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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. The Naughty Mystery: Come Now its very easy just like the 7!

    1.What was the name of the team?

    2.Why did only one of the seven get knocked-up?

    3.What can the delicious and slick slippery mayonaise be use for in place of------?

    1. Minnesota Vikings

    2. Only one was female

    3. Oh, my dear, haven't we all reached for the mayo when the lube runs out? :lol:

  2. Vale grinned up at Yuji and licked his lips, savoring the taste of his husband. "Oh, I think that can be arranged," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "Since my mouth is so talented, maybe I'll loosen you up with it, love."

    Yuji's smile grew, and Vale tugged him up a little further, gripping Yuji's hips to guide his ass down so that Vale could trail his tongue from Yuji's sac back to the cleft of his ass. Vale's tongue found his puckered asshole, and he circled it a few times teasingly, enjoying how Yuji mewled a little. Vale probed a little more forcibly, and pressed his tongue into Yuji's ass, one hand dropping down to open his own waistband and tug at his zipper to ease the pressure on his aching cock. The elf lifted his hips slightly as he continued to use his tongue to plunder Yuji's ass, and he wriggled his jeans down over slim hips, moaning as his cock was rubbed by the fabric as it slid over his boxers.

    Vale growled a little, and he pushed Yuji up and away, finishing the job of shedding his pants and boxers and kneeling on the bed behind Yuji. Vale slicked his cock with lube, and tugged Yuji into position over his cock, guiding him down and pressing into Yuji's ass in a smooth thrust. Yuji moaned and Vale pulled him against his chest, turning Yuji's head so he could nip and lick Yuji's ear. It only took a few more thrusts before Vale felt his balls draw up, and he mewled as he exploded in Yuji's ass, reveling in the velvet tightness as he shuddered through his orgasm.

    "Amaelamin, verno'amin," Vale moaned, his head falling forward against Yuji's shoulder. "Oh, I love you, more than words can tell."

  3. Vale moaned happily into the kisses, his fingers busy in Yuji's waistband as he opened his husband's pants. "I've missed this, you, us," the elf murmured, his lips already kiss-swollen and his eyes bright. He ran long fingers over the silky golden skin, his kisses trailing back down to Yuji's nipple so he could tease it with the tip of his tongue, feeling it harden into a tight nub as he suckled it.

    Vale wriggled his hips, making sure his cock ground against Yuji's ass, wanting his husband to feel how much he wanted him. He moaned again, his face pressed to Yuji's chest, inhaling his scent and mewling a little. "Please, my love, I want to taste you." Vale looked up, his green eyes glowing with the love he felt, his heart near bursting with happiness as he looked into those perfect eyes.

    Yuji leaned in and ran his tongue along Vale's ear up to the point, nipping and suckling the sensitive tip, and the elf moaned, his head turning to give Yuji better access even as a shiver ran up his spine. Vale's cock was impossibly hard already, and he ached with the need to feel Yuji against his skin.

  4. Ticker Symbol: DIC

    Name: Deceptively Innocuous Corp. (Manufactures personal "massage" devices)

    Price per share: $1

    Group: Forum

    Level of Risk: 10%

    Limit per user: none

    Trade: Y

    Ticker Symbol: WHP

    Name: Whimsical Harnesses and Prods

    Price per share: $2

    Group: Forum

    Level of Risk: 20%

    Limit per user: none

    Trade: Y

    Ticker Symbol: SKS

    Name: Shadowknight shares

    Price per share: $50

    Group: Member

    Level of Risk: 50%

    Limit per user: 1

    Trade: Y

    Ticker Symbol: NUT

    Name: Specialty Underwear Corp.

    Price per share: $3

    Group: Forum

    Level of Risk: 20%

    Limit per user: None

    Trade: Y

    Ticker Symbol: TIT

    Name: Creative Bakery, Inc.

    Price per share: $2

    Group: Random

    Level of Risk: 30%

    Limit per user: None

    Trade: Y

    Ticker Symbol: KLT

    Name: Kilts For All, Inc.

    Price per share: $5

    Group: Member

    Level of Risk: 40%

    Limit per user: 5

    Trade: Y

    Ticker Symbol: CUF

    Name: Cuffs Are Us Corp.

    Price per share: $10

    Group: Forum

    Level of Risk: 40%

    Limit per user: 10

    Trade: Y

  5. Vale kissed Yuji again, and this time there was definitely heat in the way Vale's tongue wrestled with Yuji's. "I have missed my nights with you, verno'amin, my husband. It' me who's been inadequate, the way I've been neglecting you." Vale's voice dropped a bit, sultry and enticing. "So tell me, how can I make it up to you, hmm?" Vale leaned in and nipped his ear, his hot breath feathering the shell.

