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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale was almost shaking when he saw the scratches on Yuji's neck. The man looked like he had been mauled by a dire bear, and the way he hissed in pain as he stood spoke volumes to the elven sorcerer.

    Yuji was certainly putting on a decent front, though, Vale noted, as the man put a little sway in his hips, an invitation that Vale might have found appealing any other time. Vale shot a look over his shoulder at the bartender, mimed bringing an entire bottle, and followed Yuji into the exercise room.

    There was a padded massage table off to the side, and Vale quickly put some towels over it. "Why don't we wait for a moment, until the whiskey arrives?" Vale suggested. "Then I want you to sit up here for me, alright?"

    Vale did not wait for Yuji to answer. At this point, he was not letting the man out of the room, not until Vale had done something about those gouges and bruises. The bartender slipped in, handed Vale a full bottle of whiskey, and left quietly, closing the door as he went. Vale opened the bottle and offered it to Yuji.

    "Let's get that top off, and I can put some of this ointment on. It works wonders." Vale kept his voice gentle, and his touch was even softer. Control was something he had mastered over the past four centuries.

  2. There was something about Yuji's voice that made Vale frown slightly. He reached out, faster than Yuji could have anticipated, and lifted the hood slightly, his frown deepening.

    "What in the Nine Hells happened to you? You look like you went for a tumble with a pit fiend!" Vale took in the black eye, and and shook his head, blond hair falling forward. "No, don't tell me. I can guess, or at least guess who did this. I'm not sure I want to know why. Just... don't move."

    Vale darted back to the bartender. "Tell Henry I need that unguent of his, will you?"

    Vale returned to the couch, sitting more gently this time. "So how bad is it, Yuji? Will you let me take a look? We can find somewhere less public, like maybe the exercise room. I don't think anyone uses that." He reached out to lay a gentle hand on Yuji's arm. "As a friend, Yuji, nothing more."

    Henry appeared as silently as a ghost and handed a vial to the elf. "Topical only, sir," Henry reminded him, quite sure that all elves were mostly mad.

    "Thank you, Henry." Vale turned back to Yuji. "Shall we?"

  3. Vale wandered downstairs after showering and pulling on a kilt and a soft linen shirt. Sand was still making amends to Wench, and Vale was not interested in playing with them. He decided he would get himself a drink, and headed towards the bar, only to stop short when he saw Yuji on the couch. At least, he thought it was Yuji, hiding under the hood of his garment.

    "Yuji?" Vale asked. "Is everything alright? I was just going to have a drink. Want a whiskey?"

    Vale had discovered whiskey, and with the tolerance most elves had for alcohol, he tended to toss it back with abandon. Wench just sighed, and made sure that Sand prepared potions of neutralize poison for any hangovers. Vale took the two large whiskeys from the bartender and flopped gracefully onto the couch beside Yuji, handing him a tumbler.

  4. The Morpheus Potion has had another review, yay!

    Fairy Slayer: As ever, I thank you for your review! You got me thinking of the bedroom cleanup, my first thought was it'd be a shame if only the master alchemist was capable of mixing the right solution to get the stains out :D I fear poor Dar-Ma is at risk of at least one more truama, given that Orcs have a reputation for eating horses:

    "I'm sorry... Blossom was, uh, killed by bandits..."

    "Oh no! Was it quick?"

    "About 5 minutes a pound..."


  5. Sand fell back on the bed, thoroughly worn out. He was quite sure that he had made reparations for his next two transgressions, at the very least, and not only to his Wench. Vale had insisted on an apology as well, and Sand really could not refuse. It had not helped when Wench found out that he had given her bag of toys to Aledrian. Although she had asked Sand and Vale to try and encourage the dark knight's guests to reconcile, Wench had not expected to have to forgo her own pleasures.

    "We should rest, my dears. We are going to an inn tonight, for general revelry. We may even dance, if you are being good." Wench settled herself between her elves, facing Sand, Vale draping himself against her back.

    Vale nuzzled her ear drowsily. "Wine and song and games? Sounds like fun," he murmured.

    "It will be," Wench agreed, tugging Sand so that she could rest her head in his shoulder. "Maybe we'll bring Shadow's pets as well."

    "That should prove interesting," Sand said dryly. "I wonder if they are speaking to each other yet."

    "I shoved Alistair in the room after I left you with Casavir last night." Vale reached across Wench to find Sand's hand, lacing his fingers through the wizard's fingers. "Of course, we were making enough noise on our own to drown out any murders next door."

    Sand snorted. "They are quiet enough now."

