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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale looked into Yuji's eyes, seeing everything that Yuji offered shining in those perfect eyes, and he smiled, a radiant smile. "Oh, my love, now I know you're getting better, because you're back to taking care of all of us." He dipped in to steal a kiss, savoring the sweetness of his husband. "I promise you, I will make him howl."

    Yuji smiled back at Vale, satisfied, and they walked back into the house, the love between them obvious for all to see.

    As Vale walked past Sand, he stopped for a moment and murmured to him in elven, "Tonight, my moon, you are mine. Alone, just the two of us."

    Sand looked at Vale, and the answering heat in his eyes was all that Vale needed to see. Vale slid one hand into Sand's silky hair and pulled the darker elf into a searing kiss, eliciting a moan from Sand. Sand nipped at Vale's lower lip as they broke, the promise of a very long night in his blue eyes.

    After lunch was finished, Sand and Satoshi were in the kitchen doing the dishes, Sand decided he needed to be very honest with Satoshi, as he had promised Yuji, and so, when they were done, he pulled Satoshi into a kiss, and cradled his face between slim hands.

    "Oh, my heart, you are so very beautiful." Sand looked into Satoshi's eyes. "I need to ask something of you."

    "What is it, love?" Satoshi asked, slightly alarmed.

    "I would like to spend tonight getting reacquainted with Vale," Sand began. "You know that I love you, with everything that I am. But I would like to spend tonight getting reacquainted with Vale. We had been apart for some time now, and I have missed him."

    Satoshi kissed Sand, his piercings tickling the elf's lips, relieved that it was this simple a thing. "I understand completely, love. You go and love him tonight, and I'll be here when you return. That's what this family is about."

    Sand held Satoshi close, letting his love shine through their bond. "How did I get so lucky, my heart, that you could love me so?"

    Satoshi blushed deeply, still unable to believe the depth of the love Sand had for him. He could not think of anything to say to that, so he just pulled Sand into another lingering kiss. That seemed to be answer enough for the elf, and they walked back into the living room, fingers entwined.

    The afternoon was another new experience, as Sand's tailor arrived to take measurements. Kansas was a little dubious, but Yuji pointed out that the imp would want at least one elven outfit, and he subsided. The tailor promised to return in a few days with the clothing, and he left before anyone had a chance to ask about fabrics or colors.

    "Trust him. He is quite good," Sand said. He was waiting for Vale to come down, having asked specifically that he wear his non-elven garb. There was something about the sight of the blond elf in tight jeans and a tank top that made Sand's knees slightly weak.

    The elves left, and Vale was greet warmly at The Greymist before they were whisked away to a private room. Food and wine were left, and then they were alone.

    Vale pulled Sand into a searing kiss, his unusual directness making Sand shiver a little with anticipation. He let Vale pull off his long outer robe and tug on the clasp of his tunic, and then Sand let his head fall back, inviting Vale to mark his throat. Vale obliged, licking the pulse point before biting it sharply and sucking hard enough to taste a little blood. Sand gasped, Vale's fingers teasing his ears as he bit again, sharper this time.

    Sand was unbuttoning Vale's shirt, his fingers flying over the buttons and he tugged it off with increasing impatience. Being alone with Vale was maddening, and Sand needed to touch that golden skin. Vale's bare shoulders were warm under his fingers, and Sand groaned and ground his cock into Vale's groin.

    Vale half pushed, half tugged Sand over to the reverie couch, and pulled off his tunic, bending in to nip at one peaked nipple. He toed off his boots as he reached for the laces on Sand's breeches, tugging them down past slim hips until the moon elf, laughing, pushed him away.

    "My boots, anoramin," Sand laughed, his blue eyes bright. Vale made a rude noise and tugged the offending boots off, tossing them aside and stripping off the breeches before pulling the now naked moon elf into his arms.

    "Oh, ithilamin, how I've missed this," Vale murmured, nipping sharply at Sand's ear. Then he pushed Sand back onto the couch, his green eyes bright with mischief. "I'm too dressed."

    Sand just watched as Vale peeled off the tight tank top, revealing his pierced nipples, and Sand moaned a little at the sight of his wanton sun elf. The time away had changed Vale in subtle ways, bringing out a wilder side of him, a side that reveled in the sensual. Sand moaned again as Vale opened his jeans and slid them down, shimmying a little to get them past his hips. Underneath, he wore skin tight boxers, his cock outlined perfectly as it stretched the fabric. Sand reached out and palmed that cock, feeling Vale's need through their bond as clearly as he felt it under his hand. Vale stripped off the boxers as well, and he straddled Sand's thighs, his eyes dark with hunger.

    "OIl," Vale growled, his need almost beyond words. He needed Sand in him, now, and he slicked Sand's thick cock with oil quickly as Sand's mouth latched onto a pierced nipple, biting and tugging the ring with his teeth. "Fuck," Vale groaned, and positioned his ass over Sand's cock, not willing to take the time to be loosened. Sand was dismayed, and Vale soothed his distress through the bond. He lowered himself, feeling the head of Sand's cock press through his asshole, Sand gasping as the heat and tightness surrounded him. Vale shuddered and slammed himself down, taking Sand to the balls in one plunge and howling in ecstasy as he was filled with that familiar cock.

    Sand growled, his hips bucking into that welcoming heat, feeling Vale's intense pleasure at being so thoroughly filled even as the sun elf lifted himself and plunged again. Vale's cock was weeping beads of precum, and Sand reached for it, only to have his hand slapped away.

    "Not yet," Vale hissed. "In you, I want to come in you. But fill me first, ithilamin." Vale picked up the pace, Sand's hips rising to meet him each time he plunged down, both elves nearly blind with lust and love and hunger. Sand felt his balls tightening, and he latched on to the other nipple, tugging the golden ring sharply as Vale fisted one hand in his hair. Sand felt himself explode, his cum as hot as magma and Vale's ass tightened around him to milk every drop as he shuddered and howled.

    Sand had barely caught his breath before Vale was off him, pulling him to turn him around and gripping his hips in strong hands. Sand moaned in abandon as he felt Vale's cock slide along the cleft of his ass, finding the tight ring of muscle and breaching it in a single fluid thrust until vale's balls slapped his ass.

    "Fuck, Sand, you're so tight!" Vale cried out as Sand arched his back, the feeling of Vale's cock within him dizzying in its perfection.

    "Hard, take me hard," Sand demanded, shoving back onto Vale's cock, wanting every bit within him. He was still riding the last wave of his own orgasm, and when Vale slammed into his prostate, Sand screamed. Vale set up a hard rhythm, Sand encouraging him with wanton moans, and it did not take long until Vale was moaning nearly continuously as Sand clenched around his cock on every thrust. Vale's balls felt as heavy as lead, and he leaned forward to bite Sand's shoulder as he spilled into that tight ass, Sand mewling in pleasure.

    The two elves collapsed in a boneless heap on the couch, gasping and shivering, each one savoring the mingled pleasure of their furious fuck. Sand started to laugh, looking at his wanton sun elf, Vale grinning back at him.

    "Wine?" Sand asked.

    "You," Vale replied, and plundered Sand's mouth, feeling Sand's cock hardening against his belly.

    "Oh, fuck," Sand moaned happily.

    Vale chuckled. "I intend to, until we can't walk."

  2. Vale walked with Yuji out to the garden, stealing a few more kisses on the way. They wandered until they were far enough away from the house, and then Yuji pulled Vale's face down for one more kiss. Vale nibbled Yuji's lips for a moment longer and then looked at his husband.

    "Amaelamin, you didn't have to drag me out here for a kiss, you know," Vale teased, his green eyes all but glowing with love.

    Yuji chuckled. "I know, but I wanted to talk to you alone for a moment." He sat on a bench and pulled Vale down beside him. "I love you, more than I can say. You've held us together and given me a chance to have those sixty years with all of you. But I need you to do one more thing for me, my love."

    "Just ask," Vale replied. "I am yours."

    Those words made Yuji shiver a little, knowing as he did just how much the elf meant them. He reached up to stroke Vale's cheek, his love pouring out through their bond.

  3. Sand's smile was radiant as he looked at Yuji. "I can make that promise. I will love Satoshi with great abandon. I will care for him and help him heal, and oh, Seldarine, I will fail him as spectacularly as I love him. I will drive him batshit crazy, and when he returns it threefold, I will love him all the more. And I will feel nothing but joy when he loves you, and Kansas, and Willow, and Vale, because his love for all of you is so pure and so much a part of him." Sand looked at Yuji, willing this man to understand. "I encouraged Vale to follow you to your world because he loves you with all his heart, and because I love him far too much to ask him not to love. He understands my love for Satoshi in the same way. And I too hope to extend that love to whoever in your family would have me."

