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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale slid into bed on one side of Willow, Yuji on the other. Willow was already asleep, but she was restless, and Vale looked at Yuji, a question in his eyes. Yuji gave a small shrug, laughter dancing in those perfect eyes, and Vale grinned, settling down to rest his forehead against Willow's while Yuji spooned her from behind. Yuji's arm reached across her belly to let him tangle his fingers with Vale's fingers, and the men settled into sleep alongside their wife.

    Vale had surrendered his bedroom to Eryn, since Willow was so close to her due date, and none of them wanted to have to run to The Greymist to get her if labor started. Sand was delighted, completely unabashed to have his mother witness the merry bedhopping and often exuberantly loud lovemaking that went on, and even Vale was beginning to relax a bit and treat Eryn with less formality. The night had ended so well, with Ryuu adopting Eryn as his sobo and Sand as his gifu, and Vale's reverie was peaceful, his joy in their family endless.

    It was an unpleasant surprise to be prodded back to consciousness by a rude shove as Willow bit back a groan, making her way awkwardly to the side of the bed and heading for the bathroom. Vale's green eyes were still slightly unfocused when Willow shouted from the bathroom at him.

    "Get Eryn! It's fucking time!" Willow's yell ended in another groan, and Vale bolted out of bed, completely forgetting that he was naked, and tore down the hall to his room, a sleepy Yuji watching him with a mixture of alarm and amusement.

    Yuji stood and grabbed his pajama pants and pulled them on before hurrying over to the bathroom door. "Chippy? You okay?"

    "What kind of fucking stupid question is that?" Willow retorted. "Of course I'm okay! I'm just going to have a fucking baby. And you'd better tell Vale that if he moves his fucking elven ass from this room once he gets back with Eryn, I will feed his ears to him."

    Yuji managed not to chuckle, very glad not to be the father this time around. Eryn had reassured Willow endlessly that a half-elven baby was no different to birth than a human baby, and that both she and the baby were healthy and ready, but from experience, Yuji knew Willow would not calm down until the last minute.

    A shriek from Vale, and a burst of laughter from Eryn let Yuji know that the elven cleric was on the way. A mortified and blushing Vale dashed into the room, diving for his linen sleep pants and a t-shirt, and Eryn followed at a more sedate pace, wearing a sleeveless linen nightshift. She smiled at Yuji serenely, ignoring the long string of muttered elven from Vale that had to be a remarkably eloquent string of obscenities aimed at his own stupidity.

    Eryn walked into the bathroom, looking at Willow fondly. "It's time, is it? Well, we're ready for this. Did your waters break, my dear?"

    Willow nodded, a contraction rippling across her belly and taking her breath away for a moment. When she could catch her breath again, she looked up at Eryn. "The contractions are pretty regular. I must have started having them in my sleep."

    Eryn helped Willow back to the bed, which Vale had prepared according to Eryn's instructions. An oilskin pad covered the mattress to protect it, and a featherbed covered with soft linen sheets lay atop that, a plentiful supply of pillows on hand to let Willow sit up comfortably. Eryn and Vale got Willow settled, and the elven woman washed her hands quickly in the bathroom while Vale curled up next to Willow, his hand firmly clutched in hers.

    "Let's take a look, shall we? Yuji, my dear, why don't you make some tea? I'm sure both you and Vale could use a cup, and a few small sips will help Willow relax." Eryn lifted Willow's nightgown and examined her with the ease of six centuries of practice. "Oh, yes, it won't be long, my dear. Now, try and breathe evenly, and if you need to squeeze Vale's hands, I'm sure he won't mind."

    Vale looked briefly alarmed, his green eyes wide as he watched another contraction rippling across Willow's belly. She managed to breathe evenly this time, and squeezed Vale's hand hard enough to make him wince, but he had been well prepared by Yuji and Satoshi, and merely murmured, "I'm here, lirimaer."

    "Fucking right you're here," Willow groaned. "This is all your fucking fault."

    Eryn chuckled at Vale's expression of stricken outrage. "Yes, it is, and you will love him once the baby is born, as much as you did when you made this baby together. Corellon save me, the things I said to my husband each time I gave birth." She laughed, a merry sound. "And when I held my babies, and looked at my husband's dear face, I knew I would do it again with all the joy in the world."

    Vale looked a bit less stricken, and nuzzled his face in Willow's hair. "I love you, my brave lirimaer, my beautiful wife. You're marvelous, and perfect."

    Yuji returned with the tea, handing Vale a cup and then handing Eryn a cup. "I'll go and wake Sand and the imps. Hang in there, my love. Your hand will feel better in a week or so." He chuckled as he left, the look Vale had given him enough to curdle the blood of a balor lord.

    "I don't need a fucking committee in here," Willow yelled at Yuji's back. "You can all fucking wait in the fucking kitchen... shit!" Willow's voice rose in a wail as another contraction, stronger than the last, surged through her.

    Yuji walked into the imps' bedroom, smiling as he took in the view. Satoshi was on his back, his forehead resting against Sand's face, his body curled slightly towards Sand, Sand's hand resting on Satoshi's chest. Kansas was on his side, his back to Satoshi, and Satoshi's arm was under his neck and curling up over his slim chest. They looked so beautiful and peaceful that Yuji was reluctant to wake them, but it was nearly morning, and Ryuu and Aika would be waking soon.

    Yuji leaned over the bed, and kissed Kansas first, and then Satoshi and Sand. "Hey, sleepyheads," he said softly. "Willow's having the baby, and I need you to get up and help with the kids."

    Kansas was the first one to respond, pulling Yuji in for another kiss before sliding out of the bed and padding to the bathroom. Satoshi and Sand, both slugs in the morning, took longer to rouse. A wail from Yuji's room did the trick for Satoshi, who sat up, his beautiful eyes wide with alarm as he reached for his glasses. Sand tried to pull him back down into a cuddle, but Satoshi shook the elf instead.

    "The baby's coming," Satoshi said, and the urgency in his voice penetrated Sand's reverie. The elf sat up, the soft linen sheets sliding away, his long black hair loose and silky as it spilled over his shoulders.

    "Baby, right," Sand muttered, trying to shake off the last of his reverie.

    "There's tea downstairs. Sand, you and Kansas should deal with the kids, and Satoshi and I can make food." Yuji handed the groggy elf some sleep pants.

    Back in Yuji's bedroom, Eryn said something in elven, and laid her hand on Willow's belly, easing some of the pain of the contractions. "It's nearly time, my dear. You're almost ready to push your son out into the world." She gently massaged Willow's belly, using her healing abilities to sooth away the worst pain and check on the baby at the same time. "He's doing fine, my dears. He's strong and healthy and he wants to be born." Eryn gave Willow and Vale a reassuring smile.

    "Do you want a sip of tea?" Vale asked Willow, kissing her brow.

    Willow gave him a baleful glare. "I fucking want this to be over." She did take a small sip of tea, however, and the squeeze she gave Vale's hand was gentle.

    The next hour was much the same, with Eryn checking Willow's progress, Vale alternating between nervousness and soothing Willow, and Willow growling at everyone. Vale listened wistfully to the sounds of Kansas and Sand waking Ryuu and Aika, and he could smell the breakfast that Yuji and Satoshi had prepared. His stomach growled, earning him a sullen glower from Willow, and Vale hastily assured Willow that he would not eat until she could join him, which garnered an amused chuckle from Eryn.

    The only interruption came when Yuji stuck his head in to ask if the children could see Willow. Eryn did not have any objections, and Vale looked almost desperate to have Willow distracted, and Willow agreed. Yuji hurried off and returned with Kansas and the children, leaving an anxious Satoshi to be soothed by Sand.

    Kansas seemed hesitant, but Yuji threw his arm around the imp and kissed him. Aika squirmed out of her onii-san's arms, and toddled over to Vale, holding out her hands to him. Vale scooped her up, and Aika gave Willow a sweet kiss and patted her tummy. "Otouto," she observed.

    "Yes, my lady, your otouto-chan wants to meet you." Vale kissed Aika soundly and put her down, holding out his arms to Ryuu.

    Ryuu stopped to kiss Eryn sweetly. "Hi, sobo-chan. You help mama, okay?"

    "I will, darling," Eryn assured him.

    Ryuu then allowed Vale to lift him to the bed. "Hi, mama." Ryuu kissed Willow. "Chichi and tousan made a good breakfast. I wanted to save some for you, but they said they would make you a special one. They're silly, but nice."

    "They are," Willow said, kissing her older son lovingly. "Now, go with onii-san and let mama get this baby out to meet you, okay?" She ruffled Ryuu's silky black hair, the love in her eyes beautiful to see.

    Kansas darted over and gave Willow a quick kiss on the cheek, and then hurried back over to tuck himself under Yuji's arm. "Is everything okay, jitsubo?" the imp asked shyly.

    "It's going very well, sochi-chan," Eryn replied. "It won't be much longer."

    Kansas gave Eryn one of his sweet smiles and nodded. "I'll take the kids to the market for a bit with Sand, okay?"

    "Sounds like a good idea," Yuji agreed.

    Vale made a small noise, but smiled brightly when Willow turned to glare at him. "Go have fun," he agreed hastily. "We're fine."

    When they were alone again, Eryn checked Willow's progress. The contractions had increased, and despite the lessened pain, Willow was growing agitated.

    "It's time, isn't it? Tell me it's fucking time, because I'm done," Willow snapped.

    "It's time, my dear. Vale, sit behind her and let her lean on you and hold your hands. Willow, knees up and apart, like that." Eryn went and washed her hands again, and when she returned, she nodded in satisfaction.

    Vale's eyes were wide, his nostrils flaring with his agitation, but Willow had calmed down considerably.

    "Here we go, sweets," Willow said to Vale. "Sorry if I squeeze a little hard." She looked at Eryn, who nodded again.

    "On the next contraction, bear down," Eryn said, calm and confident. "Let's get your son born."

    The contraction began, and Willow bore down, her face serene as she breathed deeply and evenly, holding Vale's hands tightly. The elf was pale and wide-eyed, but he concentrated on pouring out as much love as he could through their bond, determined not to make an idiot of himself.

    "Good," Eryn said. "Now relax and breathe a bit, and we'll do it again on the next contraction. His head is right there, my dear."

    Vale could see nothing yet, but he drew in a hissing breath, making Willow chuckle a little.

    "It's okay, love," Willow said. "We're fine, our son and me."

    After the third contraction began, Eryn said, "Push, my dear, nice and strong."

    Willow did, her hands tightening so much around Vale's that the elf made a small noise of protest, hearing the small bones grinding as she squeezed his hands. Then he saw something emerging, wet and rather slimy-looking, and he felt slightly dizzy.

    "And here's the head," Eryn announced. "Beautiful, my dear. The hard part's over." She cradled the head in strong but gentle hands, and on the next contraction, she turned the baby slightly until, with a rush of fluids, the baby slid free. Eryn held him and gently wiped him with warm water and soft linen, cleaning away the fluids gently and coaxing a small cry of outrage from the infant.

    Vale held Willow carefully, his entire body trembling as he watched Eryn finish cleaning the baby quickly, and then she laid the infant on Willow's chest, his small face the most beautiful thing Vale had ever seen. He could not help the sob that escaped him as Willow let go of his hands and gathered the baby to her, cooing softly. "Hello, sweet boy. Mama's very glad to see you, Hikaru-chan. And look, here's chichi to see you."

    Vale looked at Willow, tired but radiant, the tiny baby in her arms. Their son was gorgeous, with damp golden fuzz on his head, and gently tilted eyes, his small but perfect ears sweeping to a delicate point. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a sob of joy, tears spilling unheeded down his cheeks. He cradled Willow, kissing her damp temple and cheek, watching his wife and son in utter amazement, letting the immense love he felt wash over them both.

