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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale moaned again as Yuji pushed him back, green eyes dark with lust. When Yuji turned around and presented himself, Vale snatched up the pot of lubricant from the bedtable, and quickly coated his aching cock. He positioned himself at Yuji's entrance, rubbing his lover's back with one hand and gripping Yuji's hip in the other. He eased the head of his cock past the still so tight ring of muscle, gasping at the velvet heat that beckoned, but he paused, giving Yuji a moment to adjust to the intrusion.

    When Vale heard Yuji's breathing even out a bit, he pressed forward slowly and steadily, sinking himself deeper into his lover until his sac brushed Yuji's ass. Vale left off rubbing Yuji's back and leaned forward, letting his hair brush against Yuji as he reached around him, toying with a nipple as he nuzzled the back of Yuji's neck. "I want to do this slowly. I don't want to rush this. I want to savor you."

    Vale withdrew slowly, and then thrust forward, setting a steady pace, his hips moving smoothly. He was engulfed in heat, and try as he might, Vale found himself reaching a point where he could no longer hold back. "I'm going to come. I can't hold on..." His voice trailed off into a moan as he felt his balls draw up, so tight and hard, and then white heat exploded behind his eyes and he pumped a stream of hot cum into Yuji, letting out a wordless howl as he spilled. "Yuji," he murmured, as he leaned forward again, shivering. "Please, take me. I need you in me."

  2. Sand laughed. "I can picture you as such," he said, delighted. "I myself am a mage, a magic user. I was born in an elven land, Evereska, a hidden place nestled in a vale between great mountains. It is a place of gardens, Evereska, that bloom the year round, and fountains. I have family there still, and hope to visit soon."

  3. Vale was still shivering from the delicious assault by Yuji on his own cock, and he pushed Yuji backwards on the bed. "Yes, oh, yes," Vale murmured, as lust-addled as his lover. He slid down, his ass waving enticingly in the air as he crouched between Yuji's legs. Vale licked and nibbled his way down Yuji's inner thigh, his long hair trailing over his shoulder to tickle his lover. He stopped to suck at Yuji's sac, laving each tender globe gently with his tongue, a soft moan of pure desire escaping his swollen lips.

    Vale parted Yuji's cheeks, letting the sac slip from between his lips as his tongue traced a path to the pink pucker of Yuji's sphincter. Vale ran the tip of his tongue over the tight muscle lovingly, laving it and then probing, gently at first and then with more vigor, pushing his way past the initial resistance until he had breached the tight ring. He thrust his tongue in as far as he could, pressing the wet muscle into Yuji. Vale pulled back a little, and thrust again, whimpering happily, long fingers wrapping around Yuji's hips as he continued to thrust, slowly stretching Yuji and lubricating the tight passage at the same time. He could feel Yuji's hands fisting in his hair, and he moaned, aching to bury himself in that heat.

  4. Sand was still looking up. "On my world, the moon is followed by a trail of stars. The legend is that the stars are the Tears of Selune. It is a pretty way to view the heavens, I think." Sand turned to Samantha. "I am not bored at all. On the contrary, I am most intrigued."

  5. Sand looked at Samantha, his blue eyes serious. His voice was gentle and very warm. "It is not wrong, Samantha, not at all. There are times I do believe we would all make that very wish. And there are times my world feels like a dream to me as well, but it is a gentle dream. Let us hope that gentler dreams await us all."

    The night air had gotten cooler, and Sand held out a hand. A servant draped a shawl of the finest pashmina across the elf's outstretched hand, and Sand wrapped it tenderly around Samantha's shoulders. "It is a beautiful night, I do not know this world well enough to know their stars, but they are scattered like diamonds across the sky, are they not?"

  6. Vale moaned, letting his shirt fall away as he fell to his knees in front of Yuji. His long fingers slid under the waistband of Yuji's trousers, and he lifted Yuji's ass slightly, enough to slide the trousers away. Yuji's skin-tight black boxers were straining to contain his erection, and the sight made Vale moan again as he pressed his mouth to the cloth, nibbling along the length of him to where the head of Yuji's cock was trying to emerge from the waistband.

