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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand frowned. "So it is to neither side's advantage to have you dead, I agree. It does sound like you were infected by accident, but that does not explain why Taess is immune." Sand looked at Samantha. "Is it possible to get a few drops of your blood? I would like to compare them to the sample Taess gave me. That might aid me greatly."

    Sand reached out and took Samantha's hands. "I do not intend to give up, my dear. I will find something." His eyes grew a little darker. "I do not intend to leave you here to be killed. If I leave, however, I want to take Taess. Will you permit that?"

  2. Dinner was quiet, with brief fits of conversation. Vale could not quite pin down Yuji's mood. His husband was keeping far too tight a grip on his emotions, and Vale did not dare prod him.

    After dinner was finished, and the table cleared and dishes washed and put away, Satoshi went to the rooftop terrace for a smoke, and Vale followed him.

    "We need to talk," Vale said, his voice very soft. He curled up next to Satoshi, his arm around his husband to draw him close. Anyone seeing them would simply see an affectionate embrace. "Kansas heard about Takeshi's buddies at school today. He came home in a bad state, and he pretty much said he knew I was involved. I told him I had arranged for them to be punished. He doesn't know you were involved, and he doesn't know about anything else."

    Satoshi looked at Vale solemnly. "How'd he take it?" He puffed furiously on his cigarette.

    Vale sighed. "He's more worried about retaliation, still. He doesn't know we took care of that as well, and I didn't tell him. I just told him that the family was safe from any repercussions." Vale ran a slim hand through tousled hair. "Yuji is going to kill me, I know it. But Kansas asked, and I promised I wouldn't lie to him. I... just didn't tell him all the truth." Vale sighed again. "Fuck, Satoshi, just don't let him know you were involved."

  3. Vale leaned in and kissed Kansas, plundering the imp's mouth and then dipping down to lap at the blood pooling behind his collarbone. At the same time, Vale was unfastening his jeans while Kansas worked on his shirt buttons, whining a little. It took a bit of wriggling, but Vale was quickly as naked as Kansas, and he reached for the glass bladed knife even as he offered his bloodstained lips to Kansas for another kiss. Vale broke the kiss after Kansas had devoured his lips, and locking eyes with the imp, he opened a gash on his chest, just above his heart.

    "Taste me," Vale murmured, pulling Kansas's head gently toward the freely bleeding cut. As Kansas lapped eagerly, Vale cradled him close, reaching for the lube and moving it closer. Some of the terrible pain that had been pouring out of Kansas eased as he tasted Vale's blood, and his moans got throatier, more heated. Vale eased Kansas back a bit, still letting him lap and suckle at the gash on his chest. Slicking his fingers, Vale eased one finger into Kansas's ass, coaxing a moan and a wriggle from the imp as he carefully began to loosen that tight muscle. Vale added a second finger, scissoring his fingers to further open up Kansas'a ass, and the imp whined and pressed himself down onto Vale's hand.

    "Shh, love, let me make sure you're ready," Vale murmured, his voice husky with desire. The elf took his time, dipping in to lick at Kansas's collarbone as well, and he moaned loudly as Vale reopened the thin cut and suckled his blood.

    Vale eased Kansas onto his back and slicked his cock with more lube, positioning himself between his husband's thighs. Vale carefully eased the head of his cock into Kansas's lube-slicked ass, pausing for a moment as the imp mewled.

    "Alassa'amin," Vale moaned, and slowly eased himself in until his balls were snug against Kansas's ass. He leaned forward so Kansas could lick at his wound, and lapped the blood away from his kiss-swollen lips with gentle swipes of his tongue.

    Vale set a slow pace, thrusting carefully to make sure that he did not cause Kansas any discomfort, sliding across his prostate with every thrust. Vale eased himself upright, pulling Kansas up onto his thighs and continuing his leisurely pace, watching his husband's face turn rosy with arousal.

    As slow as the pace was, the tightness and heat of Kansas's ass were pushing Vale to the edge and he moaned loudly as he felt himself drawing closer to completion. Kansas was writhing as well, his moans getting louder, and Vale could feel a telltale throbbing in the vein on the underside of the imp's cock as he stroked it lightly.