    "Sleep," Wench said firmly, her eyes closing. "Oh, and Sand? You're almost forgiven."

    Sand did not even have the energy to groan.

  6. "Ah, my friend, I burned for her. I always will." Sand smiled. "It seems I must go and offer a Wench her wizard. I thank you again for your ear, and your friendship." The moon elf bowed slightly and sauntered off towards the stairs, leaving the scotch behind.

  7. Sand looked at Casavir, and his expression lightened a bit. "Perhaps that is it, my friend. Perhaps I am trying to weight hearts on the scale of justice. Love is not about that, is it, and for all that she can drive me mad, I do love the Wench, almost as much as I love Vale." Sand clasped Casavir's hand warmly. "Why is it that you are so very good at helping me to regain perspective?"

  8. Sand sighed again. "There is little that my Wench does not know about me, I fear. Perhaps that adds to my irritation."

    Vale walked up behind Sand, Alistair in tow. He looked at his lover and shook his head. "Stubborn, thick-headed wizard. My moon, do what you do best. Go seduce the woman. She'll forgive you your temper, and you'll feel better."

    "It may have gone too far for that, my sun. I was... quite sharp." Sand looked at Casavir. "An offering of sorts... but what does one offer a Wench who has whatever she wants?"

    "Idiot," Vale insisted. "Offer her her wizard."

  9. Sand sighed. "It is certainly not the lack of clothing. It is not the way of my people to find nudity disturbing." He turned the glass of scotch. "It is perhaps the surrender of control to another. I have endured far too much of that over the years." He managed a smile. "Perhaps I did not fully anticipate what this would mean, or perhaps I am reading too much into a simple garment."

    Sand drained the glass, and pushed it away, waving off a refill. "Now the question remains, my friend, how do I make amends?"

  10. "Casavir," Sand greeted. "Will you join me in a little scotch? I find myself in poor temper, I fear."

    Sand waited until Casavir had seated himself. The elf was not at all surprised when Casavir declined such strong spirits, but the paladin did accept a small glass of wine.

    "Tell me, Casavir, what is the purpose of wearing a costume that appears to have been ripped off the body of a passing gnome? I am perfectly willing to indulge my Wench's mania for kilts. They are, in fact, rather comfortable. But those ridiculous demi-breeches? And to ORDER me to wear them?" Sand took a very large drink of the scotch. "I do not care if Vale was willing. I agreed to obey on this vacation, and I have done so, but I do not wish to be made an object of ridicule."

  11. Sand turned to Wench once the awards had been handed out. "May I return to something more fitting in terms of clothing, or must I continue to parade about dressed in these... these... things?" He spat the last word out through gritted teeth.

    Wench arched an eyebrow. "They don't look as dreadful as you're making them out to be. In fact, I'm sure I saw a few glances thrown your way."

    Sand glared at her. "Be that as it may, if you would be so good as to actually answer the question, I am sure I would be eternally grateful and throw myself at your feet in abject worship."

    "Fine. You may wear your kilt." Wench walked away to see about finding something to eat, and perhaps more coffee.

    Sand retrieved his kilt from behind Wench's lounge chair and stripped off the offending swim trunks, completely ignoring Aledrian. He dropped them on the sand and fastened his kilt around his waist, twitching it into place irritably as he shot a glare at the elven mage beside him. "If you say one word, just one, I will test the durability of this charm with respect to baneful magic."

    Aledrian snorted. "Why do you feel obliged to obey her anyway?" He gave Sand a contemptuous glance.

    Sand returned the look with equal fervor. "You obviously are incapable of understanding the intricacies of relationships, judging from your own situation."

    Aledrian bristled. "Not that you would understand my situation."

    "Really?" Sand drawled. "Let me see how well I can do. You wish to be acknowledged openly, yes? And your lover will not do this thing for you." He arched an imperious brow. "Tell me, how long do you have to live?"

    "What does that have to do with anything?" Aledrian snapped, but there was not as much heat as before in his voice.

    "Vale and I were apart for around twenty-five years because we were both too stubborn to make the first attempt at reconciliation. We let the meddling of a third party steal that time from us." Sand smoothed his hair. "Of course, our lifepsans are long enough for that to be tolerable. I am over three hundred years old."

    Aledrian's steely grey eyes widened slightly, but he make no comment. His fingers twitched as though he wished to be casting something, but no magic emerged.

