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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale returned Satoshi's smile, his face radiant. "Oh, Satoshi," the elf replied. "I love you with all that I am, my husband, my life." He captured Satoshi's lips in a sweet and lingering kiss, feeling Satoshi's love fill him and returning it wholeheartedly as he opened himself fully to this man who had captured his heart.

    A small whine made Vale break the kiss, and his smile grew. "It's our imp," he whispered to Satoshi. "I think he wants to join us, love."

    Satoshi nodded at Vale, his own face as radiant as the elf's.

    "Come in, Kansas," Vale called. "Please, love."

    The door opened, and the blue and black head popped in, eyes wide. HIs husbands looked so beautiful, joined together, and Kansas whined again as he pulled off his hoodie and then his socks. His cast made him awkward, and he whimpered a little in frustration as he crawled onto the bed and over to where Vale and Satoshi waited for him.

  2. Vale slid his lips all the way down Satoshi's cock, his tongue flattened as he relaxed his throat, swallowing as he took Satoshi to the root. Vale nuzzled his nose in the soft hair at the base of Satoshi's cock. Somewhere in his lust addled brain, he registered Satoshi's plea, and the elf managed to swing himself around so that his own aching cock was brushing the metal decorating Satoshi's lower lip.

    Satoshi moaned happily as he slip his own lips over the elf's cock, licking up the precum that beaded the tip and rubbing his tongue stud into the cleft of the underside. Vale mewled in delight around Satoshi's cock, and slip his lips slowly up, letting Satoshi's cock escape his mouth with a wet pop. Vale slipped two fingers in his mouth, wetting them thoroughly, and then returned to sucking his husband's cock. One wet finger slid along the cleft of Satoshi's ass, sinking into the puckered hole, and Satoshi's hips bucked again as he buried his nose against Vale's balls. The second finger joined in as Vale prepared his husband, curling his fingers to press on Satoshi's prostate.

    Vale drew back one last time on Satoshi's cock, his cheeks hollowed as he sucked hard. He released Satoshi and withdrew his fingers. "Please, I need to be in you, love," Vale said, his eyes dark with his desire.

    Vale waited until Satoshi released his cock, and then he moved quickly between his husband's legs, parting his thighs and pressing his spit-slick cock against Satoshi's ass. Satoshi's legs wrapped around the elf's slim hips, and Vale pressed forward, his cock sliding into the incredibly tight heat of that perfect ass. Vale leaned forward as he pressed slowly home, his tongue toying with Satoshi's nipple rings before they were caught by Vale's teeth and tugged.

    "I love you," Vale murmured, burying himself to the balls in Satoshi's ass. He paused there for a moment, reveling in the tight confines,and then he pulled back and began a steady rhythm, slow and sweet, making sure to glide over Satoshi's prostate, and taking delight in the pleasure that he saw in his husband's eyes.

  3. Vale moaned as Satoshi slid his hand into the waistband of his pants, and he deepened his kisses, plundering his husband's mouth eagerly. When Satoshi pulled Vale's hand down to his crotch, Vale palmed his erection through his pants, needing this as much as Satoshi.

    Vale broke the kiss, his eyes bright with desire. "Downstairs," he murmured. "The neighbors will call the police if we start howling up here." He grinned and led the way to Satoshi's room, and closed the door quietly behind them. His shirt hit the floor immediately, and he was tugging Satoshi's shirt out of his pants a moment later.

    "I want you, my love," Vale told him. Satoshi's shirt joined Vale's on the floor and the elf immediately went to work on getting Satoshi's pants and boxers off. Satoshi managed to open Vale's pants, and the elf shimmied out of them with a saucy wiggle of his hips. Vale's cock was straining against his boxers and he peeled them off and kicked them away to join the pile of shed garments.

    Vale tumbled Satoshi onto the bed, still kissing him and tugging at the piercings in his lower lips. Eager fingers found his pierced nipples, and he tugged playfully at the rings. He rubbed his cock against Satoshi's cock, all but purring in delight, and then he let his mouth wander down to nibble at Satoshi's nipples before working his way down until he was crouched between Satoshi's thighs.

  4. Vale nodded. "This man that owned Kansas, he still lives?" The elf did not wait for an answer to that question. "It doesn't matter. I'll prepare for the summoning. There's a devil, a pit fiend of great power, who owes Sand a debt. I'll call that in. If there's anyone who'd be better suited, I can't think of them."

