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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale cradled Kansas in his arms, stroking the trembling young man gently. "Kansas, how could I not love you? Oh, little one, I didn't come here to hurt anyone, especially not you." He used the sleeve of his silk shirt to dab at Kansas's wet cheeks. "I can't ask you to trust me right away, without knowing me a little more. But I can promise you that I love Yuji, and I love who he loves, and I'd die before letting any one of you be hurt." Vale smiled just a little. "It would be a very messy death, because my best spells tend to involve fireballs and incendiary clouds and meteor swarms, so I'd probably take most of the bastards with me."

    Vale ran a hand through Kansas's black and blue hair. "A dragon I know once told me that being afraid is the first step on the path to wisdom. Personally, when you're a dragon, I don't thing there's much you're afraid of, but it makes sense to me. You know, I have a necklace for you, too. I was hoping you'd want to be part of my family as well. We're not the most noble or most ancient family, but we're known for being honest and loyal. That's not too bad a thing."

    Vale reached into his pocket. "The dawn star is the last star we see as the sun rises every morning. It's a sign of hope, and of new beginnings. Do you think maybe we can try a new beginning between us? Give being a family a chance? Maybe even start to love each other?" He kissed Kansas very softly on the lips, a gentle brush. "I'm going to need someone to give me a poke if I'm doing things wrong, you know. And at least now someone will know what I'm talking about if I mention buggering a balor again."

    Vale held out his hand, the necklace lying on his palm. "I'd like very much if you were a part of my house, Kansas. I'd be proud, as a matter of fact. Kansas of the House of the Dawn Star. It sounds pretty good." Vale smiled at Kansas, hoping that even if he did not take the necklace, he would at least take a chance.

  2. Vale chuckled ruefully. "No, I don't suppose you've ever seen a balor, have you? It's a kind of demon, and on a scale of one to ten for nastiness, I'd put it at about a twelve." He moved a little closer to Kansas but still kept enough distance between them to remain non-threatening. "I didn't go on that vacation expecting to fall in love with Yuji. I didn't expect Yuji to fall in love with me. The last thing I want is to damage what you've built between you, the four of you." Vale sighed. "So, tell me, Kansas, what did I do wrong? Do you think I want to take Yuji and Willow and Satoshi away from you? Because I don't."

    Vale risked moving a little closer to Kansas, but still more than arms length away. He knew he could reach the younger man if need be, if he thought Kansas was going to hurt himself, or do something foolish, but he was fairly sure that Kansas did not know just how fast an elf could move.

    "Kansas, I want to be a part of this family, if I can. I want to fit in, not break it. Will you help me? Or should I go?" Vale watched Kansas, his heart aching. "I won't take Satoshi away from you. I won't take Yuji away from you. I'm not asking you to fall in love with me, but if you should know that I do feel love for you, because Yuji loves you." Vale sighed again. "I'm afraid, too, Kansas. It would be so easy to break this, to ruin it, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. I can't say this to Yuji, because I can't bring myself to tell him how afraid I am of making a mistake. I can tell you, because I think you understand."

    Vale took a quick breath and closed the distance between them, sitting on the bench and gathering Kansas to him. "Talk to me, Kansas. Help me fix what I've done wrong."

  3. Vale was trembling with relief when Yuji accepted the necklace from him, and he stroked Yuji's cheek lovingly. "I'm glad, my love."

    When Willow knelt in front of Vale, he was surprised to find he was still trembling as he fastened the chain around her slim neck. Her kiss was slow and soft, and Vale wondered if she would deepen it, but she did not. He heard her comment, and looked at her, his green eyes slightly moist from his sudden rush of emotion. Thanks to Wench, he had an idea of what she meant, and his heart swelled with love for this gentle woman with her generous heart.

    "Willow? If I'm understanding that correctly, I am," Vale said. "It's about the heart, not the gender, at least for most elves."

