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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale never looked away from Yuji as his lover spoke those words, telling Vale what place the elf had in his heart and in his life. When Yuji slipped the ring on his finger, Vale thought his heart would burst from the joy he felt. "Yes, Yuji. I accept your ring and your love with all my heart."

    Vale's voice was steady despite the slight trembling of his hands. "Yuji, the last thing I expected when I went on that vacation was to fall in love, but from the moment I looked into your eyes, sitting next to you at the piano, I was lost to something that was so right, so perfect. My heart yearned for you, and I knew then and there that I would never be complete without you." Vale smiled, even though his eyes were glittering with unshed tears. "When you told me that you loved me, I thought I would shatter. It was a dream, and one I thought had to end. But I can't face life without you, and so I'm here, and I offer you all that I am, my heart, my soul, my life. You complete me, and make me whole, and for as long as you want me, I am yours, if you will have me." Vale slipped his ring on Yuji's right ring finger, his smile incandescent. "I am yours."

    Vale leaned forward, and kissed Yuji, his lips parting as he offered himself to his lover, his beloved, his husband. Somewhere, very faintly, he felt an answering echo of joy, and his hand slid up to caress Yuji's cheek, tears of joy spilling unheeded past golden lashes.

  2. Vale took a deep breath, the fluttering in his stomach getting just a little worse until he remembered how nervous Yuji had been just a few moments ago. Vale looked at his lover, resplendent in his gorgeous blue kimono, his hakama perfectly pleated, and he could not help the smile that broke out. He crossed the room to stand in front of Yuji, his elegant silk robe swaying gently as he all but glided across the floor. He gave a quick pat to his sash, feeling the small bulge of the rings he had purchased that morning. He was regretting not buying more rings for the others, but it could not be helped now. The jeweler had promised Vale to stock more of that ring in the sizes that Yuji purchased, so he would just have to go back soon.

    "Yuji," Vale murmured, quelling his errant thoughts that seemed determined to distract him. Now was the time to concentrate on this union, and Vale held himself tall and proud. "I'm ready." And he was, ready to commit himself to Yuji, and to all his new family. Even Kansas looked pleased, and Vale was happiest of all about that. He worried about the fragile imp, and yet Kansas seemed to have decided he was Vale's protector, at least from the social blunders that threatened the elf at every turn. Vale's smile grew steadily more radiant as he relaxed, the fluttering in his stomach gone and joy filling him instead.

    "I'm ready, love," Vale said again, a little more firmly.

  3. Vale was more than happy to help Willow with her hair, having combed Sand's hair often enough. He subdued her gorgeous light auburn hair, loving the feel of it across his fingers as he brushed it carefully. "You look beautiful, Willow," Vale murmured, drinking in the scent of her. He deftly braided her hair at the temples, weaving the braids back to keep the hair from her face while leaving the greater part of her hair free to tumble down her back to her waist. He dared to sneak a kiss on her lips, very soft and chaste, his green eyes locked on hers.

    Satoshi was down next, followed by Kansas, and Vale's heart swelled when he saw how the imps had dressed so carefully. The extra metal ring and the larger spike in Satoshi's lower lip made Vale want to leap up and plunder that sweet mouth, but he held himself in check, contenting himself with the same soft kiss as he had given Willow. The heat in his green eyes told another story, though. Kansas also got a tender kiss, and Vale held his eyes for a moment longer, hoping that his own growing love for the imp shone through.

    Satoshi began to pour white wine for everyone, and Vale took a glass as well. The trays of food were beautifully arranged, and Vale was struck anew by the similarities between Yuji's world and his own elven culture. The care with which the food was arranged would not have been out of place in an elven home, and Vale was nearly overwhelmed by the rightness of all this.

    Now all that was left was to wait for Yuji to come down. Vale sat beside Willow and Satoshi, and Kansas perched on Vale's knee, toying with the fringe of the elf's sash.

  4. Vale watched Kansas as he jogged away. Vale felt such an ache in his chest, and he wanted nothing more than to hold Kansas and do what he could to take away his pain. Vale knew he could extend that bond to Kansas, easily, and he would do it willingly. It would be worth it to see Kansas at peace.

    Vale sighed. This was not the right time, though. Kansas needed to be ready to fully open up to Vale, and although he was close, it was going to take more than holding hands or talking about Adalon to make Kansas trust Vale. The bond required absolute trust, and Vale could only hope that it would come soon.

    But in the meantime, there was a man downstairs waiting for him, and a union to be formed. It was the first step in becoming a part of this family, and Vale was eager to take it. He took a deep breath, smoothed his robe, and padded downstairs to find Kansas. The imp was in the kitchen, washing his bento box, and Vale slipped up behind him to plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

    "When you think you can trust me enough, we'll bond, too. I promise," Vale whispered. "That's between you and me, though, just for us, if you want it. When you want it."

    Vale did not wait for an answer. The imp needed time still, and that was one thing Vale definitely had.

  5. Vale's eyes had brightened at Kansas's description of his own union with Yuji. Vale had been rather nervous that it would involve some sort of ceremony that he did not know. But love and making love? That, he could do, all night long.

