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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. do you remember which genre it was for? movies, comics, cartoons?
  2. old minor, story deleted
  3. deleted at some point
  4. moved within subdomain
  5. moved
  6. done and stories moved around to where they belong
  7. underage user, story deleted
  8. moved within subdomain
  9. leftover from an old deletion
  10. I looked and didn't see any stories based on the movie Legion. But, that doesn't necessarily mean they're not hiding there. After all, all I did was a very quick peek. Looking at the above story, it has more of a feel as a story based on the movie Prophecy, moreso than Legion.
  11. Going by what everyone else has said, at least for here, without more details, the best you can do at this point is browse the category. Maybe something'll jog your memory that way.
  12. going by the dates, doubtful. Probably reposted before it was re-added to the archive by staff at the time.
  13. all now handled
  14. all but the third one in the first post were unfic and deleted
  15. deleted
  16. It's not a default setting for Word, is the issue. Like many things, the RTE (any of 'em really) are set to work with the primary default setting of a given program. So, in order to make it so it doesn't continue to happen, you'll have to set up the document to do WITHOUT the LTR command, when typing in English.
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