    Vale waited, as Yuji asked, for Satoshi to decide. When Satoshi also accepted the necklace from Vale, the elf could not hide his joy. The last thing Vale had wanted was to disrupt this family, and it seemed that he had not, that they had room in their hearts for one slightly puzzled but loving elf.

    "Satoshi, thank you," Vale murmured. He touched Satoshi's cheek gently, and smiled. "I didn't know Ryuu meant dragon, but Yuji showed my a picture. Ryuu's eyes reminded me of a dragon I met once."

    Then Kansas jumped to his feet and stormed up the stairs, and Vale looked at Yuji and Willow in dismay. "Oh, no, I have to go to him!" Vale was on his feet and halfway up the stairs before anyone could react, his heart clenching in his chest. He knew that Kansas carried some pain within him, some terrible hurt. Somehow, he had made it worse. He had threatened the imp's stability, and he had to fix this.

    Vale paused to listen for Kansas, his keen sense of hearing directing him to the roof. He found the stairs that led to the rooftop terrace, and he hurried up them, opening the door slowly.

    "Kansas?" Vale said, as softly and as gently as he could. "Please, can I talk to you?" He could see the slight form, a cigarette between his lips, puffing furiously, as clearly as if it were daylight. "You can go tell me to bugger a balor later if you want, but can we talk first?" Vale waited, barely breathing, to see if the imp would at least listen.

  4. Vale's eyes widened when Willow informed him that he would be sleeping in the master bedroom with Yuji, and that she would be moving to the spare bedroom. He snuck a quick glance at Yuji, and noted a slight embarrassment in his eyes, which made Vale feel a little uncomfortable. It had never been Vale's intention to replace Willow in any way, and although the love between Yuji and Willow seemed strong, Vale felt slightly queasy. To cover his unease, he took a sip of the whiskey Yuji had poured for him.

    "I don't want to disrupt anything," Vale said carefully. "I hope that some nights, I'll be the odd man out." He looked at Willow, wishing that she would understand that he intended to share Yuji equally. Then he looked at Yuji, and smiled.

    "I'm very ready to wear a symbol of our union. I hope I'm not presuming when I say I feel a part of this family already. I feel welcomed, and loved, and that makes me happier that I could have imagined." Vale would have said more, but Satoshi and Kansas joined them. As Yuji got their drinks, Satoshi promised Vale a tour of the house in the morning, and his mention of a rooftop terrace made the elf's eyes light up.

    They settled in comfortable silence for a moment, sipping their drinks, and Vale was struck by how very right this seemed, to be sitting beside Yuji, and surrounded by Yuji's other lovers. There was just something about the man, something in his boundless capacity to love others that made him so very easy to love, and Vale cherished being a part of this unusual but perfect family.

    Kansas looked a bit forlorn, though, and Vale would have asked him what was wrong, but Kansas spoke first. "Did I hear someone mention gifts?"

    Vale laughed and jumped up. "I almost forgot again! I wanted to bring something for each of you, just something small to show you how I feel." Vale hurried over to his suitcase, and rummaged for a moment, coming out with several packages. He returned to the couch and curled up next to Yuji.

    "I'll start with you, Kansas." Vale handed the blue and black haired imp a wooden box inlaid with tiny glittering tiles and rounded gemstones. When Kansas touched a tile or stone, the box made a sound or sent a small burst of color into the air that coalesced into an image of a fantastical creature. "It's a puzzle toy, of sorts. You can make light shows, or music, or both, and if you touch this place," Vale tapped a diamond shaped inlay, "it'll remember what you tap after that until you touch it again. We call it an imp box." The elf grinned mischievously. "There's a secret, too, but you have to figure it out to get the prize." He kissed Kansas on the forehead as he stared at him, wide-eyed.

    Next Vale turned to Satoshi. "I actually wasn't sure this would work here, but it does." He handed Satoshi a delicately filigreed cylinder with a small ruby in the center on one side. When Satoshi tapped the ruby, a blue flame appeared. "It'll light anytime, and anywhere, even in wet conditions, and it won't ever run out. There's a case for your cigarettes, too." He handed Satoshi the matching case, and kissed his cheek.