    Vale pulled Satoshi into an embrace, his eyes growing warmer once again. "We'll do this, my love, you and I, and Kansas will be safe. I love you, Satoshi. Can you feel it?" Vale kissed Satoshi, tender but insistent, letting all his love and desire flood his husband. "We can't change the past, but we will make the future safe. It's the best we can do."

    Satoshi sagged forward into Vale's embrace, letting his grief and pain be washed away by Vale's persistent attentions. "You don't know," he said, his voice rough with pain. "You've never seen him like I did. What Takeshi did to him? His uncle did worse." Satoshi broke off, unable to speak any longer.

    "It's alright, my love. You saved him, and you save all of us. Do you know that?" Vale kissed Satoshi again, his kisses growing more heated. "You are our quiet strength. Yuji's our heart, Willow is our future, and Kansas is our innocence, but you are the strength that holds us together."

  5. Vale nodded. "The demon is the safest all around. We can all be at home, visible to the neighbors. Yuji and Willow and Kansas are not involved, and you and I will take care of what needs to be done." Vale's green eyes locked on Satoshi. "You mentioned something interesting, though. What is Takeshi's history with Kansas? It might be possible to do exactly what you'd like, and have Takeshi replay Kansas's memories over and over in his mind, but that will involve a devil, not a demon, and I will have to promise Takeshi's soul to the devil." Vale shrugged, elegant and lethal. "I don't have a problem with that."

    Satoshi nodded thoughtfully. "How would you get Kansas' memories?"

    "The same way I showed you all Evermeet," Vale replied. "I can offer Kansas a peaceful dream, and while he walks in that dream, I can seek out those memories. Once I've seen them, I can share them with the devil so he can use them on Takeshi. Devils are harder to control, but their torture is much more refined and the results could be even more satisfying."

    Vale leaned in and nibbled Satoshi's lip. "Understand this, my love. Takeshi's guilty, by your justice and by mine, and I don't play gently with the guilty. This is what I do, and part of who I am. I'm damned good at taking out the trash." His tongue danced across the piercings. "And why do I find you so incredibly sexy when you share my desire for vengeance, hmm? But first, I need to know what this link is between Takeshi and our Kansas."

  6. Vale looked at Satoshi, and his own eyes were green ice. For an instant, he looked utterly alien to Satoshi, all resemblance to the gentle elf gone. This was the side of Vale his spouses did not see, the side that could kill as easily as drawing a breath.

    "I've been putting together a few ideas. There are some things I need to know, of course." Vale's voice was level, and he radiated calm assurance, nothing that would alarm their other spouses. "Do they have a car of their own? It would be easy enough to arrange an... accident, one that would leave them sufficiently mangled, but alive to suffer. It's not what I would prefer, but then again, if I have to let them live, I can't be seen by them." Vale smiled, his face serenely beautiful despite the lack of warmth. "I'd enjoy looking into their eyes while I watch them die in stages by my hand. I'll admit that to you."

    Satoshi would have spoken, but Vale ran a slim hand through his hair and continued his own musings.

    "Another avenue open to us is to arrange for them to receive a taste of their own poison. I can easily dominate a sufficient number of other thugs, and have them tear those bastards to pieces. I'd release my thugs before they actually kill them, of course. That has a certain justice to it, since it would remove another group of thugs at the same time." Vale turned that eerie smile on Satoshi again. "The beauty of that plan is that I can arrange for you and I to watch, completely invisible to anyone else. All I need to know is their schedule, what they do at night, and I can follow them myself without being seen. The problem is that I'd need a reason to be out for a few nights."

    Vale looked thoughtful for a moment. "And then, although maybe the least satisfying on a personal level, but perhaps the most effective, is that I summon a demon of my world and bind him to my will. He would be instructed to torture them as pleased him, but to leave them maimed and alive. And who would believe a word they said about how it happened? No one here can summon such things." Vale laid an icy hand on Satoshi's cheek. "Of all of us, you have the closest bond to Kansas, and this has wounded you in ways that you have not shared with us. It should be your choice, I think."

  7. Vale had hung back a bit, distracting the children for a moment to give Yuji a chance to speak to Kansas. He could hear everything his spouses said anyway, and the look in his green eyes let Yuji know he was well aware. Vale had paid a little more attention over the past three weeks to things like currency exchange rates, since he was trying to figure out how much money he had after converting the dollars Wench had given him to yen. Vale had also been exploring salaries, since he had gotten Willow to agree to accept the equivalent of a salary from him. What Kansas was offered was about one month's wages for an English teacher, just about what Vale was giving Willow.

