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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale laughed in delight as Kansas was able to repeat the complex snippet of music, his fingers deft and assured as he finished the tune himself, somehow knowing what needed to come next. As he played, the puffs of smoke released by the imp box coalesced to create a dragon that flew up and dove back down to swirl around Kansas before dissipating.

    Inside the box, nestled in velvet, was a shimmering silver scale. Kansas looked up at Vale, wide-eyed, and the elf nodded.

    "Adalon gave me that one. Silvers are among the noblest of dragons, and it's said that whoever has a silver dragon's scale is very lucky, because they can only be obtained as a gift, either from the dragon itself, or from someone the dragon has trusted." Vale grinned. "I think Adalon would be pleased that you have it now."

    Ryuu and Aika had been entranced by the smoke dragon, and Kansas carefully closed the box and played the tune again, releasing another dragon and making Aika giggle happily.

    Vale returned to the table, laying a hand on Satoshi's shoulder. "Are you all right?" the elf asked, concerned. "You've barely eaten."

  2. Vale was conjuring small puffs of magical smoke in bright colors when Satoshi came down, and Ryuu jumped up and ran to his father. Vale stood quickly, scooping Aika up since she still had a firm grip on his hair.

    "Tea, of course! Are you both hungry? You must be!" Vale chattered happily as he settled Aika into her high chair and began setting the table with Ryuu, letting Ryuu explain to him where things were supposed to go. When they had finished, Vale went back into the kitchen, letting Satoshi direct him to the next task.

    Kansas came in while Vale was trying to help Satoshi, with Ryuu's eager instructions, and Vale watched as the imp put away the tea set, so he would know for the next time. Vale noticed the imp box in his pocket, and began humming a brief snatch of something under his breath. Kansas almost did not catch it, and Vale switched to singing something else in his own language, sweet and lilting, and Aika giggled as she watched the strange man with the pretty hair helping Ryuu's father and his friend.

    Finally, Yuji and Willow came down, her eyes still a bit damp and red, but she smiled for Aika and went to hug Satoshi and Kansas again, while Vale watched, his heart soaring.

  3. Vale looked at Yuji for a long moment, and then pulled him into an embrace, resting his forehead against Yuji's forehead. "I'm sorry, love. He's a good man, but that woman was poison. Willow looked so hurt, and I couldn't stand it. Now go to her, love. She needs you." Vale gave Yuji a quick kiss, and turned to the children.

    "Ryuu? I'm going to clean the tea things up quickly, so Mama doesn't need to do it, okay? Then I have a present for you, and one for Aika." Vale smiled at the little boy, so serious as he watched his baby sister.

    Vale cleared away the tea things, washing them and drying them carefully. He was not sure where they belonged, but he could ask Kansas to show him later. The elf hurried back into the living room and found the presents where Willow had put them.

    Vale sat on the floor cross-legged, laughing when Aika crawled into his lap to tug on his long hair. "Just like Mama's hair, little one?" He pressed a kiss on the top of her head and gave her the silk pegasus doll. "For you, little love song. A magical horse with wings, so you can soar into the clouds." Aika cuddled the soft toy happily, and Vale turned to Ryuu. "You look so much like your father, little dragon. This is for you." He held out the wooden dragon, its scales glittering in the sunlight. Ryuu took it, wide-eyed and giggled when Vale showed him how the wings and head and legs all moved. "Now you can soar into the clouds like a dragon."

    Aika was still tugging on Vale's hair, fascinated by the bright wavy locks, and Vale turned to her with a merry laugh.

  4. Greatly relieved, Vale hurried into Satoshi's room, and all but dove onto the bed and pulled Kansas into his arms. "I love you," he said, and kissed the imp fiercely. "I don't think we have to worry about Haruka coming back here any more. I got a little angry."

    Kansas just snuggled into Vale for a moment, letting the elf hold him tightly, and then he wriggled free, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "We better wake Satoshi, or he'll be a mess tonight," Kansas said, his voice a little shaky. He was not used to this yet, and feeling Vale's fierce protective love through the link was a little overwhelming.

    Vale let Kansas go, and together they turned to wake Satoshi. The green haired man stirred and woke, looking around blearily until Kansas handed him his glasses.