    "This is for you, Willow." Vale handed Willow a leather bound volume, the pages all fine parchment. "It's a book of elven poetry. It's in my language, and in yours. The poems were written a very long time ago to commemorate the poet's love for his lady." Vale's cheeks were slightly pink as she took the book from him with a smile. He leaned over Yuji to plant a light kiss on her lips. "I have things for the children, too." He handed Willow an elaborately carved and articulated wooden dragon, tiny bits of inlay making the dragon shimmer. "For Ryuu, because he's got wise eyes like a dragon," he explained. "This is for Aika." He gave Willow a feather-soft silken pegasus. "Some of the moon elves ride these wonderful creatures. They're rare, and magical, and very beautiful, like she is."

    "For you, Yuji, I brought this." Vale's eyes were dancing as he handed Yuji a bottle filled with a ruby colored liquid. Small golden flecks danced in it. "It's called Elverquisst," the elf explained. "It's made from rare summer fruits, and magically distilled to include the essence of sunshine. We drink it at our autumn rituals, because when you taste it, it's like tasting one perfect summer's day." Vale was blushing a little more. "It's also sometimes shared at celebrations, like unions."

    Vale reached for one last thing, a velvet pouch. "I wasn't sure about this part, but the way you've all welcomed me..." His voice trailed off, and he looked at the four people sitting around him. "I'm what we call a sun elf, and it's been our tradition to have a symbol of our family, our house. My family uses the anorongil, the dawn star as our symbol." He opened the pouch and drew out a silvery chain with a small shimmering gem set in a many-rayed star of the same metal. "The metal is mithral." He looked at Yuji. "Will you wear this?" He carefully fastened the chain around his lover's neck, and then kissed him softly on the lips.

    "I have one for each of you, if you'll accept them." Vale looked at his lover's family, hoping they would agree.

  5. " I've missed you," Vale confided, lathering Yuji's back and massaging his shoulders. "Every night, my reverie was filled with you. I walked in my memories of each time we made love." Vale nuzzled into the back of Yuji's neck, wrapping his arms around his lover. "I'm sorry I took so long. I promise, I'll stay this time, until you send me away."

    Yuji turned Vale around so he could wash the elf's long blond hair, listening to him all but purr as Yuji massaged his scalp with his strong musician's fingers. Vale's head fell back, the mark on his long throat vivid against his pale skin. Vale let Yuji rinse his hair, and then he turned around to face the man. Long fingers crept up to the mark, and green eyes filled with laughter met Yuji's own eyes. "You claimed me. I'm yours." The elf laughed in delight. "I love you, Yuji. Don't send me away too soon."

    They finished showering and toweled each other off, rediscovering the feel and taste and scent of each other. Vale stopped to kiss where he had dried, until Yuji caught his face between his hands and pulled him into a kiss. "We'll need another shower if you don't stop," Yuji warned.

    Vale laughed again, wrapping his arms around Yuji and pulling him into a warm embrace. "You need to eat, first. Willow will want to know you're feeling better, and Satoshi, and Kansas."

    They padded back into the bedroom, and Vale looked ruefully at his clothing. The boxers were a total loss, and Vale simply shrugged and reached for his jeans. "Oh, and the children! They're even more beautiful in person. Aika sat on my lap." Vale made it sound like Aika had done something marvelous. "I have presents for them. I have presents for everyone." Vale blushed a little. "I never took mine off," he said, touching the silver charm Yuji had placed around his neck back before they had left the vacation house. "I brought it back to you, like you asked."

  6. Vale let out a wanton moan as his fingers wrapped around his cock. Yuji's punishing thrusts and repeated assaults on his prostate had the elf's head whipping from side to side, blond hair clinging to his damp forehead as he pumped his fist furiously. Yuji leaned down and licked Vale's ear before biting the pointed tip sharply, and Vale howled as his balls drew up sharply and a hot stream of cum shot out to spatter Yuji's stomach and chest. His back arched as he spasmed around Yuji's cock, and it was Yuji's turn to let out a strangled groan as the heat and tightness combined to push him to the brink.

