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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale gave Yuji an anguished look, his heart aching like it was going to break, and he struggled not to let that wash out into the already turbulent flood of emotions in the room.

    "Fuck," Vale whispered, to no one in particular, and he simply vanished, reappearing at the top of the stairs, in front of the door to the rooftop terrace. He opened the door and saw Kansas, already wreathed in smoke, puffing furiously on a cigarette, his face wet with tears and his eyes silvery grey.

    Vale sat down next to Kansas, his own eyes bleak as he ran his hands through his hair. Kansas was sobbing, but it was an angry weeping, and the look the imp shot Vale was nothing short of furious. But Vale could sense more than anger radiating from Kansas. Most of it was being tamped down, much as Vale had done with his own pain, but there was grief and fear mixed in with the anger, and betrayal, and a thousand other things beside.

    "Give me a cigarette," Vale said, holding out his hand.

    Kansas just glared at the elf through tear-damp lashes. "You don't fucking smoke."

    "I fucking well am going to start," Vale snapped back. He took the cigarette Kansas held out and lit it with a very small fireball. "What in all the hells is going on here, and who do I have to talk to before I get answers? Because I'm telling you, Kansas, I've kept my word to you all, and now my heart feels like it's going to break and no one will tell me why." Vale's own cheeks were wet with tears. He took a deep drag on the cigarette, sheer willpower keeping him from choking as he looked at Kansas, all his pain out in the open for the imp to feel.

  2. Vale looked at Yuji, his own brow creased with a frown. "He looks thinner, don't you think?"

    Willow looked at Vale, and reached up to stroke his cheek gently. "Vale, love, he's just tired. It's been a busy week."

    Vale looked at Willow, sensing very clearly her own distress and concern. "I'll bring him up." Vale murmured something lilting under his breath, and then scooped Yuji up as easily as if he were Aika. "Strength spell," he said sheepishly.

    Vale cradled Yuji in his arms tenderly as he followed Willow upstairs. She turned down the bed in the master bedroom, and Vale laid Yuji on the bed. He unbuttoned Yuji's shirt, and eased it off, and then did the same with his jeans, leaving him in his boxers and tank top. Looking at his husband, Vale was convinced that Yuji was thinner, and the dark circles under his eyes worried the elf. He was no healer, far from it, but he was not a fool, either.

    Vale looked at Willow, but there was something about the set of her jaw that made him remain quiet. All he could do was to watch, and hope he could glean something through their link, although Yuji was getting far too good at raising his shields. Vale sighed, pressed a kiss to Yuji's forehead, and went downstairs to help clean up before bed.

    Over the next few weeks, Yuji looked more and more tired, and thinner, and Vale was more and more frustrated. His other spouses kept telling Vale to let it go, and not to push, but the elf was increasingly concerned, and Yuji could not have missed Vale's worry, but nothing was said. Satoshi and Kansas did their best to comfort Vale, but he was not as quick to laugh as he had been, and even Ryuu noticed that his otooji was quieter.

    Vale was coming back downstairs with Aika one morning after changing her when Willow rushed past him to the downstairs bathroom. She ran the water in the washbasin to cover the sound, but Vale could tell she was vomiting, and he looked at Satoshi in alarm. Satoshi had an puzzled look on his face, and Vale simply snapped a little. He had been worried sick for weeks about Yuji, and now Willow was ill, and he was done with being polite.

    Vale put Aika down, and gave her a picture book to look at, and then he walked over to Satoshi. "Mela en' coiamin, I love you, but if one more person tells me to let it go, I'm going to shove a fireball up their ass." Vale's voice was very soft, so as not to alarm Aika, but he looked murderous, and of all his spouses, Satoshi could most clearly appreciate that look.

    Satoshi looked down at the fruit on the cutting board in front of him. "I was cutting up some kaki when Willow came down. We both like it at breakfast, and I thought it would be a treat, but she took off..." Satoshi's voice trailed off, and he blushed, and then grinned. "The only times Willow didn't like kaki was when she was pregnant with Ryuu and then with Aika." His grin got wider. "Vale, my love, I think you got our wife pregnant."

    Vale opened his mouth, and then closed it, and then opened it again, but all that came out was an odd little gasp. The elf grew pale, and grabbed onto a chair and sank down and Satoshi hurriedly shoved a fresh cup of tea in front of Vale.

    "She's... pregnant?" Vale managed, after a gulp of tea.

    "The kaki doesn't lie," Satoshi grinned.

    Vale's face lit up for the first time in weeks, and his grin lasted all day.

  3. Vale looked at Kansas, his eyes deep blue and shining, and Vale felt a surge of love so strong that it nearly hurt. "I think that's a wonderful thing to do, love." The elf gave Kansas a quick hug. "They seem like marvelous people. Hideko looks so much like Yuji, and Tsutomo is very easy to talk to. And Tomio is adorable!" Vale's green eyes sparkled as he mentioned the lively little boy.

    Kansas nodded eagerly. "It'll be good to use that money to do something good."

    Vale found it heartening that he had been included in the confidence when Tsutomo talked about his finances. Vale was adapting quickly to the ways in Japan, but he still worried a bit about being an outsider. That in turn reminded him of the way Yuji had been able to shield himself the other day. He wanted to ask him about that, and he had forgotten in the everyday routine of family life. Aika was walking more and more, and she had developed a fascination with the stairs that made both Vale and Willow cringe. Ryuu was delightful, full of chatter and determined to teach his otooji all the skills that Ryuu felt he was sadly lacking, especially basic Japanese. Vale loved the daily trips to kindergarten with Ryuu, and the nannies there were more than friendly, considering that Vale was a gaijin. The elf's devotion to Ryuu, and Ryuu's easy affection for his tall blond otooji were more than enough for the nannies.

    Vale was shaken out of his musings by a playful poke from Kansas.

    "Hey, Tomio-chan, why don't you play a video game with your otooji Vale? He's easy to beat!" Kansas started laughing at Vale's expression of outrage. Tomio giggled a little, looking up at Vale.

    "Otooji only says that because he picks the games," Vale grinned, and the boy grinned back.

    "I let you pick," Tomio said, looking to see how Vale would take that.

    "Then let's look at what otooji has," Vale grinned. He curled up on the floor with Tomio, looking through Kansas's collection of games. One title caught his eye, and he pulled it out. Tomio looked at it, not understanding the English words, but Vale started to laugh and collapsed on the floor, his green and blond hair fanned out.

    Kansas came over, and immediately began to laugh as well, flopping on the floor next to Vale. Tomio decided that flopping and laughing with both his otooji and this new otooji was a good idea, and joined them, which brought Willow over to see what all the howling was about. Vale just handed her the game, unable to speak.

    "Neverwinter Nights?" Willow said, and started to giggle.

  4. Sand nearly purred as Samantha began to stroke his erection, his own hands cupping her breasts and stroking the nipples until they hardened under his touch.

    "So beautiful, " Sand murmured, and then he reached down to pause her hand as it slid along his shaft. "We have all night, dear one. Let us enjoy this."