    Yuji slid his hand into Vale's hair and fisted it, pulling Vale into a searing kiss. "If you mean that, follow me." There was something so fragile in the way Yuji stood and walked away, almost as if he expected Vale to not follow, and Vale felt a surge of love for this man that was so powerful it left him breathless. Yuji was the reason he was here, after all. It was Yuji he had followed, Yuji who had claimed his heart back at the vacation house.

    Vale followed Yuji quickly, enticed all over again by the sway of his hips, and the heat in those perfect eyes when Yuji succumbed to curiosity and looked over his shoulder. The elf closed the door of the master bedroom behind himself, his heart pounding as he walked into Yuji's arms, falling into a tender kiss with sweet abandon.

  6. Vale looked over his shoulder, and gave Yuji a radiant smile. "Come and join us, love. There's tea in the kitchen if you want. Watch Aika, and I'll get you some." Aika giggled and reached out her arms to Yuji, and he joined his daughter and his elf in the tatami room, still feeling that odd sensation of missing Vale.

    Vale looked at him for a long moment, his green eyes warm and gentle. "I know," he murmured, leaning into Yuji and stealing a kiss. "I've missed you, amaelamin, my beloved. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but it's over now, isn't it?" He kissed Yuji again, a kiss full of promises. "Do you know how much I love you? Shall I show you tonight?"

  7. Vale was too drained and exhausted to do more than nuzzle Kansas, reaching out with all his love to embrace the imp. "I love you, Kansas, alasse'amin, my joy. I am yours, forever, ten'oio." He realized he was mixing languages again, but he could not seem to make his tongue choose just one. He could feel Kansas's puzzlement, the imp aware that something had changed, that Satoshi and Vale both projected a calm assurance of his safety, and Kansas probed gently at Vale.

    Vale's response was wordless, a gentle wash of love and faith and reassurance that Kansas was loved beyond measure, as was Satoshi, and the imp subsided, warm and sleepy and curled between them. The changes the imp felt in both his husbands were not alarming. In fact, they both felt so peaceful and content that Kansas let that carry him back down into sleep.

    Vale woke first, well before dawn, Kansas's sweet ass pressed firmly against his stomach and the most adorable smile on his lips as he lay with his head on Satoshi's shoulder. Satoshi looked equally peaceful, sleeping deeply and radiating contentment, and Vale smiled. His smile never faltered as he slipped carefully out of bed and found his pants, a lingering soreness in his ass reminding him of the fierceness of his need last night, how he had begged Satoshi to make him howl.

    Vale went downstairs silently, making sure the tea maker was set up and switching it on before heading into the big bathroom. He showered thoroughly, scrubbing himself and washing his hair before running a hot bath and sinking into it with a moan of pure bliss. The hot water soothed any small aches, and he let his thoughts drift lazily. He knew the only thing anyone would sense was contentment and love, and he was safe enough for the moment to consider what had happened the night before.

    Vale had no regrets about what he had done. Summoning Mephasm and setting him to punish Takeshi and his friends was justice that had not been properly administered, nd he had merely corrected that. The same applied to Takeshi's uncle. Imprisonment was no punishment for him, since his influence crept out and poisoned his minions anyway. Vle considered what he had inflicted on Haruka, and still felt no regret. She was so quick to judge others, and yet she had enjoyed a life paid for by the blood and misery of others.

    The only thing that worried Vale even slightly was Satoshi. Vale was long inured to the kind of violence perpetrated last night. It was what he did. Satoshi, on the other hand, was not so hardened, and his desire for vengeance had been sorely tested by the realities of that desire. Vale had also badly miscalculated. He had assumed that Satoshi knew what Kansas had endured, and so he had not thought to shield Satoshi from what Haruka was forced to see. He had nearly lost Satoshi as a result, and only a desperate gamble had caught his beloved husband before he fell too far.

    Vale was still surprised that he had been able to commune with Satoshi. It should not have been possible, but then again, nothing about this family of his was supposed to be possible. Five such very different people, all bound by their love for each other and a willingness to share each other... such a bond was unique as far as Vale knew. Even among elves, triads were rare but known and that was the extent of it. Vale wondered how Satoshi would feel now, having had the most intimate possible connection with Vale, no secrets left between them. Vale did not regret that, either. Of all his spouses, Satoshi was the most like him. Perhaps that was why the communing had worked.

    Vale sighed, realizing the water had cooled, and he got out of the tub and let it drain, murmuring a cleaning cantrip as he dried himself and wrapped his towel around his slim hips. He tossed his jeans in with the laundry on his way upstairs to the spare bedroom. Vale grinned a little as he remembered how worried he had been about Willow saying she would sleep in here. This bed got little use, after all. He dressed quickly, and listened for a moment, hearing Aika just beginning to stir, and he headed for the nursery to collect his morning playmate before she could wake his sleeping spouses, his face radiant with happiness.

