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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand laughed in delight. "I think it is you who are making me look good, dear lady." His eyes were warm and kind. "Your dress is lovely, and accentuates your beauty. That is never a bad thing, my lady. In my homeland, your dress would be most elegant and tasteful."

  2. Vale looked at Yuji. "In my homeland, you'd be honored, and students would compete for the right to study with you," the elf observed. "Family... I have a sister back in Evermeet. That's an island, an elven homeland where I was born. She is a ..." Vale searched for the word. "Doctor? That's someone who helps the sick?" Wen Yuji nodded, Vale brightened. "She and I have not seen each other in a long time. I left my home over three centuries ago."

    The minute the words left his mouth, Vale grew pale. He had no idea if Yuji knew how old he was or how long elves lived. Once again, the elf wondered if he had blundered badly, and he looked at Yuji with quiet desperation in his eyes.

  3. Wench was delighted by K's reaction to her dress. She was quite sure it would have exactly the effect that it did, and she made sure that her skirt flared as she danced, to give K the full effect of her sky-high heels. K was an excellent dancer, graceful and attentive, and Wench surrendered herself to the sheer pleasure of having strong arms around her, and a warm shoulder to rest her cheek against. K chuckled, a sensuous sound, and spun her faster into the dance.

  4. Sand swept Samantha out on the dance floor, leading so skillfully that she had no time to worry about stepping on toes. "You dance beautifully, my lady, and your dress suits this dance so well. It swings out like the mist from the night gardens of Evereska, where I was born."

  5. Wench stood and crossed to Apollo's table, looking at K as he sat there. "My dear K," she said, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm so sorry we never did get a chance to spend any time together. But perhaps we can make up for it now., with a dance?"

  6. Vale looked at Yuji, utterly relieved that the man did not seem put off by his being a mage. "That's it exactly," he beamed. "I fight battles with magic, and with weapons if it gets to be too close a combat, but Sand is more likely to resort to weapons than I am. He's a battle mage as well."

    Vale listened in delight to Yuji's answer. "You teach music? Among my people that's a most honored profession. We view music as high art." He looked at Yuji, his green eyes sparkling. "That night, when you were playing music, that was when I..." His voice trailed off, and he blushed again. "I wanted to meet you." He hoped Yuji would hear the message under the polite public words.

    That was when Vale noticed that people were beginning to dance. He slid his eyes over to Yuji. "Do you think? I'd like to dance."

  7. Vale was delighted that Yuji had offered him a topic he could discuss so easily, and then he realized that perhaps magic was not common here. His own cheeks colored a bit. "Oh, well, I'm not really sure how to put it. On my world, magic is common." Vale paused to make sure he was not intimidating Yuji. "I'm a mage, a magic user, and I'm part of a guild that works to protect a city-state called Neverwinter. I'm the captain of the guard for the guild." Vale's cheeks had reddened even more. Would Yuji be repulsed because he was a battle-mage? Vale had no way of knowing how something like that would be perceived here.

    Vale took a small sip of his whiskey, a little hesitant. "And you? What do you do?"

  8. Vale wanted to look into Yuji's beautiful eyes, but he did not want to push too hard. He gestured to the bartender to match Yuji's double whiskey for himself. "You're right, I didn't finish, and so you've won that game as well." His voice was low and musical. "Don't plan on getting devastatingly drunk tonight. I want as much time with you as I can have."

    As they returned to the table, Willow asked Vale to sit beside Yuji, and the elf's green eyes lit up. "As you desire, Lady Willow. It is my pleasure." He risked a quick glance at Yuji. He would have to steal some private time later, to see how Yuji felt about his plan to arrange for a portal to Japan.

  9. Sand escorted Samantha to the table where Anesor and her party were seated. He knew Casavir would also endeavor to make the young woman feel at home. "My lady, may I present Lady Anesor and her escorts, Casavir and Bishop. Lady Samantha is awaiting the Lady Teilau, if I am not mistaken, and knows few here." He held out a chair for Samantha, and seated himself so that he could lean over and speak to her easily from the adjoining table.