    A month's wages. It did not seem adequate to Vale, either, given the phone calls that had disrupted the family night after night, until the number was changed. Then it was cell phones that rang all hours, until everyone had taken to shutting those off the moment they got home. The damage done to the car was just more insult piled on injury as far as Vale was concerned. What had really driven the elf to distraction was the night he had rushed home with Yuji and Satoshi, to find Willow trying to cope with a hysterical Kansas. The imp had fought his husbands with a fury that only fueled Vale's conviction that Satoshi was right, and these thugs needed to pay dearly.

    Now, looking at the utter defeat in the way Kansas had sagged, Vale could feel his own need to act welling up. Satoshi caught Vale's eye, and the look that passed between them was one of complete agreement. Vale could feel Satoshi's anger and dismay, and he sent his husband a strong sense of need, letting Satoshi know he should stay, and not disappear like he had the night Kansas succumbed to the nonstop harassment.

    Vale thought about some of the research he had done already. He had gone shopping with Willow and Aika one day, and had purchased a simple laptop computer and a cell phone of his own. Vale had taken to technology with surprising ease, and was making plans on how to deal with the savages who had assaulted his beloved Kansas. He fully intended to use magic against them, untraceable as it was, but he needed a way to make it look like an accident. He had some ideas already, but there were certain details he wanted to discuss with Satoshi and possibly Yuji. Vale was reluctant to drag Yuji into the planning, though. Yuji was under enough pressure, and was already afraid that the family would be in jeopardy if Vale and Satoshi went after the thugs. Vale had no such trepidation. It was only a matter of deciding what he would do, and when, but Vale was going to extract his own form of justice, the kind he had spent three hundred years perfecting.

    Vale put those thoughts aside for the moment. More pressing was how exhausted Yuji looked, and how defeated all his spouses looked. Vale dipped into his lessons from Ryuu.

    "Yuji-chan, go and sit a bit with Kansas and Willow and the children. Satoshi and I will get dinner ready." Vale pulled Yuji into a very soft kiss, and looked into his eyes. "We're strongest when we're together, my love. Let's not let this break us."

  8. JayDee: So I'm writing tasteful dramatic erotica, huh? I have to work on that! :lol: But, seriously, thank you! I don't think Wraith would mind your scenario one bit. Unfortunately for him, he's set his eye on a sweet young virgin, so... Plan A: deflower Alistair...

    Depending on how the prompts go (and yes, I am tempting fate here!), I may do some of these as flashbacks to get a little hot sweaty mansex in there. Oh, and I love your reviews!

  9. Pittwitch: Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you can enjoy my little snippets even without knowing the background. It means a lot to me!

    Apollo: Thank you! The pace is a little slow, but they'll get there! I'm not sticking entirely to a sequential path when it comes to the game timeline, or I'd have no fun at all! ;)

    FairySlayer: Thank you, m'dear! It is a complicated relationship between Wraith and Alistair, and it's not easy for Wraith to trust, but the demon may have screwed up in reverse here, since Wraith is reaching out instead of turning inward. Stay tuned...

  10. Vale looked at Ryuu, his green eyes bright. "Chichi and mama are very pretty," the elf agreed. "And otooji thinks you're very smart." Vale laughed as Ryuu launched himself at Kansas, delighted to see the smile on the imp's face as he caught Ryuu with his good arm.

    And then Kansas was in Vale's arms, and Vale was dizzy with love as Kansas kissed him thoroughly. "I owe you, Kansas. You showed me how, and I love you, too, always."

    They all sat down to breakfast, chatting amiably about plans for the day, and laughing a little as Kansas charmed his way into a day off from schoolwork. Kansas reached for his chopsticks, but with his right hand in a cast, they were impossible. The imp immediately pouted and complained loudly, and Vale looked up.

    "Kansas, love, you can drink your miso soup, and I'll get you a spoon for the rice." Vale pressed a kiss to the top of Kansas's head as he went into the kitchen, and came back with a spoon.

    "Onii-san, I help," Ryuu offered, looking at Kansas with absolute love in his eyes. It was impossible for Kansas to refuse, and Vale marveled at how like Satoshi Ryuu was, with his open heart and profound kindness. Ryuu stroked Kansas's cheek and gave him a beautiful smile.

    Kansas turned his eyes on Vale. "Isn't there anything you can do?" He lifted the cast, looking as dejected as he could.

    Vale sighed a little. He had several healing potions tucked away with his things, but it would look completely suspicious if Kansas were suddenly healed. Fortunately for Vale, who was feeling slightly uncomfortable, Satoshi interjected quickly.