    "Time to wake up, love, or you won't be able to sleep tonight." Vale kissed him gently. "I have to go clean up the tea things and watch Ryuu and Aika for a bit. You two come on down when you're ready."

    Vale kissed them both again, and hurried downstairs to give Yuji a break to see to Willow.

  5. Vale led Willow up the stairs, bending his head forward to speak quietly in her ear. "I'm sorry, but I had to say something,or I would have exploded. She hurts you, and Kansas, and I won't stand by and watch her spit her poison at you." Vale let his hand fall to her shoulder. "At least I didn't shove a fireball up her ass."

    Willow snorted at that, some of the tension leaving her.

    "Her husband, Kiyoshi, seems quite pleasant. How did he wind up with that harpy?" Vale mused. He stopped outside the door to Satoshi's room, and gave Willow a soft kiss on the lips. "I need to see Kansas, and I meant it about cleaning up and the children. I'll hurry and send Yuji back up to you."

  6. Vale looked at Haruka, his face still a pleasant mask. "I am afraid I do not understand your meaning, Haruka." Vale might not have known the word, but he knew exactly what she meant, and he was seething inside. He managed to clamp down on that anger, however, not wanting any of it to seep back to Kansas.

    "Willow, my dear, are you all right?" Vale let his genuine concern show in his voice. He was, after all, supposed to be a relative, and one on good enough terms to have traveled to visit her. "Tell me, is there anything I can do for you?"

    Willow waved him off as Yuji rubbed her back, her face pale with anger.

    Vale turned his attention back to Haruka. "I am not quite sure of all of the customs and manners of your most splendid country, and so I do not wish to offend, but in my land, it is not considered at all good manners to give offense when a guest." Vale let a delicate frown wrinkle his forehead. "My esteemed relative was in good spirits when I went up to attend to Satoshi for a moment, and when I returned, she was most profoundly unhappy. Since we are family, her concerns are mine." It was as delicately threatening as Sand could have done, not at all Vale's more direct style. "Perhaps I am mistaken, and in that case I offer my profound regrets for my misunderstanding." His eyes were green ice, and he exuded a very subtle air of great menace as he rose in a fluid motion, his eyes never wavering in that pleasant mask he wore.

    "Yuji, perhaps Willow would like to rest for a moment? I would be pleased to help her upstairs while you bid goodbye to your guests, and then I will attend to the cleaning up and to the children while you attend to your wife. I have not yet given them the presents I brought them." Vale bowed politely and held his hand out to Willow, hoping she would go along with him, since he was seriously close to loosing something nasty on Haruka. He was also desperate to check on Kansas, and hold his beloved imp tightly for a moment.

  7. Vale gave Satoshi a last nuzzle, and kissed Kansas as he slid out of bed. He found a sweater with a high neck that Wench had insisted he might need, clean jeans and socks and underwear, and hurried into the shower. He washed quickly but thoroughly, leaving his braids intact, and dressed in the bathroom, making sure his ears were covered and his bite marks hidden. Then he padded downstairs, his most charming grin at the ready, having pocketed something from his collection of things he had brought that he thought might be useful.

    Vale found everyone in the living room, Aika settled in Yuji's arms, and Ryuu holding onto Willow's legs. He smiled his brightest, and bowed deeply and respectfully. "Good morning. I apologize for not being polite and greeting you when you arrived. I hope you can forgive my bad manners." Vale turned the full force of his smile on Haruka. "I did not thank you enough for your graciousness in allowing my esteemed relative and her husband to show me some of the sights of your marvelous city." He knew that she probably understood him quite well, but would pretend not to understand. Vale did not particularly care either way, since his point was made. Haruka would need to stop poking Willow, or she would be the rude one in front of this foreigner. But Vale was not done with Haruka yet.

    "It is only a simple thing, and perhaps not worthy, but may I offer you a small token of my gratitude?" Wench had explained the idea of gift-giving in Japan, and Vale now held out a delicate wooden box with inlays of a dozen kinds of wood forming a single graceful branch. The interior was lined in silk, and would hold a few rings or a treasured necklace. Vale bowed very deeply again as he offered the box to Haruka, cradled on outstretched hands.

