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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The old Bioware forums, and the Shirtless Saga thread...
  2. I’m not finding that email address anywhere in the membership database.
  3. Well, sometimes I revisit a theme I used in an earlier submission. And sometimes I get bitten by an entirely new idea. But in general, the primary theme is the occasion, such as Hallowe’en, or whatever anyone celebrates in December, that sort of thing.
  4. It’s sort of “Hallowe’en! Go ghoulies!” Or mostly.
  5. I not only missed last year, I also still owe reads and reviews… Last year was horribly busy, and crazy. But this year might prove better!
  6. Yes, there was a mishap involving all my stories going “poof.” It’s a teensy bit frustrating, but also an opportunity, so I’m going to look at it as a good thing. I might tease out some snippets from the big draft, things that weren’t going to make it into the final cut. I always put in to much, and decide it’s all hopeless exposition, so there’s lots to prune away that could stand alone, if I do it right.
  7. There is nothing that makes my day more than a review, and reposting all my old stuff is, I think, a blessing in disguise if it means new readers will see it. So… Thank you, from the bottom of my deviant little heart! “Almost Home” does have a surreal feel to it, and it’s definitely not one of my more honed pieces, but it actually set in motion a very rough draft for a novel. It’s sitting on my hard drive, in a disreputable state, but it will get written one day. I debated trying to tweak this one before I reposted it, but in a very odd way, I sort of want to see how I grow as a writer, so I think I’ll leave some warts out there, to remind myself this is a skill that needs honing continuously. “Special of the Day” was a bit of fluff from me because I’m not always very fluffy, and sometimes even I need to lighten things up a bit. Two stories that evolved during the challenge prompts were a lot darker, and I needed the respite. “Play It Safe” followed along, and yes, I’d say that it was love that’s built between Sam and Mori. I started out writing straight relationships, so I’m delighted I didn’t lose my touch with “Promises.” I might have done a bit better with the transition from the elevator to Miles’ quarters, I agree. I plead insanity and the limits of flash fiction. ”Compassion” will always be a piece very close to my heart. It’s dark, and nasty, and I regret not putting out more flash fiction about the Arenin. I think I might need to do just that one day. As far as “Hazardous Duty” I can only point to Sam and Mori and blame them. The prompt word had no sooner passed before my eyes when they chimed in, and again, it was that bit of fluff that makes everything else feel better for a while. I’m slowly getting everything back up again, and while some things will get a much-needed tweak based on old reviews, I think one or two will be out there in all their imperfect glory. I’m also hoping this will kick the muse in the posterior, and get some things moving again. I hate leaving stories unfinished! But once again, thank you, both for reading and for taking the time to leave your thoughts. It really does make my day!
  8. Honestly? I’d stick it in General, because you really cover all bases, and any MF or M/Transwoman content will get the MM readers upset if they are deeply offended by het relationships. As far as DarkFic versus Erotica, if it’s heavy on rape, I’d go DarkFic myself.
  9. Do you remember the pen name for the account? I’m not seeing anything for Danigirl52.
  10. I’m not finding that email in my records, although it would help to know the provider: Gmail, Yahoo, et cetera. I’m also not seeing that pen name or any closer variant in our records. Is there anything else you remember?
  11. If you can link us to at least 5 existing stories with this pairing here on AFF, we’ll add the pairing.
  12. I am not showing an archive account with this user name. Forum profiles require an archive account, and if you haven’t made an archive account, that would explain why your forum account isn’t approved.
  13. You can send that to technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org, or to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  14. What is the pen name you use here?
  15. This article explains how to whitelist our site in Hotmail. It seems Microsoft might be blocking content in our hyperlinks. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/whitelist-email-sender-3515045
  16. That’s quite perplexing. The only thing which comes to mind is perhaps an issue with any retained data. Sometimes a cookie string or other saved data can get corrupted. We suggest the following to clear any old data: Clear your browser’s cache, browsing history, and any old AFF cookies Close your browser entirely to make sure the data does clear. Restart your browser, and try the password reset link one more time. If it was some bad saved data, this should allow AFF to set fresh cookies for you, and allow the password reset link to work properly.
  17. I believe you’re looking for Laevi, who is an amazing writer. His stories are still here, even if he hasn’t updated in a while. I’m hoping he’ll come back soon myself!
  18. Our link won’t give you a new password. Click the link and you will be brought to a page which will let you create a new password. It must be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers, no special characters permitted, and it is case sensitive. You can read our FAQ here.
  19. There seems to be a glitch in the message for the password resets. Try logging in with the new password, and it should work.
  20. If the person from FFN doesn’t have an AFF account, that doesn’t mean we’d let someone post a story here on their behalf. Either they create an AFF account, or the story isn’t uploaded to our site. I prefer to receive official AFF business via the email address here: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. However, in the event someone doesn’t want to use that email address, I can be reached at FFN, where I maintain a profile. However, I will require, at the very least, an email address from the FFN author even if they choose to contact me via PM there. As I said above, we verify ages whenever a non-AFF writer’s work is used in part here. We are an age-restricted site, after all.
  21. We would not permit the story to be uploaded to AFF by anyone other than the original author. So, no. The admins on FFN have no say in this policy since we are not affiliated with FFN. I have no idea where you heard that, but it is not correct. If the story contains work not written by the person uploading it to AFF, I would need an email from the original author themselves, sent to me here in advance of it being posted to AFF, giving clear permission to use characters and/or content, providing acceptable proof of age, and naming the AFF member who has that permission. If the AFF member uploads a portion of a story written by another author, with no additional content, it will be deleted with or without permission from the original author because it was not written by the AFF member. To the first part, no. To the second part, I really don’t care what the admins on FFN have to say. AFF is not affiliated with FFN, and we make our own rules for our own site as they do for their site. Again, we require written permission in advance from the original author consenting to the use of their characters, providing acceptable proof of age, and naming the AFF member who is being given permission to use those characters. There is NO AFF admin on FFN. @Desiderius Price can rest assured I will not be roping him into anything (other than possibly a Wicker Man).
  22. Unfortunately, we’ve had people posting stories here that weren’t their own, with and without permission, because they feared FFN would delete them, or because the original author took the story down and they believed that was a mistake. In each instance, the story was deleted and the uploader advised to not do that again. There isn’t a lot of room there for clarification. If you didn’t write it, don’t post it on AFF.
  23. Des, I’m still reviewing your unique situation. So far, the original author hasn’t objected to your fanfic of a fanfic, and I intend to reach out to them for additional information before I make a decision. If the OP wants to clarify, I’m always happy to answer questions. But based on what was written, the implication is that the OP wants to upload a story written by someone else, with permission, from FFN to AFF. Even with an email from the original author giving consent, AFF’s policy has been to disallow such postings, for a couple of reasons. First, we are an age restricted site, and we would need to verify the age of the original author as well to ensure the AFF member was not posting for an underage person. Second, should the original author decide, at some point, to rescind permission, the AFF member would need to remove the story or risk being reported for plagiarism. Plagiarism carries real life consequences, and can affect future employment prospects. So, while I respect your inclination to want to look at both sides, in this case, I need the original poster to clarify rather than for me to guess or try to read between the lines. As written in the original post, we would not allow this story to be posted here on AFF.
  24. We don’t allow other people’s work to be posted here on AFF. I have no idea what FFN allows, but we only allow people to post their own work on our site, whether or not the original author gives permission. (If the original author doesn’t, we call that plagiarism, and delete the story and the profile accordingly.)
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