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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale grinned at Yuji, enjoying being kissed so sweetly. "Well, I did watch you a bit at the house, and I did think I could figure it out, but you've found me out. Do you want a whiskey while I'm getting the food?" He rested his cue stick against the table. "Oh, and agreed, to all your terms. I suppose elves don't wear enough to make for a decent show, eh?" Vale laughed. "But if I do lose, I'll make sure I give you a striptease you'll never forget." Vale downed his whiskey. "Seven."

    With a last wink over his shoulder, Vale strolled away, his hips swinging with the raucous beat of the music. He headed to the bar to order the Calypso platter and two more whiskeys, and stopped to greet Apollo and Pittwitch.

    "Mistresses, good evening. This is a wonderful idea, this party. Thank you so much for all your effort in making this happen." Vale's green eyes sparkled. "Now, I need to get this food back to my friend, and get my ass whipped at pool." He knew he sounded far too delighted at the prospect, but surely they would understand.

    Vale returned to the pool table with the food and the drinks. "You're going to have to explain some of this food as well," Vale chuckled as he handed Yuji a whiskey. He pointed to the conch fritters. "What are those?"

  2. Wench had to laugh at Bishop's reaction to the thought of karaoke. "Not a singer, Bishop? I heard you had a fine voice." She gave him a cheeky grin. "I don't know, maybe I can be coerced into singing. What song were you thinking of, Anesor? Maybe we can do a duet."

    Sand arched an eyebrow. "Should I just get a bottle of wine, or are you feeling brave all on your own, my dear Wench?"

    Wench laughed again, and gave Sand a light kiss on the cheek. "Wicked wizard. But I will take more wine, dear one." Sand sauntered off, his kilt swinging around his knees.

    "So tell me, did you get a chance to look at our sand castles? Some of them were just gorgeous. But I still think Kansas's castle was the sweetest." Wench looked at Casavir. "Oh, and I owe you a thank-you, don't I?"

  3. Vale was torn between trying to guess the rules of the game and watching the enticing way Yuji's shirt had ridden up to reveal the golden skin of his back above the curve of his ass. He chuckled when Yuji asked him about what he would wear at home.

    "Well, that depends," Vale replied, cocking one hip lazily. "If I'm working, I wear breeches, boots and a short robe. If I'm not working, I wear more traditional elven clothing. I wear tight breeches tucked into tall boots and a long tunic with loose sleeves that clasps at the neck. Over that I wear an open robe that falls to about mid-calf, usually silk or velvet. I don't normally bother with smallclothes, what you would call underclothes, but if I did, I'd wear a silk loincovering that ties at the sides."

    When the solid white ball went into the pocket, and Yuji spat out a word that Vale didn't understand but certainly could recognize as a curse, he grinned. "My turn, then." He sauntered over to the table and looked at it. Yuji had not left him too many clean shots, and Vale's green eyes narrowed slightly. He thought he had a chance at the red and white striped ball marked with an 11, and he set the cue ball on the table. He leaned over, knowing full well that his kilt was riding up to reveal a stretch of long bare thigh as he mimicked the way Yuji had used the cue stick. Unfortunately for Vale, he underestimated the force required, and while he did tap the ball, he did not sink it.

  4. The choosing game was close enough to one Vale knew, and out of long habit, he called, "Rock!" He started to laugh again as Yuji put his hand over Vale's. Parchment covers rock, he remembered. "Alright, you have first shot." Vale gave another graceful half-bow, knowing it made his kilt sway perfectly and gave a quick hint of the sweet curve of his ass. "You don't dance? That's a pity. I was hoping for a preview of later..." Vale let his voice trail off into a husky little purr. He loved flirting like this, little sly hints and teases, the heated looks.

    Vale watched carefully as Yuji carefully racked the balls and chalked his cue. Yuji's hair swung forward in the most distracting way as he lined up the cue ball and prepared to break, the cue stick sliding between his fingers gracefully.

  5. Vale sauntered into the bar behind Yuji, making sure the sway of his hips gave his kilt plenty of reason to sway. "I'm not so sure you have what it takes to beat me at pool, but I'm going to have fun watching you try," Vale replied, his own tone light but not enough to cover the slightly husky undertone.

