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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. He’s definitely special, that’s for sure. I delete those reviews as I come across them.
  2. Links for above: What a Witch Needs by Petalsoft
  3. Do you have stories for this category?
  4. Okay, I have three accounts for you: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296900718&view=story http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296993150&view=story (which has the story content) http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296996810&view=story All three accounts use different email addresses, which is why you were able to create three accounts. The first account uses a Hotmail account, which has been problematic for us of late when it comes to resetting passwords. Microsoft has changed security protocols for Hotmail, Outlook and Live-com accounts, and they don’t like us. The second account should be fine, and I don’t think the third account would have an issue with its email client. So, the question is which account you want to keep. Once we settle that, we can work on regaining access and resetting the password. I would rather not discuss emails in a public forum, so you can email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org if you’d prefer.
  5. Erassmus posted his stories here before he was 18, which is something we can’t allow. Accordingly, his stories were removed and his account deleted to protect the site from legal repercussions. He’s more than welcome to post here now, since he’s over 18, but that is entirely up to him. This thread has more information which might be of interest.
  6. Hi, If you were inputting a story directly in the Rich Text Editor, then I’m sorry. It doesn’t have a save feature, so if you were logged out or closed that window, the content would be lost. The same applies to the upload page itself, where you would enter the title, summary, tags, et cetera. That page does not save progress, either. For myself, I write in a word processing program—either Microsoft Word or GoogleDocs—and then I copy and paste the chapter into the RTE, make any formatting tweaks needed, and publish. This way, I still retain a back-up of the story on my hard drive or accessible through Google in the event of any issues. LibreOffice is a good freeware office suite as well, with compatibility with Microsoft, to avoid the expense of Microsoft.
  7. @lissa How about a hug instead?
  8. @JayDee I think they might actually be able to find it now, thank you!
  9. A very Happy Birthday to pippychick, a dear friend and brilliant writer! Hope the day is incredible, and perfect! :wub: :hug: :birthday: :congratualtions:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      I've already wished you a happy birthday, of course, but I'll wish you one in public as well. Happy birthday, sweetie. :wub:

    3. pippychick


      @Melrick It was a brilliant day, and I adored spending it with you (as far as we can at any rate). Thank you, Sir. :wub:

    4. Melrick


      @pippychick I loved it as well, as always. :wub:

  10. That one we don’t have, but go ahead and post is under Misc Games, with the fandom noted in brackets in the summary so we can move it once the category is created.
  11. It’s actually in the Television subdomain, under 1 through F, right here: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2069
  12. I’d report the ransom email’s Bitcoin wallet to Bitcoin, as per that thread I linked. I did it with the one AFF got, and it was rather gratifying to see all the other reports for that same wallet. It’s a bluff, he has no video of you, and while I still recommend changing your password just because it’s a good idea to change passwords regularly, I wouldn’t worry too much about the sextortionist.
  13. We haven’t heard anything here, but the profile name has been changed and all works removed with no comment. In many cases, when an author of original fiction pulls their stories, it is because they are looking to be published, or have been accepted by a publisher. Let’s hope that’s the case.
  14. Hi, If this is you, then the issue is the ongoing one we’ve been having with Microsoft and its Hotmail, Outlook, and Live.com email clients. Another member who is a system developer has explained it far better than I could (something about the ATP Safe Link) here. The long and short of it is that at present, we’ve been able to help folks reset their passwords by making a temporary change of email address to a gmail account. Once the password is reset, the member can then change the email address to anything they want. It’s frustrating, I know, and if you are unable to access the account to change your email address, I can do that much for you. I don’t have access to passwords, however. You can email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address to use, and I’ll make the change for you and let you know when it’s done. Then you can reset your password, and change your email address back as you please.
  15. I’m hoping I Bat-signaled DG, who has been working ridiculous hours in her real-life job. But if there’s a way to reorder things, she’ll be able to tell us. I adore snark, have been known to waffle the easiest things online (while managing to execute far more complex tasks without any apparent effort, and I refer to my life as “Issues-R-Us” because, well, it is. Insanity was the only logical response, I think. And you’re welcome! Now let’s see if I can find a solution, which would be truly helpful!
  16. You know, I’m not at all sure there is a way to move chapters around. It might be possible, but I have to defer to @DemonGoddess for that one. On an unrelated note, I absolutely adore your posts. I just let me hair go naturally gray and resort to pleading insanity.
  17. Okay, the second and third accounts have been deleted, so you should be able to reactivate and reset your password now. Glad to be able to help!
  18. I found three accounts for you, all of which show as inactive: diamonds-gone-black (no story content) diamonds-gone-black (no stories-states it is a review account) diamonds-gone-blak (no story content) What we’ll need to do is delete the duplicate accounts, so you are left with just one account. Then you’ll need to activate the account, as described in this FAQ and request a password reset as part of that process. Just let me know which account you’re keeping, and I’ll remove the others so you can activate and log in again.
  19. It’s very useful, and I filed the latest one sent to the staff email address (I get a LOT of these in the staff email...)
  20. I’m going to contact you at the email address we have on file for you, just to make sure our information is current.
  21. We’re pretty sure it’s related to the forum hack from last year. We definitely recommend changing your passwords, just to be safe, but I’ve been deleting this type of email frequently from the staff email address with impunity. I’ve avoided the temptation to point out that this is an adult fiction site, so really, it’s not like I’m going to be embarrassed that I read adult material. The email addresses sending the extortion requests are all disposable anyway, so the reply would only bounce back. :sigh: And thank you, Guest Mary_West for a post that was both highly intelligent and delightfully written!
  22. I have a suspicion it’s linked to your email account. We’ve been having issues galore with any of the Microsoft email services, like Hotmail, Outlook, and Live.com. I’m sure you’ve whitelisted AFF all over the place, with Windows, your anti-virus/malware, your browser of choice, and so on. The usual fixes, like clearing cookies and browser histories, don’t seem to fix this, either. I’m hoping DG can come up with a solution to this, because it’s really, really frustrating for anyone using those email services. PM me if you want to talk privately, and perhaps we can change your email account of record, even temporarily, so you can reset your password.
  23. I believe you need to ask @Melrick to change your forum name. But I’m glad the password reset did it for you!
  24. The resemblance clause is meant to cover characters outside the novel’s characters. Should you introduce any original characters, that’s where the clause comes in. The alternative, if you’re not using any non-canon characters, is to use our standard fan fiction disclaimer: “I do not own Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and I make no profit from this work.” There is no copyright to be violated, since it’s a work in the public domain, but we do need something as far as a disclaimer.
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