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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale pulled Satoshi closer, nibbling gently on his lower lip. "Mela en' coiamin," Vale breathed, beginning a slow and languid assault on that sweet tight mouth. Satoshi whined a little, grinding against Vale, but Vale refused to let his husband rush him. He slid his fingers through the soft black hair, teasing Satoshi a little with slow swipes of his tongue across his piercings.

    "Come inside, love," Vale murmured, pulling Satoshi into the bedroom with him. Vale slowly unbuttoned his husband's shirt, nibbling at his neck gently, soft sucks and licks that traveled to his shoulders.

    "Please, I need to feel the pain," Satoshi pleaded.

    Vale pulled off Satoshi's tank top, and eased him down on the bed so that he could strip off Satoshi's pants and boxers. "Lay there, my love. Watch. No touching, yet..." Vale let his voice trail off in a seductive purr. He bent over from the waist, making sure that Satoshi got an excellent view of his ass in his tight jeans, and he swayed a little as he slowly peeled off his socks. Then Vale teased his tank top very slowly out of the waistband of his jeans, gradually revealing his taut stomach, his skin pale gold in the sunlight.

    Satoshi wriggled as he watched Vale, his eyes widening. There was a serious bulge in Vale's jeans, and the elf swayed his hips as he straightened up to emphasize his arousal.

    "You see what happens when I'm near you? You drive me wild, my love," Vale said, his voice sultry. Vale slid the tank top up a little more, and Satoshi moaned as the golden rings appeared. The tank top got dropped, and Vale's green eyes were smoldering as he slowly opened the waistband of his jeans, rocking his hips a little to make his cock bulge even more.

    "Do you like what you see, love? It's for you, when I'm done unwrapping it." Vale worked the jeans over his slim hips, sliding them down and stepping out of them, palming himself through his tight boxers. Then Vale slid his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers, slowing teasing them off, his cock springing free as he stepped out of those and crawled up on the bed to Satoshi. He straddled his lover, leaning forward to plunder that mouth with deliberate tenderness.

    "I love you. Amin mela lle." Vale slid his thighs between Satoshi's thighs, nibbling on Satoshi's nipple rings and tugging them gently between his teeth. Satoshi was wriggling and whimpering, his cock dripping precum as Vale positioned himself carefully, slipping his fingers into Satoshi's mouth. Satoshi sucked eagerly,and Vale used his now-slick fingers to gently coax Satoshis's asshole into relaxing.

    "Harder," Satoshi growled, trying to press down on Vale's fingers.

    "Shh, love. Let me love you," Vale murmured. He curled his fingers, pressing on Satoshi's prostate and making his husband cry out. "You are impossibly beautiful, do you know that? Right now, you're flushed with desire, and your eyes are so brilliant, and I can't think of anyone I want in my arms, in my life, in my heart, more than you."

    Vale kissed Satoshi again, feeling his husband's ball stud dancing across his tongue and shivering with desire. He locked eyes with Satoshi, letting every ounce of his love and adoration pour over Satoshi as he opened his heart and mind to let his husband see how beautiful Vale found him to be.

    Satoshi's eyes grew wet as he realized how very much Vale loved him, the depth of his devotion and his pure admiration for the vastness of Satoshi's heart. Vale slicked his precum over the head of his cock, and eased himself into Satoshi, a slow and steady glide that filled his husband as sweetly as Satoshi had filled Vale's heart. Vale slid one hand between them, slowly stroking Satoshi's cock in time with his languid thrusts, loving him tenderly and feeling some of the terrible confusion that filled Satoshi start to ease. Vale felt the vein along the underside of Satoshi's cock begin to pulse, and he kissed Satoshi lovingly, stroking firmly, and when Satoshi sobbed his release in Vale's ear as he splattered then both with ropes of cum, Vale murmured again, "I love you, more than life, until time ends." Then Vale moaned as well, his balls tightening and he spilled in Satoshi's ass with a sweet whimper.

    Vale cradled Satoshi in his arms when they had both stopped shuddering, and held him tightly, tears of joy spilling from his green eyes as he basked in Satoshi's love.

  2. Vale pulled Satoshi into his arms, and nuzzled his face in Satoshi's soft hair. "Sand is confusing, and mercurial, and absolutely fucking sexy as hell," Vale said. "And he's got a couple of major dark places. He's seen things he won't share with me, and he's shown me some pretty bad stuff. But the one thing he is, my love, is unwilling to hurt anyone."

    Vale leaned in to nibble at Satoshi's lower lip. "You like him, don't you, love?" Vale rested his forehead against Satoshi's forehead. "He likes you. Actually, more than likes. Reach out through the bond, and you can feel him. He thinks you're incredibly beautiful, you know." Vale radiated love and contentment.

  3. Sand took Willow first to the nursery, which had been set up with everything the rather detail-oriented elf could think of that would please a small girl and her mother. The bed had proper guard rails, a wardrobe stood ready for her clothing, and a changing table with a supply of clean diapers and various sweet-smelling ointments waited ready. The floor had thick carpets and a basket of toys overflowed in one corner. Willow just looked at Sand in amazement.

    "I do hope I have not overlooked anything. If I have, we will go and fetch it at the market." Sand smiled as he led Willow to Ryuu's room, and then to a spacious and airy master bedroom.

    "I thought you might like this room. It faces the garden, so it is quieter, and there is a balcony. As I recall, your husbands smoke, and I imagine the smell would be distressing to you." Sand gestured. There were several wardrobes, and a bed large enough for several people to share, covered in silken quilts. The polished wood of the floors gleamed, and there was even a private bathroom, with a shower.

    "A shower?" Willow giggled, delighted.

    "Indeed," Sand replied. "I so enjoyed the shower at the vacation that I commissioned a gnome of my acquaintance to build me several."

    He continued to show her around the second floor. "This is, for lack of a better word, my bedroom." This room was utterly elven in character, with a huge bed piled with silken quilts and pillows, and another pile of pillows on the floor in front of a large fireplace. There were plants everywhere, and all the wood of the furniture was elaborately carved and inlaid. It looked more like a bower in a grove than a room, and Willow told Sand that, to his delight.

    The next room was dubbed Vale's room, and resembled Sand's room. The message was clear. Sand was expecting to share Vale fully, and did not assume that Vale would be spending his nights with Sand. Willow just looked at the elegant moon elf, and tried not to shake her head in confusion. Sand showed not a whit of jealousy, and yet he had kissed Vale with such consuming love.

    "I thought perhaps Satoshi would like this room," Sand said as he gestured at the last bedroom. He paused, looking awkward. "I understand Kansas shares with him by preference? If I am wrong, we can make adjustments."

    "It'll be fine, Sand," Willow assured him. "I'm going to find Yuji, I think."

    Sand nodded. "I believe Vale has brought him to your room. Oh, and one last thing, Willow. I have my alchemical workbench in the basement. Much of what I use could be dangerous, and although I keep the door closed and warded, it would be unsafe for the children." Sand smiled, suddenly looking quite young. "They are beautiful, your children. Their laughter is such a joy-filled sound, and it lifts my heart." He bowed his head and walked away, leaving Willow to go to Yuji.

