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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale chuckled a little at Yuji's comment. "Oh, love, I'm hardly perfect. Yesterday should prove that." Vale paused for a moment, watching Aika try to feed Ryuu a piece of banana. Her brother was giggling too much to eat the fruit, and Aika was beginning to pout.

    "Aika, feed otooji." Vale leaned down and let Aika feed him the banana, her face brightening. She turned back to her brother, babbling something that he seemed to understand, and Vale turned back to Yuji.

    "I scared the hells out of Willow yesterday when I went to Kansas. I scared the hells out of Kansas when I let him see what I wanted to do to those," Vale paused, looking at the children. "Those three," he finished. "I'm not always gentle. I've got a wicked temper, and I'm rash, and I'm prone to rushing into things. But the one thing I do have is love, so I suppose I'm not totally a waste."

    Yuji looked dismayed. "We were all angry and upset yesterday. We all said things we shouldn't have."

    Vale shook his head, his green eyes warm. "A lot of what we said yesterday was what we should have said. What you told me on the roof? That's between us, until you want the others to know. But it's going to be a little harder to have secrets now." Vale chuckled again. "I don't know what you're thinking. It doesn't work that way. But I know what you feel, and what they feel, so it's harder to hide things. What's going to be hardest for us all is our Kansas."

    Vale reached out and wiped a bit of strawberry from Aika's cheek and sighed softly. "I hate that he has to go through this today. Sand's better at this sort of thing. I'd rather just reduce them to ash and move on, but that won't help, will it? And I just scare Kansas when he feels that side of me."

    The two men were silent for a few minutes, just watching the children and enjoying the awareness of each other that marked their bond. Vale's hand found Yuji's hand, and their fingers tangled together comfortably.

    Yuji broke the silence. "When did you start smoking?"

    Vale laughed at the teasing, and leaned over to kiss Yuji. "I'm never doing that again, no matter how much I want to get through to you." Vale grinned. "I'm going to clean up from breakfast and get dressed." He gestured at his outfit. "I raided your closet, I'm afraid. You go have your smoke while I do the dishes, and then you can watch our little ones for a minute while I change."

  2. Vale looked at his family, and he felt the love that shone through the pain, the love that would endure past the pain. He looked at the rings in their boxes, and he looked at the band already on his finger. His shoulder ached where Yuji had brought his fist down on it, but that was insignificant in the face of what was before him. This family, his family... Yuji was right. None of them, not even Vale, was strong enough to stand alone, but together they would heal, and together they would make a safe place for all of them.

    Vale knelt in front of Yuji, graceful as ever, and took Yuji's face between his hands. "Hayashi Yuji, my husband, my love," the elf said. "I already wear your ring, as you wear mine. Now open your heart and feel my heart."

    Vale leaned forward, his forehead resting against Yuji's forehead. "I love you, with all that I am." Vale pressed a soft kiss on Yuji's lips, and reached out with his very soul, feeling Yuji's love like a warm current washing over him. He bound his soul to that warmth, and accepted its flow, and watched as Yuji felt Vale's love alongside his own, two hearts bound together. Yuji's eyes widened, and from Satoshi's lap, Kansas watched with a small smile on his swollen lips.

    Vale then knelt in front of Satoshi. "Mori Satoshi, my love, and now my husband. I take this ring that you offer, and I offer you all that I am in return." Vale leaned in and kissed Satoshi, and bound his soul to the green-haired man as Satoshi slid the thin red gold band on Vale's left ring finger. "I love you."

    Vale leaned in further, and feathered a kiss on Kansas's swollen lips, barely touching him. "Hayashi Tatsuya, my love, and my husband." Vale voice broke slightly. "Oh, Kansas, my dragon becoming, my soul is already yours, and I take this ring that you offer with all my heart." Kansas slipped his thin yellow gold band next to Satoshi's band.

    Finally, Vale turned to Willow, cupping her face between slim hands. "Hayashi Willow, my love and now my wife. I take this ring that you offer, and I offer you all that I am in return." Vale reached out and bound his soul to Willow, his kiss gentle and loving as she slid her white gold band on his finger. "One day we will hold our child in our arms, and welcome a new member of our family, all of us, together. That is my dearest wish."

    "I love you all so much, and with your love filling me, I'm complete." Vale looked at his family, his husbands, his wife, and he let all the joy of their union fill him and them. There were no words after that, just the five of them sharing the bond that would bind their hearts as one for as long as they lived. Tomorrow would bring what it would, but for tonight, this would be their beginning.

