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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. This may be an issue since the archive code was updated to make it more mobile-friendly. Hopefully our coder, @manta2g will have an answer for us.
  2. If you log in on the right side of the menu bar, where it says log in, does it then show your pen name as the last option of the menu bar? If so, click your name, and a dropdown will appear. Select “My Control Panel” from your options, and you will see a new pop-up menu appear to the side, with the Story Managers for each subdomain. Pick the subdomain where you wish to add a story or a chapter, and you will be taken to a new page, showing all your posted stories for that subdomain with options to add or edit a chapter, as well as a link to Post New Story. The left side menus are no longer used because the archive code was amended to make it mobile-friendly.
  3. I don’t think there’s really a correlation between hits (dragon prints) and reviews. A lot of it is based purely on the fandom—the more active a fandom’s reader base, the more likely you’ll get a review, even if it’s someone questioning your sanity and parentage for not writing their particular OTP. I tend to write fan fiction for more obscure fandoms, and I don’t expect reviews, so any I get are exciting. The only reason my Dragon Age story got reviews like it did is that it began as a series of responses to the weekly Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales challenge prompts. (The Quarter of Insanely Obnoxious Words was particularly challenging, but I am proud to say @JayDee and I both managed every single word.) Certain tags draw readers as well. If the reader has an incest fetish, they will look for that tag, for example. But tags are vital, and we mods do monitor them closely, because some things are highly triggering, like rape, incest, and Minor1/Minor2 content. We get emails from readers who were sandbagged by content they didn’t expect to see, and some of them, quite frankly, are heartbreaking to read. Real life can be ugly, and maybe that’s why some of us write, but our readers deserve forewarning of even the most dubious content. I used the Rape tag on a oneshot with an offstage, not very graphic mention of rape just to be safe. As far as published work, my publisher has exceedingly narrow parameters for even mentioning rape. One way to try and gain a bit of visibility for a story is to use the Promote A Story thread. @Desiderius Price does use it, which I’m sure helps readers find his work. You can post for each new chapter for a multi-chapter work, and readers who are forum members can follow your post, giving them an email notification every time you post about a new chapter. Very useful, in lieu of a formal “follow this story” feature. And to sort of finish up for this post, at any rate, I will confess to not being as good about reviewing as I’d like to be. As a moderator, I read new chapters and new stories weekly in an ever rotating set of subdomains, checking for Terms of Service compliance. In that capacity, I only review if I find a disclaimer issue, or have had to hide a story. Sometimes I read something, and I want to go back later and review it in my own pen name, but real life sidetracks me, and I’m always bothered by that. I read it, enjoyed it, and want to comment. But as a further confession (and this is where tags come back into the conversation) when I read for pure enjoyment, I do avoid certain content. It’s not appealing to me, and if I don’t have to read it for moderating purposes, I’d rather not encounter it. So, that’s a partial mea culpa for not reading/reviewing certain things even if written by an author I like, who’s a good writer with an engaging style.
  4. The login is now the last option on the menu bar at the top of the page. Click on the link that says “Login” and you will see a dropdown where you can enter your email address associated with the AFF account, and your password. Then click the “Login” button in that dropdown, and the last link on the menu bar should show your pen name. Clicking on that will now give you access to your profile and your Control Panel.
  5. The wee corgi is home! She’s a little bit stoned on meds, but she’s home, and I’m so glad to have her here! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CloverReef Know the feeling.  One of my cats has kidney disease, it’s a one way thing, diagnosed about a year and a half ago.  Vet suggested more and more tests, and I did push back, with, “will this change the prognosis?  Or help?”  Based on the litter box, I know it’s progressing, that his time is limited, but I’ve had a warning, I’ve tried to make sure that he’s generally happy, and dreading that final day, but it won’t be as big of a shock as that first one was, because that first one, I wasn’t expecting, it was basically out of the blue to me.  A side effect was that I had already had to start considering the burial vs cremation decision on the sick cat, pros and cons, so I did have a small head start when I did have to make that decision for the unexpected one.

