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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I'll fix it again, that's not a problem. FWIW, I'm still looking for ways to either make it so that the rate is tied to a logged in member, or eliminating it entirely.
  2. Another very real likelihood, as you're a fairly new user, is that you may have been in the wrong subdomain when you looked at your profile initially. If so, then you'd only see the expandable title for the category where your story is at, and not the story listing. However, clicking that expandable title also takes you to the subdomain in question, and then you see all titles added to that subdomain.
  3. DemonGoddess


    Your best bet would be to check for the author by name in the search function, then look at their story listing. However, I searched the databases for that author, and unless they're using a different pen name, they're not here. As to searching by story title, you must be in the subdomain where the stories live, first.
  4. Lamia
  5. If you're talking about the story Noble Blood, it's here. As to copyright infringement, anything that we process having to do with that, for the most part, is plagiarism. Had this author plagiarised, the account would not still exist. I'm thinking you're thinking of something else.
  6. I write stuff too, on paper. Not for writing, per se, as I'm not a creative writer. But, for code changes and other things? You betcha. Besides, while computers are wonderful things, I always have a paper back up too. Especially when it comes to keeping track of what I've changed, and things like that.
  7. There are many FAQ added for this sort of thing. Here are a few to start you off. Jump Menu How to Add a Story Disclaimers Story Codes Story Ratings Allowed HTML tags Adding Chapters Editing/Deleting Chapters That should help get you started
  8. I suppose gam rape is next?
  9. The one was only voted negatively about 10 votes, whereas the other was increased by over 100, as you said. All either of us can do, is you keep track, and I'll keep fixing.
  10. Search, and challenge/request forums - guests can start topics and post replies. Fanfiction forums, guests can post replies.
  11. The old account was merged to the new, and there was no data attached to the old one.
  12. should be all good now.
  13. Definitely not your imagination. This is something which we see more often certain times of year, unfortunately. Especially when the kiddies are home from school and visiting where they're not supposed to be. I'll get it taken care of for you today at some point.
  14. I don't recall getting a deletion request from the user you're asking about, so if the story and author are gone, it's a safe bet the author was too young to be here, most likely.
  15. Set records I bet
  16. deleted
  17. And here we have yet another person trying to pass someone else's stuff off as their own. They never learn do they?? It gets better. Not only did this person delete everything once she knew we were on to her, and that she'd end up in the Hall of Shame, she created a second account within 30 minutes of deleting all the content from the first account. Original profile New profile Ya know... we don't just take care of the one for instance. We actively monitor for returns. Original author story listing Plagiarist story listing And the plagiarism.. Oh yeah, for the forum users (registered)...the forum profile We now return you to your regular broadcast schedule...
  18. Holy cow! How much snow did you end getting?
  19. After work, this one gets to join the Hall of Shame. http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/user/18036-harrysgirl7life/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Oh, goodie! I bought marshmallows right before I got snowed in! :D

    3. Shadowknight12


      I knew I smelled something fishy...

    4. DemonGoddess


      good snarking on that link all!

  20. Total members looked at - 1729 Inconclusive results - 301 -- Confirmed as over 18 - 400 -- Over 18 and posting for underager - 14 -- Running initial check on - 26 -- Total processed out, or being worked on currently Returned one or more times and still under 18 - 45 Old minors (from before current mod team) - 528 Minors deleted, and now 18 (can return) - 225 Underage accounts taken over - 12 Deleted once, not returned - 178 In process of being deleted - 15
  21. LittleMouse
  22. Archive profile See this? 157 stories. That's right. 157. All with the same damn thing. Except a name change. So, I asked if I could delete this spammer/troll....THING. Imagine my surprise, when I found out, that this person has been trolling the archive off and on since 2002. EIGHT YEARS. Well, enough is enough, yes? No more of your garbage unstories are allowed here.
  23. Shadows of the Night by CrimsonRogue
  24. Lookie here! This one is a gem....the copy/paste monster don't ya know? Gets better. This one did it TWICE. Two different stories, two different authors stolen from. Buh-bye, Auf Wiedersehen, Sayonara....
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