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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Be as truthful with him about your reasons for not wanting him to go, as you have been here. Particularly in light of the past seduction effort. Make sure you mention that too. Make a POINT of telling him that the lack of trust lies with the ex gf and her past actions, including RECENT past actions.
  2. Generally, when an author pulls a story like that, but leaves everything else, they're reworking it for later republication. Without asking her directly, though I can't say that that is what happened, but observation over the years says that's the most likely thing which happened to that story by Wheezambu you're asking about.
  3. If you're talking about uploading to the archive, if the file is bigger than 50k, it will not upload. If it is in any other format than .jpg or .gif, it will not upload. It's also possible you uploaded it, and simply can't FIND it. Some reasons for that, and the BIGGEST one, would be that when I go through and routinely delete the uploads where the file name exceeds the 15 character limit. I don't look at the avatars, I simply delete them by character count. Those very, VERY long file names make it difficult to find anything, so are always deleted.
  4. So, my local forecast for tomorrow is 4 to 8 inches of snow by late afternoon, and I'm in the 7 to 8 inch snow band, followed by drifting on Friday. Oh yay. Looks like I'll be snowbound...

    1. BronxWench


      This winter isn't playing nicely...

    2. FairySlayer


      Ick. Do you at least have a fireplace and enough cocoa mix? (Maybe some "extra flavoring" as well?)

      Still, I hope the forecasters are more wrong than usual and you have sunshine.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Nah, they're not wrong this time. Frankly, we've been LUCKY the last 3 systems, so we were due.

  5. I was actually waiting for this. So, I will simply re-ban the ONE IP I unblocked. That will hopefully kill this.
  6. needs to get the migraine under control...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FairySlayer


      Ouch. I hope you succeed soon and *still* can have some time to enjoy yourself too.

    3. DemonGoddess


      grumbles about taking pills which piss off the ulcer and then make me drink Maalox like water. ugh.

    4. BronxWench


      I take handfuls of Motrin and sleep...no more Maalox binges for me!

  7. When I merged the two accounts, there was no story data attached to the older account for me to transfer over to the new one. If there had been, I would have moved it over.
  8. What kills me, is the ONE complaint. ONE COMPLAINT. Got a song banned.
  9. There are, at present, 67 stories in the category mentioned.
  10. Okay, when I go through this topic, please understand I'm working in a specific sequence. THOSE will take priority. So, anything that is out of sequence for clean up order, is not going to be done immediately. I'll get to it when I get to it.
  11. Chapter4 As the chapter repair itself is going to take me quite awhile, and I have loads of other things I'm doing, don't expect to see this fixed any time soon, unfortunately. I'm not even IN this subdomain to repair data yet. Having said that, I'll move this to the right forum, and then when I have time, after I get other stuff fixed that's ahead of it, I'll fix it.
  12. If you search by author name, you can get results from anywhere for that author. But, if you're searching by title, you MUST be in the subdomain the story is in, or you won't get any results. An Interwoven Web of Deceit
  13. Roman Enslavement is by Scribe
  14. I suggest you read TOS and guidelines. This section So yes, I deleted the other story, as when looking at them, it was clear that it was set in the Law & Order 'verse and location. You are only allowed ONE copy of any given story on the site. Unless the story is a translation of or two another language than English, in which case then there can be more than one copy of it. If a category is large enough to have a crossover sub or sub sub category, that is where your story is placed. If not, it gets placed in the title category.
  15. Did you try here?
  16. I'll be using the review board add for this example, but what I'll be showing you applies anywhere recaptcha appears The red bound box with the weird words. That is a typical recaptcha box, which is used commonly to prevent spamming by unlogged in users. It's a "prove you're human" utility. --- For adding a review in the archive, or adding a story; the white area outlined is the text input box. This is where the user inputs the text they want to display. -- The outlined icons are tools for the recaptcha utility. Starting from the top: refresh - this will regenerate the code displayed that the user inputs. Useful for when recaptcha puts up words that are difficult to see. Simply click until it gives you something you can work with to input. sound/audio challenge - this generates a sound file to with a series of words to type in, instead of displaying the graphic to type in. This can be replayed. help - this opens up a help screen about recaptcha -- Once you have input the recaptcha text displayed, in to the box (where it says type the two words), click the review button. This adds your review. If adding a story, click "add story". IF you do not input the recaptcha data correctly, the data is not added. That goes for stories, reviews, or any other part where the user is required to use recaptcha. So please, be careful in your typing.
  17. First of all this is NOT a FAQ request, but a tech support question. I normally delete these out of hand. What the problem is, is that you're not using your jump menu in the user panel to access the original subdomain. Select original from the drop down, located on the left side, and click go. Then you add your story.
  18. Took care of both. Yeah, that's often why it's done. We clearly TELL people crossposting is not allowed, but that means one actually has to READ it.
  19. I've hopefully gotten this nipped in the bud. We'll see.
  20. It's a spambot thing. Fortunately, the forum automatically bans these un-users. Then, I go through the banned list, blacklist the email and IP for the spambot, and delete the rest of it.
  21. DemonGoddess


    Draeconin's got it here too. This link.
  22. deleted
  23. Kindly remember that you are not to use this forum to pass around copies of someone else's stories without their permission. The post with story content has been deleted. Any subsequent postings of that nature will ALSO be deleted.
  24. and drifting today...

    1. Melrick


      I've never felt the urge to be a drifter myself - I like beds too much - but hey, if you feel the urge!

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