  3. Vale looked at Satoshi for a long moment. "Take care of Kansas, and you, love."

    Vale ran lightly up the stairs, following behind Yuji. He opened the door to the roof terrace and glided out, sitting next to his furiously smoking husband. Every muscle in Yuji's body was tense, and Vale could feel waves of rage emanating from him. Vale reached out and put a hand on Yuji's shoulder, and Yuji pushed it off angrily.

    "It took every bit of self control I had not to tear those three smirking bastards to shreds." Vale's voice was calm, almost conversational. "Then I remembered what I could do to them with magic. I considered everything from summoning a demon to devour their entrails, to just shoving a fireball up their asses and having done with it. It would have been a lot more satisfying to use my hands, though."

    Vale reached out and took a cigarette from Yuji, lighting it with a brief flare. He inhaled deeply, letting the smoke trickle out slowly. Yuji looked startled at the sight of the elf calmly puffing away. "Do you know what he said to me? 'I could've taken it.' I have no idea why I didn't kill them right then."

    Vale looked over at Yuji. "I screwed up. I let Kansas know what I was feeling. I should have controlled my temper more, but I didn't. I saw him and I panicked. What's your excuse?"

    "Don't, Vale," Yuji growled.

    "Don't what? Don't care? Don't hate myself for not protecting him better? Don't wish I could go back in time and rescue him before he was broken?" Vale turned blazing eyes on Yuji. "And if I, who's just met him, feel that way, how much more are you hurting?"

    Vale pulled his husband into a tight embrace, his voice cracking only slightly. "Punching Satoshi didn't help. Scaring Kansas didn't help. Willow's going to use all our heads for soup, and the kids will have nightmares. Fuck, Yuji!" He pulled Yuji's face up and kissed him hard, tears spilling from green eyes. "Don't try and do this alone. None of us are strong enough, but together, if we love each other, we can fix it."

    It was probably the worst time in the world, but Vale took another drag on the cigarette, and looked at Yuji. "I knew Kansas was in trouble, but not for the reason you're probably thinking. I formed a bond, a link between Kansas and me, like the one I have with Sand." Vale's gaze did not waver, despite the tears that still glittered on his lashes. "I intended to form the first bond with you, but I thought I could help Kansas. I thought I could ease his pain. I wanted to tell you but there wasn't time." Vale lifted his chin a little. "If you feel the need to hit me, I won't stop you."

  4. Vale's eyes widened as Kansas used the link to scream at him. He was able to remain outwardly calm, not a single flicker in his expression to indicate what had just happened. He straightened up almost casually, turning slightly to face the imp.

    "I'll be right back," Vale murmured. "I need to freshen up. Yuji is here now." He looked at Kansas for a long moment, trying to convey that he was not going to do anything rash. The tiniest flicker in Kansas's eyes told vale that he had been heard.

    Vale stepped outside to where the receptionist sat, and asked her very politely where he could freshen up. She directed him to a bathroom, and Vale thanked her with a bow and walked away, his back ramrod straight. He walked into the bathroom, entered a stall, and promptly knelt and vomited.

    It took a few minutes for Vale to purge himself, and he made sure to use a cleaning cantrip to ensure that no trace of sickness was left behind. He left the stall and washed his face and hands thoroughly, and rinsed his mouth with cool water.

    On his way back to the examination room, Vale passed a machine that dispensed mints, and he fumbled in his pant's pocket for the small coins necessary. He sucked a mint almost greedily to cleanse his mouth of the last taste of sickness, and then he took a few deep breaths before reentering the room. The first thing he did was to go over to Kansas.

    "Tatsuya?" Vale waited until the imp looked up. "I'm sorry. Your way, not mine." Vale sent a wave of contrition and love to Kansas. Then he stepped back and waited to hear what would happen next.

  5. Vale took the cellphone, his hand trembling slightly. "Yuji? We're on our way to the campus infirmary." Vale had to hold the phone away from his ear for a moment as Yuji's voice exploded out of it.

    "Vale? What happened? Is he alright?" Yuji sounded as frantic as Vale felt.

    "He's been beaten," Vale said, his voice clipped as he tried to master his emotions. "The persons responsible are being interviewed by campus security. I'm going with him to the infirmary. Can you meet us?"

    "Persons?" Yuji said, his voice shaking.

    "It appears that there were three of them," Vale replied. "Yuji, I can't talk about this right now. Please, just get here as soon as you can." Vale bit back what he wanted to say. He looked at the phone and pressed what looked like the right button to end the call. Shoving the broken thing in his pocket, Vale turned his attention back to Kansas, trying to send his love through to Kansas. He had seen the imp's face crumble when Vale reacted so strongly to his few words, but Vale just could not beat the thought that Kansas felt like he deserved such a thing as that beating.