    When Kansas asked about Sand, though, Vale looked a bit startled.

    "Well, we're joined, but we haven't had a formal ceremony yet." Vale chuckled. "It's a little strange, but when elves want to, we can form a bond that actually joins two souls together. We're always faintly aware of the other, and we can feel each other's strong emotions. Sand and I are joined." Vale stood up and held his hand out to Kansas. "Among elves, that's recognized as a marriage. But Sand's mother is a priestess of our chief god, and she wants us to have a formal joining ceremony, complete with prayers at the temple, lots and lots of guests, and days of feasting." Vale snickered a little. "Sand's a moon elf, and they like to say sun elves are tradition bound, but when we joined, it was by the side of a pond, in a swamp called the Mere of Dead Men, just the two of us, and we screwed like we'd die if we stopped. That's good enough for me. We're married, but this is my first ceremony."

    Kansas looked relieved to find out that Vale was really married to his moon elf lover. Vale took a deep breath.

    "I took off my ring when we went on the vacation, too," Vale said, very softly. "I wasn't sure if I should put it back on or not."

    "You have to," Kansas said, still a little concerned.

    Vale nodded, trusting the imp. He dug out a small pouch and took out a simple gold band that he slid onto the forefinger of his left hand.

    "I'm ready. Let's go get this union going, okay?" Vale said, holding out his newly decorated hand to Kansas. He tucked the pouch, still holding the rings he had bought earlier, in his sash. "Is it bad to hope we end up in the tatami room?"

  6. Vale took the soda bottle for Kansas so the imp could eat, and led him to the spare bedroom where his clothes were. "Do you think Yuji would like it if I wore proper elven clothing tonight?" The elf rummaged among the things hanging in the closet, and retrieved a bag. "Yuji asked me once what I wore at home. This isn't everyday clothing, though. This is festival clothing."

    Vale opened the bag and pulled out several silk garments. He looked at Kansas for a moment, and then grinned and pulled out another garment. Kansas was eating deftly with the chopsticks, curled up on the floor.

    "What kind of festivals?" the imp asked, watching Vale as he started to undress.

    "Oh, we have festivals for the change of seasons, and to remember major events, like everywhere, I think. But we'd also dress up like this for things like weddings." Vale looked at Kansas, his cheeks pink. "I have suits, but I thought this might be nicer."

    Vale dressed quickly, in long loose white silk trousers, and a long silk tunic that matched. Over that, he tied a a wide bright green silk sash that hung down in front and ended in a flurry of delicate fringe. A sleeveless robe in dark green went over it all, hanging to Vale's ankles and brushing his bare feet.

    "Now I need to braid my hair. Sand usually helps with this. Can you do braids?" Vale asked.

    Kansas grinned, and jumped up. "I love to braid. What do I do?"

    Between Vale and Kansas, they managed to make two thin braids at each temple. Vale fastened small jade beads at the ends and then joined one braid from each side at the ends, to hang behind his head. The second set of braids were pulled back past Vale's ears and joined at the crown of his head, the ends falling within the "v" formed by the first braids.

    "We call these wedding braids," Vale confided. "I'm nervous now. Do I look alright? Will Yuji like me like this?" He gave the imp a plaintive look. "This is my first union..."

  7. Vale did his best to remain as subdued as possible during dinner. Although Kiyoshi seemed friendly, his wife Haruka was distant and cold. Kansas's disappearance also bothered Vale, since the imp wasn't even mentioned over dinner. Vale decided he would do his best to avoid Haruka in future, although he was careful to behave with respect toward her. Willow was in a wonderful mood, and Vale relaxed as everything seemed to go smoothly during the meal.

    Finally, the meal was over, and Vale joined the family in saying goodbye to Ryuu and Aika, who would be spending the night with Kiyoshi and Haruka. At least the cold woman seemed affectionate with the children, and Vale was delighted when Aika tugged his hair as he leaned down to kiss her goodnight. He touched her cheek with one finger, his smile radiant, and gently freed his hair, careful to keep his ears covered. As the door closed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Willow even grumbled a little about Haruka.

    Kansas crept down the stairs, looking around cautiously, and asked, "Are they gone?"

    Vale held out his arms. "They're gone, Kansas." Vale did not dare ask why Kansas had hidden. This was a night for celebration, and what he wanted most of all was for Kansas to just rejoin them and smile again. Vale loved the imp's smile, and he came to a sudden decision. "Kansas, do you think you could help me with something upstairs? It's sort of a surprise." He gave the imp his best radiant smile.

  8. Vale looked over at Yuji and grinned. "The movie was very interesting," the elf replied, his eyes bright with mischief. "I had no idea that it would be quite so stimulating." Vale slipped a hand in his jeans pocket, adjusting himself slightly to relieve the pressure of the tight denim. He was quite glad he had decided to wear the boxers this morning. "How do they make all those things happen? It's almost like magic!" Vale laughed, delighted. "Oh, but we had better get home. Willow will be waiting for us."

