly caused you I feel bad you had to go through that stuff again and extra appreciate you making the effort! As I mentioned above it is entirely possible that the requesting user did request some of the same points, but also possible that this chapter riffed off something else entirely that the requester was also riffing off. Parallel riffing! DS would probably know for sure. something something Alien: Isolation joke something something Have you ever considered writing this? I mean, not only is Alien vs. Predator vs. Pirate a hilarious title, but the description of what Laura pulls off at the end there is incredibly cinematic and cool. Throw in a colorful cast of pirate crew members, the Anne Bonny-inspired story of Laura hiding her gender to get the crew to listen to her...this could be really awesome. I haven’t! Thanks for thinking it sounded cool and cinematic though! AvPvP does have a pretty funny ring, too, nice one!. Weirdly I wrote a chunk of pirate related stuff recently for that Sarsa story I haven’t finished (...needing to fit the Xebec prompt in) but never considered doing a full take on this background myself. Given how little I am managing for longer format at the moment I can’t see it happening, but given how well you can write action scenes and plots and the rest feel free to do it yourself if you ever want to! Just imagine… she’s tall, which helped her pass for a man, and needing to strap down that well developed cleavage, oh, hey, there’s that cabin boy she got from a raided ship, about 16, well educated and being sent into colonial exile by his cruel father for standing up to the old man, instead he ends up in service to the wild pirate captain… service that takes on a more romantic element when he accidentallly discovers her true gender… I mean, he probably gets killed by an alien or Predator at some point, giving her even more impetus to stay behind and make sure the devil doesn’t return… Probably for the best Haha, the one time I try and base something squarely in film canon and it just doesn’t come across as realistic He’s kind of getting more and more beat up by this stage, with his existing wounds and damage getting a bit of a run down, but yeah, probably should have been a bit more crippled. I guess I was thinking about how many pistol shots Lara needed to slow enemies in the first Tomb Raider game, then assuming he was much tougher, but having the bullets stuck in him probably should have done more for sure. Looking after you from cradle to grave! Well, someone’s grave. Absolutely intended as an ancestor of Carter, and basically coming across as equally reasonable to Lara as Carter did to Ellen, without Lara getting to find out if she’s got a bad side to her. Eh, it wasn’t his home universe so fuck ‘em! I kid, I kid! Given that the Weyland Corporation won't get wind of the Engineers for another 83 years and thus don't know a thing about xenomorphs or the black mutagen yet, I have no idea what this is. What is this? This… is hungry! Thank you once again for reviewing! Only one more main part and a short epilogue to go now. The end is in sight!
  15. @InBrightestDay looks at part 6! Random note on this part – originally Sonya Blade was just described as a special forces soldier for MK publicity so she’s described as a soldier here. Later games made her a veteran Marine who wouldn’t be described as a soldier. Oh, and the user who got me to write Shokan Lust once started on an alternate follow on from this that crossed over with The Dresden Files and had the Queen of the Unseelie Court kill the driver and invite Sonya on a hunt… Never got finished, but woulda been interesting to see! No arguements here! Though having Charlie from Long Kiss Goodnight spot her shaodowing agent and beat him up was a high point for me. Hollywood exec, snorting a huge line of coke: “Get roles for Nic Cage, Christopher Walken and Lady Gaga and you’ve got a movie!” Jax is definitely a little bit out of character here. Just a smidge. Hey, the roughtest to read part in a Gogedheh story doesn’t even feature him! It’s the kooky chick from clueless doing the cruel shit! That’s kinda funny… no, just me then? Thanks for plowing through it with your thoughts. I appreciate them and totally get why there isn’t any fun to be had here.