    "But there is something else, Yuji. This great grandmother of yours..." Sand trailed off, trying to find the right words. "This box is elven made, and so is the comb that appeared when Satoshi shook it. And the photograph..."

    Sand shifted to sit beside Yuji for a moment, opening the box and taking out the photograph and handing it to Yuji. Then he tucked his silky black hair behind his ear, and turned his head so that Yuji could see his ear clearly. "If someone were to cut my ear, like so..." Sand covered the elegant tip of his ear with his fingers, blunting it. "Do you see?"

    Yuji looked at Sand's ear, and then at the photograph of his great grandmother. Then Yuji began to laugh, his sweet goofy laugh. "Oh, fuck! Wait until I tell Hideko this! She wasn't batshit crazy after all!"

    Sand just stared at Yuji, utterly confused by his reaction.

    Yuji wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. "My great grandmother told us she was an elf! That's why the family thought she was fucking nuts!"

    Sand looked at Yuji, and suddenly it clicked. It explained why Vale had been so drawn to Yuji, and why Vale had been able to form a multiple bond that would be almost impossible among elves with this group of humans. He began to smile, and then to laugh as he looked at Yuji. Anyone would have thought the two of them mad as they laughed together, stopping for a moment, and then bursting out in gales of laughter again.

    When they finally sobered a bit, Sand looked at Yuji, his eyes warm. "I would like to speak with Kansas and Willow, and make sure that they are also comfortable with the bond between Satoshi and me." He reached out and took Yuji's hand. "I swear this to you, on all that I am. I will not lie to him, or hurt him, or break his heart."

    "I believe you, Sand. I wouldn't have given you my blessing if I didn't." Yuji grinned, his eyes bright with his joy for Satoshi. "I want you to do one more thing for me."

    Sand raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

    "I want you to make sure Willow sees someone. to make sure the pregnancy is going okay." Yuji grinned. "Now, I think I feel good enough to get my ass out of this bed for a bit. I'll walk down with you."

  4. Sand looked at the box, his eyes widening with surprise. He reached out and touched the lid with a finger, tracing the carvings with a rapt expression. Kansas looked up at him, his chin resting on Ryuu's thick black hair.

    "What?" Kansas asked, puzzled by Sand's expression.

    "The carvings on this box," Sand said. "They are night lotus blossoms." The elf looked up, bewildered. "They grow in Evereska, but nowhere else that I know of."

    Sand watched as Yuji lifted several things out of the box reverently. There was a piece of jewelry, that looked as if it had been made by inexpert hands, perhaps by a child, and lovingly kept. There were a pair of wedding bands, showing signs of having been worn for many years. There was a delicate shell, faintly peach and pick under the glossy white, looking polished as if by someone touching it. A lock of hair was lifted out next, carefully tied with a black velvet ribbon. Some letters, creased and folded were also in the box, and a single photograph.

    Yuji looked at the photograph fondly for a moment, and then handed it to Satoshi, who grinned and showed it to Kansas before passing it to Sand. It was a picture of an older woman, with jet black hair and the same beautifully tilted eyes as Yuji. She looked stern, a woman who was accustomed to getting her way, a woman who was not afraid to do things for herself. Her ears looked odd, and Sand looked more closely at them, his face greatly puzzled. He knew he was mad for even thinking it, but her ears looked very much like someone had cut away part of the shell, at the top.

    Sand handed the photograph back to Yuji. "Who was she?"

    Yuji smiled, his beautiful eyes warm as he looked at the picture. "This is my great grandmother, Sora. The family thought she was batshit crazy, but I loved her. She could tell stories for hours about all sorts of crazy things. Hideko, my little sister, and I could listen to her for days. She was tough as old boots, and you didn't want to piss her off, but we loved her." Yuji smiled fondly as he touched the photograph gently.

    "She seems formidable," Sand said, with a gentle smile. "What became of her?"

    "We never really knew. One day, she was just gone." Yuji looked at Sand. "She left this box, with its little trinkets, and a letter saying goodbye to her children. This photograph was taken not too long before she left. She had to be in her nineties, and her hair was still jet black." Yuji shook his head a little, and Satoshi leaned in closer. The love between Satoshi and Yuji and Kansas was tangible, and Sand relaxed as it washed over him, delighted that Satoshi was so well loved by his husbands.

    "Didn't your grandfather have it, love?" Satoshi asked.

    Yuji nodded. "He did but no one really wanted it, because they all thought she was loopier than a doughnut." Yuji chuckled a little. "My grandmother wound up with it after my grandfather died, and she gave it to Hideko. Hideko was doing her nursing training, and I took the box. She had started talking like the rest of them, called our great gran crazy." Yuji blushed a little. "I took the box and kept it, until Hideko married Tsutomo. Then, when she found her own crazy again, I gave it to her. I kept one thing, though."

    Satoshi looked at Yuji, his eyes widening. "The necklace? The one you gave to Vale?"

  5. Vale looked at Aika, and then at Willow, his green eyes wide. Then he smiled, his radiant smile that made everything feel like it would be alright. "Aika is wiser than both of us," he said to Willow, feeling tears of joy sting his eyes. "Hope, indeed, my lady. You are very, very, very smart." Vale caught Aika in his arms and nuzzled her, loving the sound of her giggles when his hair tickled her.

    Willow gasped a little as the baby moved, and Aika looked at her in surprise. She took Aika's hand and laid it gently on the swell of her belly. "Do you feel your brother? I think he knows you're here and wants to say hello." Willow laughed as the baby moved again, and Aika shrieked with delight.

    "Do you feel up to a walk around the market?" Vale asked Willow, stroking her hair. "We can go once the healers have come. Maybe we can find something special for dinner to tempt Yuji to eat more."

    Willow looked at Vale and laughed. "You're worse than I am, sweets. You fuss like a mother hen."

    Vale looked mildly indignant. "I'm not fussing. I'm just... I want to... Oh, fuck a balor, I'm fussing." The elf started to laugh as well, and from upstairs he felt a sleepy wave of amusement and pleasure at the merriment. "Alright, since I'm fussing, do you want to shower? I'll get my very wise lady cleaned up and dressed and then we can go out for a bit before lunch. The fresh air and exercise will do us all good."

    Willow pulled Vale into a long and lingering kiss, the elf almost dizzy by the time she pulled away. "I love you, Vale Anorongil," she told him. "Don't you dare change."

    "What do you say, Aika? After the doctors talk to chichi, do you want to go out with mama and otooji?" Vale kissed Aika's soft hair, and stood gracefully, Aika on one hip as he reached out his free hand to Willow.

    Willow took his hand and let him help her up, not really needing the assistance, but enjoying the feeling of being spoiled a little. Yuji and Satoshi had been the same way when she was pregnant with Ryuu and then with Aika, the two of them going out of their way to bring her small treats, or massage her back and feet. It was one of the nicest parts of being pregnant, aside from the joy of feeling the baby inside her. And now Vale, her newest husband, just fell right into the same behavior. She looked up at the elf and just smiled, feeling his love like a warm shawl around her. She put an extra sway in her hips as she walked up the stairs, feeling the heat in his eyes as he followed behind her with Aika still on his hip. It was a little bit mean, but she hoped he'd take the hint for when the children were napping. She looked over her shoulder and grinned when she saw the look in his eyes. Sometimes it was too easy.

    Willow was still showering in Vale's room when the healers arrived. Vale and Aika took them upstairs to where Yuji napped, Kansas curled against him. They looked so incredibly perfect that Vale hated to wake them, but one of the healers stopped him with a gentle shake of his head.

    "Let him rest. We don't need him to be awake," the healer told Vale, smiling a little. "It won't harm your other husband, and it won't weaken the effectiveness of the healing."

    Vale nodded and watched as four times the blue healing glow enveloped Yuji, and after the last glow had faded, Yuji opened his eyes, a beautiful smile on his lips.

    "Amaelamin, how do you feel?" Vale asked, sitting on the other side of the bed from Kansas and stroking Yuji's hair.

    "I'm feeling better, my overprotective elf," Yuji answered, his eyes filled with love. He looked over at the healers. "How is this treatment going?"

