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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. The point is, you were under 18 when you added them. You were not allowed to be here then in the first place. You're LUCKY I didn't delete everything. Once a record is removed from the database, it's gone permanently.
  2. The issues apply to Safari and Chrome users. For some weird reason, the skin portion of the arcade refuses to draw correctly in Safari and Chrome. It works perfectly FINE in Internet Explorer and Firefox. Anyway, I'll be adding games to this likely throughout the day Disregard the categories, that seems to be inoperative as well for it.
  3. DemonGoddess

    Man and lions

    Given that the content was posted by a user who was UNDER 18 at the time is was posted, that would be WHY the story is no longer here. Nor the user.
  4. They were deleted because you posted them when you were underage. As you are WELL aware, the site has strict rules of use regarding the age of the user. Now that you're over 18, you're welcome to repost them.
  5. In that point I disagree. Reviews belong to the story they are attached TO. Which is why they technically then belong to the AUTHOR. Only two people can remove them from the board, in the software. The person who left the review, and the person who's story it's attached to. For ME to remove a review, means I go in to the table, find it, and then delete it. I do agree on the laziness, though. When one considers that recently someone told me they'd leave more reviews if they "didn't have to prove they were human", but don't want to be bothered to have to fill in a recaptcha form. When I actually have time to read (which is very rare these days), even IF I don't leave a review, I always rate the story.
  6. Updated the banner software (which is why the forum was a bit wonky earlier). Made the two graphics, still have to port in 2 forum modifications.

  7. The problem here is that the software is abandonware. The company which originally made the scripts is defunct. So any programming changes have to be made independently. Now, there has been extensive rewriting of many parts of the archive. However, there's only so much any one person can do on any given day. Add to that, that I'm very, very careful before instituting any changes, in that anything drastic has to be tested before being unleashed. Tested extensively, I might add.
  8. I see no reason to make it so that authors are unable to control their content, including the reviews they keep, or don't keep. When it comes to flames, spam or troll reviews, I hope the users report those. Often, they do. In that for instance, yes, they SHOULD leave the review in place. That gives me a place to work from regarding that. As far as spamming review boards themselves, that was a real problem for many years. This is exactly why users are now required to "prove they're human" with recaptcha. I know that people who went through that here for years, would really rather not find they have 300 reviews all saying the same thing which overloads their review board, and is a spam message.
  9. We're looking at thousands to source the programmers and such, if that's how we go about it. Further, the whole thing is, if I rework it to allow reviews and review replies to live in a separate db, that's honestly the only way it'll be doable. That's for STARTERS. The archive database is 7.7GB. That's HUGE.
  10. It looks like the author was as well, if they went by the same pen name. If that's the case, then what would have caused it most likely was the user being underage at time of posting.
  11. I've beta'd in the past as well. I liked doing it, but ended up giving it up because RL commitments made it so I no longer had any time to devote to it. The writers I worked with understood that. We worked out a schedule, which took a bit of adjusting on both ends. I'd give an approximate completion time, they'd tell me if they needed it sooner. If I could manage that, I did. If not, I told them. Communication is of course key when working from either side of it, whether as a writer or a beta. I suppose in that respect I was a bit spoiled. I worked with adults, who UNDERSTOOD real life commitments such as job and family. They sure never gave me grief over it. It sounds like you need to lay some ground rules with the kid (I say that because she sure sounds like one) and tell her if that's not acceptable, to find someone else.
  12. 2112 Overture - Rush
  13. Well sure, but when it comes to the art itself, the big thing is to have it acknowledged as good.
  14. Okay, the IP thing. Sure, I can get information from IP addresses, where I need to. But, unless it's for something I have to do, normally I won't bother to look. I'd say the same goes for anyone else with that access. I think Danyealle is right on the "bad boy" thing. Although I'm happy to say that that has never been a factor for me, personally. At least when I was a single person, and dating. I always figured if someone was going to treat me poorly, why in hell do I want to take things further? Then there are the for instances where a person's "true colors" don't show up until AFTER one is involved with them. My answer to that was ....good bye. Don't need the aggravation nor the poor treatment.
  15. Y'see, this is where having to be automatically disqualified from entering because I'm staff is bothersome to me, in that I can't participate. I don't write, but I'm an artist. Having said that though, the staff exclusion is FAIR and I'm the one who insisted on it. I digress. If I were able to do this, the thing which would attract me, is having my original work acknowledged, and seen.
  16. On the agenda...Need to work on advanced search, need to make 2 graphics for drabble stuff (yes I'm behind again). Need to do add in points system, then new arcade for forum.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      thankee. It's only points and arcade for the forum. The other stuff is for the archive.