    Sand feathered kisses down her skin until he reached her breasts, and he took one nipple into the heat of his mouth, his tongue laving it tenderly even as his teeth scraped lightly over the tight nub. His kisses continued down across her flat belly, and trailed along the sharp angle of her hipbone before moving across to the nest of soft curls that hid her sweet core. Sand let his tongue slip between her nether lips until he was tasting her tender clit. He let the tip of his tongue flick her clit a few times before he began to suck it gently, enjoying the way Samantha writhed under his attention. He felt her fingers slide into his hair, tugging firmly to get his attention, and he looked into her eyes as he moved back up between her thighs and entered her in a single thrust, her cry of pleasure music to his ears.

  5. Sand slid his outer robe off as Samantha led him to the bed, still lost in the kiss as he moved with her. She laid back on the bed, pulling Sand with her, and caressing his neck as he continued the kiss. His long fingers worked at the fastenings of her clothing, seeking the feel of her skin.

    "Oh, my dear, why did I not do this sooner?" Sand murmured, breaking the kiss long enough to toe off his boots and unfasten his tunic. He tossed the tunic aside, his smoothly muscled skin marked with faint scars that were faded with age. His erection strained against his breeches, but he had waited long enough for this night, and was not about to rush things.

    Sand let his kisses trail down along Samantha's jaw and down the long column of her neck, and he paused to press a kiss into the dip in her collarbone at the base of her throat. He tugged her shirt up and over her head, his eyes dancing over the creamy skin that was revealed.

  6. Sand walked in, looking at Samantha as she frowned at the paperwork on her desk. She looked tired, more tired than she should have, and Sand laid a gentle hand on her arm.

    "It went much as I expected, my dear. T-bone likes to be difficult, but he is not all that hard to manage." Sand chuckled. "He did seem quite upset by my accommodations, however. I am not overly concerned by his wrath."

    Sand held out his hand to Samantha. "Come, my dear. The paperwork will wait, it always does. Let us find a more enjoyable way to spend the night." Sand held Samantha in his arms as she stood, his lips finding hers. The kiss was long and tender, with an undercurrent of passion barely held in check.

    "Will you let me love you, as you should be loved?" Sand asked, his blue eyes gentle and warm.

  7. Vale thought he might actually lose consciousness when Yuji and Kansas commenced their dual assault. Kansas's dragons looked alive as the imp's thighs flexed, and Yuji's teeth in his shoulders pushed Vale to new levels of delirium. The elf screamed his pleasure, arching his back to press his pierced nipples against Kansas's chest. The imp's arms were occupied, and Vale writhed, trying to get some friction against the rings.

    Willow, Satoshi between her thighs, reached out and slid her hand between Vale and Kansas, tugging on one of the golden rings that ran through Vale's nipples. It was all the elf needed so send him over the edge, his balls tightening painfully and his back arching as his ass clamped on Yuji's cock in a powerful spasm. Vale howled mindlessly, Yuji's teeth fastening on one pointed ear, as he pumped a powerful stream of cum into Kansas's ass. His entire body shuddered, and Yuji felt his own balls draw up as he unloaded into Vale's tight ass. The elf gave a final shudder and slumped between Yuji and Kansas, mewling happily.

    Satoshi was still crouched between Willow's thighs, teasing her clit with the ball stud through his tongue, her hips bucking into his ministrations as she moaned happily. His ass was propped in the air, and Kansas looked over at him hungrily, and then looked back at Yuji plaintively. Yuji chuckled and lifted Kansas off Vale's cock, one arm supporting the elf as Kansas wriggled free, crawling over to Satoshi and wrapping around him, biting his shoulder. Satoshi lifted his head, and Kansas latched onto his mouth, nibbling his lower lip.

    With a radiant smile, Willow moved over to help Yuji ease Vale down to the mattress, kissing the elf tenderly as his slim hand reached up to loosen her hair. Vale pulled Willow close, his eyes aglow with love as he cupped one soft breast, his thumb stroking over the nipple. Willow deepened the kiss, languid and loving, as she toyed with Vale's nipple ring, and the elf felt himself begin to harden again, his cock brushing against Willow's thigh.

    Kansas grabbed the lube, slicking his fingers and sliding one into Satoshi's ass, making Satoshi moan. "Come on, Neko, Yuji wants us," Kansas murmured, nipping at Satoshi's shoulder, his cock rock hard and dripping precum. Yuji moved over to join the imps, and Satoshi growled, reaching for him and pushing him down onto his back. He took the lube from Kansas, and slid his greased finger into Yuji's ass, making Yuji growl with pleasure. Satoshi pulled Yuji's hips up onto his thighs, and thrust his cock into Yuji's ass, and Kansas slid behind Satoshi, mewling happily as he thrust his dripping cock into Satoshi's tight ass. It was Satoshi's turn to howl like a mad thing as he was thoroughly overwhelmed by the dual pleasure of fucking and being fucked.

    Vale moaned as he watched them for a moment, and then he turned back to Willow, nibbling her lips and toying with her breasts, inhaling the scent of her. He eased her onto her back again, sliding between her thighs, his cock hard and needy once again, and in a fleetingly coherent thought, he reminded himself to find out what was in that drink of Yuji's. Willow's legs wrapped around his hips, and she drew him into her, his cock enveloped by heat and liquid tightness, and he was lost again, his thrusts slow and tender as he loved his wife.

    Satoshi howled again as Yuji reached up to tug and twist at his nipple rings, bucking against Satoshi as his prostate was pounded, white light exploding behind his eyes with every thrust. Yuji growled and twisted again tugging sharply, and Satoshi slammed into his ass so hard that his balls stung. Kansas timed his thrusts to shove Satoshi forward into Yuji, his teeth worrying Satoshi's shoulder as he gripped Satoshi's hips hard enough to leave bruises.

    Willow's hands traveled slowly up Vale's ribs, savoring the smooth and silky skin of her elven husband as she looked up into his green eyes, her own blue eyes glowing with love. She teased his nipples with gentle tugs of the golden rings, and Vale gasped with pleasure, still maintaining his slow and languid pace. He angled his thrusts to slide across her clit, and she whimpered happily, pulling him down to bite and suck at the pulse point of his throat.

    Satoshi could not hold on any longer as his husbands continued plundering him, and he screamed and bucked, his balls tight against his belly as he filled Yuji's ass, feeling like he would never stop pumping out cum. Kansas shrieked as well as Satoshi's ass tightened on him, and he thrust a few more times into that maddening heat before he too let go, biting down on Satoshi's shoulder and shivering as he filled Satoshi's ass.

    Willow was writhing and moaning, Vale's gentle kisses muffling her slightly, and she arched her back, feeling the heat beginning low in her belly as Vale tenderly brought her to the brink. There was something so right about the moment, and Willow was sharply reminded of the night she had conceived Ryuu, when Satoshi had loved her just like this on the night she and Yuji had celebrated their union. She felt such a surge of love for Vale, and she moaned again as the heat grew until it encompassed all of her, her love for all her husbands radiating outward as her back arched, and Vale cried out in sweet surrender as he thrust his cock in her to the hilt and filled her with the promise of new life.

  8. Vale laughed breathlessly as Satoshi tongued and tugged on his new nipple rings, finally understanding exactly how arousing they were for his husband. Satoshi was absolutely beautiful to Vale in his excitement, and when Satoshi tugged on his nipple rings while shoving a well lubed finger into his ass, Vale arched and moaned in wanton delight, pressing himself down on Satoshi's finger.