  7. Vale fell into the kiss, pouring all of himself into letting Yuji know just how much Vale had longed for this. His fingers continued to stroke the edge of Yuji's ear as he nipped at his lover's lower lip.

    "I'm no dream, Yuji. I'm real, and I'm here," Vale whispered, kissing away the tears from Yuji's lashes. "I love you. I'm here for as long as you want me to be here, I promise." He slid onto the bed next to Yuji, pulling him into a tight embrace, and kissed Yuji again. He slid the sheets down, wanting to feel the silky skin under his hands as he continued to plunder his lover's mouth.

    Yuji's hands found the buttons on Vale's shirt, and he fumbled with them, still sleep blurred and clumsy. Vale let go of Yuji's ear for a moment, and simply ripped the shirt open so Yuji could push it off his shoulders. The tight tank top had been pulled loose from the waistband of Vale's jeans, and Yuji's hands slid underneath, to stroke the fine muscles of Vale's back. Vale moaned into the kiss, the feeling of Yuji's hands on his skin translating into a growing bulge that pressed against Yuji insistently.

    "Please," Vale moaned, and Yuji reached for his jeans, opening them and pushing them down past Vale's slim hips. Vale kicked them off the rest of the way, his socks sliding off with them. He pushed Yuji onto his back and straddled him, the tight knit boxers he was wearing barely containing his cock. Yuji stroked the bulge, and Vale bit back a wail of pure need. He reared up and peeled off the tank top, tossing it away as Yuji's fingers found his nipples, pinching and tugging them.

    Vale could feel Yuji's own erection pressing against his stomach as he leaned forward to nuzzle his lover's ear, nipping lightly along the shell. Yuji was busy rolling back Vale's boxers, his hands hot against the curve of Vale's ass, and he coaxed another wanton moan from the elf.

    "I need you," Yuji rasped, his breathing ragged, still trying to convince himself that this was more than just a dream. He was answered with a radiant smile and a flurry of kisses as Vale wriggled, urging Yuji to remove the boxers altogether.

    "Yes," Vale hissed, as Yuji tugged at the offending garment. Neither one of them could grasp, in their lust-addled state, that the boxers were not going to slide past Vale's spread thighs, and the elf, utterly frustrated, reached down and tore them away. He slid down, trailing hot kisses along Yuji's stomach until he reached his cock, and without hesitation Vale slid his lips over the head and down the shaft, relaxing his throat as Yuji's cock hit the back of it. When Vale's lips reached the base of Yuji's cock, he purred, his tongue laving the underside.

    Yuji bucked, the vibrations shooting straight up his spine, and he reached for Vale's head. The elf was faster, though, sliding his mouth back off Yuji and straddling his lover, green eyes all but glowing in the faint light of the room. Vale had no patience for anything, needing to feel Yuji fill him, and he reached down to guide his lover's cock to his ass. As Yuji watched, Vale lowered himself, eyes fluttering closed in bliss as he impaled himself in a single urgent motion.

  8. Vale breathed in the smell of the meal, and just for a moment, lost himself in the feeling of being home. The bustle of sitting down to a meal, with Aika sitting in her chair beside him, the way Kansas hovered over Ryuu and helped him so lovingly, soothed Vale initially, until Kansas and then Willow told him about Yuji. Strange dreams and nightmares, and drinking himself to sleep? This did not sound like the strong man that Vale had met at the vacation house, and for a moment, the elf wondered if he should just ask to see Yuji now, and not wait a moment longer. He took a few bites of the food, but as delicious as it was, he could barely taste it. Willow had brought him a knife and fork, and to cover his dismay, Vale watched her and Kansas deftly eat with the pairs of chopsticks.