    "Come on, love," Vale urged. "Come for me, Kansas. Let go for me." Vale stroked again and Kansas's balls tightened as his back arched into a perfect bow, his cum spurting out so powerfully that it spattered both Vale and himself. Kansas screamed as he came, and his ass closed down on Vale's cock so hard that the elf's balls drew up sharply and he screamed along with Kansas as he filled his ass with cum. Kansas shuddered and went limp, his eyes fluttering closed, and if it weren't for the visible pulse in his throat, Vale would have been terrified.

    Easing himself carefully out of Kansas, Vale gathered him in his arms, cradling the imp close to his body and kissing him. "I love you, Kansas, body and soul, forever."

  4. Vale looked at Kansas calmly. "I wasn't lying, Kansas. I didn't go to the police, or to the lawyers. I was kept out of it, because no one knew if I'd say or do the right thing. I never knew their names, aside from Takeshi." Vale could feel waves of guilt pouring off Kansas, combined with a bit of discomfort that Vale did not quite understand. There was also regret about slapping Yuji, and now a sense of betrayal as those stormy eyes held his own green eyes. "What happened to them?"

    Haltingly, Kansas repeated what Taka had told him, those eyes of his never leaving Vale's eyes, and the glass blade firmly in his hand. Vale listened, never moving, never looking away. letting Kansas feel his calm presence but blocking any deeper exchange.

    "I'm sorry, love. I didn't do anything to them myself. But I did arrange for them to be punished. Yuji will kill me he finds out, but I won't break my promise to you." Vale held Kansas's eyes. "I couldn't bear the thought of them just walking away, free to hurt you again for things that were never your fault to begin with. Kansas, I can't lose you. I love you far too much, and it's not in my nature to not act."

    "But what if someone finds out?" Kansas looked miserable at the thought. Vale reached out and pulled the imp to him.

    "Kansas, I've done this sort of thing for three centuries. It's what I did back in my world. I made sure it couldn't be traced to the family." Vale nuzzled Kansas's hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I still don't want you to worry. Please?" Vale lifted up Kansas's chin, looking into the stormy eyes. "Alasse'amin, my joy, don't hate me."

  5. "Kansas, I thought you were hurt," Vale said in relief. "And I have no idea what you're talking about. Aren't those the ones that hurt you?" He shook his head at Kansas. "Whatever, let's not upset Willow or Aika. Come on, let's get your boots off."

    Vale busied himself helping Kansas out of his boots, and then helped the imp get his backpack off as well. "Let's get you inside. You want tea, or something?"

    Vale guided Kansas into the living room, where Willow was waiting with Aika. She took one look at the imp's tear-streaked face and hurried over to hug him. "Are you okay? Kansas, baby, what happened?"

    "Apparently there was some sort of accident. Two boys from Kansas's university were hurt badly." Vale looked at Willow. "I think they were part of the group that hurt Kansas." Vale used his unique link to Kansas's gift to mentally urge the imp not to tell Willow more than that.

    Kansas sniffled and snuggled into Vale, hiding his face in the elf's shoulder. "I just want to go to my room. Please, Vale?"

  6. After breakfast, Vale followed Yuji when he went upstairs to finish dressing. Vale dug in his pouch and pulled out a slim vial filled with a pale blue liquid, and went after Yuji.

    "Love? Drink this. It's a healing potion, for your cheek and lip." Vale held out the vial. "Sand made some for me, in case I got into trouble here."

    Vale watched as Yuji took the vial and drank it, the warmth of the magic soothing his pain and erasing his injuries like they had never existed. Then Vale pulled him into an embrace, his own voice trembling a liitle. "Yuji, tell me when something like that happens. Please, don't bear things on your own, and when I'm stupidly assuming the wrong thing, correct me." He kissed Yuji very tenderly on his now-healed lips. "Promise me?"

    Yuji just leaned into Vale for a moment, and Vale ached for his husband's sorrow.

    "It'll be alright, love. Please, just lean on us a little?" Vale could hear the tremor in his own voice. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry I assumed the wrong thing. I should have known better, and I can't apologize enough." With that, Vale turned and fled down the stairs, busying himself with Aika to avoid further conversation.

    When Kansas came home, Vale had managed to recover some of his equilibrium, and was busy playing a silly game with Aika and Willow. The imp sank down onto the steps of the foyer, sobs wracking his slight frame, and Vale hurried over to wrap his arms around him, looking at Willow in alarm.

  7. Vale stood there for a moment, completely at a loss. Satoshi was looking as upset as Ryuu, and Vale could feel the anger radiating off Yuji. Kansas was both angry and terrified. Vale sighed, and decided to go for the lesser of two evils. He crossed to Satoshi, and gave him a quick kiss.