    "Satoshi," Vale moaned, "gods, please..." He trailed off, writhing as Satoshi added a second finger, his cock leaking precum, his hips bucking to take those fingers in as far as they could go.

    Satoshi could not wait any longer. Vale's fingers had found his nipple rings, and the elf was tugging and twisting happily as he squirmed, moaning almost continuously. Satoshi tugged Vale's hips, and Vale scooted his ass up onto Satoshi's thighs, his legs wrapping around Satoshi's hips eagerly as he tugged, demanding to be entered. Satoshi obliged, sliding his cock into Vale and pressing home with a single thrust until his balls were snugged up against Vale's ass. Vale absolutely howled with pleasure, his hips bucking and he arched his back to try and get Satoshi in even deeper.

    Satoshi set a punishing rhythm, his balls slapping against Vale's ass with every thrust, pounding the elf's prostate until Vale was nearly hoarse. Satoshi was lost in the tight heat of vale's ass, and he knew he could not last much longer, his balls aching even after his sneaking in a little relief earlier in the day. He twisted a nipple ring, and Vale arched nearly as tightly as Kansas, precum trickling from his cock, and Satoshi howled and let go, pumping Vale's ass full of cum, shivering all over as he gave Vale's nipple rings a last twist. He sank slowly forward, collapsing on Vale's chest, his nipple rings clocking against Vale's as he sought the elf's mouth one more time.

  9. Vale leaned in and kissed Willow, a long and lingering kiss, and then he pulled Yuji in to join them. When they finally broke apart, the elf laughed happily. "I have no idea what this Valentine's Day is, but I think I like it already. And you, lirimaer, look like a goddess."

    Yuji opened the wine, and poured for anyone who wanted it. Vale arranged a pile of pillows, and guided Willow down to it.

    "If you're to be our goddess, we should worship you properly," Vale informed her, his eyes dancing as he fed her a berry, followed by a kiss. Yuji laughed at Vale's play, but his eyes were equally bright as he joined them. The imps were already nibbling each other's lips, although they kept looking over at Vale and waiting for him to undress. The elf was being deliberately coy, however, until Satoshi could not stand it a moment longer.

    Satoshi slipped up behind Vale, leaning in to nibble his ear and drawing a moan from the elf. "Come on, love, you said you'd tell us."

    "He has to show us," Kansas grinned, bouncing over to wriggle between them and into Satoshi's lap and grinding his pert ass into Satoshi's groin. Satoshi groaned happily and Vale laughed as Kansas reached over to start unbuttoning Vale's shirt.

    Willow looked up at Yuji, laughing. "What did our husband do now?"

    Yuji kissed Willow, enjoying the feel of her skin through the delicate gown. "Our elf apparently got something pierced, but he wouldn't tell the imps. They've been going crazy all the way home."

    Satoshi had finished unbuttoning Vale's shirt, and slipped it off his shoulders. He dove in and plundered Vale's mouth, and the elf in turn nibbled on Satoshi's lower lip, running his tongue along the piercings. Satoshi broke away for a moment, long enough to gasp to Kansas, "It's not his tongue."

    Kansas whined a little, and began to worry the button of Vale's jeans. Vale obligingly lifted his hips, letting the imp tug his jeans over his hips. His cock was already straining his boxers, and Kansas whined again. "Not here, either."

    Yuji and Willow were both laughing as they watched the imps plunder the elf, who was more than happy to be plundered. Vale pulled Kansas into a kiss as well, nibbling the pink lips of his youngest husband as the imp mewled and pushed his ass back into Satoshi.

    "The tank top," Satoshi groaned, grinding back. Kansas immediately began to tug Vale's tank top up, but the elf wriggled free and instead began to work on getting Kansas undressed.

    "No fair," Kansas giggled, and returned to his tugging.

    Vale gave up and let the imp finish stripping his tank top off, and Kansas squealed happily. "Look, Neko!"

    Two gold rings decorated Vale's nipples, and Satoshi's eyes lit up.

  10. Vale grinned suddenly, tossing his head and watching the play of colors in his hair. "It's more than perfect," he announced. Then he turned to Yuji, his green eyes full of mischief. "Can you stall the imps for a couple of minutes? There's something I think I want to do."

    Yuji just looked at Vale, unable to take his eyes off the elf. Vale looked gorgeous, his hair a perfect play of light and color. "Sure, love. We'll wait."

    Vale grabbed Cho's hand with a radiant smile. "Let's go." Vale let Cho lead him through the back room to her piercing room, his hips automatically swaying to the insistent beat of the heavy metal that throbbed through the store's speakers.

    "So, pretty, what did you have in mind?" Cho asked.

    Vale grinned even wider and pointed at her tray of different rings and bars. Cho grinned back and winked. "You got it, gorgeous. Damn, Kai did a great job on your hair." Cho prepped Vale deftly and the elf wriggled a little in excitement.

    "He did!" Vale exclaimed. "He's a genius!"

    "His head's big enough, pretty." Cho smiled. "That's not all that's big, either." Vale snickered and then held still as Cho prepared to pierce him. "So, where'd you get the ears done? That's top notch work."

    Vale hissed softly as she worked, and then grinned happily. "Back in the States," he said casually. "I was role-playing as an elf a lot, and it seemed like fun."

    "Little extreme for role-playing, but hey, it's a good look for you." Cho finished, and gave Vale a sheet of instructions on how to care for his piercing. He paid her quickly, and bounced back into Kai's shop.

    "I'm ready. let's go see Willow," Vale grinned.

    "So?" Kansas demanded. "What did you get?"

    "Later. love," Vale replied smugly. "It's a surprise!"

    None of them could get a word out of the elf about his piercing all the way home.

  11. Jaral did indeed look smug, but twitched his tail in acknowledgment as Sand addressed him. "The little one, Taess. He is to be kept safe. See to it."

    Sand nodded to Kaylat. "I do apologize for Jaral. He can be frightfully spoiled, and loves attention. However, as my familiar, he is also capable of casting several spells of his own, and I wish Taess to come to no harm."

    Sand then turned to Mal. "Thank you for looking out for him. T-bone gave him a fright, but he is unharmed. That is why I have asked Jaral to keep watch, however. T-bone will not harm anyone in this family." The steely certainty in Sand's voice was reassuring.

    Sand turned and entered Samantha's room. "My dear?" he called.

  12. Sand reacted with instant anger. His hand flashed out, wrapping around T-bone's wrist, his grip surprisingly strong. "Give Taess back his medallion," the moon elf snarled. "What you think, or think you know, is of no importance. You intend to save her soul by taking her life, because all you know is death and blood."

    Sand's free hand was glowing more brightly now. "I promise you, if you do not give Taess back his medallion, and cease taking your anger out on a helpless child, I will make you long for the mercy of death." He paused, his blue eyes blazing. "You do not own Samantha. She is no one's chattel, to be passed from one to another. You are no better than the jackal who owned her if you think otherwise. Unless you wish to test my patience past its limit, stand down."

  13. "I thank you for your concern," Sand replied, keeping his tone politely neutral. "As you can see, my arrangements have been made already." He laid a hand on Taess's shoulder. "I'm sure you will understand if I do not wish to disappoint Samantha."