    To Yuji's surprise, the healer just nodded and answered him without hesitating. "We've been able to grasp what the disease is doing to your body. By that, I mean that we understand how it progresses, and knowing that, we've halted its progression. We've also begun to repair the damage it did to your body. I think, Master Yuji, that we may need to continue the healings twice daily for at least a tenday, and you should be taking the potions that Master Sand prepared for you." The healer turned to Vale expectantly, and he reached into a small chest on a table and pulled out a vial, handing it to the healer. The healer opened it and gave it to Yuji, who looked at Vale, a twinkle in his eye.

    Vale chuckled. "It's surprisingly nice. I think Sand's losing his touch."

    Yuji grinned at that, and tipped back the vial, his eyes widening a little. "It tastes like dragonfruit!" He finished the potion, and handed the vial to the healer. "Do you have a name? I'd like to be able to thank you properly."

    The healer grinned, his formal demeanor dropping away. "I'm Petrus and this is Ranin." He cocked an eyebrow. "I'd like to just see how that potion is working, if I can just lay my hands on you for a moment."

    Yuji nodded, and Petrus laid one hand on his forehead, and the other on his chest. He seemed to be listening for a moment or two, and then stepped back with a broad smile.

    "You're really responding very well. You've very strong-willed, aren't you?" Petrus did not wait for an answer. "The best and worst of patients. You do heal well, but you get impatient and rush the treatment."

    Yuji laughed, his endearing goofy laugh that made Vale's knees get a little wobbly. Kansas caught Vale's eye and the two of them just grinned, that laugh doing as much to heal them as the healers were doing for Yuji.

  6. Vale shook his head ruefully as he watched Satoshi, Sand and Ryuu head out to spend the morning in the park. Kansas came up behind him and wrapped his arms around the elf, nuzzling his neck.

    "My ass hurts," Kansas murmured into Vale's ear. "We have to do that again."

    Vale turned his head, laughing, and kissed Kansas soundly. "I love you, alasse'amin. You may be the death of me, but what a way to go!" He hugged the imp and ruffled his hair.

    Yuji looked a bit better today, but Vale still was eager for the healers to come. He wanted to hear that the disease was completely cured before he would truly begin to relax. He had a batch of the potions Sand had made up according to the healers' formulations, and he was hoping those would move things along faster. But Yuji had eaten more than he usually did, and he had enjoyed the egg, and that made Vale feel somewhat better.

    Willow, on the other hand, looked radiant. The pregnancy seemed to be progressing well, and Vale impulsively went over to her, kissed her thoroughly, and laid a hand on her belly to feel their son moving about. "He's busy today," Vale grinned, and Willow smacked him lightly on the arm.

    "I noticed," Willow said dryly. "He's been kicking me all through breakfast."

    Vale knelt and put his face alongside Willow's belly. "What are you doing to mama, utinu'amin? Hmm? Let's give mama a rest, my lively one."

    Willow started to giggle. "You're so fucking nuts, sweets, but I love you."

    Vale stood up, grinning despite the twinge in his ass. "The healers should be here shortly. Yuji, my love, you want to shower? I'll be happy to help, if you want a hand."

    "Thank you, my love." Yuji's gorgeous eyes were warm. "I think I'd like that." He stood, slowly but without the grimace of pain that had been far too common. Vale slipped an arm around Yuji's waist, and they walked slowly upstairs.

    Kansas had been busy amusing Aika, and he watched Vale head upstairs. He sighed, and brought Aika over to Willow. "Sit with mama, and onii-san will get your pegasus."

    Willow was quite sure that Kansas wanted to check on Yuji as well, so she said nothing as she watched the imp pad up the stairs. Yuji had not been hiding behind his shields anymore, but he still tried to only project his love for his family, and although no one had challenged him on that, it was clear from the expressions on her husbands' faces that they were not yet convinced that the healings were working. Even Vale was not yet sold on the power of the healings, and this magic was commonplace for him.

    "What do you think, Aika?" Willow asked, snuggling her daughter. "Are we helping chichi?" Aika just giggled and snuggled her mother.

    Vale carefully helped Yuji off with his pajamas and was pleased to note that the healing prayers had at least done away with the awful bruises from Yuji's treatments at home. Yuji was so painfully thin, though, and Vale could not help the small sigh that escaped his lips.

    "Not looking so good, am I?" Yuji said with a small, sad smile.

    "You are always beautiful to me, verno'amin," Vale replied, cradling Yuji's face between his hands and kissing him gently. "I just want you to be well, because I want those sixty years. We all do."

    Vale helped Yuji to wash, shampooing his hair and then helping him to dry off. Yuji dressed in clean pajamas, and decided he would wait for the healers in bed, so Vale turned down the quilts and fluffed the pillows. Kansas was sitting on the foot of the bed, his eyes serious but at least not silvery, and Vale gave his imp a lingering kiss, nibbling his lower lip.

    "You're staying with him?" Vale asked.

    "Yes. You go talk to Willow," Kansas said, moving to curl up beside Yuji, who rested a thin hand on the imp's hair. "Vale? Bring Aika her pegasus, too."

    Vale smiled at his husbands. "I'll be back with the healers when they get here."

    Vale stopped by the nursery and collected the pegasus for Aika, and then returned to Willow and Aika to wait for the healers to arrive.

  7. Shadow Knight:

    Very interesting, very nice use of the prompt. Finally, they kissed! It was nice. A kiss born of grief, of taint, just like everything good in the game. Nothing comes without a price and all that. I liked the tone of the game. In fact, I think this might be my favourite of all the prompts. I sincerely cannot think of anything to say. Perhaps I'm simply dazzled by your artistry.

    "Words were treacherous things, slippery and painful." That, right there, my favourite line. That has made my soul burn with untold envy, to the point where I fear it might consume my very flesh. You are a talented wordsmith, wench. Very talented indeed.

    So, in short, I think my reaction can be summed up by Alistair's reaction to a gift: "WOW!"

    Thank you! I'm actually somewhat speechless, and extraordinarily pleased that you liked this as much as you did. That, for me, is reward enough.

  8. Anesor: Thank you! Yes, as authors we can be so much more evil to our hapless characters...and it was temptation indeed. :)

    Shadow Knight: Thank you! Every time I write one of these, I mutter to myself, "Five hundred more words. Just give me five hundred more words, and I can make this coherent." Alas... Wraith's mood throughout is changeable. He's not entirely reflective until his outburst, but I do think I could have made that a stronger transition in retrospect. And yes, while Alistair's normal defense mechanism is humor, he's also aware that he's on shaky ground, pushing Wraith past an unspoken comfort zone, but again, that could have been clearer. But this is good! These are things I can watch out for, so thank you! :D

  9. Shadowknight12:

    I very much like the name you picked for Wraith. Sounds elven, but at the same time, strong (and ominous) and with just a hint of approachable. Much like the character himself! The scene was amazingly hot, and ah, sadly all too short (curse you, word limit!). There is some minor repetition near the climax (someone was a bit distracted, eh? ;) ), but nothing too terrible. The only concrit I'd give you, which, of course, has the evil Word Limit to blame, is exploring the transition between dream and reality, the crushing realisation in Wraith's mind that his beloved Tamlen is dead gone, and that it was all a cruel, cruel illusion. Oh, and, of course, it would've been nice to know if Wraith has or hasn't been tempted by such an offer. After all, it would be rather tempting. Other than that, excellent job, as always.

    Thank you! Wraith's name, Samahlen, means laughter in the elven language. And ack to the repetition... :facepalm: As to whether or not Wraith was tempted by the offer, he may or may not choose to reveal that. It's largely up to him... :D

  10. Sand felt Satoshi's acceptance of his bond, and his heart soared. He sent an answering wave of love to Satoshi, watching as Satoshi smiled and whispered his name. Sand breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of his lover, tasting the sweetness of his soul. Vale loved with his whole heart, open and generous. Sand loved with wild abandon, with every fiber of his soul, nothing held back. It was that wanton explosion of love that washed over the drowsing Satoshi as Sand settled to his reverie, his face filled with bliss as he curled around his lover.

    The next morning Vale woke just before dawn, tangled up with a bed-hogging imp and delightfully sore. If he thought about it, his ass felt like it did after his union with Yuji, and that made Vale grin as he carefully untangled himself from Kansas, kissing his beautiful imp softly and tucking the quilts around him. Vale limped into the shower in his room, reveling in the hot water and feeling some of the aches fading away. He finished quickly, not wanting Aika to wake alone in her new nursery, and rummaged in his wardrobe for clothing. Sand had brought all his elven clothing into the room, and Vale had his clothing from Japan as well, which he had become quite accustomed to by now. He compromised, slipping into a pair of loose linen sleep pants and pulling a t-shirt over his head before hurrying in to Aika.