    "Let me talk to Yuji a minute, and I'll come back and take the kids so you can talk to the imp," Vale said softly.

    Yuji was leaning on a counter, rubbing his face with his hands. He looked up at Vale, still stormy-eyed. Vale ignored the implicit warning and pulled Yuji onto an embrace anyway, feeling how stiff his husband was.

    "Oh, love," Vale sighed. He nuzzled Yuji's silky hair. "He's still scared."

    "He's spoiled," Yuji grumbled into Vale's shoulder. "He's spoiled and he's acting like a brat."

    "And you're as mad at yourself for losing your temper as you are at him," Vale agreed. "You've been dealing with most of this by yourself, and you need to let the rest of us help you." Vale pulled Yuji into a kiss. "Satoshi can talk sense into the imp. I'll get the kids and give you a hand with breakfast."

    Yuji sighed, his shoulders relaxing just a little, but he gave a short nod.

    Vale went back out and took Aika from Satoshi. "Go talk to the imp. I'll give Yuji a hand, and Ryuu can help me keep an eye on Aika." Aika had stopped crying already, and she came willingly enough to Vale, who kissed her cheeks and tucker her into her high chair. Ryuu stood by her, but his small face was very serious.

    "Otooji. Onni-san is okay?" Ryuu asked.

    Vale gave him a reassuring smile. "Onii-san is okay, and chichi's going to talk to him now about going to school without a fuss, like you do."

    "Onii-san come with me," Ryuu said.

    "We'll tell him that, little dragon." Vale bent and kissed the top of Ryuu's head. "I'm going to help tousan, okay?"

  8. Sand looked a Samantha steadily. This was not a woman who needed to be coddled, or protected from the truth. "Taess is fine, and the only danger he faces is losing his mother. But if he is truly immune, Samantha, that leaves only two possibilities. Either you are also immune, since you and your unborn son shared a common blood flow while you carried him, or the drug was tailored specifically to affect only you."

    Sand's blue eyes were dark with worry. "If it was indeed the latter possibility, then I must ask. Who wants you dead that badly, and how did they manage to create such a very specific poison that it did not affect your unborn son? "

  9. As serious as his questions were, Sand could not help casting an appreciative glance at the way Samantha's wet clothing clung to her. The years had been kind to her, and her continued need to fight for her life had kept her in top form, and he was certainly not immune to her lovely figure. Still, keeping this delightful woman alive was what mattered at the moment, and Sand dragged his thoughts back to the immediate concerns.

    "Taess tells me that you were pregnant with him when you were exposed to the drug, and that he is apparently immune." Sand watched Samantha carefully. "Is this true?"

    Sand watched Samantha carefully as she considered her answer, his heart thudding in his chest.

  10. Vale slid Willow's trousers down past the sweet swell of her hips, delighting in the softness of her skin and her flesh, so unlike the hard, muscular bodies of his husbands. Willow was intoxicatingly welcoming and Vale moaned as he cupped the curve of her ass through her silky panties. She was so warm, her flesh radiating heat, and when she pressed her belly against him, Vale moaned as his cock got impossibly hard.

    Vale let go of Willow long enough to peel off his tight boxers, moaning a little in relief as he freed his cock, and then he tugged her panties down so she could step out of them. He sat on the bed and pulled Willow into his lap, his mouth seeking out one perfect breast and fastening on the nipple, tongue laving it as he suckled until it hardened. Willow's head fell back as her back arched into the caress, her auburn hair cascading down to brush Vale's legs. The sheer sensuality of that made Vale shiver again as he moved to the other breast. His cock was pressed against Willow's belly, and she wriggled a little, making Vale moan as beads of precum squeezed out to bead the head. He released her breast, his green eyes nearly black with desire.

    "I need to taste you, my love," Vale stood easily, lifting Willow with him and laying her on the bed so he could kneel between her thighs. He nibbled his way along the soft white flesh, feeling her hands fist in his hair as he blew gently on her damp curls. He pressed a kiss to them, his tongue darting out to slip between her folds and lap at her clit, and the elf moaned again as her hands tightened in his hair. He teased her clit with the tip of his tongue again, delighting in her moans as she writhed, and then he slid that questing tongue lower to probe at her core, tasting her sweet juices as he pushed in to her silky passage.