  8. "I felt it, and Satoshi explained your gift," Vale said calmly. "Where I'm from, we understand it a little more. We're not afraid of things that can't be explained, but then again, I talk to dragons." He gave Kansas a decidedly impish grin, which somehow looked right on the elf's face. "I don't see what you see, but I do feel how it makes you feel. There are ways to block them, though, and we'll practice every day. I can add a little of my strength of will to yours until you're ready to do it on your own. That's why I wanted to join with you. It's easier through the bond, and you already own my heart, all of you."

    Vale snuggled closer to Satoshi. "I'm glad if he's finding peace. Like I said to him, maybe that's why I'm here. Maybe I'm what can fill the hollow places. I'd like that, if it's true." He grinned at Kansas. "There are similar marriages where I'm from, when sometimes two isn't enough. Sand and I even talked about it a bit, finding a woman and maybe adding an elfling or two." Vale looked slightly startled. "That reminds me! I never gave Ryuu of Aika their presents!" He looked dismayed. "Well, it can't be helped for now. I'm not leaving Satoshi or you, even if that woman wasn't down there. He seems nicer, though." Vale gave a tiny shrug. "As long as she isn't rude in front of me to any of you."

    Vale settled in comfortably, his arm around Satoshi and Kansas. "This feels so good. But I'm going to enjoy a nice hot shower later." He flashed Kansas the impish grin again. "Truthfully, my ass hurts, but that was the best wedding I've been to. Ugh, and I need Yuji to undo my braids. It's a tradition. But tell me, do we celebrate like that every time we exchange rings? I hope so!"

  9. Vale held on to Satoshi, murmuring soft assurances until the man fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. Satoshi had taken on such an impossible task, and how he had lasted this long without breaking down was beyond Vale. It explained a great deal to the elf, however, especially about the state Yuji had been in that morning in the exercise room, when Vale had realized how much Yuji meant to him.

    Vale was not at all startled when Kansas crept in. He had been wondering when the imp would arrive, having heard the bustle down below; Vale watched as Kansas crept onto the bed, wrapping himself around Satoshi's back, as protective of the green haired man as Vale was.

    "Kiyoshi and Haruka are coming with the kids. I don't feel comfortable going to any of the other rooms when they come here. Is Satoshi alright?" Kansas looked at Vale, trusting the elf to tell him the truth.

    "Satoshi needed to fall, and I was here to catch him," Vale replied. "He can't be strong all the time. None of us can, but we'll hold him and let him know we love him, and we'll be strong for him for a bit."

    Kansas nodded, but his expression was still troubled. "This thing we did. I can feel stuff, about you."

    Vale smiled. " And I can feel you as well. Our souls touched, Kansas. I can't think of a better way to say it. But it means we are linked forever, and we'll always sense each other." Vale paused, and then decided it was better to broach this all now. "You're what we'd call a seer where I come from, Kansas. I can help you learn how to block some of what you see all the time, and that will help with the darkness. What you can't block, we can share. I've seen things even darker, my dragon, and I'm not afraid."

    Kansas was wide-eyed as he looked at the elf. "Forever?"

    "Forever," Vale agreed, looking quite complacent. "Unless you decide you've had enough of me, but breaking the link will break my heart, you know. That's how much you mean to me. You know I'm going to offer to join with Yuji and Satoshi as well."

    Kansas looked briefly upset, and then his eyes cleared. "It doesn't change us, right?"

    Vale gave Kansas a radiant smile. "It doesn't change us at all. Our link won't get weaker, or broken. I'll always be here for you, Kansas. I promised, and I won't break my promise. They won't feel you unless I share what you feel with them. I'm sort of the common link for us all." Vale reached out and touched Kansas's cheek. "I can handle it, my dragon. Don't look so worried. I've learned a few tricks in my life."

    "How old are you?" Kansas asked, his own eyes starting to close a bit. The imp forces them back open, though.

    Vale's smile got wider. "A little more than four hundred years old." He bit back a chuckle at Kansas's expression, not wanting to wake Satoshi. "I look pretty good for my age, right? But now, let's cuddle our Satoshi, and make sure he knows we'll always catch him, and hide from that Haruka." Vale wrinkled his nose. "I got the feeling that she really doesn't like me, or Willow. She's like ice, that one."

