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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. nukie nukie...
  2. As the archive is powered by a database, how it works is this. You delete the record, the record is gone. No recovery possible.
  3. DemonGoddess

    The bet

    Animehead is taking a break from writing, and the story (it was complete here) and all her other stories, she asked be deleted some months ago. She asked that of several sites, and I believe y! is the only one which didn't do this for her. She did tell me at the time, that she does plan on coming back after she's done taking her break.
  4. DemonGoddess

    DA:II Anders/OC

    To use the pm function on the forum, you have to be registered.
  5. While we're getting a SLIGHT break today (there's actual SUNSHINE!!), tonight it starts back up again, dammit. I'm telling ya.... *quack* *quack*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yukihimedono


      They don't like to give any days off. We were hit last month and our building lost power (while I was in class @ 11:30). They didn't cancel classes until 4:30! It's funny because most of the computer labs are in this building, and it's all new and techy. People can be stupid sometimes.

    3. ApolloImperium


      *tosses bread at the cute little ducky*

    4. DemonGoddess


      and it's raining AGAIN dammit. AAAAAAGHGGGGGHHHH

  6. This is for the Valve game that's part of the Half-Life world?
  7. Spike with ANYONE always seems to be read more. As far as slash goes, Spike with Xander is, by far, the most prevalent slash pair.
  8. trudyw, The way you worded that constitutes review demands. So, if you don't want a moderator mail about it, you should remove that from your story. I took a quick scan of your story in buffy, I'm guessing it's Spander, yes? You might want to add that in the description ya know.
  9. Prompt - Embrocation Posting rules here.
  10. I searched staff records, this was not a staff deletion for plagiarism, or some other thing which causes the user and story to be deleted. It's possible it was a staff deletion for non correction of a story issue, but I really couldn't say at this point. A reminder to you posters, I am very serious about the asking about plagiarising authors. Your topics will be deleted if you post a search for a KNOWN plagiarist, where you KNOW they're a plagiarist. This site will not support a plagiarist in any way, shape, or form, if at all possible.
  11. You have to be very careful on how you would phrase something like that so that we don't email you about review demands/reqs in chapters, or some other thing.
  12. I honestly have NO idea. But I see it all the time. The ones that really point to this, are the wall o'text with bad spelling, no sentence structure to speak of, and absolutely HORRID grammar. No plotline, loaded with cliches. And yet they get GOOD reviews???
  13. methinks I need to turn in to a duck <_

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      maybe...yard sure is flooded enough...my little pond that ain't supposed to be there is growing too

    3. yukihimedono


      I'm with BW, KOI!

    4. DemonGoddess
  14. Some of my very favorite authors are in buffy and lotr. I bring that up because those are OLD fandoms to write about. So, because of it, the authors aren't reviewed like they should be. Thing is, it appears to me unless you're a kid with a bunch of friends to pat your back regardless of how trite or horrid the story, you get reviews. Believe me, I see that ALL the time. Yet, a well written story gets almost none. That kills me.
  15. DemonGoddess


    This is the last thing I will say about this. Regardless of whether or not this story was what caused the author to be removed, the point is, the author was REMOVED from the site for plagiarism. We do not support plagiarists here, not in any way, shape or form. I will say this, any more search reqs for this author and/or stories BY this author, will be deleted. The same goes for any requests regarding work by other KNOWN plagiarists.
  16. I'm going to add one final instruction before I lock this topic. ANY further posts to this forum from you (aDave) will be deleted. READ THE TITLES at the tops of the forums, before posting. This is NOT tech support, this is the clean up forums.
  17. ADave, USE THE MENUS. The site is set up with a series of subdomains. You post your work to the appropriate subdomain. You'll find the menu options you're looking for, if you're IN the correct subdomain.
  18. When I actually have time to read (rare these days), I make a POINT of leaving a review. If it's awful, I don't pillory the author, I simply leave the story.
  19. Tripod
  20. You have to select hp from the jump menu, or navigate to hp from the main menu, THEN add your story. It's its own subdomain.
  21. You mean to delete them? Uhhhh... no, we don't delete something for being unfinished
  22. DemonGoddess


    Sorry, I will not give you a plagiarist's name so they can be found and supported as a "good author".
  23. ty, I should be able to have that fixed soon (among other ones, lol)
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