    "Did he tell you the dreams?" Vale asked, looking at Willow. Kansas had gone silent after he said what he felt needed saying. Vale looked at Willow, quietly desperate. If Yuji had been an elf, Vale would have known exactly what to do. Vale would have rushed to his side, and proceeded to make love to Yuji until the pain faded, and the love was all that was left. In so many ways, Yuji behaved like an elf, but he was human, and Vale did not know if he could reach him like that. He looked at Willow through golden lashes, his green eyes dark with sorrow.

    "I've brought you all pain, and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Vale took Willow's hand for a moment and held it, feeling the fine bones beneath the skin. He would have said more, but the door opened again, and he heard Satoshi's voice, and saw Ryuu slide out of his seat to run to his father. As Satoshi came in carrying Ryuu on one hip, Vale stood up, and relaxed into Satoshi's warm embrace. Once again, he was being welcomed, and no one seemed to blame him for Yuji's state except himself. But Satoshi promised to take Vale upstairs after they ate, and Vale returned to his meal, feeling some relief.

    "I wanted to be here sooner," Vale said softly, feeling like he needed to explain. "I needed to arrange for my absence from my work. My assistant's very capable, more than he thinks he is, actually, but there was so much Nathe wanted me to handle first." Vale spread his hands helplessly. "I'm also on the council that governs my guild, and that took more time to deal with. If I don't see any parchment for a month, I'll be thrilled. I've missed him, all of you, so much that I thought I'd go mad." He took a sip of tea, needing to do something with his hands. "I just want to make this better for him, and for all of you. If I'd known, I'd have told Nathe --" Vale broke off quickly, looking at the children. "I'd have told Nathe he was able to do this alone, and I'd have come sooner."

    It was Aika who took matters into her own small hands by reaching for the blond elf. Vale looked at Willow, and when she smiled, he lifted the tiny girl onto his lap, crooning to her. "In my language, you would be called Mela, which also means love," he told her as she watched him with her father's eyes. Vale cradled her against himself, and offered her a tiny bit of rice, as he had seen Kansas do with Ryuu, and when Aika took it, Vale's smile returned.

  9. Vale could not help laughing as Kansas launched himself into Vale's arms, wrapping his own arms around the elf's neck. Being greeted so warmly banished any lingering doubts about whether or not he had done the right thing.

    Kansas was chattering furiously, and led Vale to where he could pull off his boots, which he did with great relief. As Kansas yelled about slippers, Willow came into the foyer, and her face lit up. Vale caught her in a tight embrace, burying his face for the briefest of moments in her hair. When she told him that she had nearly welcomed him home, Vale felt such a rush of love for the generous, beautiful woman that he was speechless. He put on the slippers she offered him and let her tug him into the living room. He could smell something delicious, and then Willow stopped in front of a gorgeous child who looked at him with Yuji's perfect eyes.

    "Aika," Vale repeated, the name falling like a prayer from his lips. Vale turned his attention to the small boy that Willow introduced as Satoshi's son, Ryuu, and Kansas swooped the boy up so Vale could see him better. "Ryuu... Willow, such beautiful children," Vale breathed softly. Like most elves, Vale cherished children and it was the way of his people to treat them gently and lovingly. He reached out a slim hand and touched each child's cheek, amazed by the velvety feel of their skin.

    Vale let Kansas tug him into the dining room, and finally found his voice as he sat where Kansas indicated. "I'm so sorry I just came by like this, but I couldn't figure out a way to reach you. My home is..." Vale wondered how much he should say, or even how much they knew, and then he decided that Yuji would have no secrets from them, not the way he had been welcomed. "My world doesn't have things like your telephones. The only way I could have reached you would be to use a scrying mirror, or something like that, and I don't think you have those here."

    Vale knew he was babbling a little, but his joy at actually being in Yuji's home was overwhelming. "Willow, Kansas, I don't know what to say, except thank you. I show up on your doorstep, and I feel like I'm home." He gave them a radiant smile. "I've missed you all so much. I see you all every night in my reverie. And now I have two new faces for my dreams." Vale laughed as Aika reached for a lock of his long blond hair, tugging on it with a thoughtful look. "She's so beautiful, Willow. I see you both in her."