    Yuji was indeed in the room Sand had said was hers, resting on the huge bed and looking a little lost in all that space despite Vale curled up beside him. Still, his color was a little better, and he looked happier than he had in the past few weeks. He held out his arms, and Willow curled up beside him as he rested a thin hand on her belly.

    Sand heard something from Satoshi's room, and opened the door to check. He spotted Satoshi on the balcony, and quietly backed out and closed the door, a small smile on his face. Then he went downstairs to see how Kansas and the children were doing, and if they were perhaps in need of a meal.

    Vale looked at Willow and Yuji, his heart overflowing with love. Yuji was already responding to the healing magic, and his eyes closed as he drifted into a pain-free sleep. Willow too looked tired, and Vale kissed her tenderly.

    "Rest, lirimaer. I'll go keep an eye on the children, and make sure Kansas and Satoshi get settled in." Vale kissed her belly as well, making her giggle. "Let mama sleep, utinuamin."

    Vale slipped off the bed and out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. As he walked past Satoshi's room, Vale could feel Satoshi inside, his emotions a jumbled and conflicted mess. Yuji's immediate minor improvement was heartening, but there was something else tugging at Satoshi, and Vale could not bear to leave him to try and sort it out alone, in a strange place. Vale opened the door and walked in, still in his own jeans and t-shirt, and he crossed to the balcony where Satoshi stood, smoking furiously.

    "What is it, mela en' coiamin?" Vale asked, holding out his arms to Satoshi, his green eyes bright with love.

  4. Shadowknight was good enough to run up a character sheet for us, and I'm posting it here for comments or general use, since I think it works pretty well.








    Experience Points:




    Distinguishing Features:




    Combat Statistics

    Health: X/Y.

    Mana: X/Y.




    Armor Type:

    Armor Penalty:

    Weapon 1. Attack Roll. Damage.

    Weapon 2. Attack Roll. Damage.

    Weapon 3. Attack Roll. Damage.


    Communication: X (Focuses).

    Constitution: X (Focuses).

    Cunning: X (Focuses).

    Dexterity: X (Focuses).

    Magic: X (Focuses).

    Perception: X (Focuses).

    Strength: X (Focuses).

    Willpower: X (Focuses).

    Class Powers And Spells


    Talents And Languages


    Equipment And Money

    Coin: X GP, Y SP, Z CP.


    Concept, Goals And Ties




    Player Notes


  5. Vale shot Sand a look. "When you say that everything's ready, exactly what does that mean?" Vale laid a reassuring hand on Willow's arm, not wanting his wife's temper to flare. Pregnancy had not made her serene; quite the opposite.

    Sand arched an elegant eyebrow. "I mean precisely what I said. Do you remember the house adjoining ours? It is now ours, and I have had the houses combined into one." He sighed, as though Vale was a particularly dense child. "Whatever did you think I meant?"

    Vale just grinned. "Never mind, my moon. I'm being anxious." He turned to Yuji. "How about you, my love? How do you feel?"

    Yuji was still pale, and drawn, and far too thin, but he smiled at Vale, those perfect brown eyes so full of love that the elf shivered. "The pain is almost gone right now, and that feels good."

    "Do you feel up to a short walk?" Vale asked. "Or we can wait here for a bit." He looked up at the other elf. "Nathe, we can wait, can't we?"

    "Why are you asking me, Vale?" Nathe looked amused. "You're captain of the Guard and a member of the Council."

    Vale made a rude noise. "I'm on indefinite leave, which I approved myself. You're in charge, and no getting out of it for you." He turned back to Yuji. "Maybe another round of healing first?"

    The clerics nodded, and again murmured their prayers, letting the warm blue glow of their divine magic wash over Yuji. While Vale hovered over Yuji, Sand turned to the rest of the family.

    "I have been dreadfully rude, to not greet you properly," Sand said, his blue eyes warm as he looked at Willow. "Willow, I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to have heard the news. You look more beautiful than ever." Sand took her hand and tucked it through his arm. "This sweet girl must be Aika." He smiled as Aika reached out to touch one jeweled braid.

    Sand turned to Satoshi, his eyes glittering briefly. "Satoshi, I do like your hair like that. The amethyst suits you." There was more than a hint of something more in Sand's voice.

    Kansas looked away briefly, and then looked up at Sand. Sand smiled at the imp, but without the heat that had been directed toward Satoshi. If anything, Sand seemed more abashed than anything else. "Kansas, you are most welcome, and I do hope I can make amends for any misbehavior on my part during the vacation." He quickly shifted his focus to Ryuu. "You are Ryuu, I think. I am Sand." His smile for the boy was very warm.

    "It is good to have you all home," Sand said. He was still standing near Willow, since Aika had a firm grip on his braid. When Willow went to loosen Aika's hand, Sand merely held out his arms for the child. Then, Aika nestled in his arms and examining the jewels happily, he crossed to Yuji and Vale.

    "Yuji, I promise you, and I know Vale has as well, that you will be cured. In the meantime, come home and rest," Sand said. Through the bond, Sand was giving off nothing but pleasure and love.

    Finally, Sand turned to Vale. "I love your hair like that," Sand said, running slim fingers through the pale gold and emerald locks. "I owe much to the one who convinced you." He leaned in and kissed Vale, and Vale returned the kiss sweetly while Aika giggled.

  6. Sand cried out as well, his own back arching as he spent himself within her, the slick heat of her around his shaft maddeningly perfect. Samantha's cries lingered in his ears, and he reached up to pull her forward, wanting to hold her against him as she shuddered through the last of her climax. Her heart pounded against him in perfect synchronicity with his own, their breath ragged as sweat-slick skin met, his arms around her and holding her as though he would never let her go. Samantha's face tilted up slightly, and Sand kissed her, sweet and languid.

    The kiss broke when they both needed to breathe, and Sand reached up to brush a few tendrils of hair from her forehead. Samantha sighed, her eyes shining despite her tiredness, and Sand was forcibly reminded of why he was here. He felt a dark anger growing within him for T-bone and all the other superstitious idiots who would sacrifice the live of a brave and noble woman rather than help her fight this poison. Sand kissed her head, nuzzling his face against her hair until he felt her breathing finally come back to normal.

  7. Vale started to laugh. "Oh, my love, don't worry about it. They've seen all sorts of things in Neverwinter, and we'll get you clothing there if you like. You'll see all manner of strange creatures, and even stranger people." He hugged Satoshi and kissed him soundly. "And then, before we go to Evermeet and Evereska, we'll get you all proper elven clothing. Sand will be thrilled. He looks for excuses to visit his tailor."

    Vale helped Satoshi pick out all of his favorite things, and Kansas's as well, and those went into the bag of holding with the toys. Satoshi just shook his head.

    "I can't believe how this thing doesn't get bigger." Satoshi looked at the pouch, no larger than a hardcover book, and weighing about the same. "Does Willow have one, too?"

