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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. from the naruto subdomain I'm going to refer you to a number of topics, as we've covered this extensively over the last couple weeks. First, is the initial announcement. Second, would be this very topic you're reading, there are some issues covered here as well. Finally, if you have a tech support issue, first, check this forum, and see if your issue has already been asked about and answered. If it hasn't, then post a req for support.
  2. If it's any form of a poll, it needs to be done in the forum, and not your story. To create a poll, first you have to register to post a topic here. Your READERS do not have to register to participate in your poll, you have to register to post the topic.
  3. Chapter 1 issue Polls are not allowed in the archive. You create a poll here in the forum, LINK them to it, so they can vote. In the fanfiction category, the whole thing is open to guests, so registration isn't necessary there. Chapter 2 issues Chapter 3 issue It's the polls in each and every chapter which have your story hidden
  4. Searching by the titles you gave in the originals subdomain gave me these- Home Intrusion Only You Sweetheart
  5. However, if you KNOW some of these people, and contact them, that'd be fine too and VERY helpful
  6. IE, like many other Microsoft programs is bloated with much in the way of unnecessary program instructions. Not only that, you have ActiveX which tends to play hell with Java to begin with. It always HAS.
  7. That's the point Keith. If a work is copyrighted ANYWHERE, we cannot move it to this top level.
  8. I've run the query for the new top level, and changed all disclaimers accordingly.
  9. What I need from you, is what is your operating system, browser, and is your java up to date? Also, when you added chapters before, did you add them as an exported from word processor html, a text upload, or how did you do it? Without knowing a few things, it makes it harder for me to be able to address stuff for you. The issue we've been running in to most often where the scripts are bogging down like what you're describing, have to do with bloated file uploads for chapter adds in the past. We're in the process of REMOVING some of that bloat throughout the database, but that does take some time. Particularly as we can't just run a script to do it, or it could adversely affect the OLDEST db record inserts of this nature, where data was scrambled and we're finding text where it shouldn't be. Like in head statements and what not.
  10. At this point, that's what you'd use the recommended reading links for. Or at least that's how I do it. I link to authors I like to read, or stories I'm following. That way I don't have to hunt. Honestly, being able to add a favorite is low on my list of priorities. There are other things, that are far more pressing that need to happen first. It's been suggested many times, and while I'd love to be able to add such a feature at the drop of a hat, the fact is, I can't. So it has to wait, while other things are done first.
  11. Okay, we've now touched on one of my to-do's for the weekend. I JUST created this top level last week. In the course of creating a top level, that is directly related to clean up, I run a query to correct each story's disclaimer, according to which subcat it happens to be in. I've not yet gotten to this step. The ONLY time I don't do this, is for crossover stuff, until we''re done sorting and MOVING the crossover stuff around. And that, only where I've gotten sub sub cats based on the specific crossovers. Frankly, I haven't the TIME to edit each individual story like that, and fix it site wide UNLESS I use a query to do it, based on criteria which allows me to correct multiple stories at one time. Having said that, I did just that, a couple years ago, throughout the site. After that, it fell back on the user to see to it that the field is properly filled out, once again. By the way, running that site wide, and tailoring the query to each and every different area, took me a little over a week, as I did this after work, when I got home. That was a one time thing. Just as, when I run this query where categories have been moved to this new top level, that correction is ALSO a one time thing. I'll push up my timetable a bit, and go ahead and do this for the new top level when I get home today, rather than waiting a couple days for when I have it scheduled. Yes, I do schedule my activities, as I have many, many things that I'm the only one doing, because they require direct db access to do them. There can be only one person working in the database directly at any given time, so I can't apportion the tasks out. Not without kicking whoever else (me) happens to be working in it, out. As I'm in the database off and on near continually when I AM home, you can all see why that would not be a good thing. It'd make me right testy it would, since I'm always in the middle of doing SOMETHING. As