    Aika was just stirring, and Vale leaned over and nuzzled her, chuckling as she gave him a sleepy, slightly damp kiss on his cheek. He changed her and got her dressed, and stopped by to check Ryuu on his way to the kitchen. Ryuu was still sleeping. Like Satoshi, he was not an early riser, and needed to be woken for kindergarten each day, full of sleepy protests. Vale closed the door gently and headed down to the kitchen, murmuring, "Let's let onii-san sleep, shall we? You and I will start the tea, and the rice, and I have some lovely fruit for you." Aika giggled and nestled into his shoulder.

    Vale set Aika on a chair and gave her a small dish of sweet ram berries. Then he set up the rice cooker and tea maker, and found a proper cooking pot for the miso soup. He diced some tofu into chunks to add to the soup, hoping to coax Yuji into eating a bit this morning. He looked in the cold chest, and brought out a couple of eggs as well, in the hopes that Satoshi would show him again how to get that just right. Vale chuckled, and Aika looked at him curiously.

    "I think tousan will be late today, my lady," Vale informed the toddler. Vale was quite sure that Satoshi and Sand would still be asleep, since Sand was no fonder of rising early than Satoshi or Ryuu. "So for right now, it's just us, my sweet girl. Who will come and see us first, do you think? Hmm?"

    Aika giggled again as Vale poured himself a mug of tea and joined her at the table, nibbling on a few ram berries himself.

  11. Sand was watching Samantha as she sat up, trembling, trying to keep from sobbing. He laid a gentle hand on her back, rubbing a little to ease her tension.

    "Nights must be the very Hells," Sand murmured. His voice was soft and filled with tenderness. "Come and rest beside me, and let me hold you. You have endured this alone for too long, and no one can be so strong forever, not alone."

    Sand eased Samantha back down and cradled her close to him, her head on his shoulder while he placed soft kisses on her head. "If it helps to talk, I am always here to listen. There is little that would frighten me, and nothing I would not face for your sake."

    He could feel Samantha beginning to relax a little, but there was something else, a feeling that they were not alone. Sand's eyes detected nothing, but every arcane ability he had was screaming. Only a fool would ignore that, and Sand was no fool. Whatever it was, it was strong, very strong indeed. If it was the demon that was within Samantha, it would be formidable, but not beyond his abilities, of that Sand was sure. What he was not sure of, and what gave him the most cause for concern, was whether or not he could lure this demon into releasing Samantha. He would not risk her life in a battle with such a creature.

  12. Sand nipped at Satoshi's lower lip, playing with the piercings. "I think I have discovered a fascination for washing dishes myself." The feel of Satoshi's crotch rubbing up against his was far too delicious, and Sand could feel his cock hardening. He deepened the kiss, plundering Satoshi's tight mouth and teasing the ball stud with his tongue.

    "My room," Sand murmured, his voice husky with desire.

    Sand grabbed a bottle of wine on the way out of the basement, and he and Satoshi all but ran up the stairs to the second floor, turning into Sand's luxurious bedroom. The minute they closed the door behind them, Sand shed his outer robe, letting it fall to the floor as he grabbed Satoshi and slid his hands into his silky hair, pulling him into another passionate kiss. He hands slid down, deft fingers undoing the buttons of Satoshi's shirt rapidly, as Satoshi opened the clasp at the neck of Sand's tunic.

    Sand gasped as Satoshi broke from the kiss to nip at his throat. "Ah, yes, right there," Sand moaned. "Mark me, my heart." Sand pushed Satoshi's shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall away as Satoshi worried the tender skin of Sand's throat. Sand ground himself against Satoshi happily, his fingers working on the waistband of Satoshi's pants, pushing them down the minute he got them open. He palmed Satoshi's hard cock through the fabric of his boxers, and Satoshi mewled in pleasure.

    Sand stepped back a moment. and peeled his tunic off in a swift, fluid motion, the fine web of scars on his abdomen shining slightly in the soft light of the glow globe on the wall. Satoshi looked at the scars, and Sand smiled as he tugged at the laces of his breeches. Satoshi pushed Sand's hands away, wanting to slide the breeches over those slim hips himself, his shyness forgotten in the sudden need to touch that pale skin. Sand was not wearing any undergarments, and his cock sprang free, larger than Vale's and impressively hard.

    "Oh, fuck," Satoshi moaned, his mouth yearning to taste Sand's cock. His hands gripped Sand's ass cheeks, squeezing them, and Sand bucked his hips to rub his cock against Satoshi's cock with a wanton moan.

    Sand tugged Satoshi, guiding him to the bed, and gently pushing him backward onto the collection of silken quilts and pillows. The elf quickly dealt with Satoshi's boxers, moaning again when he stroked his lover's cock, his thumb smearing a few drops of precum over the head, and then Sand's hot mouth closed over Satoshi. His tongue danced lightly across the cleft behind the head and flattened as Sand engulfed Stoshi to the very root, his nose buried in the soft hair at the base of Satoshi's cock. Satoshi's hands fisted in Sand's hair as the elf drew back, sucking hard enough to hollow his cheeks. One slim hand reached up to fins a nipple ring, and Sand tugged it just to hear Satoshi moan again. The elf swallowed Satoshi's cock again, his throat loosening to take all of Satoshi again, and Sand purred, the vibration running up Satoshi's spine and making him mewl.

    Satoshi tugged on Sand's hair, and the elf reared up, his blue eyes glowing with desire and love. "Tell me, my heart," he managed, close to being beyond speech, but Satoshi just looked at him, those beautiful eyes full of love and heat. Sand crouched back down, kissing one golden thigh, and when Satoshi moaned, Sand nipped his way to the top of that thigh and sucked hard, worrying the skin and sucking until a faintly metallic taste signaled that he had made a mark. Sand then returned to Satoshi's cock, lapping at the precum before devouring it again, one hand cupped Satoshi's sac and pressing lightly oh the tender skin behind his balls. Satoshie mewled as Sand sucked harder ad then swallowed a few times, the resulting muscular gripping making Satoshi arch his back and fill Sand's mouth with the salty, slightly bitter taste of his cum. Sand swallowed eagerly, lapping every last drop off like a cat.

    Sand scooted upward, still straddling his supine lover, and he rubbed his own aching cock against the piercings of Satoshi's lower lip, writhing in bliss as the metal scraped lightly across the sensitive flesh. Sand teased Satoshi's mouth open, and he mewled a little as Sand slipped the head past his lips, feeling that ball stud swipe across the head of his cock. Sand's back arched involuntarily, driving his cock further in to Satoshi's mouth, and he opened wide to accommodate Sand. Sand moaned and bucked his hip again, and Satoshi opened his mouth as widely as he could, his hand wrapped around the rest of Sand's cock.

    It had been so long since Sand had been touched, and Satoshi's mouth was so hot and tight, that Sand felt his balls draw up, and he moaned as he came, yelping with pleasure as he spilled into that tight mouth. Satoshi gave a muffled shriek and swallowed eagerly, moaning and writhing underneath Sand's thighs. Sand's back had arched and he howled as he thrust convulsively into that heat.

    Sand shuddered for a moment, and then he collapsed bonelessly onto the bed, shifting to one side and flopping next to Satoshi, his breathing ragged. The elf chuckled. "That was a good start," he murmured, grabbing the bottle of wine and opening it with a deft twist. He scooted further up the bed, and found two wine glasses and a small vial of oil. He splashed wine into each glass and tossed his back, and Satoshi did the same, amazed by the lack of burn.

    Sand slicked his fingers with the oil, and slid one inside Satoshi, breaching him easily and thrusting deep as Satoshi's hips bucked at the delicious intrusion. Another finger slid in and Satoshi moaned loudly as Sand curled his fingers and pressed firmly on Satoshi's prostate, igniting a burst of sparks behind his lover's eyes. Sand thrust a few times, and then added a third finger, remembering how tight Satoshi was, and then he slicked his oiled fingers over his own cock, already hard and eager.