    "Tatsuya?" Vale said gently. "Yuji is on his way. I'm not leaving you, not for a minute, alright?"

  6. Vale looked at Kansas as he fell to his knees. "It's alright, Tatsuya." Vale didn't even dare touch his imp. Between the damage Kansas had sustained, and the two men sitting beside him, it would have been very unwise to show anything private, and Vale was not sure he could touch Kansas and not want to hold him and cover him in kisses.

    Vale stood slowly and bowed to the men sitting on either side of Kansas. "My name is Anorongil, and I am acquainted with Hayashi Tatsuya and his guardian, Hayashi Yuji. I am related to Hayashi-san's wife." The men nodded, relaxing slightly as the elf continued, exerting the force of his charming personality. "Please, I happened to be passing and thought I might see if Tatsuya wished company on the journey home. Is there anything I can do?"

    Vale looked over at where the three other youths had been detained, and his expression hardened. A man in what looked like some sort of official uniform was speaking harshly to the youths. He turned back to Kansas, and projected as much love and strength as he could through his link, absorbing the pain he felt radiating from Kansas's anguished frame. Vale knew this was so much deeper than the physical beating. This struck at the broken core of Kansas, the part that still thought he did not deserve anything other than to be beaten. If Vale had not been warned by Willow, he would cheerfully have reduced those three bastards to something their mothers would never recognize.

    Vale looked at the bullies again, and let Kansas feel a very tiny bit of his rage at them. The he turned back to Kansas and poured out love and acceptance. It was about as subtle as a dragon coming for tea, but Vale did not think Kansas needed subtle. Kansas needed to be home.

    The men were looking at each other. Finally one spoke to Kansas. "Hayashi Tatsuya, do you know this man?"

    Kansas managed a nod, a few drops of blood rolling down his forehead.

    "Do you wish to see the doctor here on campus?" The questions were being asked in English, so that Vale could not later say that he misunderstood anything, he realized. The correct manners, the precise formality was a thin veneer over a recently brutal culture of utter conformity. Kansas dared to be different, and these people were only protecting him because there were witnesses. Vale felt every nerve in his body come awake.

    Kansas was shaking his head in negation, and he looked up at Vale. "I could've taken it." His voice was slurred, and Vale's heart nearly broke.

  7. Vale was nuzzling Willow, planting soft kisses on her shoulders and neck. "Willow," he murmured, completely unable to put together anything more coherent than that. They cradled each other for a few sweet moments, before Willow gave him a little shove.

    "We'd better shower and get dressed, before the kids wake up," Willow murmured, just as Vale stiffened, his green eyes wide with dismay. "What? Did you hear something?"

    "It's Kansas," Vale said, the tone of his voice galvanizing Willow. He knew she had no idea what he was talking about, or how he could know, but he felt raw anger, followed by a sharp pain, and then more pain. "Something's wrong with Kansas! Willow, I need to go to him, now." Vale wriggled free and started snatching at his clothing.

    "Wait! You don't even know where you're going," Willow protested. She grabbed Vale's arm, frightened by what the elf might do.

    "I don't need to know," Vale said, pulling on his shirt and buttoning it. "I can just teleport to him."

    "Vale! You can't do anything," Willow said, her voice nearly frantic. "The laws here, it's not like where you're from. Magic doesn't exist here, not like it does for you."

    Vale nodded, understanding her warning. Maybe he could not use magic, but Vale was battle hardened over centuries, and he was quite sure he could handle whatever awaited. He leaned in and kissed Willow with sudden passion. "I'm sorry, love. I'm sorry, but the imp..."

    Willow nodded, her throat tight. She loved Kansas, too, but she wasn't ready to lose Vale the moment she had found him.

  8. Vale moaned as Willow's hands tugged at the waistband of his pants, her thighs straddling him and pinning him to the couch. He bucked his hips upward, letting her feel how hard he was, rubbing his cock against her wantonly. One hand cupped the soft globe of her breast, his thumb teasing her nipple until it stood out, hard and aching. His other hand was working at the waistband of her pants, opening them and sliding down to slip into her panties and cup her sweet ass.

    Vale managed to break the kiss long enough to gasp out, "Let me..." He released her breast and pushed her pants down over her hips, stroking the velvety skin and gripping her tightly as he bucked upward again to press his aching cock against her. With something close to a growl, he sat up, swinging his legs off the couch and standing, his hands cupping her ass as he lifted her. He shimmied his hips, his own pants sliding down, and he toed his socks off as he stepped out of his pants.