  8. Vale reached his arms around Satoshi's back, gripping his wrists in surprisingly strong hands. "Oh, love, I thought you knew," Vale cried out, trying to keep Satoshi from hurting himself. He could feel the anguish pouring off his husband in waves, and he felt him slipping.

    Vale could think of only one thing to do, but he had never heard of it being done with a human. Then again, bonding with as many people at the same time was also unusual, and Vale had done it without effort. The notion of sharing memories, what his people called communing, was not done lightly, since one was utterly open during the communing. But Vale could feel Satoshi sliding away, and the elf was not about to lose him.

    Vale spun Satoshi around to face him, and caught his husband's face between his hands, and placed his forehead against Satoshi's forehead. "Hear me, love," Vale whispered, his voice breaking a little. "Let me in. Oh, please... Satoshi... Amin mela lle, mela en' coiamin, ten'oio." The elven words reached Satoshi, and something desperate flickered in his eyes as he fell open before Vale.

    Vale sighed in relief as he linked his mind with Satoshi's in this most intimate of sharing. He immediately surrounded Satoshi with a flood of memories of them together, of all the small and nearly forgotten moments that had made the elf fall so deeply in love with Satoshi. He called up the memory of Kansas's sweet smile that very morning, the innocence and love that shone on his face. Vale plundered his own memories and Satoshi's memories, and wove such a strong web of love around his aching husband that Satoshi had no choice but to fall into that web and be caught by the love Vale had for him.

    Vale clung to Satoshi, caught up in the same maelstrom of emotions and memories. He clung to his husband, covering his face with kisses, murmuring in a mixture of elven and English and Japanese, tears trailing down his face. There was one constant, though, over and over, as Vale poured out his love for Satoshi in words, kisses and sobs.

  9. It was Mephasm who chuckled. "Oh, mortal, do not let hatred blind you forever, unless you wish to join my Lord and me one day. But for tonight, know this. He would have made his uncle look like a kindly man."

    Vale murmured a few words and appeared. "We need to collect all the glass, love. We don't want to be traced." He kissed Satoshi fiercely, and lifted one of his husband's hands, taking a delicate lick of the blood that coated it. His green eyes shone with a fierce exultation. "Mephasm. Have you seen to the woman yet?"

    "I will attend to her momentarily." Mephasm inclined his head politely.

    "I want to see that." Vale looked at Satoshi, who nodded. Vale murmured something, and the beer bottle shards vanished. He murmured again, and they were once again invisible.

    Mephasm chuckled again and vanished, and Vale once again teleported them to where Mephasm had appeared in Haruka's bedroom. Kiyoshi was nowhere to be seen, which greatly relieved Vale. The man had been sympathetic and kind, unlike his bitter wife. Vale had never regretted insulting her.

    Haruka did not look quite as self assured and arrogant now. Clad in her nightgown, she was sitting up in her bed, her eyes wide with terror as she took in Mephasm. Vale realized that Mephasm was allowing her own mind to create his appearance, and the thought nearly made him chuckle. But he had specifically told Mephasm she was not to be harmed beyond making her watch the memories of Kansas's abuse at the hands of her uncle, so he needed to remain silent. He gave Satoshi's hand a gentle squeeze as a reminder.

    Haruka opened her mouth to scream, and Mephasm cut her off. "You would scream? You who has no heart? Behold," the devil instructed, and her eyes went glassy.

    "No," Haruka said angrily. "It's lies, all lies. My uncle was framed by jealous men, and that kagema destroyed him by distracting him and making him weak."

    "If you cannot watch, then feel," Mephasm replied, and now Haruka did scream, but it was the same agonizing shrieks Satoshi had heard ripped from Kansas in the first weeks at home, when he had brought the shattered imp into his life. He clutched Vale's hand tightly, feeling the elf's bones shift under the pressure of his grip.

    Had Haruka been able to see Vale, his smile would have chilled her to the bone. He watched with perfect serenity as she was forced to endure what Kansas had endured, but only in her mind. Her body was not raped, or beaten, or carved with a knife for the sheer amusement of hearing some screams. Her face was not shoved in dog food, nor was she leashed. She was not actually kicked, nor did she really have her throat blocked by an engorged cock when her nose was broken and so swollen that no air could pass. Vale watched calmly as she pissed herself in terror, and he pulled Satoshi close to nuzzle him when Mephasm spoke again.

    "Foolish woman. He was done with that toy. He wanted younger flesh, and your son had caught his eye." Mephasm laughed, a chilling sound. "Will you pretend that you did not see how he suddenly wanted to hold your son on his lap? Will you lie and say you did not notice how he tickled your son to make him squirm? Are you so blind that you missed the touches and caresses? Would you have sold your son to him as his new kagema to preserve the lies you have lived?" Mephasm moved faster than the eye could see, hovering over her, his breath moving her hair as he whispered in her ear. "You will see that again, every time you close your eyes, until you are willing to accept the truth."