    Vale grinned. "Magic, my love. It's a beautiful thing, and yes, Willow has one for all the children's things, and her things, and Yuji's things. I've got one for my things, and all the groceries we're going to need because there's stuff we don't have there." He stopped and laughed again, his eyes bright. "I'm going to grab my things, and then I'm going to open the portal, before I really start babbling."

    Vale raced to his room and grabbed his suitcase, slipping it into his bag of holding, and then he hurried downstairs. His family was waiting in the living room, Yuji leaning on Satoshi, Willow with Aika in her arms and Ryuu holding tight to Kansas. Hideko was there as well, smiling widely through the tears in her eyes. Vale hurried over to her, and caught her in a hug.

    "Hideko-chan, thank you so much, for everything. We couldn't pull this off without you." Vale looked at her, so much like his beloved Yuji.

    "You heal him, okay?" Hideko dashed a hand across her eyes. "You heal him and bring him home, because I need him, too."

    "I will, I promise." Vale took a deep breath, willing himself not to cry.

    "Vale, one thing." Satoshi tugged vale, drawing him into the kitchen, his face serious.

    "What is it, love?" Vale was briefly alarmed, until he realized that Satoshi was blushing. He put his hand along Satoshi's cheek.

    "I thought you might want these." Satoshi handed Vale a box.

    Vale looked at it, recognizing the name as the jeweler that had sold him the rings he and Yuji had exchanged at their union. His eyes widened as he opened the box, to see three more rings nestled within, the rings he had meant to buy for Satoshis, Kansas and Willow. There was also a thin silver chain, and Vale looked at Satoshi, his eyes brimming.

    "His fingers are so thin," Satoshi explained. "He can wear the rings on a chain until he's better."

    Vale pulled Satoshi into a kiss, pouring out all his love for this marvelous, thoughtful man who forgot nothing when it came to looking out for his family. "Mela en' coiamin, you are so perfect, do you know that? I love you with all my heart."

    They went back over to the rest of the family, and Vale and Satoshi helped Yuji put his rings on the chain. Vale gave it to Satoshi to put around Yuji's neck.

    "You do it, love." Vale let all his love radiate outward, not very surprised when Hideko seemed to feel it as well.

    "I'll open the portal now. It's similiar to the way we went to the bar, but my magic is a little different from Witch's. This will be more like walking through a doorway." Vale spoke a few words in a harsh and sibilant language, and a shimmering oval appeared slowly, growing in size until it was large enough for a person to walk through. Willow looked taken aback, and moved away a few steps. Vale hurried over to her.

    "Lirimaer, it's alright." Vale caught Willow's face between his hands and kissed her softly. "I'm going to take Yuji through first, and then I want you to come through with Aika. I'll be right there, waiting for you. It's perfectly safe for you and for our son." He laid a slim hand on her belly, feeling the baby move, his eyes bright with wonder. "He's so busy in there!"

    "I noticed," Willow said dryly, but she looked a little less nervous.

    "After Willow goes through, can you bring Ryuu, Kansas? And Satoshi, my love, you follow them." Vale put his arm around Yuji's waist. "We'll be right there when you get there, my loves. No one's going anywhere without each other." Vale looked at Yuji. "Are you ready, verno'amin?"

    Yuji gave Vale that look again, the one that made Vale think of that night in the bar, when he knew he would follow this man anywhere. "I'm ready, my love." Yuji's smile was so radiant that Vale could not help but return it.

    Vale stepped through the portal, his arm firmly around Yuji's waist. He remembered how Yuji had been nervous when they went trough the portal to the bar, and he sent Yuji a burst of reassurance. The magic shimmered around them and then they were in a large and bright room. Vale stepped to one side, and turned to wait for the rest of his family, Willow with Aika, Kansas with Ryuu, and Satoshi. Then Vale turned around again, his face bright as Sand walked over with another elf and two humans in long robes.

    "Hello, my moon," Vale said softly.

    "Welcome home, my sun," Sand replied, and he looked at Yuji. "Oh, Seldarine, I wish you had come sooner. There was no need to suffer so, Yuji." He beckoned to the humans. "These are priests of Lathander, a goodly god we call the Morninglord. They will be performing the healings, starting right now."

    Both men nodded, and offered brief prayers before laying their hands on Yuji. Vale knew what to expect, but he moved to stand closer to his other spouses, sending for all his love and reassurance again as a soft blue glow enveloped Yuji. A second wave of love and reassurance bathed them all, and Vale looked at Sand, who smiled and nodded, adding his own power to the bond. Some of the lines of pain smoothed out in Yuji's face, and he seemed to breathe a little easier as the glow faded.

    "It's just the beginning, my loves," Vale murmured. "The healers will do this for as long as it takes, but Yuji will be cured."

    "We will give him a moment to rest, and then I will take us all home," Sand added. "Everything is ready."

  8. Sand chuckled dryly. "That is very much what I say about my own scars, and I think we both will admit we brush them aside because they remind us of things we would rather not remember." He pulled her close again, kissing her with rising passion. "And yes, you were an innocent then, and I was not, and I did not wish to take advantage. But now, I think, we are on equal footing, and I find I relish this, very much."

    Sand let his hands travel slowly over her, his fingers feather-light as he traced each curve, each gentle swell, his eyes very dark. He pressed himself against her, his shaft once again hard and eager, and he retraced the path his fingers had taken with lips and tongue until Samantha fisted her hands in his hair to pull him back up. This time, she pushed him onto his back and straddled him, her hair tumbling about her shoulders and spilling down her back as she looked down at him. Leaning forward, she kissed him, letting her kisses trail along his jaw and up the sweep of an elegant ear until she was nibbling on the tip, Sand's back arching in bliss at the sweet sensation.

    "Oh, vanimaer," Sand sighed again. He bucked his hips, pressing his shaft against her, and Samantha rose up slightly, and then let herself settle down onto his shaft, watching his eyes flutter as he succumbed to the pleasure of being within her.

  9. JayDee:

    Whoa, nearly missed this! Thought Apollo's was the last in the thread, shows what I get for not looking closely! Missing it would have been a shame, both because the next one you did might not have made as much sense and also because it's great stuff :). The sadness is very real for both of them, and then... hope, and heat, and the final sentence is beautiful.

    Also wondered - was Duncan doomed by the game storyline, is it a plot point of yours?

    Thank you! I'm so glad the lads are coming across so well! And, sadly, Duncan is doomed by the game storyline. I would have kept him around, if only because I've always enjoyed making him groan with my character's antics... Well, that and all my characters have wanted to sleep with him. :D

  10. Vale's ass instinctively clenched as Kansas tugged on the string, the first pearl pressing on the tight muscle. Kansas's cock was sliding against his in the most deliriously erotic way as Satoshi rode them both at once, his ass impossibly tight and so gods-damned hot that Vale was not quite sure whether to scream or go quietly insane from pleasure. Every time Kansas moaned, "More," Vale hit the button that increased the vibration in the metal bullet in Kansas's ass, and the imp's whines increased in pitch as well.

