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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. This story for prompt bastion only. Pen Name: JayDee Story Link: The Horse and His Cock: The Badger's Trick Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: The Chronicles of Narnia Pairing: Aravis/Bree Warnings: M/F, Beast, PWP
  2. Move the female characters out of the way and suddenly there's more "reason" for the male characters to make with the chocolate cha cha. It's generic slashfic 101!
  3. Well, that, and the fact that everything she owned was bright pink.
  4. That really sucks. At least a DCMA ought to be effective with those proper retailers.
  5. I always like the Centaurs. Gotta love the horsecock.
  6. JayDee


    You're welcome.
  7. I guess the gang rape content is ok then! There's two sequels in my profile then, one with some Ginny.
  8. JayDee


    http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600016968 Probably.
  9. While I'm grateful to see something I wrote mentioned I ought to confirm for the original poster that that's a gang rape story not a gang bang, which was why I didn't link it myself I realise that originally the terms were used interchangeably, but now it's most common to see gang bang with consenting participants. If the OP is happy with gang rape stories then it's all good, but obviously a lot of users don't like to suddenly see NC material when not expecting it. Hope I don't sound too much of an asshole for pointing this out!
  10. A lot of the PWP authors would need specialist software, to learn to touch type one handed
  11. ...because why should the Full Metal Wossname fans have all the fun with their exclusive thread in anime? Well, they shouldn't. That would be silly. OTP = One True Pairing, if you are spectacularly new to fanfiction. I'm looking at the blatently underage people who make comments that are blatently about something happening in junior high, and then claim to be discussing college. You know who you are. I'm gonna go for Dude/Walter from The Big Lebowski. Because that's the sweetest most perfect goddamn couple in the world. Yes it is. Shut the fuck up, Donny.
  12. As a gamer, I was going to write a C.O.D. C.O. O.C. with O.C.D but my eyes crossed.
  13. JayDee

    Seeking Pleasure

    It is sad day when google fu fails. Contemplate the cherry blossom falling from the tree and sigh.
  14. If it was a really terrible story, then it might have been this one because I have a hard time resisting detailed requests If it is that one.... 6449 hits and only one review, leave a review! Edit: That one has always been under the xmen domain though, so maybe it was another one?
  15. As part of Gertrude Flint's November 2013 Harry Potter Review self-challenge I've got a new review for Nymphadora Necrophilia. Which is awesome! Thank you for your review, and once again good luck in fulfilling your challenge! Regarding the title - I figured with something like this going for the blatently frank title was the best bet. No chance of people accusing me of mis-leading them in the contents! Yes, I thought the early "similar to book" Flitwick look from the movies was too Yoda like for this kind of thing, it was the later interpretation I had in mind. Bellatrix ought to win more often. She's just crazy enough to work! And, yeah, you can't have a dwarf on that kind of anal rampage without some soreness. That's why Snow White had hemorrhoids as red as blood. Thanks for the missing-word point out, I will edit it later Very useful to get that kind of thing because sometimes when I read through I guess my mind fills in bits that should be there, but are not. (I'd edit it right away, but I have a bit of a run around with the editing on here due to my obsolete computer and browser. Bellatrix had a quicker time coming back from the dead...) That whole idea of Voldemort!Lupin and Bellatrix!Nymphadora raising Teddy is all kinds of awesome. It's probably far to close to proper fanfiction for me to take a shot at it, but it would be cool to see. Nice idea generation yourself. Thank you again, and good luck again! PS:...I did specify Brutally Honest rather than Nice didn't I?
  16. I'm game, thanks and good luck hitting your target! This story is 4 chapters but the total word count is under 4000 words which is about one chapter for many authors, so I don't think it's too long to get through (looking at your LJ limits etc) The penalties seem hard on yourself tho! Still, it is a noble endeavor and I am happy to offer a fic - and rather than clutter this thread I'll post a reply to any review you're able to make here Story: Nymphadora Necrophilia http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094471 Do you want me to say what I like about it? yes Do you want me to say what I don't like about it? yes Do you want me to "be nice"? no Do you want me to be brutally honest? yes Do you want constructive criticism? yes Any special instructions? No thank you Anything you particularly want in a review? moral condemnation I think the previous questions would cover it! Thanks again even if you don't manage to review this'n! EDIT: Thanks for your review! I have pasted a reply here and am very grateful for your thoughts and feedback.
  17. Nah, I keep my heart hidden somewhere. Can't say where. That's a secret. Well.. Haunting Horsecock the story I wrote mostly for prompts and partly to see if I could fit horsecock into a story title (and I can't believe it's now 3 years since I did the first part! Tempus Wossname indeed) has gained another review: Thank you kindly for your poetic review - It's a very interesting way to look at the two parts and actually makes me wish I'd had more wordcount to put into them at the time, but perhaps the effect would have been lost if I'd done so. A nice primal ghost story... I like that. There probably are more stories out there, but as the search forum here shows it can be hard to find some themes I guess. At least you found and liked this'n. Thanks again!
  18. Heh, well thanks again for the review!
  19. Review for Introducin​g Upsilon Delta Gamma I kind've panicked when I got the email with "Body of review from AFFModerator follows:" because I couldn't work out what was wrong with it alla this time later. Then I read the review and realised that one of the moderators had just forgotten to log back into their personal account Phew! Thank you for your review, mysterious stranger! I actually had an idea for a few stories with Joy and colleagues - Joy first appeared chronologically-older in my prompted challengefic Joy-Filled Chad, in which Chad, um, didn't get things as easy as Gene did here. If I ever get back to it, I'll promote hell out of it in the promotions forum. I'm glad there felt like there was some realism, I think I saw Joy as up for anything to get the best out of herself and her partner(s)/friends/passing strangers.
  20. Well, it doesn't always work I'd re-read it quick if I were you - their profile indicates they're seeking publishing stuff and a lot of writers take their stuff down if'n they get a deal. Well, that and the A/N chapter is something mods look into as well I vaguely recall. If I ever had the desire to use one I'd totally brush up on the rule and find out if I could or not, but I think it was not.... anyway, enjoy yer re read. Hopefully if it doesn't confirm that this Avery Fitz Gerald, perhaps it will confirm if Gerald Fitz Avery...
  21. Behold, the power of GOOGLE FU http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096849 from search terms: avery vampire site:adult-fanfiction.org
  22. Unless you have a bit of a readership built up, or write in certain very popular sub-sub areas, you're gonna find a lack of reviews anyways oftimes. I mean, my last story has 5285 hits and 2 reviews which is a good ratio for me!
  23. ...when I hear Elliot Spencer I always think of Pinhead
  24. Of course I don't mind! I think the whole idea they have of linking to the forum threads is that so writers can have discussions with readers that don't take up story database space. I can't honestly say I'll write more HP stories anytime soon, I seem to have less and less time for writing and reading these days. Should I find myself up to it though, I'd take a crack at Harry/Molly. G'luck with your requests and thanks again for that review!
  25. ..and less than two weeks later, the second part of The Slave of Bones is written and posted. I think the second part came out better than the first, but let's face it - this is the kind of PWP that will either be liked by people with a fetish for the central niche theme, or ignored. Anyway, a second review as uploading the concluding part brings on a 1000 or so hits: Thanks for your review! A rare case of the specific pairing overruling the RapeFic tag, eh? If I did HP/MW I'd probably do it as cons Molly seducing 'arry, but can't promise anything! Anyway, glad you read it if only for the pairing
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