    Vale was delighted to try the subway again, feeling much more like an old hand as he navigated the fare gate and waited on the platform with his family, not even twitching when the train pulled into the gleaming station. They were not able to get seats this time, but Vale enjoyed holding on to the metal handles, his natural elven grace making it easy. Kansas decided it was more fun to hang on to Vale's jacket than to the pole, and even Yuji had to smile at the way the imp clung to the taller elf. They switched again at the Shinjuku station for the train the rest of the way home, and Vale was elated when Kansas decided to hold hands with him all the way from the station.

  9. Vale went slightly wide-eyed as Satoshi lifted his jacket enough for Vale to catch a glimpse of Kansas, cheeks hollowed, bobbing gently up and down on Satoshi's cock. Vale was not even aware of shifting to low light vision until he realized he could see the blue streaks in Kansas's black hair as clearly as if they were standing outside in the light.

    Yuji obviously knew what was going on, or would have if he had taken his eyes off the screen. Vale wondered briefly if Yuji was so intently focused because he wanted to remain unaware of what the imps were up to. Still, there was such an innocent sensuality to them both, Kansas giving Satoshi pleasure because he wanted to, not because he was expected to. Vale laid his hand over Satoshi's hand, clenched on his thigh, and twined his fingers through Satoshi's fingers, squeezing just enough to let Satoshi know he shared the moment. Vale briefly regretted that he could not cast the same spells as a bard or a cleric, or he would have dropped a zone of silence over his lovers, but Satoshi appeared to be well able to control his response.

    Truthfully, Vale found himself hardening as he snuck sidelong glances at the gently moving jacket. Unfortunately, he was far too visible, tall and blond, and too many people had already taken notice of the foreigner. He could have rendered them all invisible, but a sudden disappearance would draw as much attention as if he leaned over and plundered Satoshi's sweet mouth like he wanted to do.

    Frustrated, and amused at himself for being so, Vale shifted a little in his seat to ease the pressure on his cock and clung to Satoshi's hand until he felt a powerful squeeze on his thigh. Satoshi's eyes were closed, and he was biting down on his piercings as he breathed as steadily as he could through his nose. Vale leaned over and snuck in a kiss, his tongue dancing over the piercings as he nibbled on Satoshi's lower lip, and he heard the barest hint of a giggle from under the jacket. Vale broke the kiss and sat upright again, eyes on the screen, and he squeezed Satoshi's hand again, a grin on his lips.

  10. Vale grinned at Yuji when Yuji tapped his chin to let the elf know he was gaping. The darkness of the cinema seemed to be purposeful, and Vale did not shift to low light vision, instead settling more comfortably into the seat and nibbling on a piece of popcorn. The soda tickled his nose with its bubbles, and tasted very sweet, and the images on the screen were utterly engrossing. The imps were both rapt, staring at the screen as they cuddled under Satoshi's jacket.

    Vale was immediately swept into the movie. He had always enjoyed plays and other similar entertainment, but this was truly a spectacle. There were all sorts of things happening that could only have been magic, and Vale was mildly puzzled, since he had not thought magic was used here. However, it was done, though, it was marvelous. Satoshi had explained the idea behind a horror film to Vale, and Vale had to admit that parts of the film so far were certainly alarming. He snuck a sidelong look at Yuji, who also seemed focused on the movie.

    Vale nibbled some more popcorn, feeling more than content. He planned on taking Yuji's advice about helping Willow with the children, and he was pleased that Yuji had seen and suggested the journals for Willow's writing. His rings were tucked safely in his pocket, and so far, he had not made any terrible blunders in his first venture out into Tokyo. The imps were happy, Yuji looked relaxed, and Vale sighed with pleasure. He turned his full attention to the screen, and sat as wide-eyed as a child until the intermission.

  11. Vale looked at Yuji, his green eyes very bright. The elf understood Yuji clearly, and knew that tonight would be just for their union. The others would offer their rings only when they were ready, and then Vale would buy his ring for them as well. Vale waited quietly as the salesman attended to Yuji, and when the salesman turned to the elf, he bowed as he had seen Yuji do.

    "If I could please see slim bands in platinum?" Vale asked softly. He looked at the trays the salesman set out, and his eyes lit up when he saw a slender, beautifully engraved band. It was discreet, not at all flashy, and Vale decided it was perfect. He shot a sidelong look at Yuji, and saw the faint hint of a smile on his lover's face. It was different enough to make it uniquely Vale's symbol, but simple enough not to detract from the elegant trio of bands Yuji already wore.

    "I will need two of these, please," Vale told the salesman. "One in my size and one in his." Vale bowed his head in Yuji's direction, hoping that was polite. He had noticed a great deal of bowing as they had traveled here. It was actually somewhat comforting, since elves often bowed to show respect as well. Yuji seemed relaxed enough, so Vale relaxed as well. The salesman handed him a slip of paper that had a number on it, and Vale carefully counted out the right amount of paper money from his billfold. He smiled radiantly and bowed again as he took his purchase and tucked it away in an inner pocket.