    Vale held Satoshi close and teleported them to the studio.

  10. Sand chuckled when Samantha came back, dressed in more comfortable and certainly less martial clothing. "I never felt menace from you, my dear," the elf smiled. "And you need not apologize for having young ones about. As I recall, when I was but a lad, I would bring home bits of nonsense that I insisted were artifacts. Even then, I had a passion for such things. My mother would sigh in exasperation, and then very carefully find a prominent spot for my latest treasure, and label it neatly in her best writing."

    Sand looked around at the comfortable disarray that marked a home, a place where love was more important than order, and belonging meant more than putting things in their place. It was cheerful, and Sand felt a small pang of sorrow that he and Vale had not known that joy themselves in their union, although Vale had found it with the human family that had claimed his generous heart. Sand wondered if he would get a chance to meet Samantha's children, and what they would think of him, an elf but not at all like what they would expect.

  11. Vale took a long swig of his own beer, tilting his head back so that his tousled blond hair swung loose, and the long column of his throat rippled as he swallowed. "This tastes almost as good as you, love." The elf grinned mischievously. "First thing I need to do is locate Mephasm, but that's easy enough. Because I summoned him, I can find him. He's got what he needs as far as Kansas's memories. I was able to slip him into a better place last night, and I swapped out some nasty memories at the same time." Vale's eyes darkened with sudden grief, and unshed tears welled. "If we were in my world, I'd be doing this myself and it would take days. I'd hear them beg me for death a thousand times."

    Satoshi pulled Vale into a kiss, tender this time, letting the elf know that Satoshi understood that grief and rage because he felt it as well. When the kiss ended, Vale gave him a sweet smile, stroking his cheek. "Mela en' coiamin, you heal me every time we touch, do you know that?"

    "We heal each other, I think," Satoshi replied, blushing furiously, but feeling so loved.

    "So, now, I'll make us invisible, and teleport us to where Mephasm is." Vale reached out and took Satoshi's hand. "Hold tightly to me, love."

    Vale chanted softly, and then they were there. but not there. Satoshi could feel the elf's hand in his, and he could hear his voice, but he could not see Vale, nor could he see himself. It was the strangest sensation, and he shivered a little.

    "I know, it's odd, isn't it?" Vale's warm voice calmed Satoshi. "Now we teleport. It can be a little strange, kind of like the portals at the vacation. Just hold tight, and when we get there, we need to be silent."

    Vale murmured again, and the world twisted, and Takeshi lay on his bed in a puddle of piss, staring up at Mephasm with glazed eyes as the devil broke his body. The crack of bone and dripping of blood was a steady counterpoint to the whimpers as Takeshi watched Kansas's memoried unfold.

    "Was it worth it, mortal?" Mephasm's voice was honeyed ice.

    "It was him or me," Takeshi sobbed. "I couldn't let it be me..." His voice trailed off, and Vale held tightly to Satoshi's hand, sending wave after wave of love to his husband.

  12. Vale looked at Satoshi, and he nodded again. "Mephasm isn't bound by the laws of space and time, as you would call them. He can be in multiple places at once, or at least appear to, because he shifts between planes of existence at will. I can't do that, but I can teleport us and make us invisible. We can see Takeshi pay, and he won't live long if I know Mephasm." Vale let Satoshi pull him into a searing kiss, feeling his own lust rising. "Love, I need you> The hells with the drink. I want you and then we'll go see Takeshi die."

    Vale began to strip off his own clothing, his teeth nibbling on Satoshi's piercings as he frantically stripped. Satoshi was no less frantic, and he growled as he reached for Vale's nipples, tugging and twisting. Vale gasped and mewled and dropped to his knees, his mouth frantically seeking Satoshi's cock. Satoshi fisted his hands in Vale's hair, fucking the elf's mouth with a few rapid thrusts, hitting the back of his throat and pressing deeper as Vale relaxed to take him to the hilt.

    Satoshi pulled out with another growl, and pushed Vale forward, and the elf complied eagerly, his ass in the air as he looked back over his shoulder at his husband.

    "Just fuck me, love," Vale said, his eyes dark with need. "Hard, fast, make me howl."

    Satoshi needed no encouragement, and he grabbed Vale's hips tightly, shoving his cock into Vale's ass with no ceremony at all. Vale moaned, thrusting back to take Satoshi in to the hilt, feeling his husband's balls slapping his ass with every rough thrust. Satoshi reached out and grabbed Vale's hair, pulling him upright and wrapping his arm around him to hold him in place, and Vale mewled as the new angle slammed his prostate over and over.

