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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. LOL, it's okay. Gotta remember when they rewrote this thing, many, many things changed, so I'm having to figure out where/how to do stuff in the new version of it.
  2. Okay, did some tinkering. It should now work without having to dig through the skins or rewriting a subroutine
  3. Without having the forum pull data from the archive database, no. As the two programs are incapable of being bridged as it is. What you're talking about would be rewriting an entire subroutine within the files which control the skinning options. It's just as likely that by doing that, I'd make something not work right in the forum. What I can look in to, is the possibility of making a hook for the custom field instead. A hook, once written, can be enabled/disabled, without causing problems throughout the forum. However, that's very low on my to do list. The quickest fix, is a formatting fix, within the skins. Again, you're talking a fair bit of time tracking down exactly WHERE in the skin I have to do this.
  4. In the skins, the text on the LEFT is a label of what is parsed from the database. On the right, is the actual data that was parsed. Except for the link. As it's a custom field, it parses and displays, without having a label. So it's to the left as well. What that means, is that I have to go through the profile skinning options and find where that's controlled, and tinker.
  5. Please don't use the forum to pass someone else's work around. If they wanted it distributed, it'd still be posted.
  6. It's actually right justified in the cell, like the rest of the data there. The problem you're seeing, is that it's parsing the link data, without there being a label preceding it. Just as the other items process that data, and show it to the right. What's on the left is a label, EXCEPT the profile link. I'll have to search through the skins and find where that's controlled.
  7. Cool, this is one of those settings where the major update changed something, and I wouldn't necessarily KNOW about it until someone encountered issues.
  8. Okay, that's what I was after. Try it now, edited one more setting
  9. Try now and let me know if the link field now shows
  10. to Gollumsfriend (bleach archive review) While I can appreciate that you dislike the recaptcha, the entire reason it's there for the review boards, and to add stories, is to keep the authors from being spam bombed in the reviews, and the archive from being spam bombed with unstories. Believe it or not, that was a real problem for a very long time. Captcha/ReCaptcha keeps that from being an issue.
  11. It's in the required fields
  12. Click your "my profile" link (found when clicking your user name, with your messages and etc) Select "edit my profile" Click "change profile information" <--shouldn't have to, that's the default opening tab Edit the link
  13. fb "like" option apparently does not work >.<

  14. Before I add, this is the title?
  15. Yep, that was it. The standard editor works just as well, it's just not WYSIWYG. You can see the tags you're adding to the post, rather than the what you get with the WYSIWYG editor
  16. Monster Mash
  17. Fixed it, that's one link I missed before finding and fixing the others with the rte not working right.
  18. For me to look up your story, I need the title and the subdomain. Without those, I can't help you.
  19. A few things to do here, actually. 1. REMOVE any extra lines in between your paragraphs, as the paragraph tag automatically inserts a line after. 2. <p class=MsoNormal><span lang=EN-US></span></p> change that tag to this - <p></p> and remove the span tag entirely. 3. Remove the division tag that is left as well. <div></div> If you want visible line separators, use <hr> Hope that helps.
  20. Performed a minor forum update, on Thursday. In the process, confirmed a bug and reported it to IPB. See this bug in our own tracker. I'm hoping they fix this quickly, so I can re-enable the rich text editor.
  21. When saving in html, you HAVE to strip out the extra tag options in a text editor. As to allowing uploads in other formats, with word being prone to viral attachments, I don't ever see it being included as an upload option. For that matter, once I can figure out how to add in an rtf editor, I expect that uploading files will be an option that will be removed.
  22. Actually, old stories are not instantly deleted. That's the new adds. The pre-existing ones, before the clean up, I move. You bring up a valid point, in that the Star Wars comic might be best with the rest of the Star Wars movies stuff. Except I am trying my damnedest not to have to move a ton of stuff. LOL. I'll look at it, and see where it works in overall structure of things, because if I move Star Wars (EU) stuff, that's going to involve cartoons, comics, and games as well (the subdomains). As to the disclaimer, when it's in a subdomain involving many titles, you disclaim it by the title, and you're fine.
  23. If you've not created an archive login (which is separate), and linked to it, we delete those from the forum admin validation queue. If you don't want to have an archive login, normally those users email me to tell me why they want to use the forum alone. As I already KNOW that you want to work as a beta, I'd pass you through at this point. Also, you do have to self validate before getting in to the admin queue.
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