    Sand waited, his hand still resting on his sword and the other still faintly glowing. He did not underestimate T-bone in the slightest. The elf warrior looked quite capable, but Sand had trained from childhood with blade and bow, as did all elves of Evereska, and his late father's position as a member of the Evereskan Graycloaks, their elite protectors, was a reputation Sand had always honored. Sand still trained daily, and he knew his skills were as sharp as ever. He'd turned down several offers to join the Graycloaks already, preferring his life with Vale in Neverwinter, but the Queen's Council kept asking.

  14. Sand reached into his backpack, which seemed to hold a great deal more than its size would suggest, and withdrew a slender elven runesword. The blade glowed softly, and the hilt bore a large cabuchon moonstone, Sand's fingers curling around it as though it were made for him. He slid the sword through his component belt and opened the door, arching an elegant eyebrow as T-bone.

    "Good evening, my sullen acquaintance. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Sand smiled humorlessly. "Is there some reason you have sought me out? Perhaps you think to threaten me once again?" One slim hand rested on the hilt of his sword, and the other glowed very subtly with arcane power held in check. "I warn you , my patience for threats is short."

  15. Vale kissed Willow and the children, and grabbed his jacket, slipping it on and sliding his feet into his Western boots in the foyer.

    "Okay, love, I'm ready. Let's go," Vale said cheerfully. His good mood wavered when he saw Kansas's eyes, but he waited until they were outside until he touched Kansas's shoulder lightly, dismayed when his husband flinched slightly. "Hey, it's just me, imp. Are you mad about Willow and me?"

    "No," Kansas said shortly, hunching his shoulders and refusing to look at Vale. "It's nothing, Vale. Really."

    Vale frowned slightly. "Whatever it is, I'll listen. I can feel how upset you are." He sent a wave of love and reassurance to Kansas, hoping that the imp would relax a little. "Kansas, lean on me, okay? Don't try and do it all alone."

    Kansas took a shuddering breath, and shot Vale a glance from under damp lashes, his eyes still silvery grey. "It was just something at school today. It was stupid, alright?"

    "Ah, stupid things," Vale said, keeping his tone gentle. "My specialty."

    Kansas looked away, refusing to make eye contact. "It was my fault, alright? I just... did something stupid."

    Vale could feel Kansas's shields going up a little, shutting out the others, but to his relief, his connection to Kansas stayed strong. The roiling waves of shame and anger and hurt and confusion pummeled Vale, and he returned more love and gentle reassurance.

    "Well, whatever it was, I can feel how much it's bothering you. Maybe if you tell me a little, it'll help." Vale was careful not to touch Kansas, sensing how skittish he was, nor did the elf try for eye contact yet.

    "You feel too damned much, you know that?" Kansas grumbled, but Vale could sense his hesitation. "It was my fault," he repeated. "I was kind of going along with you and Willow, you know."

    "We were pretty loud," Vale agreed. "Sorry about that, actually. She was working me up all morning, and Aika was awake, and we still needed to pick up Ryuu. I thought I'd explode first."

    That earned a hint of a snicker from Kansas. "Anyway, I was feeling sort of horny, so I went outside at lunch, you know?"

    "Mm," Vale agreed. "I hid in the laundry room, and then ran away to get Ryuu."

    "So, it was stupid. My friend Taka was there, and it got..." Kansas let his voice trail off, but not before Vale caught the quaver. "I was really worked up."

    Vale kept the reassurances flowing, trying to let Kansas know that he was not judging him at all. "I can understand. It was a lot flowing through to you. I didn't want to shield and scare you again, but I could have tamped it down a bit. I was really worked up myself." Vale was hoping that Kansas would accept that reassurance as well, that Vale remembered his promise never to hide from Kansas behind his shields again.

    Kansas risked another peek, and his eyes were still stormy, but the grey was darker. "I know, Vale, and thanks. But it really was my fault. I didn't stop him."

    Vale looked over at Kansas, his thin shoulders still hunched. "Did you say yes?" The question was delivered with a wave of pure love, to let Kansas know that there was no wrong answer to this question, that Vale's love did not have conditions.

    "I didn't actually say no," Kansas admitted, and he sounded so desolate that Vale reached out to touch his shoulder lightly again. This time Kansas didn't flinch, and Vale gave him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder.

    "Would he have listened if you did?" Vale asked, and again his voice was gentle and loving.

    "Probably. I don't know," Kansas said. "I... It's hard to say that."

    All of the sudden, Vale understood. He moved so that he was walking a little closer to Kansas. " Alasse'amin, you're always allowed to say no." Vale sent a firmly positive wave as he spoke. "Even to any of us. The only one who decides if you want to be touched is you, love. You're your own person, as free as Satoshi, or Yuji, or me."

    "That's easy to say," Kansas retorted, but his voice was uncertain, and Vale could feel how much the imp wanted to believe that.

    "It's true. I promised never to lie to you, love. If I start nuzzling you one night, and you're not in the mood for some elf, you can tell me no, and I'll stop." Vale could feel Kansas's hesitation start to fade, and something stronger creeping in. "The same thing with Yuji or Satoshi. We love you, Kansas, but we respect you, too, and that means listening if you say no."

    "Really?" The note of hope in Kansas's voice was so much better to hear.

    "Really." Vale's certainty washed over the imp. "That goes for Taka, too, you know. Kansas, love, you're a free man. You get to choose who touches you, now and forever."

    Kansas gave Vale another quick look, his eyes nearly blue. "You promise?"

    "I promise," Vale replied. He waited a beat, and then looked at Kansas, green eyes glinting with mischief. "So, what do you think I should do with my hair?"

  16. Vale returned home, still smiling from his walk with Ryuu. The time he spent with the children was precious to Vale, and he was discovering a strong paternal streak in himself that he had never been aware of even having. The sight of Aika, giggling on Willow's knee, only made him smile even more, and he hurried to take off his boots and join them.

    "Look at my lovely ladies," Vale grinned, bending to nuzzle Aika and kiss her cheek. He leaned in to kiss Willow as well, and the concoction Yuji had whipped up made itself known in full force as the elf realized he had a raging hard-on. He felt his cheeks grow a bit warm, since it had to be more than obvious to Willow as well. She pulled Vale in for a deeper kiss, amused as his consternation and not about to let on that she knew why. The flustered elf returned the kiss with fervor, resolving to ask Yuji what was in that damnable drink. If it could be replicated on his world, Sand would make a veritable fortune, and he would not need to have Vale taste test it, either.

    Vale finally broke for air, and mumbled something about laundry as he walked away a bit stiffly. Willow chuckled, feeling his arousal as keenly as he did, and hoping the rest of her husbands were feeling it as well. For the rest of the morning, Willow made sure to periodically tease Vale, brushing up against him, or stroking an ear, just to hear him squeak. He finally just gave in and would respond by pulling her into a searing kiss, his eyes promising that she would be howling the moment the children napped.

    Vale was glad to go and pick up Ryuu, the cold air helping to clear his head from the lust-induced haze he had been in all morning. Ryuu chattered all the way home, telling Vale every single thing that had happened in school, his lively mixture of English and Japanese making Vale laugh out loud. When they came in, sitting on the steps to take off their shoes, they could smell lunch, and Ryuu grinned happily, running off to wash his hands with Vale.