    Vale lowered Willow so that she could stand, and he swiftly stripped off her pants and socks, and her panties followed a moment later. Vale dropped to his knees in a single graceful move, and buried his face in the auburn curls between her thighs, his tongue snaking out to lap at the folds of her, probing between them until he was able to flick at her clit with the tip of his tongue. Willow moaned louder, her hands fisted in his hair and her head flung back.

    Vale tugged at her hips, urging her to sit on the couch, and he parted her thighs reverently as he buried his face in the damp curls, tongue plying her clit with firm strokes as one long finger slipped inside her. Vale could feel her thighs trembling, and he added a second finger, turning then and stroking the walls of her tight passage until he found the little ridged spot he was seeking. He sucked harder at her clit as he stroked her sweet spot, and within moments, he was answered with a throaty moan as her walls convulsed around his fingers so tightly that Vale gasped. He let his tongue press firmly on her clit as he rode out her shuddering orgasm with her, tasting the sweetness of her as she came.

    Willow's eyes were dark with desire as she looked at Vale. He stood, and let her tug off his tight boxers, his aching cock finally freed, precum beading the head and gleaming in the afternoon sunlight. Willow pushed him down to the rug, and he lay supine as she straddled him again, positioning herself above his cock. His strong fingers gripped her hips, and he guided her downward, moaning happily as she took him into the wet heat of her, sliding downward until her soft auburn curls were pressed against his groin.

    Vale watched Willow's face as she rode him, her cheeks flushed and the hair as her temples sweetly dampened with sweat. He matched her with his own upward thrusts, driving himself into her with wanton abandon, until he saw her back arch and felt her thighs tremble against him. Vale released one hip, using his hand to propel himself into a sitting position and wrapping his arms around Willow as she came again, the rippling muscles of her wet passage gripping Vale cock like a velvet vise. He growled, into her neck, his balls drawing up almost painfully as he erupted, emptying himself within her with a strangled moan.

  9. Vale sat down on the couch, and ran his fingers through Willow's gorgeous hair. "Thank you," Vale murmured, leaning forward to bury his face in her hair for a moment, inhaling the sweet scent of the shampoo she had used.

    "For what?" Willow asked, her voice slightly muffled.

    "For everything," Vale replied. He lifted her hair away from her back, letting it cascade over her shoulder, and did not hesitate, sliding his fingers onto the warm silk of her where her shirt had ridden up. Vale let his fingers slide upward, under her shirt, the scent of her intoxicating and the feel of her arousing him painfully.

    Vale could bear no more waiting. He leaned down and kissed her, his tongue gently teasing her mouth open as he dove into the sweetness of it. Willow responded with a languid heat that made him gasp with pleasure, and he stretched out alongside her on the couch, one long leg slipping between her thighs and pressing firmly. Willow's slender fingers found his ear, pinching the tip and dragging a soft moan from Vale as she stroked the shell of his ear. Willow pressed against him with a wanton moan of her own, and Vale deepened the kiss, plundering that sweet mouth. His cock was rock hard, pressed against the heat of her thigh, and he ground himself against her as his fingers undid the buttons of her shirt.

    Vale slid the shirt off her shoulders, kissing the newly exposed skin and nibbling gently along her collarbone until he reached the hollow of her white throat. His hands stroked downward, dipping into her bra to cradle the soft mounds of her breasts as he lifted them free of their lacy confines. His mouth moved down, and wet heat replaced the teasing strokes of his tongue as he tasted her nipples, laving them with his tongue and suckling them eagerly.

  10. Vale was delighted to be able to push Aika in the stroller, and although he really wanted to sneak in a kiss with Willow, he was mindful of the fiasco with Haruka. He kept a respectful distance from Willow, and behaved as politely as he could as they traveled to the offices where he could obtain his visitor's card.

    When they reached the offices, Vale remembered everything Willow had told him on the trip there. The officials all spoke very good English, and Vale was carefully respectful and polite, bowing deeply and thanking everyone in sight. He showed the papers he had created repeatedly, and things were stamped and restamped, until, after paying over the appropriate fees, Vale was handed an official visitor's card in the name of Vale Anorongil, allowing him to reside temporarily in Japan until such time as he could present sufficient justification for permanent residence.

    Vale and Willow needed to hurry home to collect Ryuu from his kindergarten, and the four of them proceeded back to the house, Vale still proudly in charge of Aika's stroller.