  10. Apollo:

    I totally thought it was a flashback, until the end. It would have worked perfectly for a PWP flashback, but I love the twist at the end!

    Thank you! I love a good twist at the end...


    As a really minor totally anal bit of feedback to start, characters has a typo in your disclaimer. I know, I know, but I'd like it if someone told me :) So, reading the story now...

    ...you wrote the sex scene and it was totally hotter than I'd imagined reading the other part. Really good erotic description for the oral and then the sex was so passionate in so few lines. Great stuff.

    Then the ending - not being familiar with the fandom, I assume from the dialogue the demon is able to either bring the memories up as a dream or stick them in his head? Certainly an unexpected ending, and it's sad how Wraith's crying over it. Makes me wonder if having this put solidly in his mind could affect him wanting to continue with Alistair.

    Thank you, especially for catching the typo in the disclaimer! I'm glad the sex was hot enough. It's not easy in the shorter formats when you're as wordy as I tend to be! ;)

    And yes, the demon enslaves people and feeds off their life essence by trapping them within dreams it creates from their memories. Wraith breaks free of the demon's control, and this is what he's offered as a second chance to give in to the demon.

    As to Alistair, we'll have to see... :D

  11. Vale covered Satoshi's face with a wild flurry of kisses. "Then lean on me, let me help you, too," Vale pleaded. "Maybe that's why I'm here. Maybe I'm the last piece, the one who fills in the hollow places. The gods have a sense of humor sometimes." Vale rubbed his cheek against Satoshi's cheek. "Please, my love. You told me it was when, not if, so can I presume a little? Even before we join, lean on me. I won't let you fall."

    Vale tipped Satoshi's face up, letting him see the tears in his green eyes. "Please, my love." He kissed Satoshi, a chaste kiss. "You're so beautiful to me, and I wish you could see what I see. When we join, if you want to join with me, maybe you'll know."

  12. Vale wrapped his arms around Satoshi, nuzzling him gently. "I won't break the bond, I swear it to you on my life. We have seers like him in my home, love. We have things far darker than what he sees, and I've faced them and defeated them. I'm not helpless." Vale rubbed his cheek against Satoshi. "Will you help him still? I couldn't bear it if he lost you. I couldn't bear to lose you." Vale sat there, holding Satoshi. "You asked me why I didn't bond like that with Yuji, and I owe you an answer. I never got a chance to ask him about it, and I wasn't going to bond first and ask later. But Satoshi? When you're ready to offer me your ring, I will offer you such a bond with my ring, if you want it. Always touching, always touched, until time ends."

  13. Vale bowed a little before walking in. "I wasn't sure if I should just walk in or not," Vale admitted. "I'm feeling my way still. Besides, I was enjoying your music." Vale looked at Satoshi for a moment. "I think I owe you an explanation, about last night and Kansas. You've been his friend and protector for so long, and his lover as well. I probably should have talked to you right away, but I didn't think this would happen so fast."

    Vale sighed, knowing he was making little sense. "I made a promise to Kansas, that when he was ready, I would share with him the kind of bond I have with Sand. It's something elves do when they are truly in love. They join their souls, and create a link between them, that lets them share strong emotions. I'm always aware of Sand, even now, separated across planes of existence. What I felt last night, he felt as well. And last night, because I promised him I would, I extended that bond to Kansas."

    Vale reached out to touch Satoshi on the arm. "I did it because I can take some of the pain away. I can carry it for him, and give him the knowledge that he's loved in place of that pain. I wasn't trying to replace anyone in his heart. I wanted to help him heal. He won't love you any less, Satoshi, but maybe he can love without the demons inside him making him look for pain." Vale leaned in to rest his forehead against Satoshi. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you right away."

  14. Vale awoke from reverie, Kansas warm against him. He still had one hand on Yuji, and Willow was on the other side, looking angelic as she slept. Vale heard a faint noise from upstairs, something he doubted the humans around him would have heard, and he realized Satoshi was missing. Vale nuzzled Kansas gently, not waning to wake the imp, but needing to have that quick contact. He knew Kansas would be aware of where he was now, even if it was only a knowledge that Vale was in the house somewhere.