    Vale looked into Willow's eyes. "How is he?" he asked softly.

  10. Vale stepped back slightly as the door opened, and the beautiful young man with black hair streaked with blue looked up at him in wonderment. Vale just smiled, delighted that he was at the right house as he recognized Kansas. Kansas said his name in a breathy little voice and fell back a step.

    "Kansas, it's good to see you." Vale held out his hands, joy making his eyes almost glow in the light spilling out of the foyer. "I've missed you all so much." He gestured at the suitcase by his side, suddenly feeling a little shy and awkward. "I thought I would take Yuji up on his offer for me to visit, but it's a little hard to give advance notice." The blond elf felt a small blush beginning to color his cheeks.

  11. North Carolina, January 9, 2011...

    Vale looked at Sand and Wench, perplexed, as they stood in front of the portal. "Am I crooked?"

    Sand arched an eyebrow. "Whatever are you talking about, my sun?"

    "Willow asked me why I couldn't be straight." A delicate frown creased Vale's forehead, as Wench began to snicker. He looked at her, indignant.

    "Vale, my dear, Willow thinks you are only attracted to males," Wench explained, trying not to laugh at the confused elf.

    Vale looked no less confused. "But you and I have made love, with Sand and without." Vale thought for a moment, and then began to blush. "Oh, but she only saw me with Yuji!" He looked slightly panicked. "Does that mean... oh, will Yuji think..."

    "Hush, Vale." Sand laid a hand on his lover's arm. "Do not worry about that. We need to return to Neverwinter, and you can research the portal." Sand turned to Wench for a moment. "If Vale is going to visit Yuji, what does he need to know?"

    Wench smiled. "Vale, you have a focus for the portal?" When Vale smiled widely, Wench continued. "Then the only other thing I would suggest is perhaps clothing."

    "I have clothing," Vale said. "I have several new robes at home."

    "Elven clothing might look a bit odd in Yuji's country, Vale." Wench grinned. "I think we need to go shopping."

    Vale looked apprehensive, but Sand's face lit up. "You want to fit in, Vale, and not draw undue attention to yourself. This is absolutely necessary, then, to obtain the correct garments, since I think kilts might not be the thing, either."

    Wench signaled for a car. "We'll have it back well before checkout," she promised as she slid behind the wheel. Vale was deathly pale as he climbed into the rear of the vehicle, while Sand got in the front with Wench.

    "Put that strap on," Vale insisted, as he strapped himself in firmly. His one car journey with Wench behind the wheel had left Vale deeply suspicious of her qualifications to be operating the infernal thing. Sand had been attending Pittwitch, and so had missed the hang gliding part of the vacation. Not for the first time, Vale wondered if that had been intentional.

    Sand was a great deal paler by the time they reached the place Wench referred to as a mall. Sand murmured a few words under his breath as the car came to a stop, and Vale was quite sure that the nearly inaudible spate of Ilythiiri was remarkably filthy.

    "Keep your hair over your ears," Wench cautioned. "We'll have enough to do with clouding the memories of the clerks where we're shopping. I don't need too large a crowd. If that happens, however, let me talk?"

    Sand shot Wench a dubious glance, but held his peace. Wench led them into a shop filled with clothing, and Sand immediately cheered up. He ran his long fingers over fabrics with a smile.

    Wench waved a young man over. "My friend has lost his luggage, and we need to replace everything. He'll need two suits, half a dozen dress shirts, casual pants, casual shirts, underwear, socks, shoes, boots, everything." Wench smiled brightly and held out a piece of plastic, and the young man looked as delighted as Sand.

    "Madam, right this way," the young man murmured. He led Wench to a comfortable chair. "Latte for Madam?"

    "Oh, yes," Wench purred. She sipped latte and watched as the elves plundered the shop, an amused smile on her face as Vale protested, Sand insisted, and the young man made larger and larger piles on the counter.