    3. Shadowknight12


      Oh, yeah, you run all that, too! We should have an admin appreciation day or something.

    4. DemonGoddess


      pfft. I'm perfectly happy when I don't encounter code or db problems. THOSE make me cranky

  17. Well, I don't get it either. But then again, I don't write so I have no idea what sparks certain types of character development for writers as plot devices.
  18. Having gone through this story, what you should do, is remove the "other celebs mentioned", and then edit your disclaimer as needed when you add more real people. If you think you're going to end up exceeding the 240 character limit eventually, simply do as I instructed earlier with the "full disclaimer below" statement. By the way, if you add more later, by doing that, if you ADD it to the new chapter where the new real person is mentioned, that works as well. So, say for example you have edited your disclaimer in the field to say "See full disclaimer below". Then, the very first group of text in the chapter would be the disclaimer. IF you should happen to change your story to where you add another real person, or a few more real people, than add the changed disclaimer to the chapter affected. You could go ahead and edit where the disclaimer originally is in your story, but if you simply add a revised one where it's needed, that works just as well.
  19. Mulle, One thing that you can do, even though it's not within the story, is create a topic in the forum associated where you have your work uploaded. For example, if you publish in originals, you would go here, choose the appropriate forum and make your topic. Not only can you make responses as long as you want, individually if that's your preference; (start topic, make an individual post to the topic to each reviewer) you're also not limited by word count, unlike in the archive. In the archive, if you have an AN that exceeds 600 words, you can't do it, and we do say something to you. You end up having to edit it, or potentially losing all the work. Anyway, after you make your topic, you put a link in your story (I know the html is not clickable, but it is easy enough to copy/paste or highlight link/follow link) and your readers will see your replies. Not only that, they can in turn respond to you. Without logging in, or creating a login. I do understand authors wanting to respond within the archive, and having their readers respond there as well, but as I've said many times before, the code simply does not support it. Not only that, with the size of the archive database itself, it's much healthier for it, if the answers are redirected to a program which can handle the load better. That has everything to do with how each program handles data inserts, but I won't get in to that here.
  20. Dogs - Pink Floyd
  21. <p class=MsoNormal style='text-indent:.5in'> That tag is not allowed in the archive, in that format. Only very basic tag formats are supported. To add an indent, you'd do something like this, using the space tag - <p> text here</p> Without the use of a specific style sheet for each story, which is NOT supported in the software, html requires that you use the space tag to add more than one space before or after any word. To avoid the default line between each paragraph when using the tag, simply make it one large paragraph, as you're wanting to use indents to indicate start of new paragraphs. Where you want the line break for the next paragraph to occur, you would use the line break tag - </br> It can be inserted as either <br> or </br>, does not require an open/close statement.
  22. These links will help you as well. Example in resources forum, and the FAQ giving more in depth of an explanation. Also, if you KNOW the disclaimer will exceed the 240 character limit, you simply put in the field - See full disclaimer below. It helps if you tell us WHERE it is, as well. Often, what people do where they have to add to it, they'll put it on the first page, and edit as they need to.
  23. author corrected shortly after email recieved.
  24. Deleted duplicate
  25. The reason she is no longer here, and her stories are gone is because I deleted her. The user was underage when she created her login, underage when she posted the stories. As she's just now 18, she can come back.
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