    "Touch yourself," Satoshi ordered, and Vale wrapped long fingers around his own cock, stroking in time with the savage thrusts, driving his ass down on his husband's cock with whimpers of dellight. Satoshi sank his teeth into Vale's shoulder, and the elf felt his balls draw up sharply, and he howled as his cum splattered on his hand and on his chest, his ass tightening almost painfully as he shuddered through his orgasm. Satoshi managed a few more thrusts before he too screamed, and he spilled into Vale's ass. He sank back on his heels, pulling Vale down with him as he sank to the floor. Vale twisted his head, his lips seeking Satoshi's and he sighed happily as his husband plundered his mouth.

  13. "The elves of your world differ greatly than those of mine," Sand observed dryly. "He is a fool not to have seen your true worth."

    Sand adjusted something on his workbench, a minute adjustment, and the light from the brazier illuminated the faint scars on his slim fingers. He frowned a little, and tapped one vial, his expression clearing.

    "This will need more time. Tell me, is there a place where we could get something to eat, and perhaps a glass of wine?" Sand extended his arm. "If all I am to have is beginnings and endings, then let us have a beginning, shall we? We will eat and drink, and talk of much more pleasant things. Tell me some of the old tales of your world, and let us pretend, as we did so long ago, that there is all the time in the world in front of us."

  14. Mephasm looked at Satoshi for a long moment. "Yes, they are the same, are they not? And now you fear that you have done something evil. Rest assured, mortal. I may be an embodiment of evil, but your husband, Vale, is not, and it is his will I serve in this." Mephasm moved forward, but remained within the circle. "If it gives you any comfort, I too serve laws older than this world, and such laws will claim those you and your husband have brought to my attention. Theirs is the evil here, and glad I will be to deliver at least one of their souls to my Master."

    Satoshi repressed a shiver, and refused to look away. As terrifying as this was, it was Kansas that would be safe, and it was Kansas that would be avenged, and that was all that mattered.

    Vale nodded. "Then I release you, Mephasm, to do my bidding, and when you are done, to return to your Master." Vale gestured, and the circle dissolved, freeing the devil. Mephasm bowed with eerie grace, and vanished.

    Vale chanted again, and all traces of the devil's presence faded. The elf stood there for a moment, tall and proud and utterly alien, and then he drew a shuddering breath and slumped forward, and Satoshi instinctively moved to steady him. Vale lifted his head, and it was once again Satoshi's husband who looked at him out of green eyes filled with love.

    "Satoshi? Do you think we can get a drink before we go home, love?" Vale asked, looking slightly paler than usual. He smiled at Satoshi a little sadly. "It's hardest the first time, when you decide to take a life. It gets easier, unfortunately."

    "We did it for Kansas," Satoshi whispered, pulling Vale closer to him. "I can live with it."

  15. Vale began to murmur again in that strange and harsh language, and there was a shimmering that began in the center of the glowing circle. "You are invoked, Mephasm. You are called forth, Mephasm. You are summoned, Mehpasm, and thrice called, you are bound within the circle by my will."

    The shimmering intensified, and then coalesced into a slim figure of a male, not quite elven in appearance, clad in long and elegant robes. He looked quite handsome, until he turned his head and Satoshi saw that his eyes were reptilian in appearance, with slitted pupils. His gaze raked Satoshi, and a feeling of ancient evil swept over the green haired man. The male then turned his face toward Vale, and he smiled.

    "I am surprised it is you who calls me forth, Vale of Neverwinter." Mephasm regarded him levelly. "There is no debt between us that I know of."

    "Nonetheless, Mephasm, you are here, and you will do as I bid." Vale seemed quite at ease. "I have wed this man beside me, and three others beside him. One of my husbands has been injured, and I will have payment in kind. Name your price."

    Mephasm smiled again, and this time there was even a hint of warmth. "Because of the regard I have for your elven spouse, I will not take advantage, Vale. I will consider my debt to him repaid, and ask nothing further. Your need must be great indeed if you have summoned me yourself."

    "I do not seek favors, Mephasm." Vale handed a parchment covered with odd, angular writing to the devil. "These are names and locations. I will permit you to view these places in my thoughts as well. The first two names are to be disfigured but not killed." Vale looked at Satoshi. These were Takeshi's companions, who had beaten Kansas. Vale took a sharp breath. "The next name is to be disfigured and crippled, and I will allow you to view a memory that I wish him to relive in his head until he dies or goes mad. The fourth name is to be shown the memories, and then you may do with his as you will. If he should die, his soul is yours." Vale paused again, and looked at Satoshi. The elf had already warned his husband that he wanted the uncle dead. This last part would be difficult, however. "The final name is not to be harmed. I wish her only to be forced to see these memories, and to ensure that she will never forget them. I want her to know what her uncle did to my husband, and what he would have done to her son." Vale heard Satoshi's gasp.

