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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. And still a favorite of mine
  2. We do have a FAQ on this topic: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63121-how-to-use-search/ Basically, you enter the search word or phrase into the appropriate field or fields, and search. It isn’t all that different from before, other than allowing users to search for words or phrases which might be in the story summary.
  3. Involuntary Indebtedness by The_CL
  4. @Desiderius Price I know you tag as conservatively as I do. I figured it never hurts to point out the logical fallacy in the “But I’ll scare off readers!” argument for not using the Rape tag.
  5. @Mal Your story’s fine, absolutely! And this was a good thread, with some really in-depth discussion. I enjoyed it! I’m just pointing out in response to @Desiderius Price that leaving off the tag so as not to scare off readers is going to backfire if we decide it’s required, because we hide stories with missing trigger tags like that. And, to be really honest, if the author doesn’t add that tag, it’s likely the story will be deleted after the 30-day period we allow for the correction to be made.
  6. If the content calls for the tag and it’s not there, we hide the story which drastically cuts down on readership anyway.
  7. Hi, We have a FAQ for that here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63122-how-to-find-the-author-id-and-story-id/
  8. I was told that it had been updated by our coder, but obviously, that’s not the case. I don’t code, and have no database access in any case, so we need either DG or manta to make the update. I’m poking!
  9. My understanding was that the recaptcha issue had been addressed. I’m making inquiries to see what’s going on, because I’m unable to do anything which requires recaptcha myself.
  10. The problem is that Wikis aren’t actual books, and they’re not like webcomics, either. But, having said that, Books may be the only logical placement. Our admin will make the ultimate determination, but Books or Games would be my thoughts.
  11. I’m actually unsure of where we would put this. It could be in Games, since there’s a role-playing element, and there’s been a game based on the project. I’m reluctant to slot it into Originals, since some participants use other participants’ work as a jumping off point, or as part of their canon, which puts it back in the realm of fan fiction. Honestly, I’m leaning towards Games.
  12. If the story is Nurse Granger, then it’s posted.
  13. The author was someonenotme, and all stories were taken down by the author pursuant to the explanation on the profile. I will ask that anyone reading this please respect the author’s decision, and not pass around copies of any stories.
  14. ::sigh:: Is this about the recaptcha again?
  15. You can’t recreate an account, so that would explain that part. I see this account, which I’m assuming is you: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296989004 I’m not sure why you were trying to reset your password when you’d just made the account. Generally, most people only reset that when they have forgotten a password. However, what might have happened is that the site sets cookies when you log in. If you created an account and logged in, once you clicked the validation link in the email you should have been fine. Resetting the password seems to have thrown things into a tailspin, and since I can’t access the database, I can’t see what happened. What I can suggest is that you clear all AFF cookies, clear your browser’s cache and history, close it completely, and restart it. That may clear any cookie-related issues. You can also check to see if your browser saved the password, in which case it could be interfering with your attempt to reset things. Still guessing here, it’s possible your password did not meet the criteria for the site: between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, no spaces, punctuation or special characters allowed, and it is case sensitive. Additionally, if you reset the password using the same password, it blanks the field and forces a new reset, which may or may not be working properly since we tweaked the code to accommodate mobile device users.
  16. I tell people to tag by the chapter if it’s that big a deal, but I want the trigger tags right up front for readers to see. I’m not eager to get those emails from readers who have been blindsided. But just for the record, I haven’t found any tag here that’s a given, even though it’s AFF. Adult doesn’t mean sexual content only, and I almost never write “solo” content.
  17. The forum moderator will deal with this directly, but the reason you can’t find a PM function is that it is only available to registered forum members who are logged in. Having said that, story content is not allowed in the forum. You might want to edit your post before it’s hidden or removed entirely for noncompliance with the forum rules. This thread is to find a collaborator, and not to work out the actual story fixes. I’d recommend doing this in Google Docs or another similar program where you can share content between you and the author, and the finished content could then be copied over into the archive, where all story content belongs.
  18. You can PM me the info, and I can see if I can log in, sure. I’m just wondering if the password field got “blanked” which can happen when you try to reset a password using the same password.
  19. You have to use the button to log in, just for the record. The Enter key does not work. When you go to the Login dropdown, are you seeing anything in the fields there? When I log in, I am shown the last email address I used to log in, since I have the moderator account and my personal account for AFF. Below that, you should be able to enter your password, which is between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, with no special characters, and which is case sensitive. If you save your password via your browser, you should see black dots representing your password. If you are unsure if the saved password is correct, backspace it out and re-enter it. Try the two passwords you thought were right, and I’m assuming the third, new password you created when you tried to reset it, and be sure any one you try meets the requirements. I can’t access the database to check your password, unfortunately, and DG is swamped with RL work, so I’m trying to get this sorted without needing her to check.
  20. Okay, step out for me what happens when you try to log in. I’m still showing your last active status was on Sunday. So, when you enter your email address, in full, and then your password, what message do you get? Not the password reset message, the log-in message, please.
  21. Eh, we’re trying to keep the tags to a manageable level. I mean, have you SEEN the shit they use over on AO3? The freaking tags have tags. You could do a full chapter just tagging, and they allegedly have tag wranglers. (They also generally have their collective heads up their asses as far as the folks running the site, but hey...) Having said that, if you want to add or refine an “official” tag, go for it.
  22. Trust me, in many cultures today, presumed consent via marriage is a given.
  23. It will probably come as no surprise that I’m with JD on this. I’ve written some stuff that’s coerced sex, and I tag it as rape, because there really isn’t informed consent. Whether or not the character arrives at a state where they go along with what’s being done really doesn’t remove the onus of coercion in my opinion. If the character can’t walk away, and can’t refuse without fear of reprisal, it’s rape. I tend to be very conservative in tagging content as rape, because I’m never sure what will act as a trigger for a reader. I know rape survivors in real life, and I’m well aware that even the most minor thing, something those of us who haven’t been raped might not even register, can prove to be a painful reminder. I don’t ever want someone to come back to me, and tell me I caused them pain and anguish because I didn’t tag content which might be triggering. I will tag non-graphic, offstage mentions of rape with the rape tag, simply as a precaution. It’s a good discussion to have, really. Rape is one of those things which brings out strong feelings on both sides, and I’ll be the first to admit my views are very strongly influenced by being female, although men are victims of rape as well. But it’s something I think we can find common ground with, despite our gender.
  24. Okay, then it could be a few things. First, if this is a new computer, and you’ve just set things up, make sure third party cookies are enabled for your browser. If the site can’t set cookies, that’ll screw the log-in. Second, make sure you’re using any capital letters where required in the password. It’s case sensitive. Letters and numbers only, no special symbols. Third, even if you don’t think you’re logged in, try to log out and then in again. I’m actually showing you as last log-in today: Last Active: 2018-03-25 18:06:30
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