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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. Ahh, phew - no insta deletion! I guess Star Wars section remains the place for it at the moment then, with the EU source additionally disclaimed. Thanks for the fast reply. There was live action Star Wars TV as well (the Christmas special) as the cartoons, games, books and two different comics publishers so with all the confusion of different media using same characters and the section really not being too large It would certainly make sense to keep all the Star Wars stuff together and not have to move everything - it has worked so far!
  2. I am sorry, I looked and couldn't see a better forum to raise this in - it isn't really a FAQ, and the first part is disclaimer related. Regarding Star Wars, you now have under movies the section "Star Wars (All)" - and looking under the two comics areas(Marvel, Black Horse and probably others have done comics), Tv, books and games I cannot see any other sections for the various Star Wars expanded universe(EU) media (except a single video game section) - so is this meant to be inclusive of the non movies Star Wars, or will the non-movies based stories be moved into Star Wars EU sections at a later date? I am asking because after the recent raising of a disclaimer issue on one of my stories I realised I had not updated my oldest posted stories to the new disclaimer system. Spent an hour or so yesterday just on one really long crossover, and then realised that a story which - in 2007 - went in the Star Wars movies section, is really heavily based on a character of the EU New Jedi Order books rather than the movies. There do seem to be a few other EU based stories in the Star Wars movie area which is why I am wondering if that is the intention, or if they are to be seperated at a later date. This is a disclaimer issue because to cover the fandoms as accurately in other domains stating non ownership of Star Wars movies would miss out on the books/comics/tv etc. I am somewhat concerned about my old story being deleted instantly now that I have mentioned it for possibly being in the wrong subdomain but I guess it's worth it to get it clarified for other Star Wars EU based stories!
  3. ...and so it came to pass I have two reviews for Tricia Treat, my latest gratuitously pornographic effort for the AFF Prompt wossname. Hypno009 - That's very kind of you; I was a little concerned the quality had maybe dipped with it being the third in as many weeks, but I am perfectly cheered with a 'very good' appraisal I am always happy to hear suggestions for stories - about half of everything I have ever written has been requests - so feel free to share your ideas, but I should warn I am very busy and not having a lot of writing time at the moment so I can't promise anything. As for being back, I never really went away...? Apollo - Thank you also for your review! I was hoping for hot, so that's good! I would have to confess to a little artistic license with the candy cock though. Every single one I've tasted has been pretty unpleasant and low quality... the fantasy usually falls short of the cheaply churned out reality where candy genitalia is concerned. A shame, really.
  4. If it is any help, the author LadyKeane and mentioned story is here: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/87616/
  5. I am sorry if I have given the wrong impression - By saying that sex above correct actions/artywotnot works best for pornographers like myself I was not meaning to imply that the other adult works were secondary/less good. The adult erotica and even non sex stuff is great! I don't think there should be any kind of Vs issue!
  6. As a pornographer I am perfectly happy to include sex instead of what the characters should be doing. In fact, the less I follow what they should be doing, the less chance there is of accidently producing something with artistic merit. (Edit - for any who did not know, a widely held definition of pornography is that it must lack artistic merit, as a pornographer I need to lack the artistic merit for successful!) ...say, if a guy is known to have big nuts in the actual series, would those be considered Canon Balls?
  7. We could be the last non-admins left here with access. Plus, there's only one slice of pizza left.
  8. I think I may have guessed the theme of the prompts already.... I am hoping to try and do at least something for all of the prompts, so I hope whatever I do next doesn't prove disappointing. In reply to the next review of The Witch's Lust: daveb - Can't say fairer than that! Glad you liked it.
  9. I can write fluff, when I have the time! I actually have an idea for a very fluffy Harry Potter fandom Luna / Millicent story to write some time - and not just to confuse people who click it expecting arterial spray.
  10. edit - Eep. That topic description should read 'games' subdomain. s'what I get for a self-copy/paste job. As with the comics thread I have started, I just don't write enough stories to need multiple reply threads so I have created a single thread to reply to all of my games subdomain story reviews, and I will make sure to identify which story and review I am replying too so there's no confusion. I wrote The Witch's Lust for the weekly AFF Prompt Witch and I have two reviews to reply too: pittwitch - Thank you for your review! I don't think anybody knows where the Witch goes when she runs off crying, but it's certainly a nice change for it to be after sex rather than the in-game violence Apollo - Thank you also! I'm glad my style here appealed to you, now my writing time is limited I am working against both word count and clock with the prompts so its good to hear it's coming across okay. I certainly am trying to go for a much lighter tone for my story prompt stories, to a lot of the requests I have done, so it may have been a mistake to focus on an extremely bloody game...
