Are you writing it IN Spanish? If so, it goes to the Non English archive. Also, stories written in another language can also be posted elsewhere in the archive, in English. Those are the only exceptions to double/cross posting we have.
If you're writing it primarily in English, with Spanish and Patois as part of the story but not the primary, it's no issue.
Lists- Those would be those "stories" which are simply lists. Such as character lists, or things of that nature. Just what it sounds like.
Non Chapters- These are often used as a way to "bump" the story up in the latest updates list in the archive. This is patently unfair to the majority of the authors who DO NOT do this. Often, what you see with a non chapter is an author note only in the chapter, saying something like "updating in a few days", and the sole purpose of such a thing is to bump the story up. Other things which constitute non chapters are a chapter of nothing but character lists. Put that at the end of the chapter, or the beginning, wherever it's most helpful in your story, but not as a chapter on its own. Again, just like it sounds.
Placeholder chapters are chapters where the author adds a chapter, has nonsense in it, because they plan on going back and adding content when they have time (whether that's the next day, a month from now, or whatever). Again, the sole purpose here is to bump the story up in the latest updated list.
Author notes as stories. Absolutely not allowed. We delete those as we see them.
Searches, challenges and requests in the archive, not allowed, deleted as we find them.
You're probably wondering why, and it's quite simple. The archive database is now 7.9GB. To take some of the strain off of that database, searches, challenges, requests, story discussion (instead of in the review board), overly long author responses within the stories, have all been shifted to the forum. After all, if the database crashes, we have no archive. So, when I (and yes, it's me that sets this up for db health) say that this is what needs to be done, this would be why. This is also why it's enforced.
And please, I realize this part may seem very nitpicky, but it's a pet peeve of mine. The forum is clearly titled, each section, so that one knows where to post. This is technically a support issue, not a suggestion. Moving to the support forum.