    Lunch finished, Vale and Willow tucked the children in for their naps, and as soon as they were settled, Vale all but dragged Willow into the master bedroom. He was half undressed before the door finished closing, his lips pressed to Willow's as he backed her toward the bed. She ran her hands up his smooth pale golden chest as he unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it aside, nimbly unfastening her bra and cupping her breasts in his hands with a happy moan. He bent to taste her nipples, nibbling and suckling as he reached down to open her pants and slide them over her rounded hips. He loved the soft curves of Willow, so very different and so deliciously comfortable. Her panties followed swiftly, and Vale tackled his own jeans and boxers next.

    Vale was completely beyond foreplay, and simply flung himself onto the bed, pulling Willow over to straddle him, his green eyes filled with love and lust and desire, all mingled into a searing heat. Wordlessly, he gripped her hips and guided her over his eager cock, groaning as she took him into her wet tightness. Vale let Willow set the pace, bucking his hips to grind against her clit, and watching as she grew rosy with her own arousal. When Vale felt her stiffen, her back arching as she ground herself down on him, he chuckled as he pulled her forward to let her scream into his kiss. Willow shuddered as her orgasm rocked her, but Vale was not yet finished.

    Vale twisted, and turned Willow onto her back, rising above her without ever withdrawing from her. His green eyes were fastened on her blue eyes as he began to thrust, Willow's legs wrapping around his slim hips as he moved smoothly within her, his cock rubbing along the ridges deep inside Willow and making her writhe beneath him. She gasped as he thrust deeper, harder, seeking his own release now along with hers. Vale knew he was broadcasting to his husbands, and at this point he could have cared less. He moaned now, his thrusts slightly erratic as he felt his balls tighten painfully. Willow grabbed for his ears and pulled him down, screaming her second orgasm into his mouth, and Vale shuddered as he felt himself let go, his cock aching as he emptied himself into Willow. He was gasping and laughing at the same time as he sank slowly down, rolling to one side and nuzzling his face into Willow's neck. Faintly, through his link to his husbands, he could feel a mixture of amusement, outrage and dismay as they tried to deal with the backwash of emotions from the pair on the bed.

    Vale helped Willow prop herself up with a few pillows beneath her hips, and he kissed her, toying lazily with her hair as she waited for her recommended half an hour. Then they took a quick shower together in the ensuite bathroom, and Vale used a cantrip to dry Willow's thick hair as well. They dressed quickly and headed downstairs, curling up on the couch together, and Vale brushed her hair until it shone like burnished copper. It was not much later that Aika began to stir.

  17. For me, and in general, flirting is just really a game you play, using language that's able to be interpreted in a couple of ways. You say something and see how the other person responds. If they pick up on the more suggestive interpretation and respond in the same way, then you have your flirt on.

    A charmer might use flirting as a way to break the ice, but a charmer relies more, in my opinion, on having the kind of personality that is very magnetic. This is someone who walks into a room and gets noticed, whether because they are physically attractive, or just have that sort of pull that makes people want to know them, or say they are friends with them. They don't need to be rich, or powerful. They just have that something that pulls people to them, and they are often willing to use that to get what they want, as well. Charmers are easily confused when someone is immune to their appeal. They often expect to get things without having to work too hard for them because they are who they are...

    Playboys are harder without knowing the type of person you are looking to create. Will it be a wealthy person who lives the life of the idle rich, or is it someone whose mission in life is to sleep with a wide variety of people without making a genuine emotional commitment, or is it a combination of both?

  18. This one is courtesy of my daft bugger's gaming clan forum...not mine, but I wish it was!

    Neighborhood Hazard or Why the Cops Won't Patrol Brice Street Any More

    Author: Daniel Meyer

    I never dreamed slowly cruising on my motorcycle through a residential neighborhood could be so incredibly dangerous! Little did I suspect. I was on Brice Street - a very nice neighborhood with perfect lawns and slow traffic. As I passed an oncoming car, a brown furry missile shot out from under it and tumbled to a stop immediately in front of me.

    It was a squirrel, and must have been trying to run across the road when it encountered the car. I really was not going very fast, but there was no time to brake or avoid it -- it was that close.

    I hate to run over animals, and I really hate it on a motorcycle, but a squirrel should pose no danger to me. I barely had time to brace for the impact. Animal lovers, never fear. Squirrels, I discovered, can take care of themselves!

    Inches before impact, the squirrel flipped to his feet. He was standing on his hind legs and facing my oncoming Valkyrie with steadfast resolve in his little beady eyes. His mouth opened, and at the last possible second, he screamed and leapt!

    I am pretty sure the scream was squirrel for, "Bonzai!" or maybe, "Die you gravy-sucking, heathen scum!" The leap was nothing short of spectacular ... as he shot straight up, flew over my windshield, and impacted me squarely in the chest.

    Instantly, he set upon me. If I did not know better, I would have sworn he brought 20 of his little buddies along for the attack.

    Snarling, hissing, and tearing at my clothes, he was a frenzy of activity. As I was dressed only in a light T-shirt, summer riding gloves, and jeans this was a bit of a cause for concern. This furry little tornado was doing some damage!

    Picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and leather

    gloves, puttering at maybe 25 mph down a quiet residential street, and in the fight of his life with

    a squirrel.

    And losing...

    I grabbed for him with my left hand. After a few misses, I finally managed to snag his tail. With all my strength, I flung the evil rodent off to the left of the bike, almost running into the right curb as I recoiled from the throw. That should have done it.

    The matter should have ended right there.

    It really should have. The squirrel could have sailed into one of the pristinely kept yards and gone on about his business, and I could have headed home. No one would have been the wiser.

    But this was no ordinary squirrel. This was not even an ordinary angry squirrel. This was an EVIL MUTANT ATTACK SQUIRREL OF DEATH! Somehow he caught my gloved finger with one of his little hands and, with the force of the throw, swung around and with a resounding thump and an amazing impact, he landed squarely on my back and resumed his rather antisocial and extremely distracting activities. He also managed to take my left glove with him!

    The situation was not improved. Not improved at all. His attacks were continuing, and now I could not reach him. I was startled, to say the least. The combination of the force of the throw, only having one hand (the throttle hand) on the handlebars, and my jerking back unfortunately put a healthy twist through my right hand and into the throttle.

    A healthy twist on the throttle of a Valkyrie can only have one result. Torque. This is what the Valkyrie is made for, and she is very, very good at it. The engine roared and the front wheel left the pavement.

    The squirrel screamed in anger. The Valkyrie screamed in ecstasy. I screamed in .. well .. I just plain screamed.

    Now picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a slightly squirrel-torn-t-shirt, wearing only one leather glove, and roaring at maybe 50 mph and rapidly accelerating down a quiet residential street on one wheel, with a demonic squirrel on his back. The man and the squirrel are both screaming bloody murder. With the sudden acceleration I was forced to put my other hand back on the handlebars and try to get control of the bike.

    This was leaving the mutant squirrel to his own devices, but I really did not want to crash into

    somebody's tree, house, or parked car. Also, I had not yet figured out how to release the throttle... my brain was just simply overloaded. I did manage to mash the back brake, but it had little effect against the massive power of the big cruiser.

