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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I don't recall seeing any futaWillow stories...anywhere. I've seen genderbenders with other characters though.
  2. Has to work today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      Only for a couple hours, and now I'm done.

    3. Shadowknight12


      Congrats! Well hey! Money, right? ;)

    4. DemonGoddess


      with work slowing down, any time I get more work, you bet.

  3. What we're saying to do, is where you copied the page to your virtual desktop, to delete it. By copying the page, what your machine does is make it so it paths to your c: drive, and THEN the web url. When it does that, browsers are looking for the physical data on your machine, rather than following the link. If you bookmark a link in your browser, that's entirely another thing, as what it does then is store the address in the browser so that you click the link and go to it. What I'm thinking happened, is that rather than save the SHORTCUT, you saved the PAGE. Had you saved the shortcut to your virtual desktop, it would work.
  4. gone now
  5. yes it's possible.... Why don't you guys start throwing in suggestions?
  6. Okay, these are the defaults with the forum: Bad -20 Poor -10 Neutral 0 Good 10 Excellent 20 The fun thing is, I can add to this...
  7. I'd have to look to find the exact breakdown, but if I remember right, once you get 10, you're "good" and I'm sure there are some for negative rates as well.
  8. Well, the reputation score is based on whether or not someone clicks + or - on a post you made. On other boards you may have seen a "karma" thing instead of reputation. Same thing, done the same way. As to the battle game, I also IMPATIENTLY await the coders making it compatible to IPB 3.x. *sighs*
  9. The link you screened is working in four different browsers that I tried. What it looks like is that when you copied the link to your desktop, it is very likely pathing to your hardrive AND the web url, which is why it won't work.
  10. Looking at the address bar, what Apollo said is exactly what's happening. You're trying to access a deleted story.
  11. NINETEEN - Runner up Snowy hills TWENTY - Runner up Waterfalls/river of blood
  12. So, in other words, you connect via some kind of wireless connection. Have you checked your IE settings to make sure that there are not blocks in place, due to stuff like age restrictions?
  13. This is the original vid by The Firm and then...from the 2006 Trek Con
  14. As you read this on fanfiction.net and know that's where you found it, why on earth would you post this HERE?
  15. I checked yesterday following your email, and had people checking for me while I was at work. None of us were able to duplicate the problem. How do you connect to the internet? Slow connection maybe? The only other thing that makes sense is some sort of browser issue. But, without knowing what browser you're using, I couldn't even begin to make a good guess.
  16. if you have an s in the path that would be why. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org
  17. On the agenda...2 graphics, update worksheet, do some RL stuff

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      that RL stuff is neverending...

    3. BoredStraight


      RL stuff sucks.... like cleaning my RL house today after I leave my RL job... grrrrr

    4. DemonGoddess


      LOL, yep. Gotta do the damn dishes and laundry, BESIDES this bedamned thing I've been working on.

  18. It could be that there was an unexpected spike in traffic. When this occurs, have you tried to navigate to other parts of the archive to see if you get the same error? The other likely possibility, depending upon time, is that I'm running a database utility and it's running through those tables at that particular moment. How long does this last when it happens?
  19. FIFTEEN - 8th Place SIXTEEN - 4th Place SEVENTEEN - 2nd Place EIGHTEEN - 7th Place
  20. Because it's a reality series, and it involves real people, it's going to go to celebs
  21. Please do not use this forum to ask other users to send you content which doesn't belong to them. Thank you.
  22. Something else to keep in mind is we have authors who MST others, which is fine. Now, in those for instances, should the author being MST'd have a problem with the story, then I would be obligated to remove it, yes. But most of the time, the authors have great senses of humor, so I've yet to encounter that as in issue.
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