    "Vale, fuck," Willow groaned, wriggling to drive herself further down on his tongue. She was already hovering on the edge, and Vale replaced his tongue with a finger, once again letting his tongue dance across her clit as her back arched again. Vale added a second finger, thrusting them in and out as his tongue moved faster, and Willow screamed as she came, her thighs clamping against the elf's head as she bowed off the bed in helpless ecstasy. Vale kept lapping, the taste of her making him nearly blind with lust, her scent filling his nostrils as she shuddered.

    Vale stood and lifted Willow, moving her further up on the bed, and he crouched between her parted thighs, looking down on this woman that he loved. 'So beautiful," he murmured, leaning in to kiss her again, nibbling her lips as his cock nudged her pussy insistently. Willow lifted her hips a little in encouragement, and Vale slid his cock into the waiting heat of her with a growl of wanton desire. His balls bumped her ass as she wrapped her legs around his slim hips, taking him fully into her, grinding her clit against his golden curls. Vale moaned loudly at the feel of her slick wet walls as he began to thrust, slowly at first as he savored the delicious sensations. Willow reached up and pulled him down, her teeth nibbling at his throat and collarbone as he picked up speed, fucking her with long, hard thrusts, his cock achingly hard as his balls slapped her round ass.

    Willow was wirthing, her hips bucking to meet Vale's thrusts, and he could feel her beginning to tremble as yet another orgasm built within her. Her passage tightened around his cock, and Vale groaned loudly, feeling his balls growing tighter as she took him into her, his thrusts becoming a little more erractic. Willow was mewling, her legs tightening around Vale's hips, and she stiffened as another powerful orgasm shook her, heat radiating outward from her belly to turn her white skin rosy. Vale screamed with her, his own balls drawing up sharply, and Willow sank her teeth into Vale's shoulder as he pumped her full of cum, his muscles shaking with the intensity of his release.

  11. Sand looked at Taess. "You have seen your mother's demon? It would help if you could describe it to me." He smiled at the boy, not wanting to make Taess afraid of him.

    Then Taess completely rocked Sand to his core. "You are immune? And the drug was present when your mother carried you?" He reached out and took the paper with the few drops of Taess's blood on it. He continued speaking, almost to himself. "The blood was shared then. There is no reason not to think..."

    Sand stopped abruptly. "If I take your mother to my world, you and your siblings come, of course. Unless they choose to stay, that is, but you would all be welcome." He gathered Taess into a quick hug. "You may have given me an answer, Taess. It makes no sense that your mother would not be immune, since your blood was shared while she carried you. So, now, the question becomes something else entirely, does it not?"

    Sand looked at Taess. "I need to see your mother. Can we return to her?"

  12. Sand chuckled at T-bone's remark. "You may have 'had' her, as you so crudely put it, but it is obvious that you did not know the worth of what you had. I valued her more highly, for all that I did not have the chance to show her." He arched an eyebrow. "It is quite mutual, by the way. I fail to see what she could have seen in you. Perhaps you were once a more worthy man, but you allow fear to shape you now. I would rather try and save her, than be so quick to let her go."

    Sand watched the other elf stalk off, amused. For all his bluster, T-bone presented no threat to a mage of Sand's abilities, and Sand also doubted T-bone could best him in combat. Sand had faced the final incarnation of a god on the Astral Plane, and that god was now dead. One elf did not frighten him. Only the prospect of not doing his utmost to save Samantha could do that.

    With that in mind, Sand turned back to Taess. "Let us get to work, shall we?"

    Taess's words tore at Sand. On his world, elves valued their children above all else, and it would have been unthinkable for an elf to try to kill a child. His dislike for T-bone was threatening to turn to active hatred.

    Back in the workroom, Sand checked his alchemical equipment, satisfied that it was proceeding well. The distillation process was nearly complete, and he would be able to begin analyzing the various components soon. He looked over at Taess, subdued in a corner.

    "Taess? I will need your help quite soon." Sand smiled warmly at the boy. "Do you understand what it is that I am doing? I am trying to break down the drug that your mother was poisoned with into its components. If I can understand how it was made, I may be able to find a way to neutralize it."

    Taess drifted closer, intrigued.

    Sand continued his impromptu lesson. "The components I brought are useful in drawing apart a solution. It is rather like a puzzle. When I make a potion, I combine ingredients and add magic. This process is merely the opposite."

    Taess sat on a barrel to get a better view of the workbench. "But what if you can't tell what the ingredients are?"