    And now Kansas was tugging harder, and the first damned pearl popped out, and Vale did shriek. His ass clenched and his cock jerked as his back arched, driving him that bit farther into Satoshi, who was mewling nonstop as he tugged at his own nipple rings. Vale managed enough coherence to grab one of the golden rings decorating his own nipples and gave it a tug, twisting as he did, and white light exploded behind his eyes.

    Just as Vale tugged his ring, Kansas popped another pearl out of the elf's ass and demanded, "More," in a muted shriek. Vale's finger responded as he bucked upwards into Satoshi's ass. Kansas went with Vale, his own shrieks bursting out as the bullet in his ass vibrated harder.

    Satoshi's back arched suddenly, and Vale could sense his impending orgasm through the bond, the three of them wide open to each other. A spurt of cum shot out of Satoshi's cock, spattering across his upper chest and even his lips, followed by more hot streams as Satoshi emptied himself, howling. He licked his lips almost unconsciously, and that was enough for Kansas as Vale hit the button a final time, ramping the bullet as high as it could go. Kansas jerked on the string, another pearl popping free, and then Kansas began to shriek as he came, his cock buried as far as it could go in Satoshi's spasming ass. The feel of Kansas's hot cum, and the convulsive tug on the string that yanked another pearl free did it for Vale, and he felt his balls squeeze as he added his cum inside Satoshi's ass.

    Satoshi's eyes had rolled back in his head, and he fell backward a little, and Kansas, whimpering and shuddering, clung to Vale for a moment while he and the elf finished spending themselves in Satoshi's ass.

    "Oh, gods, we killed him," Vale gasped, looking at Satoshi's limp form. Vale managed to slide his softening cock out of Satoshi's ass, and tried to control his trembling limbs well enough to lean over and check Satoshi. Kansas was whining, and the lust-fogged brain of the elf registered the remote in his hand.

    "Fuck," Vale muttered, and began to press the other button repeatedly, until Kansas stopped twitching. "It hurts," Kansas whimpered, and Vale eased him onto his side and carefully removed the bullet, kissing Kansas afterward until he calmed. Then the elf tried to lean forward again, and Kansas yanked on the string, and Vale shrieked as though a balor had indeed buggered him, a last wave of pleasure making him shiver.

    "Fuck, Neko," Kansas rasped, his voice nearly gone. "He passed out." Kansas crawled up to Satoshi, and between Vale and the imp, they stretched him out and curled up on either side of him, kissing him and snuggling with him.

    The three men stayed like that for over half an hour before any of them could work up the energy to stir and think about showering.

  11. Welcome!

    I'm going to start a Dragon Age game in mid-February, and I figured we could get started on brainstorming the initial plot. I think it makes for a more interesting and cohesive game if we all pitch in to create an initial conflict. So, what I was thinking was that you would all be members of the same race, who have known each other for a long time (and may be friends, rivals, lovers, family, enemies). We would decide on the race first, then the area where it will all begin and finally, the initial conflict that will kick-start the game.

    Firstly, tell me what you would like to get out of this. Do you want intrigue, non-stop action, visceral terror or something else entirely? What would you like to see? Is there an aspect of the Dragon Age world you would like to find in the game?

    The idea of connected backgrounds is to help bring the party together in a natural way (no more strangers who meet at a tavern) and to ensure you all feel invested with the game. The Dragon Age RPG has a Ties section, in which you write the connections between your character and the others. The idea is that you write something more than "saw him a couple of times before." This would also be a good moment to start thinking about possible character concepts (once we've decided race and location) and then interweave them with the plot. And if any of you is playing a mage (and odds are at least two of you are considering it), we need to clear the Chantry/Circle hurdle as well.

    Let's get started with the race, shall we? Who votes for elves? :devil:

    As for what I want out of the game... I'm looking to create a campaign that's going to be challenging for you as players, as well as fun for me to write and GM. I'm hoping that there'll be a lot of thinking outside the box, and that you'll solve some of my puzzles in ways that I may not have considered, because I'll enjoy being surprised by your creativity and ingenuity as well.

  12. Welcome to the Age of the Dragon, a role-playing forum based on the Dragon Age:Origins role-playing game!

    Participation in this forum is by invitation only, and as the GM for this game and the moderator for this forum, all posts must be pre-approved by me. I ask that only invited players post to the forum, although all are welcome to read and follow along as we embark on our (hopefully) epic journey. To keep this manageable, the number of players needs to be limited, which is the sole reason for restricting this to an invitation only game.

    For those of you who have been invited to play, the usual rules of courtesy towards other players and observance of the game rules, as modified by any agreed upon house rules, is requested. Posts that do not conform to the rules of the game, or which are not in keeping with the role-play can and will be deleted.

    Aside from those simple ground rules, we will be setting both the initial campaign parameters and the precise rules in a separate post. We all know the original game, and accordingly, we are already familiar with most of the details, but we will be using the game play rules from the PnP version of Dragon Age:Origins as published by Green Ronin Publishing. Again, that information will be distributed separately.

    So, let's have fun! :D

  13. Vale watched Hideko skip out, dumbfounded. He knew exactly how sensitive Yuji's ears were, having nibbled on them often enough. It would certainly explain a lot of things, actually, including the depth of the bond between the elf and Yuji, and how Yuji had been able to raise such tight shields.

    Vale started to chuckle, and decided to go back upstairs and check on Kansas and Satoshi, and their new bag of holding. He wondered how much they were actually going to try to fit in there. Still chuckling, he opened the door, and then quickly closed it behind him and threw the lock.

    Kansas looked up, his eyes bright. He and Satoshi were on the bed, naked, toys scattered all around them, and Vale felt himself growing instantly hard. With Yuji as sick as he was, there had not be much opportunity or interest in sex, but now that they were preparing to go to Neverwinter, more than hope had been rekindled.

    "Hey, love," Kansas grinned, his face radiant. "Get your pretty ass naked and join us." He waggled the string of beads suggestively, and Vale's fingers flew to his jeans to open the button at the waistband and yank out his t-shirt. It took the elf seconds to get naked and join Satoshi and Kansas on the bed.

    Satoshi was holding what looked to Vale to be a very large fake penis, nearly as large as perhaps an orc, by the elf's estimate. His green eyes widened.

    "Fuck, love," Vale said softly. "You're not really thinking about..." His voice trailed off as Satoshi tossed Kansas the lube.

    "Loosen him up a bit for me," Kansas said, and Satoshi turned around to present his ass to Vale, who moaned in anticipation. "Use your tongue."

    Vale crawled over to crouch behind Satoshi, rubbing his cheeks and parting them to reveal his puckered asshole. "Oh, love, you're so beautiful," Vale moaned, and leaned forward to take a nip of one rounded cheek before sliding his tongue along the cleft. He lapped a few timed, circling Satoshi's asshole teasingly until Satoshi whined, and then Vale used the tip of his tongue to gently probe the tight muscle. Satoshi mewled and pushed back against Vale's tongue, and the elf pushed it in, his hands tight around Satoshi's hips. Vale thrust in firmly, and then pulled back and thrust again, making Satoshi moan. Vale thrust a few more times, one hand reaching up to twist and tug a nipple ring, and Satoshi howled happily.