    His lips were tingling from the quick kiss, and the night was looking to be a success already. After all, he was at this bar, with a gorgeous man, and he was going to probably get his ass whipped at pool, since he really had no idea what the rules even were, but he did not care. In fact, although he intended to give it his best effort, the thought of losing had begun to sound good from the moment Yuji told him he had an outfit picked out for Vale to peel off.

    Vale took the whiskey from Yuji and took a sip, savoring it. The music was loud and wild, and the beat was infectious, making Vale sway a little. He turned to Yuji with a grin. "Do you dance?"

  6. Sand gave Casavir a merry look. "I am indeed much happier, thank you." He sipped his scotch with pleasure. "I do believe my Wench will want to dance, and perhaps we will try that game called shuffleboard."

    "You're not going to sing?" Wench teased. She leaned over to give Anesor a hug, and then gave Bishop and Casavir a hug as well. "Bishop, I'll split the spicy wings with you, and maybe Anesor can share something milder with Casavir? Sand?"

    "The blackened tuna bites," Sand replied. "Anesor, you look radiant in that color. It suits you, my dear."

  7. Vale chuckled and tossed down his own whiskey. "Six it is." He gave a half bow and gestured to Yuji to lead the way, a delicious shiver running up his spine as he savored the way Yuji's skin had felt. The feel of those firm cheeks under his hands was intoxicating, and even the smell of Yuji, the mixture of faint cigaret smoke, whiskey, and the unique scent that was Yuji, was enough to make Vale glad he was wearing a loose kilt and not the tight breeches he favored at home. "Ready when you are."

    Vale could not suppress his grin as he walked beside Yuji. This was exactly what he loved, the dance, the chase, the flirting and drinking and talking. He felt more comfortable with Yuji than he expected, and that too added to the pleasure.

    "Are we heading to this bar party?" Vale asked. "I want to make sure everyone sees me beating you at pool," he teased, his eyes merry.

  8. Wench and Sand arrived at the bar, both looking remarkably refreshed. Wench had opted for leather pants and a silk blouse, with delicate high-heeled sandals. Her white hair was loose over her shoulders, as usual. Sand had chosen another kilt, with a loose silk shirt in creamy ivory and his favorite tall boots. His braids were beaded with pearls, and he looked around with great interest.

    The bar appeared lively already, with Apollo and her kilted men there, along with Satoshi and Kansas, both apparently playing a variation of ping pong. Anesor was there with Casavir and Bishop, and Wench headed over to greet them while Sand got her a wine, and a scotch for himself.

  9. Vale's green eyes got noticeably darker as Yuji crowded into him. "One spot? We can't have that, can we?" Vale's voice was slightly husky, and his hand was trembling as he reached for the vial of unguent he had tucked in the waistband of his kilt. He dribbled a little on his fingers and put his arms around Yuji, letting his ointment coated fingers stroke the soft skin that Yuji had revealed. He kept his eyes on Yuji's as he asked, "Right there?"

  10. Vale tossed his head back and laughed. "Oh, I love a challenge, and you're on. Loser gives the winner a striptease." Vale leaned down and caught the bottle by its neck, his green eyes very bright as he followed Yuji, watching the sway in the man's hips with open admiration. "Lead the way."

    There was a noticeable sway in the elf's hips, his kilt swinging around his long legs. Vale thought for a moment about how those muscles in Yuji's back would feel under his fingers, and his grin got even wider.

  11. Vale stroked the silky black hair as Yuji's head rested against his chest. "I betrayed Sand. I believed a man, a person I thought was a friend, when he told me that Sand was using me. I found out later that he had blackmailed Sand into leaving me." Vale sighed, and began to apply the unguent to the four parallel cuts on Yuji's thigh. "Sand left the city we lived in, and was gone for several years. When he returned, I never even tried to find out why he really left. I was cold, and proud, and cruel. I shoved him away. I loved him enough to have a complete breakdown when he left. I drank myself into a stupor and stayed there for a month."