    Kansas had been squirming a bit as he stood close to Vale, and Vale grinned at him as he leaned down. Putting his mouth right by Kansas's ear, Vale whispered, "What's a movie?" Kansas started to giggle, his pearly teeth gleaming as he laughed at the elf. As they left the counter, Kansas was describing movies to Vale is a tumble of excited words.

    "There are a couple of things I think I should get," Vale told Yuji. "I'd like to buy that book, and maybe a robe like Satoshi's." Vale flashed his other lover a quick grin, and Satoshi pinked slightly. "And then maybe we could see a movie?" Kansas was still being uninhibited, and he gave Vale's hand a squeeze to show his approval of such a wise choice.

    Vale asked Satoshi to help him choose a robe, and he wound up with a handsome terrycloth robe in fine white cotton, perfect for wrapping himself up after a shower or bath. After all, he could not go running around the house in just a towel.

    Yuji showed him where he could find books, and helped Vale to find a beginner's guide to kanji, aimed at foreigners who were living in Japan. Vale found the bookstore section more than enthralling. The idea that so many books were so easily available enchanted the elf, and he wandered a bit, stroking book spines with a dreamy expression until Kansas tugged on his hand and mouthed, "Movie?" with such a plaintive expression that Vale laughed and nodded.

    "I think I'm done shopping, Yuji, unless I should get something for Willow, to apologize for this morning?" Vale looked at Yuji expectantly, his eyes bright with happiness.

  12. The four men took the train to the Shinjuku station, and switched there for the subway to Shibuya. Vale's green eyes were wide as they purchased tickets, and then waited on the platform. By following Yuji and Satoshi's example, Vale had been able to navigate the fare gate with a minimum of difficulty, although Kansas was grinning a little at the elf's expression of wonder. Vale was quietly fascinated by the subway, and kept running his fingers lightly over the metal and tile surfaces, and yelped with laughter on the escalator. Everything was bright and immaculate, with colorful posters covered in symbols and kanji.

    "What do these tell?" Vale asked, his voice soft. He was trying very hard not to embarrass his family, since they were not the only ones in the station, and everyone else seemed intent on ignoring the four men. Vale supposed that his height and long blond hair were causing most of the sidelong looks. He had chosen what seemed to be a sedate enough outfit, wearing black jeans, black Western boots, a white tank top, a green shirt that matched his eyes, and his black wool jacket.

    "They're maps and information," Yuji informed him just as quietly.

    Vale studied the lettering. The elven script he used bore as little resemblance to the letters in books Wench had, and yet he had learned to read her books. He turned back to Yuji, his expression thoughtful.

    "Is there a book we can buy that will teach me these symbols?" Vale asked. He looked pleased when Yuji nodded, amused by the elf's boundless curiosity. Vale had mastered enough languages for his own arcane work, and Sand knew even more. He was sure he could handle this writing as well.

    The train startled Vale badly when it arrived, but he managed not to do more than stiffen, his fingers moving slightly in a quick and silent spell of protection from evil. Since the train appeared largely unaffected by his spell, Vale followed the rest of his family onto the train, staying close to Yuji. They seated themselves on a long row of padded seats, and the train began to move smoothly along the tracks, hurtling toward the next station while the wide-eyed elf watched in awe. It was not nearly as terrifying as driving with Wench had been, and Vale gradually relaxed. He reached up and tucked his hair behind one gracefully pointed ear, not even flinching when a disembodied voice announced the next station.

    Vale did his best to be as inconspicuous as possible as they sat there, and so he merely contemplated Yuji's reaction when he had handed him the billfold Wench had insisted he buy for the paper she had given him. Vale decided it was probably best not to mention to Yuji the look on Willow's face when he had given her the large manila envelope full of the rest of the paper Wench had given him. It really did not seem that much to Vale, given that he and Sand had only given Wench a couple of pouches of gold coins in exchange for all the paper. Vale had paid more gold for a few rare tomes, and Sand was sitting on a large portion of a dragon's hoard that they had not even begun to count. Vale gave a mental shrug. It was something they could discuss later, when they were home again. In the meantime, Vale was content to sit with his family, marveling at all the new sights and sounds, one slim hand playing with the charm Yuji had given him, nestled next to the dawn star pendant he wore to match his beloveds.

  13. Vale sat quickly at the table, watching Yuji feeding Aika. The small girl had settled down and stopped screaming, and was now eating after a fashion as Yuji alternated between coaxing her and reassuring Vale. The elf's eyes widened when he realized that it had been a bit unfair for Willow, to have been left to cope all alone with the children. When Willow came over to him, kissed him and put her arms around him, Vale immediately relaxed into the embrace.

    "I'm usually up earlier than this," Vale confided. "I'm up at dawn most days, so I'll try to help." Willow smiled, and Vale got the distinct impression that she would be more than happy to hold him to that offer. He looked briefly startled again when Yuji mentioned shopping for rings, and then his heart soared. He was about to tuck into breakfast when Yuji pointed out that Satoshi was fast asleep at the table.

