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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. Pen Name: JD/JayDee Story link: Jenny From The Pond Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Folklore Pairing: N/A Warnings: AFFO, Language, NoSex, OC
  2. Well, for the prompt Moon, I was about as literal as I could get with the flashfic Millicent Moons Luna. Possibly a slight cheat here, as I have been thinking of the Luna/Millicent pairing for some time; I wanted to do a (for me) full length story with the two, as I haven't done a lot of femslash. I am not sure why I am drawn to them as a pairing - I'm pretty sure there is nothing canonical to support it - but it could well be the contrasts in the two, as Fairy Slayer has pointed out to me in review. Fairy Slayer - Thanks for your review! I wish I could write reviews as well as you do. Sadly, I think the more serious HP writers would say the characterisation is probably, uh, vaguely inaccurate at best. Not just the 'being a lesbian' thing, heh. I went with what made the porn work really... *embarressed cough* I figure using a girl called Luna makes it three types of moon Heh, I pretty much forgot about the pictures when it came to the story codes. I probably need to go add a voy tag, but then since they aren't desribed being voyeurs it's probably not needed. pittwitch : Thanks for your review! I quite often find myself snowed under with work during the week and having the bash 'em out on Saturdays. The easiest thing would be to write them on Sunday, but I don't tend to have the idea properly fixed in my head quickly enough. Yep, Millicent saw got a screeching change of view with that kiss... BronxWench : Thanks for your review: I guess Millicent isn't so poor - she made a new friend - but she did have to learn that messing with mildly crazy people with nothing to lose isn't always going to go the way you plan. S'funny how Moonstruck has fallen out of fashion as a term but we still use Lunatic a lot. I like the sound of it really.
  3. This prompt is now closed (as of February 28th 2011). Nothing to stop you being prompted to write a story of course, but the rewards and whatnot are no longer available, not a problem there really Reminder: Same rules apply for user prompts as the weekly prompt. This user prompt is: Snuff Heartfelt thanks to anybody who takes part. In place of the AFF weekly challenge Reward banners: I will read & review at least the first chapter or a complete oneshot of any AFF hosted story - (Provide link at bottom of reply post) - OR - send you 10 million forum points (registered users only). Please state reward wanted. One reward only per user - while the reward is probably worthless to many, leaving only the challenge of the challenge, I feel I need to state this just in case a twitficing review fanatic with a spare hour feels like banging in 50 entries of gentleman's powder pinching, and asked 50 reviews on huge oneshots in reply. It's the internet - stranger things have happened! The closing date for this user prompt is 28th February 2011.
  4. Well, a happy ending technical workaround kerjigga then! Good luck finding stuff more to your taste (F/F without some form of oral may be a tricky one...), and I managed to inadvertantly prove that I am a far more disgusting person Not entirely fair - a lot of new tags have been introduced, so a story predating them would generally not have them unless an author happened to go back and add 'em. There's also some duplication of themes in tags, so someone might have a topic covered by one or not the other. Going from tags and deciding what you want to read and what you don't care for is something I heartily endorse, though, so I hope it mostly works out for you there too. JayDee, now thinks Weaveworld Refugee would be an swesome pen name. But maybe too fandom specific.
  5. From what I've seen you're not disgusting.... those kinks are pretty vanilla compared to some of the works going on around here, so don't worry about that. Thing is it can take a while to get a reply on a fic search (unless, curiously, it's something like "And harry discovers he is secretly the nephew of whatshisface Cullen while Draco was born from a Jelly trifle, and they lust for each other" that'd get thousands of replies) so posting it and waiting a while is the best idea, along with what RogueMudblood suggests on specifics. I can't think of anything that covers all your tags within the HP fandom, but there is certainly Luna and humil action in my PWP story 'For the Profit of The Slytherin', and Ginny in 'Revenge Of The Ravenclaw'(little in the way of angry girl on guy violence there, brief forced M/M but otherwise...eh as PWP goes, they go)... Non HP fandom, I did a story called The Taking of Felicia Hardy with elements of slavery, humil and similar, and not much violence at all... That's also M/F though. Not much more I could suggest this time of the morning, except again to re-iterate both patience and that - even with the forum looking increasingly maternal in make up - there's waaaaay more peversities on AFF
  6. Pen Name: JD/JayDee Story link: Millicent Moons Luna Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Millicent Bulstrode x Luna Lovegood Warnings: F/F, Fingering, PWP
  7. Another store suggestion - How about a "currency reset" - in the same way that hyperinflation led to devaluation of past currencies when there was too much in circulation. If it can be done easily/quickly, how about resetting the accounts of anybody with, say, more than 5,000 points to the 5K mark? (or less. I just picked a low arbitary figure from my ass that reflects, say, a good pot from the old casino/arcades) to give a fair playing field for the new economy. Many - probably all - of the older hugely rich accounts came from the way the old bank cards handled interest over several months of cumulative wotsit on the big cards rather than any kind of skill/playing around. Seems like y'all might have more fun if you were actually battling for the top spot... but I never did the ib battle pro thing so maybe being near the top wasn't just the thrill. ...Just some rambly thoughts.