    Vale tugged at the tight boxers, rolling them down enough to free Yuji. He took the head of Yuji's cock in his mouth, swirling his tongue to lap up the precum that was beaded at the tip, and teasing the slit with his tongue while he stroked the length of the rock hard shaft with one hand. His other hand crept up Yuji's stomach, seeking and finding a nipple to be rolled between thumb and forefinger until it stood erect. Vale moaned around Yuji, his eyes half closed in pleasure, and he flattened his tongue as he slid his lips down Yuji's cock slowly. When Yuji bumped the back of Vale's throat, the elf relaxed his throat and swallowed hard, drawing Yuji in until Vale's nose was pressed against his belly. Vale swallowed a few more times, feeling Yuji writhe as he reached up to find the other nipple. Hollowing his cheeks, Vale pulled back with infinite slowness, his eyes locking on Yuji's gorgeous eyes, until he finally released Yuji's cock.

  7. Sand followed Samantha on to the deck. "My dear Wench has been leading Apollo's K a merry dance, both literally and figuratively, all night long. I would not dare interrupt her when she is on the hunt." He chuckled. "My Wench can command me, but she does not own my heart."

  8. Vale was dizzy with all that he was feeling at the moment, love and lust and joy all tumbled together. He held tightly to Yuji's hand, throwing a smile over his shoulder at Willow and the two men. Dipping his head close to Yuji's. Vale murmured, "Sand did the same earlier. He's the one who was urging me to open the portal to you when we get home."

    The room was empty as Vale had known it would be, and the minute he closed the door behind them, he spun and pulled Yuji into another kiss, plundering his mouth with reckless abandon. Only the need to breathe made him break off the kiss, and he took a shuddering breath. "I want you, Yuji." His long fingers tugged at Yuji's tie, and he nipped his lover's ear. "I want to feel your skin against mine. I want to love you all night." He laughed a little, still breathless, and slipped off Yuji's tie, and then reached for his jacket. Even feeling such urgency, Vale took the time to lay Yuji's clothes neatly on the chair. He started on the buttons of Yuji's shirt, nibbling on plump lips and toeing off his boots at the same time.

  9. Vale's smile was like the sun coming out. He looked at Yuji, and murmured, "Yes, I can share you." He dove into a searing kiss, feeling Yuji's groin grind into his, and he reached down to hold Yuji's hips and thrust himself against his lover with equal need. He could taste the whiskey on Yuji's tongue, and he kissed him again, and then went for an ear, nibbling it and licking it.

    "My room?" Vale asked. "No one will be there, not tonight." He let go of Yuji's hips and ran his hands through the silky hair, pulling Yuji into another kiss. His eyes were all but glowing in the moonlight as he broke the kiss, looking at his lover with enough heat in his eyes to spark an inferno.

  10. Vale had downed his sake with Yuji, and then grabbed his beer and followed the man outside. He watched Yuji light a cigarette and inhale deeply, and he listened as Yuji told him that he wanted Vale to come. Vale listened when Yuji told him that Willow was his wife.

    Vale looked at his beer thoughtfully, and downed in in a single swallow, his head thrown back, the long column of his throat pale in the moonlight. The he set the bottle down, and reached into the waistband of his kilt, pulling out a small pouch. His hand disappeared into the tiny bag, and reappeared holding a bottle of very expensive whiskey. Vale tucked the pouch away, and opened the bottle. "I don't have glasses," he said, and held the bottle out to Yuji. "You made it to eight last night, but we forgot to drink from the bottle."

    Vale looked up at the moon. "Willow knew we were together last night, and tonight she all but shoved us into each other's arms. Will she mind if I visit? Will she care that I step through a portal and sweep her husband into my bed?" Vale sighed. "The funny part is that I do understand, more than you think. It's just one of those things that doesn't translate well." He took a deep drink from the whiskey bottle. "Sand and I are bonded, soul to soul. I suppose that makes us married." He pulled Yuji closer and leaned in to kiss him, nibbling on his plump lower lip.

  11. Sand walked Samantha to the bar. "Champagne for the both of us, I think," Sand murmured to the bartender. He took both glasses and led Samantha to a table. "I did not mean to make things awkward, my dear. On the contrary, I had hoped to make this a pleasant evening for us both. But you must believe, there will be someone, some day, who will be worthy of you."

  12. Vale follows Yuji to the bar, his heart pounding like a hammer. "Then I will. I'll go home and open the portal." Vale gestures at the bartender, and takes the glass he is handed without even looking at it. "I can step through to you like we did last night to go to the bar. I can stay as long as you want."

    Vale knocks back the drink in his hand without tasting it, and he turns to the bartender. "Two sakes and two beers," he says and turns back to Yuji. "Whatever it is, Yuji, whatever you think I won't understand? I've had plenty I haven't understood over the past few days, but I'll try, if you help me." He tries for a small joke. "You taught me how to play 8-ball."

    Vale reaches out and touched Yuji's arm. "What do you want to do?"