    Vale grinned at his sleeping lover. "He's going to be furious if he misses breakfast." He leaned over and nuzzled Satoshi's ear, and murmured, "Love? Do you want to eat before we go shopping?"

    Satoshi stirred a little, and this time Vale kissed him until he sat up, his dark-rimmed glasses slightly askew and making him look utterly adorable to Vale.

    "Yuji says we're going shopping. Let's eat," Vale said, and Satoshi blushed a little when the happy elf leaned in and kissed him again.

    Vale turned to Yuji. "I have a question. Is there a place where I can get this replaced?" Vale dug in his pocket and pulled out a billfold, handing it to Yuji. "We use gold coins, so I'm a little stupid about these things. If you show me, I'll be able to do it myself next time."

    Yuji opened the billfold, and looked at Vale. "How much is there in here?" he asked, amazed.

    Vale looked at Yuji, all innocence. "I don't know. I just put some in there. I have more, if you think I need it."

    Yuji counted the bills quickly, and shook his head. Vale had just handed him five thousand dollars. This was going to take a little explaining.

  14. Vale came out of reverie with a start, his green eyes snapping into focus in time to register a furious Willow holding a wailing Aika. Yuji and Kansas were standing there, laughing , and Satoshi had let out a small scream when he realized he was naked. Vale shook his head, his ears ringing from the volume that Willow had achieved, and he quickly replayed the conversation in his head as his arm shot out to gather Satoshi to him protectively.

    "Does Willow always yell like that?" Vale asked, as Satoshi pulled up the sheets. The elf leaned over and kissed Satoshi sweetly, and slid out of the bed, cheerfully naked. "We should shower quickly, then. I've no desire to invoke that wrath again, and I'm starving." He crossed quickly to give Yuji and Kansas quick morning kisses, and looked for something to put on so he could find a shower. He settled on his jeans again, and turned to Satoshi. "I'm just going to get clean clothing. Meet me in the shower, love?"

    Vale padded barefoot to the spare bedroom where his suitcase was, and dug through it for clean clothing. He hurried back to the shower, and ducked in. Satoshi's robe was on the back of the door, and Vale looked at it thoughtfully. He left his clean clothing, and hurried back to the suitcase, returning with a pair of loose linen pajama bottoms, and hung those next to Satoshi's robe. Then the elf stepped into the shower, and he and Satoshi washed as quickly as they could, only stealing a few kisses along the way.

    Clean and dry and dressed, a slightly wary Vale presented himself in the kitchen, looking at Willow. "What do you need me to do?" he asked, preparing himself for another tirade.

  15. Vale listened to Satoshi, hardly daring to breathe as his lover poured out his heart, all the pain in his voice cutting through Vale like a knife. His all too vivid imagination painted pictures at the man spoke, and the pictures mixed with the memories of seeing Sand for the first time, in the bowels of that ship, beaten, raped, and stripped of hope. Vale had gathered Sand up, and now it was Satoshi's turn.

    Vale reached out, careful to avoid touching the scars that caused his lover so much anguish, and cradled him close, planting the gentlest of kisses on his lips. "I love you. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't want to love all of you. It wouldn't have been fair if I only came for Yuji, and I would have broken you all even more if I took him away. I knew that already." Vale sighed softly. "What makes someone beautiful, Satoshi, is the quality of their heart. What you did for Kansas, what you still do for him, that's beautiful. When you took my necklace, and joined my family, it meant something to me that I'm not sure I can explain. You are mine, and I would die for any of you."

    Vale ran a hand through Satoshi's wet hair, and then pulled him close and kissed him again. " I'm afraid, Satoshi. I'm afraid that I'm going to break this perfect family, where you've all made a place to be whole together. I'm terrified that I'll ruin it all, but I can't help what my my heart tells me." Vale kissed Satoshi again, a little longer this time. "I want you, Satoshi, and Kansas, and Willow, and Yuji. I want to watch Ryuu become a man, and see Aika grow to be a beautiful woman. I want to open a portal, and take you all to my home, and show you a land where dragons exist. I want to love you all with everything that I am. That's what I can offer, and I hope it's enough, my love."

    Vale stood carefully, bringing Satoshi with him to his feet. He led Satoshi to the bed, and sat him down, taking the towel that Satoshi had discarded, Vale gently dried his hair and his body. Then he laid Satoshi down, and slipped out of his own towel, and curled up beside his lover, letting the heat of his body warm the chilled man.

    "Tomorrow, will you play for me?" Vale gestured at the guitar in its stand. "I would like to hear you play, my love." He nuzzled closer, wrapping strong arms around Satoshi. "But for now, let me hold you and love you."

  16. Vale scrambled out of the bath, letting the water out and wrapping the towel around his waist. If nothing else, he was certainly getting a great deal of exercise. Vale looked at the tub, muttered one of Sand's cleaning cantrips, and snatched up his discarded clothing on the way back up the stairs. He made his way to Satoshi's door, his keen hearing registering the sound of muffled crying.