  11. I thought it high time I started replying to people who took the time to send me a review, rather than just those who emailed me. Since I don't write enough for each story to warrent its own review reply thread (and particularly, since I don't write much in the way of the eagerly followed multiparters that have people on the edge of possibly damp seats for updates ), I have just created a general thread for comics, and will make any more needed for other site subdomains. I will make sure to identify which story and review I am replying too so there's no confusion. I have added a note to my author profile page letting folks know to come look at the forum, and if this works out I can add forum thread specifc links for each subdomain to the same bit! So, without further ado, comics! I recently posted the story Savagery and have received three reviews to reply too: bitamin717 - Thank you for your feedback. Regarding the star system, I don't really pay all that much attention to the star ratings because they're so spur of the moment. I put much more weight on reviews and long term hit count. This does go for the stories that have inexplicably managed a reasonably high star rating too! The build up was based around the need to have a suitably powerful and unpleasant character who wasn't previously known, as the requester wanted an OC. I used the pre-existing antipathy between Vandal Savage and everyone, and the DC version of Hecate and Diana to provide that. DemonGoddess061 - I already PM'd to say thanks, and here it is again: Thanks for your compliment on my writing ability! As I said to bitamin above, I don't put too much store in the star system. I try and put in sufficient warning and cover every story code (and in this case, a pretty blatant summary) eventuality to ensure that people who don't care for the unpleasantness don't have to suffer it, but sometimes the mere existance of a work of fiction is going to irk people and I can accept that! Even the folks who read the stuff knowing they won't like it I symphathise with -I read part of one of Ann Coulter's books once despite knowing I'd probably feel ill, and, yep... artemisgirl - I think you've got the wrong end of the stick over Darius' characterisation. He's not a Mary Sue character, but a Slasher character. He's a less entertaining Jason Vorhees, rather than Wesley Crusher the boy who outshines Harry Potter at everything and ends up finger banging Ginny on her wedding night. The Slasher type doesn't need a whole lot of characterisation (though it can help - Freddy being an example), or backstory, it just needs to be an unstoppable force. They're highly prevalent in the pwp rapefic an snuffic genre, while yer basic Mary Sue tends to appear in more of a plotted setting. I could have used any of the villanous characters in the DC Universe who can realistically overpower Diana (eg Darkseid, Doomsday, Superboy Prime etc) or beat her otherwise (Deathstroke, Lady Shiva, hell, Secret Six's Jeanette put her down and frothing...) except that as noted at the start this of the story was done as a request for cloak, and cloak specified he wanted an entirely new character. I heartily agree that Wonder Woman comes across as wooden and fake and whiny though! I'm not that bothered about her character in the comics (though she was a great part of Morrison's JLA run) which is probably why I didn't get around to doing a story with her until cloak requested it. Regarding your final comment from "and feels" onwards, this reads somewhat like a frankly baseless personal attack rather than a review of the story so I will refrain from comment. If I have miscontrued this, I apologise.
  12. Hi, Okay I have added the fandom names and clarified they are the fandoms not the characters (as Wonder Woman is both, while Green Lantern the character isn't relevent and Green Lantern the comic is!), I hope this is now okay. Thanks for the fandom advice.
  13. I'm still very busy, sorry - trying to put a little time into the AFF prompts, but they're short enough I can take a crack! Edit - Did have a brief discussion with the artist boomerjp over where to go next, probably crazy filthy hobo sex arranged by Ian where Felicia doesn't get off as an orgasm denial/humil thing, or maybe guard dog sex with Felicia hating the humiliation and hating herself even more for the mind blowing orgasms... Dunno, the stories take loads of time and a bit of concentration to do right so it is looking like It might be months before I can put myself up to it.
  14. http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600060735 Hi, I am unsure the fandom required - which is sadly why you have had cause to raise this issue, as I didn't do it on purpose! Wonder Woman appears in a comic (amongst various others) entitled Wonder Woman so I think(?) that is covered, along with the DC version of Hekate who also appeared in the Wonder Woman book. Would I also need a note to confirm that Wonder Woman is both character and fandom? From the FAQ, I think that the other characters would need their own comic. what I am unsure about is which comics you need naming, as Grace & Thunder's comic changed title being both "The Outsiders" and "Batman and the Outsiders", as well as a few specials, while Vandal Savage (very early on a Green Lantern character, but now appearing throughout numerous DC Comics) and another character who is mentioned but does not appear, have appeared in numerous titles in the decades since. I hope you don't mind me asking what you need here, I have the link above to the story. Secondly, following the instruction to see the content guidelines I am sorry but I am at a loss as to where I have erred here. I wondered if it was that I do have my author's note at the start, but this serves as an additional content disclaimer in the hopes that people who don't want to be squicked won't be! It is also less than 200 words. I apologise for needing to ask this and it is probably something blatant where I cannot see the wood for the trees, but if you could let me know which content issue I have breached I will correct this too!
  15. Credit Crunch?
  16. JayDee


