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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Based on Firefox’s own recommendations, I’d suggest clearing all AFF-related cookies and allowing the site to reset them, to remove any corrupted cookie strings. You might also need to check to see if AFF is whitelisted on Firefox, after the recent updates to that browser.
  2. Hi, We do have a FAQ on disclaimers, right here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/3560-what-is-needed-in-a-disclaimer/ “Alice in Wonderland” is a title in the public domain, so what we’d look for is some acknowledgement of the original , such as “This work is based on the novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll” and then add a resemblance clause like we use for Original fiction, and which is based on what you’ll see in published fiction novels. So, maybe something like: “This work is based on “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. Any resemblance of characters to real persons, living or dead, is unintentional.”
  3. We have a FAQ for that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63122-how-to-find-the-author-id-and-story-id/
  4. The two lifted stories have been removed. I’ve amended the disclaimer and tags for the last story.
  5. Hi, First of all, thank you for both your thorough post, and for your thoughtfulness. We are much stricter about plagiarism than many other sites, I agree. We do try not to be utter jerks, mind you, but we respect the intellectual property of our authors, as well as the legal copyright held by the creators of the various books, movies, television shows, anime, comic, et cetera, which provide the backbone of our archive. It’s a fine line, and that’s why we do review every case individually, instead of taking a cookie-cutter approach. I am of the opinion this was a forgotten citation, and one which might well have been missed as we moderated. With that in mind, I’ve gone in and added the citations for that chapter myself, rather than reach out to the author to have them make that change. Thank you again!
  6. I’m not sure myself, but Speedy has a Facebook link on their profile, where updates and other information is posted. You might find out there if the story is on hiatus, or if there was a sequel.
  7. I actually like “Tension” as well.
  8. It is something that’s being worked on by the admin staff. I can’t give you an estimate of when it’ll be done, sorry...
  9. If your story is based on the anime High School DxD, then your story’s in the right place.
  10. I did send an email to the address we have of record, and it didn’t get bounced. Have you gotten it?
  11. The story doesn’t appear to be here on AFF, but posting the link was fine. We might not like offsite links in the archive itself, but in the search threads, we allow it.
  12. The hyphen is necessary. Hmm. I’m not sure what to recommend, since I doubt you want to make a forum account just to PM me here. I also don’t want you to post your email address here where it’s visible to spambots. But what we could do, is you can tell me your pen name, and I can email you at the address we have on record to confirm. Would that work?
  13. I’m pretty sure our email address is working, but you can try admin@adult-fanfiction.org instead.
  14. Hi, and welcome back! Your account is still there. It’s just that we’ve had a few updates to the archive code since you last logged in, and you need to reactivate. We have a FAQ that explains what you need to do: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/ It should go fairly smoothly, but if you run into any issues reactivating and making a new password, let us know. One of the bigger changes was to passwords. We now need them to be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, with no special characters or punctuation permitted. They’re still case sensitive, though, so if you use a capital letter anywhere, you’ll always have to use that capital letter when entering the password. You can post here on the forums, or you can email us directly at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. (We’ve had a change of domain as well, from adultfanfiction.net to adult-fanfiction.org.)
  15. It’s entirely possible you’re overthinking this. Go with hamlet and move on, that’s my advice.
  16. We do have a couple of author categories: Anita Blake, Antonia Forest, Lemony Snicket, and Poppy Z Brite, so there’s clearly precedent. It’s not a bad idea, but I think it would take a bit of work to move the existing stories based on those authors’ works to the new categories. Staff/manpower to do that would be the bigger concern rather than creating the categories.
  17. Give the author time. No doubt, there’s tweaking and editing being done, because we all find little things we’d love to fix almost as soon as we’ve posted something.
  18. The limitations on the fields are 240 characters for the disclaimer (not words) and 600 characters for the summary. That would be the reason for the system’s rejection.
  19. Hi! We don’t have an option to label a story as a crossover. In the single fandom subdomains, there is usually a category for crossovers. What we ask is that you place the story in the subdomain where it is set, so if your story is going to occur primarily in the Harry Potter ‘verse, it would go in that subdomain, in the Crossovers category. If it’s set in the Twilight ‘verse, it would go in Books, in the Twilight Series category, which has a further subcategory for Crossovers. Both fandoms would need to be disclaimed since you’re using elements from both. So, a disclaimer would read something like “I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight, and I make no profit from this story.” or words to that effect. I hope this helps!
  20. I had no idea spiders could be oogui eaters. He needs his own YouTube channel!
  21. I’ve forwarded the emails to The Chemist, but I’ve not heard anything from the member either in response to your emails. Sorry!
  22. Send me an email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and I’ll forward it on for you. Just make a note in the subject line that it’s for TheChemist.
  23. As far as I can determine, the story was removed by the author, C_Wade.
  24. I’m going to repeat what we say at the top of each search topic, for anyone who needs a refresher: If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected.
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