    Mephasm turned that eerie gaze on Satoshi. "And what of you? What do you seek?"

  16. "Samantha, we knew so little about each other that night, and like another time, when I knew too little, the result has been needless pain." Sand smiled, but it was a sad smile all the same. "I grow tired of having nothing but beginnings and endings. I found someone who claimed my soul, and lost him. I found someone who soothed that hurt, and made me want to live again, and I lost her. I found my soulmate again, and we began anew, and I have sent him to follow the rest of his heart. And I met you, and lost you again on the same night."

    Sand moved away for a moment, graceful and elegant, and checked on his workbench. The sample of the drug had begun to boil, and as it bubbled up and passed through various tubes and coils, it encountered Sand's numerous reagents, beginning the tedious process of breaking the drug down. Sand was satisfied at the progress, and turned back to Samantha.

    "Tell me about this T-bone," Sand said.

  17. Vale nodded at the mention of the studio. "That's even better. The further away from the family we keep this, the better." He leaned in and kissed Satoshi suddenly. "I'm glad you're doing this with me, mela en' coiamin. I know what I am, and who I am, but you're the only one who will know this side of me."

    As Satoshi had predicted, Yuji waved them off with a smile, pleading exhaustion. The two men headed off to the studio, Vale having already slipped what he needed into his coat pocket. The studio was dark when they got there, and Satoshi let them in quickly, locking the door behind them.

    "What do you need?" Satoshi asked, his voice low.

    "An open room with a little space to move around," Vale replied. He followed Satoshi to an open rehearsal room, and nodded grimly. "This works."

    Vale cast something, murmuring a few words under his breath, and a soft glow enveloped both him and Satoshi. Then he chanted again, the words harsher this time, more menacing, and a glowing circle filled with strange runes appeared on the ground. Vale walked around the circle, his green eyes narrowed in concentration as he studied the runes. Finally satisfied, he nodded.

    "We're ready. The devil I summon will be contained in that circle. I've cast protection from evil on us both just in case, but I know this one. He's going to help us without too much negotiating. I need you to stay close, and if necessary, share your memories of how you found Kansas. Can you do that?" Vale's face was that mask again, cold and emotionless. "Do not answer him unless I say it's alright, and do not agree to anything. Are you ready?"

  18. Vale and Satoshi wandered downstairs hand in hand, and Kansas lit up when they came into the living room. Yuji and Willow were on the couch, and they looked up as well, and Vale was pleased to see that they both looked more relaxed as well. Ryuu launched himself at his father and Vale, beaming.

    "Chichi! You and otooji sleep long," Ryuu said, flinging his arms around Satoshi's neck and kissing his cheek. "Onii-san say let you, so I wait."

    "Are you hungry?" Willow asked, getting up with a smile. Seeing Satoshi so relaxed and happy, happier than he had been in a long time, warmed her heart and made her love Vale a little more. "Let me get you something."

    "We can manage, love," Vale said easily.

    "Don't be ridiculous," Willow said, pushing them towards the living room. "Go sit, if either of you can, and I'll just be a minute." Satoshi flushed, and Vale just laughed, and Aika settled it for them both when she took a few wobbly steps toward Vale. She chirped something, and Ryuu beamed.

    "See? She say otooji!" Ryuu patted Vale's cheek, and the elf scooped up the small girl and nuzzled her happily.

    "Hello, my lady," Vale said, grinning. "We should just give up, now, love," he told Satoshi. "We've been outvoted."

    Both men sat on the couch, and Vale pulled Yuji into a kiss, lingering over it, and letting it deepen. They finally broke for air, and Vale smiled at his beloved husband. "Sorry we slept so late, and left it to you and Willow to deal with these scamps." Aika giggled and planted a wet kiss on Vale's cheek.

    The rest of the day went smoothly, everyone not wanting to spoil the newly relaxed mood after the hellish few weeks. Kansas bat Vale in video games, the elf yelping in indignation every time, while Ryuu laughed himself silly over their antics. Vale and Satoshi took care of dinner to make up for sleeping in, and after dinner, they tucked in the children, with a great deal more giggling and nuzzling. Then Vale led Satoshi to the roof terrace.

    "Listen, my love, we should do this in your room, since it's soundproofed. I don't want anyone hearing this, and I certainly don't want the neighbors seeing anything," Vale said softly, his lips against Satoshi's ear. "It won't take too long. We could do it now, and then go downstairs."