    "Please," Sand murmured. Satoshi spread his thighs and welcomed Sand as Sand's cock slid between his ass cheeks to press on the round muscle, loosened but still so tight. Sand pushed the head of his cock in, and paused a moment, watching Satoshi's face as he nibbled his own lower lip. Sand pressed forward, slow and steady, until his balls were pressed against Satoshi's ass, and then he leaned forward to bite at that delectable lip, findgers worrying the nipple rings that decorated his lover. Satoshi howled at the intrusion, but his face was flushed with desire, and his hands gripped Sand's hips tightly enough to bruise.

    Sand held his position for a moment, his eyes fluttering closed as he savored the incredible tightness of Satoshi's ass. "Oh, gods, my heart, you feel so good," he murmured into Satoshi's ear, and his lover bucked his hips with a whine.

    "Move, please move. Make me howl," Satoshi pleaded.

    Sand pulled back and thrust forward, steady and not too fast at first, giving Satoshi a chance to adjust to him, and when he saw his lover's face relax a bit, he picked up the pace, thrusting harder into that dizzying heat, pounding Satoshi's prostate relentlessly. His belly pressed against Satoshi's cock, hard and eager between them, and when Satoshi reached up to tweak a sensitive ear, Sand howled and thrust harder, his balls tight and hot.

    "Oh, gods, I can't," Sand cried, and his back arched as he filled Satoshi's ass with cum, the pressure on Satoshi's cock enough to push him into splattering them both as his ass clamped around Sand's cock. The elf moaned, his mouth fastening on Satoshi's, his tongue delving deeply as he shuddered. It took a few moments for Sand to be able to move, easing himself out of Satoshi and flopping in a boneless heap next to him.

    "Wine," Sand murmured, and reached for the bottle and glasses again, pouring for them both. As he did, Satoshi got a good look at his back. There were four parallel scars that ran from his left shoulder diagonally to his right hip, thick and pale and shiny. Other fainter scars, older and faded, crisscrossed his back as well. Satoshi looked at Sand, astonished. During the vacation, the elf had looked flawless. He smiled at Satoshi and kissed him, pulling himself upright.

    "An old encounter. I will tell you one day, but not tonight. I used a glamour, a spell for the vacation. Wench thought it best," Sand said, but there was only joy in his eyes as he looked at Satoshi. "So beautiful," he murmured. He leaned forward and kissed Satoshi again, chuckling when they both began to stir, cocks twitching and hardening. "Oh, what you do to me," the elf laughed, his eyes filled with love. "I cannot get enough of you."

    Sand reached out and slipped two fingers into Satoshi's mouth, his eyes bright with desire. "I want to feel you in me, my heart. I want you to take me." He moaned happily as Satoshi suckled his fingers, wetting them thoroughly, and then Sand withdrew them from Satoshi's mouth and plunged them into his own ass, arching his back in wanton abandon as he stretched himself. Satoshi sat up, wrapping his arms around a slim waist and devouring one peaked nipple as Sand writhed on his own fingers, moaning at the feel of Satoshi's piercings sliding across his skin. He slipped out of Satoshi's arms and turned, his ass in the air, his silky hair framing his face as he gave Satoshi a sultry look over his shoulder.

    "Take me," Sand invited, and Satoshi reached for those hips, plunging himself into the elf's ass without hesitation. He rocked back on his heels, pulling Sand upright and fucking his ass, one arm around Sand's waist while the other hand pinched and twisted his nipples. The elf cried out throatily, his head falling back onto Satoshi's shoulder and turning so that he could kiss his lover, moaning with pleasure as one slim hand wrapped around his own cock and stroked in time with Satoshi's thrusts. Sand ground himself down onto Satoshi, his movements increasingly erratic and his muscles trembling until he let out a howl of pure ecstasy, cum spattering his hand and belly, and his ass like a vise around Satoshi's cock. Satoshi bit Sand's ear sharply and spilled himself into his ass, with a scream that rivaled Sand's howls. Utterly spent, he let Sand sink forward, and he collapsed alongside him, holding the moon elf tightly against him, hot tears of joy prickling his eyes.

    Sand wriggled around until he was facing Satoshi, and took his face between slim hands. "Oh, my heart, why do I feel like I have finally come home?" the elf asked, his eyes burning with love.

  13. Sand looked at Vale, his expression slightly abashed. "I do so hate making all those ridiculous potions. Enhance my charms, make me stronger. I am debating not making potions at all anymore, except for reasons like this."

    Vale managed to hold his indignant expression for only a moment longer before he too began to laugh. "Oh, ithilamin, I'll be very happy if you stop! It's not like you need the coin, and if I never taste another gruesome concoction..." He trailed off into peals of laughter again.

    Satoshi had stopped laughing, and was looking around the basement thoughtfully. The door to Sand's study was open, as it usually was, and the sight of all the books and parchments piled everywhere, the comfortable reading chair, the desk buried under piles of scrolls and parchment gave him an idea. He was a little hesitant about voicing it, but Sand had been so warm and open, and the way he had been playful while they did the dishes made Satoshi feel like he could dare to make a suggestion.

    "Sand?" Satoshi began, his cheeks flushing. "Is there room down here for another study?"

    Sand looked at Satoshi, curious. "Of course. I barely use the area down here. There are several unused rooms."

    "Is there one with maybe a window?" Satoshi asked. "Maybe big enough for some shelves for books, and a desk and a reading chair like you have? Willow's a writer, and she's lost without her laptop right now."

    Sand's face brightened, and he whirled around and tugged Satoshi to a door, flinging it open to reveal a spacious room with two windows. "Would this do?"

    Vale brightened as well. "We could get her a nice desk, and books that she might like, and parchment. Lots of parchment."

    "And she could lose her desk under the parchment," Kansas giggled. "But she'd be happier and maybe less cranky."

    "Let's get it fixed up and we can surprise her!" Vale hugged Satoshi and kissed him soundly. "You're brilliant!"

    Sand was looking thoughtful now, and Vale suppressed a small shudder.

    "What about the stairs? Are they wide enough? Are they too steep?" Sand looked at Vale, who in turn looked at Satoshi and Kansas.

    "I think by the time the stairs get to be too much, she won't want to write much anyway. She'll be too busy chasing us around, getting ready for the baby," Satoshi said. He remembered vividly how Willow had fussed right before Ryuu was born. He and Yuji had been exhausted, between putting together furniture and moving it around five times a day.

    Sand looked briefly wistful. "I do hope you are all still here when the baby is born. I would like very much to see him."

    Vale put his arms around Sand and kissed him, his fingers sliding through the black silk of Sand's hair. Sand moved into the embrace, fitting himself against Vale with the ease of long familiarity, the love between them apparent for all to see.

    "Even if we're not, I'll bring him home to see you," Vale promised. "We're a family, aren't we?"

    Sand smiled, his eyes brighter, and he looked over at Satoshi. "I think we are. I hope we are."

    "Good," Vale said. "Now, let's go enjoy some more of that wine, and tomorrow we can start Yuji on his potions after the healers are done."

    "We should contact Wench as well, and let her know that Yuji is responding," Sand added. "Yuji's family back home in Japan will want to know, will they not? I will take care of that. Satoshi, have you ever seen a scrying mirror?"

  14. Vale looked at Sand and Satoshi as they walked in, Satoshi blushing furiously and Sand looking slightly pink as well. Kansas came in behind them with the last of the bowls, showing no distress, and Vale contented himself with merely raising an eyebrow at his elven husband.

    "I apologize if we are late," Sand said, his smile bright with happiness. "It is just such a beautiful night. It was entirely my fault for lingering on the way." Sand watched as Vale deftly picked up a small bite of rice with a pair of sticks and fed it to Aika, who was sitting on his lap.

    "Come sit and eat, before it's all cold," Vale urged. "I opened the wine, ithilamin."

    The use of the affectionate nickname made Sand relax, and he and Satoshi sat down. Dinner was lively, with more joking than they had done recently, Yuji's increasing strength lifting everyone's spirits. The children were particularly lively, and Ryuu giggled his way through dinner as he watched Sand attempting to use chopsticks. By the end of the meal, though, Sand was able to manage them well enough to eat a bit, and Ryuu congratulated him soundly. Then Aika decided she needed to sit with her chichi, and Vale's heart soared when Yuji held out his arms for her, his thin face radiant and his perfect eyes brimming with love.

    After dinner, Satoshi nudged Sand, and they cleared the table. There was a large stone sink in the kitchen, with taps for water and Satoshi handed Sand a cloth.