    "You could, of course, continue to sulk, but I rather think time is a far more precious commodity for you." Sand reached behind the lounge chair and pulled out a velvet bag. "Take these, and take Alistair back to your room. Lock the door if you need to, but reconcile. And remember this. Kings are often more prisoner of power than not."

    With that, Sand spun on his head and walked away, his kilt swaying from slim hips.

  12. Wench clapped her hands, and the magic of the spot Henry had prepared for her carried her voice out over the beach. "Thank you all for coming out here, and playing in the sand with us! You've all been working so diligently, and I'm so impressed with everyone's work!"

    Wench strolled up and down the beach, marveling at the creativity and enthusiasm of all the various sand sculptures. They ranged from the exquisitely simple to wildly elaborate, and each one touched a special place in her soul. Wench walked over to where everyone had assembled, and took the bag that Henry held out to her.

    "I'm presenting awards in no particular order, my loves, so do bear with me," Wench said, and reached into the bag. "My first award goes to Yuji, Satoshi, and Kansas for their castle, which wins the Zen award for Perfect Simplicity." Wench placed a golden medallion around each of their necks, inscribed with the yin-yang symbol.

    "My next award, the Rising Sun award, goes to Kakashi and Yamoto, for their lovely and dramatic rendition of a Japanese castle." Wench presented them with their medallions, inscribed with the stylized rising sun symbol of Japan.

    "To Apollo's lovely kilted men, D, T, B and K, I present the award of Goddess Arisen, for their depiction of the great Apollo." Wench hung a medallion inscribed with a replica of their tattoos around each of their necks, lingering only slightly as she reached T.

    "For Teilau, I present the Order of the Dragon, for her dramatic and very striking sculpture." This time the medallion was inscribed with a flying dragon.

    "To Aledrian and Alistair goes the Griffon Award, for their castle invoking the architecture of the Tevinter Imperium." Wench ignored Aledrian's glower as she hung the medallion inscribed with a griffon rampant around his neck. "Your Majesty, if you would just bend down a little..." Alistair blushed as his medallion was placed around his neck.

    "And for Samantha, I present the award for Strength in Solitude, for even the strongest walls cannot bind a true heart." The medallion placed around the girl's neck bore an elegant dove.

    "I have one last award, a very special award. This one is for Innocence, and I would like to present it to Kansas, for his beautiful reminder of the inner child in us all." Wench hung the medallion, engraved with a simple heart, around Kansas's neck, and then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Speaking very quietly, so that no one else could hear, she murmured, "Your castle reminds me of the ones I built as a child. Thank you, little one."

    "Now, since I have handed out all the awards, I would like to direct you all to the deck, where a meal awaits. All of these wonderful sculptures will be kept intact for everyone to enjoy for the rest of our vacation." Wench led a round of applause for the winners, beaming happily.

  13. "You're doing it all wrong." Alistair cocked his head as Aledrian patted the sand.

    "And you're an expert, I assume?" The elven mage glared at his lover.

    "Well, not exactly an expert, but..." Alistair sighed, frustrated. This vacation had been anything but pleasant so far, between being dragged off by the mysterious dark knight and Aledrian's continuing anger at him. It was not as though Alistair had a choice, though. He was King of Fereldan, like it or not, but there were things even the King could not do.

    "Maybe if you weren't wearing all that armor?" Alistair suggested. "You keep shaving off bits of the castle when you move."

    "I'm not taking off my armor." Aledrian scowled at Alistair, and Sand scowled at them both.

    "Shut up," Sand suggested. "Just shut up."

    "Use magic," Vale offered watching with growing amusement. He was not sure who would explode first, the mage or his wizard. He waved to Alistair and they moved away slowly, leaving the furious Sand and Aledrian to glare at each other.

    Aledrian did cast his magic, and watched as his sandcastle rose from the sand.

  14. Wench waved to Sand and Vale as they arrived at the beach with the glowering Alistair and Aledrian. "Do change into something more appropriate for frolicking in the sand, would you?" She handed over two pairs of swim trunks to Vale. "There's a place there where you can change."

    Sand looked at the garments, his expression thunderous. "Pray tell, my dear Wench, are there a pair of breechless halflings somewhere that I should avoid? This," he gestured imperiously, "is not clothing."

    Vale snickered and tugged on the trunks under his kilt, and then removed his kilt. "I don't know, my moon. These are a little more comfortable for the sand."

    Sand rounded on his lover. "You look preposterous." It was blatantly untrue, and Sand actually found the sight of Vale in a pair of loose knee-length swim trunks to be shockingly pleasant. The trunks sat low on Vale's slim hips, and he did a little shimmy just to tease Sand.

