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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Special seedlings would work as you’ve laid it out. Now, for an elder elven sage, looking for a tree with some potential arcane/occult significance… Oaks were sacred to the druids, and were linked with lightning, since oaks can survive lightning strikes and thrive. Hawthorn were also considered to be sacred trees, as were ash trees. In parts of Ireland, even today, people won’t cut the branches of a hawthorn for fear of offending the fairy folk. Ash trees were associated with healing, and ash was used for staffs/wands. Here’s a wiki article on Celtic traditions for sacred trees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_sacred_trees
  2. The Tolkien Ents were sentient trees, so I doubt they would be used for houses. However, they were able to act as shepherds of a sort for the old forests. Now, if you had a sort of guardian tree race, they could direct the growth of the non-sentient (but still very much alive) trees to shape them as houses for your elves. (Ettins are D&D lore—two-headed giants with severely bad tempers. )
  3. It’s also here on AFF: A Question of Honor by KogasAngel
  4. Link for the first one: Orion Zabini Potter by Slayer-of-Destiny
  5. BronxWench


    Could it be this one? Moonlight by KatieK It’s not complete, unfortunately, and it’s been some time since it was last updated.
  6. Formans Familia by Michally was taken down by the author from every site where they had posted it. We ask that if anyone has a copy, they do NOT offer it here. We respect the author's wishes to have the story removed, and ask that our users do the same.
  7. It would very much depend on the individual story. This is far too general a question for me to answer, since some authors do return to stories after a lengthy hiatus, while others might be left unfinished. The Date Last Updated simply indicates when the author last posted new content, and isn’t an indicator of completion, future activity, or anything else. We don’t insist that authors label stories as works in progress or completed, although those tags are available for use.
  8. Naruto and the Brothel by sneaky666 Also right here on AFF: Red Light Kunoichi by DragonKnightRyu
  9. I’m going to have to refer this to @DemonGoddess and @manta2g who are the code experts. The issue I’ve seen in the past is that reset to Anime anytime you edit in Currently Reading, but if your subdomain isn’t automatically resetting to Anime, and you’re changing nothing but the body text, then I’m stumped. Update: Having finally had the time, I set up a test via my own account, and when I tried to edit text in the body, I experienced the same problem. I reset the subdomain, re-entered the story ID, and still was told I needed to add a valid story ID. Retyping the story ID did not solve the issue. So, I’m verifying that this is a legitimate glitch with editing in the Currently Reading section of the Member Profile.
  10. I’ve emailed you—I think I have the answer for you.
  11. Links for above: Hypnotic by Cia
  12. It looks like the Google Play Store axed it, probably due to complaints. But, yeah, it’s amazing how many people will download something like this. How hard is it to just go to AO3? They must have a mobile version by now. Even we do at AFF, and ours works, based on the number of “butt-dial” reports I get in the staff email.
  13. So, a good friend alerted me to this app, available from the Apple App Store. (The Google Play link returns as a 404, so Google may have taken this app down.) But, from the developer’s own words: Link to the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fanfic-pocket-archive-library/id1047221122 The friend who alerted me says AO3 isn’t willing to do anything, but they have requested a takedown for their stories that were scraped and published in the app’s library. Let’s see how that goes. Now, here’s my little rant. The app provides for an optional monthly subscription service, and as we all know, the idea of making money IN ANY FASHION from fan fiction violates copyright law, vis-a-vis the Fair Use Act provisions by which we all get to write our fan fictions. The developer asking for “tips” is also a clear violation of Fair Use, in my opinion. It’s why we don’t allow Patreon or other self-funding services to be linked on AFF’s archive. (Obviously, AO3 has a more generous interpretation of the law than I do, but then again, they have a deep-pocket not-for-profit backing them, and a legal team for when issues arise, so take that for what you will.) I took my stories off AO3 some time ago because I find their moderation uneven and biased, so I might not have a dog in this particular fight, but it’s worth sharing, I think, in case any of our authors want to check for their works posted on AO3, and scraped by this app.
  14. I’ve updated your email address, so if you use the gmail account for the password reset, it should work for you.
  15. I’ve tagged our tech admin to see if she can shed any light on the password issue. I’m not a coder myself, and I have no direct access to the database to review or amend passwords. We limit that level of access very strictly for security reasons, which I hope everyone will understand and support. The only thing I can do is to update an email address, which might resolve some of the password reset issues. We’re seeing the problem primarily with accounts using a Microsoft email client: Hotmail, Outlook, or Live.com. Once the password is successfully reset, you will have full access to the account, and can even revert back to the Hotmail address if you prefer it.
  16. Are you using Hotmail, Outlook, or Live.com as well? Every bit of information helps us in trying to identify and correct issues.
  17. At the very top should be a dropdown for the subdomain where the story is posted. It may be defaulting to Anime, which would be why you are getting an error, unless the story is in the Anime subdomain. It’s frustrating to have it default to Anime when you’re only editing, I agree.
  18. I am not an Opera expert, but I think you might need to add a Chrome extension to allow for text encoding changes. It used to be in Opera’s View > Text Encoding menu, but that was eliminated some time ago. Opera now uses Chrome extensions for that function. Hopefully we have actual Opera experts who will chime in as well, if I’m mistaken.
  19. I’ve no idea why it’s happening, but I suspect it’s to do with the Hotmail email address. Microsoft tightened its security for its email clients after last year’s breach, and it’s had the unfortunate side effect of creating havoc for us. Our hosting company had taken steps to resolve the issue, but if Microsoft made any new tweaks, we may be back to issues again. Hopefully @DemonGoddess can shed some light on this, since she is the tech admin, and far more savvy.
  20. Is this the link you are using? I’ve been able to reset myself with this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php Just a few reminders about passwords; they need to be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, no punctuation or special characters, and they are case sensitive.
  21. The issue with the Hotmail email addresses should be resolved. As far as logging in, where is the problem? Is it a forgotten password? If so, I’ll need to have our tech admin check that for you, since I can’t access the database directly to see passwords.
  22. Since we seem to have a troll using this thread to behave in a manner unbecoming, and I have absolutely no patience left for Internet trolls, I’m locking this thread.
  23. We have a FAQ for that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63121-how-to-use-search/
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