  13. "Did I mention intelligent?" Sand chuckled quietly. "I am perhaps more powerful than I let on, but I have lived long enough to learn that having power means others will expect you to use it on their behalf, and that often ends badly. So, I pretend to be less than I am, and I live quietly enough. But, Samantha, I accomplished nothing here tonight that you could not have accomplished yourself. It is who you are that makes you a princess."

  14. "Then Kansas owes much to you and to Satoshi," Vale says softly. He can feel the tension in Yuji's frame, but he has no idea how to make this better. Vale has barely begun to understand what he and Sand have, and now this wonderful bewitching human has him wondering which end is up. "You belong to Willow? Like I belong to Wench? Or is it more?"

    Then the rest of what Yuji said sinks in. "It's just a dream, isn't it? Even if I could open the portal, and I'm very sure I could." Vale sighs, and then manages a small smile. "Then we shouldn't waste the time we have." He presses a soft kiss to Yuji's head, nestled as it is in his neck. "We'll live in the moment. So for tonight, I'll love you and not think about tomorrow."

  15. "I am just another mage," Sand replied lightly. "I have some power, but I am truly happier not being anyone important. I am free to study and travel as I wish." He twirled Samantha and then caught her close for the next turn. "I prefer my quiet life."

  16. "Well, my dear Samantha, you show a grace and courage few could match." Sand offered his arm again. "Perhaps we can dance again, and let the music chase away the future for a while longer?" He led Samantha back to the dance floor, and bowed to her, his kilt swinging gracefully. "Shall we?"

  17. Vale feels an ache in his chest. Yuji's interest in Sand can mean only one thing, and Vale is not sure how to explain his relationship with Sand. He sighs softly before beginning to speak. "I met Sand when I rescued him, actually. He was being held on a ship. The captain was supposed to deliver him to Neverwinter, but he thought he'd keep him as a ship's whore for a while. I killed that captain."

    Vale rests his head against Yuji's head. "How do I explain this? We fell in love, and then I was an idiot, and we were apart. Now we are together again, but among elves, because we live so long, we understand that sometimes hearts call to another for a time. Sand knows how I feel about you, and he doesn't mind. He understands, because we have centuries in front of us in which to love, and because he loved another when we were apart."

    Vale is barely aware of the music, only knowing that he is still in Yuji's arms and they are moving slowly and gracefully across the floor. "I'm not betraying Sand, and my loving you is something that's right, Yuji. Sand told me I should ask my guild to create a portal for me, so I could visit you in Japan. But if that can't happen, if that's wrong for us, then I at least want tonight, and I'll always love you, for all the centuries of my life."

  18. Sand found himself at a momentary loss for words, a rare occurrence indeed. "What of your friend Teilau? Can she not help?" he asked gently. It bothered him to think that this woman had no say over her own life. Among elves slavery was abhorrent, and although Sand had lived among humans in too many places to be shocked by much, he still could never understand that institution. "Is there no way for you to reach your father? To seek his help?"

  19. Sand offered Samantha his arm and led her to the bar, where he took a glass of Champagne from the bartender. "Here you are, Samantha." He took another for himself, and they strolled out onto the deck for a moment to enjoy the night air. "This has been a lovely vacation, but I do think I am enjoying this evening most of all. You are intelligent, and beautiful, and I do hope you will leave the seclusion that binds you. It would be a poorer world were you not out in it, and shining brightly for all to see."

  20. Vale followed Yuji out to the dance floor, nervous and unsure of himself as he listened to Yuji's rapid speech. He had shocked him, after all, and Vale felt an ache in his chest.

    When Yuji bowed to ask for the dance, Vale bowed to accept, and let Yuji take the lead as they swept out onto the floor. "I'm just a bit over four hundred years old. I've been a member of my guild since I reached my majority at one hundred, and I was very much married to my work, I think the saying is?" Vale moved closer to Yuji, wanting the comfort of touch. "I didn't socialize much. In fact, until Sand came along, I don't think I'd ever thought much about love. Sand is... well, he's forceful." Vale leaned his head in closer to Yuji, his voice dropping so that his next words were for Yuji alone. "You're the only other person who's ever affected me like this."

  21. Sand bowed as the dance came to an end. "This has been entirely my pleasure, Samantha." He noticed her faint blush as he used her name. Sand had no intentions of taking advantage of the sweet, shy woman, but he decided that a gentle flirtation might be enjoyable for her, and maybe make her feel more secure about her own beauty and worth. "I would be presumptuous and ask for another dance, but perhaps you would like a little champagne first?"

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