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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You’re absolutely not in breach, JD. What we did previously is valid. It’s just going forward that we don’t necessarily need to make new joint accounts for people. But the reason for you to request and be given a second account is one of the reasons we’d consider compelling. We’ve allowed second accounts for authors who write two such different genres that they wanted separate pen names to avoid aggro or upset with readers who might love the lighter stuff but are profoundly traumatized by darker work. Keeping your adult-oriented work separate from your real-world life is also compelling, since in many cases it can be a serious matter if that gets out. So, to sum up, you’re right as rain with us, JD! I’m not letting you off that easily, because I enjoy your work too much!
  2. Generally, we made an exception for a joint account, if two AFF members had a co-authored work. However, since members can now list multiple authors on a story, that’s not as much of an issue any longer. There would have to be a very compelling reason to allow a second account, to be honest.
  3. MrsFigg was amazing, and very much missed, but I’m glad to think she inspired people to write fan fiction.
  4. I wish I could, but since the story never broke any rules, it was never written up in our records. I have no idea who posted it, or what the title could have been, and I’m sorry I can’t point you towards anything concrete.
  5. I’ve checked our records, and I’m finding absolutely nothing as far as staff action regarding that story ID number. It has been deleted, but to the best of my knowledge, it was not by the staff of AFF. Sorry!
  6. Can you post the bookmark, so I can check that for you?
  7. Can you link me to the story, or give me the title, please? Never mind—I found it!
  8. That is completely awesome! Baby pics of our beloved AFF…
  9. I knew someone a long time ago who wrote Buffy fan fiction, and while the idea sounded intriguing, it wasn’t a fandom I was drawn to. My elderspawn was still small, and my Internet time was spend hosting chats for an AOL seed venue called Moms Online. The fanfic writer was a fellow chat host, and I think if the site where she published had been more than just Buffy fiction, I might have wandered over. So, many years later, while irritated by what was really a huge amount of laziness on the part of the writers of the CRPG Neverwinter Nights 2, I went prowling through the Bioware community forums, and chanced upon a thread with the title, “The Shirtless Saga.” It seems I wasn’t the only one peeved by plot holes and lousy character development and apparently people wrote fan fiction to address these deficiencies. The spawn were old enough not to need my every waking moment, and so, one afternoon at the pool, I pulled out a notebook and wrote my first fan fiction, which I posted on FFN before I could talk myself out of it. And once I’d taken that plunge, while reading an amazing fan fiction by another author, I discovered he had posted a far less decorous version here. And there were more stories, and more fandoms like LotR, and… well, apparently AFF is sort of stuck with me.
  10. It looks primarily useful if you’re submitting magazine pieces or shorter fiction, from what I can see. I think, unless you’re submitting dozens of articles and short fiction monthly, following them on Twitter is probably a better plan than paying for a membership. A 7-day free trial isn’t enough time to properly evaluate their services, in my opinion, and while $5/month or $50/year isn’t a lot, it’s significant if you can’t deduct it as a business expense. For me, since I write mostly longer fiction. I’m not sure I need a service to help me track submissions or check on open calls. If that ever changes, though, they do seem reputable.
  11. @Kvarta WillowDarkling is absolutely right. We do need the entire fandom disclaimed, and not just the characters of that fandom. Whether or not you’re sticking to canon events, there will be elements of the settings and canon events which do wind up in your story as well, and therefore we need the entirety covered in the disclaimer.
  12. Because they both wrote wonderful stories! I miss them...
  13. I think it was Azela but all her stories were removed from AFF. This thread talks about it more.
  14. The author of that story failed to provide a valid email address, and as per our Terms of Service the account was removed, along with all stories posted under the account.
  15. If dustfactory wants to allow the adoption, we have a process outlined here: Adopt a Story – How to use this forum Without clear and documented permission from dustfactory, we wouldn’t allow the story to be reposted by anyone else, since that would be plagiarism. And given that dustfactory is over 18 now, he is of course free to post any of his stories on AFF. It is the age at the time of publication which is relevant.
  16. BronxWench

    Sci-fi fic

    The author was scary_bear_hair, who changed pen names to Willowfaerie, but removed all stories from AFF. I don’t know if having the author name helps, but that’s all I have for you.
  17. JayDee wins the cupcake. The author had been underaged at the time of posting, and the story was removed.
  18. Ah, that’s unfortunate.
  19. @Desiderius Price has the right of it. We do ask that stories be tagged to make sure readers aren’t taken unawares by content that might be distressing to them, or simply distasteful. We are particularly stringent about certain tags: Rape, Minor1, Minor2, and so on. We sweep the archive weekly, and review every new story and every update. If we find untagged content, we do hide the story until it is properly tagged. If the tags aren’t added, the story can be deleted after a minimum of 30 days from when it was hidden. If you don’t want to tag in the summary, then in that field, write something like, “See warnings within” and then add those tags at the top of the first chapter. Readers are very vocal when they encounter content that was not properly tagged and rightfully so. Readers are just as vocal when they get engrossed in a story and then see a tag at the top of the next chapter for something they find upsetting. They’ve invested time in reading (and hopefully reviewing) and now they can’t continue.
  20. BronxWench

    M/M Story

    Forgotten by traxie
  21. The Forum Administrator reviews each forum account registration, and has to validate those. It takes about 24 hours for him to do that, and once he has, your status will change from Guest to a registered user.
  22. Now I have to get off my ass and write the third book.
  23. Megadeth425 profile I’m not seeing either story on AFF but the author provides a Tumblr where more information might be had. I believe “Diamond Pokemon” was taken down because the author had hit a block. It’s never been reposted as far as I can see. There’s nothing at all in my records for “Tales from the Galleria Mall” but if it was a commissioned work, we don’t allow those here.
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