    "As soon as we can, Kansas. Be patient." Satoshi also stroked Kansas's cheek, and because the imp could not bear to see Satoshi upset again, he subsided.

  11. "Oh, love," Vale sighed. "I wanted to give you what you said you needed, but I'm not very good at being rough." He kissed Satoshi tenderly. "I can be strong for you, but I'm better at this." Vale nibbled on Satoshi's lower lip, stroking his back and reveling in their closeness as he let his love flow outward. "I love to hold you close and feel you against me, and to take my time and show you how much you mean to me. We're learning what we can be, and sometimes we'll get it a little wrong, but it doesn't matter as long as we love each other."

    Vale lifted his head a little, listening. "I think Willow is waking up. We'd better make sure there's tea ready when she comes down." Vale scooped up a giggling Aika and nuzzled her, sending her into peals of laughter. Ryuu just shook his head at their antics.

    "Otooji is very silly sometimes," Ryuu informed Satoshi, and then started giggling himself.

    Satoshi picked up his son, and they all headed into the kitchen to make sure there was plenty of tea for Willow. Satoshi started heating some miso soup for her breakfast while Ryuu got napkins and chopsticks and some bowls. By the time Willow got downstairs, she walked into a scene of happy domesticity, two of her husbands and her children smiling and chattering.

  12. Vale looked at Yuji, willing himself not to start laughing with Satoshi. Then he turned back to Ryuu. "Well, you can still call me otooji, can't you? If it makes it easier?" Vale smiled at Ryuu. "The important thing is that we are all a family, right? And we all love each other." Vale held out an arm, and scooped Ryuu up to cuddle him between the three men. "I love your chichi, and your tousan, and your onii-san and your mama, and I love you and Aika. This is good, right?"

    Vale looked at Satoshi over Ryuu's head, his eyes warm. He returned that wonderful wave of love, singling out how he felt about Satoshi and letting all of it show just for his green haired husband. Then Vale did the same thing for Yuji,marveling at how much he loved both men, and yet how different each sweet emotion could feel. His love for Kansas, and for Willow, were also unique, and he took comfort in that. Vale found himself wondering what it would be like when he and Willow had a child. He suppressed a laugh thinking that it would not take a paternity test to know if he was the father, especially if the child had pointed ears.

    Vale's amusement flowed over onto his husbands, and he shifted Ryuu to Yuji's arms. "If I'm not mistaken, your sister needs some attention upstairs." Vale went and scooped up Aika. "Come, my lady, let's get you smelling sweetly again, shall we?" He laughed when her arms went around his neck.

  13. Vale looked at Satoshi for a long moment, feeling what lay beneath the words, and then he nodded. "Yes. I can do it, and make sure it's never traced back to us. It's what I do best." The gentle elf that was their husband was gone, replaced for a moment by the battle mage who had served his Guild for three centuries. "They'll live, and regret every day that they do. if it happens too soon, though, it's suspicious. A week or so, and then I'll take care of it."

    Satoshi nodded, satisfied, and Vale leaned in and kissed him, and then turned to Yuji. "I won't let us be harmed, love, I swear it, but I can't bear thinking they might hurt Kansas again. They're already going to be looking for retribution, because of the police. I'm not giving them a chance. Until then, though, Kansas stays home. Have his professors send his work home over the computer, tell them he's still not ready for the strain of moving around all day."

    Vale looked over at the tatami room, and all of the sudden, the gentle elf was back. "Ryuu is teaching me Japanese," he told Satoshi, his face radiant. "I'm his student, and he thinks I'm silly but I try hard." The love in Vale's voice made Satoshi smile. "Oh, I would love it if we could all visit my home. My sister would adore the children. She has just one of her own, a son who's, gods, fifty years older than me. "

    Vale looked at his husbands, realizing something. "I know you saw it, Satoshi, but did everyone see Evermeet?" When Yuji nodded, Vale grinned. "I didn't know if it would work, but it does!" He sounded elated.

    "What worked?" Yuji asked, unable to hold back a smile.

    "When we take reverie, sometimes we share our dreams. I was pretty sure I could do it with Kansas, but I was thrilled when you seemed to see it, Satoshi." Vale's eyes were bright. "What I didn't know was if I could share it with all of you at once, and it seems like I can. That means I can replace Kansas's nightmares with gentler things, and you can all be with us. It's perfect!" He threw his arms around his husbands. "Or any of us, when we feel like we need to share something or just need the comfort." He gave them both a rueful look. "I keep forgetting that a lot of what I am or can do is strange to you, as strange as cars and trains are to me. Just ask if I'm being obscure, okay? I have no secrets from you, either of you, and I don't want any more than this one from Willow and Kansas."