  8. I suspect you may be thinking of a story by Deathstalker which is no longer on his author profile page. I can't think of any others... as for orc rape/abuse in general if you fancy seeing a legendary fanfiction on that topic, have a search around for the great story Celebrian (featuring the elf of the same name, who in canon was Elrond's wife) described by one reviwer as "Celebrian is a smut fanfiction story set in Middle-earth. It is infamous for its graphic and disgusting sex scenes". High praise indeed. I am sure you can find a copy through google.
  9. Credit Cards - with Greek myth theme: "Midas Gold Touch Card" - Top credit limit "Artemis' Silver Arrow Card" - medium-high "Colossus Bronze Plated Card" - medium-low "Charon's Copper Obol Card" - bottom limit (the thread appearance loaded kinda funny for me... EDIT - Had similar problems on other threadsy, cleared all my cookies/history and reloaded and it is fine now! Looks like something had an update thingmajig. Heh.)
  10. Morrigayne - Thank you for your review on The Morpheus Potion - Seems to have been quite a popular ending, I have to wonder if readers who've been trying to find all the Nirnroot find it that much more satisfying...
  11. We'll have to wait and see what prompts come up
  12. That link may well prove useful for my future writing, thanks! (Although, if I ever write anything that seems anatomically accurate I might offend my fanbase so I'd have to be careful... )
  13. I started the prompts with Horsecock and, when the new prompt sand proved too hard to do something more thematically original with, fell back on it. Falling back on horsecock isn't as easy as you might think. I hear the ER people never believe it. So.. figured I needed a horse, and a desert, and then I remembered the Narnian story least likely to get a film version. I had a bit of trouble with the title, trying various Sandy Sheath variations before googling to see if "The Horse and His Girl" had already been used... it sure had, so I went with "The Horse and His Cock" which brought no google matches on the +"" search mode and more because there's some writer on the Hentai foundry forums who made at least three or four recent posts in various threads about not liking stories with horsecock. So here I am with review replies: Fairy Slayer: - Thanks for your review. I wasn't even sure if a horse could get sand trapped there, which was why I tried to indicate some possible Aslan involvement. Just in case. There is water there, but what I was trying to get at was how coming from Calormen the water would probably taste different with different soils/rocks/minerals filtered through, so no worries about dehydration When she finds the truth, "What do you mean you don't milk male horses? None of them told me that! I even asked this wise old Centaur and he told me... Bah! Narnians!" The title was hard (see above ) Where does the chainsaw come in to your thoughts though? I've been having images of something like "Evil Dead 4: Army of Foghorn Leghorn." "You gotta - I say, you gotta give me some suger, baby." Apollo: Thanks you for your review. They talk about romantic beach experiances, but fuck if you aren't dealing with sand weeks later. If they found a way to weaponise that stuff, they'd make millions. I dunno, I just like horses! BronxWench: Thanks for your review. I'm sort of worried about Aravis seeming too innocent, but I think it's mostly in keeping with her family wanting her married off in the book. pittwitch: Thanks for your review! Geldings are the ones whove had their balls lopped off, right? I used gelding as a pen name on an anonymous story a while back (not here). Maybe the real horses can talk, but keep it a secret so we don't make 'em do worse stuff. Maybe they only reveal it just before they have you alone on some high cliff and kick you off, "Ha ha! Horse whip that you two legged bastard!" Maybe I've gotten off topic in this review reply... uh, believe me you are not the first person to find themselves disturbed after reading something I've written. Many assume me to be disturbed too, admittedly with some justification. Maybe I ought to follow up with a Hwin story, sort of a virgin mare/wise man opposite approach... Hermit's time to shine!
  14. Well it was more just tasteful and dramatic until the erotica part - That Sloth Demon work part time for the Playgirl network?
  15. JayDee


    Maybe they thought Logan's Run was a documentary?