    About this time the squirrel decided that I was not paying sufficient attention to this very serious

    battle (maybe he was an evil mutant NAZI attack squirrel of death), and he came around my neck and got INSIDE my full-face helmet with me. As the faceplate closed part way, he began hissing in my face. I am quite sure my screaming changed intensity. It had little effect on the squirrel, however. The RPMs on the Dragon maxed out (since I was not bothering with shifting at the moment), so her front end started to drop.

    Now picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a very raggedly torn T-shirt, wearing only one leather glove, roaring at probably 80 mph, still on one wheel, with a large puffy squirrel's tail sticking out of the mostly closed full-face helmet. By now the screams are probably getting a little hoarse.

    Finally I got the upper hand ... I managed to grab his tail again, pulled him out of my helmet, and

    slung him to the left as hard as I could. This time it worked ... sort-of. Spectacularly sort-of ...so to speak.

    Picture a new scene. You are a cop. You and your partner have pulled off on a quiet residential street and parked with your windows down to do some paperwork.

    Suddenly a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a torn T-shirt flapping in the breeze, and wearing only one leather glove, moving at probably 80 mph on one wheel, and screaming bloody murder roars by, and with all his strength throws a live squirrel grenade directly into your police car. I heard screams.

    They weren't mine...

    I managed to get the big motorcycle under control and dropped the front wheel to the ground. I then used maximum braking and skidded to a stop in a cloud of tire smoke at the stop sign of a busy cross street. I would have returned to 'fess up (and to get my glove back). I really would have. Really... Except for two things.

    First, the cops did not seem interested or the slightest bit concerned about me at the moment. When I looked back, the doors on both sides of the patrol car were flung wide open. The cop from the passenger side was on his back, doing a crab walk into somebody's front yard, quickly moving away from the car. The cop who had been in the driver's seat was standing in the street, aiming a riot shotgun at his own police car.

    So, the cops were not interested in me. They often insist to "let the professionals handle it" anyway. That was one thing. The other? Well, I could clearly see shredded and flying pieces of foam and upholstery from the back seat. But I could also swear I saw the squirrel in the back window, shaking his little fist at me. That is one dangerous squirrel. And now he has a patrol car. A somewhat shredded patrol car ... but it was all his.

    I took a deep breath, turned on my turn-signal, made a gentle right turn off of Brice Street, and sedately left the neighborhood. I decided it was best to just buy myself a new pair of gloves. And a whole lot of Band-Aids.

  19. Vale managed to find as many excuses as Yuji to brush up against his husband, leaning into each caress and even getting a few nibbles in on Yuji's ears, making him hiss with pleasure. They got Ryuu and Aika settled with a flurry of kisses for each, and then, fingers linked and shoulders brushing, they headed downstairs.

    Satoshi was flushed and visibly aroused, his eyes fastened on the barely-open tatami room door, and Willow was watching Satoshi with equal intensity. Vale and Yuji looked at each other, exchanging radiant smiles. Peering into the tatami room, they watched as Kansas continued to toy with his nipples, his cock pressing against his canvas shorts. Vale could feel his own cock immediately responding to the wanton display, and he leaned into Yuji and shamelessly ran his tongue along Yuji's lips, demanding entry. Vale's deft fingers began working on Yuji's shirt buttons, tugging the tails out of his waist band and cupping Yuji's ass as he ground himself against his husband.

    Vale moaned as Yuji responded with enthusiasm, plundering the elf's mouth until Vale was breathless and giddy, grinding back and growling a little as he licked and nipped Vale's ear. Vale finished unbuttoning Yuji's shirt and slid it off, nipping at his shoulders. Vale's fingers then flew to his own shirt, racing through the buttons and tossing it aside with careless abandon. Yuji's hands were wrapped around the elf's hips, holding him in place as his fingers made short work of Vale's jeans button. As Yuji's hands slid down to grip Vale's ass, the elf let out a wanton moan, slid out of Yuji's arms, and dragged Yuji into the tatami room with him, shedding his tank top on the way.

    Kansas moaned as Vale and Yuji came in, the elf dropping to his knees next to Kansas and dipping in to plunder his sweet mouth. Vale could feel the love and desire pouring off the imp, and he knew Yuji felt it, too. Yuji was on the other side of Kansas, his hands busy with teasing a nipple while his mouth was busy worrying a livid mark on Kansas's neck. Kansas moaned happily, arching his back and thrusting his hips up. Vale finished unzipping his jeans and wriggled them down past his slim hips, his cock already poking out of the waistband of his boxers. Vale could hear Satoshi's harsh breathing from where he still sat on the couch, and he looked up, releasing Kansas's now kiss-swollen lips and giving Satoshi such a sultry look that he rose up off the couch and headed for the tatami room, shedding clothing on the way. Willow took his place on the couch, her smile radiant as she watched her husbands together.

    Vale slipped between Kansas's thighs and dipped his head to tease one tight little nipple with tongue and teeth, nipping sharply enough to make the imp mewl. Vale's hot mouth traveled downward until he reached the head of Kansas's right dragon, and he nibbled his way along the dragon until he reached one decorated thigh. Vale lapped and sucked along the dragon, working his way toward Kansas's cock, while Yuji took over plundering that sweet mouth and teasing Kansas's nipples.

    Vale nibbled lightly on Kansas's sac, tonguing each ball lovingly before lapping at the head of Kansas's cock. He teased the slit with the tip of his tongue before slipping his lips over the head and sliding his mouth down until he had engulfed Kansas's cock to the root, his nose buried in soft black curls. Vale hummed lightly, knowing that the vibrations would drive Kansas wild, and they did. Kansas's hips bucked, and he whined as Vale swallowed several times. Yuji nipped at Kansas's shoulders and neck, and the imp leaned back to give Yuji better access as Vale sucked hard, hollowing his cheeks as he drew his lips back along Kansas's cock.

    Kansas whined again, his balls beginning to tighten, and Vale tugged Yuji over to kneel with him. Vale released Kansas's cock and he and Yuji both began to lick and nibble their way along Kansas's cock from the base to the head. The double assault made Kansas scream, his back arching as he let go and spattered his chest with ribbons of cum. Vale and Yuji caught him, holding him while he shuddered through his orgasm, taking turns kissing him until Satoshi came over.

    Kansas looked up at Satoshi, and the utter love in his eyes made Vale and Yuji both smile as they moved away, collapsing on the edge of the mattress, Vale curled around Yuji's back, and watching as Satoshi gathered Kansas in his arms, kissing the imp tenderly as he pulled Kansas onto his thighs.

    Kansas pressed himself into Satoshi, nibbling on his pierced lip and grinding himself against Satoshi's cock wantonly, and Satoshi reached for the lube, slicking his fingers before reaching around to cup Kansas's ass, a lubed finger pressing against his tight hole and pressing in. Kansas mewled, driving himself down onto the invading finger, his face blissful as he tugged and twisted one of Satoshi's nipple rings eagerly. Satoshi added another finger, and Kansas growled a little, his hips wriggling as he worried Satoshi's lip. Satoshi began to thrust, stretching Kansas and the imp's head fell back a little, exposing his throat. Satoshi latched on to the pale skin, worrying it with his teeth and sucking until he had raised a vivid mark, and Kansas mewled in pleasure.