    "That's good," Kansas said, and slid in behind Satoshi, displacing Vale, who moved around to crouch by Satoshi's head, his cock brushing against his pierced lower lip as Vale continued to play with his nipple ring while he watched Kansas place the well lubed toy against Satoshi's ass and began to push it in slowly and steadily.

    "That's it, Neko," Kansas crooned, rubbing Satoshi's back as the huge toy began to disappear into his tight ass. "You can take it all, can't you?"

    Satoshi howled again, his hips bucking as he pushed back against the toy. At the same time, Vale lifted his hips, pushing his cock against Satoshi's lips, smearing them with his precum, and Satoshi opened his mouth eagerly, sucking Vale in as the elf moaned.

    By now, the entire length of the toy was in Satoshi's ass, and Vale's cock was bumping the back of his throat. Vale pulled out with a pop, and Kansas pulled Satoshi upright, rocking him back on his heels to help hold the toy in. Vale crouched in front of Satoshi and went to work sucking his cock happily, while Kansas grabbed the string of beads and lubed them. As Vale sucked, Kansas moved behind him, and carefully inserted the first bead in Vale's ass.

    Vale moaned, the sensation surprisingly delicious as the cool bead entered the heat of his ass. More beads followed, until he felt not only full, but also deeply aroused as even the slightest wiggle of his ass sent them gliding across his prostate. Vale moaned again as he sucked harder on Satoshi's cock while Satoshi ground his ass against his heels to make the toy in him move.

    Vale left off sucking Satoshi, rearing up and making the beads within him move in the most arousing way, and he nearly shrieked.

  14. Vale looked at the toys, and at the imps, and at the toys, and he started to laugh. "Wait a minute." Vale dashed into his room and came back holding a small leather pouch.

    "This is something we use a lot back home. It's called a bag of holding. I swear Sand and I would be lost without them." Vale started dropping toys into the bag, and Satoshi and Kansas watched in amazement as toy after toy disappeared into a bag that should not have held even one toy. "It's actually a portable interdimensional rift, a gap between the planes of existence. It can hold a great deal of things, and yet appears quite small. It never seems to weigh more than about a pound, either." He tossed the now loaded pouch at Satoshi. "Trust me. Traveling with Sand, these things come in handy Have fun packing." Vale started to walk away, and then turned back with a grin. "Don't forget that string. It looks like fun."

    Vale left the giggling imps to finish testing the capacity of a bag of holding, and went downstairs to pack his own bag of holding. He had made a trip to the store, and stocked up on grocery items that he was sure he could not duplicate in Neverwinter, things like miso for soup, noodles, nori, konbu, shoyu sauce, and wasabi. He especially did not want the children to be frustrated by a lack of familiar foods, so he had also picked up some pocky and other sweet treats for them.

    Hideko came in while he was packed, his hair tucked behind one gracefully pointed ear, and he looked up with a radiant smile.

    "Hideko-chan!" Vale gave her a quick hug. "You have no idea how happy I am that you'll be staying here. It's one less thing Yuji will worry about, and that way we can focus on healing him for good." He grew serious for a moment. "We will heal him, I swear it, Hideko. Our clerics have access to magic that can cure any disease, and this time it won't come back."

    "I believe you, Vale-chan." Hideko smiled at the elf.

    Vale shook his head, chuckling. "You're so different, like Yuji is. The rest of your family is very... formal. But I'm glad you're they way you are, you and Yuji. You didn't even seem surprised that I'm an elf."

  15. Vale smoothed a hand over Yuji's hair. "It'll be good to see Hideko and Tsutomo again tomorrow, and Tomio." His smile was warm and genuine. "Try and rest tonight, love. It went as well as we could have hoped with your tousan."

    Vale watched until Yuji had drifted off to sleep, his face peaceful despite the sharpness of his bones showing through his skin. Vale looked over at Satoshi, who looked nearly as haggard as Yuji. The long nights of watching were taking their toll on him as well, but at least he had put his usual ornaments back in his lip.

    "I'd ask you to rest a bit, but I know you won't, my love." Vale smiled at Satoshi, his voice full of love. "I'll watch with you, if that's alright."

    Satoshi's lip trembled slightly, but his voice was steady. "I'd like that. He's getting worse so fast. I'm so afraid, Vale."

    "A couple of days," Vale said, his own voice as reassuring as he could make it. "I've been saving the stronger potions. I'll start with those tomorrow, and seeing Hideko and Tomo will help him."

    Satoshi just nodded, his eyes fixed on Yuji, Kansas already asleep and wrapped tightly around him. On the other side of Vale, Willow was asleep, her breathing even, but her lashes were damp, and Vale shifted her so that her head was pillowed on his lap so he could stroke her hair gently.

    Vale reviewed all of the arrangements he had made. Wench had reached Sand for him, and Sand would meet them at the Cloaktower. Vale had elected to open a portal there, since the wards around the Cloaktower made it a stable destination. Sand would have healers with him already, powerful clerics from the Temple of Lathander. Wench had also given Sand as much information as possible on the nature of Yuji's illness, including his history of remissions and relapses, and Sand had in turn passed that information to the Dawnlord's priests. They would be as prepared as possible.

    Sand had relayed one of his usual cryptic messages through Wench, to the effect that their house had been suitably reorganized. Vale suppressed an automatic shudder. Knowing Sand, that could mean anything from a few pieces of furniture being moved to a subtle manipulation of interdimensional rifts in time and space. He reminded himself that Sand was aware that Yuji was very weak and Willow was pregnant, and that Sand would not do anything that would harm either of them. In fact, Sand had been elated, according to Wench, especially about Willow's pregnancy, and had asked that she tell Vale that a cleric of Angharradh had been sent for, to care for Willow. It could have been worse, Vale supposed. Sand could have sent for his mother.

    That thought alone sent all notion of reverie fleeing, and Vale could not stifle a small snort of amusement. Satoshi looked up at him briefly, and Vale just shook his head.

    "I was thinking about Sand," Vale said very softly. "There's a chance, hopefully a very small one, that he might have sent word to his mother. Then again, we could also get lucky. We're due some luck, don't you think?"

    "What, she's like Yuji's mother?" Satoshi asked, puzzled by Vale's tone.

    "Oh, no, not at all," Vale replied. "Let's just say that Lady Eryn's very sweet, and even more strong-willed. She's a very powerful cleric, though, and that's never bad." Vale grinned. "She's also been trying to get us to let her conduct a three day long wedding feast in Evereska to celebrate our marriage. If she gets wind of all of us, the damned wedding could last a month."

  16. Sand bared his throat to allow Samantha better access, all but purring as she bit at the pulse point under his jaw, his eyes darkening with his desire. When her tongue traced his ear, he moaned his pleasure, but managed to maintain the steady rhythm of his thrusts. But when Samantha murmured to him in his own language, one sweet word, all of Sand's reserve vanished.

    "Vanimaer," he murmured, increasing the tempo of his thrusts, driving deeper with each one. "Beautiful one, why did we wait for this?" His lips found hers, and he kissed her with all the passion he had held in check until now. He could feel the faint trembling in her thighs as they tightened around his hips, drawing him in, and he nipped and sucked at her lower lip gently as he pushed her to find her release, his shaft sliding over her clit with every thrust.

