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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench


    I am quite sure the Forum Administrator had good reason for any ban. It may have been related to prior activity on AFF, since we do keep quite thorough records on prior accounts requiring deletion.
  2. That sounds like an application for a position as one of my moderators. If the author doesn’t remove all of their stories in the said story-universe once published, either they have an extremely lenient publisher, or they’re taking a radical approach to marketing themselves. But since they are the author of the original world, the work remains in Original Fiction. Any fan fiction based on that original work goes to the Books subdomain, in the category for that particular work or series. Clear as mud?
  3. Good question! “Dom” implies dominance outside a consensual relationship, while “D/s” indicates a consensual Dominant/submissive relationship. Or at least that’s how I’ve always interpreted it.
  4. I do agree that once you start writing to someone else’s style, it’s not your work anymore, really. And it feels awful to be told how to write your own work. I am going to make a confession here. When I was brand new to publishing my work, as opposed to not so new which is where I am now, I let an editor talk me into major changes to a novel. It was her style, not mine at all, but she assured me it would work, and my book would sell, even if I felt like I no longer quite recognized one of my main characters. She was enthusiastic, and I know she meant well, but… I wasn’t really happy with the changes although the novel went out with them. Long story short, that publisher went under, and I’m now working with a new publisher to get the books back out there. The first thing I did was strip all those edits from the second novel. Every. Last. One. I’m enormously happier, and I finally am beginning to feel some enthusiasm for continuing the series, since I have my character back. Oh, and I scrapped the contractions in narrative. Not my style at all unless I'm writing first person POV (which I only do when seriously tipsy… :D) My response to the reviewer would be along the line of thanking them for the review, and suggesting perhaps they try their hand at writing a story in their style, since the world needs more writers. Or something pleasant to start with, anyway. I prefer to try being nice first, but that’s me, and my definition of nice varies depending on the situation.
  5. Or you can read it here on AFF: (Bound by) Clandestine Addiction by Shigure-san
  6. I honestly don’t think so, although I’d darken it in a heartbeat myself.
  7. I’m not seeing multiples of a story in the HP subdomain, so that’s not the issue. I just did a test post myself to make sure there wasn’t an issue, and was able to post successfully. Are you using any HTML code in any of the fields?
  8. Any sexual content involving a real person under the age of 18 is completely out. That’s just not negotiable in any way, shape, or form. That includes flashbacks to explicit matter in the real person’s past, whether fictional or not. Now the slippery slope… what about the other characters? As far as AFF’s official position, if the underage character is clearly fictional, there is no legal prohibition and therefore no concrete reason for us to object, other than perhaps good taste (although that is my personal distaste for the entire genre of celebrity fiction showing, I fear). Because we are dealing with real persons, I am very conservative, and would strongly recommend you not place any real person in the position of committing fictional pedophilia. I’m quite sure most celebrities are uncomfortable enough with most of the fan fiction about them, explicit or otherwise, but crossing that line might be a bit too far for their legal and public relations people. If you’re writing about real persons of your acquaintance, I’d hazard a guess you might be ending friendships and/or relationships. There is the additional consideration of not knowing who might see the story. If it’s sent to a minor, or a family member of the real person...ouch. And it has happened to one of our authors with a RPF they thought was deleted. So, the short answer? If the underage character is not real, it’s not prohibited, but we moderators do read those with a fine tooth comb (and a large whiskey at hand) and we will err on the side of caution.
  9. This one isn’t long enough for paperback editions, but the second book should be offered in print as well. That one’s in editing now.
  10. Hi, We’ve had a few updates to the archive software since you last visited, and you will need to revalidate your account. We have a FAQ which explains it right here. You’ll need to use the same email address associated with the account in order to revalidate, and once you’ve done that, you will be able to reset your password, and you should be able to access everything again. If you do run into issues, you can post here about what’s gone wrong, or if you need to verify the email address we have on record, you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. (I’d recommend NOT posting email addresses here because it invites spambots.) I hope it goes smoothly for you, but as I said, let us know if you run into any problems with the revalidation, and we’ll help sort it out.
  11. And it’s out! Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Ghosts-Sight-Witchs-Apprentice-Book-ebook/dp/B07DH6TFMF NineStar Press: https://ninestarpress.com/product/ghosts-sight/ (Download offers both ePub and mobi formats)
  12. Link for above: Songs of Regret by RavieSnake
  13. We have a few authors using Blackthorn as a pen name. but none of them have posted stories. The story ID isn’t showing up in my records, either, so my best guess here is that the author themselves removed the story. I’m sorry I couldn’t find anything more definitive.
  14. Do you have the url for the story? I can try to find out what happened, but checking by title doesn’t show any staff action in connection with that story.
  15. Was there someone in particular you were looking to find? I’ve been moderating here for the past 7 years. I’ve seen people come and go, largely based on how their real life has changed. Maybe they’ve graduated from college or university, and don’t have as much free time for writing fan fiction. Some people have moved on to being published. Some have returned after a break. AFF, like any other Internet site, is in a constant state of evolution and that reflects the way our membership is always evolving. There’s still a good many original members around, but we’ve also gotten some amazing new members who are well worth discovering.
  16. One editor told me I write romance with a body count. I suppose if I was writing detective romances, that might be good, but, sadly, I just like killing off characters.
  17. I’ve killed off characters often, despite how attached I get to them. It’s often literally painful for me, but if it’s necessary for the story, I’m ruthless about it. I take Stephen King’s advice: “kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” (Which is, of course, Mr. King quoting William Faulkner: “In writing, you must kill all your darlings” who was in turn quoting Arthur Quiller-Couch: “If you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings.” Sort of a stretch to interpret that as killing off one’s characters, but there we are. )
  18. There is a thread in the forums to request a beta reader, or to offer your services as a beta reader. The archive itself doesn’t have that sort of function.
  19. This does not actually mean you can post entire chapters here in the forums looking for feedback. I know you haven’t, but we’ve had people do that, and I thought I’d just throw that out as well.
  20. I have checked the stories posted by this member. There is exactly 1 story out of 38 which has the wrong placement, and I have corrected it, which should, I trust, answer your report.
  21. My admin has weighed in on the side of keeping them in the Slash category, since the gender bender tag will serve as warning that one or more characters will present as the opposite gender. As she pointed out, it’s a logistical nightmare to go through the entire subdomain, and move stories based on genderbent character pairings, and looking at it from that perspective, I agree. ::shudders at the thought of reviewing thousands of stories::
  22. It looks to me that many of them involve gender-bending, so the pairing might still be Harry/Draco, but one of the two will be a female version. Now, here’s the question: are gender-bender stories located under the actual gender of the character, or the assumed gender of the character? I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not sure, even after as long as I’ve been moderating here, but my inclination is to think they’d belong under the assumed gender. I’m going to ask among my fellow mods and admins, and if we all come to a consensus that these belong in the Het category, we’ll move them.
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