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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I'm having the same issues. It looks to be some php.ini settings, which I can't access. I've informed Nexcess, they'll let me know when those settings are tweaked
  2. Some of you may still be experiencing a "500 internal server error". That would be because your DNS filters have not yet updated. This may take an additional hour or two for some of you, but I seriously doubt it'll take that long. That would be because when a NS record is changed (as this one was), it will cycle through a certain amount of users per every 5 minutes or so, until they're all caught up. This usually doesn't take more than an hour or so, as I said. One other thing, as the programs, while the DNS records are updating for everyone, are actually parsing read data from two servers, you may have slowness issues yet for a time. Simply refresh your page, and it will go away shortly.
  3. The issue is fixed, and migration is complete. There is a conf file which only the hosting company has access to, which needed a tiny little change, in order to be "seen". However, we wouldn't have known that, but for the migration to begin with. AND AND AND, instead of the 2 x dual core we were thinking we were getting with the new hardware, we got 2 x QUAD CORE!!!!
  4. I can tell you for certain the config files are being repointed as I type this. You'll be seeing a "500 internal server error" while this is happening.
  5. The last of the databases is in the process of being imported. There will likely be one more short amount of issues, while config files are repointed. I expect it all to be done now, within the next hour.
  6. from Nexcess: The file move was completed approximately 2 am this morning. The last phase of the data move is the migration of the database. This will take a couple hours, as the database is enormous. I expect that while the data is being migrated, and config files pointed to the new physical location, that we may start developing connection issues until the database migration is complete.
  7. The data migration is not yet complete, so I expect to see issues. Why aren't you using Safari? I know for a fact that is stable, and has no issues. FF 5.01 is the version I'm using, with no issues, with Windows 7 as the environment. As software is written differently for different OS, it could be you've found an issue that's Mac specific.
  8. DemonGoddess

    Mafia 2 fics?

    It's not even got a section. Have you tried looking here?
  9. While this won't make it so that copy/paste (ctrl+c / ctrl+v) retains your text formatting, it does at least maintain the paragraphs as set up in Wordpad documents now (native .rtf format). You'll still have to use the formatting tools within the RTE to bold, italicize, and etc. As I personally don't have Word, I've asked a few people to test function with that, to see if the extra spaces between paragraphs is resolved as well. I can try it with an exported file, but I will get better results from a native file. Open Office/Libre Office works fine (using paste from Word). PLEASE keep in mind, that if you use an extra carriage return to make spaces in between your paragraphs, rather than setting the paragraph format to show the extra space in between paragraphs within your document, that the RTE will see that as another paragraph and add an extra empty line. --- Have already heard from a tester (who's Word is set up to show a blank line after a paragraph WITHOUT adding another carriage return), and her test document added and displayed correctly.
  10. yes I do. As the data and whatnot are in the process of being migrated, I do expect to see this.
  11. I won
  12. considering how many I tend to move at one time, I'm thinking it was me that "oopsed". It's fixed now
  13. As the hardware was just set up yesterday morning (as far as I know, I've not confirmed it yet with Nexcess). The next step is migration of data from the old server to the new one. If you would, while this is ongoing, keep track of when this happens, and let us know. That would be helpful. As to Firefox crashing, what version do you have? If you have 4, either roll it back to to 3 (if you have XP or less), or upgrade to 5. I've not yet tested FF5 on an XP machine myself, but I do know it works quite well on a Win 7 system; whereas I also know it does NOT work on a Win 2k system. Which is why I'm unsure as to whether or not it'll work right on XP. If it doesn't work on W2K, chances are it won't work right on XP. Pages not loading in Chrome, would indicate there was no data being sent for a variety of reasons. Usually, Chrome will TELL you why a page won't load. So, let me know what that error is.
  14. The upgrade for the hardware (replacement part) wasn't actually done 'til this morning, because of the faulty switch in the data center. That, of course, had to be addressed before our upgrade, as that affected many, many sites hosted by this company. Part of what is being upgraded as well is the OS. It's being changed from 32 to 64 bit. The server is now a Dual Core Xeon, rather than the Xeon P4 we've had for quite a few years. Also, the drives are being changed to SATA disc arrays, and the RAM is being changed to something more current as well. In other words, total system replacement.
  15. The only crossovers I've seen between these two worlds are where Spike/Xander are one pair, and Harry/Draco are the other pair, and both in the story. That doesn't mean they're not out there though....
  16. Story Lyiint's profile
  17. std. = abbreviation for standard std = sexually transmitted disease
  18. Is very seriously comtemplating drop kicking the fecking cable modem in front of the nearest semi...and watching it CRUNCH

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      nope, not the settings. It just cuts out like crazy starting late Friday, going in to Sunday evening. Monday through Friday, it's FINE.

    3. sumeragichan


      Hm... maybe it's time for a new one.

    4. DemonGoddess


      given times and everything, it's my ISP. Although they wanna replace the modem again, they can. I sure won't object. ^^

  19. Default file format is what is used by Open Office. Installed IE9, and so far, no issues. It works fine. So, if a user prefers IE, and likes open source office software, on Win 7 systems this is what I'd go with.
  20. One of the differences I've noticed it's a LITTLE slower loading, yet it has some of the functions embedded in to it more like MS Office for some things, rather than Open Office. The next step will be to upgrade IE again, and see what happens. Open Office crashes, as for some reason IE 9 has difficulties with the java coding used to create the program (which tells me it'll have issues with other java as well). If it doesn't crash, I'll let you know that.
  21. Closer - Nine Inch Nails
  22. The summary field, which is also where the tags live, does have a finite amount of characters which can be used for it. This FAQ covers the exact number of characters (including spaces), a particular story field allows. As to why there isn't a separate field for it, the software in its current state won't support it. Sure, I could add the field. Then, you're looking at rewriting the script which controls how a story is added to ALLOW for the additional field and separate line. This is actually something that is planned for a later update, but is not currently available to me, or to the users. In the meantime, as you may have to add tags as you go along, simply start your chapter like this: Additional tags: And then add the tags you need as you go.
  23. Original stories need the disclaimer for your own protection. By saying that it is fiction (if it's a fictional story), and that there are no resemblances to people alive or dead, you protect YOURSELF. If you think about it, when you buy a book, it has a disclaimer. When you watch a movie, it has a disclaimer. When you watch a tv program, it has a disclaimer. The REASON all these different types of media are disclaimed, is to protect the participants from someone possibly taking offense in thinking it may be about them or someone they know. Now, as it's a simple enough requirement, and we don't delete until we absolutely can't avoid it any more, why should there be an issue in fulfilling the requirement?
  24. added. How it currently works for pair specific sub sub cats, is if the category being added to is a top level, then at 5 or more stories, I'll create it. This is because of the three levels ONLY that I have to work with for this. However, once I have the ability for unlimited levels of subcats, then I can add these for the smaller subcategories at the second level as well. So, at this point, I wouldn't be adding a pair specific sub sub category to a 2nd level.
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