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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. When better than the January sales - "Twice the tentacles, half the price!" Also, Thanks BronxWench for your review of Crazy Pillow Talk. I'll leave a twist off next time, and that'll be the twist... heh - could be worse about the teddy, look at poor Calvin, I hear his tiger turned maneater.
  2. Sounds like fun, but I'm just too busy, sorry. Hope ya get it written!
  3. Pillow! Easily the hardest prompt yet. I couldn't think of much of anything so basically shoehorned a virtually generic tentacled beasty into a pillow. Initially I had the idea to do Screech from Saved by the Bell, but I found it hard to start, so I ended up asking "What kind of person would put a tentacle in a pillow?" and, well, The Mattress King sounds like he could be a third string Batman villain, of the themed weapon variety. And he kinda had a reason to dislike Chandler, so there was that, too. The only people who really hate Screech are the rest of the SBTB cast. They can't stand him or the actor, apparantly. ...then again the only fanfiction I ever paid another author for had a chapter of Screech getting killed by the zombie version of Lisa so... uh... Crazy Pillow Talk, the Friends fanfiction I hold up my hands and say "I did my best!" pittwitch Thank you for your review. Drop the suck and I guess it's a lot more like Joey in high school (and present. and future.) Who do you know that you want turning into a woman? It's not Hillary Clinton is it? Apollo Thank you for your review. I hear the way to keep them on your side is to leave them chocolates. Apparantly all the hotels do it. Fairy Slayer: Thank you for your review. First draft he just threw the pillow on the bed, but when I was fixing it up I thought about the Pillow getting into the bed on its own, I had the soundtrack from one of the old Loony Toon sneak scenes in my head, thought of it stopping, looking around, scooting forward, all with the old style music It doesn't translate well to the flashfic format but I'm guessing you had much the same mental image! I think his power doesn't have to be that great. Human self delusion is very powerful on its own, much like how when you read something you half the time read what you expect instead of what's there. It's hardest with his closest friends or family, but the sheer presense of female Chandler convinced she's always been that way would do a lot (especially if the transformation included some kinda gullability pheremone for the weak minded ) while Phoebe being both psychic (she was shown hearing Joey's tune in his head once), and also crazy in the kind of way it'd be hard to control, would see through it. When she says it though, they figure it's like the "This cat is my Mom" craziness. Then, for people he didn't know well, or hardly saw, they'd maybe assume he had a sex change or that he was someone else and they'd got mixed up with the other Chandler. Stuff like that. The Janice thing I actually had more detail on at the start, because when I started writing it I had stuff about how he'd been drawn to Janice initially because of her laugh reminding him of the music of the pit, while she liked him for his flashy style - it wasn't a relationship he pressured her mind into accepting. So I figured that while it was just a case of them drifting apart in their relationship it wasn't an affront to him, and if they'd actually split up without anyone else involved it wouldn't have bothered him as he too moved on to a new mate - but with her getting it on with Chandler while still married (demons might like wearing horns, but probably not the cuckold's kind...) it enraged his pride and made him jealous and want her back, so he brought her back to him. Had to trim a lot from the first paragraphs to get onto the Pillow action. Flashfics be a harsh mistress. As for Janice and new-Chandler getting together, I think he'd be in favour as long as he hadn't heard about Ross's first wife getting together with another woman ...this weirdly long review reply is probably a good indicator of how much Janice stuff I cut, hope it's not too waffly
  4. pittwitch - Thank you for your review of The Morpheus Potion. Glad you enjoyed the ending, I personally think an Orc swinging an axe at a head enhances the ending of most things, which is why I'm not allowed to work as a wedding planner anymore.
  5. Pen Name: JayDee/JD Story link: Crazy Pillow Talk Type of fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: TV > Friends Pairing: Chandler X The Pillow Entity (not an OC, more a nameless monster.). Warnings: Anal, AU/AR, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, GB, MC, NonCon, Oneshot, Oral, Other, PWP, Tent, TF
  6. JayDee


    Mis-read the subtitle - thought you were looking for that Cannibal fic about Draco in the Dessert.
  7. Got my 16th review for Unleash the Beast, a story that was so inexplicably popular I've become convinced a few people must have linked it off AFF in specialist fetish forums. It's about Hermione having sex with a dog. Another good title might have been a Stephen King homage with "Hermione's Hobby", but that's probably already been done. Anyway, as the first of the 16 since I started resonding to reviews on the forum, I am responding: Leto Night : Thank you for your review. Very glad you enjoyed the story. I'd love to write a sequal as much as you'd like to read one, but it's finding the time to do so that's the kicker, as well as a plan of the sexual encounters that isn't too samey. After Hermione's seduction in the first story, I kinda like the idea of her going back to Hogwarts and seducing the cowardly Fang but... time! damnable time!
  8. Yeah, this happened to me a couple times when a story I wrote as a oneshot got a second chapter (Mindy's Revenge was the one that came to mind quickest). I think I kept the original summaries for the first chapter.
  9. The Morpheus Potion has had another review, yay! Fairy Slayer: As ever, I thank you for your review! You got me thinking of the bedroom cleanup, my first thought was it'd be a shame if only the master alchemist was capable of mixing the right solution to get the stains out I fear poor Dar-Ma is at risk of at least one more truama, given that Orcs have a reputation for eating horses: "I'm sorry... Blossom was, uh, killed by bandits..." "Oh no! Was it quick?" "About 5 minutes a pound..."