  10. "Oh, you are hardly a social outcast," Sand said warmly. "My Wench is most liberal and does not begrudge me time away from her side, so please do not worry on my account. Still, I do think we are being called to dinner. May I escort you? I believe I see some seats open at the table next to ours. This way, we will each know we have a friend at hand." Sand stood and offered Samantha his arm with a graceful bow.

  11. Wench took Anesor's hands in hers, smiling warmly. "You look radiant tonight, and oh, my, Casavir and Bishop, your kilts are perfect! You both look most elegant. Can I show you to a table?"

    Wench led Anesor and her escorts to a table next to hers. "This way we can chatter all night while we dine. My elves are about somewhere, but they should be returning shortly. I believe Sand is keeping Samantha company. She is quite shy, and without her friend here, he thought she might feel awkward. Vale is at the bar, I believe."

    A servant walked over to see if Anesor and her party required drinks or anything else prior to dinner being served.

  12. Sand merely smiled sweetly at Samantha. "Oh, my dear lady, you need not worry that I will laugh. Where I am from, such things are known to happen as well. We also have people who carry demonic blood, known as tieflings. I do not know if he will appear tonight, but Lady Nastrandir travels with a tiefling, a striking man with elegant scars and a lively sense of humor."

  13. Vale smiled at Willow. "It is my pleasure to bring you your champagne, Lady Willow." He walked off with Yuji towards the bar, his cheeks slightly rosy.

    "I'll have whatever you're having," Vale told Yuji. He grinned suddenly. "I don't think we'll be able to play our whiskey game tonight, though." He touched Yuji's sleeve lightly. "You look very handsome tonight."

    Wench watched her elf out of the corner of her eye, smiling as she saw the telltale blush on Vale's cheeks. Yuji was making him very happy, and Wench was was happy for them both. She looked in the other direction for a moment, pleased to see Sand drawing Samantha into conversation. The shy woman was very beautiful, even more so when she was animated and talking with Sand. She saw Sand look at Henry briefly, the diamonds in his braids sparkling in the soft light. Wench was proud of both her elves this evening.

  14. Sand smiled at Samantha. "My lady, I have nothing I would rather be doing aside from keeping you company until your friend arrives. Unless you would prefer to have some solitude? But I do assure you, this is a pleasure for me to speak with someone who does not look oddly at me for being both an elf and a magic user." Sand chuckled. "I do believe that Henry, the rather serious looking fellow in the suit over there, thinks me hopelessly frivolous."

  15. Sand nodded in understanding. "There are countries on my world that have similar customs, where women are carefully hidden away like rare gems." He smiled and gestured for more shrimp for Samantha to nibble. "If you will pardon an foolish elf, it seems wrong not to let such gems sparkle in the sun. But it is not polite to say such things about the customs of others, and so I am indeed a foolish elf."

  16. Vale walked over to Willow and bowed with his usual grace. "Lady Willow, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. My Wench asks me to tell you that this is indeed your table, and we'll be joining you shortly. If there's anything you require, just ask." He smiled as he bowed again, and he snuck a sidelong glance at Yuji, unable to wrest his eyes away from the beautiful man.

  17. Sand murmured a few words in a lilting language, and smiled at Samantha. "It is a minor spell, but will stabilize your form for a full day, my lady. It will dispel itself after that, but for tonight, at least, you need not worry." He led Samantha to a corner where she could sit, and fetched her a glass of fine Champagne.

    "You asked where I am from," Sand said, sitting opposite her, his blue eyes warm. "I come from a world called Toril, rather like this one in many ways. On my world, magic is common, as I suspect it is on yours. I would suspect you come from a most intriguing place as well."