    "Vale," Eryn said, holding out a delicate mithral knife. "You should be the one to sever the cord that links them. and set his feet on his own path."

    Vale looked at Willow, wide-eyed, and she nodded. He slipped out from behind her for a moment, taking the knife and cutting where Eryn indicated. There was only a small drop of blood, and Vale handed the knife back to Eryn with a trembling hand. Then he slid back beside Willow, gathering her and their son against him.

    Eryn busied herself with the afterbirth, and cleaning Willow a bit, allowing Vale and Willow a few quiet minutes to admire Hikaru. Vale reached out a slim hand, touching one delicate cheek, still trembling a little.

    "Hikaru," Vale breathed, utterly in love and captivated entirely. "Utinuamin, my son. Oh, Willow, he's so perfect." Vale's face was as radiant as Willow's, and he kissed her softly, never wanting this moment of bliss to end.

  2. Eryn looked at the sweet and terribly nervous young man, his beautiful eyes awash in tears behind his glasses, his fingers pressed so tightly on his knees that the flesh beneath them stark white. She smiled, her blue eyes very bright, and she reached out to touch Satoshi's cheek very gently.

    "Tell me, are you quite sure you're not elven? That was the most lovely and proper proposal any mother could wish to hear." Eryn stood, graceful and elegant, and she bowed to Satoshi in the elven manner. "You have asked my, as Lady en Nosse Iradil, for my blessing on your marriage to my son, by our laws and customs, and in the sight of our gods. You have avowed your love for him, and in truth it shines from your eyes like the light of Selune." Eryn laid a slender hand on Satoshi's head. "In the name of Corellon Larethian, First of the Seldarine, and as Lady of my House, I confer my blessing upon you, Mori Satoshi-sama."

    Eryn let her hand fall away, and then flung her arms around the startled Satoshi. "Now that the formal part is over, may I tell you how very happy I am to welcome you as my son?" Eryn pressed a kiss to Satoshi's forehead. "You've brought such joy to my heart, you know. I'm so very honored to add your name to our House's roll."

    Eryn hugged Satoshi again, drawing him to his feet to do it properly. "Let me ask one thing, my dear. Does this mean I get to be a grandmother to Ryuu?"

  3. Sand mewled as Satoshi sagged forward, feeling those barbed nipple rings pressing into his back as Satoshi's fingers loosened in his hair. Sand slid forward, his cock dragging across the silk quilt, the sensation making him shiver with need. He rolled carefully, tipping Satoshi to the side and then all but pounced on his lover, plundering Satoshi's mouth with searing kisses and devouring that pierced lower lip.

    "Oh, my heart, the things you do to me," Sand murmured, his eyes dark with lust. "I want you, my love."

    Sand reached out and snagged a small inlaid box, pulling out a vial of oil that smelled slightly woodsy. He opened it and drizzled some on his fingers, sliding his hand in the cleft of Satoshi's ass until his finger found the tight pucker. One oiled finger circled lightly, teasing the fine hairs and making Satoshi moan. Sand pressed his finger in to the first knuckle, and then slid it in all the way, another moan serving to encourage the elf.

    As much as Sand wanted to be buried in that tight ass this very moment, he proceeded to loosen Satoshi thoroughly, coaxing a variety of wanton little noises from his lover as he found and stroked the prostate firmly. Satoshi's hips wriggled as he pressed himself down further on Sand's fingers, three of them now loosening that tight little ass. Finally Sand decided that Satoshi was ready for him, and he helped Satoshi to roll onto his knees, that delectable ass in the air. Sand quickly slathered a little oil on his aching cock, pressing the base firmly before pressing the head of his cock past the still tight muscle.

    It was Sand's turn to groan wantonly, the heat of Satoshi's ass so inviting that the elf just wanted to plunge in, but Sand held back, easing in slowly and waiting for Satoshi to adjust before he began a steady thrusting, sliding over Satoshi's prostate and feeling the wonderful shivers running through Satoshi each time he did. Sand reached around Satoshi to find and tug one barbed nipple ring, twisting it enough to make Satoshi hiss with pleasure. His other hand was on Satoshi's back, holding him steady as Sand ploughed into his ass.

    Satoshi was writhing now, moaning as Sand worked his ass, his cock moving smoothly in and out of that tight heat. Sand could feel his own balls drawing up, aching with the need to spill himself in his lover. His hand drifted lower, leaving the nipple ring in favor of feathering over Satoshi's cock, his thumb rubbing the precum weeping from the slit. Sand's deft fingers wrapped around Satoshi's cock, stroking it in time to his thrusts, a little more frantic now that he could feel himself hovering on the edge.

    "Take me, love, take it all," Sand groaned, and then howled as his balls tightened and he spilled, filling Satoshi's ass as Satoshi gave a convulsive shudder, his own cum spattering across the quilt and Sand's hand. Utterly spent, Satoshi went limp, and Sand eased him down onto a dry spot of the large bed, curling up around him and nibbling that pierced lower lip gently. Satoshi's eyelids fluttered and he smiled at Sand, a smile so beautiful that Sand's heart leaped in his chest as he curled around his beloved imp.

  4. Sand howled again as he felt Satoshi shove his cock into his ass, Satoshi's balls slapping up against his cheeks. His back arched enough to bring his head up, and he shoved backward as best he could, wanting every inch of Satoshi's cock to fill him.

    When Satoshi began to fuck him, hard and fast, Sand screamed again, his own cock hardening again as he was ruthlessly plundered, exactly how he loved it best. Pinioned, deliciously helpless against the relentless pounding, Sand mewled as Satoshi's cock slammed into his prostate, white light exploding behind his eyes. He opened himself up, letting every bit of the intense pleasure that filled him wash over Satoshi as well, wanting his lover to know how much this pleased him, and Sand howled happily as Satoshi increased his pace, balls slapping the elf's ass with every thrust. It was such an overwhelming pleasure that it verged on pain, and Sand gave himself over to Satoshi's domination completely, wriggling his ass and moaning wantonly. The hair that was not firmly clenched in Satoshi's hand fell forward around Sand's face, tendrils clinging to his sweat-dampened forehead as his head fell back to the mattress.

    "Harder," Sand moaned. "More, ner, cormamin, my heart... ah, yes!" The words were coming out in a jumble of English and elven, Sand's breathing ragged as he tried to shove himself onto Satoshi's cock. The muscles of his back rippled under the scars, his thighs flexing with his efforts to take all of Satoshi's cock as deep within his ass as he could.

  5. The vibrations from Satoshi's new tongue stud ran straight from Sand's cock up his spine and exploded somewhere behind his eyes in a burst of light, and the elf let out a scream of pure unadulterated bliss. Sand's hips bucked upward, and if Satoshi did not have such a tight grip on Sand's thighs, the elf would have been off the bed completely. With a wicked chuckle, Satoshi let the vibrating stud slide down Sand's cock, utterly wrecking any vestiges of self-control that remained in Sand. Slim fingers buried themselves in Satoshi's hair, and with a superhuman effort, Sand managed to keep from shoving his cock down his lover's throat.

    Sand mewled, his head whipping from side to side as Satoshi ran the vibrating stud back up the elf's cock to the head, running it over the slit and back around to the cleft. This time Sand did manage to shove his cock firmly into Satoshi's tight mouth, the stud wreaking even more havoc on his senses as it slid closer to the root. Satoshi let his throat relax, taking as much of Sand as he could, and poking his tongue out to tickle the base of Sand's cock.

    Sand bucked, his back arching off the bed. "Oh, fuck!" he howled, the first spurt of cum catching Satoshi by surprise. Sand let out a another wordless scream as he filled Satoshi's mouth, his eyes tightly shut and tears of sheer pleasure leaking from the corners of his eyes. Satoshi swallowed eagerly, lapping up the last few drops, each touch of the stud sending shudders through Sand.

    "Oh, fuck..." Sand managed, collapsing in a boneless heap on the mattress, his fingers still clenched in Satoshi's hair. "Oh, my heart..."

    Satoshi crawled up to plunder Sand's mouth, letting the elf taste himself on Satoshi's tongue, grinding his own aching cock against one lean-muscled thigh as those blue eyes flew open, shining with love and desire.

  6. Vale yelped a little as Yuji grinned his beautiful crooked grin and disappeared. He looked again at the vibrating rings, and a delightfully wanton look crept over his face as he quickly peeled off his t-shirt and changed his gold rings for the vibrating ones. Yuji could turn them on later, when they were alone. Vale thought he would save the gold and pearl rings for their wedding, since they would look perfect under what he planned to wear, and the steel rings were ideal for everyday wear. Vale grinned again, wondering if he could borrow the vibrating beads from Kansas as well, and his cock hardened slightly in anticipation. Still grinning wickedly, Vale pulled his t-shirt back on and hurried downstairs to join Yuji and wait for the rest of the family.

    Satoshi was in the kitchen, creeping silently to come up behind Sand as he washed dishes, a small, wistful smile on his face. Satoshi wrapped his arms around the moon elf, nibbling at his ear gently, his piercings scraping the shell and making Sand moan wantonly.

    His smile wide and radiant, Sand turned his head to beg for a kiss, his tongue snaking out to tease Satoshi's lower lip. Satoshi's hands were in the warm soapy water, his fingers tangling with Sand's fingers as he obliged with a searing kiss that left the elf gasping and shivering in delight.

    "I've missed you. Especially last night, I felt lonely in my bed," Sand muttered into the heavily pierced lip.

    Satoshi smiled brightly, brimming over with emotion. "I love you, Sand. I missed you so much, and I love you."

    Sand's eyes widened as he heard Satoshi's words, unable to stop the small whimper of longing that escaped his lips. "Oh, my heart, do you know what you do to me when you say that?" Sand pushed his ass back into Satoshi, grinding himself against Satoshi's cock wantonly. "Promise me my bed won't be so lonely tonight."

    Satoshi rubbed against that sweet, tight ass, murmuring into Sand's ear, "I promise. We're going to cover every inch of it tonight."

    "Mmm," Sand moaned, his cock hard and aching to be touched. His head fell back onto Satoshi's shoulder as the ball stud in Satoshi's tongue swiped the edge of his ear to the tip before Satoshi nipped the delicate point sharply. "I am very close to taking you right here and now, my heart, which will result in Willow skinning us both while we still live." Sand pulled his hands out of the water and spun around to grab Satoshi and plunder that tight cavern of a mouth, their cocks sliding against each other through the fabric of their clothing.

    "Yeah," Satoshi gasped, his fingers digging into the cheeks of Sand's ass. "Willow's not big on fucking in the kitchen." He slammed his hips forward, pinning Sand against the sink and dragging a strangled yelp from the elf.

    "Maybe we should go upstairs?" Sand managed, his breath coming in pants.

    Satoshi shook his head, nipping at Sand's lower lip. "Can't," he gasped. "Yuji wants to talk to us all."

    Sand's head tilted backward as Satoshi's mouth fastened on his throat, teeth scraping the translucent skin before Satoshi began to suck a livid mark.

    "Oh, fuck," Sand wailed as his hips bucked, his cock slamming into Satoshi's muscular thigh.

    There was an amused snort from the doorway. "You can fuck later, you two. Yuji's waiting with Kansas and Willow." Vale grinned cheekily as Sand glared at him over Satoshi's shoulder. Satoshi's neck was crimson, but his eyes held the promise of a very long night of pleasure, and Sand stole another kiss, unrepentant and eager.

  7. Kansas bustled back into the kitchen, grinning at Sand. "So, let's get these dishes done before Willow rips us a new one."

