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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench

    Getting lucky

    The author profile is here: Vyperbites/Margie Eileen Jones I don’t see that story but perhaps the author profile will lead you to somewhere it can be found.
  2. You might want to post this as a new search, in order to have people actually read it.
  3. While we are not in any way affiliated with any other site, including AdultFriendFinder, any member who is concerned should take whatever precautions they believe appropriate, including changing all passwords. activating two-step authentication where available, and maintaining the security of all login information.
  4. Tesgura removed all HP stories from AFF.
  5. BronxWench

    I Can hentai

    Obviously, we’re having a failure to comprehend here. The original poster has a challenge about an anime called “I Can.” Asking him to write a story about Pokemon is really not going to end well because he’s asking someone to write a story FOR HIM and it’s not about Pokemon. Now, if you want to post your Pokemon related challenges to the Pokemon challenge thread, you might get some responses.
  6. I did add a note to the summary, so I don’t confuse any more readers. But thank you, and I will eventually get around to the next death. Poor Bastard…
  7. For Indigo: From pittwitch on September 09, 2018 Oh Bronx, how in the world did I miss this gem originally? EXQUISITE! You are truly gifted with words. Setting such a sad yet touching tale in a short space, with someone else's prompts. Amazing! Thank you, so much! I suppose authors, like parents, try not to have favorites, but this is one of the stories I’ve always really been proud of writing. The prompts were just inspired—thank you, Melrick!--and this just wrote itself. But really, coming from you, I’m very flattered and delighted that you liked this little story!
  8. For Hunting Elysium: From JayDee on September 09, 2018 ...so I read the other one first, scrolled down, and saw there was more to read. I was never the brightest! I took the other part as a one off prompt slice where you had to guess at what happens, then I actually got to read it. Much better than my guessing " Apparently, having a lamia stalking the streets of New York was bad form." Honestly, I saw worse out there. The little sex scene here was just as enjoyable as in the other part too. Ok, still wanting more of the characters... if I scroll down again what'll I see? Honestly, I should have made a note in the summary of Punch Line. But be that as it may, yes, this is where it all started for the Poor Bastard. That’s how I think of him, because he’s a cat’s paw in the games the gods play. Nasty, nasty games, with only the odd lamia to break the monotony… Thank you, for reading and for reviewing, and one of these days, I’ll get around to sharing his next death.
  9. For Punch Line: From JayDee on September 09, 2018 "I'm pretty sure that the classical definition of heroism doesn't include..." Hercules is still pissed he didn't get labors like that one. This was pretty upbeat considering the setting of the second half! This was one of those stories where you know it's a one off prompt and that's it and you still want to read more with them. Lamias don't get enough starring roles. Good prompt fic! Thank you! Honestly, I like lamias. They’re truly underrepresented among the things that go bump in the night, and far more fun than vampires. I do feel for the Poor Bastard, though. I really do. Only two more deaths to go, and maybe he’ll get his Elysium, preferably without his ex.
  10. I’ve updated the information for you, and replied to your email.
  11. ::snickers:: We wenches will always fuck you up, so I get that. And I doubt you’ll have screaming hordes of wenches descend on you in protest. But certain terms are emotionally fraught, and I am not at my most tactful when I have a review board full of people hurling invective and reporting each other to me. Makes me want to wipe the entire review board for the story in question...and if this is the crossover, you’ll have the Naruto readers peeking in.
  12. I believe this is your account: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=39, in which case the email is a fandomination account. If you’re not able to access that account, you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and let us know which account we should use instead. We can update that information for you, and then you should be able to revalidate the account. Of course, if you hit a snag with that, we’re happy to help sort that out as well.
  13. Oh, tread carefully there… If I wind up having to field a dozen irate emails about inappropriate content, I will make you edit it out, or take it down. The Naruto subdomain gives me enough headaches with the cuckold/harem crowd.
  14. What was the pen name on the account? I can look into this and see what I can determine. From there, we might be able to get you back into the account.
  15. That’s a completely common trope, so we’d have no issues there, even if other authors used that scenario. No one can expect to have a bath reserved as a unique things, after all. So, hopefully, someone will take that challenge for you!
  16. I feel I should point out that basing a story off another author’s fan fiction is not permitted, unless you have prior permission AND that original author has sent an email to us themselves telling us they’re giving permission for the use of their story. Otherwise, we would see that as plagiarism, and that means we would delete not only the story, but the account of the person posting it. So, be proactive, and get permission before you write anything based on someone else’s story.
  17. I tell them to put “Bronx” on my Starbucks cups…
  18. BronxWench was my gamer name for ages, and I kept it as my name over on FFN. Because I am seriously creative, it’s also my pen name everywhere else, except fro what I publish. Then I turn into Morwen Navarre. Honestly, I sometimes don’t answer to my real name…
  19. It seems to me the actual question here is whether or not we’ll allow you to post your Patreon link. Semantics and personal views on celebrity fiction aside, we don’t allow Patreon links in stories or profiles. That part is actually rather straightforward, and not subject to negotiation. However, a celebrity’s public persona and image can be deemed to be a form of copyrighted material, since they derive their income from their person itself. Celebrity impersonators use characteristics in a manner which supports the parody provisions of the Fair Use portion of the copyright laws. You can find a discussion of Fair Use here. In subsequent sections, it does address instances where fair use involving actors is discussed.
  20. The usual cause of that is a repeating character, often used as a scene break marker, which triggers a text overrun. The author would need to remove any repeating characters to fix the issue, but without knowing which story is affected, that is merely my best guess.
  21. Then I’d suggest you use the first fandom to appear as the subdomain where you post the story, if there is not going to be a dominant setting. Or perhaps use the fandom you are most at home with, and if it’s not where the story begins, clarify in a brief author’s note that the story will indeed incorporate both fandoms. As long as it only appears in one subdomain, we’re good.
  22. Links for above: Crepererum by Dinkel
  23. Nope. We don’t allow cross-posting in multiple fandoms unless the second posting is in another language. What we do is look to see which fandom provides the main setting for the story, and that’s where the story is posted. So, if your story occurs in the Naruto universe and setting, but incorporates characters from Inuyasha, you post it to Naruto as a crossover.
  24. The idea of VR gamers stuck in the game is not unique to Sword Art Online. There’s been any number of instances of that being used, like the movies Jumanji and Tron, and more novels than I could name quickly. So I think it’s fine under Original Fantasy/Adventure. Oh, and you’re never stupid. It’s a good question!
  25. Links for above: Dirty Thoughts by fignuts
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