    Vale opened the door and slipped in, closing the door behind him gently. "What did I do?" he asked, his voice forlorn. "I know I'm not supposed to apologize, but I've upset Kansas tonight, and now you. Should I go and find Willow, and see if I can ruin her night as well, or should I just go?" The elf slumped back against the door, his damp hair curling around his face as he let himself slide to the tatami mats.He propped his elbows on his knees, buried his fingers in his hair, and waited, miserable and utterly lost.

  17. Vale was still shuddering with the intensity of his release as he carefully helped Satoshi ease back down to sit on his heels. The angry red marks from the chains dismayed Vale almost more than his own loss of self control, and he looked at Satoshi, surprised by the faint smile on his face. Vale reached out to pull Satoshi into his arms, just as they both heard Yuji growl through the wall, and Kansas's answering scream of pleasure.

    Vale felt his cheeks burning as he caught Satoshi's face between his hands. "I'm sorry, Satoshi. I wasn't... was I too rough?" Vale gently kissed Satoshi, nibbling softly on the piercings in his lips and tugging them with his teeth. "I suppose we need that tour of the bath, don't we?" Vale tried on a smile, and when Satoshi nodded, Vale slid off the bed, holding out a hand to help Satoshi up. The green haired man stumbled a little, exhausted by Vale's relentless assault, and the elf felt his cheeks darkening even more. Satoshi threw on a robe, and Vale shrugged back into his jeans and pulled his tank top over his head.

    Vale threw a strong arm around Satoshi, and they found their way downstairs to the bath. They quickly undressed, and Satoshi got out towels for them both. Then Satoshi led Vale to the shower stall, guiding the elf under the hot water and the two of them lathered each other thoroughly, scrubbing off the traces of their lovemaking. Finally scrupulously clean, they wrapped towels around their waists, Vale combing out his long blond hair with his fingers.

    Satoshi then led the elf into an adjoining room where the bath waited. Vale was entranced by the spacious bath, more than large enough for two, and he watched as Satoshi opened the tabs and filled it. They took off their towels and slid in, and Vale felt the heat relaxing him almost immediately. It seemed to relax Satoshi as well, and Vale moved to sit beside him, cradling him against his chest and stroking the pine green hair.

  18. Vale gasped as the ball stud rubbed against his cock, probing the cleft on the underside as Satoshi pinched his nipple and tugged it hard enough to make Vale writhe. Vale was close to letting go and coming, and he was not ready, although that tight little mouth was incendiary. Vale bucked and pulled back on Satoshi's hair, pulling his cock free of that sweet mouth. All clumsiness was gone as the elf flipped Satoshi on his back, his eyes green flames as he pinched hard at the base of his own cock.

    "Lube," the elf gasped, and took the tube that Satoshi handed him. Vale smeared a small amount on his fingers and parted Satoshi's thighs, running his fingers over the cleft of Satoshi's ass until he reached the puckered opening. Vale swooped down, sliding his lips over Satoshi's cock as he pushed a finger into his ass. Vale engulfed Satoshi's cock, sucking hard and then swallowing when the cock hit the back of his throat, a second finger pushing into Satoshi's ass. Vale slid back off Satoshi's cock until only the head remained in his mouth, his tongue laving the head and probing the weeping slit. At the same time, Vale curled his fingers and pressed on Satoshi's prostate, and Satoshi howled and bucked, slamming his cock back down Vale's throat. The elf took him in, a throaty purr sending waves of sensation back up Satoshi's cock. Vale's fingers continued to thrust into Satoshi's ass, scissoring to further stretch him as Vale continued to devour his cock, cheeks hollowed below sculpted bone as he sucked as hard as he could. His free hand crept up until he found a nipple ring, and he tugged and twisted it mercilessly as Satoshi whined in ecstasy.

    Satoshi howled as he felt his balls tighten, and he writhed helplessly as Vale continued to thrust, suck and twist, the combined assault too much for the green haired man. He could not even form the words to let Vale know he was about to come, reduced to incoherence by all the sensations overwhelming him. He stiffened, his back arching, and he filled Vale's mouth with wave after wave of cum, the elf sucking every drop down eagerly.

    Satoshi slumped onto the bed, reeling from the intensity of his orgasm, but Vale was not yet done with him. Vale flipped Satoshi once again, turning him onto his stomach and lifting his hips so that his pert ass was in the air. Vale positioned himself, his cock breaching Satoshi's ass with a deft push. The elf paused after his head had vanished past the pucker, rubbing Satoshi's stomach with one hand while the other gripped a hip tightly. Satoshi mewled and pushed back, letting Vale know he was ready, and Vale bucked his hips, sliding forward until his balls were pressed against the pale globes of Satoshi's ass. Vale leaned forward over Satoshi's back, nipping sharply at the back of his neck while his hand moved from Satoshi's stomach to torment the other pierced nipple. Vale began to move then, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in, flesh slapping against flesh as the elf moaned with abandon. Satoshi was so hot, and so tight that Vale knew he would not last long, and so he simply rode Satoshi's ass hard and fast.