    Sand blinked. "A new what?"

    "A new asshole," Kansas tittered. He snickered, listening to Vale getting the lecture about running around in sleep pants when Eryn was due to come by at any moment. The lecture ended with Vale murmuring soothing nonsense as Willow burst into tears, Ryuu and Aika offering their own sweet comfort. Eryn arrived in the middle of the fuss, and took over, allowing Vale to escape upstairs.

    Sand looked at Kansas as they worked, marveling at the imp's beauty and serenity. His mind returned again to what Kansas had said, about Satoshi's dark places, and how Sand could help him. The mindless chore of washing dishes lent itself to conversation, and Sand decided to broach the subject.

    "Kansas? What you said about Satoshi, his dark places? What did you mean?" Sand glanced at the imp as he worked.

    Kansas leveled a surprisingly appraising look at Sand. "You mean how you can help. You know what he's been through, what they did to him. He doesn't think he's worthy of love. You need to love him so completely that even he can't deny it, and never let him forget. You need to show him your dark places, too. You need to do that communing thing with him, and let him know every corner of your soul." Kansas's voice was emphatic. "Every corner. Don't hide anything from him, no matter how much you want to. You need to trust him absolutely, because that's the only way to heal him."

    "I... There are places so dark within me," Sand replied, his voice hesitant. "I have nearly died a dozen times. I have been beaten, and raped. Can he see that and understand?"

    "We can't give him total trust like you can. I can't, Yuji can't, Willow can't, and Vale's tried, but he isn't the one." Kansas sounded utterly sure of himself. "You're the one that can heal him. I would've, if I could, but I can't, and I'm trusting you. Don't let him fall into the black places again."

    Sand nodded. "I will, then. I will show him the things I could not show even to Vale." The imp's voice had held the hard edge of prophesy, his gift showing itself, and Sand would not argue with a seer.

    "Good." Kansas abruptly changed the subject. "Tell me about lifebonds."

    Sand was mildly surprised, until he remembered that Vale had crafted lifebonds with all his spouses. Vale was notoriously bad at explaining these things, though. "What did you wish to know?"

    "Vale says that sometimes when one spouse dies, the other one will, too." Kansas was nearly glaring at Sand.

    "Among elves, that is true. It is rare, though, for a human spouse to feel the urge to fade if an elven spouse dies first." Sand looked carefully at the imp.

    Kansas was frowning a little, his eyes pale but not quite silvery. "So, if I died, no one else would have to die?" The imp appeared to be holding his breath, waiting for the answer like one would await a blow.

    "Kansas, what is this about?" Sand asked gently, lifting the imp's chin to look deeply into the pale eyes. Although he had not forged a bond directly with Kansas, Sand tapped into Vale's bond to get a sense of what the imp was feeling. Fear washed over him, and Sand sighed.

    "It's not that," Kansas said, his voice rough with emotion. "I'm not thinking about doing anything stupid again. I promised Yuji I wouldn't. But if something happened to me, an accident, would anyone die?"

    Sand put the last clean dish down and gathered Kansas into an embrace, gentle and undemanding. "I will not lie to you. I gather you have been lied to and hurt far too often in your life already, and I will not add to that. The only one you would worry about like this is Satoshi." Sand stroked the silky blue and black hair of the trembling imp. "He would miss you fiercely, and he would mourn you, but he would not fade or die because of the bond. I swear this, on my own life. And if he falters, Kansas, I will catch him. I will not let him fall. I have promised you this already, and I will not break my word to you. He is dearer to me than my own life, and I love him with all that I am."

    Kansas relaxed into Sand's arms then, the dreadful fear fading. They wandered into the living room after a few moments, Kansas hurrying over to curl up against Vale, burrowing under his arm. The imp waved Sand over impatiently, and wound up snuggled between both elves, his eyes stormy and beautiful as he watched Vale tenderly stroke Willow's belly to feel their son kick.

    Later that night, Vale managed to catch Kansas alone for a moment after they had put Ryuu and Aika to bed. "Come into the garden for a moment, love. I haven't had a cigarette in ages, and I'm in the mood."

    Kansas tittered and dug out his pack. "Come on, then."

    They wandered past the quiet murmuring of Willow and Sand, and Vale was pleased by how well they got along. Willow had snapped at Sand a few times early on, and Sand had taken it in stride, until one morning when, stressed by the early hour, Sand had snapped back. Willow had looked at him for a long moment while her husbands watched nervously, and then she had burst out laughing. They had become fast friends since then, trading jabs and each enjoying the other's sarcastic humor.

    In the garden, Kansas curled up on a bench and offered Vale a cigarette. They lit them and sat, smoking, for a moment or two before Vale broke the silence.

    "Yuji asked me to tell you something. You know about how elves can bond so deeply for life with one particular mate?" Vale looked at the imp nervously, his mouth slightly dry from more than the smoke.

    "If you're going to tell me that our bond won't make either of us die if the other does, then Sand explained that to me," Kansas replied.

    Vale blinked, surprised that Kansas had gone to Sand. Then again, Sand had always told Vale that his explanations were sadly obscure. "Well... good, then. But there was something else you should know, and Yuji thought it should come from me." Vale shifted a little on the bench, and Kansas looked at him, curious. "I made a lifebond with you first, because you were falling, and it was the only way I could think of to catch you."

    "I know," Kansas replied, beginning to feel anxious. His hand flew up to his face, and his pearly teeth began to gnaw at the cuff of his hoodie.

    Vale reached out and stroked Kansas's face. "Then I made the same bond with everyone else, the night you gave me your ring, remember?" When the imp nodded, Vale took a deep breath and continued. "Elves have a very close relationship with our gods, and they speak to us directly. I was told that I needed to choose just one lifemate, that I could keep the deep bonds with all of my spouses, but I could only have one that I was bound to so deeply that I'd follow them into the afterlife. I chose Yuji."

    Kansas's eyes widened, paling a little. "So when Yuji dies, you'll die, too?"

    Vale smiled, to Kansas's surprise. "Can you imagine me without Yuji? I can't. Don't look like that, imp. It was my choice, and I made it happily." He leaned in and kissed Kansas sweetly. "I am his. But it doesn't mean anyone else has to die. This is something between me and Yuji."

    "What if you die first?" Kansas demanded. "What happens to Yuji?"

    Vale took another deep breath. "Yuji wanted it to go both ways. If something happens to me, Yuji wants to follow me. I didn't ask this of him, and I didn't expect it, but it was his right to choose."

    "So why tell me?" Kansas sounded almost angry, and Vale nodded slowly.

    "Yuji was worried because of your gift. It shouldn't affect you, even with the gift. This is just a choice that we've made for the two of us." Vale gave Kansas a pleading look. "My love, he didn't want you to be affected, and he wanted you to know because he doesn't lie to you, and neither do I. That's all, alasse'amin."

    Kansas smoked furiously for a moment, bringing his knees up to his chin and wrapping his arms around them. "Why?" he demanded, after two cigarettes had vanished. "You could live another five hundred years. Why are you giving that up?"

    "Because those years would be emptier than I could bear without Yuji," Vale replied, opening himself to Kansas.

    "What about Sand?" Kansas seemed determined to press the issue.

    Vale looked briefly sad. "I love Sand deeply, but without Yuji, he is not enough to hold me here. Sand can't even show me his whole soul. He holds back things, and Yuji doesn't. We're completely open with each other, and we complete each other. I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't explain it better than that."

    To Vale's surprise, Kansas nodded, and then smiled one of his beautiful, innocent smiles. "Then I can live with that." His stormy eyes were were locked on Vale's green eyes. "You do fit each other."

    Vale opened the portal and waited nervously for his husbands to return. When Satoshi emerged, Vale's face lit up and he caught Satoshi in his arms, giving him a fast flurry of soft kisses.

    "Welcome back, my love," Vale said, pressing a last gentle kiss on that wonderful pierced mouth.

    "Where's Sand?" Satoshi asked, his eyes shining.

    Vale chuckled. "He's in the kitchen, washing the dinner dishes for Willow. Go to him. He's missed you so."

    Satoshi hurried downstairs, and Vale waited for Yuji to step through, his heart pounding with anticipation.

  8. Vale looked at Satoshi, his green eyes brimming with love. "Oh, Satoshi, you have my blessing and my utmost love. Take Sand for your husband, open yourself to him fully and let him open himself to you. Love each other truly and without reservation for as long as you live, mela en' coiamin, and I will love you both all the more for it." Vale's smile widened. "And if he offers you a lifebond, take it, my love."

    Satoshi looked a little puzzled, but also incredibly relieved at Vale's blessing. His eyes welled, tears spilling down his cheeks again, but this time they were tears of joy. "Then you don't mind?"

    "Be happy with him. That's all I ask." Vale slid off the bed, wincing slightly, and hugged Satoshi tightly.

    "Then I have one more thing to ask. I need a portal back to Tokyo." Satoshi wiped his wet cheeks, the joy in his eyes marvelous to behold.

    "You're leaving?" Vale was alarmed, and sat back, not even noticing the pain in his ass.

    "No," Satoshi said, smiling. "I want to buy rings. I saw some back at the jewelers, when I was picking up yours."

    "Oh!" Vale grinned. "Of course, I can do that for you easily."

    "I'll go and get ready, then," Satoshi said happily. "But not a word to Sand, I want this to be a surprise." He grabbed Kansas's hand and the imps dashed out.

    Vale looked at Yuji, his smile radiant. "He's happier than I've ever seen him."

    Yuji chuckled and pulled Vale into his arms and kissed him tenderly. "Sand makes him feel whole, the way you make me feel." He looked at Vale. "I'm going to go with him, my love. We should be about two days, I think. I have something I need to do as well."

    Vale nodded. "Of course, verno'amin. Can I ask what it is?"

    "We're going to need a bigger house," Yuji explained, and Vale began to laugh.

    "I imagine we will," the elf grinned.

    Yuji was relieved that Vale seemed to expect that they would return to Tokyo. He had begun to wonder if Vale would want to leave his home world again, but the elf looked delighted at the prospect of returning to Yuji's world. His next words confirmed it.

    "I've been thinking that I'll need to apply for citizenship, won't I? And pick a proper Japanese name?" Vale leaned against Yuji contentedly. "I want to take your last name. You're my husband, and it'll feel right. Sand can take Satoshi's last name."

    Yuji almost could not breathe, hearing that, so casually said. His heart was so swollen with love for his elf that he thought it would burst. And then Vale continued, still so utterly casual.

    "You're my chosen lifemate, after all." Vale's face was peacefully happy.

    "But you said you were bonded to all of us," Yuji said slowly, confused all over again. "I don't understand. You linked with all of us, and I thought Sand was your lifemate."

    "Oh, he was. We're still bonded, all of us, as deeply as lifemates, but I had to choose just one lifemate." Vale shrugged a little. "It is something that the Seldarine insist on, it seems."

    Yuji was puzzled, and becoming more than a little apprehensive. "What does that mean, exactly, lifemate?"

    Vale sighed a little, and lay back with his head on Yuji's lap, his green eyes fixed on Yuji's perfect black eyes. "I told you that we love so deeply sometimes that we can die when our mate dies? That is a lifebond. It's the bond I first formed with Kansas, to catch him when he was falling. Then, when everyone else gave me their rings, and I didn't have rings to give them in return, I bonded with them, and with you, that deeply. It was all I had to give, just myself."

    "But that means if one of us dies..." Yuji's voice choked off.

    Vale looked utterly calm. "No, just you. I had to choose, and you are my lifemate."

    Yuji was speechless for a long moment, and then he managed to grate out, "You didn't think to ask first?" He glared down at Vale. "You tied your life to mine, just like that?"