    Vale found his silk pants from the night before, and then realized that he could not shower yet. He still had his wedding braids in his hair, and by tradition, Yuji should be the one to unravel them. Still, showered or not, Vale needed to talk to Satoshi. Satoshi had been Kansas's lifeline, and now Vale had interfered with that. He needed to explain to Satoshi why he had done what he did, and what it would mean.

    Vale located his tunic, and slipped that on as well. He slipped out of the tatami room and padded up the stairs, graceful and silent. Satoshi's song sounded sad to Vale, and so the elf paused for a moment, debating whether or not to tap on Satoshi's door. The green haired man had opened up to Vale, and the elf respected that, and what it had cost Satoshi to make that admission. Did he dare push for more?

    Vale listened for a few more minutes, enchanted by the music. He was not familiar with the songs of this world but there was power in this music, and it touched him. When the song ended, he tapped lightly on the door and waited for Satoshi to open it.

  15. Vale curled into Yuji's welcoming arms, his limbs trembling with both release and exertion, his face blissfully happy. Kansas was on Vale's other side, and Vale turned his head to nibble at the imp's lips, not needing words any longer to convey what he felt for Kansas. Lying between these two lovers of his, Vale knew a sense of completion far beyond anything he had ever dreamed could be possible. As much as Vale did love Sand, he knew now that he had the capacity for so much more love in his life, both giving and receiving, and in this wonderful, unique family, Vale had found what would make him whole.

    Willow joined them as well, curling up against Yuji's other side, with Satoshi wrapping around her. Vale thought it fitting, since it was Yuji who had first acknowledged that he could love more than one person, and love them all with equal passion and intensity. Yuji was the core of this family, and Vale felt honored to have been allowed to join them.

    Kansas climbed over Vale to curl up in the warmth between Yuji and Vale, a sweet and innocent smile on his face as he nestled close to the elf, one hand creeping up to fist in Vale's hair. That reminded Vale of something, but he did not have the energy to move just yet. It could wait a bit, while they all relaxed in the euphoria of the celebration. Vale looked at the ring on his hand again, his eyes shining with joy.

    "I love you," Vale murmured to the room at large. He reached across Kansas to lay a slim hand on Yuji's chest, planting a kiss on Kansas's forehead. He gave Willow and Satoshi a radiant smile as he repeated his words in his own lilting tongue.

  16. Vale went wild as Yuji slammed into him, pounding against his ass with every thrust, and setting off sparks behind the elf's eyes as his prostate was pummeled over and over. His own cock was hard and aching, and he could feel Kansas's confusion through the lust addling him. Vale flung out a hand in Kansas's direction, willing the imp to join them, his eyes green fire as he stared up at his lover. Vale's pink tongue flicked out to wet his lips, and his mouth was suddenly covered as Kansas flung himself at Vale. The imp was all but crying, his eyelashes damp, and Vale kissed him back with desperate longing.

    When Kansas broke the kiss, Vale tugged him until his thighs were alongside the elf's head. Vale pushed the upper thigh away, and turned his head to engulf Kansas's cock, his agile fingers finding the imp's ass at the same time. Vale swallowed Kansas's cock to the root, sucking with hollowed cheeks and humming, while he thrust two fingers into Kansas's ass, curling them to press firmly on his prostate. Kansas whimpered happily, surrendering to the pleasure Vale was giving him, and in turn Vale felt Kansas's arousal augmenting his own.

    Vale managed to arch his back a bit, his free hand reaching up to toy with Yuji's nipples, his cock achingly hard and dripping precum onto his own taut stomach. Kansas's hand shot out and wrapped around Vale's cock, and the elf managed a groan of relief as he sucked. Then Yuji's hand replaced Kansas's, and Vale tightened his legs around Yuji's hips as he felt his balls draw up. With a muffled scream, Vale felt his ass convulse around Yuji's cock as hot cum pulsed out of his cock, splattering his chest. Vale felt Yuji's hot cum fill his ass, and Kansas screamed as he emptied himself into Vale's mouth.