    Satoshi eased Kansas back down to the mattress, his pert ass still resting on Satoshi's thighs, and Satoshi quickly slicked his cock with lube before pressing into Kansas's ass, his hands firmly on the imp's hips. Kansas howled in pleasure as Satoshi pushed his way into that sweet heat, burying himself up to the balls in his husband's ass. As Kansas writhed happily, Satoshi began to thrust, pounding the imp's prostate with every thrust, moaning in time with Kansas. Kansas's fingers fluttered up, latching on to Satoshi's nipple rings, and he tugged sharply, making Satoshi scream with pleasure. Kansas was hard again, his cock bouncing with every thrust, and he writhed and howled as Satoshi continued to pound his ass, until Satoshi felt his balls begin to tighten. He looked at Kansas, and the imp smiled the most beautiful smile as he touched himself, his cock jetting forth again as his back arched in that perfect bow, a wave of emotion washing over all of his spouses as Satoshi screamed and came, filling Kansas with his own hot cum.

    Kansas screamed in unison with Satoshi, and through the link, they all shared in his love for Satoshi, a completely trusting devotion that was both innocent and sweetly wanton at the same time, wild and unfettered and all encompassing. Vale felt his eyes tear up, and he held Yuji tightly, feeling somehow blessed to share that moment, and Yuji pressed himself tighter against Vale. Kansas's eyes fluttered closed, and he went limp, his lips curved in a smile that was more beautiful than Vale could describe, his face transcendent with peaceful bliss. Satoshi tenderly withdrew, and gathered Kansas to him, cradling his beloved imp in his arms, his own face radiant with love as he closed his eyes and gave himself over to sleep.

    Vale felt a touch on his shoulder, and turned his head to see Willow. She looked every bit as radiant as Satoshi, and Vale pulled her down to kiss her, loving the sweet taste of her all over again. Yuji smiled as Vale uncurled himself and wrapped his arms around Willow, pulling her down to cover her neck and breasts with a flurry of kisses before he tenderly suckled one breast, teasing the nipple with flicks of his tongue. Yuji sat up, pulling Vale down onto his lap, and grinding his cock against the elf's ass while Vale cupped Willow's rounded ass in his hands, caressing her as he continued to tease her breasts with eager nibbles and licks.

    Vale was beyond words, his link with his spouses so open that mere gestures conveyed volumes. He knelt, his legs on either side of Yuji and willow poised in front of him, and Yuji quickly slicked his caock with lube, grasping Vale's hips and guiding his ass down to his waiting cock. Vale moaned in pleasure as Yuji's cock breached him, and he pushed downward until his husband's balls bumped his ass. Vale's own cock was weeping, and he guided Willow into position to sit facing him, his cock sliding into her wet heat easily. The sensation of being filled by Yuji and being buried in Willow made the elf shiver in ecstasy, and he began to rock his hips, Yuji picking up the rhythm and thrusting in harmony. Vale looked at Willow, catching her lips in a searing kiss as he adjusted his angle slightly so that her clit was pressed against his cock as it slid in and out. She moaned into the kiss, waves of pleasure building low in her belly and spreading out among her husbands. Vale picked up the tempo and Yuji matched him perfectly, his balls slapping Vale's ass and his hand creeping up to tease first Vale's nipple and then Willow's. Willow leaned in, and she and Yuji kissed, heated and loving all at once, and Vale felt his balls draw up as the sensations of loving and being loved overwhelmed him. As Vale gave in to a shatteringly powerful orgasm, filling Willow with his cum, she too came, her walls rippling along his cock. Vale's ass tightened around Yuji, and he howled as he too came, the powerful convulsions of Vale's ass milking him dry. His muscles trembling, Yuji managed to catch his spouses before they collapsed, and eased them to the mattress, withdrawing from Vale's ass carefully.

    Vale remained buried in Willow for a few more minutes, Yuji pressed against his back, and the elf reveled in the peaceful contentment of his spouses' love. Finally, he kissed Willow lingeringly, and eased his cock out of her. Yuji and Vale gathered pillows and blankets, and lovingly covered Satoshi and Kansas, pressing soft kisses to their foreheads. Then they gathered up their scattered clothing, and went with Willow to the master bedroom, where they crawled into bed, Willow cradled between them.

  20. Vale fell into Yuji's arms, relief making him feel weak-kneed. He felt his own scalding tears begin to fall as he hugged Yuji hard. "Oh, gods, love, it's over?"

    Aika, confused by all of the adults weeping, began to wail, and Vale untangled himself from Yuji and hurried to her, getting there at the same time as Willow. Ryuu's lips were trembling as well, and Vale reached for him as Willow scooped up Aika, murmuring soothingly to her daughter. Vale brought Ryuu over to Satoshi and Kansas, and he burrowed into their laps, clinging to his father.

    Yuji had gone and brought the bottle of whiskey and Vale helped him bring glasses. Yuji poured a generous measure for all the adults and handed it around.

    "I think we all need this," Yuji said, and Vale laughed nervously. Mephasm had done his work marvelously, and Vale was pleased by that, but he was still afraid of the others finding out how deeply involved he and Satoshi had been in this. He caught Satoshi's eye, and a look of understanding passed between them.

    The whiskey burned a little as Vale took a deep sip, and he felt some of the trembling in his limbs ease. He took a few deep breaths, and looked at Kansas.

    "You're amazing, alasse'amin, do you know that?" Vale let his love and pride pour forth.

    Kansas just looked at the slip of paper in Satoshi's hand, and then looked up at Yuji, bewildered. "What the fuck am I gonna do with this?"

    "We don't have to decide tonight, Kansas. Let's just not think about it right now." Yuji still looked like he'd been handed the world. "All I care about is that you're safe. We're all safe."

  21. Vale just grinned at Kansas, and nodded. "When you come home, I'll give you something that will at least make sure you're healed perfectly. We can blame youth and good diet for your fast healing, okay?" Kansas's grin was all the reward Vale wanted. "So, now, what did you think I should do with my hair?"

    That made for lively breakfast conversation, as Kansas excitedly offered up suggestion after suggestion for Vale's hair, and Satoshi and Yuji gave each other knowing grins as they teased Vale about being worn out. Willow, however, looked radiant when she came down, and Vale just shrugged and grinned helplessly.

    After their three husbands left, Vale offered to take Ryuu to school, and Willow agreed readily, kissing them both and sending them off. Ryuu was bouncing again by the time they reached the end of their street, and Vale was delighted when Ryuu proudly introduced him as his otooji.

    When Vale got home, though, Willow was in tears over the bills, and Vale listened to her wail about the various things that needed paying.

    "Willow, let me help. You know, I do have a job, back in my world, and I'm still getting paid. I've been getting paid for three centuries, and I still have most of that money, since I lived at the Cloaktower, and ate there." Vale tugged her close and rubbed her back as she cried into his shoulder. "Lirimaer, I feel like I should be helping out as well. You're only taking about half of what Yuji earns, you know. I think I can do a little better than that. I am an archmage, you know."

    Willow could not help a giggle at Vale's mock indignation, and she hiccuped a few times while Vale continued to hug her tightly, rubbing her back all the while. Aika relaxed as well as she heard Willow giggle. Vale tilted Willow's chin up and kissed her.