  14. FairySlayer:

    Lunging with his sword... twice in one flashfic, how sweet. Actually that demon deserves thanks for creating such a real and lovely scene between the two men, especially after such wonderful friendship had blossomed between the men. For a quick scene you did a terrific job describing it and making it real.

    Of course, "taking away" that friendship that he valued so much is more than good enough reason to send the demon to the kind of Hell even Hell Dwellers fear. (Probably being stuck in a theater that plays only Twilight movies.)

    Thank you! I figured since Alistair is slow on th euptake, Wraith had to have some action. And gods, a theater playing nothing but Twilight movies? That's hell anywhere!!! :rofl:


    Ah, what a twist!

    The sex scene was beautiful. It was emotional without being corny. Well done! :)

    Thank you! I'm glad it worked. :D

  15. "Ah, gods, Yuji," Vale murmured, leaning in to steal a kiss from his husband. "I thought we lost him. Thank you, love." He gave Yuji a radiant smile and turned to look at the children. Ryuu was spooning in his miso soup happily, and Vale dipped up another spoon of soup for Aika, holding to her lips.

    "I couldn't reach him for a moment. I don't think I've ever been so afraid in my life." Vale chuckled a little, his eyes growing distant as he reached out to touch his sleeping spouses, all still curled around each other and at peace. "I've faced demon lords and not turned a hair, but that pain. I don't understand, love. What does he blame himself for?"

    Vale ran a slim hand through his tousled hair. "He wanted pain, and I tried, but it's not really in me to give him that. I felt like I was punishing him for being him." Vale looked at Yuji, his eyes dark as he remembered. "All I had left was love, and showing him a place where no one would hurt him, or Kansas."

    Vale reached up and touched his pendant, and then touched Yuji's. "You're all a part of my house now. Evermeet is as much your home as mine." He grinned as he realized Yuji hadn't known what that place was. "That's my homeland, one of the few remaining elven cities. Sand is from another, Evereska. Then there's Suldanessallar, hidden in the Tethir Forest, and Myth Drannor, once a ruin and now being reclaimed."

    Vale's grin widened. "Did you hear the music? It's everywhere in Evermeet. You'd love that, and you'd be honored there. Satoshi, too. And from there, I can take Kansas to meet Adalon, the silver dragon I know."

    Vale let the words hang for a moment, savoring all the good memories and joy they invoked. "So what do we do now, love? It's so frustrating for me, because I don't know how your justice works. I know Kansas was provoked beyond endurance, because I felt it. He may have struck first, but they left him no choice. And yet, I can't tell anyone that, because how would I know? I wasn't there yet." Vale sighed, and fed Aika the last of her soup, kissing her soft hair. "By the time I was seen, he was down and they were beating him, so that's all I can say." He lifted his chin defiantly. "I won't let him be hurt again, Yuji."

  16. "No," Vale murmured, reaching up and undoing the restraints with one hand while he held on to Satoshi tightly with the other. "No, my love, please... we are not alone anymore, none of us. Lean on me and take strength from me." Vale ruthlessly shoved his own anguish to the side, and instead called on the fierce love he had for his spouses, letting that flood over Satoshi as he turned his husband to face him, letting Satoshi bury his face in Vale's strong shoulder.

    "Kansas needs us all, even our pain," Vale said, nuzzling his face in Satoshi's hair. "Don't give up on yourself. He needs you. I need you." Vale's voice broke, and his breath hitched. "I need you, Satoshi. Don't leave me. I can be strong enough with you by my side, but I can't do this without you." He felt the burn of his own tears, and he tightened his hold on Satoshi. "Please, my love, my husband, my soulmate."

    Vale could only think of one thing to try. He focused all of his will and created a mental image of his homeland, Evermeet, green with forests and at the heart of them a city unlike any other. Graceful towers that looked almost too fragile to stand soared above streets that wove gracefully around plazas and fountains. There was music everywhere, from the soft lilt of the priests in their temples, to the merry laughter of children playing among the columns of elegant homes. "One day, my love, you will walk there with me, and I will show you such things as you have never seen, and your music will make the children clap and dance for you. And Kansas will meet a dragon, and such a beautiful dragon is Adalon. Just don't leave me..."