  17. Vale moaned into the kiss as Yuji plundered his mouth. The elf was delighted that the Elverquisst seemed to have the same effect on humans that it did on elves, because he wanted nothing more than to be loved by Yuji. Vale bucked his hips up, grinding his cock against Yuji's with another wanton moan.

    "I'm yours, my love," Vale managed to murmur before he tangled his fingers in Yuji's hair and pulled his head down so Vale could run his tongue along the shell of Yuji's ear. Vale nibbled and sucked at the lobe, arching his back to press himself against Yuji's chest. The silky feel of Yuji's golden skin drove Vale into a frenzy of wanting, and he hooked one long leg around Yuji's hips as he writhed beneath him in eagerness. The equally delicious moans coming from Willlow and Satoshi only inflamed Vale further, and somewhere in the corner of all this was Kansas, still mulling over the the feelings created by his joining with Vale. Vale left his pleasure travel along that strange link, wanting to share with Kansas all the good of such a bond.

    Yuji was intent on claiming his newest lover, and Vale was only too happy to comply. He let his head fall back, growling in pleasure as Yuji bit and sucked at the tender flesh, leaving a livid mark on the elf's pale skin. Vale bucked again, beyond most words, his eyes brilliant as he mewled. Yuji ground back against the elf, enjoying the wanton display as Vale offered himself freely.

    Yuji was in no rush to claim his lover, though, wanting to take the time to taste his pale golden flesh. He nibbled on Vale's ear, dragging another lust-filled growl from the elf as he bit gently on the pointed tip. Yuji shifted slightly so he could reach one pale nipple. rolling it between his fingers before tugging and twisting it.

    Vale could stand no more. "Please," he begged, his voice husky with desire. "Take me, now."

  18. As Kansas lowered his defenses, Vale opened himself up to the imp, letting their bared souls touch and briefly merge. Vale had felt this once before, when he and Sand had joined, and so he was prepared for the onslaught of emotion and even pain that flooded him from his imp. Kansas was not quite as prepared as Vale, but since Vale offered nothing but his unconditional love, the imp surrendered to an explosive orgasm, his back arching as his head hit the mattress, his cum almost erupting. Almost immediately, Satoshi pumped Vale full of his own load, and Vale howled with pleasure as he was wrung dry by the spasming walls of Kansas's ass, his balls almost painful as he too gave himself over to a powerful release. The elf gasped, "Ersthyr," his voice oddly sibilant and harsh, but his face was radiant.

    Vale could feel Kansas's pleasure as if it were his own, and the elf knew that Kansas was also feeling what he felt. Vale gathered Kansas back up, cradling the imp against him, and feeling their hearts pounding in sync. "I love you," the elf murmured, burying his face in Kansas's hair, all but sobbing as he nuzzled his imp. His imp...that was what Kansas was now, as much as he was Yuji's and Satoshi's. Vale had claimed him as well, and the link between them would never be broken. Satoshi slumped forward, holding Vale from behind and gathering Kansas into the embrace as they sandwiched the elf between them.

    "What was that you said?" Kansas asked, his breathing still ragged. "You said a word, and it sounded like I should know it, but I didn't."

    Vale lifted his face and looked at Kansas, green eyes full of love. "It means my man in Draconic. We've claimed each other, my man, my dragon becoming." He kissed Kansas tenderly. "We can talk tomorrow about this. Tonight, I just want to love and be loved." He looked out into the living room, and the smile he gave to Yuji and Willow was incandescent. "Love me?" he asked, his eyes bright.

  19. Vale looked down at Kansas, so flushed and furious in his need, and he nodded, unable to find the words to tell the imp that he would keep his promises, always. Vale slicked himself with his own saliva, and carefully positioned himself against Kansas's ass. He had done his best to stretch that tight little ring, and Vale was not as generously endowed as Sand, but he still wanted to make sure that he did not injure the imp. Vale pressed forward, the head of his cock breaching Kansas's ass, and as he did, Satoshi, breached his own ass.

    Vale moaned and slid forward, pressing further into Kansas as Satoshi gripped the elf's hips and slammed himself fully into Vale's ass. Vale gave a howl of utter lustful abandon, feeling gloriously full and deliriously happy. He arched his back slightly and Satoshi's cock dragged over Vale's prostate, making light explode behind his eyes.