    "I'll wash and you dry," Satoshi told the elf. His sweet smile made Sand's heart skip a beat, and he completely forgot about suggesting a cleaning cantrip, instead lingering over the chore and finding silly reasons to bump shoulders with Satoshi.

    While the dishes were being done, Vale poured wine for Yuji and got Willow some hot tea. Then Vale and Kansas took the children upstairs to tuck them in bed, both of them sleepy from the excitement of the day and the time in the park. By the time they came downstairs, Sand and Satoshi were done with their chore, and Sand had alook on his face that Vale knew all too well.

    "Anoramin, I need your help." Sand smiled brightly at Vale. "The clerics left a formulation for a potion with me, something to augment Yuji's healing. I'm not quite sure of the taste, though."

    Vale paled slightly, but he nodded and went to follow Sand to the basement. Kansas started to snicker, and Vale turned around, his green eyes bright with mischief. "Hey, loves, maybe you can help me." He went over to Kansas and Satoshi, and linked his arms through theirs. "It's for Yuji. We should all taste it."

    The imps exchanged a dubious glance, but Vale leaned in and muttered, "Greasy baboon's testies with a side of wasabi." Then he dragged them into Sand's basement lair.

  15. Sand hurried to catch up to Satoshi, his lips tingling from the brief but tender kiss. "I may need a thousand chances, you know. I very nearly lost Vale to stubborn pride and foolishness, but I like to think I am intelligent enough to learn from my mistakes. Still, I have lived long enough to know how little I do know, and long enough to have learned that it is foolish indeed not to follow one's heart."

    Sand sighed, daring to reach out and capture Satoshi's hand again. "I do not know exactly how to do this, and so I will just blurt it all out, and hope that you will hear me out. I am actually terrified myself, you know. You will think me no end of foolish." Sand chuckled a little, looking at Satoshi. "I am not even sure where to begin, in truth. I suppose the best place is to admit that I am so afraid of putting myself in between you and your spouses. I have no desire to damage your marriage or your family, and I hope that offering my heart would not do that."

    Sand led Satoshi down a steep hill, Black Lake glittering with the reflected moon and stars. "I bonded with Vale shortly after we became lovers. I had known him for about a year. I did not ask him to complete the bond when I linked myself to him, because I thought we had time. It was impulsive, a thing that felt right when I did it. And then it all fell apart, and I was alone with all my pain, and all his pain, exiled to another place for a few years. It was the hope that I could fix things that kept me alive. And yet, when I returned to Neverwinter, my exile over, I could not seem to find the words I needed. He was still so hurt, and so bitter, and I stayed silent and held the pain within myself."

    There was a bench, stone and elaborately carved, and Sand sat, pulling Satoshi down beside him. The elf turned his face up to the moon.

    "I fell in love again, because hearts are not meant to be filled only with pain. They seek love, and she was young, and brave, and courageous, all the things I felt that I was not. She was needed to stop an evil that threatened Neverwinter, and she did, with me at her side, and her reward was to be pulled into an even greater darkness that tore her soul apart. Our love was the casualty of that rending, but I remained by her side until she faded from life. I thought that was all I would know, then, was the pain of loss, but Vale was braver and sought me out, and that time I found the courage to say what I should have said." Sand looked at Satoshi, his blue eyes dark in the night. "Vale completed our bond, and healed a large part of me. I cannot bring myself to regret much, but waiting almost a quarter of a century to feel his soul join with mine was something I regret. I would not like to make that mistake twice."

    "You asked me not to speak of love to you until I truly meant it," Sand continued. "I do not know if Vale has explained how these soul bonds work, or if he even realizes it himself, but I can feel you through my bond with him. It is not as strong as if we were bound directly, but I have seen enough of your soul to know that you are beautiful beyond my poor words to describe. Everything we are, every physical scar, every emotional pain that we have endured, these shape our souls, and when a soul can endure and remain beautiful, that is no small thing."

    Sand examined Satoshi's hand, still clasped in his own. He touched the rings that Satoshi wore with one slim, faintly scarred finger. "You are part of something magical, a bond between the five of you that is glorious to behold. I would not see it harmed in any way, but I would also hope that in some small way, you could find room in that wonderful soul of yours for one not so perfect elf."

  16. Sand watched Satoshi leave with his guitar, his eyes a little wide from the quick kiss and one slim hand creeping up to touch his cheek. Vale caught the gesture and suppressed a smile, instead grinning at Kansas.

    "Should we pack some snacks for them?" Vale asked Kansas. "We could have a little picnic in the park if they get tired."

    Kansas giggled. "They don't really sit much."

    Vale started to laugh. "True, but we may need the energy!"

    Kansas ran up and got the baby sling while Vale packed a few snacks and a flagon of tea, and they gathered Ryuu and Aika and headed off to the park. Vale carried Aika at first, until they reached the park itself, and then he let her down once they had entered the park. Aika and Ryuu scampered ahead, giggling and shrieking happily, and other people in the park just smiled to see their exuberance. Vale reached out and took Kansas's hand, pulling him close and stealing a kiss. Kansas looked a little wide-eyed, and Vale laughed again.

    "We don't have any issues with same gender marriages here. It's accepted." Vale pulled Kansas in for another kiss, and then he and his imp turned their attention back to the children. Vale had brought a ball, and that was tossed around for a good while, even Aika trying her best to throw it. Then it was piggyback races, with Aika on her onii-san amd Ryuu on his otooji. Vale and Kansas both needed a sip of tea after that, and some pocky to restore their strength, which made Ryuu giggle.

    "Onii-san, otooji-san, is pocky. Not make strong." Ryuu shook his head at the foolish men. Aika just giggled and nibbled her pocky, curled up on her onii-san.

    Suitably restored, Vale found some rope swings, and Aika shrieked in delight as Vale pushed her. Kansas showed Ryuu how to swing himself, and the two of them competed to see who could get higher. Vale made a flower crown for Aika, which made Kansas snicker, so Vale made one for him as well, to Aika's delight.

    Back at home, Sand was pleased when the Lathanderite clerics came, and cast two more rounds of healing prayers. He noticed the subtle differences in their prayers, and to his delight, Yuji seemed even more improved, moving easily now and without pain. Willow had tears of joy in her eyes, and she gave Sand an impulsive hug, which he returned.

    "He looks better already," Willow said, delighted. She hugged Yuji, pressing a fiercely loving kiss to hip lips. "Damn, it is so good to see you again!"

    Yuji laughed and kissed her back. "Thought you wanted to rest, love."

    Willow nuzzled close for a moment. "I'll rest now. Walk me up?"

    Yuji was elated to realize he felt good enough to walk Willow upstairs, and his face was radiant as he put his arm around her to enjoy her closeness, not to support himself.

    Sand watched them go, and turned to the clerics. "You mentioned something about a potion that we could use in combination with the healing prayers? Have you made progress in that?"

    "We have. I have taken the liberty of writing down the formula." The cleric handed Sand a parchment, and he scanned it quickly.

    "Really? This is all?" Sand looked slightly skeptical. "It seems rather simple."

    "The potion is designed to work with the prayers. It is the combination that is most effective. Yuji should drink a potion immediately after we have administered the healing." The cleric bowed slightly.

    Sand rolled the parchment up and tucked it in his sleeve. He looked at the remnants of the meal, shrugged and summoned an invisible servant. "Vale would probably be doing this by hand," Sand muttered to himself, heading for his basement workbench. It took him little time to set up the distillation, but Sand found himself curious as to the exact formulation, and wound up in his study, poring through tome after tome in search of information, scribbling notes in his elegant espruar script as he went. By the time he was finished and went upstairs, it was already growing dark. He frowned and closed the basement door, locking it and warding it.

    Vale and Kansas came in, with two tired and slightly grubby children, Vale carrying Ryuu and Kansas with Aika in her sling.

    "Baths," Vale announced cheerfully. "We all need baths!"

    Aika crowed with excitement as they headed upstairs, and Sand started to laugh, delighted by the sheer exuberance of his mate as he nuzzled Ryuu, making the little boy giggle uncontrollably. He went into the kitchen and selected a couple of bottles of elven wine and brought them back out to the living room, setting them and some goblets on the table. He could hear Willow and Yuji stirring, and his smile grew wider. The sounds of the family brought a warmth to the home that had been sorely missing.

    That thought made him wonder where Satoshi was, and Sand realized that it might be hard for him to find his way back in the growing dark. He scribbled a quick note and left it with the wine, and headed out to the Blacklake District. Satoshi had mentioned the Cloaktower, and Sand decided to try there first.