  17. Vale released Satoshi's chest, sliding his hand up to wrap around his husband's throat. He wrapped his fingers firmly around it, tightening his grip carefuly, and constricted Satoshi's breathing just enough to make the man's eyes close in complete ecstasy.

    Satoshi howled as Vale squeezed, and his balls drew up, ropes of cum erupting to coat Vale's hand and spatter against the sheets. His ass clamped so tightly on Vale's cock that the elf howled as well, burying himself all the way in that velvet vise, his own release almost painful in its intensity.

    Vale released Satoshi's throat, catching him around the chest again as he thrust a few more times, shuddering with the force of his orgasm. "Fuck, Satoshi," the elf gasped, and nipped at the back of his husband's neck. He eased Satoshi onto the mattress, still buried in his husband's ass, and Val wrapped himself around Satoshi's back and held him tightly.

  18. Vale could feel the heat pouring off Satoshi, and he knew that his husband needed this more than any soft caresses, and so he pulled back out of that hot and wanton mouth, growling a little once again. Satoshi's eyes begged for more, and Vale moved to one side and tugged on Satoshi to turn him around. He watched as his husband gripped the headboard, knuckles white with desire and anticipation.

    Vale moved behind Satoshi, grabbing his hips and pulling him back so that his sweet ass bumped Vale's aching cock. Satoshi let out a wanton moan, and Vale slapped him hard, watching his ass turn red. Vale leaned over Satoshi's back and bit him again on the back of the shoulder, reaching around him to yank on his nipples rings. Then the elf straightened up and grabbed Satoshi's hips, gripping tightly, and he rubbed the weeping head of his cock against the puckered opening.

    "Say it," Vale growled, pressing a little.

    "Fuck me," Satoshi moaned, trying to press back against Vale, but the elf's grip held him firmly in place. "Hard, I want it hard..."

    Someplace very deep inside, Vale flinched, but he could not refuse Satoshi, and so he thrust himself into his husband, burying himself up to the balls in that tight ass. Satoshi screamed at the abrupt intrusion, but he shoved himself back onto Vale's cock at the same time, relishing the oblivion provided by the pain.

    Vale set a hard pace, slamming himself into Satoshi so hard that his balls ached from slapping against his husband's ass. He changed angles to pummel Satoshi's prostate, reaching around to pull the green haired man upright so Vale could play with his nipple rings with one hand, while the other wrapped around Satoshi's chest and held him tightly. Vale's reluctance to inflict pain had the effect of slowing down his release, and he just kept pounding Satoshi relentlessly until he finally felt the tingling in his balls as they drew up. Vale sank his teeth into Satoshi's shoulder, and wrapped agile fingers around his husband's cock, stroking it firmly in time with his own rough thrusts.

  19. "My love, this is what you need?" Vale asked softly. Satoshi's wet eyes and blush answered the elf, and his own green eyes fluttered shut for a moment as he took a deep breath. Vale played certain games with Sand, explored his own thresholds with his elven bondmate, but Vale was not adept at causing pain. Still, he loved Satoshi so very much, and he wanted to ease his husband's pain, and if this was the way...

    Vale growled a little, deep in his throat, and straddled Satoshi, moving with a swift and predatory grace. He leaned forward and pulled Satoshi's hands above his head, closing the restraints around his wrists. As he did, he swooped in and bit Satoshi's shoulder hard, not quite enough to break the skin, but hard enough to bruise. Satoshi moaned, and bucked his hips, grinding himself against Vale, the pain of the bite already pulling him into the place he needed to be. Vale's fingers seized the rings in Satoshi's nipples, and he pulled and twisted them sharply, another growl escaping the elf, and he nipped and tugged at Satoshi's lower lip.

    "Mine," Vale told Satoshi, his green eyes glittering, and he pulled on the chain to raise Satoshi up. Propping his husband against the headboard, Vale knelt in front of him, long thighs taut as he brought his cock to Satoshi's small mouth. One slim hand fisted in Satoshi's hair, and the other twisted an ear sharply. "I want your mouth. Let me fuck your mouth."

    Satoshi's lips parted eagerly, and Vale pressed past those delicious lips into the warm, wet cavern of his husband's mouth. The ball stud through Satoshi's tongue played along the underside of Vale's cock, delving into the slit and pressing against the cleft underneath, and Vale moaned, pressing himself in further until his cock bumped the back of Satoshi's throat. "Fuck, Satoshi, you feel so good," Vale groaned, twisting a nipple ring savagely, one hand still buried in Satoshi's hair.