    Vale smiled slightly and lifted Yuji's chin. "It took a letter from a dead man to wake me up, and make me see what a balor-buggering bastard I'd been. I was lucky to get him back. I lost my appetite for the chase when I lost him. But now? We have an understanding, that when we need to find that part of ourselves that isn't so damned bound up in each other, we can. When Sand pursued Satoshi, and then Kansas, that was his chase. He likes to initiate things. He needs control. I'm not so concerned with being the one in charge. I'd rather have a few drinks, some conversation about whatever comes to mind, and lovemaking."

    Vale refilled their glasses. "And when it comes to pool, I'm deadly good." He smiled again, wider this time. "Five."

  12. Wench looked at the shuddering elf beneath her. Sand's black hair was fanned out, sweat-damp around the temples, and his blue eyes were dark with sated passion. She released his wrists and pulled herself upright, a smile on her face.

    "Well?" Wench asked.

    "I am utterly repentant, thoroughly chastened, and will wear halfling garb upon demand without protest," Sand chuckled, and tugged Wench down for a searing kiss. "But if we are going to attend this inn gathering, we need to shower and dress, my darling Wench."

    "At least I know we'll shower quickly," Wench retorted, and slid off the wizard, laughing.

  13. Vale coated the newly revealed bruises in unguent. "I think I can understand, having seen Satoshi with Sand and K in the hot tub." Vale's tone was dry as dust, but his eyes were kind. "He and the little one, you take care of them, though. You give them what they need, and you take what they have to release." Vale reached for the whiskey bottle, and muttered something both lilting and sibilant at the same time, and a few ice cubes appeared in Yuji's glass. He filled both tumblers.

    "One question, though." The green eyes were locked on Yuji's amazingly perfect eyes, and one slim hand reached out to brush back a stray lock of silky black hair. "What do you need?" He raised his tumbler. "Four."

  14. Vale chuckled dryly as he filled Yuji's glass. He had brought his own glass as well, and promptly drained it and refilled it. He watched with a carefully neutral expression as Yuji shed his hoodie, examining the the scratches on his arms, the purple bruises around his wrists, and the seeping love bites around his neck.

    Vale had recognized the need to dominate in Yuji, and he had accepted that and the pain that Yuji had inflicted on him as part of the pleasure that could be found in submission. But nowhere in their lovemaking had there been such a level of damage, and judging by the purpling of his wrists, Yuji had not been an entirely willing participant. The charm should have prevented it otherwise. Still, it was too far, in Vale's opinion, although he knew he had no right to judge.

    Vale unstopped the vial and poured a little of the unguent on his fingers, smoothing it on the long gouges on Yuji's neck. The unguent worked quickly, the redness fading visibly.

    "I want to wash the bites around your neck." Vale took a towel and wet it from the fountain. He dabbed with exquisite care at the bites, and then smeared them with the unguent as well. The wrists were next, and then Vale gently swiped unguent on the bruises around Yuji's eye. Finally, he dabbed the unguent on Yuji's bitten ears. He wiped his fingers off on the towel, and grabbed the whiskey bottle, refilling both their glasses.

    "Three," Vale said, and tossed his whiskey back. "Now, what in all the hells was this about? I didn't think you liked it this rough."

  15. Vale was almost shaking when he saw the scratches on Yuji's neck. The man looked like he had been mauled by a dire bear, and the way he hissed in pain as he stood spoke volumes to the elven sorcerer.

    Yuji was certainly putting on a decent front, though, Vale noted, as the man put a little sway in his hips, an invitation that Vale might have found appealing any other time. Vale shot a look over his shoulder at the bartender, mimed bringing an entire bottle, and followed Yuji into the exercise room.

    There was a padded massage table off to the side, and Vale quickly put some towels over it. "Why don't we wait for a moment, until the whiskey arrives?" Vale suggested. "Then I want you to sit up here for me, alright?"

    Vale did not wait for Yuji to answer. At this point, he was not letting the man out of the room, not until Vale had done something about those gouges and bruises. The bartender slipped in, handed Vale a full bottle of whiskey, and left quietly, closing the door as he went. Vale opened the bottle and offered it to Yuji.