    By now, Aika needed both freshening up, and lunch. Vale scooped her up. "I'll change her, Willow, and then I'll be down to help with lunch." Vale hurried upstairs, got Aika changed and brought her back down, chattering nonsense to her the entire time until she smiled up at him.

    Willow looked up, once again struck by how natural Vale seemed as a parent as he tucked Aika into her high chair and then gave Ryuu a hand setting the table for lunch. Since they were home, he had tucked his hair back over one elegant pointed ear, and Willow found herself wishing she could drag him off to the bedroom yet again.

  11. Vale sighed happily, nuzzling Willow a little as he followed her up the stairs. "I certainly need to learn this skill, I think," he laughed, "especially if we have a child as well." He gave Willow a radiant grin. "Elves don't have many children, because we live longer, but we cherish children. Loving you is gift enough, but if we have a child? I can't begin to tell you what that would mean."

    Willow laughed at the happy elf. "Tell me that again after your lesson," she teased.

    There was a good bit of giggling as Vale got his first lessons in diapering an active one-year old, and getting her dressed again afterward. Still, as enchanted as he was with Aika, Vale could not find anything repellent about her.

    "There you are, little one, all sweet and beautiful," Vale murmured, scooping Aika up and nuzzling her. He turned to Willow, his eyes merry. "Shall my two beautiful ladies and I go to make me legal?"

    Aika took hold of Vale's hair firmly. Willow looked at Vale for a moment. "You do know that when she walked to you last night, those were her first steps?" Willow was surprised by the tears of joy that formed in Vale's green eyes.

    "She came to me?" Vale's voice was barely a whisper, but his eyes were glowing. "Oh, Aika, you are a love song, aren't you?"

  12. Vale looked at Willow, his smile oddly shy. "Willow," he began, and then stopped, and laughed. "I feel like an elfling here. I'm as nervous as a mouse with a cat next to it." He ran a slim hand through his hair.

    "How do I say this?" Vale began again. "I fell in love with Yuji first, yes. I didn't know you were his wife. I thought it was like what Sand and I have with Wench, a friendship and sometimes love affair that we all enjoy. Sand and I were happy to be Wench's pets for the vacation. But Yuji was unexpected, and I will never regret what's happened between us." Vale reached out to stroke Willow's cheek. "And yes, I've extended that love to encompass Kansas and Satoshi as well. The imps are beautiful, and so much a part of Yuji that I can't help but love them. That also applies to you."

    Vale let his fingers drift into Willow's hair. "You're Yuji's wife, and I've seen the love in his eyes when he looks at you. I love that about him, how easily he can love, and how well. I can also see why he loves you, and it's as easy for me to feel love for you as it is for him. You're a very special woman, Willow. You've opened your heart and your life to all these men, and I'd be very happy if you found room in there for an elf." Vale leaned in to kiss Willow very softly. "There is one complication, though, for you and me. You do know that you could have a child with me, don't you?" Vale shook his head a little. "I'll be guided by you in this. Tell me what you want, Willow."

  13. Vale came back over to Willow and Aika, his eyes warm as his lips still tingled with Yuji's kiss.

    "You both look lovely," Vale said, giving Willow a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry I woke late today. I think I was more tired than I expected." He kissed Aika again. "I'll do better tomorrow, won't I?"

    Willow sat back and looked at Vale. "The suit's a good touch. You look respectable, even with the long hair. Let me do most of the talking to start."

    Vale nodded. "I will," he agreed. "Will we need money?"

    "There are some fees, but you should have enough left from your shopping trip." Willow looked at the elf again. "Where'd the money come from?"

    Vale smiled. Willow was so fiercely protective of her family, and her concerns were understandable. She also knew, far better than anyone else, exactly where he had come from, and Vale did not need to mince words with her. "Sand and I sold a couple of gems through Wench. The gems were from a dragon's hoard." Vale touched her hand gently. "I'm not using magic frivolously, Willow. I want to do things the right way, so no one gets hurt."

    Willow nodded, and Vale could see that she was reassured, at least on that count. "Just keep it that way."

  14. Vale looked at Yuji. "Would you mind if I opted for dishes? I'm not sure I could manage dressing Aika today." He bent down to plant a kiss on her soft hair. "Tomorrow you can teach me how you like to be dressed, alright?"

    Yuji just laughed and kissed Vale before taking Aika upstairs. Vale cleared the table quickly, and began to wash the dishes. He was amused to think that Sand probably would have had a handy cantrip for this, but Vale found the chore comforting. It was part of this whole family routine, and the simplicity and perfection made Vale feel like he belonged, a new and delicious feeling for the elf. It made Vale chuckle to think of how Sand would react to his new domesticity, and he was still chuckling as he put away the last of the dry dishes in time to see Kansas and Ryuu come down.