    "Well, then, perhaps you might be able to help. You know the plants of this world, and I do not." Sand smiled again as he saw the interest in Taess's eyes. "So you see, you are very much going to be a help to me."

    "And what if it's magic that makes the drug work?" Taess asked.

    "Magic is magic," Sand replied. "Taess, I will not give up. I will do everything in my power to save your mother, and if it means I bring her to my world to prevent idiots like T-bone from acting out of fear, then that is what I will do."

  13. Sand watched Taess as he darted in front of him, boundless curiosity making him examine everything as they walked along. The young half-elf never stopped talking, and Sand found himself caught up in the youngster's enthusiasm. Taess had mentioned magic, and Sand wondered whether or not he had been considered for an apprenticeship anywhere. Sand could certainly sense the boy's potential, and decided he would teach him as much as he could while he was here.

    Sand was himself so busy with these thoughts that he did not see the other elf approach until Taess ran right into him. When the boy recoiled and ducked behind Sand, fear apparent in every line of his body, Sand examined the newcomer carefully. The elf was wounded, his arm bandaged and fresh cuts on his neck. His eye was also rather impressively blackened. Sand stared him down levelly, not in the slightest bit intimidated. Taess had called him T-bone, and Sand looked to see what appeal he could have held for Samantha.

    T-bone's first words irritated Sand immediately. "I do apologize, Tori is an excellent warrior and teacher but very much lacks the maternal skills it takes to keep a child disciplined."

    "Really?" Sand drawled, not bothering to soften the sarcasm in his tone. "Her children are bright, resourceful and quite devoted to her. I fail to see where she has been remiss." He gestured at the other elf's bandaged arm. "And I hardly think discipline is an issue. She seems to know very well how to discipline you." Sand let a protective hand fall on Taess, making it quite clear that he would not allow T-bone to touch him. The very air around Sand felt alive with arcane energy as the battlemage waited to see what T-bone would do with his challenge.

  14. Yes she should have to create the next naughty mystery for us to uncover!

    Unless you force me to write of the Mysterious naughty fetishes of the famous: The Butcher, The Baker, and The Candlestick Maker.

    As for the lusty affairs of the Tinker, the Tailor, and the slutty Milk Maid, I think its too hard core for AFF I'll just have too refrain myself and behave! :indubitably:

    Bad Cal and his dancing :Banana:

    PS What's a Mystery Forum without a Mystery??? :wow:

    I would be delighted to defer to the Master of Mystery. I'm always willing to step aside in the face of greatness! :worship:

  15. Satoshi and Kansas were only a few minutes late for dinner, both smelling nicely of shampoo and soap, and both with very wide grins. Satoshi shot Vale a questioning look, and the elf's radiant grin was all the answer he needed. Willow looked equally pleased, her blue eyes bright as they lingered on Vale.

    After dinner Vale helped Satoshi and Kansas clean up, very much aware of Willow's gaze as he worked.His jeans were feeling more than a little uncomfortable, and Satoshi kept giving the elf small grins, which was not helping matters at all. When they were done, Vale went into the living room. Willow and Yuji had taken the children upstairs to tuck them in, and Satoshi went to find the wine and the whiskey. Vale curled up on the couch, feeling decidedly awkward as he waited for Willow to come back. On the other hand, the elf longed to spend the night exploring Willow again, rediscovering the feel of her skin beneath his hands, and the taste of her on his tongue.

    Yuji and Willow finally came back down, and Willow immediately curled up next to Vale, nestled against him in the curve of his arm. Yuji poured wine for Willow, and whiskey for the rest of them. It was a companionable silence as they all sipped for a moment, broken when Yuji began to chuckle.

    "Did you hear Ryuu? He wants a brother or sister." Yuji grinned. "What's he learning in school, eh?"

    It broke the ice a bit, and Vale grinned. "He enjoys Aika so much, and he's very good with her."

    "He's like his father," Willow said, smiling at Satoshi lovingly. "He has a good heart."

    They talked for a bit longer, just random talk, and then Willow stood and stretched, taking her wine glass to the kitchen to wash it, a sway in her hips that made Vale's cock harden immediately. He finished his whiskey quickly, and joined Willow in the kitchen, and she ran her fingers lightly over his hand and wrist as she took his glass and washed it. Vale shivered at the contact, his green eyes darkening with desire as he bent to capture Willow's lips in a burning kiss. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she returned the kiss with equal intensity, breaking away only to breathe.