  16. I guess if it comes on when I’m around I’ll look out for it. Always been a bit of a Lance fan. One of his lines in Near Dark was one of my all time faves for delivery: Bartender: What you people want? Jesse (Lance’s character): Just a couple more minutes of your time, about the same duration as the rest of your life. But, you know, delivered by him. Pretty sure if we held a vote there’d be a lot in favor of seeing your great take on Celtic pred Gotta wonder if ‘Chopper’ gets a different reason for the name in porn fics, mind. As much as I enjoy and am entertained by your comic mock-indigation, if there’s a depression risk point feel free to skip any of it that might cause that and avoid risking it! I doubt anybody’s copied me, even sort of – more likely someone got inspired by whatever inspired me! – but although a couple people have reposted my stories under their names, most don’t stoop as low as my shit when there’s better authors to nick from. Yeah, I saw that. I bet I did it intentionally too, but can’t recall now! Rehte Gog – the civil war era cousin of Gog and Magog! I don’t even know if it counts as a pun since it’s more a drunkenly surred version of the phrase than proper wordplay Inspired by his name, I remember DS came up with a Pred called Dehscrimung, but didn’t say what it was meant to read as initially – ‘Die Screaming’ he said later – so I asked if it was meant to be “Descry” and “Mung” meaning ‘to see a bean’ and asked “Does he only hunt characters with extreme camel toes?” I bet even DS regrets having him take that non-executive directorship at Tesla. Dang it! Not even the worst wrong word in my reply – that was writing “call” instead of “cool”. ‘the fuck do I become illiterate when writing forum posts? I mean, more so. Hahaha! Maybe she’s got a fetish for the dude from Shrek! We don’t know! Well, maybe one day you’ll write a story where you need a dangerous hyper sexual psycho building from the pysche of a decent human and at the back of your mind Greensleeves will start playing… and she’ll have found you. She’s got tall energy. Like, she’s shorter than me but I feel like if I was in the same room she’d feel taller. Yay! Read this after the Lara part: I think I had the Terminator 2 quote for something in my original accidentally lost reply, and didn’t write the replacement quite the same so uh oops. As for Samus vs Predator, Fanart’s got ya covered! (safe for work) https://www.deviantart.com/ptimm/art/Samus-vs-Predator-1-564990285 https://www.deviantart.com/ptimm/art/Samus-vs-Predator-2-565128547 You’re also welcome!
  17. ...I just spent ages writing this reply and then lost it thanks to accidentally closing the tab. Take two, everyone to position and action! Thank you @InBrightestDay for reading and reviewing parts 4 and 5 of this story! I genuinely appreciate the heck out of your taking this time to go through this mess. ...the first time this chapter made me laugh. I can't say why that specific detail made me laaugh, but it did. “Like, awesome!” she whispered, as the sweat soaked Japanese woman shuddered through another forced climax. Second time it made me laugh. Whoohoo! Always awesome making folks laugh! Imagine being the poor bastard who has to make those dildo moulds. You’re having a quiet day and suddenly a crazy government type has a special order. The agent’s a very sick woman. She wasn’t born with it, it was maybelline. Jane Maybelline, Black Ops brainwashing specialist and folk musician. Pray you never hear her mandolin. Giggity approved joke, Tricia complied. Sometimes fanfic can’t help but be in character, and that guy is straight up a rapist! Who else but Quagmire? Hey, any comments are good! Always great to get feedback and like I say it’s cool you found stuff to laugh over! At some point someone’ll look at this and go “Concrete doesn’t work that way” and “chemical burns, severe fuckin’ chemical burns” maybe. I dunno if this was especially meant to be hot, being so short, or just introducing the agent and her twisted ways. Wasn’t Tricia in the original either! Finding out she was pregnant was her motivation for leaving Bill, leading to the massacre and her coma. She finds out her daughter survived – presumably c-section – and left with her at the end of the second film. I like to think they had a long/happy life and that other options such as Vernita’s daughter taking revenge, or BB secretly being really angry that her Mom, who had been in a coma all her life, came and killed her Dad, and takes her own revenge… That was the post credits stinger. I kid, I kid! but I think of anyone could take a Pred out, she could, and although his targets were a bit limied by the selection of badasses needing to all be in roughly the same geographic location – no multiverse hopping for this slaughter bunny!