  19. Vale pressed himself against Satoshi, feeling the heat of the man even through the layers of fabric that still separated them, and let Satoshi pull him down for another devouring kiss. The feeling of the pierced lip as it slid along the curve of Vale's ears sent the elf into a delirium of arousal, every nerve thrumming. It was impossible to focus on anything but the sensation of Satoshi against him, pressing on his straining cock and Vale decided that he needed them both naked, now, right now.

    "Clothes," Vale managed to gasp, his fingers fumbling with the waistband of Satoshi's pants. Normally so deft, the elf could not seem to get his fingers to move fast enough, and he let out a small breathy chuckle. "Help," he admitted, his lips nuzzling Satoshi's ear.

    Vale took a shaky step back, and began to peel off his own clothing, finding that easier to manage. The silk shirt slid off, and Vale pulled off his socks gratefully, watching as Satoshi opened the waistband of his pants. As Vale's lust-fogged brain struggled to function, he remembered something, and he peeled off his own tank top before reaching for Satoshi and stripping off his shirt. There they were, rings piercing the man's nipples, and Vale moaned as he ran slim fingers over them, tugging experimentally. Satoshi mewled and his hips jerked as he pressed himself into Vale against, grinding hard against the elf.

    Vale remembered that he had been trying to get naked, and he managed to get his pants open with one hand while the other threaded through Satoshi's hair to pull the man into another fierce kiss. He shoved at his pants, wriggling his hips as he freed himself from the constricting cloth, a sigh escaping him as his erection sprang free. Vale stroked his cock once, shivering with need, and he released Satoshi and yanked his pants off. Than he reached for Satoshi's pants, tugging them down past his hips and helping to pull them off. Satoshi's sweetly curved ass, still covered by his underwear dragged a wanton moan from Vale, and he pressed himself against those rounded globes eagerly as he reached around to palm Satoshi's cock through the fabric.

    "So many layers," Vale laughed, nipping at Satoshi's shoulder as he peeled back the fabric, rubbing himself like a cat against the skin he had revealed. He pulled Satoshi to face him, shoving the underwear down and supporting the man as he stepped out of them, and then Vale ground his cock against Satoshi's cock, gasping as he felt Satoshi's nipples rings scrape against his skin. His lips found Satoshi's lips, his tongue dancing across the piercings before plunging in to play with the ball stud that so fascinated the elf.

    "Please, your mouth," Vale murmured as he broke the kiss. "Can I... can you?" Vale climbed onto the bed, pulling Satoshi with him, and sprawled on his back, his legs parted as he watched the man crouch between his thighs, tongue darting out to lick at the precum weeping from Vale's cock. Vale remembered a word he had heard, and he buried his fingers in Satoshi's pine green hair as he gasped, "Fuck, yes, more..."

    The ball stud felt like nothing Vale had ever experienced as it rubbed against the slit in the head of his cock, and Vale yelped with pleasure. When Satoshi slid his lips over the head of Vale's cock, and that stud rubbed along the underside of his cock, Vale's eyes fluttered closed and his back arched in wanton bliss, driving himself further into that moist, maddening heat. Vale's fingers tightened a little more as Satoshi drew him further and further in, and Vale moaned wantonly.

  20. Vale kissed Willow with equal passion, letting a small moan escape him as her fingers threaded through his hair, stroking an ear on the way. She tasted like whiskey, and Yuji and somehow sweet as well. Vale's eyes had begun to darken with lust by the time they broke apart, and he sighed his pleasure at the contact, a telltale bulge in his jeans.

    When Satoshi held out his hand, Vale took it willingly, rising gracefully off the couch. He looked back at Kansas and Yuji, and felt his heart swell to see the imp kissing Yuji. It was both sweetly erotic and powerfully arousing, and when Vale turned back to Satoshi, he knew that his eyes had to be practically glowing with heat. He let Satoshi lead him upstairs, watching the sway of his hips and feeling himself hardening even more. One slim hand stole up to stroke the curve of Satoshi's ass, and the elf could feel the man tremble.

    They got upstairs, and Satoshi turned to look up at Vale. Vale kissed him again, his tongue playing with the ball stud in Satoshi's mouth as he ground himself against the man. Satoshi responded eagerly, his hands sliding under Vale's tank top to tease the elf's nipples, and Vale growled a little.

    "Your room?" Vale murmured, his hands gripping Satoshi's ass tightly as he shimmied his hips and ground himself into Satoshi.

  21. Vale fastened the chain around Satoshi's neck, happily surrendering to his kiss, the multiple piercing a new but pleasant sensation for the elf. He felt Kansas's hand slip out of his, and he let him go, knowing that he needed the reassurance Yuji could provide. There was just enough room left on the couch for Vale to sit, and he did, pulling Satoshi down onto his lap and kissing him again.

    This felt right. This was what the family was supposed to be, all of them loving and sharing, and Vale let himself relax even further. When he and Satoshi broke for air, Vale could not help but laugh. He ran his fingers through the thick green hair and then nibbled Satoshi's lip again, running the tip of his tongue over the piercings. He had felt the ball stud in Satoshi's tongue, something unique to his experience, and Vale found himself wondering idly what that would feel like against his cock. However, that wa something for another time. His first night in the house, and Vale did not think it wise to try and sleep with everyone right away. Not to mention that he had promised Kansas that he was not here to disrupt things.