    3. JayDee
    4. CloverReef


      That’s so sad, @Desiderius Price. I lost a cat to kidney disease last year. It was very sudden and ugly. Just one night she was her usual self, knocking shit off high places and enjoying terrorizing the dog, then the seizures hit and within one minute, she was suddenly, a weak, fragile little thing. Learned a lot about the empathy of my other animals that week. I feel for you. <3

  6. I like the 3.5 to 4k length. It’s long enough to get in some action, and not too long to make readers wonder if they’re going to have time to finish.
  7. There are Dragon Ball GT stories in the DBZ subdomain, in General, at least...
  8. The wee corgi lass is in the hospital.  ::sigh::

    I fucking hate epilepsy.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Might I suggest that next year, you go someplace more peaceful?  Say, downtown Detroit?  …. seriously, someplace calmer where there aren’t fireworks?  I know, you shouldn’t have to, but just to protect the family?

    3. BronxWench


      I don’t think it was the fireworks, really. I suspect it’s partly the hot weather, and partly an annual flare-up. When she was first diagnosed, it was right before the July 4 holiday, and we didn’t realize the phenobarbital we were administering orally wouldn’t build to a therapeutic level quickly enough. She started having clusters, and wound up nearly dying on us. Her last bad run of seizures, bad enough to put her in the hospital, was early September last year. 

      What I want is someone to tell me cannabis oil works for canine epilepsy, too, and I’ll be at that damned dispensary so fast, I’ll break the sound barrier.


    4. Anesor


      Sorry it flared like this. We just can’t comfort them enough and they try to to return it too. I worry about ours getting something chronic like this.

  9. Honestly, I thought I was challenged when it came to writing titles. Chuck, on the other hand… Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt'" It’s inspired, really….
  10. And of course, because it’s hot, and nasty, and there are fireworks, the wee corgi lass is having seizures… :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arian-Sinclair


      I can’t stand how loud fireworks are. I really feel for the doggy. It really is anxiety provoking and can easily cause a panic attack. I hope your corgi gets better soon and that a trip to the hospital doesn’t end up being necessary. I think it’s be a good idea to have a talk with all your neighbors about taking their fireworks elsewhere and explain to them how it effects the poor pup if you haven’t done that.

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, gods, we have a huge park nearby and everyone goes there. It’s literally insane…


    4. Arian-Sinclair


      I love parks, but not that close by on certain holidays.

  11. If it’s the archive account you’re trying to access, you need to use the email account associated with that archive profile, which is kittylover1986@aol.com. If you no longer have access to that account, please let us know, so our tech admin can update the email address to one you can access. Once that’s done, you’ll get an email advising you of the next steps to revalidate the account under the updated code.
  12. It is 37 degrees Celsius out there. That’s 99 degrees Fahrenheit. (Otherwise known as really hot...)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. BronxWench


      Oh, @Melrick 59F isn’t chilly at all! :lol:  Then again, we are known for our extremes here. We routinely drop well below 0 degrees C in the winter, and sometimes even below 0 degrees F.

    3. Melrick


      We can occasionally drop down to 0 overnight, but never ever during the day.  Some shit has gone seriously wrong if it ever did that.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Don’t worry, if it’s too cold, there’s a place near Antarctica called “Shag Island” (at 3C/37F), should be a good location … free plot bunny to anybody wanting it.

  13. Honestly, every bit of help we get is good. I tend to take this very seriously, because I’ve spent the last seven years volunteering here. I don’t expect everyone else to do the same, but it feels sometimes like a good, hard slap when someone says all we need to do is… and then proposes something that’s really very costly for a free-to-use, not-for-profit website that can’t even pay DG to keep it running.
  14. Are you offering to donate your services? Because right now, paying coders is not something we can do, and we can’t ask manta to forsake actual paying work to design features for our archive which might not even work as planned, while we scrape together a minuscule stipend hardly reflective of the time and effort she expends. I do what I can by donating my time (and spare cash when I have it) to making AFF work. If I could code, I’d be offering that as well, because I believe in what AFF represents. This discussion crops up from time to time, and it’s really sort of frustrating. We’d love to provide the kind of snappy software which makes users drool happily, full of bells and whistles. Hells, as an infrequent contributor to the archive, I’d love it myself. But the reality is that we’re not backed by a deep-pockets not-for-profit like AO3, and we’re not a for-profit site supported by mainstream advertisers like FFN. We are an independent site dedicated to allowing adult members to write, free of censorship, and that means mainstream advertisers will RUN from us, and not-for-profits, despite their avowed dedication to progressive principles, will draw the line at some of the content we permit. Yes, we could get backers… IF we change what AFF stands for. I don’t see that as an option, do you? I’ll step off the soapbox now.
  15. Happy Canada Day to our saner neighbors up North!