    "I am not asking, my wizard." Wench gave him a stern look.

    "I will be sure to exact reparations for this indignity. You can rest assured of it." Sand looked at the trunks again, and shuddered. "Are these at least silk, or some suitably comfortable fabric?"

    "Sand." The warning tone in Wench's voice was enough to make Vale shiver.

    "Fine." Sand pulled on the trunks and yanked his kilt off, seething. "I am wearing the ridiculous things. I will go and mediate between your friend's quarreling pets. I live to serve."

    Vale shook his head, and followed the furious wizard as he stormed away in search of Alistair and Aledrian.

  15. Wench and Serani had a lovely chat over coffee, after which Wench sent her elves off on their errand. She herself wandered down to the beach, to watch all the preparations for the competition, and to bask in the thoughtfully augmented sunshine in the spot Henry had prepared for her. Really, Pitt thought of everything, including the need Wench had for the sun to caress her and warm her.

    Sand and Vale went upstairs to the third floor, and knocked on the door of bedroom 13. A human man opened the door, raking a hand through his close-cropped hair. Sand cocked an eyebrow.

    "I have been sent by my Wench, to ask you to join us for the sand castle competition. I would like to point out that requests from my dear Wench are not refused, and it would be in your best interests for you and your companion to accompany us." Sand watched the play of emotions across the man's face. Confusion, irritation, anger, and then exasperation as another voice rang out.

    "Oh, why not? At least it will get us out of this frozen room and I won't have to look at your insufferable face as you sulk." The elven mage shoved past his human companion, his tightly braided blond hair revealing a sharply angled face and steely grey eyes. He glared at Sand. "If you're taking us someplace, I'd suggest you get on with it."

    "Aledrian," the man began to say.

    "No!" Aledrian rounded on him with a fearsome scowl. "Don't you think I've heard all your excuses by now? Just don't anymore."

    Sand looked at Vale, who widened his eyes slightly. Dear gods, the Wench never did make it easy, did she?

  16. Wench woke uncharacteristically early, her elves curled around her. Sand had not even bothered to undo his braids, and the jewels woven through them winked in the morning light. Wench could smell the rich aroma of coffee wafting up the stairs, and she was surprised to find that she was ravenous, a combination of the fresh sea air and the vigorous exercise, no doubt. She smiled to herself as she slid out past Sand and Vale, stepping into another shower just to finish waking up.

    Wench was rinsing her hair when two bodies attached themselves to her, planting slightly drowsy kisses on her wet cheeks. "You could have remained in bed a while longer," she said, leaning into a hug.

    "And who would wash your back?" Vale asked, reaching for the sea sponge.

    "And who would dry your hair?" Sand added, chuckling.

    They washed quickly, and the elves located clean kilts after Sand had cast his cantrip to dry their hair.

    "Breakfast?" Wench asked, fastening her pareo around her hips over her bathing suit.

    "Breakfast!" her elves chorused.

    The trio made their way downstairs as quietly as possible, heading into the kitchen and filling plates and mugs. As they sat down to eat, Sand looked out at the glorious day unfolding around them.

    "What is the activity today?" the moon elf asked.

    "We are hosting a sand castle competition," Wench replied, sipping her coffee happily. "You know that you can't compete, my dears, since we are judging."

    Vale looked briefly disappointed. "Can we build something anyway?"

    "I have a much better idea," Wench replied, her eyes dancing with mischief. "I need you two to take care of something for me. Specifically, two somethings."

    Sand arched an eyebrow. "I mistrust the gleam in your eyes, my Wench. It bodes ill for someone."

    Wench took another sip of coffee. "Do you remember my friend, the dark knight?"

    It was Vale's turn to arch an eyebrow. "The icy fellow? The one who wore that spiked armor and cloaked himself in shadows?"

    "The very one," Wench said. "He brought two companions with him and they have been avoiding our games. I want you two to persuade Alistair and Aledrian to come and participate in today's activity."

    "Why would they listen to us?" Vale asked.

    "I have it from my dark knight himself that they are... estranged at the moment." Wench looked at her elves. "It would be a kindness if their estrangement were ended, don't you think? Surely the two of you can understand."

    Sand looked at Vale, unable to suppress a grin. "I think we can deal with the oliphaunt in the room, dear Wench."

    "Wonderful!" Wench exclaimed, holding out her cup for more coffee. "I knew I could count on you both." Thank goodness for elves, or a Wench's work would never be done...