    "Let's get that top off, and I can put some of this ointment on. It works wonders." Vale kept his voice gentle, and his touch was even softer. Control was something he had mastered over the past four centuries.

  16. There was something about Yuji's voice that made Vale frown slightly. He reached out, faster than Yuji could have anticipated, and lifted the hood slightly, his frown deepening.

    "What in the Nine Hells happened to you? You look like you went for a tumble with a pit fiend!" Vale took in the black eye, and and shook his head, blond hair falling forward. "No, don't tell me. I can guess, or at least guess who did this. I'm not sure I want to know why. Just... don't move."

    Vale darted back to the bartender. "Tell Henry I need that unguent of his, will you?"

    Vale returned to the couch, sitting more gently this time. "So how bad is it, Yuji? Will you let me take a look? We can find somewhere less public, like maybe the exercise room. I don't think anyone uses that." He reached out to lay a gentle hand on Yuji's arm. "As a friend, Yuji, nothing more."

    Henry appeared as silently as a ghost and handed a vial to the elf. "Topical only, sir," Henry reminded him, quite sure that all elves were mostly mad.

    "Thank you, Henry." Vale turned back to Yuji. "Shall we?"

  17. Vale wandered downstairs after showering and pulling on a kilt and a soft linen shirt. Sand was still making amends to Wench, and Vale was not interested in playing with them. He decided he would get himself a drink, and headed towards the bar, only to stop short when he saw Yuji on the couch. At least, he thought it was Yuji, hiding under the hood of his garment.

    "Yuji?" Vale asked. "Is everything alright? I was just going to have a drink. Want a whiskey?"

    Vale had discovered whiskey, and with the tolerance most elves had for alcohol, he tended to toss it back with abandon. Wench just sighed, and made sure that Sand prepared potions of neutralize poison for any hangovers. Vale took the two large whiskeys from the bartender and flopped gracefully onto the couch beside Yuji, handing him a tumbler.

  18. The Morpheus Potion has had another review, yay!

    Fairy Slayer: As ever, I thank you for your review! You got me thinking of the bedroom cleanup, my first thought was it'd be a shame if only the master alchemist was capable of mixing the right solution to get the stains out :D I fear poor Dar-Ma is at risk of at least one more truama, given that Orcs have a reputation for eating horses:

    "I'm sorry... Blossom was, uh, killed by bandits..."

    "Oh no! Was it quick?"

    "About 5 minutes a pound..."


  19. Sand fell back on the bed, thoroughly worn out. He was quite sure that he had made reparations for his next two transgressions, at the very least, and not only to his Wench. Vale had insisted on an apology as well, and Sand really could not refuse. It had not helped when Wench found out that he had given her bag of toys to Aledrian. Although she had asked Sand and Vale to try and encourage the dark knight's guests to reconcile, Wench had not expected to have to forgo her own pleasures.

    "We should rest, my dears. We are going to an inn tonight, for general revelry. We may even dance, if you are being good." Wench settled herself between her elves, facing Sand, Vale draping himself against her back.

    Vale nuzzled her ear drowsily. "Wine and song and games? Sounds like fun," he murmured.

    "It will be," Wench agreed, tugging Sand so that she could rest her head in his shoulder. "Maybe we'll bring Shadow's pets as well."

    "That should prove interesting," Sand said dryly. "I wonder if they are speaking to each other yet."

    "I shoved Alistair in the room after I left you with Casavir last night." Vale reached across Wench to find Sand's hand, lacing his fingers through the wizard's fingers. "Of course, we were making enough noise on our own to drown out any murders next door."

    Sand snorted. "They are quiet enough now."

    "Sleep," Wench said firmly, her eyes closing. "Oh, and Sand? You're almost forgiven."

    Sand did not even have the energy to groan.

  20. "Ah, my friend, I burned for her. I always will." Sand smiled. "It seems I must go and offer a Wench her wizard. I thank you again for your ear, and your friendship." The moon elf bowed slightly and sauntered off towards the stairs, leaving the scotch behind.

  21. Sand looked at Casavir, and his expression lightened a bit. "Perhaps that is it, my friend. Perhaps I am trying to weight hearts on the scale of justice. Love is not about that, is it, and for all that she can drive me mad, I do love the Wench, almost as much as I love Vale." Sand clasped Casavir's hand warmly. "Why is it that you are so very good at helping me to regain perspective?"