    Vale looked a little startled. "We were already bound, my love. Yuji, I love you. I can't imagine life without you at my side. It almost wasn't a choice. I am yours."

    Those three words stopped Yuji's anger cold. Vale had said them, in the beginning, and again last night, and Yuji suddenly understood. "You chose last night, didn't you?"

    Vale smiled again, radiant and beautiful. "Yes. Yuji, it felt more right than anything I've ever done."

    "I want to do the same thing." Yuji was implacable, and Vale looked at him, wide-eyed. "I want to be bound to you that way, so that if you die, I'll join you in death."

    To Yuji's surprise, Vale's eyes welled with tears. The elf sat up, ignoring the pain of his ass, and cupped Yuji's face between slim hands.

    "You want that?" The tears slid down Vale's cheeks slowly as the most beautiful smile curved his lips. "You love me that much?" He let his forehead rest again Yuji's and opened himself up fully to Yuji. "Just open up and let it happen."

    Yuji did, lowering every defense, every shield, and feeling Vale within him, the two of them merging and he knew with certainty that the bond was complete. They stayed like for long minutes, until the imps returned to find out what was taking them so damned long.

  9. Vale laughed as Yuji got up and grabbed his pajama bottoms. Vale eased himself out of bed, wincing a little as his welts made contact with the sheets. The memory of how he earned them made him shiver a little, and he felt himself stir ans harden a bit. He made his way over to the wardrobe and pulled put a pair of loose linen sleep pants, even those slightly uncomfortable. Sliding back in bed, he wrapped his arms around Yuji and waited for the imps.

    Vale nuzzled Yuji's hair, thinking about what his beloved husband had said. "You do know, amaelamin, that we can be formally and legally wed here, in the eyes of the gods and of the law. We should probably do it in Evereska rather than Neverwinter, but marriages such as ours are recognized here on Toril."

    Yuji looked at Vale, his eyes widening. "Yours and mine?"

    "All of us." Vale smiled, his green eyes very bright. "Elves don't define marriage the way other races do. We allow for more than one lawful spouse when there is a calling of hearts this strong. We are so much creatures of our hearts, we elves." He kissed Yuji tenderly. "Eryn could officiate, in her capacity as the senior cleric of Corellon Larethian. At least we can think about it, after the baby is born and Willow is feeling up to it. Sand and I have been putting off the formal ceremony, so we could do that as well, and make Eryn even happier."

    Yuji just looked at Vale, momentarily speechless. If he was understanding Vale correctly, Vale was saying that all the complicated links between them, all the unions, would be formally recognized. It was dizzying and tempting, and the answer to his own wishes if it were true. Vale seemed to notice his confusion, that pale brow wrinkling slightly.

    "So, your marriage to Satoshi, and to Kansas, and to Willow, and to me would all be formally blessed and made lawful. The same with Satoshi and Kansas, and Satoshi and Willow, and Kansas and me. and Satoshi and me, and Willow and me. All those ties would be lawful on this world, and on several other Planes." Vale looked at Yuji. concerned. "Unless I misunderstood what you wanted?"

    "No, you didn't misunderstand, not at all. It's just a lot to take in." Yuji returned Vale's soft kisses. "But you said something about hearts?"

    Vale smiled like the sun coming out. "Elves understand the power of the heart. We are capable of loving so entirely that we choose to fade, to die when our beloved spouse dies. If an elf loves that utterly, no marriage that celebrates such a love can be called unlawful, nor can a priest refuse to witness it. And of course, especially among the Evereskan elves, such marriages can and do include humans, and other races."

    Before Yuji could ask anything more, the door opened, and the imps came in, Satoshi looking unusually serious.

  10. Sand listened to the giggles as Kansas got Satoshi under the water, followed by Satoshi's satisfied sigh as the abundant hot water soothed his abused body. Granted, the aches and pains were from being thoroughly fucked, with his eager participation, but Sand still felt uncomfortable with seeing Satoshi in pain. He rummaged in his wardrobe for clothing, frowning slightly when he realized that all his clothing was elven. He peered in the second wardrobe, delighted to find that there was a pair of jeans in there, as well as a couple of tanks tops and a few casual shirts, which Vale had left there. The two elves were close enough in size that Sand was able to wear the clothing, and he dressed quickly, brushing his hair back and securing it in a loose ponytail.

    Sand then rummaged in the small desk in his room, shoving a few piles of parchments out of his way ruthlessly, and dug out a couple of healing potions with a satisfied smile. Both Kansas and Satoshi could use them, and Sand was especially determined to make sure Satoshi drank his. He knew he had more downstairs, in his alchemical workshop, and he decided to go and fetch a few more. He had no idea how bad Vale and Yuji were feeling, but judging by the silence from Vale's room, silence that was most unlike his dawn-loving husband, Sand assumed they had been most vigorous in their own lovemaking. Nothing else kept Vale in bed after dawn.

    By the time Sand got back upstairs, Kansas was gone, and Satoshi was still in the bathroom, although the water was no longer running.

    "My heart?" Sand stuck his head into the bathroom, his smile loving. He held out a vial to Satoshi. "I know you like the reminder, but we were far too enthusiastic last night, I think. I cannot imagine you want to wince every time you sit today."

    Satoshi chuckled a little. "My heart's lighter, but my ass feels like a freight train was up it." He laughed at Sand's slightly dubious look, realizing that the elf was not entirely sure what a freight train was. "Never mind, love, I'll drink the potion." Satoshi did drink it all, and handed the empty vial back to a relieved Sand. "That one tasted like mint tea."

    Sand's cheeks darkened slightly. "I only make them taste bad when they are ridiculous things like potions to enhance a person's charm. Such a waste of magic."

    Satoshi suspected that Sand only made them taste good for the family's use, but he did not say that. Instead, he kissed Sand lingeringly. "Now let me finish up, okay?"

    Kansas bounced in at that moment, barelegged beneath his shorts. "Hey, Sand! Willow says it's your turn to help with breakfast and the kids, so you'd better get your pretty ass downstairs before she starts yelling."

    Sand's face lit up at the prospect of the children, and he beamed at Kansas before hurrying down to the kitchen.

  11. Vale looked up at Yuji, murmuring his love for the man in a baffling mixture of languages that spanned two Primes and a half-dozen Planes across the multiverse. It all boiled down to the same thing.

    "Watashi wa anata o gozen. Amin naalle. I am yours." Vale understood the choice he had just made, and the peace that came over him reassured him that he had chosen well.

    Yuji eased carefully out of Vale, the elf hissing a little, but his face was so radiant that Yuji could only kiss him again, a tender kiss that barely grazed swollen lips. Yuji eased himself to one side, Vale turning to stay face to face with his beloved husband, his soulmate. He rested his forehead against Yuji's forehead, their legs tangling together and their fingers intertwined, and Vale let his reverie steal over him as he fell into those perfect eyes.

    Vale woke from reverie, the sky just beginning to lighten, and he moved closer to Yuji, who was still sleeping, marveling at the perfection of his face. Vale's ass felt like he had gone several rounds with a pit fiend, and he had never been more content in his life. Yuji shifted a little, and Vale felt himself harden at the sight of that golden skin, so inviting in the pale light. Vale leaned in and nibbled Yuji's lips, and Yuji stirred, smiling sleepily at the elf. Vale nudged Yuji's thigh with his hard cock, a sort of request, and Yuji's smile widened as he rolled over onto his back, letting his thighs fall open in invitation.

    Vale sighed happily, and kissed his way down Yuji's flat stomach, delighted by the muscles that were returning after Yuji's illness. He paused to tease Yuji's navel with his tongue, smirking a little when he felt Yuji squirm beneath him. Then Vale was between Yuji's thighs, ghosting past his cock to burrow behind his balls, tongue snaking out to explore Yuji's asshole. He probed delicately at first, and then breached the tight muscle with a powerful thrust of his tongue, making Yuji hiss. Vale continued to thrust with his tongue, opening Yuji as he scrabbled around on the bed for the lube.

    Vale moved back up, looking down into Yuji's eyes as he positioned his cock at the tight little muscle between Yuji's cheeks, the lube slippery as he nudged gently. Yuji bucked his hips, and the head of Vale's cock pushed forward into that delicious heat as Yuji's legs wrapped around the elf's hips, drawing him down until Vale's balls were against Yuji's ass.

    Vale moaned and held himself still, reveling in the heat and tightness while allowing Yuji a moment to adjust. Then the elf began to move, pulling back and driving himself home eagerly, knowing he would not last long, but wanting to spill himself in Yuji's ass, to claim his husband as much as Yuji had claimed him the night before. Yuji seemed as eager as Vale, and he yelped at Vale plundered his prostate repeatedly.

    Vale reached out and opened the bond between them fully, allowing Yuji to feel what Vale felt, the heat and tightness of Yuji's ass driving him to the brink, his balls tightening as Yuji's eyes widened in surprise and pleasure. Yuji's cock was being massaged between their bellies, and Vale could feel Yuji's own imminent release as he howled with the first hot spurt of cum. Yuji was right behind him, his cum painting their bellies with spurt after spurt, the mingled sensations making them both scream in ecstasy.

    Spent, Vale sagged forward onto Yuji's chest, feeling strong arms around him as he sobbed in helpless pleasure, the last throes of his orgasm leaving him shuddering. Yuji eased Vale to one side, kissing the elf over and over again as their hearts gradually slowed and beat in tandem as they held each other close.

    Sand breathed deeply of the fragrant hair that tickled his nose, easing out of reverie and cradling Satoshi's warm body closer to his chest. Satoshi let out a soft moan and pressed his ass back against Sand.

    Sand focused his eyes and was a little surprised to find that Kansas had moved, and was now lying half an arm's length from Satoshi, facing the two lovers. Kansas was holding Satoshi's hand midway between them, and a soft smile played over his lips, making him look perfectly innocent and childish.

    Satoshi moaned again and pressed down on the elf's crotch, making Sand moan with longing, his cock already half hard as he recalled the night before. Half asleep, Satoshi twisted around to offer Sand a kiss, and the elf sank into the offered mouth, his cock jumping to attention as he plundered the tight cavern.

    The gentle wiggle in Satoshi's hips told Sand that he was feeling equally aroused and sliding down slightly, Sand eased his hand over the round globe of Satoshi's ass, fingers dipping into the cleft and pressing on the round pucker. Satoshi hissed loudly, and arched his back with a whimper.

    "You're too sore, my heart," Sand murmured.

    "Nah, it's alright. Please, I want to feel you inside of me. I missed that last night, I really wanted to feel you inside of me."

    "But you did feel me inside of you. Quite hard, if memory serves me."

    "Yeah. That was fucking. Now I want to feel you." Satoshi mewled, pressing his ass down on the throbbing cock, and Sand hissed, his cock aching to be inside that tight little ass, but at the same time he didn't want to hurt his lover.

    Feeling Sand's trepidation Satoshi turned his head and feathered his pierced lip down Sand's jaw, and whispered, "Find the lube, just use a lot of it. And go slow. Really slow. Open me up slowly."

    Sand could feel the burning desire in Satoshi so well it could just as well have been his own, and with a gentle kiss he reached for the lube, coating two fingers and easing one into Satoshi's ass, swallowing Satoshi's moans of pain. After a few thrusts the round muscle started to relax and Sand dared to ease another finger in, knowing he needed at least three before Satoshi was loose enough to accept him without pain.

    Satoshi moaned loudly, gritting his teeth against the pain and Sand stopped. "I can't do this, my heart. I can tell you are in pain, and I don't want to hurt you," Sand whispered, kissing the trembling lips of his lover, and Satoshi shook his head, his eyes dark with painfilled pleasure.