    "Wait!" Vale spotted a display of silk ties, and began to sift through them, finally starting to get into the spirit of the thing. "Yuji had one of these. I should get one, maybe."

    "You will need more than one, to match the shirts," Sand advised. The elegant moon elf had picked up quite rapidly on the clothing customs of Wench's world, and was shopping like an expert at this point. "I will choose some for you. You go choose undergarments."

    Vale insisted on buying the same type of tight boxers that Yuji wore, much to Wench's continued amusement. The dress shoes made him laugh, and he was entranced by the boot selection. As a courtesy to such good customers, the young man even ran across to a luggage store and came back with an elegant suitcase in sleek black leather. The clothing was packed into the suitcase, Wench retrieved her piece of plastic, and the three happy shoppers clambered into the car, the elves forgetting their terror in the excitement.

    Back at the house, Wench kissed Sand and Vale fondly as they stood in front of the portal. "Be well, my loves, and be happy." She waved as they stepped into the portal and vanished, before she got into the car waiting to take her to the airport.

    Neverwinter, 21 Hammer...

    "Do you have everything?" Sand asked, flicking Vale's hair into place before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

    "I think so," Vale replied. He tugged nervously at his clothing. He was wearing black jeans, a tight black tank top, a dark grey silk shirt half unbuttoned over the tank top, and a long black wool jacket that hugged his narrow waist and flared out over slim hips. He had black motorcycle boots on his feet, which felt a little more awkward than the doeskin boots he favored, but which looked better with the jeans.

    "Do you have the money Wench gave you?" Sand tugged a little at the jacket. "Remember, you will need to exchange that paper for the paper they use in Yuji's land."

    "I remember," Vale insisted, impatient. "I'm a mage of the Cloaktower. I'm not an idiot!"

    "No, you are not," Sand agreed. "But you are going to see your lover, and when you do, everything else is going to fly out of that head of yours, my sun." Sand took Vale's face between his hands. "Go, and be with him for as long as you need to, and I will be here when you need me." He kissed Vale, a deep and passionate kiss, his tongue plundering the blond elf's mouth. With a final nibble of kiss-swollen lips, Sand released him, and watched as Vale picked up the suitcase and stepped through the portal...

    Tokyo, January 21, 2011, 7:30 pm...

    Vale stood outside the house, his blond hair spilling over his shoulders, his suitcase resting on the ground beside him. He looked one more time at the photograph Yuji had given him, and at the house. It was the right place, he was sure of it. Vale could feel his heart begin to hammer in his chest as he raised his hand to knock on the door.

  12. Vale watched as Yuji left to join Willow, Satoshi and Kansas, his hand firmly on the silver charm Yuji had hung around his neck. The warmth of the others, their welcome into their partnership, left Vale feeling euphoric, even though every step Yuji took away from him tore at the elf. He looked at the photograph, and the address written on the back in Yuji's hurried scrawl, and a smile covered his face. He could open a portal to this place easily, and he doubted he would even need the Cloaktower's help.

    Vale picked up his pack, and walked over to meet Wench and Sand. The smile on his face told them most of what they wanted to know, but Sand asked anyway. "You'll go to him?"

    "Yes." Vale looked at his lover. "Thank you, my moon. I would have let him go, but you knew better."

    Sand tipped up Vale's chin. "I see he's learned where you like to be marked." Sand pulled Vale into an embrace. "I am happy for you, my sun."

    Wench arched an eyebrow. "Only one mark?"

    Vale burst out laughing and tugged his kilt up to display the one on his inner thigh.

  13. Sand placed a slim hand under her chin and tilted Samantha's face up. Leaning forward, he placed a delicate kiss on her lips, feather light. "I presume much, I know, but really, my dear, I could not let you leave without at least that much."

  14. Vale curled himself around Yuji and murmured," I love you." He let himself slip into reverie, the warmth of his lover's body lulling him into a state of relaxation.

    It was early morning when the sun streaming into the room roused Vale from his reverie, to find Yuji already awake and watching him. "Good morning," Vale murmured, and dragged himself into a sitting position. He leaned over to kiss Yuji, and then slid out of bed to run the shower. "Come on, shower here and then you can pack."