  22. Sand sighed again. "There is little that my Wench does not know about me, I fear. Perhaps that adds to my irritation."

    Vale walked up behind Sand, Alistair in tow. He looked at his lover and shook his head. "Stubborn, thick-headed wizard. My moon, do what you do best. Go seduce the woman. She'll forgive you your temper, and you'll feel better."

    "It may have gone too far for that, my sun. I was... quite sharp." Sand looked at Casavir. "An offering of sorts... but what does one offer a Wench who has whatever she wants?"

    "Idiot," Vale insisted. "Offer her her wizard."

  23. Sand sighed. "It is certainly not the lack of clothing. It is not the way of my people to find nudity disturbing." He turned the glass of scotch. "It is perhaps the surrender of control to another. I have endured far too much of that over the years." He managed a smile. "Perhaps I did not fully anticipate what this would mean, or perhaps I am reading too much into a simple garment."

    Sand drained the glass, and pushed it away, waving off a refill. "Now the question remains, my friend, how do I make amends?"

  24. "Casavir," Sand greeted. "Will you join me in a little scotch? I find myself in poor temper, I fear."

    Sand waited until Casavir had seated himself. The elf was not at all surprised when Casavir declined such strong spirits, but the paladin did accept a small glass of wine.

    "Tell me, Casavir, what is the purpose of wearing a costume that appears to have been ripped off the body of a passing gnome? I am perfectly willing to indulge my Wench's mania for kilts. They are, in fact, rather comfortable. But those ridiculous demi-breeches? And to ORDER me to wear them?" Sand took a very large drink of the scotch. "I do not care if Vale was willing. I agreed to obey on this vacation, and I have done so, but I do not wish to be made an object of ridicule."

  25. Sand turned to Wench once the awards had been handed out. "May I return to something more fitting in terms of clothing, or must I continue to parade about dressed in these... these... things?" He spat the last word out through gritted teeth.

    Wench arched an eyebrow. "They don't look as dreadful as you're making them out to be. In fact, I'm sure I saw a few glances thrown your way."

    Sand glared at her. "Be that as it may, if you would be so good as to actually answer the question, I am sure I would be eternally grateful and throw myself at your feet in abject worship."

    "Fine. You may wear your kilt." Wench walked away to see about finding something to eat, and perhaps more coffee.

    Sand retrieved his kilt from behind Wench's lounge chair and stripped off the offending swim trunks, completely ignoring Aledrian. He dropped them on the sand and fastened his kilt around his waist, twitching it into place irritably as he shot a glare at the elven mage beside him. "If you say one word, just one, I will test the durability of this charm with respect to baneful magic."

    Aledrian snorted. "Why do you feel obliged to obey her anyway?" He gave Sand a contemptuous glance.

    Sand returned the look with equal fervor. "You obviously are incapable of understanding the intricacies of relationships, judging from your own situation."

    Aledrian bristled. "Not that you would understand my situation."

    "Really?" Sand drawled. "Let me see how well I can do. You wish to be acknowledged openly, yes? And your lover will not do this thing for you." He arched an imperious brow. "Tell me, how long do you have to live?"

    "What does that have to do with anything?" Aledrian snapped, but there was not as much heat as before in his voice.

    "Vale and I were apart for around twenty-five years because we were both too stubborn to make the first attempt at reconciliation. We let the meddling of a third party steal that time from us." Sand smoothed his hair. "Of course, our lifepsans are long enough for that to be tolerable. I am over three hundred years old."

    Aledrian's steely grey eyes widened slightly, but he make no comment. His fingers twitched as though he wished to be casting something, but no magic emerged.

    "You could, of course, continue to sulk, but I rather think time is a far more precious commodity for you." Sand reached behind the lounge chair and pulled out a velvet bag. "Take these, and take Alistair back to your room. Lock the door if you need to, but reconcile. And remember this. Kings are often more prisoner of power than not."

    With that, Sand spun on his head and walked away, his kilt swaying from slim hips.

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