    "No, please don't stop. Please, let me feel you. I like the pain. It makes me feel better if I can feel a little pain. Please." He begged and pushed his ass down on the fingers sliding out of him.

    Sand hicupped into Satoshi's mouth and kept stretching him, asking if he was ready for another finger, but had to grit his teeth against the keening moan that Satoshi let out when Sand pushed three fingers into him. After a few thrusts the round muscle relaxed, but Satoshi was still trembling all over and Sand was afraid he wouldn't be able to do this.

    "Sand, please. I need you in me. I need to feel you inside me." Satoshi begged, and pressing down on the probing fingers, his hand stroking Sand's hip, and down to his half hard cock.

    "I don't know if I can, Satoshi. I know you're in pain, and I have a hard time doing this if I know I'm hurting my lover." Sand shook his head slowly, pressing his forehead against Satoshi's temple.

    Satoshi mewled, and wriggled his ass, while turning his head and finding one of Sand's ears. Nibbling at the sensitive shell, Satoshi whispered with a pleading tone, "Sand, my love, please. I like it when it hurts a little, I like rough sex, and I'm fine with it hurting a little when we do it slow. You're not hurting me, you're giving me pleasure, pleasure that is heightened by the pain. I'll let you know if it hurts to much and you can stop, and I won't beg you to finish. If my ass hurts it just tells me the sex was good. If my heart is lighter and my ass hurts it tells me that the sex was epic. So, please, make love to me?"

    Sand shivered at the slow drag of warm metal and teeth over his sensitive ear, and with a slow nod he pulled his fingers out of the aching ass, and coated his cock with more lube before he eased down a little more and pushed the head of his cock into the tight hole.

    Satoshi gasped loudly, clamping his lips together, tears obscuring his eyes, and Sand stopped, trembling, feeling terrible about himself. But then Satoshi opened up to him, laid their bond bare between them and Sand gasped at the flood of euphoric emotions, laced with physical pain that overshadowed all mental pain that tried to surface, the dark shadows of some nightmare being washed away by the light of Sand's gentle thrusts.

    Claiming Satoshi's mouth in a gentle, probing kiss, Sand pushed in, swallowing in the whimpering moans, as he pushed into the sore ass, until he was seated inside him to the hilts. Sand stopped and drew a deep breath, then withdrew and slid back in with a slow movement of his hips. "Please tell me if I hurt you. And let me give you a healing potion when we get out of bed. Please do that for me."

    "Yes. I'll do that for you. Now please, stop talking and make love to me."

    Sand set the pace slow and easy, his cock dragging over Satoshi's prostate with delicious slowness and soon both of them were moaning with pleasure, Satoshi's back arching into the thrusts and his hand cramping around Sand's ass cheek, fingers digging into the muscle. Sand had one hand draped around Satoshi's neck, his fingers toying with a nipple ring, while the other stroked Satoshi's cock in time with the languid thrusts. Satoshi's other hand was still clasping Kansas' hand, and as Sand felt his orgasm beginning to build up in his groin, he looked up and found himself staring into Kansas' dark grey eyes.

    A small serene smile danced on the imp's lips, his thumb stroking Satoshi's hand slowly, and his other hand fisted around his cock. The look on his face told Sand not to say anything to Satoshi, and the elf dipped over his lover's mouth, claiming Satoshi in a gentle kiss.

    Satoshi was mewling and moaning non-stop, his ass pressing down against Sand's languid thrusts, then suddenly Satoshi gave a strangled cry. Sand felt the cock in his hand twitch and then Satoshi was spilling himself over the sheets with shuddering moans. Sand thrust in a little harder as Satoshi's ass clenched down around him, and with only a couple of thrusts he was emptying himself into the searing heat of Satoshi's ass.

    Sand sank down behind Satoshi, drawing the Japanese as close to his chest as he physically could, mewling stupid nonsense into his ear, and Satoshi moaned back, words lost to his orgasm. They lay there, tangled up in each other, panting and sated, Sand teasing the skin on the back of Satoshi's shoulder, basking in the love they shared.

  12. Hey how does bargaining focus interact with the cost of things? Or can I get a few things added for free since the silly equipment list doesn't have them and I can bargain to have 'em included?

    So far I have:


    Blanket, cloak, or both for warmth when sleeping? Ferelden supposed to be a cool climate (sorry BW.. is that why you're the GM?) ;)

    Do you have the link to the ebooks for Set 1-5, because the Players Handbook should have a list of standard equipment with prices. Merchants don't haggle in the CRPG, but I'm perfectly happy to do it in the RP, since it's not often that you run into NPCs with something to sell you other than merchants.

    And yes...lucky me! Even in my cyber-life, I'm cold! :rofl:

  13. Yuji chuckled when Vale screamed into the mattress, the elf's howl of pleasure barely muffled by the many cushions and silk quilts strewn all over the bed. "I'm beginning to think you're breaking the rules on purpose, my love." Yuji admired the red stripe across the pale ass of his elf. "I was going to give you five stripes, one for each noise, but now we're up to six."

    Vale shivered, the combination of sensations and stimuli incredibly intense. The feel of the silk scarf pinioning his arms behind him was decadent and wicked, and kneeling with his ass in the air, fully exposed, was even more so. His own cum was smeared across his cheek and lips, and his ass stung wonderfully where Yuji had smacked him. Vale managed not to moan by virtue of biting the quilt beneath him as his keen ears registered the sound of something moving through the air. He was not quite as unprepared when the second blow landed, and he thrust his ass up slightly to meet the leather belt, pain exploding into pleasure.

    Yuji watched as Vale's ass moved to meet the belt, utterly amazed and captivated by Vale's eager response. Yuji had not been sure how Vale would respond to this part of the game, and he certainly never expected this level of eager participation. To draw out the anticipation, Yuji ran a hand over the red stripes on the elf's firm ass, feeling the heat radiating from the inflamed skin. Vale swayed slightly, the movement utterly provocative, and Yuji pressed a little harder, teasing out a wanton mewl at the elf pressed back.

    "Another sound?" Yuji stepped back and applied the belt, fast and precisely placed. The elf mastered his urge to scream as a third stripe appeared on his ass

    "That's seven now, my pet." Yuji considered the gorgeous display in front of him.

    Vale was trying desperately to maintain silence, but it was increasingly hard. The sharp blows had aroused him all over again, his cock once again hard and Vale longed to grind it into the mattress, or rub it along Yuji. anything for contact to relieve the throbbing ache. He let his hips sway again, as suggestively as he could manage, and he parted his knees a little more to better display his asshole.

    Yuji walked over to the nightstand, and Vale heard the sound of wine being poured. Then his keen ears registered the soft sounds of Yuji walking back and forth, pausing to look at Vale's shameless display. Vale's cock jumped in anticipation every time Yuji paused, and Vale was not sure if he wanted another blow or to be plundered where he crouched. He had gotten three of his seven blows, and the elf was not sure he would be able to be silent through the next four at all.

    Apparently, Yuji had the same reservation, because Vale heard the wine glass being put down, and then his head was lifted while a small leather-wrapped ball in a harness of sorts was placed between his lips and fastened behind his head. Vale shivered in pleasure and gratitude that Yuji was not going to make it impossible for him to comply. The Yuji picked up the wine glass and resumed his nearly silent pacing.

    The fourth blow took Vale's breath away, and he made no noise to increase his punishment. The fifth blow followed so fast that Vale managed an audible whimper around the ball in his mouth, his back arching as he heard Yuji's voice.

    "Eight, my love. You are so beautiful right now that I am almost tempted to forgo the rest of your punishment and just fuck that gorgeous ass now." Yuji patted Vale's inflamed cheeks. "But that would be breaking my own rules, wouldn't it?"

    Vale waggled his ass as enticingly as he could, turning his head to send Yuji a searing look of naked lust. Three more blows...Vale wanted them, and then he wanted Yuji to fuck him until he couldn't walk straight, but with the gag in place, all he could do to convey his desire was to comply.

    "It seems to me that you want your spanking, my pet. If you do, show me," Yuji said, and Vale thrust his ass up as high as he could. The belt impacted Vale almost instantly, and the elf shivered silently. "That's a good little slut. Two more, and we're done."

    By now, tears were leaking from the corners of Vale's eyes, his ass was stinging non-stop, and he was fairly sure that he had never been quite this hard in his entire life. His entire focus had narrowed down to two more smacks, and then, hopefully, the kind of fucking that would render him incoherent. Vale let himself drift off into a quasi-daydream as he thought about the feel of Yuji's cock buried balls-deep in his ass. With that image in the forefront of his mind, Vale almost didn't register the final two blows until he felt Yuji's lips ghosting over the reddened skin of his ass.

    "What a gorgeous sight," Yuji said admiringly. "I'm very proud of you." He removed the gag and held the wine glass to Vale's lips, stroked the sweat-damp locks. Vale took a mouthful and swallowed gratefully, his entire body tingling in anticipation of finally feeling Yuji's cock buried deep in him.

  14. Vale dropped to his knees with liquid grace, his green eyes nearly black with need. He moved over until he was kneeling in front of Yuji, his eyes fixed on that long, hard cock and his mouth filling with saliva. Vale swallowed thickly, his head dipping down towards Yuji's cock. Vale was stopped abruptly when Yuji fisted a hand in his hair again, pulling the elf's head back.

    Yuji looked into Vale's green eyes, a wicked smile curving his lips. "I want you to take a mouthful of wine, but you are not allowed to swallow it yet."

    Vale took a sharp hissing breath, but managed to bite back any further sound.

    Yuji's smile grew more predatory. "Second slip, my elf." His fingers tightened in Vale's hair. "I want you to suck my cock with the wine still in your mouth until I push you down on my cock. Then I want you to swallow me to the balls, and only then can you swallow the wine. Do you understand?"

    Vale inclined his head gracefully, and took a deep mouthful of wine when Yuji held the glass to his lips. Then he lowered his head, Yuji's hand holding his cock steady as the elf carefully slid his lips over the head, a few drops of wine dripping down his chin. He swirled his tongue around the head, the tip caressing the cleft underneath before teasing the slit and coaxing a groan from Yuji. The taste of Yuji mixed with the wine was maddeningly delicious, and Vale flattened his tongue to press along the underside of Yuji's cock as he slid his lips down the shaft.

    "Very good," Yuji said, his voice thick with lust. "Now put that talented mouth to good use, but do not take me in all the way yet."

    Vale brought his lips back up, swirling his tongue through the wine to stroke Yuji's cock, sucking as hard as he could without swallowing. He kept it up for a couple of minutes, listening to Yuji's small grunts of pleasure, until he felt Yuji press firmly on the back of his head. Vale relaxed his muscles as Yuji's cock hit the back of his throat, and he swallowed both the wine and Yuji's cock, his nose pressed to the dark curls of Yuji's groin. The elf swallowed again, and Yuji groaned louder as the tight muscles rippled along his cock, Vale's tongue pressing against the base. The elf hummed softly, the vibration shooting right to Yuji's belly and making his balls tighten abruptly.

    Yuji growled and yanked back on Vale's hair, and the elf sucked as hard as he could, his cheeks hollowed, as he was dragged off Yuji's cock, the head coming free with an audible pop. Yuji moaned loudly as his balls emptied, cum spattering Vale's face and chest. Yuji quickly brought the glass of wine down, squeezing out a few last spurts into the glass, the cum swirling with the wine.

    Vale waited, his breath ragged, his tongue snaking out to lick the cum from his lips, his green eyes fixed on Yuji.

    "Three slips, my elf," Yuji said, his own breathing a little unsteady. "I told you absolute silence, not even a moan or sigh."