    Samantha's back arched, and Sand thrust again, watching as her eyes fluttered closed as she came, a sweet, wanton cry escaping her kiss-swollen lips. The velvet tightness of her passage closed around his shaft, the muscles undulating and Sand felt his sac tighten and draw up. With a cry of his own, he spilled in her, shuddering, his own back arching.

    Sand eased himself down, rolling to one side and wrapping his arms around Samantha. He kissed her, slow and sweet, his eyes bright with love. One slim hand traced the planes of her face, dancing lightly along her jaw to slide into her hair.

    "Now that was a delightful start," Sand murmured, his eyes glittering as he pulled her close to him.

  17. pittwitch:

    Oh my, yes, nothing quite as beautiful as a heartfelt kiss shared under the moon. You write these two so well, giving them such width, breadth, and depth of character, that once again, the realm means nothing to me, the two of them means everything. Thanks so much for sharing, PW

    Thank you! I'm really glad these two can transcend the game setting. It means I'm doing something right! :D

    Fairy Slayer:

    It's sweet that the demon's "torture" actually brought the men even closer together, and in the way Wraith had hoped for as well. Even without that, the "softening" on Wraith's part as Alistair comes to check on him is a great bit of character growth on its own. Do they have any clue that "moving on" is how they'll keep going even after their current quest is over? (Maybe I got it wrong, but that's what it suggests to me.)

    So, I guess the demon messed up by giving them a glimpse of something that very well could come true? Let me go on record as saying, "There's no way that could ever end up working evil's favor. Nope, not one bit." :P

    As my favorite paladin keeps telling me, good will always triumph, right? :lol: And I'm glad the character growth is working as well. I'm sometimes on shaky ground there, so this is good to hear!

    Long term is a relative thing for these two. Surviving the Joining means they have about 30 years to live, before they succumb to the taint themselves. Their mastery of it is a temporary thing. But Wraith would be quite happy to spend those 30 years with Alistair, if fate (and an evil author-type wench) permits.

  18. Vale came out of reverie with a start, his eyes focusing immediately and shifting to low light vision. Satoshi was sitting up in the bed, watching Yuji intently. Vale's attention immediately turned to Yuji, but he appeared to be resting as peacefully as was possible, some of the terrible strain lines smoothed out. Vale smiled as he looked at his beloved husband, and he gently touched his forehead to Yuji's, the brief contact immensely reassuring. Vale could feel Satoshi's eyes on him, and he spoke softly, pitching his voice for Satoshi's ears.

    "What's wrong, love?" Vale could see the sadness on Satoshi;s face, although all he felt from him was such a pure love that it made the elf shiver a little.

    Satoshi answered just as quietly, his eyes never leaving Yuji. "I can't sleep. I'm too afraid I'll wake up tomorrow and he'll be gone. I'm too afraid he'll slip away when I'm not watching him." Satoshi smiled a little, a sad smile. "I need to watch over him. I've done it three times before. I can do it one more time."

    Vale reached out and took Satoshi's hand, holding it gently and sending a wave of love and understanding to his husband.

    Satoshi looked at Vale for a moment. "Look how peaceful he is. Promise me he'll be alright?" The look of pleading in his eyes brought tears to Vale's eyes.

    "I promise, my love. The clerics in Neverwinter can help him. I swear it." Vale remembered all that Satoshi had shown him, and what Kansas had told him, and he understood how closely entwined Satoshi's soul was with Yuji's. It was something Vale understood all too well. Among elves, bonds existed that were so profound that if one partner dies, the other would follow, fading away to rejoin their beloved in Arvandor.

    Vale eased himself up to a sitting position, careful not to disturb Yuji. "Do you mind if I watch with you?"

    Satoshi smiled again, and there was a little less sorrow this time. "I'd like that," he admitted, and together the two men watched through the night to make sure their beloved husband stayed with them.

    Just before dawn, Vale touched Satoshi's shoulder lightly. "I'll see to the children. You stay with him, love." He leaned over and kissed Satoshi lightly. "I love you."

    Vale carefully slid out of the bed, and pulled on his loose sleep pants and a t-shirt, and quietly let himself out of the room. Aika and Ryuu were still sleeping soundly, and Vale padded downstairs to set up the tea maker and rice cooker. He would be happy to get a few mouthfuls of rice and some miso soup in Yuji. That done, Vale headed back up to his room to rummage through the assortment of potions Sand had packed for him. Vale was no alchemist, and he was certainly no healer, but he wondered if a healing potion might not at least relieve some of the pain without the side effects of whatever it was thet Yuji was taking. He grabbed a vial and headed back to the master bedroom.

    "Satoshi," Vale murmured. "When he wakes, see if he can drink this. It should help the pain a bit, and maybe let him eat."

    Satoshi nodded, holding the vial tightly.

    By now, Aika was stirring, and Vale went into the nursery to see to her. When she was tidied and dressed, he took her with him to wake Ryuu, and the calm radiating from Vale seemed to keep the children more settled than they had been for weeks. Aika nuzzled into Vale's neck contentedly, and Ryuu got up without a protest, washing and dressing with Vale's help.

    Vale brought the children downstairs, and started Aika with some fruit to keep her content until breakfast was ready. Ryuu helped him set the table, and then Vale began the soup.

    "What do you think, Ryuu? Noodles today?" Vale asked.

    Ryuu looked up at him. "Otooji always want noodles," the little boy observed.

    "That's true, my wise dragon. What do you think tousan would like?" Vale inquired with a smile.

    "Tousan like noodles too." Ryuu patted Vale's hip. "Get noodles."

    Kansas was the first one down, yawning and stretching as he came into the kitchen to get his tea. He gave Vale a sleepy kiss, and then hugged Ryuu and kissed Aika. Then Kansas took over slicing the fruit for Vale, sneaking pieces to Ryuu with muffled giggles. It was the closest to normal that things had been in so long, and Vale could not help but grin.

    "Anyone else stirring up there?" Vale asked.

    Kansas shrugged. "I think Willow's up. Well, she had to piss, at least." He shot Vale a quick smirk. "Better go do the good husband thing. I got the kids."

    Vale kissed Kansas again, and went back upstairs. Willow was slightly cranky, but she looked happier as well as she came up to Vale and kissed him soundly.

    "Tell me the tea is ready, because you love me and want me to be happy," Willow groused.

    "The tea is ready, because I love you eternally and your happiness is my only desire," Vale replied. He laid a hand on her belly, felt a wriggling, and bent to plant a kiss there as well. "Good morning to you, too."

    Willow gave him a light smack on the head, but she was smiling as she headed down to the kitchen.

    Vale continued in to the master bedroom in time to see Satoshi putting the now-empty vial on the side. Yuji was wrinkling his nose a bit, but he managed a radiant smile for Vale.

    "Feel like some breakfast?" Vale leaned in for a soft kiss, pleased to see that Yuji looked a little less exhausted today.