    Kansas's frustrated howl dragged Vale's attention back to the imp beneath him. "Harder," Kansas demanded. "Fuck me, I mean it!" He reached up to try and pull Vale further down, and the elf thrust forward with as much force as he dared. Truthfully, a small part of Vale was still terrified of hurting Kansas, and remembered how Kansas had talked to him on the roof, how the imp had said that he did not feel worthy of love.

    "Kansas, I love you," Vale said, looking down into those eyes, and he lifted the imp up onto his thighs, watching closely to gauge if he was truly hurting him. He saw a flicker of pain, and then a flush of pleasure crept over Kansas's face as Vale found the angle he wanted, letting him glide over Kansas's prostate enough to rouse him but not enough to push him over the edge into orgasm too soon. Kansas's hands crept up, wrapping around Vale's neck,and he began to ride the elf for all he was worth.

    Satoshi was also not rushing things. Buried to his balls in Vale's ass, the green haired man was content to pause for a few moments, savoring the tight heat of Vale's passage. He leaned into the elf, reaching around to tug on Vale's nipple as one of Kansas's hands crept forward to pull on Satoshi's nipple ring sharply.

  20. Vale moaned when Kansas asked him to undress him, and he slowly pulled the long-sleeved shirt off the imp, running delicate fingers over the pale white flesh revealed. As he stroked the pale body in front of him, Vale continued to tease Satoshi with the sway of his hips as he ground his ass into Satoshi's cock with a lustful growl. Satoshi responded by running his hands over Vale's pale golden skin while nibbling along his neck and shoulders, leaving a trail of marks as he claimed the elf. One hand snaked around to find Vale's nipple, pulling on it and twisting it, and Vale moaned in abandon as he bent to nibble Kansas's pointed hipbone when it emerged from the waistband of his canvas shorts.

    Vale was rock hard by now, his erection visible even in the loose silk pants, and he ground himself even harder into Satoshi, wiggling his hips suggestively. As Vale did so, he was unfastening Kansas's shorts, and he moaned again as he nuzzled the tight black curls at the base of the imp's cock. He ran his tongue along Kansas's cock, from the base of the shaft along the underside, flicking the cleft beneath the head with his tongue before swirling his tongue around the head. Kansas moaned, his hips thrusting upward, and Vale slid his lips over the head of Kansas's cock, flattening his tongue as he slowly engulfed it, his throat relaxing to encompass all of Kansas's cock. The imp whimpered happily, his hands fisting in Vale's hair and brushing the sensitive ears.

    Satoshi left off playing with Vale's nipple, and instead palmed Vale's erection through the silk of his pants, and Vale would have howled had he not had his mouth around Kansas's cock. Instead, he shoved backward, hard enough to make Satoshi giggle at the wanton display. Still, Satoshi took a little pity on the elf, and began to ease the silk pants over slim hips, and Vale managed a small moan as he pulled back on Kansas's cock, his cheeks hollowed as he sucked while his tongue stroked firmly along the underside. Vale managed to raise himself off his knees long enough for Satoshi to free the loose pants, and Vale wriggled his ass happily as he felt the heat of Satoshi's hand against it.

    Kansas was writhing happily under Vale, and Vale pulled his mouth free of the imp's cock for a moment, nibbling at the left dragon's head and following it down over th ehipbone to Kansas's inner thigh. He bent his head, and delicately lapped at Kansa's sac, sucking first one ball and then the other into his mouth, rolling them gently along his tongue. One finger stroked the skin beneath Kansas's balls, pressing just firmly enough to stimulate the prostate as Vale's mouth once again enveloped his cock, swallowing him to the root and sucking hard.

  21. Vale let his head fall back when first Satoshi and then Kansas began their assault on his ears. Satoshi's piercings scraping along the edge of his ear drove the elf wild, and he all but growled in pleasure. Satoshi nibbled his way back down as Kansas paused in his own more delicate assault, which was no less maddening for its gentleness. Vale's head fell back to allow Kansas better access, and Satoshi took full advantage and bit at Vale's throat, at his pulse point, and Vale was lost. Slim fingers dragged through green hair and tugged Satoshi up for another searing kiss, the elf plundering his mouth eagerly.