    Kansas still seemed a little quiet, but Vale could not sense any pain. Rather, the imp seemed uneasy, and Vale had a good idea of why. He would have to make time to talk to Yuji tonight, and tell him about the bond before any more time passed. The elf could only hope that Yuji would understand why he had bonded with Kansas first.

    "Go up to the roof with him when he smokes," Kansas muttered, and Vale nodded.

  15. Vale dried himself off while Yuji brushed his teeth, muttering a cantrip to dry his long hair. When Yuji was done brushing, Vale took his turn, smiling as he listened to the happy moans from the shower while Kansas finished up. The imp bounced out quickly, grabbing his towel and kissing Yuji as he hurried back to his room to dress.

    "You're going to take care of the paperwork with Willow today?" Yuji asked.

    "Mm, that's the plan," Vale agreed. He finished brushing and joined Yuji in the bedroom to dress. He paused for a moment to watch Yuji, thinking that it was a shame to cover his gorgeous golden skin with clothing. The elf chuckled at the lascivious turn his thoughts were taking lately, and finished his own dressing. Yuji's grinned back, his sweet goofy grin that let Vale know he was not the only one having such wanton impulses.

    Vale had decided to wear a suit today, to look serious for his paperwork. Sand had drummed into Vale which tie went with which shirt, and Vale had opted for a pale blue dress shirt, with a darker blue tie threaded with a pale golden motif. Vale hung the tie around his neck, trying to remember how to knot it, nibbling his lower lip.

    "Come here, my love." Yuji deftly knotted the tie for Vale, and then used it to tug Vale down for a kiss, the love in his eyes making Vale practically glow.

    "No fooling around, you two!" Kansas stuck his head in and grinned sweetly.

    "Let's go eat," Yuji said, slipping his hand in Vale's and they walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

  16. Vale came out of reverie with a guilty start, hearing Willow's voice and Aika's wails, and he leaned over to kiss Yuji lightly before scrambling into his clothing, green eyes wide. He hurried out into the hallway and almost collided with Willow as she came out of the nursery, Aika howling her desire for for food.

    "Let me take her, Willow, and I'll get her something to eat," Vale offered, holding out his arms. Willow gladly surrendered her screaming daughter with only a small glare for the slightly disheveled elf. "What do I need to do for breakfast?"

    "Turn on the rice cooker," Willow said dryly, and turned into Ryuu's bedroom to wake her son.

    "Alright, my little one," Vale said to Aika. "Let's see if we can find you something to eat while the rice is cooking, shall we?" He nuzzled her cheek, chuckling a little at her fury and indignation. "I'm taking this very seriously, Aika, really I am."

    Vale hurried downstairs and into the kitchen, finding some fruit from the night before and tucking Aika into her high chair. "Now, my lady, you start on this while I get the rice cooking for Mama." He gave her the small bits of fruit on her plastic plate, offering her a bite of pitted and sliced cherry to settle her for a moment. Then Vale switched on the rice cooker, and began to set the table for breakfast. He stopped to offer Aika more fruit, and this time she gave him a very small smile as she ate the tidbit of strawberry.

    Vale looked around to see if there was anything else he needed to do, and then realized he should have set the kettle on for the tea. He took care of that as well, and then scrubbed a hand through his hair, mentally chastising himself for not rising earlier. Normally, Vale was up before dawn. He supposed the excitement of the past two days had caught up with him, for his reverie had been deep and peaceful as he walked in the memories of his reunion with his beloved Yuji.

    Willow came down with a sleepy Ryuu, and looked at Vale with a grin. "I did tell you I'm not a morning person, didn't I?" She paused to give Vale a light kiss before heading into the kitchen to check on the rice. "Go get Yuji up and in the shower, and see if you can get the imp moving."

    Vale grinned and hurried upstairs to comply, Willow's voice following him as she yelled, "And no fooling around!"

    Vale stopped first at Satoshi's room, bending over the bed and kissing Kansas awake. "Good morning, love. Willow says it's time to get up."

    Kansas wriggled a little, and pulled Vale back down for a longer kiss, nibbling at the elf's lips. "Don't go yet."

    Vale returned the kiss for a moment, and then broke away regretfully. "I have to get Yuji moving, or Willow will use us all for soup." He grinned at Kansas. "I'm learning quickly. Don't piss Willow off, right?"

