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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Deleted the other story she did this with as well. Also checked to be sure that the other stories were not the same in different subdomains.
  2. I get testy at that. So do the users. Some like to create new accounts and re-add work for exposure. Been running in to that with merging the dupes. I deleted the newer upload
  3. salt, shovel, salt, shovel, salt, shovel...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      nah, it's not so bad if it's kept up with ya know. This makes second time today...

    3. BronxWench


      ::readies salt and shovel::

    4. kagome26isawsome


      wanna come do my driveway? lol

  4. And here is the tantrum.... Someone got a wee bit ...testy at being caught! That's okay. We understand. You had to have a tantrum I notice you start out your list of Hall of Shamers with someone who stole from a dead person.
  5. annnnddddd.....here you go!
  6. Woot! ManUtd 1 Liverpool 0!!!

    1. Shadowknight12


      *roars in frantic abandon*

  7. And there is more... Seeing the pattern here? Except for the one lifted from fanfiction.net, all the other stories were taken from small archives. What? Did you not think someone at the small archives didn't care? Really? Really really?? You were so obviously mistaken.... Blue_dragon_god, should you be reading this...we don't want you here. Not ever again. Buh-bye
  8. Archive profile Special thanks to megadeth425! This one would not have been found without you! So... to start off The original stuff, where megadeth425 is admin and the theft Direct copy/paste. Again. NO imagination, obviously. This is what WAS in the user's profile Sure ya do. As long as you don't do the actual writing.
  9. Try looking through these? Xangel AU Xangel
  10. Old deleted user leftovers. Nuked the story
  11. Archive profile Just some examples of the lovely "work" I think that's enough.....my eyes don't want any more of it either....
  12. Ain't it grand to be Hall of Shamed?

  13. is in awe of the almighty hivemind....

  14. And here we go again! Here is his archive profile. Oh yeah, has a forum profile too! First, we were monitoring this person for spamming the archive with a ton of unstories. Then, there was the duplicate stories for awhile. And now, we come to find, he's a STORY THIEF. Publication dates tell the tale... As does the copy/pasta... Of course, taking all the spacing out, misspelling things and whatnot, still does not take away from the fact that this person plagiarised another. See ya...
  15. DemonGoddess

    Does anyone

    I just searched all our databases, and find no reference to having a processed a deletion here for a user going by that pen name.
  16. It's not a possibility with the current software. It's also on my very large, large list of things to do, to see about getting that function written so it will work with the software, and be an option. Seeing as how my to-do list is ginormous, and we're looking at literally (in some tasks) years of doing and in process? I have no ETA.
  17. Perfect. That gives me more to work with. Now, can you get me a date/time stamp of the age of the html file? You should be able to screen it while looking at it in any FTP program.
  18. There is no such field, for one thing. For another, with reworking the profile itself, I also have to factor in where these would go, and make a new subroutine for it.
  19. Bear in mind with character limitations, this does include spaces. Story title - 50 characters maximum Story summary - 240 characters maximum Disclaimer - 240 characters maximum Chapter title - 50 characters maximum
  20. deleted the stories. Looks like another old deletion.
  21. It was the text emote < 3 that you used. The script parses that as an open ended html tag and end of files it. In effect, hiding all the text after the open tag with no command.
  22. Aaaaand again. Archive profile Original story (posting date well over a year before) Posted to AFF New Years Day Where the plagiarism occurred in the story.. Goodbye
  23. In the stories you're trying to do as file uploads, are you trying to add them as .htm/.html or .txt? If you're not using either of those two formats, it will not accept the data. Other than that, you can try again, if it persists, LEAVE THE CHAPTER UP. Let me know, I'll look at the chapter data, and tell you what's going on.
  24. Hi there, it's not on the list of hidden stories, so I'll be sure to point this topic to the mod who is currently checking that section. In future, can you post these to the forum I've moved it too? I normally DELETE any non tech support questions/topics from the tech support forum. I appreciate it. Thanks!
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