  10. As a work around, authors could stick their email (or a free webemail created specifically for the purpose) on their profile with something like "Please email any non story specific comments here"? Would save on the coding etc...
  11. The Morpheus prompt was a toughie (I happened to have more free time earlier in the week than usual or it would have been another last minute job). I don't know why I did a second Oblivion story, but fitting the non-Oblivion term of Morpheus in via the "mad Khajiit" isn't quite as weak as it sounds, because that would be the character of M'aiq the Liar who exists in Morrowind and Oblivion to take digs at calls/complaints for game features or forum discussions. Sinderion mis-understood slightly getting sleep. Still, maybe I'd have been closer doing someting with the quest set inside someone's dream. Sinderion, Dar-Ma and her mother are all NPCs, while the rescuing Orc was the PC in a quest that also effectively involved rescuing Dar-Ma's horse, Blossom.... So The Morpheus Potion reviews: BronxWench: Thank you for your review - I found the ending quite hard to write, to fit in what I wanted without going over the word count or with what felt like too much or too little exposition, but it sure seemed like the only way to finish! Fairly fast acting Karma there... Apollo: Thank you for your review - I'm glad you found the concept interesting, I fear there's nothing worse than boring folks with my scrawlings!
  12. Pen Name: JayDee/JD Story link: The Morpheus Potion Type of fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Pairing: Sinderion (Elf) x Dar-Ma (An anthro lizard race) Warnings: Abuse, Anthro, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Death(strongly implied), D/A, M/F, NonCon, Oneshot, Oral, Other, PWP, Racist, RapeFic
  13. Apollo - Thank you for your review on the Ending story. I put in all the references so it was actually Ending prompted rather than just "and they fuck", not that it's much more than that really. PWP works for me!
  14. Hentai-foundry.com has an originals section that seems quite busy and no restrictions on themes contained.
  15. Shadow Knight: Thank you for your review on the Ending story - Glad the sex and humor worked for you... at least if he became obsessed with sex he could move out into the wilderness and raise sheep. Those Bosmer sure do love nature...
  16. anesor : Thanks for your review on the Ending the fan story - Exactly! Hell, you can even tell him to "beat it" in game and it doesn't dull his fannish enthusiasm.
  17. Ending the Fan, written for week 12's prompt ending, was 36 minutes of "fuck, I hope this makes sense" keyboard bashing after thinking of and discarding several other even weaker - if you can imagine such a thing - ideas... I guess I just wanted to write some Orc sex, not real happy with the title but until I think of something better it stays . The Adoring Fan seems to be considered deeply annoying by many players, it used to be that you'd go to a games board with Oblivion discussions and see more than a few "best ways to kill the fan" discussions, when simply taking him up high and nudging him off lost appeal. BronxWench: Thank you for your review - I figured the guy's basically a nerdy obsessive so get him laid and see if it cures that nonsense. Sex beats violence-fandom! Fairy Slayer: Thanks for your review - He certainly can attract attention, then run away and leave it angry... but, yeah, she enjoys the skirmishes because there can be quite good re-sale value on armour, and things like ogre teeth are useful if the fan has been noticed and drawn em over. Ending the fans' fandom isn't really sad - I'd bet that anybody, anybody at all associated with the arena in-game would be happy to hear it. How he didn't get a boot up his ass from some of the surly types there is surely a bit of a mystery...
  18. Pen Name: JD/JayDee Story link: Ending the Fan Type of story: Flashfic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Games > The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Pairing: The Adoring Fan x Orc Grand Champion (the player character) Warnings: Fingering, M/F, NonCon, PWP
  19. Regarding the feet, how about sandles? You can place large feet onto them and strap them in place. This allows for different combinations - say decorative or rough - or materials, from leather to less hard wearing dress sandals... Robes could be good for the body, would sort out the problem with getting feet into pants and could even have a slit at the back at the level of the tail if not baggy enough to have it underneath. Otherwise, you could have clothing that is designed to zip or button up at the back if he has someone to help him dress?
  20. Well that's very kind of you to say so, I thank you for it.
  21. I'm gonna go with Holidays.
  22. ...and another review for the Holiday Special, I am honestly surprised to get have got any from the prompt folks, never mind four, what with the unpleasant content. Shadow Knight: Thank you for your review. I'd love to take credit for puns but I can only think of one in ther so I guess I must modestly proclaim no pun intended... Of course it's cheesy, cheesy style horror is the most entertaining, s'why I'd rather watch Return of the Living Dead or something than say Hostel.
  23. I prefer typing, mostly because it would feel like a waste of effort to me to write everything out, then type it up for my internet victims readers. Typewriters are great to use, but it's been 13 or 14 years since I had the chance. I like the noises and the feel of them, but as noted by SK, mistakes could be an issue - especially if your typing skill was as weak as mine could be.
  24. Another review on Mindy's Revenge: The Holiday Special: BronxWench: Thank you for your review! Yes indeed, Homer's aware Mindy was attracted to him at work, as he was to her, but it's set up like in the episode with Homer rejecting her and basically thinking no more about her after she lost her job. Mindy, on the other hand, got - in the words of the old game 7th Guest "crazy, sick and mean". I tend to find Yule Log cakes to be too rich and sickly to enjoy, but it may be I have only had the cheaper supermarket sort; one of the French originals would probably be tastier.
  25. It probably doesn't hurt that, having read raving reviews of it too and liking the gameplay descriptions, I'd quite like to play the game the fandom is for Maybe next year if I buy a more powerful computer for Elder Scrolls V I'll get Dragon Age Origins as well.
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