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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. The second one clearly said "list" in the summary, which means I nuked it. The third is a story (wallotext, but a story), the first I'll look at again when I'm more awake
  2. yep, Alucard applies as a character name in the movie you're referencing, Castlevania, and of course, Hellsing. Main characters in ALL of them.
  3. Apparently. Like I said, many, many of these codes are very old. Needless to say, once I confirm anything that isn't category related and stuff like that with Apollo, I should be uploading the revised list tomorrowish. I've already deleted 15 or so, just based on what they were, and knowing they're no longer needed.
  4. Deletion is permanent. As the archive runs from a database, when a record is deleted, it's gone.
  5. I almost deleted it Saturday, myself, when I was checking for corrections. What made me think that it was very much AU and OOC was the character names. (Alucard specifically) But, I wasn't entirely sure, which is why I didn't delete it then. You're welcome to re-upload if we deleted in error, as in it's truly an original fiction and NOT what I described above. Over time, we've seen authors go that route before, where it's so OOC that it doesn't fare well in its proper category as fanfiction, so it gets uploaded to originals instead. In which case, we do delete, as originals is supposed to be for original fiction. In any case, if we deleted in error, I do apologize.
  6. check your email. I rechecked your settings and such. You SHOULD be able to access all open parts of the forum.
  7. Link to top levels in naruto Link to yaoi in first one Link to yaoi in AU/AR Link to yaoi in Crossovers
  8. Often enough for it to be an annoyance, yes.
  9. I've already deleted all the stuff that has categories, as the tags are certainly redundant. Combined SoloF/SoloM. And, I'm waiting for Apollo to tell me what else I can safely remove, yet still allowing us the CYA aspect before I upload the revised tags list.
  10. added
  11. Because, for whatever reason, if it doesn't say "fic" at the end, we have people who actually don't get it. I'd rather go with the shorter term myself, but there you are.
  12. I'm trying to see if we can't eliminate the rates altogether, or make it so it's trackable, for the rate bombers. If we keep 'em, I'd prefer being able to track the ones who bomb a story because they dislike a pair or story premise, and just to be spiteful.
  13. I'll work on editing the thing later. I'm a wee bit busy at the moment. There are MANY MANY old codes in there, which are more properly addressed as genre tags, and added according to category now, whereas years ago, this wasn't the way the archive was set up. Some are pair type tags, which also need to go. CS and MBP are definitely NOT the same thing. Menstrual blood play is not a crime scene thing.. Contro was added BECAUSE of many of the stories content in originals. By seeing via the tag the story content is something that will easily cause controversy, if that's not your thing, you stay away. Most often, this is used in stories which really, really squick readers, as an additional strong warning from the writer. When I added RapeFic, I forgot to remove N/C. That's entirely my fault there. The reason to CHANGE it to RapeFic from N/C is that for some reason, people would see N/C and not realize that it meant a non consensual act. Then they'd turn around and FLAME the authors, for having it in the story without warning them, even though they did with the proper tag.
  14. George Orwell and Cory Doctorow What's funny is I don't even WRITE. I just put in text from explanations for things from LJ, and stuff like that.
  15. The problem with Times New Roman is that it's not a web standard font. So any rte is going to have issues with the font itself. It's fine for actual print, but it gets weird with stuff like this. You'd see the same thing in the forum. Which also uses rte as it's edit interface. Here's an example See how tiny it made it in comparison? Same font size as Arial. With the serif fonts, I usually go 2 points up, at least. Depending on the font. (This is Book Antigua at 3, Arial is at 2, and so is Times New Roman). I'll give ya a quick run through with it, different fonts, all at 2 which is the forum default. Arial ArialBlack ArialNarrow BookAntigua Century Gothic Comic Sans MS Courier New Franklin Gothic Medium Garamond Georgia Impact Lucida Console Lucida Sans Unicode Microsoft Sans Serif Palatino Linotype Tahoma Times New Roman Trebuchet MS Verdana As you can see, different fonts have different embedded heights and kerning values. That's what makes for the size differences, with the same size selected. The editor, by the way, is ckeditor, which is the mostly widely used RTE. @erobey I think the issue you're having (I looked at the database records), is that almost all of your chapter inserts are bloated html inserts. So, when a chapter is initially opened, it takes one of the core files a bit of time to work through the data and strip out all the garbage the word processor inserted when it exported to html. It may actually take a couple tries of open the chapter, and save (no edit) to strip out all the extra tags that aren't allowed by the archive to BEGIN with.
  16. Ookami Arden was deleted from AFF by STAFF, as she was underage at the time of account creation. Users can't delete their accounts.
  17. So, I've moved 129 stories from AtS tv to AtS Buffy since Monday. Have 235 to go...

    1. BronxWench


      ::huggles DG:: One vat of Bacardi, coming right up!

    2. DemonGoddess


      and this is actually the quickest part of the repairing. :rofl:

    3. Shadowknight12
  18. That's okay....Danyealle had a site generate a recaptcha text for her in KANJI of all things. At least it wasn't here...
  19. Another thing to keep in mind is that the archive DEFAULTS to anime. You have to use the jump menu when in your user cp to navigate to the correct subdomain to upload your story. If you add it to the wrong subdomain, we delete it.
  20. We have a ton of vampire stories in the original subdomain, also an entire subdomain of Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series; in books, there is Southern Vampire fanfiction, and in tv, there is True Blood.
  21. Post it this category
  22. If this was the fic that one of the mods asked me about earlier, where it was a new add, and clearly stated it was based on the cartoon from 2003, it would have been deleted. That particular story (I'm not sure it's the one you're talking about) should have been placed in the cartoons subdomain, not comics.
  23. Books ALL stories that didn't belong in books are now moved to the subcategories they belong in There are some last minute repairs I'm having to do in the subdomain, having to do with the addition of the rich text editor, and, for the most part, bloated word exports. That's also almost done. Buffy How it will work from this point- First, I'm moving ALL AtS stories from the tv subdomain to the buffy subdomain. Be aware that not all the people working on this project are all that familiar with BtVS OR AtS, so some of these stories may, in fact, be in the wrong subcategory. If so, I'll move them once they're in the buffy subdomain, once I get to that part of it. Because I'm moving stories from one subdomain to another, how this is done, is with an import command. Given that sql sees punctuation as illegal code commands, this is a two step process. First, I import in to the btvs tables, all but the chapter content and review content. Then, I go BACK in to the db and copy from one set of tables to the other. Once I recheck to ensure I've transferred all data successfully, the story will then be deleted from the tv subdomain. As I clear a subcategory/subsubcategory, it will be deleted. As a reminder, please don't add new stories to AtS in tv, but to AtS in buffy. Second, I will then go through from where I started before, and recheck for additional repair work, directly related to the addition of the rte, as well as continue the repair throughout the subdomain. The sort for the subdomain was done months ago, and stories moved around at that point in time. Cartoons The initial sort is almost complete. The crew is going through the rest of the top levels in the subdomain (Avatar and etc). From there, they will sort in anime, for Avatar and Transformer stories which are actually CARTOON based, not anime based. Those need to be sorted so that I have a structure in place to move them from and to. From there, once they've finished that sort, Apollo and I will be moving the stories around in to the subcategories that they belong in (in cartoons), and in to equivalent subcategories in anime for moving. Once the crew has finished sorting cartoons, while Apollo is moving stories around within subdomains, I'll be fixing stuff yet in Buffy, as well as moving from tv to buffy, and then anime to cartoons. The tasks are run concurrently, as you can tell. From that point, the next step is the celeb subdomain.
  24. Post your topic here. This does not qualify as a tech support issue
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