    Kansas grinned ruefully. "Yeah, that's about right. Go wake Yuji."

    Vale hurried into the master bedroom, where Yuji was stirring. "Come on, my love. We need to shower and get down to breakfast."

    Yuji reached for a breath mint and popped it into his mouth before pulling Vale into a kiss. "Go get clothes. I'll make the bed."

    Vale grinned and went to the spare room to collect clean clothing, unable to stop smiling.

  17. Vale shivered with pure joy as the words tumbled from Yuji's lips, and the elf repeated them just as sweetly as he returned the slow and delicious kisses. "I love you, Yuji. My love. My husband. Always mine."

    Yuji's reassurance about the mattress made Vale chuckle a little and he wrapped his arms around Yuji as Yuji settled his head on the elf's shoulder and fell asleep almost instantly. Vale did not enter reverie right away, content to nuzzle his face in Yuji's hair and listen to the deep and even breathing of his husband.

    Finally, Vale let himself slide into his memories, a smile playing on his lips as he let reverie claim him.

  18. "Mm, yes," Vale groaned, wriggling his hips as he slammed back against Yuji, feeling his love's balls slap his ass with every thrust. He could feel Yuji's muscles quivering already, and he knew Yuji would not last much longer. Vale tightened his ass muscles deliberately, adding pressure as Yuji thrust in, and he felt the man's balls draw up on the next slap against his ass.

    Yuji howled and let loose a spate of Japanese as he filled Vale's ass with hot cum, and the elf howled with him, his own cock aching. He bucked backwards, making sure he wrung every drop from Yuji, until Yuji slumped forward against Vale's back, gasping. Vale moaned again and wriggled, sliding off Yuji's softening cock and tumbling Yuji to the bed, nipping at his lips and plundering his mouth.

    "My turn," Vale rasped, his green eyes bright with lust as he grabbed the lube. He coated his cock quickly , and slid his wet fingers between Yuji's cheeks, probing deftly and sliding the first finger into Yuji's ass. Yuji looked up at Vale, his beautiful eyes dark with need, and Vale nodded. "I know, my love, I know."

    Vale grabbed Yuji's legs and hooked the man's ankles over his shoulders. Looking into Yuji's eyes, Vale breached that tight ass, moaning wantonly as he sank into the heat. He set a steady pace, flinging his head back as he drove his cock into Yuji, flaunting Yuji's bite mark on his long pale throat. It did not take long for Vale to feel his own balls tighten, and he nearly howled as he felt the beginnings of a powerful orgasm.

    "Oh, fuck, Yuji!" Vale cried out and he spilled, surge after surge of cum pumping into Yuji's ass. Vale moaned again as he finally finished spilling, and he eased Yuji's legs down. leaning forward to steal more kisses from his love. Then he slid out of Yuji's ass carefully, and held out his hand to help the man up.

    "Shower or sleep?" Vale asked, holding on to Yuji and nuzzling his neck in utter contentment.

  19. Vale moaned happily as Yuji's tongue pushed into his ass, wriggling a little as he felt his love's blunt nails raking down his back lightly. He pushed back a little to try and encourage Yuji, which was largely unnecessary, but the elf enjoyed it anyway. Yuji rubbed Vale's ass as he licked, feeling the tight muscle under the smooth skin.

    "Please," Vale groaned, wanting nothing more than to feel Yuji drive into his ass. He remembered his new word, and tried it out, knowing how he loved hearing it himself. "Please, just fuck me now."

    Yuji groaned at hearing those words leave the elf's lips. Truthfully, he needed to get some sleep tonight if he was going to be able to function at work tomorrow, and Vale's own eagerness was welcome.

  20. Vale made the bed quickly, and hung the new robe he had purchased on the back of the door of the ensuite bathroom for morning. Then he brushed his teeth, peering out when he heard Yuji burst out laughing.

    Yuji was holding a small slip of paper and a tube, which Vale guessed was lube. He grinned as he pulled his head back into the bathroom, having a very good idea who had left it, and he finished brushing his teeth quickly. Considering that his ass was still a little sore, the lube would feel good.

    Returning to the bedroom, Vale peeled his own high-necked sweater off with a sigh of relief. He all but purred when Yuji ran an appreciative hand over his chest, tugging at a nipple as he nipped at the already livid mark on Vale's neck that had been hidden by the sweater. Vale unbuttoned his jeans quickly, shimmying out of them while Yuji moved from the elf's neck to his mouth, fingers already playing with Vale's sensitive ears.

