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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Sorry, I've been sidetracked with other tasks. I'll get this added in. To answer for now though, there are no hard and fast rules, other than you leave "add chapter open" and state your intent for others to contribule to your story, as a Round Robin. The posting author is the CONTROLLING author of the story. So, if a chapter is added which does not meet the requirements of your Round Robin, you can delete it. Also, this is the ONE time where when adding a new story, an AN chapter is allowed. In that AN chapter, you outline the rules and requirements you have for your particular Round Robin.
  2. Desolate03's AFF profile
  3. nuked all but the D.Gray Man story
  4. First thing I'd do is clear cookie strings. Sounds like you may have a corrupted string in Safari. Let me know how that goes
  5. This was done a few months ago. Now, you cannot upload html direct in to the db. The ONLY file uploads allowed are plain text. Otherwise, you need to use the rich text edit. Instructions here.
  6. thanks, it's unhidden
  7. Go in to your author panel, and delete review# 3000043515 That's the review in question
  8. Toxicum and its author were deleted mid December as the author was underage at the time of registration and posting. Stockholm Syndrome and its author were deleted for the same reason.
  9. *sighs* so much to do, so little time...mow, weedwhack, plant, laundry, archive stuff, more archive stuff...LOLOL

  10. Initial sort is started. FYI, we are cross referencing the birthdates of the real people, and where the stories were published before a person was 18, they have to be deleted. I'm sorry we have to do this, but we truly have no choice in this. When I have the ability (soonish) to be able to have unlimited subcategory levels, there will be much restructuring done, and it will be MUCH easier to find things thereafter.
  11. Initial sort is complete What I'm working on now, is moving stories within the subdomain, and creating subcategories where needed to do so. Will also be moving from anime, all Avatar stories, and most Transformer stories. Will be moving TO comics, all DC based stories Will be moving TO xmen, all Marvel based stories
  12. Angel the Series All stories have been moved to the buffy subdomain buffy subdomain date/time stamp repair - complete chapter, review, story date repair - in progess Details of what is next- The first thing I'll be doing is looking at the stories, and determining whether or not I have to split the chapters. This will mostly apply to the very old stories in the archive, as the way things were added was different than they currently are. Where I have to access the user account to fix the rte issues, I will be making note of the date/time of the last update, and changing it BACK to that, after I fix what needs fixed. This will keep it so that it's fair to the other users are updating now, and adding now; as far as how the stories list. Duplicate stories- In the process of moving AtS stories from the tv subdomain, there is a fair bit of story duplication. PLEASE leave the duplicates alone. I will be transferring the reviews, the hits and the ratings to whichever story was updated last. This way, the users retain all their data, with just the one story. Finally, once the unlimited subcategories gets added in (it's still being worked on), there will be a further change in how the categories are. It will be as follows: Top level- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel the Series Crossovers From there, all the other stuff can be moved down one level. For example, where we now have BtVS AU/AR, it'll end up like so: Buffy the Vampire Slayer>AU/AR>type (i.e general, het, etc)>specific pair
  13. It appears I forgot to mention... it's complete
  14. Progress to date Books complete Buffy date/time stamp repair - complete chapter, story and review date repair - in progress Cartoon initial sort-complete in sub domain story moving - in progress out of sub domain story moving - in progress Celeb initial sort-in progress
  15. Hi there, Yes, they all state what we need for the site. Unhid your story too.
  16. Your stories are HIDDEN. Please follow the instructions in the message left to you in your profile. Until you provide us with a valid, WORKING, email address, they will remain hidden. Should you not provide us one in the time frame asked for, your account and all associated data will be deleted.
  17. 6 pm, the salvage operations will commence!!!
  18. I show 41 records where you started the conversation by sending the message, and 16 records where you were contacted by someone via the board. Let me know if you also show 57 total stored messages
  19. As users cannot self delete here, she either was underage at the time, or requested a deletion from staff. As I'm finding no record, it's hard to say which it was, and would've happened at some point before the current mod staff was taking care of the archive.
  20. Nope, this is the right place Rae. Could you do me a favor and screen the error? Then I'm going to have a look in the db and see what it shows me as far as what's there for you, and give you a message count that's in the actual db.
  21. Of course there is. You go in to your user cp, select "edit story" and remove the codes which don't fit. The codes are added to the end of the summary, so that's where you make your edit, is the summary field.
  22. ty MuggleAngel, I've deleted the flame post
  23. So you caught the "difficult words no one has ever heard of bug"? LOL
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