    I did a Hermione/beasty story - http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600016968 - but it isn't a werewolf/animagus story so it might not quite fit what you want. I thought I'd mention it as the reviews are pretty positive so it seems the folks who like Hermione/beast would say its a good one! The best HP beasty story I ever read was Draco/werewolf I'm afraid and that's even further off!
  17. I guess with the shop off line, the place'll stay mysterious for a while longer yet!
  18. Sometimes I find the best inspiration is to do a request for somebody with the hope of direct feedback on something they like. I'm a sell out! As for non-request/challenges... beats me.
  19. Title: Savagery Author: JD/JayDee Rating: Adult++ Summary: Two Outsiders die before Wonder Woman is beaten, raped, murdered and cannibalised Feedback: Please read and review! Fandom: Comics crossover - features characters from the last Outsiders run, the legendary Wonder Woman and a Vandal Savage related OC, as well as a small role for Vandal himself, who was originally a Green Lantern villain. URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060735 Thank you for taking the time to read this promotion, if you like the sound of the summary (and few will) please consider reading the story!
  20. Share that big hand!
  21. I don't think I have the fans/enough updates to use it myself, but that Twitter idea is a bloody brilliant solution for the 'updates' problem. Give a big hand to whoever thought that one up!
  22. JayDee

    Angel Story

    Heh, cool. No worries.
  23. JayDee

    Angel Story

    ...wasn't my story Whore of Heaven was it? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296777934
  24. Still working on the WW fic, I've been very busy but finally finished the first draft in the last week. Gotta get that story finished before I do anything else. The picture is certainly sharable - at least, he's never said anything about not showing people, This is the artist's gallery page, which has some other Felicia pics, as well as a frankly awesome and deservedy popular Squirrel Girl/Deadpool pic he recently finished for me, (NOT SAFE FOR WORK) hentai-foundry.com/user-boomerjp.php Edit - This gallery is now offline at his request. ...and this is the picture based on the first part of the story with his own cool little spin: (also NOT SAFE FOR WORK) Edit - Link removed. The image hosting website is now getting very aggressive w/advertising. It's still in the quoted post below if you have a suitable secure computer... Which was awesome of him.
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