    Vale arched his back and pressed himself against Yuji, his cock already hard and barely confined by his tight boxers. He balanced easily on one foot as he peeled off first one sock and then the other, his fingers tightening in Yuji's silky hair. He was utterly shameless in his desire for Yuji, grinding his cock against his love's groin with eager abandon. He nibbled happily on Yuji's ears and yelped in pleasure when Yuji seized his ass in both hands and backed Vale to the bed.

  21. By the time Vale and Willow were done, Vale had a complete set of papers. Once Willow explained the holographic images embedded in the paper, Vale was able to reproduce them easily. The only problem would come if these were ever checked against a central database, but Willow was fairly sure that it would not be an issue.

    By now, the children were asleep, and Kansas had gone upstairs to sleep in Satoshi's room. Yuji looked tired as well, and Willow stood, gathering the documents.

    "Just put these in the safe and close it," Willow told Vale. "We'll take them with us tomorrow and get everything taken care of while Ryuu's still in school."

    Vale looked at Willow for a moment, and she leaned in to give him a soft kiss. "You're sleeping with Yuji tonight. No arguments."

    Vale sighed, feeling awkward for the moment. He had seen the heat between Willow and Yuji, and the love they shared was plain for anyone to see. Vale felt like an interloper, not for the first time. It must have shown on his face, because Willow patted his cheek lightly, like she would a child. "Don't worry about it. I don't." She gave the elf a light slap on his ass. "Go to bed, you two. I have something I want to finish."

    Yuji took Vale's hand and they went upstairs. "She'll write for a while. She says it's easier when we're all asleep and out of her hair." He pulled Vale into a kiss. "Let's get some sleep."

  22. Vale looked at Aika, making her unsteady way toward him and holding out her silk pegasus, and he could not suppress a radiant smile as he held out his hands to her. He lifted her gently and sat her in his lap. "Thank you, Aika," he said, nuzzling the silky fuzz of her hair. She patted his cheek gravely, and then squirmed to go to Yuji, and Vale passed her to her father.

    Willow stood up and nodded briskly. "You'd better come with me, Vale, and I'll show you the papers we need to get you the visitor's card. Do you drive?"

    The look of terror that flitted across Vale's face made Willow laugh. "I'll take that as a no," she said dryly. "Come on, the papers are in the safe."

    Willow took Vale upstairs to the master bedroom, and opened the safe in the closet. She saw the fat manila envelope Vale had given her, and sighed a little. She reached underneath it and pulled out the envelope that held her important papers. "We'll take this downstairs for now. The light's better."

    "Willow." Vale laid a hand on her arm lightly. "Whatever's in that envelope, well, take what you think is fair for my share of the household expenses. I'm very serious. I can't stay if I'm a burden."

    Willow looked away for a moment, and then looked back at Vale. "Alright. I won't take as much as Satoshi or Yuji earn, but I'll take some, for the household."

    Vale did not need Willow to say that this was between them for the moment.

  23. Vale nodded when Yuji told him to let Satoshi go, and work things out his own way. Then Yuji directed Vale to the couch, and began to explain to Vale how he could help Willow, and that he would need papers to prove his identity.

    Vale nodded when Yuji mentioned helping Willow. "I'm more than happy to help out however I can. I can help with housework, get up with the children, and do the shopping. I'd rather be useful." Vale spread his hands in a rueful gesture. "I've spent so many years working that I don't really know what to do without it." He smiled at Willow. "So you can put me to work, and we'll both be happy."

    Vale listened closely to Yuji's remarks about identity papers. "One of the things I did for my Guild was to create false identity documents so our agents could infiltrate the enemy's mage tower. Those documents had a magical seal that we couldn't reproduce, but the rest was easy enough. If I can see Willow's, and she can help me with some details, I can make what we need to get the visitor's card. I don't want any of you getting in trouble for my being here."

    Yuji looked relieved at at Vale's willingness to do what was needed for the legalities, and then he reached up to touch Vale's by now messy braids. Vale turned a little pink.

    "I forgot last night, for all the right reasons, but still," the elf began, suddenly feeling oddly shy. "It's a tradition that the wedding braids get undone by one's spouse." He turned his head a little so Yuji could see where the jade beads ended the thin braids. Willow couldn't help giggling.

    "You have no idea what you're in for," she said, giving Yuji a teasing look. "This is going to hurt."

    Vale just grinned, and managed not to yelp even once as Yuji nervously undid his braids. He took the jade beads, and poured them into Willow's hand. "When Aika gets bigger, these will look beautiful in her hair. That's part of the tradition as well. The beads from the wedding braids go to your first child, and Aika is Yuji's daughter."

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