    "It'll work out, my love," Vale said. "Let me help. I'm part of the family, right?"

    Willow managed a smile. "Alright, sweetheart. For a little bit, anyway, just until we get caught up." She hated taking Vale's money, but the elf was so sincere and insistent that she could not refuse. He did have a point, as well. He was a part of the family now, and since it was his baby she was not sure if they could afford, he was bound to feel obligated. She found herself wondering just what an archmage got paid, anyway, and then decided it would only give her a headache trying to work out conversions.

    "Tell you what. It's a nice day. Aika and I will go pick Ryuu up, and you can put this all away for now. I'll stop at the bank on the way and convert some more dollars." Vale kissed Willow again, lingering over this kiss. "We'll have lunch, and the kids can nap, and we can relax a bit ourselves."

    Willow pressed against Vale, returning his kiss with equal heat. "I'll have lunch ready when you get back."

    By the time Kansas bounced back in for his classes, the children were up again and Vale looked ready for a nap. Willow, however, was as radiant as she had been at breakfast, and Kansas smothered a giggle.

    "Do you have that stuff for me?" Kansas asked eagerly, giving Vale a kiss and nibbling his lip. The imp swung his backpack over his shoulder. "This is hard with only one hand, you know!"

    Vale chuckled. "Come on. love, and I'll see what we can do."

    Vale gave Kansas a healing potion, and the imp grinned as he drank it. "This tastes a lot better than the stuff Yuji and Satoshi are going to make for you."

    "What stuff?" Vale was only mildly alarmed. Living with Sand had greatly increased his tolerance for noxious liquids, since he was convinced Sand made his potions dreadful on purpose, and tested them on Vale to make sure of it.

    "It's this drink, for when you've been fucking too much and sleeping too little." Kansas burst out laughing as Vale blushed. "It's got all this good stuff in it, herbal crap. It works, but it tastes like the stuff you dig out of sewers or something. Just choke it down, that's what I do."

    Vale looked a little wide-eyed at the prospect, and Kansas laughed loudly as he bounced into his room to do some homework. Sand's healing potions were not very tasty at all, to Vale's mind, and yet Kansas proclaimed them a lot better? Vale shuddered. He would do anything in his power to please his husbands, but this might be at the very limits of what he could endure.

    Vale still looked ready for a nap when Satoshi and Yuji got home from work. Of course, it meant he got teased again over dinner, and the elf turned quite pink when Willow let it slip how they had spent part of their afternoon.

    "Maybe he needs a whiskey," Satoshi grinned and Yuji laughed his sweet goofy laugh and just kissed Vale.

    "Let's get dinner cleaned up first," Yuji suggested.

    "I'm going to finish my homework. I started, but I fell asleep for a while." Kansas scampered upstairs.

    The last of the dishes were just being put away when there was a knock at the door.

  22. Sand was pleasantly engaged in kissing Samantha when they were interrupted, but it was Taess, and Sand was fast growing fond of the young half-elf. His boundless enthusiasm and curiosity marked him as well suited to the life of a mage, and in fact, he reminded Sand a bit of himself.

    Dinner was a lively affair, marked by a great deal of chatter and laughter, and three very healthy young appetites. Poor Mal got a smack from Samantha when he asked if Sand was going to finish his fish, but when Samantha was momnetarily distracted by Taess, Sand slipped the fish to Mal with a conspirator's grin. Sand even got to meet the family's kitten, which reminded him that Jaral was bound to be fuming about now.

    "Does Ghost mind other cats? My familiar, Jaral, is a cat, and will be impossibly irritated if I do not summon him to me soon." Sand smiled at Taess's expression. "Many wizards keep a familiar animal. I have always found cats pleasant." He murmured a few words and an elegantly spotted cat materialized. Jaral looked at the kitten, yawned, and curled up in Sand's lap contentedly, ignoring Ghost's surprised yowl and hiss.

    As much as Sand enjoyed the dinner, he did want to head down and check his alchemical workbench one last time. He did not want to leave the braziers lit overnight, and his distillations needed to cool.

    "Taess, will you take me to the workroom one last time?" Sand asked. He gave Samantha a look that promised an enjoyable evening one the children were asleep.

  23. Vale woke from reverie on Thursday morning, Willow curled up against him and sleeping deeply. He looked at the window, noting that it was just before dawn, which meant he had time for a shower before Aika woke. He nuzzled a kiss into Willow's thick hair and carefully slid out of bed, heading for the ensuite bathroom to grab his robe before going to the other bathroom to shower. The hot water felt wonderful, and as he washed, Vale wondered idly if Sand had gotten someone to recreate a shower in their home yet. He grinned to himself at the notion, and finished washing, heading back to the master bedroom to dress quickly.

    Aika was still asleep, so Vale went down to the kitchen to check the tea maker and set up the rice cooker for breakfast. This brought another grin to his face, since neither he nor Sand had ever bothered to investigate the kitchen of their home other than to make tea. His newly acquired domesticity was going to shock his elven spouse greatly.

    Having completed those tasks, Vale went back upstairs and slipped into the nursery to watch Aika sleep. Since he and Willow had begun trying for a child of their own, Vale was even more fascinated by the little ones. She was beginning to stir, and Vale gathered her up, nuzzling her cheek and inhaling the scent of her.

    "Good morning, my lady," Vale said softly. "Let's get you freshened up and I'll take you downstairs for a snack until breakfast is ready." Aika giggled at the elf sleepily, pleased to have him dancing attendance on her. Vale changed her quickly, redressed her in her snug pajamas, and scooped her up. He was on his way downstairs when he ran into Kansas, on his way to the bathroom to shower.

    "Morning, love," Vale said, happily accepting a kiss from the imp. Kansas went to hug the elf and Aika, and then growled as he nearly hit Vale with his cast.

    "Can't you get rid of this thing for me? Please?" Kansas was all but hopping on one foot, his beautiful face all screwed up and mutinous.

    "I would if I could, imp, but you know it would look suspicious if your hand healed that fast." Vale snuck another kiss from Kansas. "Go shower, or do you need help wrapping your cast?"

    "You could shower with me," Kansas grinned.

    Vale grinned back. "Get up earlier. I showered before dawn." He nuzzled Aika. "I have a standing date with my lady here in the mornings, don't I?"

    Kansas went up on his toes to grab one more kiss from Vale. "I'll hurry and then you can at least make this stupid cast lighter."

    Vale went downstairs and got Aika settled in her high chair with some fruit and a cup of juice, and together they waited for the rest of the family to come down.

  24. Sand's hands were clenched tightly as he listened to Samantha's explanation of what would happen to her if he failed. He took a deep and shuddering breath before he was calm enough to speak.

    "I will not let that happen. I will not." Sand pulled her into his arms and held her close, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Even if I cannot isolate what I need, I am taking you back to my world. I can have an entire guild of mages working on a solution, and they cannot touch you there. You and your children will be safe, and Taess can study magic."

    Sand tilted her chin up so that he was looking into Samantha's eyes. "I should never have let you leave that night. I should have begged you to stay." He kissed her, and this kiss was not a chaste kiss. It was fierce and passionate and held the promise of unrestrained passion behind it.

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