  16. Pen Name: JD/JayDee Story link: The Horse and His Cock Type of fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: Books > The Chronicles of Narnia > The Horse and His Boy Pairing: Aravis x Bree Warnings: AU/AR, Beast, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, HJ, M/F, Oneshot, Oral, PWP
  17. Thank you Shadow Knight for your review on Crazy Pillow Talk - I kinda want to write more Chandler is a girl stuff... it shouldn't be the end, it should be a new beginning! (Female Chandler x Ross & Joey would be a hot threesome... damnit).
  18. And here: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096086 http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096085 I guess to cover both fandoms rather than putting in crossover?
  19. When better than the January sales - "Twice the tentacles, half the price!" Also, Thanks BronxWench for your review of Crazy Pillow Talk. I'll leave a twist off next time, and that'll be the twist... heh - could be worse about the teddy, look at poor Calvin, I hear his tiger turned maneater.
  20. Sounds like fun, but I'm just too busy, sorry. Hope ya get it written!
  21. Pillow! Easily the hardest prompt yet. I couldn't think of much of anything so basically shoehorned a virtually generic tentacled beasty into a pillow. Initially I had the idea to do Screech from Saved by the Bell, but I found it hard to start, so I ended up asking "What kind of person would put a tentacle in a pillow?" and, well, The Mattress King sounds like he could be a third string Batman villain, of the themed weapon variety. And he kinda had a reason to dislike Chandler, so there was that, too. The only people who really hate Screech are the rest of the SBTB cast. They can't stand him or the actor, apparantly. ...then again the only fanfiction I ever paid another author for had a chapter of Screech getting killed by the zombie version of Lisa so... uh... Crazy Pillow Talk, the Friends fanfiction I hold up my hands and say "I did my best!" pittwitch Thank you for your review. Drop the suck and I guess it's a lot more like Joey in high school (and present. and future.) Who do you know that you want turning into a woman? It's not Hillary Clinton is it? Apollo Thank you for your review. I hear the way to keep them on your side is to leave them chocolates. Apparantly all the hotels do it. Fairy Slayer: Thank you for your review. First draft he just threw the pillow on the bed, but when I was fixing it up I thought about the Pillow getting into the bed on its own, I had the soundtrack from one of the old Loony Toon sneak scenes in my head, thought of it stopping, looking around, scooting forward, all with the old style music It doesn't translate well to the flashfic format but I'm guessing you had much the same mental image! I think his power doesn't have to be that great. Human self delusion is very powerful on its own, much like how when you read something you half the time read what you expect instead of what's there. It's hardest with his closest friends or family, but the sheer presense of female Chandler convinced she's always been that way would do a lot (especially if the transformation included some kinda gullability pheremone for the weak minded ) while Phoebe being both psychic (she was shown hearing Joey's tune in his head once), and also crazy in the kind of way it'd be hard to control, would see through it. When she says it though, they figure it's like the "This cat is my Mom" craziness. Then, for people he didn't know well, or hardly saw, they'd maybe assume he had a sex change or that he was someone else and they'd got mixed up with the other Chandler. Stuff like that. The Janice thing I actually had more detail on at the start, because when I started writing it I had stuff about how he'd been drawn to Janice initially because of her laugh reminding him of the music of the pit, while she liked him for his flashy style - it wasn't a relationship he pressured her mind into accepting. So I figured that while it was just a case of them drifting apart in their relationship it wasn't an affront to him, and if they'd actually split up without anyone else involved it wouldn't have bothered him as he too moved on to a new mate - but with her getting it on with Chandler while still married (demons might like wearing horns, but probably not the cuckold's kind...) it enraged his pride and made him jealous and want her back, so he brought her back to him. Had to trim a lot from the first paragraphs to get onto the Pillow action. Flashfics be a harsh mistress. As for Janice and new-Chandler getting together, I think he'd be in favour as long as he hadn't heard about Ross's first wife getting together with another woman ...this weirdly long review reply is probably a good indicator of how much Janice stuff I cut, hope it's not too waffly
  22. pittwitch - Thank you for your review of The Morpheus Potion. Glad you enjoyed the ending, I personally think an Orc swinging an axe at a head enhances the ending of most things, which is why I'm not allowed to work as a wedding planner anymore.
  23. Pen Name: JayDee/JD Story link: Crazy Pillow Talk Type of fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: TV > Friends Pairing: Chandler X The Pillow Entity (not an OC, more a nameless monster.). Warnings: Anal, AU/AR, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, GB, MC, NonCon, Oneshot, Oral, Other, PWP, Tent, TF
  24. JayDee


    Mis-read the subtitle - thought you were looking for that Cannibal fic about Draco in the Dessert.
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