  17. For today's activity, we will be hosting a sand castle/sand sculpture competition.

    For those of you who are magic users, we ARE permitting the use of magic in this activity, with the understanding that nothing harmful is permitted. Please bring your imaginations, and enthusiasm to the beach and do be sure and have fun while you're building your marvelous construction. (And yes, we do want to hear about all the fun you're having!)

    You can post a link with a picture of your work, or provide a detailed description.

    Judging of entries will be held at 3pm Eastern Time, which is GMT +5 for our international guests still operating on other time zones.


  18. Sand and Vale slipped into the room, to find their Wench looking rather like a cat who had gotten into the cream. Considering that they looked very much the same, the two elves merely grinned.

    "We were going to shower, dear Wench. If we promise to merely wash, and quickly at that, can we persuade you to join us?" Sand looked at Wench, his expression amused.

    "I'll hold you to that, my wizard." Wench sat up and stretched. Vale was leaning against Sand, looking entirely pleased with himself, and utterly ravished. It took Wench a moment to realize what was missing.

    "Where are your kilts?" Wench asked.

    Sand looked surprised, an expression not often seen on his face. He looked at Vale, and the two elves began to laugh.

    Wench sighed. "In the shower, you two. Fortunately, we have others and I'll ask Henry to fetch them at some point when Willow's room is free."

    Not fifteen minutes later, Wench was drifting off, clean and cradled between her elves.

  19. Yuji need not have worried about his laugh, however, as Sand pulled him back and plundered his mouth thoroughly. By the time the elf broke away, it was all Yuji could do to catch his breath.

    Vale was shuddering and still whimpering slightly, his throat raw from his final scream. He felt utterly plundered, exactly what he had hoped for from this night, and he gathered up the remaining shreds of his energy and pulled himself erect, falling back into Yuji and picking up the kiss where Sand had left off.

    Sand wrapped his arms around both Vale and Yuji, gathering them close to him. His legs were trembling slightly, but he was euphoric enough not to feel exhaustion. "Now I know why Satoshi and Kansas were so marvelous as lovers," Sand murmured, nuzzling Yuji's abused ear. "You are very strong, very forceful." Sand's tone of voice made it clear that this was a compliment. "Vale has never surrendered like that to anyone, not even to me."

    Vale gave Yuji a dazzling, if exhausted, smile. "It's true. Thank you, for making this more than memorable." Vale leaned against Yuji's shoulder. "Elves don't sleep like you do. We walk in our memories in what we call reverie. I'll walk in this memory often, Yuji."

    As they untangled themselves, Sand looked at the state of the bed. He and Vale would return to their room, since Willow would be returning here, as would Satoshi and Kansas, Sand suspected. It would have been the height of poor manners to leave such a mess, so Sand murmured a quick cantrip, and the sheets were once again pristine. The he and Vale both kissed Yuji one last time, their tongues dancing together in his mouth, before they left, swaying slightly as their arms wrapped around each other's waists.

  20. When Yuji sucked on his ear, Sand felt himself slipping past the point at which he could hold back his orgasm. Instead, he latched on to Yuji's ear, sucking it and then nipping it sharply as he slammed himself fully into the man, once again sliding over the prostate on every thrust. He could feel Vale's readiness as well, and Sand's thrusts encouraged Yuji to slam into Vale with increasing vigor.

    By now, Vale was increasing in volume as he felt his own orgasm approaching. His balls felt like they were filled with red hot magma, and his ass burned from the multiple slaps and he was gloriously filled by that wonderful cock. Then Yuji did something, and the world exploded for Vale. He screamed, his balls clenching and cum erupting in thick ropes from his cock to spatter the bed and Yuji's hand. At the same time, Sand felt his own balls tighten, and he thrust forward one last time, his hands gripping Yuji's hips hard enough to bruise, and he shot everything he had into that velvet heat that surrounded him.

  21. Vale was nearly incoherent with pleasure as he felt Yuji's nails raking his back, and when Yuji slapped his ass, he bucked backward, impaling himself on Yuji. When Yuji finally gave him permission to speak, as his fingers wrapped around Vale's cock, the blond elf let out a howl of pure ecstacy.

    Sand merely growled again, shifting his angle of penetration to give Yuji's prostate a small rest, and ran a teasing tongue along the shell of Yuji's ear. He knew the man wanted him to bite down, but Sand was not yet ready. Sand could read Vale's cries during lovemaking with the accuracy born of years spent together, and Vale was not quite close enough. Sand wanted them all to reach the finish together, a pleasure that would be compounded for him and Vale, linked as they were by the peculiar bond that elves could form, a bond that allowed strong emotion or sensation to be shared.