  18. Wench smiled happily at Willow. "And here I was going to apologize for my elves, for monopolizing your lovely friends all week!" She embraced Willow gently. "Your dress is divine, absolutely lovely. And perhaps we can sit at the same table for the meal?"

    Vale blushed again as he heard Yuji's response, and his knees went momentarily wobbly. His smile, however, was incandescent. "I look forward to it," he murmured just as softly.

  19. Sand noted the brief transformation in Samantha, and he leaned closer to speak quietly. "It is possible for me to cast a small magic to prevent you from shapeshifting, my lady. You have only to ask." He waved at a servant, and speaking in a normal tone, he indicated the tray the man was carrying. "These small pastries are quite good, as are these lovely shrimp."

  20. Vale saw Yuji coming up the stairs arm in arm with Willow, the two imps right behind them, and his smile got brighter. He knew Yuji would need to serve as Willow's escort, and he knew he had no claim on Yuji, but Vale still hoped for a chance to talk with Yuji, or maybe dance something sweet and slow. It would happen if it was meant to, Vale was sure.

    Sand gestured toward the food circulating around. "Shall we find something pleasing to eat?" he suggested, offering his arm to Samantha. "At least until your friend gets here."

  21. Wench took Samantha's hands and greeted her warmly. "You had an entry in the sand castle competition, a beautiful castle. I'm so glad you came for the ball!" Wench waved at her elves. "If you need any assistance, Sand and Vale would be pleased to help."

    Sand bowed, his black hair falling forward and the diamonds in his braids winking. "A pleasure, my lady. I am at your disposal should you require."

  22. Wench chuckled as Apollo greeted her. "I'm lucky I could find these two most of the time," she said wryly. "Fortunately, your lovely kilted men were very kind and entertained me." She gave T a mischievous grin.

    Vale looked around the room, and Sand leaned in close to murmur, "Looking for your Yuji?" Vale blushed crimson. "When you get back to the Guild, have them work on opening a portal to this Prime. You are on the Council, my sun, take advantage of that for once."

    "And you wouldn't be angry, my moon?" Vale asked, his cheeks still blazing.

    "You did not begrudge me my genasi," Sand replied with a shrug. "We have centuries ahead of us yet. Indulge yourself now."

  23. Flanked by her handsome elves, Wench walked down the stairs to the main hall, holding out her hands to Apollo and Pittwitch as she entered.

    "Hello, my loves! Everything looks so marvelous!" Wench looked at Charlie. "Quite the wizard," she murmured.

  24. Vale looked radiant as he burst into his room, and Wench smiled at him. "Just in time, my sorcerer. Judging by your face, it was a good night. I'm pleased."

    Sand wrapped his lover in a close embrace. "I am as well, my sun."

    "I wish we could take him with us," Vale laughed. "Let's get ready. I want to look wonderful tonight!"

    They showered quickly, and Sand used one of his useful cantrips to dry their hair. The elves dressed in their matching black silk kilts, with a subtle brocade woven into the fabric. They both wore tall black leather boots and black silk poet shirts with diamond clasps at the throat. Sand wove diamonds into his braids, and helped Vale to arrange his wavy blond hair into an artfully tousled look.

    Wench had dressed as well. Her Gown looked like a dream, and her shoes were perfect, She added Earrings and studs, but wore no other jewelry. Her white hair tumbled over her shoulders, and she applied subtle makeup to enhance her brown eyes and high cheekbones. A touch of gloss on her lips, and a light scent, and she was ready.

    "You both look good enough to devour," Wench said, looking at her handsome elves. "How do I look?"

    "Oh, Wench, you know you look magnificent," Sand laughed. "Fishing for compliments?"

    "She wants K to sweep her away for a dance," Vale teased.

    "I do not think he stands a chance," Sand replied. "But T was so much sweeter, was he not?"

    "And what if I want to dance with my elves? Or are your dance cards already full?" Wench laughed as Vale blushed.

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