    "Maybe some tea," Yuji said. He worked his way to the edge of the bed and stood up carefully.

    As much as Vale wanted to help him, the elf held back, letting Yuji have these small victories for himself. Instead, he leaned over and kissed Satoshi soundly, a wordless reminder that no one was alone, not anymore.

  19. Vale felt Yuji shiver, and he immediately pulled off his shirt and draped it around Yuji. "Satoshi, love, would you get the patio door?" Vale asked, giving him a sweet kiss. Although Yuji's words had rocked Vale to his core at first, the love and hope that had been restored between them went a long way toward restoring the shattered elf. He held Yuji close, stroking his back, letting him feel every bit of his love, opening himself as fully as he could to his beloved husband. Satoshi came back over and joined them, and Vale pulled him into the embrace again.

    "We're strong enough for this, amaelamin, We're going to carry you, and I swear to you, we are going to have our sixty years, and I'm going to love you with all my heart and soul for every one of those years." Vale smiled, his face radiant despite the fatigue around his eyes. "I'm going to run upstairs, and get the rest of our family. They need to hear this, too. You can tell them, Yuji. Lean on Satoshi and me, and we'll give you all the strength you need to tell them, and then we'll all start making plans tomorrow, because tonight, we are all sleeping in the master bedroom. We've been apart for too long."

    Satoshi's smile was all the reassurance Vale needed, and he eased Yuji into Satoshi's arms, stood, and kissed them both. Then he handed Yuji a slip of paper, the sonogram picture he had wanted to show him earlier. "Take a look while I'm upstairs. This is our new son."

    Vale ran up the stairs lightly, his head already spinning with plans. He opened the door to the master bedroom, his green eyes bright. The children had been tucked into their beds already, and Willow was cradling Kansas, who looked utterly forlorn, pearly teeth worrying the sleeve of his hoodie and his eyes pale grey. Vale flung himself onto the bed and hugged them both.

    "Come downstairs with me, my loves. Yuji's ready to talk to us, really talk to us." Vale kissed them both, brushing away the tears that rolled down Willow's cheeks. "We are not giving up, and we are not letting Yuji go. I swear it to you, on my life."

    Vale helped Willow slide off the bed, her belly not overly large yet, but already making her a little awkward. Then he held out a hand to Kansas, who looked briefly mutinous.

    "Come on, alasse'amin. It's going to be alright. We're taking him to Neverwinter, as soon as we can make all the arrangements. The clerics will cure him for good." Vale looked at Kansas. "We're all going, love. No one stays behind. We're a family, and we're going to start acting like one again."

    Kansas's eyes darkened a little, and he scooted to the edge of the bed. "You promise?"

    Vale could feel the spark of hope in the imp. "I promise, and you know I don't break my promises. Let's talk, and then we're all sleeping in here tonight."

    Kansas held Vale's eyes for a moment longer, and then he nodded, his eyes a bit bluer. Kansas slid off the bed, and grabbed Vale's hand tightly.

    Vale held out his other hand to Willow. "Lirimaer? Let's go fix our family, for our sons and our daughter."

    The three of them went downstairs, and Kansas let out a strangled yelp, launching himself across the room at Satoshi and grabbing his hand. When he saw the red gold ring back in place, the imp burst into tears, and crawled into Satoshi's arms. Willow sat on the other side of Yuji, her own eyes spilling over as she kissed him, and then looked at the sonogram picture he held. She took the picture and handed it to Vale, and then placed Yuji's hand on her belly.

    "Can you feel him?" Willow whispered, her voice ragged. She felt the baby move, and watched Yuji's face as he felt it, too. "He can't wait to meet you." Then she sobbed, and held on to Yuji. "Damn it, I need you, you stupid fucking idiot."

    Yuji managed a tired laugh, and looked at Vale, who nodded.

    "Lean on us, and tell them," Vale said, and he wrapped them all in his love as Yuji repeated what he had told Vale. When Yuji was finished, Vale kissed each of his spouses.

    "We're going to Neverwinter. Tomorrow, we'll start doing what we have to, making whatever arrangements need making. I'll call Wench and have her contact Sand, and he'll have everything ready for us when we get there, all of us." Vale smiled, letting his utter confidence wash over them. "Now, let's get up to bed, all of us. I think we need a good night's sleep together."

  20. Vale cupped Satoshi's face in his slim hands, and pulled him into a kiss, pouring every ounce of his fierce love into it. "I promise you, Satoshi. I will get through to him, somehow, with everything I am. I love you, and you've caught him every time he's fallen, but this time I think that's why I'm here. Kansas thinks so as well."

    Vale managed to bring forth one of his radiant smiles. "I thought it was because of me that he wouldn't tell us anything, that maybe he thought I could replace him. But now that I know that, I can help. I will help. We're not going to lose him, mela en'coiamin, not if I can still draw breath. But we need to get him to my world, where we have a chance to really end this sickness once and for all."

    Vale held Satoshi close again, just wanting this nearness for a moment longer. "Thank you. Thank you for healing me, love. I really was beginning to think that I broke us all, that I was one too many." He kissed Satoshi's hair, nuzzling it. "My son needs all three of his tousan."

    Vale led Satoshi into the bathroom, and they washed their faces and dried each other off, Vale sneaking sweet, tender kisses and nibbling gently on Satoshi's lower lip. When they were finished, he took Satoshi's hand.

    "I'm going downstairs, love. Do you think there's any whiskey left, because I could use one," Vale said, wrapping his love around all his family as he had not been able to do for far too long.

  21. Vale nodded, his forehead still pressed to Satoshi's forehead. It was hard to push away the pain, to find the tattered remnants of his focus, but Vale drew a deep, shuddering breath and started to lower his own shields carefully. He had never fully cut himself off, the way Yuji had, but Vale had been blocking a great deal of his pain, and now it welled up, threatening to overwhelm the already shattered elf. Biting back a sob, Vale called up the image of his son, the sweet and perfect curve of his cheek. the delicate tilt of his eyes, the elegant sweep of his ear.

    Vale let his mind hold that image a moment longer, his breathing steadier, and then he reached out and pushed through the bond, opening himself fully as he rode the taste that was Satoshi into his husband's thoughts.

    "I'm here, my love. Show me." Vale waited, holding his love out like a bright banner.

  22. Vale went up the stairs, every step feeling like he was walking towards the end of his life here. He had never seen Yuji like that, so cold and unyielding. And to be struck by him? The elf never would have thought it possible, before now.

    Vale opened the door of Satoshi's room and walked in, grimacing a little. Satoshi looked as bad as he had looked the night Vale had bound Mephasm, and they had killed Takeshi. Satoshi was sitting on the edge of the bed, sobs wracking his body, and he was shivering as though all of winter had settled in his bones. Vale crossed the room quickly, sitting beside Satoshi and wrapping his arms around him.

    "I'm sorry, mela en'coiamin. You tried to stop me and I didn't listen." Vale held Satoshi tightly, pouring out all his love for his husband through their bond. "I just couldn't stand it anymore, Satoshi. What does he expect us to do? What the fuck are we supposed to do?" Vale choked back a sob. "I can't watch him die. He's tearing us all to pieces like this, and now I'm losing you? Don't you fucking leave me, I'm begging you."