    As Yuji continued to rake Vale's back, and slap his ass, Vale's whimpers and cries grew increasingly urgent. Yuji's firm hand as it stroked Vale's cock was pushing the blond elf to the threshold, his balls visibly drawing upwards.

    "Vale is on the verge," Sand murmured, and nipped Yuji's ear lightly. "Decide now if you wish to let him find release."

  22. Sand growled as Yuji nipped his ear, his cock tightening in response, and he pulled back a bit only to slam forward, driving Yuji into Vale. Vale, his ass reddened from the slap shoved himself backward at the same time, a moan of absolute pleasure escaping as he took Yuji within him to the very balls. Vale's fists tightened around the sheets and he ground his ass into Yuji as hard as he could, his back arching like a cat's.

    Sand fell into a steady rhythm, pounding himself into Yuji, his jeweled braids swinging forward and slapping against Yuji with each thrust. Sand released one hip and grabbed hold of Yuji's nipple, twisting it sharply as he thrust forward. Sand had found an angle that let him pound Yuji's prostate with every thrust, and the way the man tightened around Sand had his balls drawing upward, on the verge of release.

  23. Vale was only too happy to comply with Yuji's newest order. As much as he enjoyed his time with his Wench, she could not do for him what a fat, hot cock could do. No toy would replace that feeling, and Vale just barely bit back a moan of anticipation as he positioned himself as instructed, ass in the air and face in the sheets. He felt Yuji's hands grip his cheeks and he wriggled eagerly, wanting nothing more than to be breached.

    Sand followed behind Yuji, not at all displeased by the change in position. He did pause to admire the sway of Yuji's hips, and the way his skin glowed in the soft light. Sand reached out and gripped Yuji's hips firmly, strong fingers digging in almost painfully as he positioned himself and reentered the tight passage with a groan of pleasure. He thrust forward a little more firmly this time, seating himself fully within Yuji.

    "You do not have to prepare him," Sand murmured into Yuji's ear. "You are wet enough from his mouth, and he is willing."

  24. Sand sucked on his fingers for a moment, and thrust one wet finger into Yuji's ass as he pulled the man's ear to him again, tonguing it roughly. Sand was not about to make the same mistake he had with Kansas, and shove himself into someone who wasn't prepared for him. He curled his finger, finding Yuji's prostate and stroked it firmly, feeling the man clamp around his finger, and he chuckled.

    Vale laved his tongue around the head of Yuji's cock eagerly, savoring the slightly bitter taste of his precum, and then he tilted his head so that he could engulf Yuji fully, his throat relaxed. His tongue pressed firmly along the underside of Yuji's cock as the man drove himself forward, and his eyes fluttered shut in bliss. He arched his chest slightly, willing Yuji to pull on his aching nipples.

    Sand added a second finger, scissoring them to further stretch and prepare Yuji, and he let his teeth scrape along the edge of the man's ear. A third followed, and the fingers curled again, putting pressure on Yuji's prostate.

    Vale had taken Yuji all the way into his mouth, the head of Yuji's cock in his throat, and although he had been told to be silent, he rumbled out a throaty purr that vibrated against the head of Yuji's cock.

    Sand withdrew is fingers and positioned himself at Yuji's puckered sphincter, pressing forward until he had just breached the tight muscle, He paused a moment, waiting to let Yuji adjust to the intrusion.

  25. Vale resisted the urge to deepen the kiss as Yuji's lips met his. As Yuji fisted his hair and tugged his head back, Vale heard the man order him to look up. Vale complied, green eyes filled with lust. "I am yours," Vale replied simply, giving over control to Yuji willingly. He shivered a little as he said the words, knowing that they marked a turning point for him. He looked at Sand briefly, this time with an absolute trust in his eyes, and Sand nodded almost imperceptibly. Vale felt the smallest of smiles on his own lips. Sand would not let him fall, not without being there to catch him.

    Sand moved behind Yuji, reaching around him to roll his nipples roughly between thumb and forefinger while his lips sought the man's ear again. It fascinated and delighted Sand that this human reacted almost like an elf to earplay. Sand growled a little as his teeth met skin, and he pinched Yuji's nipples harder. He knew how badly Vale must have been aching, since he was feeling more than ready himself, and he had been well satisfied by Kansas the night before. Vale had ceded control to Yuji, though, and Sand would not take that away. Instead, he shoved himself against Yuji, making sure that his cock slid along the cleft of Yuji's buttocks.

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