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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Already there! http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=1757
  2. It’s a known issue. You can read about the fix for it here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64151-how-to-fix-the-black-diamond-issue/
  3. Hi, I’m back, so let’s see what we can do to sort this. We did a big code update to make things more mobile-friendly, and to be honest, I think it made it all somewhat odder. The other account I could find for you is this one: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296875516 They use different email addresses, however, so that wouldn’t create any issues in and of itself. What we ARE seeing is some sort of issue with password resets. I’m getting complaints from people using Microsoft products: Outlook, Hotmail, Live.com. I’m going to assume this extends to Microsoft’s browsers as well, although IE never played well with anyone, really. Edge is marginally more functional. The dropdown menus always offer the option to register, even if you’re logged in. It’s the link to Login/Logout that’s more important, really, and that should appear in the dropdown at the top or bottom of the page. The middle fields exist mostly for account creation, but never go away, which makes it even more confusing. Honestly, if I ever won a large enough lottery, I’d toss buckets of money at our tech admin and coder, and tell them to buy new software—sky’s the limit! But sadly, we’re stuck with tweaking the old thing. I haven’t tackled the mailbox for the site yet, but I’ll reply there as well.
  4. I think I’ve fixed the issue with the beta link (I had to hide the story, since I can’t actually delete it).
  5. It’s taken care of. (I’m back!)
  6. I deleted it for you. They’re rare, but once in a while we get one...
  7. I did it for the Holiday collection this year. If I did it, anyone can…
  8. I have a fairly high threshold for most content, to be honest. My absolute walk-into-the-walls firm limits don’t include incest, but I’m not always comfortable with Minor1 content, and I flee from scat and watersports. But I have a feeling what you have planned for Luzurial isn’t going to send me screaming into the night, and I’m going to be very happy when I get back from a rare and much-needed vacation to have a chapter of The Woman in the Statue waiting for me to enjoy. The Spider House does sound right up my alley, and depending on the ages for the characters in Little Brother’s Lesson, I might just dive into that as well. You’re an extraordinary writer, and I’ll push my own limits when I enjoy someone’s work as much as I’ve enjoyed your first chapter here on AFF.
  9. Having had the extreme pleasure of reading the first chapter of The Woman in the Statue, I’m really, REALLY looking forward to more stories from you!
  10. The email above links to this profile: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296993900 The profile for RoyalRed shows a Yahoo email address, which would explain why you can’t log in. There are no posted stories under that profile at this time. I can delete that account for you, if that’s what you wish.
  11. Thank you! I don’t write a lot of fluffy fiction, but this was actually kind of fun to do. I’m not sure I can be that fluffy again, mind you, but it was fun! I do love wolf society, so yes, I was definitely leaning on the alpha wolf behavior for Ben. But I’m glad you enjoyed my bit of holiday cheer. Sorry about the White Castle thing, though!
  12. We do ask that there be at least 5 stories already written before we create a category for that pairing.
  13. @Red Ghost I’ve emailed you. I’m really not sure if the issue is linked to hotmail accounts and/or Outlook, but I do know we have, historically, had huge issues with Microsoft browsers. Edge seems to be working well enough, but Internet Explorer was dreadful and kicked in so many issues. It doesn’t seem very far-fetched to think the Microsoft email products would have conflicts with our site, too.
  14. Hey, sometimes I have to take off that moderator hat and just play, too! If I read something for my own enjoyment, I make a point of trying to leave a review, because I like reviews, and I figure if I leave some, the good karma might outweigh the moderator karma. And I meant your debut in our anthology collections, but you knew that.
  15. What would be the subdomain for this category?
  16. So, who here got sidelined in the government shutdown? 

    ::raises hand:: :bash: 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BronxWench


      Honestly, it’s just that sort of pure blind luck I seem to have. I’d worked for the government before, they were recruiting, they made puppy eyes, and I said okay. I went through all the paperwork, and vetting, and clearances (I’m shockingly clearance-worthy). I was sworn in on October 29, and I’m now having a lovely little unpaid vacation.

      In truth, I work because I’m bored otherwise. I’m not dependent on that paycheck, so I’m fine. BUT there are far too many other people who do depend on that paycheck, and this was simply wrong. I feel worse for the people who have to work without pay. My hat is off to Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, however. Once again, as she did in the last shutdown, she is donating her salary during the shutdown to a Nevada charity. I admire the gesture.

      I’m not going to dip my toes into the actual politics. I’m fairly moderate, and view both the far left and far right with the same sort of wary distaste generally reserved for things best not discussed in the drawing room. I will say that if one does not have a grasp of economics, or even the patience to read a one-page precis, one should not attempt to govern. Governing from the gut tends to fail miserably, which one knows if one reads their history.

    3. Praetor


           I swear, that thing is shut down more than it’s up, and even when it is running, it never feels like it’s running ‘well’.

    4. BronxWench


      @Praetor Isn’t that the truth, though? :lol:

  17. As you requested, the account has been deleted.
  18. I do both, so blessings of the Solstice, and yay, the days are finally getting longer again!
  19. Ah, the joys of old posts, and disappearing posters. Trust me, I’m sure I’d know it if you were seriously bitching me out, and I’d probably deserve it because, well, I can be a bitch!
  20. Thank you! I’m not quite sure it deserved to be called literary, but it was surprisingly fun to write something with no ulterior motives, no hidden agenda or sneaky trap for the unwary reader. Or maybe that was the trap? Who knows? It was just fluffy! But yay for good sex, because that’s clearly the best part of writing fluff. One has to have really good sex to make up for the lack of blood, or betrayal. And from SinfulWolf: Thank you! I’m not sure I can do a whole lot of sweet stories like this one, but it’s always good to challenge myself. I was very proud of not leaving any actual bodies, not even those who might possibly have deserved it. And I am very glad the exposition wasn’t too boring. It’s freaking hard to set a stage without a body!
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