    "Let's go upstairs," Willow said, her voice sultry.

  16. Vale looked at Willow, and then at the kitchen where Yuji was preparing dinner with a great deal of giggling and helpful suggestions, his own sweetly goofy laugh as merry as that of the children. Vale could not suppress his smile at the sight of them, and he turned to look at Willow, his face aglow. Willow put her book down and patted the couch.

    "Sit a minute, Vale." Willow looked up at the elf with a smile. Vale eased himself on to the couch beside Willow, his cheeks faintly pink. "I'm hoping Yuji talked to you?"

    Vale smiled, and leaned in to kiss Willow softly. "He did, and I'm so happy and yes, I want this, and I'm babbling, aren't I?" Vale laughed a little, his green eyes filled with love. "But I don't care, and I want to do this the old-fashioned way. I want us to make a child out of love."

    Willow looked back at him, her eyes shining as well. "Then that's what we'll do, my beautiful elf." She pulled Vale down for another kiss, the taste of her so sweetly intoxicating that Vale was almost dizzy. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap, and nuzzled his face in her scented hair.

    "Lirimaer, beautiful one," Vale murmured, content for the moment just to hold her, while Yuji and the children began to set the table.

    Ryuu was busy explaining to Yuji that he had taught Vale how to use chopsticks already, so the fork was not needed, when he looked up and saw his mother sitting on his uncle's lap. With a puzzled look, he tugged on Yuji's arm.

    "Tousan? Is otooji going to be tousan now?" Ryuu looked at Yuji. "Too many tousan. I say he still otooji." He shook his small head emphatically, and then smiled. "But I like new brother or sister."

  17. Vale kissed Satoshi sweetly, and then they both looked up as Yuji trod heavily across the rooftop, his expression as stern as his voice.

    Vale listened quietly as Yuji spoke, not at all surprised that Yuji was aware that he and Satoshi had been doing more than going for a drink the night before. Vale was quite grateful that nothing had been announced on the news yet, although he did not expect that to last, either. When Yuji demanded assurance that they had not done anything illegal, or if they had skated close to that edge, that at least it was untraceable, both Satoshi and Vale were able to swear that to him.

    The look Yuji gave them right before he left the rooftop, though, was one of deep love. When he told Satoshi that he was beautiful, Vale could feel the love that emanated from Yuji, and he could also feel Satoshi's relief. Satoshi lifted his face to Vale for a kiss, and Vale eagerly complied, nibbling his husband's pierced lower lip and plundering his small and delightful mouth.

    They finally broke, and Vale laughed a little breathlessly. "Well, that went a little better than I expected. And you do look beautiful, you know." He ruffled his fingers through Satoshi's hair. "We need to decide what we do if Kansas approaches us about this."

    Satoshi nodded, his glasses slightly askew from the kiss, which only made Vale kiss him again before he straightened them.

    "We can't tell the imp anything about the devil or that we were involved," Satoshi said thoughtfully.

    "I'm mostly concerned about Haruka," Vale admitted. "Kiyoshi is a good friend of yours, and of Yuji as well. He's bound to say something, especially if you go for drinks with him."

    "Maybe she'll think it was a kami, a spirit." Satoshi shrugged. "We can try that, anyway. If Kansas asks, we tell him it was just coincidence, and evil people meet evil ends."

    "The important thing is that's he's safe, and the family is protected." Vale smiled a little. "And I think you might want to go make up with the imp, love. He's scared and angry, can you feel it?"

    Satoshi sighed. "Yeah, I can. Fuck, Vale. Do you think...?"

    Vale kissed Satoshi one more time. "Not this time, love. He needs you right now, not me. He's afraid for you." Vale blushed suddenly. "Me, I've got to talk to Willow." The elf looked more than a little nervous as he linked hands with Satoshi and went downstairs.

  18. Vale chuckled ruefully. "So I see. I think I'll go and find our errant husband." Vale leaned in and kissed Yuji, cupping a slim hand along his face. "I'll be back, my love."

    Vale went up to the rooftop terrace, and paused in the doorway for a moment, watching Satoshi as he paced and smoked furiously. It really was a remarkable difference in Satoshi's appearance, and Vale found himself looking at this husband of his with new eyes. Satoshi was such a handsome man, and although Vale had been used to the soft green mop of hair, this shorter look brought out Satoshi's eyes and cheekbones, and made his mouth look even more delectable, at least to one elf.