    :yahoo::beer: :twirl:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Plenty of deer around my area, one even struck my car last week.  (minor dents, so not bothering with insurance/repair).

    3. BronxWench
    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I never saw the deer, just heard the “thunk”.  Fortunately I’ve got a dash cam, so I was able to review the footage, and for several frames, the deer was present.  (The pickup coming the other way never slowed down either, barely missed it)  Now with minor hoof marks on the back of my car… (no, I’m not driving too close to the north pole either).

  16. From a personal standpoint, I’d love to have an update feature that sends me an email. But from the other side of the issue, I also know it’s not as easy to code in features as people think because we’re working with what’s become a custom piece of coding in the archive. We can’t simply add in features we like, as we can do in the forum, because there’s no library of features for us to browse. Our coder has to write something that will work with the rest of the code seamlessly, and that’s not always possible. In a perfect world, i.e., one in which I win a huge lottery, I’d give AFF the money to purchase a brand new, super powerful package for the archive, and hire lots of minions to carefully migrate the databases to the new package. The reality is that we’re all volunteers running this place on a shoestring budget which barely covers the cost of hosting the archive. There isn’t anything left for buying software. We do amazingly well with what we have, though, I think.
  17. I did download the mod to let my male Wardens romance Alistair… And in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian. That’s all I’m saying.
  18. I sort of expect my Games fandom stories to not get reviews. I don’t write for “popular” games, and that’s fine. But in posting order, with hits/reviews: Alchemy: 1086/ 16 Samahlen (combined one-shots): 22260 / 105 Stormborn: Book 1: 3103 / 7 Stormborn: Book 2: 949 / 0 In Lord of the Rings, I have a co-authored work, writing with the inestimable Pippychick: The Lost and the Hidden City: 1430 / 4 And my Originals: Almost Home: 358 / 4 Special of the Day: 513 / 4 Harrison Winter: 1109 / 4 The Accident: 270 / 3 Play It Safe: 452 / 5 Missing: 623 / 3 Compassion: 799 / 2 Culloch’s Rest: 2640 / 36 Hazardous Duty: 706 / 7 Hunting Elysium: 700 / 6 The Brownstone: 371 / 3 First Step: 973 / 6 Indigo: 520 / 4 Punch Line: 784 / 4 A Good Morning’s Sleep: 596 / 6 The Scapegoat: 1540 / 2 Surrender: 1190 / 5 Masking Intentions: 1780 / 19 Buggered if I know why some get more than others…
  19. I was sort of rooting for the kangaroo to make a goal…
  20. My fanfictions are game-based for the most part—Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age, to be specific. So, in essence, my player character is a form of OC to begin with, since I decide how the PC will respond over the course of the game. It’s not a huge leap to turn that into fanfiction, especially when I think the writers for the game were short-sighted, or narrow-minded. I do try to keep major canon characters in character, but there are always those less-explored non-player characters who catch my attention, and I won’t promise not to write them a full back story, and drop them into a few twists of my own devising…
  21. BronxWench


    We are not affiliated with Literotica or any other fiction archive. We enforce our rules on our site, and that’s all.
  22. BronxWench


    When warranted, we do ban former members. The repeal of net neutrality, if and when it actually happens, will not have any effect on our policies and procedures. The age verification page you reference was not an absolute method of ensuring new members were of legal age, and we have always done independent verification. Our methods work, as evidenced by the original poster’s protests over being caught out yet again.
  23. BronxWench


    We are an age-restricted site. That means, from a legal standpoint, that we are required to make every effort to check the ages of anyone joining our site. We also have, like every other website, Terms of Service, which are the rules governing the use of our website. We enforce those Terms of Service, unlike many other websites, and we state very clearly, in a number of places, that we are an actively moderated site. For anyone who actually bothers to read the Terms of Service, we make sure they know we monitor all activity on this site. And yes, in order to do that, we maintain records of all actions we take, and of all infractions for which we issue a warning. That is prudent, and good practice. It is entirely unlikely that we are making any mistake in terms of identifying you. We are well aware of the previous email addresses, previous pen names, previous user names, and other unique identifiers you have used while interacting with our site. We are not unique in collecting this information. You are however free to disagree, and you are free to post your work elsewhere.
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