    Vale shivered a little, waiting to see what his punishment would be, knowing that Yuji would be inventive. Yuji leaned forward a little, wiping some of the cum from Vale's chest with a long finger, and then he slid the finger past Vale's lips for the elf to suck it clean. Then Yuji held out the wine glass, the ropes of cum white against the crimson of the wine.

    "Drink," Yuji said, and held the glass to Vale's lips. Vale parted his lips, his eyes heated, and he drank, savoring the taste of his husband's cum as it mingled with the wine on his tongue, his own cock aching as he waited for his next instructions.

  15. Willow stopped Vale as he was about to follow Eryn out of the room. "Vale, sweets? I need a favor," Willow said, her eyes so blue that Vale had to lean in and kiss her.

    "Anything, lirimaer." Vale cupped her face in on hand, his green eyes full of love.

    "Take Yuji and fuck until you both howl tonight," Willow told the elf, laughing at his expression. "After I have our baby, and I'm ready for it, you can all fuck me bowlegged to make up for this, but tonight, you two need each other."

    Vale began to laugh. "How can I refuse?" He kissed Willow lovingly. "And how did I get so lucky?"

    Willow smacked him on the arm lightly. "Go find our husband and let me hear his screams tonight."

    Vale left the room, grinning to himself. He was just about to pass his room on the way downstairs, when Yuji opened the door and tugged Vale in. Yuji slammed Vale against the door and fisted one hand in Vale's hair, plundering his mouth ruthlessly. Vale moaned, his arms around Yuji and his fingers busy tugging Yuji's shirt out of the waistband of his jeans. The kiss went on so long that Vale was almost dizzy, held fast by the hand in his hair and his own need to let Yuji take the lead tonight, at least at first.

    "You taste so fucking good," Yuji murmured when they finally broke apart to breathe. He looked into Vale's eyes, his own perfect brown eyes warm with his love for his elf.

    "I missed this," Vale replied, his lips already kiss-swollen and his ears flushed with arousal. He was wearing elven clothing for a change, in Eryn's honor, and he moaned again as Yuji opened the silver clasp at his collar to bare his neck and chest. Yuji pulled on Vale's hair, exposing the long column of his throat, and he bit and sucked a livid mark on the elf's pale skin.

    Vale had wasted no time in unbuttoning Yuji's shirt, not needing to see, his fingers deft and quick. He ran his hands along Yuji's chest, slipping them under his tank top and feeling the familiar muscle beginning to form under the golden skin. His cock was straining the laces of his breeches as he ground himself against Yuji, feeling the answering hardness of Yuji's cock.

    Yuji released Vale and pulled the silken tunic over his head with an appreciative grin for the gold rings decorating the elf's tight nipples. Vale tried to tug Yuji's shirt off his shoulders, but Yuji brushed his hands away.

    "I want those pants off, now," Yuji growled, his voice thick with lust.

    Vale let out a wanton groan, and he began to unlace his breeches, taking his time and making a small show of it as he tugged them down past slim hips to allow his cock to spring free. He kicked them off and stood there, gloriously naked. holding out his arms to Yuji.

    "I am yours," Vale whispered, his green eyes nearly black with desire, a few beads of precum already glistening on the head of his cock.

  16. Sand caught up with Satoshi and Kansas at the kitchen door, and leaned in between them. "Oh, yes," he purred, "I do want to play." His eyes glittered with desire as one hand dipped down to cup Satoshi's ass, squeezing it firmly. The other hand slid up Kansas's oversized sweater to stroke the silky skin above his waistband.

    Yuji was sitting on the couch, Willow on one side of him, and Vale curled up on the other. Aika was still fascinated by the movement of Willow's belly, giggling uncontrollably as she traced the swell with a small hand. Ryuu jumped up and charged at Satoshi, who caught him and swung him up to kiss his cheeks soundly, eliciting happy shrieks. Eryn was curled up on a chaise longue, watching with a radiant smile.

    Sand grabbed a few large silk cushions from near the fountain, and curled up on the floor, managing to make even his sprawl look somehow elegant. He helped himself to some iced tea and a few small sweets. He looked up at Yuji and Vale expectantly, Satoshi curling up beside him and Kansas flopping down half on top of Satoshi.

    "What is it, love?" Satoshi asked, looking at Yuji.

    Yuji just grinned. "It isn't me who wanted you."

    Vale blushed a little, but his smile was bright. "Actually, I have to thank Satoshi for this, because he and Tomo were thinking when I wasn't. So, thank you, my love!" Vale laughed and reached into his shirt pocket. "A while back, and a few planes of existence away from here, I was honored by receiving rings for three people who have come to mean so much to me that there really aren't words to convey all I feel. I didn't have rings to offer in return at that time, but I do now, and I'd really like to finish what we started that night."

    Vale gave Yuji a quick look, and Yuji leaned in and kissed him softly. "You're perfect, my love. Keep going."

    "So, I'm going to start with Satoshi." Vale hopped off the couch, and curled up on the floor in front of Satoshi, who was blushing furiously. "Mela en' coiamin, you are our quiet strength, the one that holds us all together. I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I wear your ring with joy. Now I'm asking. Will you wear my ring?"

    Satoshi grinned and pulled Vale in for a kiss. "Yes, I will, my love." Vale slid the thin platinum band onto Satoshi's finger, beaming.

    "Kansas." Vale looked at his beloved imp. "You're our innocence, alasse'amin, and the one that reminds us of what is best and pure in the world. You gave me your ring, and I wear it with joy. My dragon becoming, will you wear my ring?"

    Kansas flung himself into Vale's arms and devoured his mouth. The he held out his hand with a radiant smile, all the answer Vale needed as he slid the platinum band onto Kansas's finger.

    Finally, Vale knelt in front of Willow. "Oh, lirimaer, how do I ever thank you for this gift?" He laid a hand on her belly. "You are our future, and our son is your promise. I wear your ring with joy, and now I ask. Will you wear my ring?"

    Willow pulled Vale onto the couch, and tugged his head down so she could kiss him, he eyes bright with tears. "I'll wear your ring, Vale, and you'll be there when I bring our son into the world."

    Vale slid the platinum band onto Willow's finger, his face radiant.

  17. Sand pulled Satoshi down and plundered his mouth, fingers sliding through black and amethyst hair. He did not break the kiss until they were both slightly dizzy, and he gave Satoshi a dazzling smile. "My mother always wanted a large family. I do believe this is Corellon's answer to her prayers." He chuckled a little, delighted by the emotions Kansas was feeling as well at the peace it brought to Satoshi. "I love you, my heart, forever."

    Vale let himself fall into Yuji's kiss, a small moan escaping him. When their rings scraped together, Yuji smiled and asked quietly, "You have decided not to share these with the others?"

    Vale's eyes widened as he remembered what Satoshi had done, and he looked at Yuji, his green eyes bright. "I forgot! In all the excitement of settling in, and seeing you respond so well to the healing, amaelamin, I completely forgot!" Vale started to laugh, and he kissed Yuji happily. "Satoshi went to the jeweler's before we left, with Tomo. He picked up rings for me." His eyes widened. "But when should we do this? Should we wait until after Willow has the baby?"

    Yuji chuckled, his fingers straying to Vale's ears, coaxing another wanton moan from the elf. "I think, my love, you should give them their rings now. You've accepted their rings already, so why wait?"

    Vale started to get up, but Yuji tugged him back down, pulling Vale in and ravishing his mouth. Vale surrendered happily, his fingers sliding through Yuji's hair as he pressed his cock into Yuji's thigh.

    "Tomorrow is good, too," Yuji said, and then chuckled. "Or at least after dinner, since I think we missed lunch."

  18. Eryn reached out and with surprising ease, she pulled Kansas into a tight embrace, kissing his forehead. "My dragon becoming, you are part of my family as well. As we elves reckon things, Vale is now my son through his marriage to Sand. And Vale wears your ring, and if I am not mistaken, you wear the symbol of his house around your neck. That makes you my son's husband, and therefore my son as well." Eryn tilted his chin up, meeting his pale eyes with her own warm gaze.

    "I cannot imagine that I would not want you in my family. You are more than worthy, Kansas." Eryn watched as his eyes grew stormy, the grey darkening.

    "But that's just you," Kansas sobbed, not daring to let the small flicker of hope within him grow.

    Eryn smiled again. "I lead my house, and I say that you are my son. Your name will be added to the house rolls, and we are honored to call you ours."

    "It can't be that easy," Kansas wailed, but he clung to Eryn as if he was afraid someone would take her away. His sobs wracked his slim frame, and Eryn held him tighter, stroking his back gently through the oversized sweater.

    "Not all things must be hard or painful, utinuamin, my son," Eryn murmured. "You are part of three families now, and you are loved and wanted by us all. Loving you was not very hard at all. Your heart is fierce, and loyal, and so very full of love to be shared. I do not have your gift, but my gift is to see hearts clearly, and you have the heart of a noble man."

    Eryn sat there, cradling Kansas against her until his tears finally ran out, offering him a mother's love and a mother's arms.

  19. "Willow called you Tatsuya," Eryn began, taking a sip of tea. "It's a beautiful name. Does it have a meaning?"

    Kansas looked up through thick lashes, his eyes a little pale, but not silvery. "It means dragon becoming." His voice was still low. "Satoshi and Yuji say it fits me."

    "Do you think so, too?" Eryn tilted her head a little to one side in an inquisitive gesture. It was unlike Sand, but still so like him in a way that Kansas tittered a little.

    "I suppose. It's taking a long time, though." Kansas squirmed a little in the chair, and dared a direct look at Eryn. "Vale says he knows a dragon."

    Eryn's smile was warm and radiant. "He does. I'm sure you'll meet her while you're here. She enjoys meeting the people Vale thinks will appreciate her." Eryn reached out and touched Kansas's blue and black hair lightly. "Another little bird with bright plumage, I see. I must say, Vale's hair is surprisingly attractive. I was a bit startled at first, I will admit. He was such a quiet elf when I first met him."

    Kansas could not help the grin that crept over his face when he thought about his night with Vale, right after they had arrived in Neverwinter. To his surprise, Eryn chuckled.

    "It's done him a world of good, becoming a part of your family. That must have been hard for you at first." Eryn sounded sympathetic.

    Kansas sighed a little. "It was hard. We could see how much he and Yuji loved each other, but then he was there for me and Satoshi, too. I got upset, kind of crazy mad and hurt, and he came after me, and he talked to me. Not at me, like some people do, but to me, like what I thought mattered." Kansas still sounded surprised by that. "He told me he'd never lie to me, and he doesn't. Yuji and Satoshi and Willow, they don't lie to me, either. That's how we work in our family."

    "It sounds like a very wise arrangement," Eryn said calmly. "I wish others would learn from your example. But you love Vale, now."

    Kansas nodded. "He loves me. I mean, really loves me. I didn't think anyone but Satoshi and Yuji and Willow could love me like that."

    "I don't see why not," Eryn said. "You're certainly easy to like, and I can't imagine it would be hard to love you." She paused. "Ryuu loves you as well."

    Kansas's smile was genuinely warm. "Yeah, he does, and I love him too. He's another dragon, did you know that?" Kansas sat up a little straighter. "So I guess we belong together. And Aika's just, well, she's Aika. She's the one we spoil like our princess, even Ryuu." Kansas snickered. "Ryuu knocked Sand down today, and pounced all over him, but he never pounces Aika." Then Kansas grew serious. "What if I can't love the new baby?"

    "I think you might surprise yourself, Kansas," Eryn said. "But if it starts to get hard, I'll still be here, and I will help you."