  20. As he listened to Yuji's words, Vale's heart sank. It was as bad as it could possibly be, and this was only going to push Kansas further down that dark path, where he saw himself deserving nothing more than pain. For the briefest of moments, Vale wanted to pull up his own shields to protect his spouses from the emotions raging through him, but he had promised Kansas that he would not hide.

    "Don't worry about the police questioning me. I can deal with that." Vale was confident of his ability to pull off any necessary interview, and his confidence was apparent. He did not tell Yuji that Wench had explained certain aspects of her world to him, the web of information that could be accessed electronically. Vale had reached out and found that it worked very much like the Weave, the web of magic that he tapped. It had been simple enough for Vale to reach into the Web, and make small adjustments that would record the information he had placed on his identification. He was not a senior mage of the Many-Starred Cloaks and a member of its governing Council for nothing, His skills in subterfuge were superior. The police could check all they wanted, and he would appear to be exactly what he claimed to be.

    Yuji's kiss when he left to watch television with Willow and the children was so lost, so forlorn that Vale felt a physical ache. He knew that Yuji would come to him if there was any way the elf could help, though, and Willow needed Yuji with her and the children right now. The ache turned into a wave of love for his spouses as he watched Yuji leave. They would get through this by being united. Kansas was right.

    Vale looked at Satoshi, still perched on the counter, and Satoshi tugged Vale to him, kissing him with a desperate need. Vale returned his kiss with equal hunger, needing the feel of his husband in his arms, and the taste of his on his lips. When Satoshi pushed him away to hop down, Vale was almost dizzy with desire for this gentle man of his. Satoshi headed for the stairs, and Vale followed, nodding to Yuji and Willow as he began to climb the stairs.

    Satoshi was already waiting at the top of the stairs when Vale got there, and Vale immediately pulled the green haired man into a searing kiss, licking at his pierced lower lip with raw hunger. The elf did not bother to hide the need he felt, and he moaned into the kiss with abandon. Still kissing, they half stumbled into Satoshi's room, Vale's fingers already unbuttoning his husband's shirt. Vale had half expected Kansas to be there, but Satoshi answered the elf's unspoken inquiry with a jerk of his head in the direction of the master bedroom.

    "We're all going to wind up int there again tonight anyway," Satoshi mumbled, tugging off Vale's shirt and tank top.

    Vale toed off his socks as he finished removing Satoshi's shirt, bending in to nibble his husband's neck as he pulled away Satoshi's undershirt. Neither of them could wait, and they broke apart long enough to lose their pants and boxers, and then Satoshi was on Vale again, grinding his cock against Vale as Vale's fingers found his pierced nipples and tugged on the rings.

    "Tell me," Vale murmured, pulling Satoshi toward the bed. "Tell me what you need. Let me love you." His green eyes were gentle as he pulled Satoshi into another hungry kiss.

  21. Yuji, Satoshi and Willow were dressed and ready to leave with Kansas, who looked slightly nervous. Vale walked them all to the foyer, and kissed them goodbye.

    "Do you remember where the park is?" Willow asked, smoothing her jacket. "Ryuu and Aika could use the fresh air."

    Vale nodded. "I remember, love, and I'll make sure they're dressed warmly enough." He smiled as Willow gave his a dubious look. Vale did not feel cold or heat as quickly, and had been more than comfortable in just his wool jacket. It was entirely another thing for the children, however, and Willow had shown Vale three times where she had their warm coats. "We'll be fine. Go, and hurry back."

    His four spouses left, and Vale turned to look at the children. "What do you think, Ryuu? Shall we take Aika to the park?" Vale picked Aika up and balanced her on his hip, an action that was increasingly more natural to the elf. "I think we'll pack a little fruit and maybe some rice crackers to take with us, in case we get hungry while we're at the park."

    Vale went into the kitchen, and packed a bento box with snacks, and then filled a thermos flask with tea.

    "Now, I think we'll change our love song's diaper, and put on our coats, and go out to the park." Ryuu scampered up the stairs ahead of Vale, and ran into his room to get his coat and his dragon. Vale turned into the nursery and changed a giggling, wiggly Aika, and then redressed her and put her warm coat and hat on.

    Vale tucked Aika into her stroller, and put the bento box and thermos into the carrying pouch on the back. Ryuu had done up his own coat already, and pulled on his hat, and Vale beamed at him. "Look at you, my little dragon! You're very smart, aren't you?"

    "Otooji, I am big gyaruson," Ryuu said proudly. When Vale looked briefly confused, Ryuu pointed to Aika. "Aika is shoujo. I is gyaruson. Otooji is gyaruson," Ryuu explained, and Vale smiled happily.