    Satoshi regarded Vale warily. "Did you come to fucking yell at me, too?"

    Vale walked over and pulled Satoshi into a kiss. "No, I didn't. I'm curious, yes, but I'm not angry. The problem is, love, that you might as well have put a sign over your head, in that neon they love downtown, saying 'I've had a major life change.' I thought we didn't want them to know."

    Satoshi sagged a little into Vale's arms. "I just needed to do something."

    "I know." Vale held Satoshi. "I remember the first time for me. It feels like nothing will ever be the same, but life goes on." Vale lifted Satoshi's chin, looking into his eyes. "I love you. I won't stop, no matter what you do. Just, next time, warn me?" He gave Satoshi a rueful grin. "Or better yet, warn them."

  19. Sand looked at the two beautiful children, half-elven, graceful and full of life, and he smiled as the boy seated himself at the table, hungry as all boys that age were. But when Taess looked up with serious eyes and asked if Sand was there to kill his mother, the older elf was shocked into silence for a moment.

    "Your brother Mal found me, and told me about your mother. I came to see if I could prevent her death," Sand said gravely. "I met your mother once, a long time ago, and far from here. When Mal told me what was to happen, I insisted that he bring me here. I am somewhat skilled in magic and alchemy."

    Taess looked relieved, and tucked into his food. "So, can I help?"

    Sand smiled. "As much as your mother will permit, yes. I do not think she will be well pleased if I put you in harm's way, however." Sand looked at Samantha, a smile in his eyes.

    The young half-elf drew himself up proudly. "I'll help, any way I can."

    Samantha's worried look could not hide her pride.

  20. Vale wisely decided that talking to Willow right now would be a very bad idea, and so he merely followed Yuji to the laundry room to give him a hand. The elf found a thousand reasons to brush up against Yuji, wanting nothing more than to tease the sweet skin showing through the rips in Yuji's jeans, but knowing that Willow would certainly not appreciate their disappearing upstairs again. Satoshi was out, and Kansas was playing with the children. Those jeans made Vale think of that night in the bar, when he had first realized that he wanted to be Yuji's lover.

    "I'll give you a hand with dinner, love," Vale murmured as they finished folding the laundry.

    "You avoiding talking to her?" Yuji asked with a small grin.

    "While she's growling over paperwork? Oh, yes!" Vale grinned back. "Let's see how she is after dinner."

    Vale decided he was also going to risk Willow's wrath after dinner by bringing up money. He had more than enough in the bedroom safe to double what he was giving her and still not need to worry for a couple of years about converting more gold or jewels to the money of this world. There was little enough he needed to buy for himself, aside from books. He did want to buy rings for his other spouses, but had not had a chance to ask Yuji if that was appropriate. There was so much that had been put on hold due to the attack on Kansas.

    With laundry done, Yuji curled on the couch with a book, dozing not long after. Vale was reading with Aika and Ryuu on the floor while Willow finished her paperwork, when the door opened and Kansas gave such a loud shout that Aika started to cry. Ryuu jumped up, his lip trembling as he stared at at his father, and Vale just gaped.

    Satoshi's wonderful fluffy mop of pine-green hair was gone. It was back to its natural black, and short, and Vale was completely oblivious to Satoshi's small, somber smile as he gathered up the crying Aika and soothed her.

    "Oh, love," Vale breathed. "Your hair..." Vale rose gracefully and stood there, trying to understand why Satoshi had done this. He still looked more than handsome to Vale, adorable even, with his glasses and his piercings. Vale turned to Ryuu quickly, and gave him a smile.

    "Ryuu, look at chichi's hair! Doesn't he look handsome? It's the same color as yours now, and Aika's, and tousan's," Vale said as cheerfully as he could. He knew Satoshi was feeling his confusion, but he tried to mask it from the children. It at least worked with Aika, who stopped crying and looked at her tousan, her small face serious as she considered his new look.

  21. Vale leaned into Yuji, letting the languid kiss lure him back into his husband's arms, content to rest there a while longer. He truly had missed this closeness with Yuji, and he resolved not to let them go so long without making love again. As much as Vale wanted to, he simply could not rouse for another round of sex, but he would at least manage a few more moments like this before they needed to shower and go back downstairs.

    Vale found himself a little nervous about speaking to Willow. He loved her with the same fierce devotion that he loved his husbands, and the one chance they had to make love had been sweet and wonderful and very much something Vale wanted to do again. It had ended rather poorly, though, when he had rushed off to find Kansas, and although he had tried to apologize for his abrupt departure, he feared Willow would think his husbands were more important to him that she was. That was far from the case, but Vale worried that she would think that.