- it I think I probably thought at least one of them would likely have encountered a Pred in this universe where they’re hunting on Earth, and must have selected her for it. I’d forgotten that was even in there until re-reading it! Heh, I get it, 'cause it's two Italian brothers like the Mario brothers and...anyway. It's a funny little reference, but moving on... I’m trying to remember if giving them the surname Toscano had any reference to anything. It’s got a definite echo of a minor Preacher comic character, but his name was Toscani. Then again, Toscano does mean Tuscany… eh, I dunno. I bet those mushrooms were well fed though. Apparantly some folks find something inherantly call about tall blonde badasses kicking ass. Thank you especially for the compliment on the description! Glad it worked out. Can’t imagine being caught in the middle of that shitshow would have been any fun for the guards. Death above and below… but at least Kiddo was happy for ‘em to run away if they didn’t mess with her. Shame they messed with her really. *laughing* Wow, they're actually named Maario and Luigi, and there's a reference to their cousin, Big W. Unfortunately, their princess was in another cas...wait. The bodyguard Daisy backed away. The other bodyguard's not... She was mine, bitch! She… she was my peach! Earlier... Kiddo vaguely recognised them; called themselves The Ninja Princesses or some tacky western shit. *shakes fist at the sky* JAAAAYDEEEEE!!! Hahaha, thanks! The story really earned that super mario brothers mention in the disclaimer at the start of part 1! You know, blowing my own trumpet here but I think that anguished she was my peach! line really works. eh. It’s probably not the first time some kiddo has got Peach killed. Like one playing a game. Super Mario Bros 2 on the NES I’m looking at you, you reskinned fuck. Yeah, sure, cut out the floating just above the deadly drop you piece a shit. Huh. 30 years and still some annoyance. Well, pretty sure Pringles were never used like that in any of the other stories. DS has much better taste in snack foods! I dunno where the fuck using that like that came from either. I mean, these guys are Italian-Americans. There wasn’t some Italian sausage around? Mario’s severed forearm? Narcissistic traits? Check! Villain Sue traits! No wonder this got trashed on that fanfiction mockery forum. No, I think you’re absolutely right. I mean, by this stage in the story he’s taken down three bad asses and a load of mushroom kingdom private security and getting more and more full of himself – which presumably increased as he kept going after Laras. It really isn’t the only time a tall blonde comes close to defeating him either- Samus sure did in that one of DS’s stories I mentioned to you that I think set you off down the DS fic rabbit hole! If it hadn’t been for the darned canonically impossible EMP… “Are we learning yet?” Ahem. Thank you once again for the reviews. Abolutely enjoyed the heck out of reading them, and that JAAAAYDEEEEE!!! bit had me laughing out loud!
  18. Omnipotence paradox: “Could the rape deity jerk off hard enough to detach his own cock?” Got a sticky pp eh? Yeppers. It was all Phantom’s responsibility! Cher seemed like a good equally unlikely replacement. Eparlegna: “Can’t it be both? It’s even more fun when I’m mad. Unless that wingless’s bitch’s meat dildo keeps making cracks about Lucifer being better.” I never saw AVP! I didn’t know they had a celtic predator – does he have a kilt and carry bag pipes on his hunts? Or maybe just didn’t want ‘em to get kicked to often! That could have been a funny running gag – he gets whalloped in the balls on every hunt, but the guy hasn’t got any outside! I don’t mind describing balls – alla my futa fics have been the coin purse variety rather than the card slot, and in that one M/M/Transwoman fic I wrote everyone had balls. Unless they’re gonna pull the CGI/LOTR hobbit route or forced perspective/standing on crates Tom Cruise route I guess the films were always gonna be limited by actual human actor height. Yeah, you’re probably right! Still, if something does blindside ya… sorry ‘bout that I really appreciate the reviews and the feedback discussion even all these years later, and now on to the part 3 review! Part 3, which has that Joey from Friends casting gag near the start, The angels were deep in conversation about Alex’s actor boyfriend, who Dylan was convinced was the lost twin of another actor she’d met and fucked in New York City. Thanks again for the review! I think with the first chapter I was mostly getting a feel for the story and the big guy’s actions and it simply is the shortest/most basic of them as a result. Natalie does kick some ass there, but when he ankle’s done thats about it. I can totally see how it’s a little sadder than the last part. Might even be the saddest, if you discount Beatrix being a Mom or Sonya’s unrewarded dedication to duty. So no SCAO oneshot? :p I mean, these are angels… I kid I kid! Huh. Well. Huh. I mean, if you’ve got a scientific answer for it that makes the story fit in with the film then I pretty much have to accept it ‘cos you know science and the physics of these