  20. "Perfect as I am, am I?" Sand murmured, kissing Satoshi tenderly. "Remember those words the next time I fail spectacularly."

    Vale looked at Satoshi, his green eyes widening as he remembered what Satoshi had told him right after he had arrived in Tokyo. He immediately clamped down on his dismay, ruthlessly shoving it to one side with the ease of long practice, instead letting a gentle love travel outward. Vale turned and kissed Yuji, wiping away his tears, before turning back to Eryn.

    "You need to understand something, Eryn," Vale began, his voice utterly calm. "What makes this family work is that failure is not unwelcome. We are allowed to fail, and in fact we are expected to fail. None of us are perfect." He laced his fingers through Yuji's fingers. "Kansas was sold by his parents to an evil man. He was less than a slave. He was treated as less than human. Not one person showed him any kindness until Satoshi bought him, freed him and took him home. It took years to win a measure of trust, and it wasn't perfect."

    Vale sighed. looking at Satoshi and letting their bond convey his unquestioning love. Yuji's fingers tightened around his, and Sand gathered Satoshi closer.

    "When Willow was pregnant with Ryuu, Kansas ran away because he felt he had lost his place in the family, that the baby would replace him and he would go back to being something less than human. It took three weeks to find him, and even after he was brought home, he was in such pain that he lashed out at every turn." Vale looked at the kitchen, wanting so much to hold Willow. "When Willow was pregnant with Aika, Kansas jumped off the roof when he found out. Kansas was badly injured, and it was that stress that led to Willow delivering prematurely."

    Eryn reached out and took both Yuji and Satoshi's hands, a wave of energy flowing outward from her, cleansing and soothing. "Corellon's peace to you, my dears," she said, her eyes showing nothing but gentle understanding. "How has Kansas reacted to this pregnancy?"

    "So far, he's been fine, but we have reached the stage of Willow's pregnancy when Kansas began to feel threatened, and we've had the added stress of Yuji's illness." Vale looked at Eryn seriously. "It doesn't matter whose child she's carrying. What we all want is for her to have an uncomplicated pregnancy followed by a safe delivery of a healthy child."

    Eryn nodded. "I'm glad you told me, Vale. This is exactly what I needed to know, and I can take appropriate measures." She looked at all of them, two men and two elves, all with their hearts wide open, bound by ties of love for each other and for the woman in the kitchen. "The child being half-elven should present no problem. Many half-elven children are born here, so you can dismiss that worry. But the stress is a factor, indeed." She stood decisively. "I will be back."

    Eryn went into the kitchen, and put a gentle hand on Willow's arm. "I know Vale has been able to forge a bond with you, so I know you can open your heart to me and let me feel what you feel. I won't be forming a permanent connection, but I will form a healer's link with you, to allow me to monitor your condition at all times." Eryn gave Willow a sidelong look. "Of course, there are times when I will not pay attention to you, but your husbands will be busy monitoring you in their own way." Her grin was mischievous.

    Willow looked at her, her face tear-stained. "Can you promise me there won't be any problems? Because if I lose this baby, I'll lose my fucking mind. I can't go through that."

    "Of course I can't promise that," Eryn replied. "What I can promise is that I will fix anything that goes wrong." She patted Willow's hand. "We have a living room full of anxious males who probably could use a little consoling, or we could hide in here for a bit and have a cup of tea alone while you tell me how you prefer to deliver."

    Willow felt a small upswelling of hope. Eryn sounded so damned sure of herself, and Willow wanted to believe that this delicate-looking elven woman could do exactly what she said.

    As if reading Willow's mind, Eryn pulled her into a gentle motherly hug. "I've never lost a babe or mother, and I've been doing this for nearly six hundred years."

    Willow grinned suddenly, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. "Then why don't we have some tea?"

  21. "Oh, Seldarine!" Sand moaned, feeling Satoshi's distress like a knife in his own heart. "Atara, I have to go to him."

    Sand did not even wait for a reply, sprinting out the door with surprising speed, his thoughts only on finding Satoshi. He found Satoshi hiding in a distant corner of the garden, smoking furiously.

    "Satoshi!" Sand's voice was filled with grief and pain. "Please, can we talk?"

    Satoshi sat there, trembling, his eyes awash with tears, but he did not push Sand away when the elf touched his cheek.

    "I failed you, spectacularly, it seems." Sand looked utterly despondent. "I did not mean to embarrass you. I was just so proud of you, and us, and, oh gods, I am so used to my mother seeing me looking bedraggled and I never thought..." He brushed away some of the tears on Satoshi's cheeks. "Please, my heart, will you forgive me?"

    Satoshi shook his head sadly. "I failed you, by running away from your mother. I embarrassed you, and myself. What will she think of me, running away like that?"

    Sand shook his head, dismayed. "Oh, my heart, never. You could never embarrass me, and you certainly did not embarrass yourself. We were playing with the children. My mother would understand that, having three of her own. My brother is older than me, and yet he would come home as grubby as me when I was very young."

    "But you just told her we were lovers, and bonded, just like that." Satoshi looked miserable as he lit another cigarette.

    Sand caught Satoshi's face between slim, faintly scarred fingers. "I am so very proud of our bond, and our love, and my mother was overjoyed for us. Really, she was. But I went about it the wrong way, and I am so very sorry." Sand kissed Satoshi, letting his love wash over him. "I know magic makes you nervous, but I can cast a cleaning cantrip on us, and another to mend our clothes. Then I can present you properly to my mother, and I won't even kiss you again, no matter how much I want to kiss you."

    Satoshi looked at Sand, feeling the elf's tremendous love and sincere regret, and he managed a smile. "Just not too much magic?"

    "I swear it," Sand vowed, and murmured something sweetly lilting. He and Satoshi were instantly clean and presentable, and their clothes were mended. Even the tears on Satoshi's cheeks were smoothed away.

    "You look very beautiful, my heart," Sand assured him. He stood and held out his hand. "Please?"

    Satoshi took a deep breath, and took Sand's hand, and they walked back towards the house sedately.

  22. Eryn was regarding both Ryuu and Kansas with delight. "Willow, tell me that this handsome child is yours," she said, smiling. She looked up as Aika toddled over. "And this beautiful little girl as well?" She looked over at Kansas, and her expression changed to concern. "Oh, my dear, you've hurt yourself. Will you let me attend to that?"

    Kansas looked a little taken aback, and dropped his eyes, suddenly shy. Behind him, Sand let out a rather wanton moan as Satoshi stroked his ears and plundered his mouth.

    Eryn raised an elegant eyebrow. "Ah, my son is home, I gather."

    Vale and Yuji walked in to the living room with the tea and fruit, just in time to hear the moan, and Kansas hurried over to Yuji, his cheeks bright red.

    "You're scraped up, imp. Ryuu getting lively?" Yuji asked, putting the fruit down and hugging Kansas.

    "Really, I would be very happy to attend to that," Eryn said, ignoring the sounds from the entry way.

    Yuji looked at Kansas and led him over to Eryn, who looked at Vale.

    "Right," Vale said. "Warm water, clean linen." He hurried off, cutting through the entry way to hiss at Sand, "Your mother is here." Vale then teleported to the large bathroom upstairs, and quickly filled a small basin with warm water and grabbed the roll of bandaging linen before teleporting back to the entry way. He handed the basin and roll to Eryn, who smiled at him warmly.

    "Thank you, Vale. Now, my dear, let me see that knee." Eryn dabbed very gently, cleaning the grit and grime from Kansas's knee, her touch deft. The imp squeezed Yuji's hand, but Eryn managed to make it fairly painless. Once the knee was clean, she murmured a small prayer, and the wound closed, healing perfectly.

    "There you are." Eryn patted Kansas on the arm kindly.

    "Thank you," Kansas said softly, peering up at her through thick lashes.

    In the meantime, Aika had gone to Yuji, holding her hands up in a request to be held, and Yuji had swung her on to his lap. Now she leaned over to pat Kansas on the leg, her small face serious. Kansas leaned down to her, and Aika planted a kiss on his cheek, making the imp smile.

    "She has your eyes," Eryn said, looking at Yuji with a smile. "Willow, your children are so very beautiful."

    Ryuu was looking at Eryn curiously. "You are Sand-chan's mama?"

    "I am," Eryn confirmed, smiling at him. "Sand is my youngest child. He has a brother and a sister. You are the oldest, yes? Like my son Hawk."

    "Sand-chan plays with me," Ryuu said, and then hid in Willow's skirts shyly.

    "Atara! Mother!" Sand hurried in, dusty, grimy and with leaves in his rapidly unraveling braid, Satoshi's hand held firmly in his hand. He held out his free hand to Eryn, who started to laugh as she stood to greet her son.

    "Why is it that every time I see you, you manage to look like an elfling?" Eryn kissed Sand fondly, and looked at Satoshi, still held captive by Sand. "And who is this? Is this the one you told me about?"

    Satoshi turned bright red as he heard Eryn's words. Sand's next words made him blush even harder.

    "Yes, atara, this is Satoshi, my lover, and with whom I have bonded." Sand kissed Satoshi sweetly. "Satoshi, my heart, this is my mother, Eryn."

    Eryn looked delighted as she embraced Satoshi. "Oh, I am so glad to meet you! Welcome to our family, Satoshi."

  23. Vale looked at Sand, smoothing a few sweat-dampened tendrils of hair from his forehead. Sand's eyes were closed, but he looked radiant, his ears rosy from both arousal and Vale's assault on them, his lips kiss-swollen. "Do you think you can walk, ithilamin?"

    Sand chuckled, trying to shift a little in the cushions. "I do not know." He opened his eyes and looked up at Vale. "I do think you have become quite adept at rendering your lovers useless after you are through with them."

    "Oh, you're not useless," Vale smirked, kissing Sand and nipping his lip. "You're just out of practice."

    Sand began to laugh. "And you have been doing nothing else, I warrant. No, no, anoramin, I am only teasing. I am glad for all the joy you have found, and that you have brought here to share with me." He looked at Vale for a moment. "I do love him, you know."

    "I know, and I'm happy for you both." Vale stood, wincing a little. He started to pull on his clothing, and Sand sat up, hissing as his ass made contact with the couch.

    "Teleport us," Sand moaned, reaching for his breeches. He managed those, but simply gathered up the rest of his clothing and his boots.

    Vale managed his jeans and tank top, and just grabbed the rest of his own clothing. Then he pulled Sand in to a hug, and teleported them to the living room of their home.

    The sight in front of the fountain stopped both elves with its beauty. Satoshi and Kansas were curled into each other, the imp's tattoos beautiful in the pre-dawn light, and Satoshi looked so peaceful and happy as he cradled the imp. Satoshi's large hoodie had been draped over them, but had slipped off, and Sand could not suppress a wave of love as he looked at his heart's mate. He knelt and gave Satoshi a kiss, smiling as the beautiful eyes opened.

    "Come, my heart. Come upstairs and we'll curl up in my bed, you and your beautiful imp." Sand stood, trying not to wince, and it seemed Satoshi was feeling just as ragged. Vale scooped up Kansas easily, and placed him in Satoshi's arms, and they made their way upstairs. Satoshi laid Kansas on the bed after Sand had pulled down the quilt, and then crawled in himself, sighing happily as the fine linen sheets caressed his skin. Sand stripped off his breeches and slid in behind Satoshi, cradling his lover as Satoshi cradled Kansas. Vale pulled up the quilt and grinned at the three in the bed.

    "I'm going to my room to shower. Aika will be up soon, and I'll look in on Ryuu, too." Vale kissed them all sweetly, and slipped out, closing the door quietly.