    Then Kansas jumped up, and Vale mewled a little, managing to focus lust-glazed eyes on the imp. He watched as Kansas unzipped his hoodie and let it slip off narrow shoulders, the look of invitation on his face shooting straight to Vale's groin. Kansas sucked one finger, and then sashayed off to the tatami room, and slid open the door to reveal the mattress he had described to Vale earlier.

    Satoshi did not have to work very hard to convince Vale to follow Kansas into the tatami room. Vale's long robe fluttered to the ground behind him as he swayed into Satoshi, grinding himself against the green haired man's groin. The sash followed quickly, and Satoshi tugged Vale toward the mattress eagerly. Vale's tunic vanished along the way, drifting to the ground and leaving the elf clad only in the loose white silk pants, sitting low on slim hips.

    Kansas was already on the mattress and waiting for them when Vale and Satoshi entered, Vale immediately sinking to the mattress and reaching for Kansas with a purr.

    "Come here, beautiful one, little dragon becoming," Vale murmured, and pulled Kansas in for another kiss, his ass waving in Satoshi's direction enticingly. Vale nibbled on Kansas's lips running one hand through the blue and black hair as Satoshi crawled behind the elf to grind himself against Vale's ass again, the elf pushing back with a happy moan. Vale's hands ran down to caress Kansas's narrow shoulders, and his kisses trailed down the imp's neck until Vale was nibbling on his collarbone.

    "Kansas, what do you want? Take it, whatever it is," Vale murmured, dragging his lips back up to plunder Kansas's mouth again as he pushed back against Satoshi again.

  22. Vale poured the Elverquisst, delighted that Yuji had remembered it. It was rare, yes, but this was the sort of time to enjoy it, and he wanted to see everyone's reaction.

    Kansas surprised him the most. When the imp crawled on top of him, grinding against Vale and tugging on Vale's lower lip with those pearly teeth, Vale moaned in happiness. He pulled Kansas closer, letting the imp plunder his mouth, Satoshi's moans only making Vale want more of Kansas. Still, the last bit of rationality within Vale insisted that he let Kansas set the pace between them. so Vale contented himself for the moment with rubbing his own silk covered groin against Kansas's canvas shorts, his hands firmly around the imp's pert ass. Satoshi's moans sank through to Vale finally, and he shifted enough to tug Satoshi closer, pulling him in to join the kiss. Three tongues tangled and Vale sucked on Satoshi's full lower lip, nibbling at his piercings before turning back to Kansas.

    "You say when," Vale murmured in Kansas's ear. "As much of me or as little as you want." Vale shifted so he could grind his ass against Satoshi while continuing to rub his cock against Kansas, the combined sensations dragging a lustfilled moan from the elf. His long robe was starting to get in his way, but he did not want to remove it himself. Yuji should have that pleasure, or at least have the pleasure of watching Vale remove it, if elven ways were followed. Not that Vale cared much by this point. He wanted skin now, touched and touching, and he he moaned again and writhed against both Satoshi and Kansas.

  23. Vale was deliriously happy when Yuji accepted, and he threw himself into kissing his lover with reckless abandon. The it was Satoshi's turn, and Vale kissed him with equal fervor, nibbling his lower lip and tugging on the various piercings with a soft moan. Then it was Willow, and Vale kissed her with the same wild passion he had kissed Yuji.

    And then it was Kansas, his arms so sweet around Vale, his weight so negligible as the elf lifted him for a soft, tender little kiss. As Vale set Kansas down, he murmured into his ear, "When you're ready, I'll be here." He released the imp quickly, knowing this was hard for him.

    Willow led a toast, and from there it was no more tears. Willow urged Vale to eat, and he finally did, nibbling fruits and cheese in between feeding bites to everyone else. Of course, feeding tidbits to everyone else meant kisses, and the kisses meant cuddling up closer, and Vale found himself getting drunk not on the liquor, but on sheer happiness. He wondered if what Kansas had hinted at would happen, if the tatami room was readied for a night of lovemaking. The elf certainly hoped so, but at least the loose silk trousers were not constricting him like those jeans earlier in the day...

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