things! I’ve been telling folks how I fucked up that scene badly for years after that previous review (which may have been on hentai-foundry?) and now it turns out that the movie Predator had himself some conducting taking care of it! Hey, I feel better! Thank you! The image of the Predator crouched in the metal girders of a building, hidden in the urban environment, just seems cool, like it would be right at home in one of the movies. Stealth hunting Predator doin’ some steal hunting! Hell, it probably is my way of describing the way the guy in the second movie spends a lot of time up top checking things out, waiting for Natalie to be on her own so the minimum number of non-warriors get in the way. This was his early “basically decent for a murderous rapist” days The mercy kill he performs on Alex is a show of empathy, which pops up again in Multiverse Trophies where, when his plasmacaster (apparently acting on its own) kills Sam and Reboot Lara cries out in grief, he slashes her throat, killing her without finishing raping her. When he gets back to his ship, he actually berates himself for that, and never does it again. It's interesting to look at this in terms of the character evolving and, over multiple stories, purging himself of these emotions. I bet DS didn’t remember them here at all, and came up with it independently – must have been years since he glanced at the original story before writing the new one and shaped charges aren’t totally uncommon Second point tho’ yeah, again early Gogedheh (‘Go Get Her’ at least isn’t a silly backwards name while still being terrible...) still having some delusions of conscience or morality. And maybe a smidge of remorse. Later on as the requests demanded it he becomes even harder and less capable of human empathy than that weird biped tutle who runs the Senate for the Republicans. From what I remember DS did a pretty good job of getting the continuity in his stories to work internally even with different request demands. Thank you again! It’s really interesting to hear thoughts on the story and I’ve re-read part 2 myself to get it back in my mind and, yeah, not sure how many folks managed to get through this thing…
  19. Five Women. One Night. [AFF Edit Edition] 18584 hits and before the most recent reviews, 4 reviews! A story that at least partly inspired a series of sequels to be requested of the legendary author Deathstalker, a genius of the written word. This one, on the other hand is, uh, well, JayDee quality. Still, it seems that after reading DS’s epics one bold reviewer has waxed curious over the origin of the Villain Sue OC and let this curiousity overcome common sense. Hence, Thank you for the reviews! I am genuinely appreciative and grateful to get some feedback on this ancient thing. I personally hope that having been through alla the stories you finally decide to do your own Samus vs Predator work, because that outline you had sounded really badass. I fear you will be hugely disappointed given that Deathstalker is a really good writer capable of infusing true emotion and characterization and I was even more of a talently hack over a decade ago. For anybody else reading this and curious, this post over on the Great Wall promo’d the other site ref’d – http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/20643-the-depravity-repository/?tab=comments#comment-226004 So this is all his fault! Or hers! This was the original request in case you’re curious and I’ve PM’d you the whole thread if you want to know more [/Starship Troopers] Needless to say I went the fictional character rather than celebrity route. Well, mostly. There was on big exception that may now be explained. And the AFF edit edition cleared out the exception. So moving on before people remember I once did celeb stories. Well, maybe not that humble. god of rape? Well, there’s an idea for a story- Gogedheh vs Eparlegna in the “Great British Raping Show” “This one’s got a soggy bottom” “Oh, lot of cream on those buns.” “Tarts” etc etc No, but I guess if you’re gonna have a total villain sue effortlessly beating canon characters who, in many cases, would easily destroy him without a thought you might as well go full retard with it. Which is what I did. His descriptions sound like his Mom wrote them. I ju-wha? *laughs* Damn it, man, I was not ready for that! Hey, Clueless was an absolute classic film! Clueless vs Predator woulda been a better film than Prometheus. Thanks again for this review. *Googles Vivian Ward* Damn it, JayDee... Actually, I might be adjusting to the insanity here, at least to an extent. The idea of Julia Roberts as a ruthless crime lord is hilarious. Thanks! There’s actually a few little references like that tossed in to each chapter. I think my favorite – to the extent I can still remember it today! – is a one paragraph throwaway reference to The Long Kiss Goodnight in one of the chapters. I totally think Julia has the acting chops to do crimelord, but in another way that line is a