  19. Sand chuckled a little. "I suffered nothing in spending my time with you that night, my dear." He looked at her, his blue eyes warm. "I remember a night of moonlight and magic, and the way the stars could not seem to shine as brightly as your eyes. I remember a woman whose beauty and strength gave her a dignity and purity no queen could match. I remember wishing that I had the ability to whisk you away from your life, and take you someplace where you could shine as you deserved to shine."

    Sand reached out with a slim hand and lifted Samantha's chin, holding her gaze. "I remember holding you while you slept, and wishing we had the opportunity to know each other fully. I was afraid to make love to you, for more than one reason. Had you become pregnant, your fate would have been much harsher, I feared." He leaned in and kissed her softly. "I was also afraid that I would not have been able to let you go, if I had seen you in the throes of passion, your skin rosy with pleasure and the heat of you in my arms. I could not have borne to let you leave me, but I did not know if you could have stayed, or even if you could have loved me. My situation is unusual, to say the least." His fingers stroked her hair, and his kissed her again, lingering over it.

  20. Sand set up his workbench carefully, pulling a rather extensive assortment of equipment from a nondescript bag. As he worked, he watched Samantha out of the corner of his eye. Whatever her draconic friend had done had been painful. He could see the telltale signs in the careful way she moved, and in how she held herself so still. He debated with himself for a moment as he began to distill the first sample, looking to break it down into its original components. Once he was satisfied that the alchemical process was underway, he dug into the bag again and withdrew a slender vial filled with a clear blue liquid.

    "Samantha, my dear, the ability to endure pain is admirable, but I do think you and I do not need to prove your strength between us." Sand sat beside her on the wall. :Drink this. It is a mild curative, and should ease the pain. I doubt it will have any more effect than that, but at the least, it will do no harm."

    Sand watched her drink the potion and smiled, looking startlingly young when he did. "I suppose I should explain myself. Your son would not have understood, but I do believe you will. How well do you remember that night we met?"

  21. Vale's hand slipped over Satoshi's hand, and the elf smiled, his green eyes still unfocused. His other arm reached out to pull Satoshi closer, and he nuzzled his face into his husband's hair. "Amin mela lle, mela en' coiamin," he murmured, far too deep in reverie to remember the English words, but the emotion that accompanied his lilting whisper was one of utter love and devotion. Satoshi curled up in that embrace, letting Vale's love and his own physical exhaustion carry him back to sleep.

    It was later that morning before Vale and Satoshi stirred, both of them sticky, sore and more content that they had ever been. Vale kissed Satoshi tenderly.

    "You alright, my love?" Vale asked, stroking Satoshi's cheek. He found the mints and handed one to Satoshi, taking one for himself as well.

    "I'm sore and I've never felt better," Satoshi admitted. "You said something before, I think it was in your language."

    Vale thought a moment, and then smiled radiantly. "I remember. I said I love you, love of my life." He kissed Satoshi sweetly, and slipped out of bed, returning with his husband's robe. He found his jeans in the pile of clothing and tugged those on. "I'll go run the shower for us, and then we can get something to eat." He leaned in and kissed Satoshi again. "I love you so much."

  22. Vale could not help but laugh at Kansas's question. "Come here, love," the elf said, pulling Kansas into a kiss, his tongue plundering Kansas's mouth. The feel of his sweet lips and the taste of him made Vale moan, and he could feel himself hardening again. Satoshi shifted a little, still resting on Vale, and joined in the kiss as well, the ball stud on his tongue inflaming Vale even more.

    Kansas slid his hand down, palming Vale's cock and drifting down to his sac, and the elf moaned softly into the kiss, wondering not for the first time how he had been so lucky as to find this family of his. "Keep that up, and I'll be ready before you are," Vale teased, his eyes dark with desire. Satoshi giggled a little as well.

    "Don't tell him that," the green haired man joked. "He'll be groping you all the time." The look Satoshi gave Kansas was full of such a pure love, and the imp just snickered.

    "Not complaining, are you?" Kansas ground himself against Vale's thigh, wriggling so deliciously that Vale hardened even more. The elf shifted a little, moving out from under Satoshi and tumbling a giggling Kansas on his back. Vale straddled Kansas's thighs and leaned over him, his long hair falling like a curtain around his face as he nipped at his imp's lips, and then plundered that sweet mouth again. The kisses moved downward, and Vale teased one tight nipple with his teeth and his tongue, enjoying the way Kansas flushed and began to squirm in earnest. Satoshi had moved to one side of Kansas, and Kansas was nibbling on his pierced lower lip, small whimpers escaping him.

    Vale continued kissing Kansas, trailing down his flat belly and along the sharp angle of his hip, tracing his right dragon down to the imp's inner thigh. Kansas mewled, his legs falling open to allow Vale to continue nibbling his way along the dragon until he reached Kansas's sac. Vale delicately mouthed each tender ball, and Kansas gasped at the sensation. Vale slid his hands under the imp's round ass and his agile tongue traced its way around the pucker of his asshole, teasing and probing under he had breached the muscle. Kansas's one good hand was fisted in the sheets and he writhed as Vale used his tongue to loosen him.