    "Thank you, Ryuu, I understand now," Vale grinned. He tucked Aika in her stroller, making sure the straps were securely fastened, and they left the house to go to the park.

    Ryuu kept up a constant stream of chatter along the way, mixing English and Japanese with happy abandon as he pointed out everything they passed. Aika let out happy shrieks and giggled at Ryuu's antics, and Vale felt some of his anxiety lessening. While he knew he would have been no help today, it did not make it any easier to be waiting to find out how everything went. Vale had no idea how justice worked here, although as captain of the Cloaktower Guard at home, he would have been the one administering justice. Still, it was hard to remain anxious around the children. Their enthusiasm for everything was infectious, and Aika even managed a few steps at the park.

    One or two people who recognized Ryuu and Aika stopped to greet them, and Ryuu proudly introduced Vale as his otooji. Vale bowed politely and explained that he was Willow's relative, and was visiting, and any doubts they may have had were settled when Aika threw her small arms around Vale's neck and cuddled with him. After that, they had their snacks, and Aika insisted on feeding Vale again. Aika was sleepy after eating and snuggled close to Vale, her beautiful eyes, so like Yuji's, starting to close.

    Vale picked Aika up and kissed her soft head. "Maybe we should go home, and I can make some lunch for us. I think our Aika needs her nap, don't you, Ryuu?"

    "Hai, otooji," Ryuu said, pleased to be consulted.

    Back at home, Vale made rice and found some cooked fish that he warmed for lunch. Then he tucked both children in for naps after changing Aika again, and settled back to wait, reading his book of kanji to try and distract himself.

  22. Vale held on to Kansas gently. "You're right. You've all been brave enough to share yourselves with me fully, and you deserve the same from me. If I'm upset, or hurt, I'll share it." He smiled into the embrace. "You're wiser than I am, Kansas. But the thing I did, raising my shields? You're the only one who would have noticed this early in the bond. Eventually, they'll all be able to tell."

    Vale walked back to the bedroom to dress, his arm still around Kansas. As Vale dressed, he talked. "I'm going to teach you how to do what I did, though. Not so you can hide from us, but your gift makes you vulnerable to things outside of us. Those dark places that call you, the people you hear? The shields will help keep that out."

    "But they'll keep you out, too," Kansas said, his face tilted up to watch Vale.

    "We'll all know why, though, and we'll know to be there to help. When you lower them, you'll feel us again and you'll know how much we love you." Vale gave Kansas his radiant smile. "Ryuu and Aika did a good job," he said, gesturing at the colorful bandages on Kansas's good arm. "Ryuu thinks we're all idiots for not doing it ourselves." He looked at Kansas, letting his love wash over him.

    "I'll never leave you, Kansas. You can't lose me," Vale told him. "I promise you that, on my life. Now, let's go have some breakfast. All I've had so far was some banana that Aika fed her otooji."

  23. The three adults just held each other for a moment as Ryuu went back into the living room with the first aid kit to let Kansas choose a colorful bandaid. Vale nuzzled his cheek against Yuji and Willow. "We'll do it together, my loves," he murmured. "Together we're strong."

    Willow poured herself more tea, grateful that Yuji had asked Vale to make it. Mornings were hard enough, but without tea, they were impossible.

    Vale looked at Yuji. "I'm not going to be any help today with what you need to do. I don't know enough about the proper procedures, and I don't speak Japanese yet. I'll take care of the kids at home." He smiled at them, letting them know he did not mind, and that part of being a family was taking care of what you could do best. "Just give me a moment to shower and get dressed." He gave them both a kiss, and hurried upstairs to collect clothing and shower.

    Once under the water, Vale carefully raised his mental shields so he would not leak his emotions to his spouses, and he let his tears fall. Just seeing Kansas, so battered, and with the cast on his hand, made Vale want to punish his attackers in painful ways. There was also the guilt of knowing that his anger had made it harder for his beloved imp. He had frightened Kansas, not only with the depth of his rage, but with something deeper, and Vale was afraid to ask about it. He felt like he would only blunder about and make it worse, again. He was not like Sand. He could not keep a cool head and deal with the immediate needs, and then see what else needed doing. Vale plunged headlong into things, much as he had plunged headlong into this extraordinary marriage. But this, this was perhaps the best plunge he had ever taken. He shuddered a bit, washed his face again, and dropped his shields, calmer and ready to cope with whatever would happen.

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