    It was fully dark by the time Sand reached the rooftop of the Cloaktower, and the lights of Blacklake sparkled like jewels in the streets below. He was greeted by the sound of a song, an elven melody that he had heard Vale hum often, and Sand stopped to listen, his eyes bright.

    Satoshi was curled up on a bench on the balcony, bent over his instrument and his fingers were dancing lightly over the strings, coaxing the melody forth. His expression was dreamy, as though he were seeing something other than Neverwinter, and Sand reached out very tentatively through the bond, feeling the solace Satoshi drew from this act of creation. Like all elves, Sand found music both powerful and entrancing, and he was rapt as he listened, a radiant smile on his face.

    When the melody finally ended, Sand made a small noise to alert Satoshi to his presence, the smile still on his face. He crossed the balcony to sit beside Satoshi.

    "That was beautiful," Sand said, his voice gentle. "I did not know that you also were a musician. You are very gifted."

    Satoshi blushed, feeling a warmth from Sand that he both remembered and longed for. To cover his confusion, he began to put the guitar away in its case.

    "I didn't realize it was this late," Satoshi said.

    "It has just gone dark," Sand replied. "I was concerned that you might not know your way back in the dark. The streets do look different at night."

    "You didn't need to come. I could have asked someone the way." Satoshi dared a glance at the darker elf, his braids glittering with their jeweled beads, his clothing elegant and elven. Satoshi felt awkward in his jeans and shirt, and he nibbled at his lower lip, anxious.

    "I wanted to come," Sand said. He reached out a slim hand and touched Satoshi's hair. "Your hair is different than when last we met. I think this suits you more. It makes your eyes look so beautiful." Sand smiled again, that radiant smile that made him look younger and so very approachable, and Satoshi felt a tugging in his gut.

    "I guess we should go back." Satoshi stood, a little nervous and yet pleased that Sand had come.

    Sand reached out and took Satoshi's hand, weaving his fingers through Satoshi's fingers. He did not release the man as they made their way down through the Cloaktower, greeting some of the mages that they passed. They went out into the street, and Satoshi realized what Sand has meant.

    The streets were lit by glowing globes, magical lights that cast a golden sheen on everything. The buildings looked utterly different, and Satoshi gaped for a moment.

    "It is beautiful, is it not?" Sand asked, his voice warm. "I do love this city at night. It is almost as beautiful as Evereska, where I am from, and nearly as enchanting as the Anauroch desert." Sand laughed, a bright and happy laugh. "If you listen to Vale, he will say that I am overly fond of far-flung places and grubby ruins. He would be right, but I will never admit that to him."

    "I can't picture you in some grubby ruin," Satoshi said, and then blushed furiously as the words slipped out.

    "You would not be the first to tell me that," Sand replied cheerfully. "Truthfully, I am happy in my dank and dirty ruins. There is so much to discover, so much to learn. I would love to show you some of the places I have seen." He looked over at Satoshi. "I was an idiot on the vacation. I wanted to spend more time with you, but I was not sure you wanted anything further to do with me. I should have asked, but I am often rightfully accused of not wanting to mention the oliphaunt in the room." His fingers tightened slightly around Satoshi's, a nervous gesture that relaxed the man. "Would you have sent me away, had I sought you out?"

    Satoshi was silent for a moment. Part of him wanted to blurt out the truth, and part of him insisted that this beautiful elf could not find him attractive.

    Sand continued, his voice wistful. "I wonder, though, since I was not as gentle as I should have been. But you know, you were so very beautiful, and I could not resist loving you." He looked at Satoshi, his blue eyes wide and heated with desire. "Perhaps I might be able to convince you to give me another chance."

  17. BW: how do you when do you want story hooks chars known sent? It probably should be after the characters solidify, right?

    The hooks can be worked out after we solidify characters, yes. Otherwise, we'll be revising hooks to fit with character development.

    As far as teamspeak, my daft bugger already has a teamspeak server. I can see about piggybacking off his, which shouldn't be a problem. I don't think we'll use it all that often, but it's nice to have a real-time option to work things out.

  18. I'm sitting back a bit while you all hash out your characters and decide what you're looking for, but I have to say, you're all ramping up my enthusiasm as well!

    I think we can definitely work with a group of elves and a lone human who, for reasons to be decided, has thrown their lot in with the underdogs. There have always been those few folk who do choose that path, so I'm all for it. And as far as throwing NPCs at me for me to play with, that's always both helpful and fun!

    I'm also excited to see that the focus is more on the intrigue and moral quandaries and puzzles, with a nice dose of sheer, bowel-cleansing terror just to amuse, rather than on non-stop hack-n-slash. I think the combat needs to be less of a focus because Anesor is right. In PbP, it will bog things down. But when it's really needed to advance the plot, there will be combat, and yes, it might be a sneak attack.

    I love the idea of exploring the Dales, but it might be a tough starting point, being on the other side of the Frostback Mountains. Then again, the hazards implicit in a mountain crossing could be fun, too

    But really, I do think right now we need to get the party set up. I'll work on getting some basic background info posts up as well. Most of us are familiar enough with the Fereldan environment but I'll try and pull together what I can about areas outside Fereldan, from the Codex and other sources. That may help refine the setting for your jump-off point. It may take a couple of days to get that up, thanks to RL being a royal bitch, but I'll try and get posts up as fast as I can!

  19. Sand looked over at Yuji, and gave him a radiant smile. "This is your home, of course. We are a family, all of us, are we not? At least, I would like to be a part of this family." Sand looked at Yuji calmly. "I can feel the great love between Vale and all of you, and I am quite sure you can sense the love between Vale and me as well. I do believe I can love you all as much as I do anoramin, my sun. I hope once you come to know me better, you will allow me to try."

    "Why don't you all go and sit down. and I'll make a light lunch? Some tea, and miso soup with noodles and rice, and Sand found some ram berries." Vale looked at Sand. "Did the children eat?"

    Sand smiled a little. "They had some fruit already, but nothing very filling. They were very distracted by the sights."

    Vale nodded. "Then show Willow where we have the bowls and plates, and take these chopsticks." He handed Sand a package of lacquered chopsticks and some porcelain rests. "Then you can come back and help me, ithilamin, my moon."

    When Sand came back into the kitchen, Vale pulled him into a searing kiss, plundering his mouth with unaccustomed directness. "I've missed you," Vale murmured when they finally broke apart.

    Sand chuckled. "So I see. It is quite mutual, by the way. I have missed you as well." There was a note of sadness in Sand's voice, and Vale looked at him sharply. "I will endeavor to make the most of your time here." Sand touched Vale's cheek gently. "When he is well, you will return with him to his world Do not protest, anoramin. I am not complaining, nor will I object. Did I not push you into going to him in the first place? I told you then, and I will say it again, in case you have forgotten. I will always be here when you are ready to return, but I do not wish to live in that world. My place is here, and I am content enough to wait."

    Vale checked the miso soup, and added the noodles. "I don't deserve you."

    "Of course you do. Who else would have me?" Sand chuckled. "The healers from the Morninglord's temple will be here later. They believe we may be able to distill a potion to aid in the process."

    Vale managed not to shudder. "I wanted to talk to you about Satoshi and Kansas. Tell me how you feel about them."

    Sand chuckled again. "I think I like you, so fierce and protective. It suits you, like that lovely hair." Sand paused for a moment. "Kansas does not seem to think ill of me, despite my hurting him however inadvertently during the vacation. He does have a generous heart. But there is more to him. He reminds me of a boy I met, a child seer."

    Vale nodded. "He is, although he's never been trained. He's also attracted to you, and if Yuji is open to this, I believe he would welcome you. But you have to swear to me that you will not push him past his limits."

    Sand nodded. "I was shamed by what happened that night. I do not relish causing my lovers injury, at all."

    "I know that, ithilamin. I think he does, too. He's very wise, our Kansas." Vale shot Sand a look. "Satoshi is more than attracted to you. But he thinks you find him flawed or ugly. He hoped you would have come back to him during the vacation."

    Sand looked aghast. "He wished that? I did not know, truly. I thought he might have been angry for the way we used him, K and I. We were not gentle, although he seemed to like that."

