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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Looks like it to me, more than not. Where are the glitches in this story?
  2. No, the double spacing is actually a bug, as I found out yesterday searching ckeditor's support forums. It shows up regardless of browser used. I'm homing for a fix for it shortly, as this rte is used all over the place. As to the security settings, you may have to set an option like "accept third party scripts" depending upon which browser it is. Since that is how any browser will see the javascript, is as a third party script not native to the program it's running in. Rather than copying in to the box, select an paste box, and use it. That overrides the security setting which FORCE you to open one of those boxes to begin with. To get rid of the double spacing when pasting in from your document, go in between the paragraphs and press the delete key once. That will take care of it. It's a pain, but until they FIX the bug, it's how to fix it. At least this way your formatting is all there, and all you need to do is remove the extra line.
  3. Stories are now listed here. Disclaimer requirements are here. These are all titles which we've verified are in the public domain. You may notice that some things one might THINK would be public domain, haven't been moved. Such as the Bible. Which has a copyright in perpetuity. Which is why it remains where it is. Peter Pan (J.M. Barrie) and other titles by J.M. Barrie, are still protected by copyright in some parts of the world. Until that lapses, Peter Pan and all associated titles has to stay where it is. In other words, if there is copyright protection anywhere, for a title, it can't be moved to this top level until that protection expires. If your story is not based on the books for these titles, please post them to the appropriate subdomain and category. i.e. Alice In Wonderland (movie, tv series, miniseries, etc). Any stories found within these categories which do NOT belong in them, will be deleted as we see them. So please, do be careful of your placement.
  4. For Fairytales, Fables, Folklore, Legends, and Myths- As these stories are based on the above, which are public domain, what is needed is that it's fiction, and what myth, legend, etc it's based on. For example- This is a work of fiction, and based on The Judgement of Paris. What you're doing there, is stating clearly it's fiction, and what myth inspired you. We don't need profit for it, as it's based on a myth. For Titles in the Public Domain- This is for stories based on book titles which are in the public domain. Categories where we have verified that there is no copyright of any kind, anywhere, and that it is indeed in the public domain, will be here. Example disclaimer - This is a work of fiction, based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
  5. I've tested this in Chrome, FF, and Safari. There are no issues with adding in any of them, while retaining your formatting
  6. You need to use the copy from clipboard box. Click it, then paste your data in to it.
  7. Sure, and I'm sure that would help. Personally, I don't like the multi IM clients. I always have trouble with 'em. So, I pick and choose which IMs I have, and log in to 'em. Not a big deal for me.
  8. Word exported to html In your user cp select edit story select edit chapter open the chapter click "edit chapter No real editing involved, other than opening it up and resaving the chapter Wall o' Text in the editor In one tab, have open your user CP In a second tab, have open your chapter (so you can have a visual for the paragraphs) You have a couple options here. First, would be to open the chapter, delete the chapter data, and recopy it from your word processor. Be sure to use "copy from clipboard" or "copy from Word" to do this. The middle button is "copy as plain text". This removes all your formatting, so you don't want that. Second is to open up a second tab as described above, and then manually insert the paragraphs using the enter key. If you get the javascript error window, click ignore. It will have no effect, and will speed up the processing, rather than bogging down and/or locking up your browser.
  9. File uploading won't be re-enabled for one. We seriously were very lucky to not have some major issues in allowing html injection direct to the db before. As to Open Office files, be sure to select either "paste from clipboard" or "paste from Word" while in the editor. You then retain all formatting from your .odt. That's what I use as well, is OO. Much better than Microshit
  10. What fixed it ultimately for me was installing Kaspersky. It catches IM viruses, and everything else. With the initial hard drive crash I suffered in 2009 from this, I was literally 2 regedits away from fixing it. When it ate the root sector, and my drive had to be replaced.
  11. If you get an error message that a script is not responding, asking you to wait or stop, click stop. You can continue your edit, and it won't affect what you're doing. If you erase the data in an older chapter (just leave a sentence), click edit chapter, then go back in, REMOVE that line or word, and copy/paste the chapter data back in. If you're using Word, you MUST use the "paste from Word" box. Also, don't try and add this from previously exported files from Word, that are now html files. Go BACK to your original Word doc. Word, when exporting to html, unless you filter how it does it, adds roughly 4 times the chapter data in extra code that isn't needed. This is what makes all the extra line spacing, is Word itself, after it's exported to html format. When you initially added the chapter, what did you do, to do this?
  12. Looking at the above post, if we removed for the reasons stated (in particular the part I bolded), plus the author account, it would be because the author PLAGIARISED others. The other alternative, that the author account is still here, would be most likely that the person is Hall of Shamed. Without knowing which author MuggleAngel is referring to, can't give you a more detailed answer than that.
  13. Glad you passed that along. I'm sure other uses will be pleased to know that by stopping the script, it actually won't affect what they're doing.
  14. I gotta disagree with you there. This is not a fanart site. This is a fanFICTION site. There is a huge difference. Yes, yes there is a big jump there, from text to graphics. We host words, not pictures. Plus, consider that the database which drives the archive, which is TEXT is 7.8GB. Totally agree with Apollo though. There are many sites who SPECIALIZE in image hosting and whatnot.
  15. that it is. I'll go ahead and move this to the working forum I have for it (after work), to get it in the merge queue.
  16. When you figure with text ALONE the amount of bandwidth this site consumes every day, I don't see us ever adding a graphics module of any kind. Besides which, this is a writing site, not a graphic arts site.
  17. I may have contact information for her, but don't know if it's still working or not. She's obviously purged all her LJ pages. Knew that was coming, as she'd announced it quite awhile before she had that done.
  18. do dishes, tinker with rte settings a bit, and get back to fixing in books

  19. So, this one figured by using the original poster's birthday (only month and day), that maybe, people would think they were the same person. Guess what? The original writer CAUGHT you. Yes, you were caught. Stealing. Someone else's work. Archive profile
  20. I'm going to tinker with the config file after work today, and see about the extra line spacing. From what it looks like, what it's doing is adding a line before and after a paragraph, not just after a paragraph, which is default in most apps. For the speed issue, there are two factors at work here. One is outdated java itself. If your java is not current, you will have this issue. The other is where the files were uploaded after a Word export to html. Most of these inserts are so full of garbage html, it just takes awhile for the editor to strip it out. Because that's exactly what it's doing. Is CLEANING all the garbage out of the html insert. Something else I've found, is that in some of these for instances, there's so much garbage inserted before you even have the first line (often 10 lines of html code or more which do nothing), that it slows it down even further. If you find it doesn't load at all, let me know and I can look at the record. I remove those first ten plus lines, and the chapters load without issue. I know, because I've checked. But, to do this, means I have to go in to the db record and strip it out.
  21. You have to wait a bit, for it to catch up to what the RTE is doing. Have a question for you though, were all your chapters added as Word exported html? If so, there may be something I have to do before you can properly pull up the chapters. Let me know, and then I'll look.
  22. Review responses- hp subdomain I expect we'll be seeing a fair bit of that throughout the archive, as the authors edit their word html exported chapters. With the addition of the real text editor, what happened is, that stories like that, where the chapter was uploaded using a file generated by Word especially, the chapters now show parts of the illegal html function calls. So, in order to FIX that, the authors are having to go in to their stories, open the chapter, and then resave it. This preserves their formatting, without them having to actually completely delete and re-add that data. The author you're speaking of is having to do this with almost every single story she has added to the archive. I expect many other authors will be in the same boat and this will be something seen throughout the site as authors do this.
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