    It had been nearly a month since Vale had returned to Neverwinter, and he paced anxiously in the living room. Yuji had finished with the healers, and was pronounced completely cured, with no possibility of a recurrence of his cancer, and he was gaining weight again. He looked more and more like himself every day, and his happiness was infectious, even Willow being less snappish then she had been.

    Now Vale was anxious about Willow. Sand had promised to find a proper healer who could act as a midwife for Willow, and today was the day that healer was to arrive. It was already mid-morning, and Vale groaned. Sand, Satoshi and Kansas had taken Aika and Ryuu to the park again, but would be home for lunch. Yuji was helping Willow shower, and Vale was attempting to wear out the thick carpet in the living room.

    Yuji came down with Willow, who was wearing one of her gowns from Sand's tailor, a light silk perfect for the Neverwinter summer weather, and high-waisted. Vale stopped pacing when he heard Yuji's laughter.

    "If you're this nervous now, what are you going to be like when she has the baby, love?" Yuji asked, crossing over to kiss Vale, who blushed.

    "The healer should have been here by now," Vale complained, gathering Willow in for a kiss as well. "I want to make sure everything is going well."

    "We all do, my love," Yuji said.

    "I'm fine. I feel fine," Willow said, giving her two husbands a sharp look. It was one thing to be fussed over a little, but lately even Sand had been giving her anxious looks. "Bunch of fucking mother hens," she grumbled under her breath.

    There was a knock at the door, and Vale jumped a little and then hurried to the door, flinging it open. He made an odd, strangled sort of sound and stepped back to allow a small party to enter. The first one in the room was a slight elven woman with jet black hair that hung just to her shoulder blades, and beautifully tilted blue eyes. She wore a white sleeveless gown with a sheer blue robe over it, and a gold belt with a crescent moon buckle. Two male elves in similar garb stood behind her at a respectful distance.

    "That is hardly a proper greeting, Vale," the elven woman said, looking at him sharply. "And what have you done to your hair? Foolish little birds, flaunting your bright plumage, you and Sand both. Is he here? No, never mind, he would have been here to greet me if he were. Where is my patient?"

    Vale turned slightly to indicate Willow, who was looking at the elven woman with the beginnings of a smile.

    "This is Hayashi Akane-chan, my wife, and Hayashi Yuji-sama, my husband," Vale said in a very small voice. "Willow, Yuji, this is Lady Eryn en Nosse Iradil, senior priestess of Corellon Larethian, First of the Seldarine, and head of his temple in Evereska."

    The elven woman made a most unladylike noise. "I'm Eryn, thank you. I'm here to act as healer and midwife to Willow. Lovely name, dear, by the way. Vale is a little overawed by titles, but sun elves tend to be." There was an unmistakable fondness in her tone, and a loving glint in her eyes as she looked at Vale. "Where is my son, by the way?"

    "He's out with my other two husbands, and our son and daughter," Vale said, recovering his composure a little.

    "You've been busy," Eryn observed, and this time Willow snickered a little. Yuji was giving Eryn the same slightly wide-eyed look as Vale, and the two men moved a little closer to each other.

    Eryn turned to look at the two elves that had accompanied her. "I'm here, safe and well. Go on, find someone else to haunt. Go back to Evereska, actually. Go!" She made a shooing gesture, and the elves bowed deeply and fled.

    "Now, why don't you two lads go fetch some tea for us, while I get to know Willow?" Eryn said, her smile bright.

    Vale grabbed Yuji and dragged him to the kitchen. Once safely there, they looked at each other.

    "I'm going to fucking kill him," Vale muttered, starting the tea maker.

    "Is that..." Yuji asked.

    Vale nodded. "Sand's mother. She's wonderful, really, but she's a lot like Willow when we've screwed up and she's yelling at us."

    "Oh, fuck," Yuji muttered, and then started to laugh, his sweet goofy laugh. "Oh, well, it's too late to pretend we're not home. I'll get some fruit and chocolate while you get the tea."

  24. for Bench: as a rogue, do I just have a "Knowledge: Poisons" or do I have to make up a unique cunning school for it? because there's no school for it right now, and I don't really... want to you know, blow a focus on that if I don't have to.

    Poison is not listed as a separate focus, so I'm going to go with the assumption that rogues have an inherent knowledge of poisons and how to use them. I know that in the CRPG, it is treated as a skill, but since the player's handbook is silent, I'm making a judgment call in favor of the rogue knowing this without having to use a focus. However, since there is no skill tree for advancement or improvement, I'm inclined to treat the use of poison as a basic test, with the difficulty determined by the type of target for the poison.

  25. Vale looked into Yuji's eyes, seeing everything that Yuji offered shining in those perfect eyes, and he smiled, a radiant smile. "Oh, my love, now I know you're getting better, because you're back to taking care of all of us." He dipped in to steal a kiss, savoring the sweetness of his husband. "I promise you, I will make him howl."

    Yuji smiled back at Vale, satisfied, and they walked back into the house, the love between them obvious for all to see.

    As Vale walked past Sand, he stopped for a moment and murmured to him in elven, "Tonight, my moon, you are mine. Alone, just the two of us."

    Sand looked at Vale, and the answering heat in his eyes was all that Vale needed to see. Vale slid one hand into Sand's silky hair and pulled the darker elf into a searing kiss, eliciting a moan from Sand. Sand nipped at Vale's lower lip as they broke, the promise of a very long night in his blue eyes.

    After lunch was finished, Sand and Satoshi were in the kitchen doing the dishes, Sand decided he needed to be very honest with Satoshi, as he had promised Yuji, and so, when they were done, he pulled Satoshi into a kiss, and cradled his face between slim hands.

    "Oh, my heart, you are so very beautiful." Sand looked into Satoshi's eyes. "I need to ask something of you."

    "What is it, love?" Satoshi asked, slightly alarmed.

    "I would like to spend tonight getting reacquainted with Vale," Sand began. "You know that I love you, with everything that I am. But I would like to spend tonight getting reacquainted with Vale. We had been apart for some time now, and I have missed him."

    Satoshi kissed Sand, his piercings tickling the elf's lips, relieved that it was this simple a thing. "I understand completely, love. You go and love him tonight, and I'll be here when you return. That's what this family is about."

    Sand held Satoshi close, letting his love shine through their bond. "How did I get so lucky, my heart, that you could love me so?"

    Satoshi blushed deeply, still unable to believe the depth of the love Sand had for him. He could not think of anything to say to that, so he just pulled Sand into another lingering kiss. That seemed to be answer enough for the elf, and they walked back into the living room, fingers entwined.

    The afternoon was another new experience, as Sand's tailor arrived to take measurements. Kansas was a little dubious, but Yuji pointed out that the imp would want at least one elven outfit, and he subsided. The tailor promised to return in a few days with the clothing, and he left before anyone had a chance to ask about fabrics or colors.

    "Trust him. He is quite good," Sand said. He was waiting for Vale to come down, having asked specifically that he wear his non-elven garb. There was something about the sight of the blond elf in tight jeans and a tank top that made Sand's knees slightly weak.

    The elves left, and Vale was greet warmly at The Greymist before they were whisked away to a private room. Food and wine were left, and then they were alone.

    Vale pulled Sand into a searing kiss, his unusual directness making Sand shiver a little with anticipation. He let Vale pull off his long outer robe and tug on the clasp of his tunic, and then Sand let his head fall back, inviting Vale to mark his throat. Vale obliged, licking the pulse point before biting it sharply and sucking hard enough to taste a little blood. Sand gasped, Vale's fingers teasing his ears as he bit again, sharper this time.

    Sand was unbuttoning Vale's shirt, his fingers flying over the buttons and he tugged it off with increasing impatience. Being alone with Vale was maddening, and Sand needed to touch that golden skin. Vale's bare shoulders were warm under his fingers, and Sand groaned and ground his cock into Vale's groin.

    Vale half pushed, half tugged Sand over to the reverie couch, and pulled off his tunic, bending in to nip at one peaked nipple. He toed off his boots as he reached for the laces on Sand's breeches, tugging them down past slim hips until the moon elf, laughing, pushed him away.

    "My boots, anoramin," Sand laughed, his blue eyes bright. Vale made a rude noise and tugged the offending boots off, tossing them aside and stripping off the breeches before pulling the now naked moon elf into his arms.

    "Oh, ithilamin, how I've missed this," Vale murmured, nipping sharply at Sand's ear. Then he pushed Sand back onto the couch, his green eyes bright with mischief. "I'm too dressed."

    Sand just watched as Vale peeled off the tight tank top, revealing his pierced nipples, and Sand moaned a little at the sight of his wanton sun elf. The time away had changed Vale in subtle ways, bringing out a wilder side of him, a side that reveled in the sensual. Sand moaned again as Vale opened his jeans and slid them down, shimmying a little to get them past his hips. Underneath, he wore skin tight boxers, his cock outlined perfectly as it stretched the fabric. Sand reached out and palmed that cock, feeling Vale's need through their bond as clearly as he felt it under his hand. Vale stripped off the boxers as well, and he straddled Sand's thighs, his eyes dark with hunger.

    "OIl," Vale growled, his need almost beyond words. He needed Sand in him, now, and he slicked Sand's thick cock with oil quickly as Sand's mouth latched onto a pierced nipple, biting and tugging the ring with his teeth. "Fuck," Vale groaned, and positioned his ass over Sand's cock, not willing to take the time to be loosened. Sand was dismayed, and Vale soothed his distress through the bond. He lowered himself, feeling the head of Sand's cock press through his asshole, Sand gasping as the heat and tightness surrounded him. Vale shuddered and slammed himself down, taking Sand to the balls in one plunge and howling in ecstasy as he was filled with that familiar cock.

    Sand growled, his hips bucking into that welcoming heat, feeling Vale's intense pleasure at being so thoroughly filled even as the sun elf lifted himself and plunged again. Vale's cock was weeping beads of precum, and Sand reached for it, only to have his hand slapped away.

    "Not yet," Vale hissed. "In you, I want to come in you. But fill me first, ithilamin." Vale picked up the pace, Sand's hips rising to meet him each time he plunged down, both elves nearly blind with lust and love and hunger. Sand felt his balls tightening, and he latched on to the other nipple, tugging the golden ring sharply as Vale fisted one hand in his hair. Sand felt himself explode, his cum as hot as magma and Vale's ass tightened around him to milk every drop as he shuddered and howled.

    Sand had barely caught his breath before Vale was off him, pulling him to turn him around and gripping his hips in strong hands. Sand moaned in abandon as he felt Vale's cock slide along the cleft of his ass, finding the tight ring of muscle and breaching it in a single fluid thrust until vale's balls slapped his ass.

    "Fuck, Sand, you're so tight!" Vale cried out as Sand arched his back, the feeling of Vale's cock within him dizzying in its perfection.

    "Hard, take me hard," Sand demanded, shoving back onto Vale's cock, wanting every bit within him. He was still riding the last wave of his own orgasm, and when Vale slammed into his prostate, Sand screamed. Vale set up a hard rhythm, Sand encouraging him with wanton moans, and it did not take long until Vale was moaning nearly continuously as Sand clenched around his cock on every thrust. Vale's balls felt as heavy as lead, and he leaned forward to bite Sand's shoulder as he spilled into that tight ass, Sand mewling in pleasure.

    The two elves collapsed in a boneless heap on the couch, gasping and shivering, each one savoring the mingled pleasure of their furious fuck. Sand started to laugh, looking at his wanton sun elf, Vale grinning back at him.

    "Wine?" Sand asked.

    "You," Vale replied, and plundered Sand's mouth, feeling Sand's cock hardening against his belly.

    "Oh, fuck," Sand moaned happily.

    Vale chuckled. "I intend to, until we can't walk."

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