    Vale reached out to touch Sand's arm. "He does sometimes like it rough, but not always. He uses pain to hide, and it only hurts him more. Yuji taught me this, and I've seen it myself. He asks me sometimes to hurt him, and that's when I won't. That's when he needs tenderness and love, not more pain. Talk to Yuji about him, and if Yuji agrees, then talk to Satoshi. Let him know what you truly think, and don't lie or hold back what you feel. Just remember that he won't ask for what he wants, and he especially won't ask for what he needs." Vale took the soup off the heat. "And one more thing? He won't be angry or hurt if you fail, but it will hurt him greatly if you betray him, or your promises to him."

    Sand nodded. "Does this mean you approve?" Vale could hear the tension in Sand's voice.

    "It's not about that. I don't own my spouses. I just won't see them hurt." Vale held Sand's eyes for a long moment. "That includes you." Vale sighed and gestured at the rice cooker. "Bring the bowls of rice while I dish out the soup. Let's eat. And if you make one remark about my cooking, you will wear your soup."

  20. Sand looked at Kansas, who stared wide-eyed in the direction of the kitchen. Satoshi headed right back up the stairs, and Vale was nowhere to be found. Kansas took Ryuu, Aika still in her carrier, and followed Satoshi as fast as he could.

    Sand shrugged and walked into the kitchen, to find a furious Willow, her hands planted on shapely hips, glaring at the kitchen. It was not exactly what she was used to, and it showed little sign of ever having been used. There was dust everywhere except for one counter, which boasted several small braziers, one of which had a kettle on a tripod over it. Next to that was a canister of tea and a pot of honey. There were cooking pots, and all sorts of odd containers, but they were either empty or so dusty as to be an affront to Willow's sense of order.

    "Is there a problem?" Sand asked, looking around.

    "A problem? A problem?" Willow glared at the elf. "Let's see, where do I begin? First of all, is there any food at all in this house? Or do you live on tea and moonbeams?"

    Sand opened his mouth to reply, but never got a chance to speak.

    "This place is fucking filthy! There's dust on the dust! How the fuck am I supposed to feed the kids?" Willow gathered steam as she went on, and through the link, Sand picked up a wave of amusement from Vale, who was apparently within earshot, if not willing to make an appearance. "For that matter, what the fuck do you eat here?"

    Sand realized he was still holding the parcels of food that Kansas thought would appeal most to the family, and he held the parcel out to Willow, speechless.

    "And what the fuck do I do with that? I'm not putting it down anywhere in this fucking toxic wasteland of a kitchen!" Willow looked gorgeous, Sand realized, her color high and her hair glossy and thick. She was absolutely radiant with both pregnancy and outrage, and Sand found himself falling quite in love with her.

    "Don't stand there staring at me like a fucking plant!" Willow snarled. "Roll up your sleeves and find some soap and hot water!"

    Sand gave her a radiant smile, his blue eyes dancing, and he murmured a few words. There was a brief shimmer, and the room was immaculately clean. "Is that a bit better?" he asked, still smiling.

    "If it was that fucking easy, why didn't you do it sooner?" Willow demanded. She was still glaring, but her volume had decreased a bit with the absence of the offending dirt.

    "I really do not know," Sand admitted. "I rarely even come in here, unless I want tea."

    "You can't live on whatever you can buy on the street! You'll make yourself sick, not eating properly," Willow said, and her outrage shifted quickly to concern.

    Vale chose that moment to make an appearance, bag of holding in his hand. "I've been thinking about the kitchen."

    Willow shot Vale an exasperated look. "Another elf heard from. Fine. What's your suggestion?"

    "Well," Vale began, leaning in to kiss Willow sweetly, his hand straying to her belly. "I think I've figured out a way to sort out a rice cooker. I've been tinkering a bit, and I just needed an alternate power source, and I think I have it."

    Vale dug into his bag of holding, and on a now-pristine counter he set up a rice cooker and a large battery, which he set in a wooden chest. He connected a power strip to the battery, and grinned. "We can use this for the tea maker and rice cooker, and the rest of it should be easy enough with this cooktop. We can grill and bake at the hearth. I'll show you, love."

    Sand raised an elegant eyebrow, utterly amused by Vale's sudden domesticity. "I had no idea you even knew what a kitchen was, my sun."

    "I'm not the best cook, but I can manage a meal or two," Vale replied, grinning. "Oh, and I stocked up on some things we can't get here. This chest works like a bag of holding, and preserves anything you put in it, and that chest is linked to an icy Plane, so anything in there stays cold."

    Vale began unpacking the groceries he had bought, and directed Sand where to put them. Willow looked at all the various familiar foods and sniffled, and Vale looked up.

    "Oh, lirimaer, don't cry," Vale begged. "What's wrong, my love? I know we need other things, but I can go to the market and get them." He hugged Willow, brushing away her tears and kissing her.

    "I can't believe you thought about all this," Willow said, trying not to cry. "You even brought pocky."

    Sand looked mildly alarmed as Willow gave in and began to sob into Vale's chest as he soothed her. Over her head, Vale looked at Sand and mouthed a single word. "Pregnant."

  21. I wonder if they were going to keep Duncan originally but then while finishing plannning out the plot of the game, they took a break to play a little office Basketball and then "Hey! We should slam Duncan!"...

    ...yeah, I hear crickets too.

    Heh. With theBioWare devs, anything's possible! These guys give new meaning to the term "batshit crazy"... :lol:

  22. Vale held Satoshi close, the love between them warmer than ever before. Satoshi's love was as much a balm for Vale, battered as he was by the emotional turmoil of Yuji's illness. But being home in Neverwinter, and seeing the first few healing prayers already having a positive effect had restored much of Vale's strength.

    Vale could feel the tentative touch of Sand as well, reaching out carefully through Vale to sense Vale's spouses, wondering in that peculiarly reserved way of his if he would find a place to fit. Sand loved Vale without reservation, and Vale never doubted that, but Vale loved each of his spouses without reservation, and Sand feared disrupting their bonds. It would be exactly like the quirky moon elf to try and hide that fear, and attempt to step aside, and Vale had no intention of permitting that. Vale sent a pulse of love and welcome through his link to Sand, and felt an answering burst of love and patience. Content, Vale let himself fall into relaxation beside Satoshi for a few more minutes, enjoying the tender kisses and the warmth of their love.

    Sand watched the children playing in the garden with Kansas, delighted to hear their laughter. The house had been so very quiet, and while it made Sand's work that much easier, it had been lonely without Vale bursting in from the Cloaktower, muttering about balor-buggering idiots and pompous asses who thought stacks of parchment would make up for a lack of intelligence. Sand had missed dinners at The Greymist, and long nights in front of the fire in their room, watching the light play across Vale's golden skin and reveling in the touch and taste of his beloved sun elf.

    And now Vale was back, and the house was full of people, and laughter, and love, and Sand felt almost lost. It was harder for him to abandon himself to something that should not be, the way Vale had done. An elf could bond with a mate, and on rare occasions, could bond with two, but this bond that Vale had forged was utterly unique. Sand smiled to himself. It was so typically Vale to have managed the impossible, and pulled it off with such flair, and Sand knew he would be drawn into it if Vale had his way. It would be inevitable, since Sand could deny Vale nothing.

    Sand looked out at the garden again, in time to see Kansas give him a shy wave before Ryuu crashed into him, and they collapsed in a giggling heap, with Aika climbing on top of them. Sand began to laugh, and he walked out into the garden to the merry tumble of bodies. Aika shrieked in glee and held small arms out to the elf with the shiny braids, and Sand scooped her up, his eyes warm as Aika seized her prize.

    "I was wondering if the children were hungry," Sand said to Kansas. "I thought perhaps we might take them to the market, and find them something to eat. There are food stalls with all manner of things. I fear the kitchen is rather barren at the moment." Sand looked faintly embarrassed at that. "We could bring food back for the rest of the family."

    Kansas looked at Ryuu, who nodded vigorously. Aika was quite prepared to be carried by her newest conquest, and so Kansas scrambled to his feet and helped Ryuu dust off a bit. They went back into the house, and Sand stopped at a small table near the door, where an inlaid wooden chest sat. Sand flipped open the top and dug his hand into the gold coins in the chest. Kansas's eyes went wide, and Sand hastened to explain.

    "Our currency here is coin, gold and silver and copper. Vale and I always keep some coin here to grab on our way out the door, and you must feel free to take what you need as well." Sand looked at Kansas and smiled reassuringly. "I know it looks quite impressive, but really, it is just house money, and Vale will want you to use it freely. It is simple. One hundred coppers is a silver, and one hundred silvers is a gold. Now, shall we feed our hungry little ones?"

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