    Still, it felt good to have Satoshi on his lap and leaning against him, Kansas curled up with Yuji, and Willow watching them all as she leaned on Yuji. He caught Willow's eye and smiled, a radiant grin of utter contentment. Vale knew he would still need to tread carefully, to make sure he did not throw off the balance, but it seemed much more likely that this would work. When Yuji looked up from kissing Kansas, he smiled his sweet, silly grin, and Vale's world was complete.

  22. Vale looked at Kansas -- Tatsuya -- and smiled, a warm and loving smile. "Then I'll have someone to talk to about dragons, won't I?" He fastened the necklace around a slim throat, and reverently touched one tattooed thigh. "I think Satoshi is right, and I think they'll guard you well, but I hope you don't mind if I help to guard you also." Vale gently lifted Kansas's shorts and fastened them around his waist. "You and your dragons are very beautiful, and thank you for showing them to me."

    Vale pulled Kansas down to the bench and wrapped his arms around him again. "You're easy to talk to, Kansas, do you know that? I don't worry too much about sounding like I'm crazy if I tell you that my dragon friend would like you. She's a silver dragon, and when she wants to, she can take human form, but her eyes are always silver. Her name is Adalon, and I think she's at her most beautiful in her true shape. Maybe one day, I can take you to my home, all of you, and you and I could go meet Adalon. She doesn't like large groups of people, but she does like visitors. But for now, I think we've probably got everyone downstairs worried."

    Vale tilted Kansas's face up and planted another gentle kiss on his lips. "We'll make this work, and we'll figure out how not to be afraid together." Vale stood and held his hand out to Kansas, delighted when fingers laced through his. They walked down the stairs together to join the rest in the living room.

  23. Vale cradled Kansas in his arms, stroking the trembling young man gently. "Kansas, how could I not love you? Oh, little one, I didn't come here to hurt anyone, especially not you." He used the sleeve of his silk shirt to dab at Kansas's wet cheeks. "I can't ask you to trust me right away, without knowing me a little more. But I can promise you that I love Yuji, and I love who he loves, and I'd die before letting any one of you be hurt." Vale smiled just a little. "It would be a very messy death, because my best spells tend to involve fireballs and incendiary clouds and meteor swarms, so I'd probably take most of the bastards with me."

    Vale ran a hand through Kansas's black and blue hair. "A dragon I know once told me that being afraid is the first step on the path to wisdom. Personally, when you're a dragon, I don't thing there's much you're afraid of, but it makes sense to me. You know, I have a necklace for you, too. I was hoping you'd want to be part of my family as well. We're not the most noble or most ancient family, but we're known for being honest and loyal. That's not too bad a thing."

    Vale reached into his pocket. "The dawn star is the last star we see as the sun rises every morning. It's a sign of hope, and of new beginnings. Do you think maybe we can try a new beginning between us? Give being a family a chance? Maybe even start to love each other?" He kissed Kansas very softly on the lips, a gentle brush. "I'm going to need someone to give me a poke if I'm doing things wrong, you know. And at least now someone will know what I'm talking about if I mention buggering a balor again."

    Vale held out his hand, the necklace lying on his palm. "I'd like very much if you were a part of my house, Kansas. I'd be proud, as a matter of fact. Kansas of the House of the Dawn Star. It sounds pretty good." Vale smiled at Kansas, hoping that even if he did not take the necklace, he would at least take a chance.

  24. Vale chuckled ruefully. "No, I don't suppose you've ever seen a balor, have you? It's a kind of demon, and on a scale of one to ten for nastiness, I'd put it at about a twelve." He moved a little closer to Kansas but still kept enough distance between them to remain non-threatening. "I didn't go on that vacation expecting to fall in love with Yuji. I didn't expect Yuji to fall in love with me. The last thing I want is to damage what you've built between you, the four of you." Vale sighed. "So, tell me, Kansas, what did I do wrong? Do you think I want to take Yuji and Willow and Satoshi away from you? Because I don't."

    Vale risked moving a little closer to Kansas, but still more than arms length away. He knew he could reach the younger man if need be, if he thought Kansas was going to hurt himself, or do something foolish, but he was fairly sure that Kansas did not know just how fast an elf could move.

    "Kansas, I want to be a part of this family, if I can. I want to fit in, not break it. Will you help me? Or should I go?" Vale watched Kansas, his heart aching. "I won't take Satoshi away from you. I won't take Yuji away from you. I'm not asking you to fall in love with me, but if you should know that I do feel love for you, because Yuji loves you." Vale sighed again. "I'm afraid, too, Kansas. It would be so easy to break this, to ruin it, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. I can't say this to Yuji, because I can't bring myself to tell him how afraid I am of making a mistake. I can tell you, because I think you understand."

    Vale took a quick breath and closed the distance between them, sitting on the bench and gathering Kansas to him. "Talk to me, Kansas. Help me fix what I've done wrong."

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