to moving the Bible to this new top level, that I can't do. The King James version is copyrighted in perpetuity, everywhere. What this means, is that if I or anyone else finds ANY instance of existing copyright to a published work, unless and until that copyright expires, it cannot be moved to this top level. Finally, while we all agree having to state the obvious is an annoyance, it's something we have to do regardless. Going back to Apollo's example of hot coffee having to be labeled, we all remember the McDonald's lawsuit which made that a necessity, don't we? Think about it. Any person realizes hot liquid will scald, if it spills on to you. Yet, because, at the time, they did not label their cups (no one did) with Caution: Hot Liquid, this person who scalded herself AFTER buying a fresh cup of HOT coffee and spilling it on herself while still in the drive thru, was able to sue and win a settlement. So now, as a result, all vendors who sell take out of hot liquids, have to have cups which are labeled Caution: Hot Liquid. Much the same thing applies to the disclaimer thing. Yes, we all KNOW this is primarily a fanfiction site. However, we also have our originals section, and real person fiction section. With having true stories able to be published in originals, and the real person thing, we HAVE to state 'this is fiction'. Look in the front of any book you buy, and you'll see the same sort of language. Look at the end of a movie or tv show when the credits roll. Again, there is always a disclaimer. As Apollo mentioned earlier, the disclaimer thing is not new. It's something that's had to be done for a number of years, since late 2004 I believe (Apollo can tell you for certain). With this being early 2011, that's six plus years that this has been in place.
  12. The only consolation I have for ya on the vagaries of recaptcha, is that ANY site that uses it, has the oddball text combos.
  13. What you do, is click stop, when it asks. It'll then allow you to continue editing. What happens, is with many of the enormous file inserts that were allowed before, now, when they're loaded up, it takes awhile FOR them to load in the first place. Once they load and you resave it, the chapter then opens easily.
  14. If you want tech support, please post it to the tech support forum. That's where I look for tech support requests. As to the issue, it's fixed now, so you should be good to go on your chapter edits.
  15. Try now, it's fixed
  16. The jump menu is working fine. We're working on the edit story link now
  17. Tesgura at some point opted to remove her stories there for a bit. By the way, do not use this forum to send copies of an author's work around, without permission of that author.
  18. You need to select WHICH paste option to use and click it before copying your text. Your options are paste from clipboard, paste as plain text, and paste from word. If you paste as plain text, you have to add the formatting AFTER you paste in the text. If you choose the other options, your formatting should be preserved. You also need to make sure your java is up to date. That you allow 3rd party scripts in your browser as well. And, if it happens to kick that error window, instead of clicking wait, click stop, continue with what you're doing. It won't affect it.
  19. You should have gotten your login information and whatnot yesterday. Let me know if you did not.
  20. When I am mass moving stories, users will see empty chapters and reviews. Ignore that please. It's a temporary thing. The export/import/transfer is done in a few steps.
  21. needs a bottle of naproxen or something :<_<:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      nah, something else. But got a good bunch of THAT squared away this morning.

    3. SynnoveD


      It may be my mom just making things up but she always told me that Naproxen does terrible things to your kidneys. It's better to take ibuprofen instead. ;)

    4. DemonGoddess


      taken in quantity, they both cause damage.

  22. The problem was a bad email. All your stories and content are still here, just hidden. Send an email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org from your current email address, and I'll get it all adjusted for ya
  23. :bash: still editing out that stinkin' unnecessary code string...which is anywhere from 5 to 120 lines of damn code. I HATE Word.
    1. Shadowknight12


      I'm sure the hate club grows every day.

    2. DemonGoddess


      What's even worse, is all these lines are at the very beginning of the chapter, calling for non existent .css and .xml

    3. Shadowknight12


      Don't the MS programmers know what they're doing? Aren't they supposed to be the best in the world or something?

  24. The software would intuitively parse it as a partial link, so that won't work.
  25. Blocked the IP, deleted the post. I was afraid they were going to show up there. I disabled guest linking everywhere EXCEPT the Dribs forum.
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