    Vale refrained from trying to instigate love play in the shower, although he did manage to convince Yuji to mark his neck properly. Yuji was happy enough to claim his elven lover so publicly, so it was not a difficult task.

    Vale gave Yuji a final kiss, and sent him to the door of the room. "Go and pack, love. I'll be down shortly to see you, I promise."

  15. Vale let himself get lost in the kiss Yuji gave him after they had crawled under the covers. He loved that Yuji had nipped his neck, and decided he would get him to make a nice dark mark in the morning. Yuji hit Vale with a flurry of questions, and the still happily dazed elf laughed a little.

    "Of course I'll see you in the morning, because we'll both be right here. We'll wake up on time, I promise, and I'll see you off." Vale kissed Yuji's ear lightly. "The only thing I need for the portal is a picture, even one in my mind, so I will pester you in the morning with questions. I'll find you, I promise."

    Vale was ready to curl up with his lover when Yuji reached for something. Vale looked, wide-eyed, at the small children in the portraits. There was so much love in Yuji's voice as he spoke of them, and Vale looked up at him. "They are beautiful, like their parents," Vale said. "You want to share them with me? Children are everything for my people." Vale touched the pictures with a trembling finger. "They are precious, and I will love them, I know it." The elf flung his arms around Yuji and covered him with kisses. "I love you," he told Yuji again.

  16. Vale cried out happily as Yuji slammed into him, the forceful thrusts riding his prostate sending waves of fireworks up his spine to explode behind his eyes. And then Yuji began to nibble on his thigh before sucking a lovely purple mark on him, and Vale could have burst with sheer joy. Yuji was claiming him, marking him as his own, and the elf had never been happier.

    When Yuji finally came, if he had anything left to spend, Vale was sure he would have spilled along with Yuji. The thrusts over his prostate, the marking, the delicious fury and heat of their lovemaking all combined to send Vale into a delirium of pleasure. When Yuji collapsed for a few moments, panting, Vale could only mewl and stroke his lover's back. Yuji kissed him, and Then grinned at him, and Vale could no help but grin back.

    "You think Sand and Wench will be out for my head for that one?" Yuji asked, and Vale began to laugh.

    "Wench will wonder why only one mark, and Sand will tell you that I like it right here, under my chin where the pulse beats. I like it to show," Vale said, his eyes dancing. He pulled Yuji down and kissed him again. "I love you."

  17. Vale reached up for Yuji. "Take me right now," he demanded, breathless with need. He moaned as he felt Yuji settle between his legs, and he raised his hips, flinging first one long leg and then the other over Yuji's shoulders, revealing his puckered entrance. His back arched as Yuji pressed in, a moan of pleasure escaping him, and his long fingers wrapped around Yuji's arms as his lover braced himself. Yuji was trying to ease in, not wanting to cause Vale pain, but the elf growled a little and bucked his hips, impaling himself on Yuji's cock with a happy whimper.

    "Oh, yes," Vale moaned, his head whipping to one side as his back arched again. "Please, harder, take me harder," the elf begged.

  18. "Samantha, you are most unforgettable, and I assure you, you will be in my thoughts for a very long time." Sand chuckled softly. "I can anticipate, barring a great disaster, another five hundred years or so, and I will hold you in my heart as a cherished friend." He bowed over her hand, planting a soft kiss on the back of it.

  19. Sand took the flower reverently, and murmured a small spell of his own, placing it in a small bubble of energy to preserve it unharmed. "How do I answer such a gift?" he asked, moved greatly. "May I present you with something from my land? It is night-blooming jasmine, and it reminds me of you with its delicate beauty. But it is strong as well, a plant that thrives in the harshest conditions, as you have." Sand gestured, and a delicate stalk laden with small white flowers appeared in his hand, releasing an intoxicating fragrance. "This scent will always speak to me of home." Sand offered her the flower with a radiant smile.

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