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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The only one who can create a category is DemonGoddess, who’s been insanely busy with RL work—think 80+ hours in a week. She is hoping to have some time this week to catch up on things, so be patient with us a while longer. Thanks!
  2. Went to the 50th Anniversary Tour show for Jethro Tull last night. Ian Anderson’s voice is rough, but gods, that flute of his… and he can still play on one leg! :lol: :wub: 

  3. Just to be sure, this is the account I’ve found for you. You are registered, so there’s no need to reactivate. I did want to check to make sure you are still able to access the email address you used when you created the account. I prefer not to post email addresses here in the forum where spambots can find them, but you can contact me by email at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. If yes, then the issue might be with your password rather than needing to re-register. The requirement for passwords is now 8-12 characters—letters and/or numbers only—and case sensitive. We do not allow punctuation or special characters, so any of those will cause an issue with a password. Again, any password reset emails will go to the email address we have on record.
  4. Your Facebook page can certainly be included as part of your social media section of your profile, along with your Twitter, Tumbler, blog, et cetera. You do that via the Control Panel. Wattpad and AO3 are a bit different. While we’re well aware we’re not the only online fiction archive, we are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit endeavor and we’re supported largely by the advertising banners you see at the top and bottom of our archive and forum pages. It’s biting the hand that feeds us to allow free advertising for other sites, to be quite frank. We don’t allow links to those sites in the archive at all. We do permit members and guests to link to other fiction archives in the Search threads. We also have the “Great Wall of...” thread where even pay sites can be linked.
  5. Members and guests can post links to stories published offsite. Just no links to places where unauthorized hard copies are circulated, please!
  6. I’m going to assume this is an archive avatar. For some reason, in the last round of tweaks to the code, we lost the ability to add avatars. I’m just as disappointed, really. But in the event we ever get them back, the image should be 250 pixels by 250 pixels or smaller. I don’t recommend going much smaller.
  7. You can select a category within a subdomain while in the search page. However, if you’re looking to do an archive-wide search for all stories with a certain tag, that’s not possible. Each subdomain is a discrete database.
  8. You’re never rude! Just refreshingly direct. Now I can be quite rude when provoked.
  9. I’ve reached out to her, so she’ll be on this. This was her first downtime in I don’t know how long—she’s been doing doubles and triples at work for nearly two years, so let’s hope it was a good vacation!
  10. I’ll remove the review and remind the reviewer that we prefer concrit to abuse in our review boards.
  11. Unfortunately, I can’t see passwords. That level of database access is reserved for my admin, @DemonGoddess who might be able to shed more light onto this problem. She’s been away visiting family, but hopefully she’ll be able to tell us what’s going on.
  12. Oh, nope. You shouldn’t be getting anything from that address at all. Our password reset notifications should be coming from anonymous@affnet.nexcess.net. Take a peek in the Spam or Junk folder and see if there’s anything from that email address.
  13. ::hugs her Witch:: Love you, lady!
  14. This wouldn’t be the correct place for this question. However, your question is best directed to the forum staff, since you do have an archive account.
  15. Lord Snape’s Dilemma by AprilGrey
  16. We actually have a forum thread for story adoption. Our policy is that unless a story is placed in that thread, it is not available for adoption. No matter how long a story has been abandoned, it remains the property of the original author until they tell us otherwise.
  17. I think the long and short of it is which grammar style book you use. AP says use just the apostrophe after a proper noun ending in “s” while Chicago Manual of Style says it’s an apostrophe plus s. Grammarly has a good discussion of it.
  18. I’m always reluctant to post email addresses here on the forums, for spambots to harvest. It would be far wiser to email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org so we can see about getting you back into your account.
  19. To be very honest, when an author downs their work all over the Internet, we tend to think that should be respected, and we don’t like links even to things like the Wayback Machine. Some authors have had to take down all their fan fiction when publishing original fiction, due to the requirements of their publisher. Sometimes, they’ve taken down their work for privacy concerns. So, we would rather be cautious, and not post those links. If the author posted the work on another fiction archive, we do allow those links in the search threads, or on the Great Wall Of… thread. We don’t allow links to those sites in the archive itself, however.
  20. I’ve always gone with the convention of adding the possessive ‘s for a family name, like the Ross’s house, but not for an individual’s name, like Gus’ friend. (And this is why my editors want to kill me...)
  21. As far as I can tell, BlackPriestess has not posted anything here in some time. Last activity on the account was in 2013. I’m sorry I don’t have more information for you!
  22. Wishing our Foeofthelance a very Happy Birthday, and many more, lad! :bday: :cheers:

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