    Vale's nervousness was more than apparent to Yuji, and he turned Vale's face so that he could look into those green eyes. "Willow wants this, Vale, and she wants you. Don't worry so much." Yuji gave Vale that endearingly goofy grin that made the elf's heart soar. "Willow's a little nervous that you won't want this as much as she does."

    "Oh," Vale said softly, his voice still a little rough. "Oh! But I do! I want a child for all of us, and I want her, too." The elf blushed fiercely, and Yuji pulled him into a kiss.

    "Then just talk to her. We'll shower and you can take her aside and tell her yourself," Yuji said, his heart swelling at the thought of a new child, Willow and Vale's child. "We all have room in our hearts to love each other."

    Yuji got out of bed, holding out his hand for Vale to follow, and the elf came to him with a radiant smile.

  22. Vale traced Yuji's jaw with is finger. "I wouldn't ask you to go where they couldn't. And it's not something that has to be decided now. I just wanted you to know that even if we don't meet in Arvandor, I'll still remember you , and love you for all eternity."

    Vale kissed Yuji for a moment longer, and then Yuji told him that Willow wanted to have a child with him. Vale just looked at Yuji for a long moment, his eyes wide, and then he smiled.

    "A child? Willow and I?" Vale voice was filled with joy and wonder. "I would... she wants to..." His voice trailed off, but the glow on his face spoke more than words. "Of course I would love to have a child with her, a brother or sister for Ryuu and Aika."

    Vale hugged Yuji, and kissed him tenderly. "I'll talk to Willow. If she's willing, I'd like to do it the old fashioned way." Vale blushed a little, and grinned. "It's going to be easy to tell if I'm the father, you know." Vale gestured at his ears. "We might have a little explaining to do."

    Vale snuggled next to Yuji for a few more minutes, trying to fully absorb the notion that he was going to try and father a child, with Willow. Finally, he realized that he could not drift back into that lovely after-sex haze. He was far too excited now about the potential of being a father. He grinned apologetically at Yuji.

    "I'm so sorry, amaelamin," Vale said. "I'm just, well, I don't know what I am! How did you feel when you and Willow decided to have a child?"

  23. As Yuji slid into Vale's tight ass, his strokes slow and tantalizing, he made sure to press the elf's prostate hard on every thrust, and Vale moaned until his voice gave out altogether, his hair clinging to his temples as he gave himself over to the sweet sensation of Yuji's cock slowly undoing him. His own cock was hard again, leaking precum and almost painfully engorged, and he reached a slim hand down to stroke himself in time with Yuji's thrusts. Yuji nodded and watched as Vale stroked himself, and looked deep into the elf's green eyes as his back arched and he gave himself over to a powerful orgasm, his cum spattering his own chest and his ass tightening around Yuji like a velvet vise. Yuji followed quickly, filling Vale with liquid heat as the elf gave a silent scream of pure ecstasy.

    Vale held Yuji as he sank down onto the elf's chest, rubbing the silky skin of his back in lazy circles, feeling Yuji's heart thud against him in time with his own. His whole world had shrunk to just this moment, this joining, and he nuzzled his face in Yuji's silky hair. His voice was barely a whisper as he murmured into his husband's ear.

    "This is all I need, my beloved. Just you, in my arms." Vale sighed, letting his immense love for Yuji wash over him in a warm wave. "This is why I'm here, to be with you, my heart's own. I'll follow wherever you lead, so long as I can love you like this."

    Yuji shifted a bit, moving up on Vale's chest so they could exchange more languid kisses, both of them bewitched by the depth of the love between them.

    "You're my anchor, Yuji. I don't want to lose that. The imps, they needed me, but I need you." Vale pulled Yuji into another loving kiss. "I need you, and I love you with all my heart, and I always will, and if there's a way, I swear we'll meet again in Arvandor, and spend eternity loving each other."

  24. The Naughty Mystery: Come Now its very easy just like the 7!

    1.What was the name of the team?

    2.Why did only one of the seven get knocked-up?

    3.What can the delicious and slick slippery mayonaise be use for in place of------?

    1. Minnesota Vikings

    2. Only one was female

    3. Oh, my dear, haven't we all reached for the mayo when the lube runs out? :lol:

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