  23. Vale managed to clamp down on the worst of his emotions, ruthlessly shoving them deep inside and concentrating on the woman beside him, his wife, his Willow, who was carrying his child. Her head rested against his shoulder, and the mixture of fear and joy that emanated from her tore into the already battered heart of the elf. He stopped to think about what Kansas had told him, and his guts knotted painfully. He was desperate to think of anything but that right now, until he had calmed down, and his stomach had settled a bit from the cigarettes he had smoked.

    "Willow?" Vale asked. "What kind of test do you need to take? To tell if you're really having a baby?"

    Willow smiled. "It's a simple home test. We can pick one up at the chemist's while we're out."

    "And the doctor?" Vale looked at her, his eyes wide.

    "The doctor makes sure everything is going well, and helps me to deliver the baby." Willow patted Vale's arm. "I've done this twice already, love. It'll be fine."

    Vale pondered that for a few minutes as they walked along. They reached the chemist's, and Willow ran in while Vale stayed outside with the children, crouched in front of the stroller and amusing the children with attempted rhymes in Japanese.

    Willow came out, her cheeks a little flushed and her smile wider. "Okay, I have the test, and I'll do it in the morning, but I don't think the result will be a surprise."

    Vale looked a little wide-eyed again, but nodded. "What do I need to do?"

    "Nothing, love, not for the test." Willow giggled a little. "I need to pee on a test strip, that's all, and mornings are the best time."

    "Oh!" Vale blushed a little. "Then what can I do to help in general?"

    "The same things you always do, love. Help with the kids, the housework, that sort of thing." Willow patted his arm. "It's really not such a big deal, until later on, when I'm really big and feeling clumsy."

    Vale was wise enough to stay silent.

    The next couple of months were a blur for Vale. Willow was indeed pregnant, and the elf alternated between euphoria and terror. He watched her growing belly carefully, and added massages to his list of daily things to do, for which Willow was quite grateful. Vale accompanied Willow to her doctor's visits, waiting with Aika in the reception room and trying very hard not to be a desperately anxious father to be.

    Vale was also increasingly worried about Yuji. Yuji was noticeably thinner, and was exhausted all the time. He still was utterly closed off, refusing to allow anyone to reach him through their bond, and although he told them all that he loved them, Vale was increasingly withdrawn and avoided Yuji when he could. The elf was unable to face that icy barrier between them without pain, and he could not hide that pain from Yuji any more than he could stop breathing. Even a kiss from Yuji was enough to send Vale fleeing for the rooftop terrace, his green eyes welling.

    Vale instead focused on Willow and the children during the day, and on those nights where he could not bear not being touched, he would creep into Satoshi's room and let the two imps take out their own fear and anger on him. The pain was better than the emptiness, and the elf actually started to develop a small sense of pride over the amount of abuse he could handle.

    Vale was waiting at the doctor's one morning, when Willow was about 20 weeks pregnant by her count. Vale still found weeks an odd system, and had converted that to 14 tendays in his head, or about halfway through the 28 tendays of a human pregnancy. He was musing on that oddity and other things when he was startled by a nurse putting her hand on his shoulder.

    "Anorongil-sama?" The nurse smiled. "Hayashi-sama wishes for you to come. I will hold the little one."

    "Aika," Vale said automatically as he stood. "This is Aika. Will you be a big girl for otooji?"

    Aika nodded solemnly, and then wrapped her arms so tightly around Vale's neck that there was no hope of loosening her. Vale just shrugged ruefully.

    "I think she wants me to hold her. Is that alright?" Vale asked.

    "Of course, Anorongil-sama. Please come this way." The nurse led Vale to a small room where Willow was reclining, her belly exposed while another person was rubbing some sort of device over her belly. There was a thick layer of goo on Willow, and Vale looked at her, wide-eyed. The doctor was there as well, beaming.

    "Vale, look at the screen," Willow said, her eyes glowing. Vale turned to look, and his eyes got even wider.

    The screen showed an image of a baby, small, but most identifiably a baby, eyes tightly shut, small perfect hands clenched in fists, and, if Vale was indeed seeing things correctly, a small penis. He looked at Willow, awed, and she smiled back, radiant. Vale had to remind himself that he was supposed to be just a relative of Willow's and not the deliriously happy father, but his knees felt wobbly as he looked again at his son...Willow's son...their son.

    "A boy?" Vale asked, his voice a little shaky. Aika loosened her hold a little and looked at Vale curiously.

    "Yes, Anorongil-sama, a boy and very well developed and healthy, as you can see," the doctor said. "There is just one small thing. Watch when the baby turns. His ears..."

    Vale watched intently, and the baby did shift a little, to reveal one tiny, slightly pointed ear. Vale's cheeks got a little warm, and Willow just chuckled.

    "I don't think it will be a problem," the doctor continued, looking at Vale and smiling a little wider. "It's unusual looking, but it doesn't suggest that there will be any trouble. He will be a beautiful son, Anorongil-sama."

    Vale turned back to the doctor and bowed deeply. "Thank you, isha-sama."

    Vale went back out to the reception area in a joyous daze, nuzzling Aika and making her giggle. "Did you see your otoutosan, Aika-chan?" Vale thought he would burst with joy, and he kept thinking about that perfect small baby, their son. When Willow came back out, they headed home, Vale sneaking in kisses whenever it was safe.

    "He's beautiful, Willow," Vale murmured as he nuzzled her ear. "Our son..." His grin was so radiant that strangers smiled at him in the street.

    They picked up Ryuu on the way home, and the afternoon was spent on the couch, Vale cradling Willow in his arms and rubbing her belly. When the baby moved, Vale yelped and laughed as he had not laughed in weeks. Willow had gotten prints of the sonogram, and Vale kept staring at them in rapt wonder, until Yuji came home.

    Yuji looked dreadful, worse than ever, and Vale had to fight the urge to run over to him and hold him. Everyone told Vale not to push, to let Yuji deal with this in his own way, and Vale was trying, as best he could. Yuji just grunted a greeting,and headed upstairs to change. Willow was in the kitchen with Kansas, and Satoshi had gone to his room and had not come back yet.

    Vale uncurled himself from the couch, and decided to go upstairs and see if Yuji wanted to look at the sonogram picture. Yuji had been making an effort to be pleased over the pregnancy, and Vale hoped to cheer him up a bit. The elf also felt a bit guilty over avoiding Yuji, but the alternative was Yuji seeing Vale's anguish, which would hurt Yuji even more. At least now, Vale could mask his pain with his pride and happiness.

    Yuji was in the bathroom, and Vale could hear him vomiting, and then the sound of him brushing his teeth. Vale stood there, frozen in place, and Yuji emerged, glowering when he saw the elf.

    "Vale," Yuji said, trying to walk past him.

    Vale caught Yuji by the arm. dismayed at how thin he was. "No," Vale said. "No more. I can't do this. Please, amaelamin, talk to me. Stop hiding from me, it's breaking my heart."

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