little sweet – I mean, at least her character’s marriage worked out after Pretty Woman! I think some of those traditions are totally from the films. Well, not the uterus one. But I could swear someone gets a wrist broken at least once, and the play back taunting is definitely a film trope. I guess it’s a thing in fanfiction to take the film stuff and use it in different, entirely perverse ways. Cool to think that DS got his own spin on ‘em later though. I guess it’s a little bit of ongoing characterisation – though I remember that with DS’s there had to be some character elasticity to fit in with the requester’s wishes. Such as his developing a desire to keep going after Lara Crofts like some kind of gotta catch ‘em all pokemon hunt. ...the nature of the codpiece. Here, Gogedheh is wearing a pretty normal codpiece. In the later stories it's an armored codpiece which, in case you haven't Googled it, looks freaking hilarious. I think I just wanted to go for something he could tug aside easily or possibly had a look at the film outfit and went for something close to that. Kind of a porn pouch thing. No doubt some unpleasant kicks and/or punches led to DS having him adopt the greater protection. Or possibly he looked at some metal codpieces and spent as much time laughing as you :D Eight and a half feet? The Jungle Hunter and City Hunter were both about 7'3" (played by the 7'2" Kevin Peter Hall, and it's safe to assume the makeup adds another inch). You know, I've been building a psychological profile/character study of him in my reaction posts, but maybe it wasn't necessary. Maybe this has all been roid rage the whole time. Haha, yeah, maybe he was actually a bookish nice guy before he got gassed up! Then Hulk Hogan sent him some vitamins and BAM! BAM! SPLURT! or something. Hey, you get variation of heights amongst humans, too! If one dude can be 5’4 and another can be 7’2 then having a Predator a foot or more bigger than the film one (Gotta get that Villain Sue bigger and better shit in there!) maybe isn’t so unlikely! We’ll just assume he was wearing some platform shoes for this one, to extra intimidate his shortest target :D Or stood on a half-foot tall thing on the roof that Miho hadn’t seen so from her perspective he was 8 and a half… I dunno. Actually, it is entirely possible I have a different height later in the story. Continuity and me… Thank you again! I didn’t remember he had internal testicals. I wonder if that detailed stayed in throughout or got quietly forgotten? I also wonder what the hell made me think of it. Ahh well, thanks for coming along for the ride with this thing. If you stick it out for the rest of the chapters I hope there isn’t anything that upsets you too bad (I mean, besides the quality of the writing) and that you’re able to find some entertainment value. Somewhere. Under a rock at the back of a scene, maybe.
  20. Revenge Of The Ravenclaw aka the one where Draco gets castrated. Well. Another blank review. Not sure if meant to be an actual review, if so I thank you for the intent, or some sort of screwed up spam bot in which case, meh, at least we’re a while yet off Skynet destroying us all.
  21. This one’s been making me laugh like a fuckin’ loon for about 10 minutes. I don’t even know the characters involved.
  22. I support this recommendation! But be warned, That ending is ‘emotionally’ touching, not in the ‘Chris Hassen shows up to interview Lady Aldreda’ sense.
  23. You’re welcome!
  24. Forum activity notification “ TheBossMan started following Naruto “ and I just thought fuck me, these wrestling PPVs are getting out of hand.

  25. I mean, that does sound like a fun story! ...werewolf? I’m not entirely sure now. I think more violence, fighting and the like. The ending you went with is great tho’ It is all good. Well that’s cool! The complexity and levels of piousness definitely feels like a more realistic society. Hey, it’s a great moment! I loves how you and some of the others really research your stuff and make it realistic. It feels like a big part of writing a proper story rather than the ham fisted porn scenes some of us crap out. Hahaha :D Him and the probably-fucked-anyway-from-infection other survivor could always set up a waffle house instead. “M’Paladin” *Somehow tips coif* Makes sense tho – you do tend to pick up word patterns of folks around you, and given how much he admires her he’d probably be consciously trying to emulate her manners rather than his upbringing? I’m kind of wondering what term they did use before “telegraphing” because the concept must have been around a long time. Not to late to meet the merchant and have him introduce himself as “It’s a me, Mario!” mind :P *Hot for Teacher, scored for mandolin, begins playing* Everyone’s got a thing and it made for some good stuff so far for sure. I’m sure it’ll go down well! Yes, but at the time you said nobody knew your characters yet so you couldn’t answer :p
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