    "Fuck, Vale," Kansas whined. His cock was hard again, and he gave Satoshi a pleading look. Satoshi reached over and stroked the imp's cock, and Kansas's hips bucked, driving him further onto Vale's tongue. "I'm ready, love, please. Fuck me, make me yours," Kansas begged. Vale rose up, and lifted Kansas's pert ass onto his thighs, one finger probing his ass, while Satoshi knelt near Kansas's head.

    Vale squeezed a little lube on his hand, and quickly stroked it along his cock, smearing the drops of precum over the slit. "You ready for me, love?" he asked, looking at his imp.

    Kansas was flushed and panting with need. He bucked his hips a bit and Vale chuckled softly. "No more teasing, my love, I promise." Vale slid himself forward under Kansas's thighs, lifting his sweet ass and positioning himself. He pressed himself into that tight ass, more delicious heat surrounding his cock as he slid himself in carefully but steadily, watching Kansas's eyes flutter and his white teeth gleam as he nibbled his own lip. "You good, love?"

    "More," Kansas demanded, wriggling to make his point. Vale slid in until his balls were tight against Kansas's ass. "Fuck, yes... move..." Kansas reached for Satoshi, who had positioned himself near the imp's head. "Neko, I want my blade."

    Satoshi looked up at Vale. "Kansas likes to be cut a little, on his chest, or his back, or his thighs. We have a glass blade we use." Satoshi crawled over to where they kept the blade, nestled in its box. "Just light cuts, to make him bleed a little. The blood excites him, especially if he can taste it."

    Vale looked down at Kansas, and the look of need in the imp's eyes made Vale swoop down to kiss that sweet mouth again. "You want this?" Vale murmured, his lips against Kansas's lips.

    "Just a little blood, love," Kansas replied. "I want to see it, and taste it." He writhed a little, and Vale rocked his hips, driving himself home again.

    Vale took the blade from Satoshi. It was razor sharp, and quite lovely, and Vale rocked his hips as Kansas watched the blade with hungry eyes. He ran slim fingers over Kansas's chest, tweaking his nipples a little before trailing the blade very lightly over the silky skin. Kansas watched Vale's eyes now, waiting for the sting of the cut, and the smell of the blood. Vale paused in his rocking for a moment, his green eyes locked on his sweet husband's stormy eyes, and he made a swift and shallow cut just above Kansas's nipple. Kansas's cock jumped a little and a few beads of precum trickled out.

    Vale swiped the precum with one finger and sucked it off, and then he ran the same finger along the shallow cut he had made, letting Kansas lick off the blood and watching the imp's eyes roll up in pleasure. Vale waited until Kansas was focused on his again, and he made a matching slice on his own chest, leaning in to let Kansas lap at it as he resumed thrusting. The feeling of Kansas sucking and lapping at the cut make a shiver of pure pleasure run up Vale's spine, and he moaned in delight.

    Satoshi was utterly spent himself, but when Vale rose back up, he slid his lips over Kansas's straining cock, and the imp howled in pleasure. Vale made another set of matching cuts, letting Kansas suckle the blood from his fingers as he picked up the rhythm of his thrusts. He could tell by the imp's face that he was close, and when Kansas screamed, Satoshi sucked and swallowed every drop of the imp's cum as his ass tightened around Vale's cock and pushed the elf over the edge. Vale's howl matched the imp's scream as he filled that sweet ass with cum.

    Vale waited until Kansas had stopped shuddering, and Satoshi had lifted his mouth away from Kansas's limp cock, and then Vale eased himself out of his husband and leaned forward to hug and kiss them both. "Do you know how much I love you both? I can't bear to think of my life without you, my husbands, my loves."

  23. Vale slid slim fingers through Kansas's hair and pulled him into a searing kiss, devouring that sweet mouth hungrily. He had not made love with Kansas since the assault, and he missed the taste and feel of this husband of his. He let all his fierce love flow through the kiss, wanting Kansas to know how much the imp meant to him. He could feel Satoshi's similar response to their imp.

    "We go slowly, love," Vale said to his imp. Vale was not even quite sure how they would go about this, but Satoshi had wriggled happily at the suggestion. Vale let Kansas adjust their positions, and when Kansas's cock joined his inside Satoshi, it was all the elf could do not to come on the spot. The feeling of Kansas's cock sliding against his, and the impossibly tight fit was unbearably erotic, as was the expression on Satoshi's face as his husbands moved within him, slow and sweet and tender. Vale could feel his balls drawing up, and he moaned, "I can't last much longer."

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